Pubhshed every Thursday. Ceo- W. Wagcnseller, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription .51.50 per year. vblcb limit be paid In advance when lent out side I lie county.) RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ml truixli'iit dvcrt!r'nvnts not otherwise coiiirHrti' fur will ! cli.iivd at the ruteof U cents kt liiicinoiipiirli-l measure) for first Inser tion snd loeeiits per line fur every subsequent luwrtlou. trDfatk nrtirti puhtiihrd frre ; obituary poert, tribute tf rrtptct. rfc., thrr eentt a lint. Ji JP UllL 1 1 1 .V Tl CKK T. Associutt Judye, 11. C. Stitnpsell. 1'rothonotary, (. M. Shindel. Iteyister fc Recorder, J. 11. Willis, Dintrii't Attorney, J. Jl. linker. Jury Comm., Jos. li. Hendricks. Thursday, July 22, 1897. Protection Sontirnent- The Coll, Son Francisco, Vol., .Inly 'A, 1SH7.J The people of tlio Nution liavo bad Bullicieut illustration of tho ruinous directs of Freo-Trndo to mako them turn from tho ptith that leads to din aster nud poverty and shun it for- evermore. Tho lute Presidential election, with its overwhelming uia jority for Protection, represented a grand niovcineut on tho pint of the voting iiiiissea that was not to ceaso with the realization of tho popular desire for an administration, backed by a majority in each branch of Congress, that would give tho conn try o genuino American policy. Tho movement has continued and the trend is nioro and more toward those principles which ate tho glory of the Jtepublicau party and w Inch constitute tho best safeguard of tho Union. The experience of tho Nation with the combined ills of Free-Trade and Clevelnndisin during four years of business distrust, closed mills and poverty taught the people better than statesmen and politicians, with reasoning and statistics, could teach them. They had practical demon stration of the very results that were foretold when Democracy as sumed the reins of Government in 1892. Tho people were misled then by theorists, who talked eloquently . of tho "benefits" that would ensue from lopping off Tariff from wool and lumber and coal and ' nVimOerleB other things. As Lincoln once said "You can fool all tho people somo of the time aud some of tho people all the time, but you can't fool all tho people all of the timo.', Tho Democracy fooled a majority of the people in IS'.Ci, but it was dif ferent in lWHi. Tho ninny had ac quired wisdom in tho school of hard experience. Of course, some people may always be fooled, but tho vast number who control tho destinies of tho Kopublie wore quickly undo ccived. When Cleveland went into ottice in 1 s; m ho had a solid Demo cratic Congress to work with. In 1 811-1 the Congressional election left hardly enough Democrats in the House of Jiopresoutiitives to make a respectable caucus. This was but a prelude to tho eonipleto victory of last year. There is no cessation now to the growth of the Protection sentiment. Especially is it spreading iu the States of the South, tho stronghold of Democracy. The Amehican Tauiff Leaouk, which has been serving newspapers with Protection litera ture, announces in the last issue of tho Ami-kican Economist that for tho scrvico iu quostion an unprece dented Lumber of replies havo been received from neutral aud Free Trade papers. Since tho last gener al election tho total number of news papers thus served has incrensed from .'5,1 !' to 5,ti(W. Tho bulk of tho increase catno naturally from Pro tection papers, but 48ii came from Free-trade and 250 from neutral publications. From Georgia, Kentucky, Louisi ana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia was received the majority t.f tho op plications from newspapers which have hitherto been arrayed under tho Freo-lrado colors. The most surprising incrcaso is that of Texas, where formerly Tue Leaoue furnish ed its literaturo to only fourteen pa pers, and whero now the number is increased to 100. This is deemed tho strongost possible evidenco that tho principle of Protection is to-day acceptod in every section regaidloss of previous party afliliations. Froo Trade is dead and buried. That ruinous policy cannot be resurrect ed. Wo shall attain our full meas ure of prosperity only through the wise application of the American policy of Protection. Sndnoss Improvwnfflik liradstreet's, July 3. 