Published every Thursday. Geo- Vi. Wagensallcr, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription 1.50 per year. rnlh must Ik- p:1t In advnnre when sent out hiile the comity.) RATFS OF ADVIRTISINO. All tr insl.-Tit ii(lvcri!:'"m.'nta not otherwise Cunl tm.-i. ! lur wlllberlmrKedattherairnf 15 oenu per line (nnnparlel iimmhuih) for llrsi Inser Mon niil 10 cents per Hue tor every subsequent iDaertlou. -VKA noliert pMuhtA frt ; obituary fotn,), tribute) of reirct, itc. threternlt a lint. I tentative Herman to explain: "ID His bill of 5304. (2) JUcUooK luneru committee bill of $671.80. (3) His vote for tho Becker Bill. ' () His vote against the Coray motion to save $35,000. From the time tbat Mr. Herman was first nominated, the Post bas been friendly to him. During his first teim of the Legislature it was with pleasure that we observed Lis Hlnrigbt forward, independent courtso and when the session closed, tho Post was the first paper in the county to suggest bis return to the Legislature without opposition and so it happened. The people realized tbat r.Ir. Herman bad zealously guarded their interests, but what do they say now? His best friends are disuppointed. RE VliLlCAN TICKET. Associate Judge, II. C. .Sumpsell. l'rothonotary, (i. M. Shimlel. Render fc Recorder, J. II. Willis, jistriet Attorney, J. M. Raker. Jury Comm., Jos. R. Hendricks. Thursday, July 29, 1897. Eepresostativo Herman's Rowrd- KU'uhere we publish the uumos of tlio members of the Elections Committee of tho last Legislature who have been called upon to itom ize their bills of expense. Wo do not wisli to do an injustice to Repre sentative Hermau, but to let the taxpayers and constituents of Sny der county know tho situation. When Representative Herman cou vluded bis lirst term in the Legisla ture lie said he was willing to stand ou his record. We presume bo is willing to ilo this now, although be bas not said so. If ho has any de fense to make the columns of tho l'osr are open for his use. lie is called upon to itemize a bill of expense amounting to JjvWl for "carf,.re, carriage hire, telegrams, etc." Even admitting that ho paid bis caifaio which of courso is against the rule, as all members are supplied with pusses, who in Suydor coun ty is willing to believo that &I01 was expended for tho items mentioned f The hotel bill of the committee is 773.80 and tho Sergeant-at-arms' bill for the use of the committee is $1Q35.31. If these two last mention ed amounts were actually expendod for expenses it shows at least a lack of economy at a time when the char ities and public schools are in need and if all was not actually expended what became of tho balance ? We recall of having read of sever al instances' where several members of committees arose andjukd unan imous consent to strike out their own bills of 13.20 for carfare, etc. These men said they had no right to accept it aud that they would not accept it. Wo have no record of Rep resentative Herman repudiating his bill. Of the niue members who are asked to explain, only two bills are higher than Representative Her man's and ono of these is the chair man's. The bill of Representative Pry of Washington is 12 aud our repi ulaiive wants Stilt. And for what.' " Eftrtt airfare, carriage, lire, telegrams, tie," probably more than the average legislator pays for the same things in an entire life. Then we must not forget that ! "1. s , t ho amount of the bill for "extra carfare, carriage hire, tele grams, etc.," for attending Dr. Mc Cook's funeral. Representative Herman was along. They were ab sent about - days and the expouso bill is a little less than 100 each for those wlio attended tho funeral. On page l!'