The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 29, 1897, Image 1
SBSlIfflTERI -ert write IomB n, relative la ag rPosr. ?L00K ATTHE LABEL Jim is The dale, printed after your name, uu lhi lut- or lUlll PltNT,tlllllW!llb) 1 11110 to wiih-d iur Nubwrlp. lion ku bwu paid. -l'rlce per Year. i.m. taBOC111" " Mwmoiily about Swine aVur pos uid stationery. so. W. WAGEN8ELLEB, jggitomnd Proprietor. . MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., Pj, THU11SDAY, JULY 2t). 1897. VOL. 34. NO. 29. 11 POST TOE tEAMM HF CflUHTBV JOTBIiAUSM. THE APWElFfffilimTliff THE n EMS of LOOAL INTEREST rwli rtwin It a faror If those hivtnr rts- fMri would noury ua oy poauu or bj fojiiotlceaiuns o in 05. foi Middles warth of McClure is iring at Urisoin b. tfaurer, New Berlio, sells the best Scoes at 3, 4 ana o cents. Jemtnie and Egbert Sheniorry, of ntz. visited relative ia town iRSpitler and son Reno, made Ixisiness trip to the East end last A. (J. Seebold with d aught or Era A ton Harry were Middleburgh Hton Saturday. Mis Mary Clark, oi Altoona, ii L guest of her cousin, Miss Bertha hart, in swineiora. Mri. A. L. Burns and daughter of tarove visited A. E. Soles and Lily a few days last week Carbon Seebold, the proprietor of L Washington house, and wife b it Selinsgrove Saturday, Ilrj. E H. LeitzeUnd Mrs James iver and others of Mifflinburg Leatour county seat last week, Lid style washable suits in great tiety for boys from 3 to 9 years at lOppenhe.iner s, oelinsgrove. St. the Fourth Quarterly Conference Ihe United Brethren Church will Jteld at New Berlin, Aug. 2nd. 1 big display of Fancy Shirts at jOppenheimer s, behnsgrove, wil Void at greatly reduced prices. 3t Ir. and Mrs. DeWitt, of River V were the guests of Robert .iiWli's ueVBral.days last week.' b Fancy Shirts for 32c, 37o lSc at Maurer's. New Berlin shirts for 30c and 171c las. Meiser is still buying calves ppmeut. Highest cash prices paid for them. tf. ut. i. r. Ken oi Aiulroy and financier oi xeagertown were ft! of friends in MiJdluburch last Dr. Shuuian and daughters 1 I J a ami uotia, or Akron, (J. are K at Jumes Shuuiau's and D Inder s. mg the 128 appropriation bill pw by the Governor is one ol for the Mary M. Packer Hoh 1st Sunbury. J.C.Bucherand A'ifeof Law I? and Levi Rooke and wife of mi were Middleburgh guests psasy oi last week. " Lewinburi? Nmi- "Tia NGutelius, of Kramer. Snvder F, spent several days last week m aunt Mrs. Gruyer" 'ertise that VOU mav hn Irnown He advertising that you may rw Known. Stop your adver nd you will soon beconia Mgain. a. fci-iuose who owe us for MsarereauflRtarl t wwr to August 1st, 1897, woe collected according to Meiseb & Moyeb roB SALENear Zion's churoh r wm aiiadleburg in Franklin tv, containing 100 acres, has fm.g0od house. Fruit and I'D tbUndanra nn tVia n.m.'oo I, , " v L HiU li?iUIDQH, P lllllv nnil l..o li ' It . J vu tiiu nun riuire of Israel Shemorry. rvurrn. I'a kiuil Univkrritt-J. Howard resident s Collflon. vUh h8 of study leading to de- fwuemy, .a nreDaratorv I A .1 ' V - " uies InatitntA a -V. M SOUUVU FCMhool: MiiBin Snnl tnr . . V pi ?nd Art Studio. For piadross the Registrar, W. r-w, ljewisburg, Pa. fOOth, eS8y Shavn oanfaol WT 0fOtLflrlnT,a:i i. !. , . v-uiW rnjl M., IB wUined atSoW nrhr rl Office. GiOlo qnloa mA SO miLUW oi. : un Martin Slear and wifo of Shamokin Dam were guests of Sheriff Ritter on Sunday. A festival will be held at Bergey's school house July 31st. The Trox- elville band will furuish the music Miss Alice Pawling of Solinsgrove spent a few days very pleasantly wiJn Hon. G. A. Schoch and wife." G. A. Lamb of Sunburr and C. F Lamb, a druggist of Shamokiu, were in town Monday looking up business proapects. About a dozen cyclers and other visitors from a distance were last week stopping at the Kleckner Hotel, JNew iJerhn, a very popular summor resort. Congress passed the new tariff billon Saturday afternoon and it was promptly signed by President McKinloy. The School Board his reconsider ed tne motion to locate the new school building on Sugar Street and they are again trying to get a ma jority for another location. This anxiety on the part of legisla tors over their expense bills is quite natural. A check from the Governor ana a cuecic irom tne lresurv are very different things. The