1897. Statistics of business failures in the United Statea for six months of the calendar years 1879 to 1897, in clusive, are as follows: Per cent Number Estimated Total of assets to lullurvs. aoi. liabilities, liabilities. l-'.C... T.i'W tM.6ll.7M $93,M 58. lK.m..- 7,6" oO,4,.i5.S08 M.KIi VM 5T. The six mouths' exhibit includes 7,024 fuilures of individuals, firms and corporations in business, com pared with 7,002 in the first half of 181t0, a falling off of 578. The 7,021 business failures during the past six months record 93,656,495 liabilities, 511.879.000 less than in the corres ponding period of last year. Evidences of the revival in trade and speculation are reflected in the June total of bank clearings, which exceed in volume those in preceding months since January, and also show increases over the month of June in recent years. LESS SQUBOWZD OTTT. Karautfceraaaea aa Harder Caaatjr rarau SI3.0O Lraa Tnla Tsar Tfcaa Lat. We publish below a tabulated statement of the money on interest in Snyder county for 1895, 1896 and 1897. By this it will be seen that the people of Snyder county pay interest on $15,000 less than last year. The loans and discounts of the two banks were about $240,000 last year and is about the same this year. The statement is as follows : 72 I Labor Time Cost DISTRICTS. Adams, Beaver, Beaver, W., Center, Chapman. Franklin, Jackson, Middleburgh, Middlecreek, COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Porry, Perry. W., Selinsgrove, Spring, Union, Washington, MVinrnn. uiearings at iti ciues jor me pasi p month aggregate $4,442,470,742, a Porrv gain over the total for the month uf 5fay this year of 6.8 per-cent., over Juno a year ago of 3.7 per cent., over June, 195, of 1.2 per cent., aud over June, 1834, tho immense gain of 24 per cent. . Better weather has favorably af fected tho sale of seasonable goods, particularly clothing, hats and shoes. Orders for prompt shipmeut are few er, but tho movement of goods for fall delivery has begun. Tho most encouraging feature is tho continued and in somo instaucos increased confidence of merchants aud man ufacturers that the .autumu will bring a larger volume of business at higher prices. 1S95. 17,145 40,403 16,653 20,170 26,132 58,613 13,127 37,853 35,322 26.805 33,035 32,700 9,590 78,675 45,523 23,228 83,900 1S0G. 17,830 34,328 16.608 27,771 21,318 G7,9oO 13,238 44,253 31,805 31,980 36,585 29,927 13,083 86,032 46,537 23,650 78,873 1897 17,828 29,528 17,070 32,203 23,940 65,605 12,348 49,747 30,055 32,773 33,000 25,858 12,105 79,760 45,683 24,308 74,903 SAVED BY i Washing PoWdES What Mora Can ba Asked? Only U.U i uk jour grocer tor It. and lnHat on tiylof It Xaifert Fackicr-fraMait econom. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. OUeajo. BUouli, HtwYort, Ikwoa, Pbltadiphi ys xr 1 Totals, $004,934 621,718 600,831 One Day in the Wild West. KEEPYOUR BOWELS STRONG ALL SUMMER I )ASDY CATHARTIC m mm w llaliv M mm m a v 10 so: CUREC0H5TIPATI0H Itvviin I'.iUcrcil r lt-rril. Priscilla Lichtonwaltor aud Albert Lichtenwaltcr to Joseph C. Bucher, Frederick E. Bower and Andrew A, Leiscr, tract of laud in Spring town ship, containg 100 acres for $1. It. C. Fiss and Utica his wifo to Laura B. Adams, lot at Shamokin Dam, for $1000. Robert C. Fiss and Utica his wife to Conrad Dutry, lot in the village of Shamokin Dam for $190. Mnrrlnirc l.lcennrft. "Hearts Fluttering with Delu sions. The iouowing marriage li censes have been granted since our last publication : J H. E. Laudeuslager, Selinsgrove, I lola B. Keiser, JL. J.Ulrich, Verdilla, ( Alice M. Foltz, " WEST BEAVEtt. Some of our fiirincrs hnve tlirpslit'd and porllhcir crops bvo tbelr eHH'talluna. Chan, wetiel. our dimity Surveyor, w riiiinlnir linva at thin end hint wculc for dmur- rut imrlici mid all Kcvined to bo ntinlled with Ii!b work. Niiniii'l riiilllni wi-nt to I'liilndcliihin. ant wi-t-k to Kpi'iid a wi-rk nr no with his nun. L. A. .Iciikinx nmilo a lnni m-ss trip to Ad- iiniMlitirtr lust .Sutiinlay. Ilimit'l TronHter lutr the contriu-t for fiirnlli init lliu Valh-y with lilui-k-lii-rrk-x. JIu iiiakcs two tripa a wtxk. Tinv WiiKiirr of Stave Mill Valley moved to Met 'lure liiNt week. The old pnMier lit thin end. are limkinc lireiv- iiratHuiH fur lixlnj; up the KroiinilH for the eii eiiiitpiiient ami expect to have everything in ample nrh'r for the uivonimodiitioii of all who see lit to mine. All weleoinc, every one invit- I. Heuv llniii r tpeet- to run a delivery wuiroii from the Lowell store, shortly, a irreat iiiany iipplecialv the new pystrlil. The festival held at Kalpeler's school house n last Nituriliiy evuniiiK wuti well uttendeil ADAMSliUKG. Miss Mi-llle ltiii,rainau has returned after a wo weekM visit at .Mcl lure. flm in tlccunilia- nied home liy liella .Maltern. Miss1.t, Victoria Mover and Nettie Site lit were in Mmdlc-lHiruli on Saturday, wituvasiiiK the hall iconic. The Lutheran Sunday school will hold Its mi- niversiiry in Smith's xrove on the :11st of July. Good speakers will be present. All are cordial ly invited to attend. Jennie Keller returned from MiddlelmrLih. Iter a weeks' stay. Wiu. Sechrlst spent Sunday at Ccntrcville. Misses 1 lola Harlev and Itessie Mechtlv wero n town a few days, last week. A k"uio was played hetween the Middleburirh and AilanisiiiirKh llase ItiiUTeaiiisoiiMaturday. i in- score iiuiiik I lo u iu lavor ol tne loriuer. Mrs. Will. Mitchell, who lias ticcn ill with lyphoiu fever. Is slowly improvniK. Will. Haines of Iteuvertown, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Dr. Shunian and daiiKhter Maliet. of ( leveland, Ohio, are K"est at the home of J. 1 1. Mujrcr. Gdnenta Votir.llowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, euro conMlpatinn forever. 10c, If C. C. C. fail, drunKlsts refund money. A NEWTRIUMPH. a counic oi l'ennsyivauui news paper men took a trip into the wilds of Clinton and Centre counties the other clay. They went for trout Hero is what they did besides : Fish ed three runs (with tho full consent of tho streams) ; crossed tho steep est and highest mountain iu the Alleghenies s found on top the tomb of and Indian chief, whoso name they deciphered to bo: 'Youug- M a n-Not-Afraid of-IIis-Mother-iu Law ; started a deer that had "Hiawatha" tattooed on its flanks ; put out a forest lire and saved a sawmill ; saw a black snake switch a rattler to death, and were chased half a mile by a panther. SELINSGROVE. I'ottcr on our street between J. I. SclinlT, K,, of Cliamhersljurtf, was In own on nfkinruuy. Holland Hoyorand Henry Ilarb spent Sunday wiui a camping pariy near roiugrove. Misses Lydia Fisher and Delia Hums are the riicsisoi He v. ana 11 rs. Kearich at West Milton. i ne Rirn are enjoying me eiccllcnt bicycle rid iiiK In that vicinity. Chas. W. Christ, of Milton, spent Monday iiu iwTwtiy oi tins wuck wiiu nis family nere, Alei, Hcott, an aired colored man who lias oceii an iniiaiiitant of this place aineo tlia War. rilod very suddenly on Saturday, from heart iauure. The luneral, wlileh was held on Mon day, was very largely attended. cv. Ur. Horn conuucicil meservlces, assisted by Kev. V. I Mauliart. Hon. I'M. M. Iliiiiiincl has resumed operations in ma saw nun niierau Kiieness ol some tune. We noticed M. I. trains on Tuesday. The well at Marhurfrer's corner is being ninde m-vpiT oy tinning. rNimuoi .ilaury ol Nilcm is doing the work. On 1 hursdny evening Harry K. Ijiiideiislnier our geuenil assistant postmaster, took unto uiinseii a wile in the nerson or AMss Tol er, daughter of Mr. Tereival Keiser. Harry lias always been an honest, uprixht voting man, attending to every duty in n stiaightfor Wlll; business like manner, and In this liil..ut Important event iu his career wc join his tmiiiv friends Iu predicting for him a brilliant future. hit the young people may have a lonir noil prosperous Joiiney through life Is the wish of your correspondent. Our toA-ii was made lively on Siindnv bv a great number of cyclers who made this their "topping place. Landlord Kntiirmaii fed V hungry piisheis of the silent ste'd, 41 of whom were from llarrishurg mid the rest from Lew ishurg. This was tli.- speond ecntnrv rim tii,l.. this season by the llarrishurg cyclers to this place. ...o, if " S "nnJV,'MT,"lp"T'n,"Urrh"-njr'nl'rr.'l'l'"r''',e(mrllnUi.rsiilnir!lT n.tnrsl "'"l? - boeklet tree. Ad. 8TKKLINU ftKMKIlf CU.Chlr.a-o. Mo5tre.":iS.. JW"r"k?M DRUGGISTS DON'T SACRIFICE . . . Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, butliUY the Sowing Machine with ivn established reputation that guarantees von long ana satisfactory scrvico : ii v K Ml tt9"Send for our beautiful half-tone catalogue. Tl;e l)ite. Its beautiful figured wood work, durable construc tion, lino mechani cal adjustment, coujiictl with the Finest Set of Steel Attachment.1;, makes it the Most Desirable Machine in toe Market. FRANK S. BIEGLE, MlDDLEBURGIT, Pa. "YOU REMEMBB WHAT I. TOLD you- When you buy Groceries, D, Goods, Jsotions, or what n..t straight to -i. II. Maurer's. prices are rilit, quality g(Kxi , measures full. You Pi t ti, '. I a ic won of your money every time. A li tie fluid is os well treated and buy just as cood andnu as liis mother. -j-Fire, Lie ar)d Aidr)rj-j A LINK. I'tic Dri'iKlril 4lMISlllllOII lircil. 4 'll lio T. . Sloonin. tlio (iroat Clioinlst nnil Sclonllst Will wnd In snlli'ri'W. Tlin-e I'rre ltnltlrs ol Ills rvly DlMroviTi'n Hcini'dloH to Curo l ou HUiiiiUiin uiul ui: l.untr Troubliw. oiiiiiik couin no liiiror, mori' iiliunntroinn or enrry iiiurojiiy to tlio iilllli'ti il, ttin.ii tint rnt-r mis iiITit or l ho hum iri-il unit (list liiulslii'd Uieuv ImI. T. A. Slooum, .M. Cm ot New Vork Oily. Ho hns discovered a ri'lhililo mid ntisoliitocuro rnreoiisiiiiiitiiin, una nil iironciiiul, throiil. luns and idlest iIIsoiihos. I'lilarrlial n Iti c-t Ions, l'i'Iktii dorllnc ai.d wi ulciu-ss, lux of llusli uhd all con- dlilmis ot wiiHlliitr awnv. ami to iniiko im irnni moriu known, will send throe froo hollies or IiIk newly discovered remedies to uny aflllcted read or the 1'ost. Already Ills "new sclentlllc Bystom ot medl- einu mis iiernianeniiv cured thoiiHauda ut iip parenl ly hupoless i'iihos. The lioctur considers It not onle Ills profes sional, Iml his relhrloim duly u duty which ho ownes loHiinvrintf immunity uodunnto Uls In. falllhlc eui-e. He has provided tho "drended consumption" to lio n uuralilo illscaie beyond n doubt, lu any ellmale, aud has on tile In his American mid Kui'iaicaii labnriiUirles thousands ot "heartfelt testimonials of Kratlludn" from those beuelltted and cured, In all parts of the world. Ciitnniial and pulmonary troubles lend to con sumption, and coiiHiimptlon, uninterrupted, menus speedy and cert iilii dealh. Don't delay until It Is too Into. Klmply wrlto T. A. Hlocum, M. e , tw Tine Htroct, New York, giving express the freo medicine 1' lease tell the Doctor you mv his offer In the Post. . , and postofllce address, and ill be promptly sent. Nearly nil the farmeri have llniilicl with hnyiiiakhii; mid harvest, anil mime contemplate thrushiiiK this week. tjiiiti; it niimheii of our pcoilu nllcndi d the enioreii ciiiiiiiueeliii in llall'atirova ut .Miihmi tuiurii, mi Suiiiliiy, Mome report that thev lind u Hood time anil wnliiii before they got iiome. mi miuniiiy niieriioen our poUollleo wna moved to II. A. l-.liriithts who is Inking charge of the name for A. II. Markley who won ui liointetl poHtmnxtcr, hut the ptiico that it now oeeiipien ih more nivoriiniv aim coiivuiilent for i nc (trailer numiier of the patronn than ut Mr. Markley's. HOW TOM OUT. Fill a bottle or common water kIiibs with urine nnd let it stHudtwentv-fotir liotirs; tiscdiiiiPtitorhettliiiB itulioiites ii (liseaseti comlition ot the kidneys. When urine btuins linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble Too fre quent decire to urinate or pain In ihe back, in also eonvincino; proof thftt the kidneys nnd bladder ure out of order. WII.VT TO DO. Tliere is comfort, in the knowledge so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Knot, the treat kidney rem edy tnllills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, blad der and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urin and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine oi beer, and overcomes that un pleasant necessity of being compel! ed to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the high est for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases; If you need a med icine you should have the best. Bold by druggists price fifty cents and one dollar. 'or a sample bottle and pam phlet, botli sent free by mail, mention Post and send vnnr full nnur.nfllna address to Dr. Iviliner & Co.. JJing- h am ton. N. 1. The nronrietors of this paper guarantee the lrenuineuess of this offer. T" TrC1"' Ja" Ills? Mas. W . Iu Bott Ouniih Byrup. TaMu Good. UM 1 1 Er In lima. Pniii br dninlii. M LZaSGEBEEI2EI2E!j .r)surar)ce. Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i . Insurance Agency, SELINSGROVE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- nuixxiox JS7. SxxycLor, Agent, Successor to the lato William H. Snyder. The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurnnco is rt presented in the follow ing list of Standard Companies), from which to umko a selection. None Better the World over. NAN K, l.()lATIO, ASSKTS. FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign numitb) $13,00(1,000.00 Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,015,735.02 Pliccnix, Hartford, Conu. 5,588,058.07 Continental, New York, 0,754. !)08. 72 (iorman American, Now York, 6,2-10,0!i8 83 LIFE Mutual Lifo Iim. Co. Now York, $201,(538,983.06 ACCIDENT Einployors' Liability Assurance Corporation, Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes oi Insur ance promptly furnished. ELMER AV. SNYDER, Agt., Oflico on Market Stroet, Selinsgrove. Fa Great Reduction Sale of F EiiUITI For Ninety Days I Our reputation JS llllr ut... I. tratle. We must maintain it a ke it at its lx'st. WIn-n y,m fresh griKi-rics, stylish dry ,r,J, notions of any kind. I ie on, i.. . 7 111(1)1, nmi see us. J5C sure to lmv lM'forehiiyiiiMjelsowhtTc. 0O!lll. as you jiass liy and buy. ..4i..dL.j...m'!i-ar LtREAT closing out BAKBABSJ We uro now ..n ..... ...... u,wl wui pinintr J. j Summer gocUs nt cost and i.imv lo ,.. tttr tl. i ...... "iim; nm , swum, n in name you u tew ol low prices, lower tlinti vnn nun i, .., .... We K..-il foreasli, tlmt. Is tlin reus.,.,, 1 .iiuiirr iiiiiii HuuT dealers. I Dress Goods. Fancy White Press Goods sold at now scd -10 !5 1 All Wool Shiil'yn j-, ,s do h , Percales, a inch.'s wide, nold at l.i now j KJ do do All Best, LIijK Calicoes, " " Dark " " Blue Apion (ilnytiaiii", All Clarks Spool Cotton, in i noirS(. " J " 5 - " 9 ' " 4 ' Ladies'Shirt Waist Sjltl for 50c. now :(io. Sold for 1.20c-. now 7Se. Sold for l.oOe. now 1.15c Men's Fancy Shirt: Sold for 50c. now "iv. Sold lor (.0e. now :;7f. Sold for. Toe. now ISe. Hoys', Sold for 50c. now :;iir. " Sold for 25c. now 17.':'. Bargains in Cloil Here wc arc, good Men's .SiiH,--y 2.50 Dovs' Kxtra Cood onlv !M)c. ill anl 1.50. Piovs' Knee Pants only 10c. l' mid 25c. MEN'S EXTRA GOOD PANTS Only 6o cts. The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT THE GREATEST SACRIFICR EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. We are not helling out, but we do this to Increase our gales above any pre vloiis year. We fiivn u few ot the prices as follows : Soft Wood Chamber Suits $14.00;Cotton Top Mattress 2.25 Hard Wood Chamber Suits 10.00: Woven Wire Mattress. 175 Antique Oak Suits, 8 Piuot'H 19.00 Bed Springs 125 Plush Parlor Suits 80.00 Drop Tables, per ft 60 Wooden Chairs per fet 2.50!Pltitlorm Hookers 2 50 In stock, everything In the furniture line, Including Mirrors, Hook Cases Desks, Side-boards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fancy Rockers, Haby Chairs,' Feather Pillows. Lounges. Couches. Dotiirhtravs. 8inks. Hall Hunk. Seat Chairs tine, medium and olieao f uruil tire. to stilt nil nlnaana Prices reduced all through. ' Come early and see our stock before givlna your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent, ou every dollar. Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming. KATHEKMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, MIFFLINBDRGH, P REAL ESTATE At Public Sale in Partition. Hy virtue of an order Issued out ot tho Or- plmtiB' Court of Hnydur County, t'u,, and to me directed 1 will expose tli") luireliiiillurilesi'rlbed real esluto of (Solomon Lot,tr, lato of lleaver Townslilp, Buld entinly, deceHsert to public mile nt the court House In tlio Boruucli ut Mldtllo burKli, on Saturday, August 7th, 1897,' at. ono o'clock p. m. to wit; All that efirtnln tract of land situate In Jlouver townalilu. Snvdcr county, I'D., bounded ns follows, on tho Nortb oriuuiis ot ducoo Kramer, luint, ny lauds ot Henry SlinfTer, Houtb and West by Public road. containing 9 acres more or less, with tbe ap purtenances. Terms will be made known on day of sale, P. 8. IUTTEH, SbortfXi Mlddleburi;)!, July is, lsu7. A consonsus of the newspaper sentiment of the country rwith ref erence to business improvement. Hundreds of articles are op pearing in daily papers in every part of the country showing a slow but distinct growth, whilo Dun's Re view, which covers the field thor oughly, says : "On the whole, the number of hands employed, the vol ume of new orders, and the amount of work done are slowly increasing, while the prospect of good wheat and cotton crops helps." . Ileans. Lima. 8c. ner in., n lbs. for 'JSC. Beans, c. per lb.. 9 lbs. for me. Svriti, Honey, He. per it Hoc. for tjnl., I'ure ! nyrup, wo. per tjt., sue. per gal., 1'iiro ajwn 1ui too. per (fru. Call and ,eo these Gmit Harp in Shoes before you buy. I am wc can please yon and w nioney. CiWVRK 4 lbs. Iiion eollec for J I if. or tier lb. Arbuekles ilbs. for 4(!c. or 1- 3 My own brand 3 lbs. for M', 14c. a lb. Java nnd liio loose roastwl 1 lor 4 Sc. or 15c. a lb. Chocolate 12e. SUGARS. 12 lbs. light Urown 50e. 10 lbs. soft White 50. 10 lbs. fine prnntiluted 50e. Ilukiiifr Sodti 4e. a lb., Corn Sal be. or 6 lbs. for 13e. Call to See Our Carpets. -MARKET PRICE Butter, lie. Side Meat, 6c. Chickens, 8c. loune: uititKens, P. H. mAuEET, NEW BERLIN, PA. .3 i iit'.tens. 1M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers