it ft m is Absolutely. Pure. ..stwi for in great leivanlng strength hcaltlifuln3- Assures the fool agulnst al ?..3 i n forms of adulteration common to the Mhr'nls. KOYAL, BAKING H)WIKRCU., tfiYYUKK. ' SOME RAMBLING THOUGHTS. BY NEMO. Co;n routed by Dewo & Tuber. Liko a specked apple in a barrel ofgool oues, is an idler iu a com nunity of workers ; powerful to produce a similar couditiou iu oth ers n J that ouljr. Loafeis are en emies to tioriety, for they do not uffer the loss of moral back-boue alone, but they flash the discovery before thoir fellows that it is pos sible to ucramblo the world without much effort. As Mrs. Josephine Show Lowell says: "The world is liviled into two great classes, uot rich and the poor, but the work . 11 ? n mi. ers and m uuurs. xuo irowuy begsar of sturdy frame at your ,loor, aud the child of the wealthy, kiUinff timo iu every conceivable fashion, belong in tho Bame class. Dirt and iltiiu tineas, ras aud ro cjiectubility bleud iu oue comiuou loffuiiill of all that is best 111 human nature. The race has hitherto gain ed solely by the sweat of the brow in some form or another, and we who toil see no other way to assure further progress. But these easy goera tell us, in effect, that we are fools ; and they are always Raining fresh listeners. You who are halt ing between two opinions, strong in capacity but weak in will, under mined whether to expend the min imum of effort in the world, or whether to give of your capacity in full measure be the gain yours or not, let a toiler speak to you out of s full heart, May ho bo confounded who would persuade us away from work. It always has been a blessing in dis wise, or, as Whittier says : "Tlie course of earth's morning Is t!ie blesslnif of IU noon." To work is to discover tho happy, tie healthful, the hopeful way through life ; for definite labor puts thenorves at rest and quiets the feverish heat. If bowed down with sorrow, strickeu because a beloved voice is sileuced forevermore ; Go, Work! aud tin motions of daily !uty will solnco your spirit. If be wildered nt tho apparent coufusiou 10 the world, misory whero there hould bo joy, crops of disappoint ment from a generous seeding of tope; Go, Work ! and tho coucon .ration of purpose needed by your luty will relievo your overstrained brain, and a dearer understanding of the laws of life will be yours. The balanco of tho wide world's brain is kept by toil. With not hing to do aud bouudless time for think ins and puzzling over the mysteries lour ending, we should become a umverso of melancholic fatalists. But the rhythm of work constantly recurring keeps us wholesome minded, just as the ebb and flow of tho ocean puiifios the world. Work '9 tho anodyne of suffering. It is ffeat sanity illness, the insanity of life. " much wo loved the wonilcrous wand. In obllilhon I n imv ini.i Nell, wuveu by the mngl'clna's hand 'ua everything- to gold ! m ani,'od the cottage mean and low Mo a palace great, W made urliuod cladr Jlla glow "Tuoesor royal slate. e too Imo a truffle wand, "uicu stranger changes shows. Hakes tli 11 To blossom like arose. h" us .Iff our power on high :- cniny not, dare not shirk i W move tho very earth and sky. -1 -iuijiip. inmost work. Let it not bn ' bring hnnntlipaa Tlin nnranra 'feoulyhnppy if ther have some me duty m life. Many of the althy toil awav under responsi bilities thllt tvnnl,! Pncnced. Loth the indolent among pan are most miserable: the men pW-wrts" .with themsolves and ,lrov C0mra:lG8' following ovil to lilrffv? refloct'V and being of such L "Vmportanbe to the world whon Wi,asB awaA Bt they become "more tSaa worthless names to occupy Taluable space on a head stone ; the women wrapped up in soul-shriakiuar ambitions and do vourei by petty jealousies un worthy of humanity. They dress for dress' sake, having more worth without than there is within, and strut their little day like puppets ou piradt. No