taxpayers of Mifilinburg will vote Saturday, August 28, for or against the construction of water works at the boroueh's exnense. It is estimated that such a plant would cost $30,000. The Penn Telephone company have erected the poles for their new line. The wires will be put up soon and tne phones placed for the use of the subscribers. The line will be in use in a few weeks John F. Stetler has the contract to erect the new school building at Millroy, Miffiin county. John is erecting a great many buildings in Miffiin county and he certainly does his work right. In speaking of Jacob Hoiser's bier strawberry yield last week, we stat ed that the price averaged S cents per quart. It should have stated that the price averaged a little over $2.00 per bushel. The Editor acknowledges the receipt of an invitation to attend the Masonic l'icuic at Island Park, Aug ust 4tb. The Sunbury. Danville. Lewisburer, Northumberland and Selinsgrove Lodges will attend. Bonneville Smith tramped on a broken glass tumblor that cut through the Role of his shoe and into foot, so that he had to pull a piece of glass out of the foot. It also had cut an artery, which bled severely. Mr. Smith is unable to wear a shoe. Whon a member has received notice to explain a bill and he fails to appear. Is it not prima facie evidence the bill was trumped up for the purpose of taking money from the State unjustly? What would you call it T Governor Daniel Hastings hv scrutinizing expense bills too close ly, will depnye some members from Summer vacations : somo will stick their friends on endorsements, oth ers will have to give up proposed purchase', but the people are the gainers. A cow broke into the cistern on tkf farm of Editor Schweier, of the Sen tinel, near Mifflintown, one day late ly. The cistern was 10 feet deep. containing about 10 feet of water. The animal was kept fiom drowning by holding her head above water with a rope fastened to her horns, while the water was being pumped out, but the pump soou gaye out. . After various plans were oroDosed and advice given how to get her out, it waa decided to put a derrick over the cistern and lift her out. The derrick waa soon there and a strong rone fasened to the animal's horns. and she was slowly and gently lifted out and laid along aide of the cistern. She soon got ud and walked awav. and the next morning she was chew ing ber cud, and was all right BANK STATEMENT, Rp pport of the Condition of the Ftrnt National , H.itiKof MlihUeliurvb. at MiridlvuuiYll. a the Wat of ivmutylvaiila. at Uie vloneof busluoit RESOURCES Loan ami discounts jjj- ise,!is OVtmlniflM. flWlirt1 Mliri lino.iiru.1 11.8. BoiidsUWHMimciivuUrtlun....7.. I uu u. E. HOUIM. . County Huncls, lilllll'tlltr.tuitld. riaciilt mm. ,.4 Mt. ...... ..nil,,,;, im iiai nil's Other rt'iil OHlal unit inonfutfMt owned l,uc iikiii .nuuiuu nmiKNinoi KtwtrTe Aicnt) Dlinfrilin Htsttu Ui,,,Lr, H K.. One mini approved imrve airen'ui, ClltkHllllilollwr K,i,h l,u Nou-s of other Nntloual Biuiki!!"'..'.." Fractional paper currenny.nlckles, and Lawh'i, Monky IuVkkvVin Bank Vlx : ?p,,1.', w.D7i.n i-ftfal-wnder nntiw ssii.a Ueilempilon tnndwirh 1. S. Treiunirer (5 por cent, of clrculuilou) a.NXi.iw ia.iKa.i3 i.nm.ii 40t).14 M7.11 155.DD MAW 17.MI4.T5 875.(10 total $i.i)4o. LIABILITIES. apltnl stock puld In .W.0na(W indus Kund. , 17.00U.O t.W.TS 13..VHI.IK) 7.SMS7 000,( US.S6M.1S Sll Undivided pnilltH, ma expeudtui and "am National Hank noun outitUndlnic line tilnfliMr MMtlnm.l t,..i Divider' un utld , Due to U, i tanka and Dankera Individ m. ' potiliH vubjeol toclniok Demand certlflcutoa of dc- , (KWlt Notes and Kills redlscounted TiiTir. ..... ... un ...,. ::.v i,".m o. i ubu uuun TV. gs: I I.J. V. TlffkWIHUkV 1. ..ul.l..MA .1.. .vJ... I1HI11M1 hfktllr itnu.ilumi.luuw.... .1.... .... .. . ", m'luuiuij nu Ulllb iUH UUOTV stMieinent la truo to the best of my knowledge J. N. THOMISO. Jr..Ca8hir. W.W.W ITTKNMYER, O. ALKHED SCHOOH, A. KHKKUEK, Directors. A Farmer's Dream. Once a farmer had one thousand eight hundred bushels of wheat, Which he sold, not to one ainola grain merchant, but to one thousand eight Hundred different dealrs, a bushel to each. A few of them naid him in cash, but far the greater num ber said it was not convenient then. but would pay later. A few months passed, and the man's bank accouut ran low. "How is this?" he said. ' My one thousand eight hundred bushels of grain should have kent me in affluence until another croD is rais ed, but I have parted with the graiu and have instead only a vast number of accounts, so small and scattered that I cannot gut around and collect it fast enough to nav mv exnniineH So he posted up a public notice and asked all those who owed him to pay quickly. But few came. The rest said. 'iMine is only a small matter and I will go and nay one of those days," forgetting that though each account was very small, when all were put togother they meant a largo sum to the man. Things went on thus: the man got to feeling so bad) v and rolled and tossed about so much in his efforts to collect that be fell out of bed and awoke, and running to his granary found his one thousand eight hundred bushels of wheat still safe there. He had on v been dream ing, and hadn't sold his wheat at all Moral The next day the man went to the publisher of his paper, and said, Here, Bir is the pay for your paper, and when next rear's suh scripton is due you can depend upon me to pay it promptly. I stood in the position of an editor last night. and I know how it feels to have one's honestly earned money scattered all over the country in small amounts. ranklin (Ind.)Democrat. An umbrella insurance comnanv has just been organized in London. It will insure canes as well as um - brellas. Rev. H. G. Snable will nreanri in the English language, at Globe Mills this coming Sunday afternoon, Aug. 1st. You can get a ten day excursion iekst to any seashore resort Aug. S and Aug. 19 for $5.00 from Adams burg or Beavertown, $173 from Middleburgh or Kramer and $110 from Selinsgrove and return. Thomas and Henry Rathfon were sent to jail on Monday evening by 'Squire Potter in default of 200 bail. They are charged by Chas. Rathfon with assault and battery. Harrison Breinger of McClure was brnucht tn jail here Tuesday evening but .waa bailed out by Ex-Sheriff Bolender. . .N . in I COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Owl Entered lor licrord. H. P. r reed and wife of Shamokin 'ranklin Beaver of Beaver town half inUrest in Lot No. 17 ertowu for $600. rah Kerstetter and David Ker ,tr to Ueo. S. Kerstetter all of Perry township 7 acres and 80 perch es in West Perry township for $25. Uarey Barrett, odm'r of Ellii C, nattman, dee'd to Margaret J. Bar- retL House and lot ou Ilo of On ..... i DOf of behnsgrove for $350. U. K fcrdlev. Comtnitt nf J V. ThahiaS to Geo. Af Wif mnr nf ,!. - HVS V lIUIU hoinaand lot in Perm township for id tut. Eflward KnenD and wife to VM. bet$i Smith now assigned to Daniel iirandt. Deed and assignment for t No. 1 1 in Bannerville Consider ation 600. Daniel S. Miller and wife of Pnn township to Susan Heine nf S.ilinu groye 15 acres in Ponn township for gizuu. Levi Swanger aud wife to Ada Smith, two tracts in Soring town ship, 19 acres and 10,102 ft. with dwelling house, respectively for $1004 ' Marriage Ltrenae. "HEABT8 FLCTTEKINO WITH sioNB," The following marriage li. censes have been granted since our last publication : J. L. Gray bill, W. Perrv Twp., ) Minnie N.Zeiders, do JMnrrayBingoman, Contretwp., tAldaBowersox, do )S. F. Elliott. Shamokin Dam, Lm ma T. Spencer, S wiuef ord. Blnt-amaa Bawermitx, At'tbe home of the bride, the ran. idence of Cornelius Bowersoi. in Centre township, near Zion's chnrr-li Saturday evening Murray Bingaman was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Alda Bowersox by Rev. D. D. Buddinger of thin nlnno Reformed Reunion. A big crowd Kx pre tod Hi Inlaiid I'urk on AiikunI 5. The following program has boon arranged for the first annual ronninn of the Reformed church in Central 1 ennsylvania, which embraces the East Susquehanna. West Snsmin- anna and Wyoming classos.nt Island park on Thursday, August 5. Ar rangements have beon made with all railroads centering there to sell tick ets at one fare for the round i.nn. and from present indications there will be a lurgs crowd present : Music, orchestra: invocation. Rev. J. C Leiubachjhymu, "He is Lord of All;' prayer, Rev. J. B. Kerschner. Con yngham ; music, orchestra ; adress Ihe higher Education of Our Daughter," Rev. Dr. J. W. KnannoB- borger, Allontown ; music, orchestra ; address, "College Education in the Reformed Church." Rev. John S. Stahr, D. D., LL. D Lancaster ; music, orchestra : addioss. "Our Sesqui Centennial," Rev. Dr. J. Spangler Kieffer, Hagerstown, Md j hymn, "O. Pray for the Pence of Jerusalem ;" address, "The Future of the Reformed Church," Rev. F. F. Bahoer. Wavneshnrn nnmin orchestra ; paper, Rev. D. W. Kb- bert, Milton j doxologyj'benediction. Will InHpert Bnkerle. James Campbell, chief factory in. spector of Pennsylvania, and every deputy in the state will at once vixit. each bakery in their respective dis tncts to insist upon an immediate compliance of the act recently nasHnd which is intended to direct the con struction of bakeries and the man agement of such institutions tliat. make and sell food to the public. Public School Appropriation. The Department of Public In struction has comploted the com pilation of the distribution of the school funds based on the nchool year ending on the first Monday of June 1897. The districts of Snvdor county in 1895 recoived 20,704.01, in in: they recoived $21,489.42 and this year they will receive 2f.84 u divided among the districts as fol lows : DintriclH. a. ..,.....!.. i Adams, Beaver, Beaver West. Centre, Chapman. Eveudale. (Ind.V Franklin, Jackson, Mddleburgh, Middlecreek, Monroe, Penn, l'erry. Perry WeBt, Selinsgrove, Spring, Union, Washington, $ 865.92 1049.(10 1377.(50 122(5.72 1184.08 311.00 1574.40 82(5.50 (5(52.56 941.36 1384.16 1485.84 1318.56 8C2.64 174.32 1371.04 1387.44 17.3f.84 $21346.24 Appropriate Resolutions of Re spect were passed by the United Evangelical S. S. of Perms Creek in memory of David Kerr, late of Cen- teryille. Ihis is a fitting testimonial for so worthy a citizen. If the friends of departed ones would send us a brief sketch with a euWv nf those they intend to praise it would be a big improvement over the stere otyped resolutions that are nearlv all worded the same. Won't our friends end sketches instead of resolutions? Sunday Campmeeting. It was indeed remarkable to nh. serve how many people on Sunday passed through here on their wr to colored campmeoting to soe a lot oi coiorea people hold mock services and putting to shame all tious efforts to serve a Deity. Lajr-' lessnoss reigned supreme. Fights and quarrels were the order of the day. Whiskey and beer seemed to be plenty. Some was taken tlmro by the visitors, but thore were too many people intoxicated to bolieve that stimulants were not on tan near the mock worshippers' tabor nacle. If tho rumor that 50 tn 7r, cases of beer wero sold on true, the matter should bo investigated. About 6 o'clock in tho oveuing a young man from Coutrevillo with his best girl came in from the canm ground as swiftly us lain horse could go. He turned rouud tho cornor at the Franklin Rollor Mills on two wheels of his buggy. While going ovor toward the centre of town his horse was going as fast as ho could, yet his drunken driver was whinp- ing his homo and yelling ut him. The young lady seoniod unconcern ed and seomod to enjoy tho spood at which they wero traveling. At tho bauk building tho horse turned to go up town, the driver observing this, pulled the horse toward the Centreville roud which gave Mm buggy a short turn and upset the vehicle landing the occupants in tho top. Tho horse stoppod immedi ately and was caught and hold. The occupants rolled out, the lady neither hurt nor frightened, driver had several cuts about face and head. The top was only thing that was broken about tho buggy. The fellow was very hilarious and wanted to light, when his horse was taken to a Btable, the drunken driver landed in jail aud his girl sent to the hotel. The horse, buggy and girl were sent home with friends on Sunday even ing yet and tho young fellow was kept with the sheriff until Monday morning, when he was sober, lm was allowed the pleasure of walkiug home aud ponder over his narrow escape. Such are some of the results of colored campmeeting. was The the the Rforued Be-Vnlon. The pastors and members of the Reformed church will hold a reunion at the Island Park, Tuesday August 5th. The members of that denomi nation of the entire central portion of Pennsylvania will assemble there at that time. Music will be furnish ed. Speakers will make adJrontma and every thiing will be done to af ford all a pleasant time. An effort will be made to have a special train on the S. and L. Division to bring the picnicers home. HERMAN MUST EXPLAIN. The Governor al ,,. , 1;.c. Hn (nuiiiilitoe Kerala,. t(,,.Jr Hl, About fifteen days ago tho gov eruor called upon quite a number of committees and others to explain their bills of expense. Last Thurs day he came nearer home and asked the elections' committoo to itemize their accounts. As Snyder county had a representative ou tho commit tee the taxpayers are ontitlod to tho facts. The J're-st of last Friday say 8 : "The Governor called upon Chair man I reiich, of the House Klocl ions Committee, to furnish Imu the names of tho counsel for Saunders ami nuuwriH, wno divided liho be twetyi tlieiu. Tho Saunders Rob erts lull also contains the names of the following who have handed in bills for car fare, carriage hire, tel egrams, etc., " as follows : P,!!"rT 'Huntingdon, $294; Charles W. Herman, Snyder, :im ; nilw iV1,'?"' Lam-aster, $.m Clark T. Baldwin. Fayette, 294 Geo. Steer, Jr., Philadelphia. .290; Charles W. Korr, York county, $294 Seth Orme, Schuylkill, Co., $33(5. inblryl Wjwhington Co., $42; J. C. ffrencb, Washington Co., S314. "Chairman French is also asked fessri'1'"!1.1. .on th itoKi f $'73.80 for hotel bills, aud tho name and address of tho stenographer, a bill or $c,H5, with a copy of his notes. Mr. French will also be expected to oxplaiu the item for tho payment of clerk, tye writer, etc., $50." "The Sergeaut nt-arms for this same contest has a bill of $1935 34 A" explanation is nskod concerning this bill too." The Governor has asked Repre sontative Herman to explain his bill of $304.00 for ."car fare, carriage hire, telegrams, etc." Now then the people of Snyder county would liko to have an itemized statement of tho expenses. Tho Post will publish it free of charge if it is furnished to us. "W e will uIho publish an item ized statement of tho bill of $(571 ex penses incurred by tho funeral com mittoo of which Representative Herman was a member, if tho same is furnished to us. In fact tho peo pie ought to have a statement, oiii readers will consult the Post July 15, they will get particulars tho funeral committoo. Sonator Kauli'mau calls theso bills IIUhWKy Kobberlrn. He says : 'if"1?'0" ,ll)0,u harmony leads mo to think of the huriuonioiis raids made on tho Treasury by tho fake investigating committee. They are nothing less than highway robber ies. If the iteiuizod bills which the Governor demands aro ever furnish ed there will bo a turning on of tho light in another direction. Not ono of these committees mado un honest ellort to turn on f lm liirlit l,;,,, and impartially, or efluetively. lhese cominitteos' reports were prepared in accordance with the manifest will of the politician bosses and their original demands for over $150,000 compelled tho Appropria tion Committee to reduce tho ap propriations to charitable institu tions, aud these in,liwt.,,iw ,,,.. Buffering for tl 111 unfnrl.niiiif u li.t example, I had u visit yesterday from one of my constituents who lives at Marietta, who h'is u boy ut the deaf and diirnl inuUi.ii;,!., Mt. Airy. They notified him that owmg to the reduction of their ap propriation ho would h 4ua year, payaoio in advance, if desired them to retain his bov their institution. The mau has large family and ho cannot afford contribute the money, but before the child is forced out of the insti tution the money will bo raised by private contributions. "One of tho principal reasons that appropriations were reduced wero the outrageous demands made by these investigating committees. How must these men feel when they know the taking oi this money zeaus helping to drive the lame and halt, the deaf and dumb and tho blind out of our public institutions? "I know nothing in regard to the feeling in otW parts of the State, but if the members from ray county who are demanding their share of the nwair pvnr iiavo tha nnnvam . announce themselves as candidates ior re-elect ion they will find what. rkannlji f liinlr rt tempted hold up of the State Treas ury. If of of he iu a to out at- Mr. Bloom, the piano tuner of Sunbury, was in town on Monday and Tuesday of this week.