.r.l of tho Legislative Record is Representative Herman's lh Governor vetne.l for tl, tUC Umtd. b atS euatorship, but reason that it had nothing to com Governor Hastings' Hatchet Governor Hastings' veto ax eeems to bo carrying its edge well, and he is hewing to tho line. What wor ries many Pennsylvania statesmen much more, however, than the veto is the Governor's uupardonablo cu riosity in the matter of itemized statements for some of the lecisla tivo steals which these gentlemen hopod would pass, as such bills have usually done, without examination or question. Thoir wry faces are amusing to tho public as well as to these members of tho Legislature who were so fortunato as not to bo uppoiuted on committees to do bus iness outside of Harrisburg. Son.o of tho members whoso big bills uie uudcr lire denounce tho Governor as a demagoguo ; others moro dis -creet declare that ho is all right, and is simply asking for what every com mittee should willingly furnish, while others cannot express any opiuiou until they "see - a man' cr two. Tho Governor's position on the Grace Church bill seems eminently fair. He says tbat if nuy dishouost feature in connection with it can be pointed out ho will smite it like any other steal. The Governor deserves the thanks of all good citizens in his ell'orts to stand between tbo people and those who would loot their treasury under the forms of law. Tho worst feature of Governor Hastings' position is that he did not see these steals two years ago. At that time the Governor approved all bills for increase in salaries and for the creation of new offices as well as the lump-sum stealings of tho Legis lature and the extravagant prices for material contracted by Delaney. We are glad Governor Hastings is doing his duty, but the question now arises, whether Governor Hast ings is prompted by a spirit of pub lic economy, or vengoanco toward (Quay's friends in the Legislature, or controlled entirely by a desire to keep money there to be pluudered and pillaged by thoso who will re main there several years more. One thing is sure, he will keep the mem bers of the Legislature from getting it and if the Governor is really sin cere in his efforts to redeem his nlace in the confidence of tho pi oplo we shall gladly givo to him the credit he certainly deserves. Cnay-IIastings Mooting and Parting. There are rumors and rumors of rumors about the Quay and Penrose Meeting at the Governor's head quarters on Cupitol Hill: That Quay aud Penrose came there for tho pur pose of coercing Governor Hastings to approve the Becker Bill, a vicious measure .to put the politics of Phila delphia into the hands of tho ma chine is proven boyond a doubt, The Governor was given a bait-for K REAMER. Georee Oordon had to return borne from his wurk at Urndoa on account ol having two ot nl angers smashed. John Walter was home tot week. Several wheelmen of Paxtnos were In town bun Sunday. A. irood tunny of our cltlzena attended Camp meeting at summit Urore last Sunday. Mrs. James How and daughter and Mrs. Dr. Roror and mm, 1'uul. were mo guest a of J. F. W alter and family last week. Irwin Walter ol Pailnns was In Uils vicinity over Sunday. Ml Ma Fields and Erma Magee drove to Mlddlehurg on Saturday. Misses Izora and f mile Walter a'tended the Lutheran Kuuulou at l acker's Island Thursday ul lubl week. . Jacob Hummel was In Shamokln hut week. J. J. Mitchell was In Mlddlebunt Saturday, Bicyclists Shojl'd Dismount. The Supremo court has laid down two rules which makes it very ditli-J cult for bicyclists to recover damages from a railroad company for acci dents at crossings. The first ia that no recovery of damages can be had if there is any contributory negli- jgence on the part of the persons in jured, and again, everybody must stop, look and listen before crossing the tracks. Some time ago a bicyc list at Philadelphia was killed ou a crossing and his widow sued for damages. But although it "pas showu that the company win negligent in not giving any warning of aa ap proaching train and although tho bicyclist looked aud listened and made a circle with bis wheel before crossiug tho tracks still the Supremo court decided agaim-t tho widow, because the man did not dismount. Tho case was that of ltobortson vs. Peunsylvuuia railroad which is re ported in ISO Penua. Reports, pige 13, iu which tho Supreme court held that tho bic.vclo stop, circling ab'iut, is not tho legal stop, but bicyclists must dismount, look and listeu be fore crossing railroad tracks. t l 1 Jjugort package greatest economy. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicago. BL Lou I. Ktw York. Boston. I'hUadelpbia, mend it. On tho evening ot tho2Nlh of Juno Mr. Coray of Luzerne county made the startling statement that the House pay roll bad been padded to the extent of 35,000. Representa tive Coray offered a motion to go in to a committee of tho whole. In support of his motion, ho said : "hi tlie i-arly part of the M"tiim I found ni't inu 11-4 n'Hir-kreper ii limn from ilken Iturro iiumi-'l ItMiry Mower, tvhie imme ilia tint n. ix'uruii llie I'liiii'nyctV li-t. I asked him how lie Kt ltn-1-e. Ik xiu it vm through Senator ijii.iy. ' I'luil lie lial fi'lit me ilnwn here with onli-i'4 that I wa In lie taken cart' of. nnl 1 was Kivi ii n place. I lie Kiy mil of Hie House,' ilrclaroil Mr. roriiy, '"lum lieeii pmliU'il l-y liult- 1111; on politiral I.iiininii'rt4 iroiiiiill mrts of tl siatc. as the pay roil taml tu-ilay it hIiowh mi men as., of over Jl UH) more than in mis, I wotiM like to know what tins melius. I' inir errry otiieer o tne iioime that uiitler nu- tlioriiy of law ean draw pay, the total amount that i line them is y.V.i"". The total amount nt the very out-ule that i'iiii fluure tip from the oltlrial t:iliinc ut is fVi.'isii, Instead of this amount, however, thesiun ih'inamleii it ?7 lilt, i wouM like to have the inereasc explained." In the samo lime tho senate asked for !"i."il,!)H for employees. Mr. Coray's oflicial estimate makes it $ W,4-i0. Hero was tho attempt of Mj. Coray to go into a Committee of tho wholo to investigate tho padded pay roll and if possible to kill the grab for 5135,000 and save that amount for the state. Mr. Herman voted AGAINST the proposition WHY 1 Here are four things for Repre- he was fooled too often before with bait of a like character. Iu the face of Governor Hastings' disposition to think and act for him self, Quay announced himself, a candidate for re-election to the United States Senate. Now there are surmises of a red hot fight be tween Quay and his political enem ies. Factional disturbances like the Chairmanship of lMCare no good in maintaining party Harmony or in creasing republican majorities, but, wo must admit, they are potent fac tors in cleaning ditty linen. If the dirty linen can bo cleansed without party strife, let harmony reign su preme, but if it can not it is tho duty of every voter to register his vote against political corruption. Snyder 4 ount.v s'iiiiiineetlii;. Tbo Snyder county campmeeting of tho United Evangelical church w ill bo held 11 miles West of Middle burgh, from Aug 1th to 11th. Ail passenger trains on tho the S.and L. division of tho Penna. It. It. will stop at the camp ground. Tho local freight train will stop the first and last days of campmeeting. Friends far and near are invited. Bring your Bibles and Gospel Hymn books along. Tho tariff bill is likely to bo a good deal more easily recognized by mem bers of tho House wheu it comos back to that body than was expect ed at first. The important changes which tho Finance Committee re commended have not been accepted by the Senate, aud in the one im portant schedule remaining, that re lating to wool, it is believed that the Hoube rates on first and second class wools will be restored, or at least rates approximate to those named ia the House bill adopted. The demand for a general revision of the currency seems likely to be as promptly met by the Republicans as was that for a reform of the tariff. President McKinley, it is asserted semi-authoritatively, will recom mend to Congress immediately up on the passage ot the tariff bill that a currency commission be created before the adjournment of the spec ial session in order that its report and plan for a revision of tho cur rency system may be laid before the rogular session of Congress which will begin in December next. HOW T(f FIND oar, Fill a bottle or common water glass with urine ami let it stand t weuty-f our hours; atn'iliiiieiit or settling indicates a diseased condition of the kidneys. Win n urine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too f re tpieiit desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof thut the kidneys mid bladder are out of order. WH AT TO !. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Knot, tbo great kidney rem edy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, blad der and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to bold (irin and sciildiiur pain in passim; it, or bud effects following use of liquor, wine oi beer, and overcomes that un pleasant necessity of beinir compell ed to get up many times during the ninbt to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the high est for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases; If you need a med icine you should hnvo the best. Sold by drut;i.'ii-ts price fifty cents and one dollar For a sample bottle and pam phlet, both sent free by mail, mention Post and send your full post-office address to Or. Kilmer & Co.. 15ing hamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this oiler. Public Sale of Valuable REAL ESTATE ! l!y virl tic jf letters ofnttoriH'V from the heirs aim letrni reproseiiiaiivi-H ni Kilaietu Hii kul, late ot chiipiiiiin Tv Snyder Vo.. l'n dcc'il, 1 uie unui isiKiieii, on 1110 premises, win, on Wednesday, August 25, 18;7 expose to puhllc sale thcMlnwIntrileserllxxlrpnl online io wn : aii inui eenniu inessuau-e nun Iract of lanil, sllimle In lownxlilp, county nml suite aforesaid, bounded on tho North hy laud ot Aaron Meyer. Kast and Smith hv the PcIUihvI vanln i:snnl and West hv Susaiiolianna Klver. ContnlnlDK KOl'lt At'KKS, 1.1) perches, inorf or iis won me anpiirienaiices, wncreon nre erect ed two Dwellltut Houses, necessary outuulltlliiirH, e. Saletoeommence at. 1 o'clock p in. when terms whl be maJu tuionn by W..I. lllt'KEr,, Attorney-ID fact lor the lielrs of said At cedent, STOP-DRINK 5& care for drunkenness which can be (riven with or without the knowledge of the drinker and will completely stop the desire for liquor. Women can secretly ndministerSTOP-DhlNK and effect cures. Its merits have been proven in thou sands of cascK. Mailed in a plain sealed wrap per, with- oirections, on receipt of ONK DOLLAR. Particulars and testimonials free. SKAKLK.S & CO., 34 Park Place, Mew Vorlfc ISWHfH ill nen uragn syrup. in lime, solil n Tastes ouod. Use f I bT dnimrlMft. 3 KEEP YOUR BOWELS STRONG ALL SUMMER I ANDY CATHARTIC mm am. Mm m m a m ta mm m mm m . m m 25 50'- CURECOHSTIPATIOH A tablflnownnd then will pn-rent f1lrrhi'n.dr rrpiina. nnmpiv ana utniKiri irt'v. DRUGGISTS ent al Arrhti'it. tlTM-ntrrr, nil lummer cnmfiliilnti-.r&uiilntr ay. natural AU. 8TKKI.1NU ftKMKOV i:0.,Cli.Pmro, MuiitrvaM'nn.. or Nkw Yurk. ro DON'T SACRIFICE . . . Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, but liU Y the Sowing Dlariiino with ;in estahlished reputation that guarantees von long and satisfactory service : , MM Its beautiful liguretl wood work, durable construc tion, fino mechani cal adjustment, cotijiltd with tho FiiH'Ht Htt tif Stft'l Attailinifiit.e, makes it the Most Desirable Machine ia tbc Market. FEANK S. RIEGLE, MlDDLEBUBGH, Pa. K9"Sond for our beautiful half-tone catalogue. -j-Fir, LiJe ar)d iliclr)b--Ipsurarice. Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i Insurance Agency, SELINSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Elmer W. Suydor, Agent, Successor to tho lato William II. Snyder. Tho Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow ing list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None Uetter the orld over. IV A . II K, i.o;atiim, ASHKTS. FIKE Itoyal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign assets) $,00t),000.00 Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,015,735.02 riuenix, liar! ford, Conn. 5,5X8,058.07 Continental, Now York, 0.75O08.72 German American, New York, (5,2 10, 0118.83 LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, $204,o;5S,ya3.GG ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, . Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of 83,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted ut tho lowest possiblo rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to nil classes of Insur ance promptly furnished. ELMEH W. SNYDEIt, Agt., Oiliee on Market Street. Seliusgrove. Fa Great Reduction Sale of E For Ninety Days I The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OP FURNITURE AT THE GREATEST SACRIFICR EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. . We are uot selling out, but we do this to increase our sales above any pre vlous year. We give a few of ttie pricea as follows : Soft W'ood Chamber Suits 14.00 Cottou Top Mattress 2.25 Hard Wood Chamber Suits' 10.00;Woven Wire Mattress 1.75 Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pieee 10.00: Bed Springs 1.25 1'lusb Parlor Suits 30.00 Drop Tables, per ft CO Wooden Chairs per set 2.50.1'lutforiu Rockers 2 50 In stock, everything in the furniture line, including Mirrors, Itook Cuses, Desks, Side-boards, Cupboards, Ceutre Tables, Fancy Rockers, Baby Chair) Feather Villows, Lounges, Couches, DoughtrnyH, SinUs, Hall Racks, Catf Beat Chairs tine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. Prices reduced all through. Come early and see our stock before' giving your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar. Special Attention Given to Untlertaking & Embalming. KATHERMAN & HARTN AN, Limited, MIFFLINBURQH, P REAL ESTATE At Public Sale in Partition. Hy virtue of an ordor Issued out of the Or phans' Court ot Snyiler t'oimty. l'i end to mo dlreclfld I will excise tin hurelnmierdiwrllifcl ml extnte of Solomon lute (it Heaver Township, mild eouiity, devciiNetl l pulillo wilo at tho court Uoiue Iu tho borough ut Middle burgh, on Saturday, August.7th, 1897, at one o'clock p. in. to wit . All that certain tract of land sltuule in Beaver township, Snyder county, Pa., bounded as follows, on the North ny lauds ot Jacoo Kramer. iuut ny lanus oi Henry Shaffer, south ana West by public road. containing R acres more or less, with the ap purtenances. Terms will be mado known on day ot tuile, . 8. B1TTEK, Sheriff. MiaaieburgN July W, isiff. married. July 24tb by J. C. Schoch, Clerk 0. C.,S. 1 Elliott of Shatnokin Dam to liinma T. Spencer of owineford July 22nd. by S. H. Oraybill. J. P.. John L. Graybill and Minnie Zieders both of West Perry township. E1KL. On the 14th J uly, in Centre town ship, Snyder County, Pa., David Kerr, aged G5 years, 6 months and 13 days,. RIpans Tabules cure headache. Rlpans Tabules cure dyspepsia. "YOU REMEMBEi "Pll I ULD YOU" AVIhii i you Luy Groa wvahi, utiiHis, or what not straight to F. II. Mtmrt.r'g, ' - prut's are rilit, quality measures lull. oi. g,t tllMvu 1 ui (uur money every tnii(. -tie dtild is as well treated anj uuy jusi as triKKl and as m.i.,.. .... Our reputation is our .k-L-...!.. v . "KK Haw. i v iiuist inaintain it a, keep it at its best. W. Vo notions of niiv kind. Ix $i,ni and see us. lie sure t,. I ... .Ml (II ln'tore biivinir elsewhere r, as you pass by and buy. trREAT CLOSING OUT BARGAIN- Wo are now closing out. nil 11 Summer Roods ut and below u 'make r J ran kikkjs. will numnvnn i .. low prices, lower than you can buy d,. We sell for cah, that lathe reason went cheaper than ol her dealers. Dress Goods. rancy w hlto Dress Ooodssold at . dob- All Wool Shallj s do do do 'S do Percales, 3 Inch-s wide, sold at 13 novr do do All Best LlRht Calicoes, Dark ' Blue Apion Olnghams All Clarke Spool Cotton, 1(1 ; 13 ',, sr, i, u i in "J 10 6 now 5 11 s Ladies' Shirt Wai; Sold for 50c. now oilc. Sold for 1.20c. now 7Sc. Sold for 1.50c. now 1.1 m Men's Fancy M Sold for 50c. now 32c ' Sold for (0o. now 07c Sold for Toe. now -JSc, I Joys', Sold for 50c. now line " Sold for 25c. now 17!c Bargains in Here we arc, good Men's Su i-, ly ?i5() IJovs' Extra Good only Due. ?1 and 1.50. l'ov.s' Knee rants onlv liV. 1 i and 'J5i'. MKX'S KXTIJA GOOD PANTS Only 6o cts. Ileans, Lima, 3c. per lb 9 lbs, fur lleans, 8c. per lb 9 lbs. for H3c. Iliini'V. Me. nor ut... hiic. wr iral.. I'm syrup, no. perqt., suu. per gal., I'ure S;r; pur ui., io. por km. Call and see these Great JJar. in ShiM-s ls'tore voi i lmv. 1 1'111 we can please you and siye money. 1 lbs. Lion collee for -I'm'. r per lb. Arbiickles i lbs. for li'-e. er 1'i .My own brand 3 lbs. fr v lJc -i lb Java, and llio loose roa-teu1 I ior 4 So. or 15c. a 11). Clioeolate l-'c. SUGA1W. 12 lbs. light Urown 'iOe. 10 lbs. soft White o0. 10 lbs. fine granulated olK'. , IJakiiif? StMlu 4c. a Ik CVnS 5i or 3 ll)s. for 15c. M Call to See 0"r Carpe MARKET Butter. 11c. i ' i r ... m.;,.L-,m. S'n ( lli'll), Yoiine Owl a'U, 1 F. H. MkUBE NBWBpBUHi' Ut