soul gets satisfaction from tliat SJit of life, any more than the prodigal could find Lourish ment in husks. So spend no time pining for a condition of case that has more dangers than poverty. I tell you that I soe more happi ness in the faces of shop-girls hur rying home from work, than in a whole room-full of idling women. The girls toil, rest, take their wages and look at the duty of life with an air of independence. But the idl ing fashionables are scarcely raised above the standard of a Turkish harem : they have been bartered for with dowries, bought with social prestige, and then shut up to an objectionless life of social inanities. Happier than they, and freer to choose a fitting mate, is the poorest child of toil, barefoot beneath the burning sun. FOR OTHEKS. In aching thought 1 pmdeiivd deep On llfo's inystorlom maze, And why tho woi Id ever weep. TI10 wickod prosper In his ways Fur ever. A,sbep 1 K'll. lull woarlly, Still gazltirf on Ihr maze. And li. an ii','iM beckoned mo To verdant lielriitsllijlit-toiic'licd by r.xys Of sunlight." And thence I saw tho tumlo I well Stretched out In beauteous plan, And iii;irlv.'.l the sea ut troubled ebb, Hevcilia.; lliere that mau and man Were lirotlun. And 'neath the picture wrltton clear. I read lllo'i secret sl'n T'ie one nlUlieallug pivmeoa Tho rule that inakeicach lllu divine "For others." United Brethren Gamp Meeting, Mt. Gretna. For the United llrothreu Camp Meeting at Mt. Uretna, l'a., August 3 to Vi. ls7, tho l'enn sylvaula Kallroad Company will sell excursion tickets from all points on Its system east of Pitts, burg and Erie, and west of and Including Phila delphia, to Ml. Urotna and return at reduced rates. Thesa tickets will be sold August 1 to August It Inclusive, Kod to return until August .o, isJ7, Inclusive. For speel tic rate, conditions, 4c, apply to nearest ticket agent. 7-SMt, Officers El ected. Washington Camp, No. 515, P. O. S. of A., of this place, elected the following officers: President, Joe Clelan ; Vice President, L. G. Stet ler; Master of Forms, N. A. Bowes ; Conductor, W. F. Feese ; Inspector H. C. Gutelius ; Guard, L. G. Smith; Trustee, W. It. Jones ; Delegate to State Camp, J. A. Suydor ; Alternate It. G. Bowersox ; Assistant Secre tary, J. F. Stetler ; Chaplain, M. Z. Steininger j Right Sentinels, A. W. Aurand, W. K. Jones; Loft Senti nels, G. F. Stotler, H. S. Konniugor. Great Grangers' Picnic for 1897. The grat Grangers' Picnic for 18!7 will bo held at Williams1 Grovo, Pa., August '23d to 27th. From inquiries and contracts received, tho display of farm machinery andimplomonts, also of horticultural and livestock, prom ises to exceed any exhibition yet held. The camp will be fully up to the stuudurd, all the old as well as many now cottagers have already engaged quarters. On the platfrom prominent agriculturists and statesmen, as well as political stump speakers, will give their views of the condition of affairs. Tho financial question will bo ably discussed. In the evening illustrat ed lectures, tho Cuban War, the Turko-Grecian War aud notod coun tries ol the world ; also concerts by some of the host talent in the couu try will entertain those in attend ance. Half rates on all railroads, For circulars giving fuller informa tion, write to K. II. Thomas, Gen eral Manager, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Everybody Buys So. Cascnrets Candv Cathartic, tlio most won dei-ful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant nnd roiivsinnu to me taste, net, penny and positively on kuluoys, liver ana liowcls, clcansini! tlio cntiro system, dlsnol colds, euro liettdnclio, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Ploaso buy and try n box of C. C. C. to-tlnv; 10, &, fit) cents, bold and guarauteeu to cure by ail urufgisis. I)KMJIIT I MKU TM ItS. Twtl'l'nnri In I lie North vti Pcimsyl. vnnin Kitllronu, For the convenlonco of those who seek the most attractive way ot spending a Summer holiday, the Pennsylvania Kallroad Company has arranged two delightful tours to the North, under the personally-conducted lourlut system, July 27 and August IT. The points Included Iu the Itinerary and tho country traversed abound In nature's beauties. No flatter how much may be expected, one cannot be disappointed In Wntklns (Hon, Niagara Falls, Thousand lslauds, queheo, Montreal, Aa Sable Chasm, Lakes chiimplaln and (luorgo, Saratoga, or the IilKhlaudsof tho Hudson. Each tour will be In charge of ono ot the com pany's tourist ugents, assisted by an experi enced lady us chaperon, whoso epeclal chargo will be unescorted ladles. The rate of lino from New York. Hrooklvn. Newark, Trenton. Philadelphia, llarrlsburg, Halttmore, and Washington covers railway nnd boat fare for tho entire round trip, parlor-car seats, meals en route, hotel entertainment, transfer charges, cnrrlage hire in fact, every Item of necessary expanse. Fordotalled Itinerary, tickets, or anv ad. dltlonal Information, address Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Kallroad Company, line Uroud wav. New York : BOO Fulton Streot. Hmnlrlvn or Geo. W. Iloyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, si Cure Chickens From Scratching.. When any of your neighbor's chickens scratch up your gardens of your flower beds or otherwise annoy you here is a remedy that will cuie them every tiiun : Procure lot of stiff card) about 1x2 inches, -write ou the cards, 'Please keep your chickeus at homo1 ; tio a short string to each c trd with a grain of corn at the other end of ths strios; and scat ter these iu thj place where ti e chickens congroprato. Wheu the hun?ry biddv Kobblen up the crain that draws the prize she follows up the strinif stowing it. itway until she comes to the c trd, which of course she can't swallow. Then you will see her pull out for home carryirjg in her mouth the card bearing your polite request. The New Tariff Law. Which has just been signed by the President, may bo nppropriatcJy considered an Industrial Declaration of Independence. An official text of tho law has just been published by the American Protective Tariff League, and should be carefully ex amined by every citizen. Protection ists ought to liavo 11 few copies of this law for distribution. Five copies seiittoniiy address for teu cents. Ask for Document No. ,'W and a,l dressW F. Wal ctMiian, Gen'l sce'v l::." West 'JIM St net , New York. Itisluip llct ulx'. of r York, on ,r .lames' Headache I'owdcts. "With i- rd to Dr. Jhiiich' Head ache Powdm, I have no hesitation in commendint; them to suflcrers from headuche. They relievo tho pain speedily, and I havo never known anyouo to bo harmed by their use. htivo been a great suflerer from headache in my life, but have almost gotten rid of it by the con stant use of hot water and fruit and bv doinc without coffee. The Dr James Ileadacho Powders have, howovor. greatly relieved me at times aud I never allow myself to be with out thorn, and have recommended to others freely. C. C. McCabe.1 For sale by W. H. Spangler, Drug gist Middleburgh, Pa. 6 17-0 m Snyder County Choir Convention. The 10th annual will convene on the Old Groonds near Freeburg ou Saturday, Aug. 21, 18'J7. Loreuz's "Choir Leader" containing tho choruses for the day are in the hands of the President, individuals or choirs will please procure copies for rehearsal, 4c per copy. Address Win. Moyer, Freeburg, l'a. W. H. PALMER, WATERLOO, IOWA. 'Saved From tb Horrors of Nervous Pros tration" by Or. rvliles' Norvln. TV COUCjll does not always Indicate A"fi consumption. Mr. V. II. Palmer, of Waterloo, Iowa, writes: "I was taken with a norvous stricture of tho tubes, which developed Into nervous pros tration, I was so weak I could not sit up. I got no sloop for days except when under the lulluouce of opiates. For four months I suf fered agonies and prayed that I might die nnd bo at rest. Oue physician said I had consumption, for I had a cough that gave mo no rest. Put a good old physician whose medicine bud failed, advised mo to use Pr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and I thank God that It has bright ened my days, lengthened my lifo and saved me from tho horrorsof nervous prostration." Dr. Miles' Remedies arosold hy all drug gists under a positive gunranteo, first bottle benollts or money refunded. Hook on flcart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. fW. ur,.,' I Miles' Nervine f Restores j Health of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos phitcs, can be taken as easily in summer as in winter. Unlike the plain oil it is palatable, and the hypophosphites that are in it aid in digestion and at the same time tone up the system. For sickly, delicate children, and for those whose lungs are affected, it is a mistake to leave it off in the summer months.. The dose may be reduced if necessary. We recommend the small si:e especially for summer use, and for children, where a smaller dose is re quired. It should be kept in a cool place after it is once opened. For sals by all druggists at ;oc. and $1.00 A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' shoes is a pleasant voyage afoot, For tbo pleas ure it gives, there's no sail like our sale. Crowds aro enjoying it, and securing the prettiest, coolest and best fit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices which buycis find it a pleasure to pay. Tor house or street wear, pleasure or overy-day practical purposes, walking, riding, or driving, wo supply the ideal shoes demanded bv fashion and the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims your hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. G.H. Y Orphans' Court Halo of Valunblo REAL ESTATE ! The tmclersl'.'i'ed ndmliiMratnr of I he estate nt Anilicw .1. H jwi'Iwi, dce'd, lute ol tvtiti',' Twp , stmlcr Co.. utelrr ami bv virtue 01 an nnliT In-lled out ill t ! 1 11 ill;lll' 'imi't ol SnwIiT I'liuntv, inr tin- pn.vtiwnt m tln ! l m n( kiuI 1 1 , -ceji.M'il, will i'isi. In imiIiIIi' siili-mi Hie prt-mt-si's In Mlililli rriTk Tup., iilmut hali-wav I wi en Mlilillrbiirgh New lli i'lnl nil Saturday, July 'Jl, 18'J7, the following ileserlbed real estate to wit : TltAt'T So. 1 Hflug a iri'tnln mrssince. i, n eini'iil anil tract nf hind situate In Mlil'llri'ivi'k 'rwp.,SiiMli'r'o., l'a.. luiiinili'il on in,, Nnitliliv liimlsi'f lli'im Hri'on's heirs Ksst bv limils ot IJlu;, n ml llilif.r. Si mt li t . v la hi I -1 nt KiiialHU-l lli'lifiTiiliilSn el llllgi'i-and 011 the West by luiiilrtol Mlrhail llhiuelie, i At. I U.S. Inure or less, wllh I he iippurifiiiiuri'M, whcri-on are erected a Iwii-stniy Frame Hweillng ll(iu-.e, l.;itye. Mood Hank lliirn. l'ihhI suiiiiiii r linu-i'. wavrnti shell. fnriMTll,, and nil ni ressary 0111 liuililliilfs, a Pile (in liaid fit rhnli e tvult', go id Hinliivr wUhcxcelli'iil water near, and a well nt the ipjnr. About . '.ir, ni'i-fs of the ahnve Is clear and In a good state ol cultivation and the bal ance well llinlK-Tccl. TUAtTNo. H-fsllimfed Iu Mlilillcererk 'I'wp., county nnd slate iifnii'salil, buundi'd Nfirth by lands of .lesse linger, Kasl anil south by lands nf Joel llllgcr aiul (ill the West by lands nt llufhni'l HnytT, containing k Acres and sixteen perches, more or less with the nppurif minces, on which are erected a giwrt. liirge two story liwelllng llniise, a new Stnlile, wnml shed and all necessary oiitbullilltigs. The fnregnlng Is nil clear and In a guod state ot ciiltlai Inn, also lias choice Irnlt. good water and makes a very desli nhle home. Kale loentnnieneent 12 M, of said day, when due attendance will Ik given and terms' ot Halo made known bv II. A. boWKI.'.soX, Administrator. AtiNTS WANTKD for I r. Talmage- "TIIK KA It'll I i.IltlH.KIi" or his innious lour aruuuil tile WOl'lf.. A tlll-llllliL' Hlnrv nr Siiliiui. n,l llarbiirous biiids. K-jtir million Tiiliiiiige books sold, and "The Karlh (llnileil 'ls his latest anil greatest. Demand enormous! Kvcrylmdy wants this fnliinus hnnk. Ilrilv ;l rl llkr l,l i,t,. coniinlsslon. a (iold Mine or winkers, t'reilll given; Freightage paid ; iliitllts) live. Iirnp all trash nnd wit llw ktni'nf lnila i,,ul in.iLn nn nor month. Aihlress tor outilt and tern u,r,, lT.uri.p,s, ti-il til. .T.M1 Market St.. I'hlla.. I'n." An Iiitiiorlntit Qtimf ion. If your irlends or neighbors nre MilTerlmr frntn coughs, colds, sore throat, or any throat or Iuiil' disease (Including consumption), ask them If iiiey nave ever used otto s l itre. Tins innious (iermiin remedy Is having a large sale here ami Is performing some wonderful cures of throat nnd lung diseases. W. 11. Spangler, Mlddtchurg ; M. Hothrock, M. 0.. Ml. llennnt Mills, will give you a sample bottle free. No mntter what oilier meuieines nave iiuien 10 f.o, try utio s cute. Large size s!S und Wis. PTrtl) nOlM! 1 cure for drunkennew O I Ul UnlillV which can be given with or Viithuut tno knowledge of tho drinker and will completely stop the desire for liquor. Women can secretly administer S'l op-DWNK and effect cures. Its merits have been proven in thou sands of cases. Mailed in a plain sealed wrap- er, wttn directions, on receipt 01 univ iOLLAK. Particulars and testimonials free. USAULS A CO., 3H Park Place, New York, A NliorM ill to Health. To try to cere constipation by taking pills Is like going round In a circle. You will never reach the point sought, hut only get back to the start ing point. A perfect natural laxative Is llacoim' Celery King, the celebrated remedy fnrnll nervo blood, slomiiche, liver and kidney rtlscasen. It regulates tho bowels. W. 11. spangler, Middle burgh; M. Hothrock, M. It., Mt, l'leasant Mills, will give you a sample paekago free. Lurge size JS und Wets. TH IS OLD ESTABLISHED --Merchants' House,-- Third Klrcrt Above (allow hill. . PHILADELPHIA, PA. Under New Management Kates $1.50 a day, $5.00 per Week. Wm, P. Miller, Prop'r. g OPOKE to OltM wheel should have and By Expross C. O. D. prlvilogo of examination on rocolptof $5.00. Money ruturnod loss uxprost ago If not accoptod. THE LUHCREH feCL'E CO- GHCIHtmil- FBRBITURE, CAEPETS AND .OEiM. Of. 1 :(): Hi L'ill new ' I ,-ii;ii.. m l . ,,t fro'U very iwi'.U f.i'il etii nor i.l m.r Store Slni.i's ninl Styl"s in wliirli nt mice you see your iilenl Couches S& 'All PUTS, KICS, AliTSt AUS am! PICTl liKS at ii iei'H mi low Hint oth er iiiercliniits en 11 not compel e. :C): Yours II"SHM'lfiillv, W. H. FELIX, Lewi?bvi). Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payments, REMEMBEFJ H. HRRVEYSCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, SHLINSa:ROYI39 FA Only tlie Oldest, Strongest Cash Coni:uius, Firo, Life, Accident and Tnrnado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aelna Founded A. R, 1S1! Assels$ll,0r)5,ri:i.SS " II nine u ' " IS.VJ " ),S5:,(;2S,51 " Auieiieiu 1S10 "J, KV'.-'S The Staiulartl Accident Insurance 0 The New York Lite Insurance Co. The Fidelitij Mutual i-il'e Associal'on. Your Patrouaf'o Silicitecl. 'MAYWOOD" BICYCLE v v v i tiK.VCM ? Nr.. STROIvr.fSY V. ' ON EARTH . . r.icvcLi: z&. i -a - ti::s coxriEin tfr- MoJcl f.o. 5 T PATENTS j- '?' CC. 3, 1653 Jrn. 21. IES6 J.i;i. I, Ifaba Clhcrs Pcndiny Tnc "Maywood" Is the .iiuwv, and situ'.',. Arv,,- ivci l::i.. Auij'tttl ,r l.iiuls oj funds niul riders. Made ,it" mattrial that is wlitl, t.'tth anJ :,! in rcii'.t - in ; : ,11 ,-asily tiikc-n apart and put tni'tlifr; lias frr parts; is it sm li v.iiy in:s;riK turn Ilia I u- iai n- u ill liolj t'luctlirr even in an accident; tin hollow tuliiii; to cttisli in at in i v ,,ntai t ; a turn i ,.,t taini, -l lie hrnkeir, so simple tliat its adjusting parts mi vc ns its lomiictniK pails, a uiil j .h i ciauk instc.-nl of n ilnziii parts; always ready tn ;ive rella'de ami rajv,l tiiiiispi n ui, i, FRAME lm(roveil flonide ilia in. mil; made of i-itieli cold rolled ste, 1 rnds 'r ugliest tlnd -vt medd fur lis HiiKlit kiniwnl; jiiiu'd loRether with our inipimed ste, I iitf.nfcs; a inaivl ., novelty, Kiniptieity and duialiilily tlie lentest com liination ut' ineintily in t.Hyele Jnrx li. n i.nown', to hiiild a frame wil hout lirazen joints and lulling, as all know that tiiliidnr f rr tii, . inrt'tui v lif-'k and Ira-Hnre .it. Inareti joints, nnd tubes when thiy me tm-k!ed in, ennm ' I :, paired. WHEELS --JS-ineli, rront and rear; warranted wiod rims, piano wne niiktl tn tij; i:t . .Its mid lrnss nipples. HUBS l.are liarrtl pntternj mndc from the lust i;iinlily ei Id dn.w s, vi steel, witli patent reinforced spoke Unities iliitclly over kill Ik .ir.VKs. TIRES .. -t.llt- ' ,.7 'Tier:' siiile liilie. "North Ameiicau" or " Hoston " tti nMe inl-e or niinr t tt-i (iit-clny: pnetiinatie tir.-s, fallv Kiinrantrml. We will 1 1 1 1 11 is li, if imli't"! "Ail'ni triv.' v , jiipe i Muriinn (: Wrii;lit tpiiek repair tires for J-'.UI extra, net. BEARINGS- Hall I tan tie - t. . n v imiL iiirliidiiiK wheels, eriink nxlr, steering lieatl nnd pednls. CRAK SHAFT BEARINGT A re fit lei with our patent hall cases, which nre interlocked nnd Mippott t n. ther. CUPS A.T CONES llest tpiahty selected steel, carefully tempered ami Imidciud. CHAINS-IIiiv.Ik tMi I pattrrn, liiuli irnde liardened centers, rear adjustment. CRANKS Our ttlei lattil one pine it; nk. lully protected bv patents: no cotter plus. SPROCKET S Maile from l.e-t ;mlily rt liiiid sit il. nicely liulshftl nntl harilened; rear sprocket tletnclinhle, front sprocket si - litcly 'Uryt d t , nxle. REACH-Shortest. 'M Inches; longest, !W inches. GEAR til or 7J FRONT FORK- liv!- '.ruclitile; fork crown made of tlrop forged steel. HANDLE BAR Kever-iM' , ic.idilv cliavi;td t" cither raised or dropped pattern; best cork or composition cork hnudlts. latest "style of 1 nj:lisli tip nnd ferrules. SAODLE Our own stvle "K" lii;li Ktade, veiy easy rid ;nn; I', im.l I i.illiam or some oilier first-class make. PEDALS Combination rnl-tnip cr rubber; full ba'i be.iririR FINISH Hnnmeled in black, with all bright parts, inibidint; fro: . f rk, hnvtllt t.,:, i.Kj s s. it post, crnnks nnd spokes, nickel plated. Kacli bicycle compli le with tool bne. iiiiv -,. wrench nnd oiler. WEIGHT AceordiiiK to tires, pedals, saddles, etc., Zi t- ' ' pounds. GUIiA !. IE- l-a "Maywood" bicycle is fully Eiinrantecd for one year. 1 N.u .ivvr. Vaii , IVIi 1" Is'.ifl. I consider your "Maywood" wheel the strongest and safest I i j tie inndt lot lit id riding am! r on nil roads, such as we have ill this country. They are also lii;l '. tn tilling n ml cary to adjust. 1 lie one-piece cranit is a wtmoeriui piece 01 niecnanicni simplicity 111 bicycle construction, mid with the improvements I uudcistai.d :!. nre to bave this year, it will be the best wheel made. SAMl'Kl, S. SOMMRVIM". tji Is our Special Wholesale Price. Never before sold for Ics. To quickly introduce the "Maywood" tlicycle, we have decided to make a special coupon offer, giving every reatler of this paper n , chance to get a first-class wheel at the lowest price ever offered. On receipt of 127.00 and coupon we will ship to anyone the above bicycle, aecurely packed andcratctf. Money refunded, if not as represented, after arrival and examination. We will ship C. O. I)., with privilem; of examination, tor fiH.OO and coupon, provided (5.00 is sent with order as a frunrantee of good faith and elm rues. A written binding warranty tut with each bicycle. This is a chance of a lifetime, and you cannot afford to let the opportunity pass. Address all orders to COUPON 0.83S1 ,f 0000 roa i$5.oo: If sentwiih order 'f For MAYWOOD No. 6 BICYCLE CASH BUYERS' UNION, IC2 Woit Van Buren St., B 333 1, CHICAGO, IU .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers