The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 15, 1897, Image 5

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    Absolutely Pure.
viahmrpd tor ltj treat leavening wrens'
mi huuiinriilnesi. Awures the food kzhIuni. ul
mind all form of ndtilUiriiMnn cuminnn 'o the
rdi up n run us. nviab dau.iu run a.r.n lu
How the Beer Trust was Protected
by the Quay Leaders.
The Bofutefi, Undismayed by the Vnl
verxul Denuunlutlonn of the People,
re Already at Work Settluu Up
Islutlve Cnudluutos for cxt lour
(From Our Own Correspondent.)
Harrisburff, July 13. Now thut th
legislature 1b a thing of the past, we
have ample opportunity to look over
not bo much what It did, a what It
lalt unuoiie. aiure man mat, in.:
tnnnr t unit v is uresentod for Htuilviiu:
the line work of the beer trust and Us
allied fonts. In still another direotlon
there Is food for thought In a study ol
the superb work acconipliheU ly thut
compact, harmonious and patriotic
body of Wanamaker men known as the
The most remarkable feature In thi
history of this leglHlature was the bold
and unscrupulous manipulation of men
and measures oy me ueer trust of
Pennsylvania. This beer truHt Is
combination of all tho great breweries
of the state. This combination has
been effected within the raat three
months by John P. Person, the man
who sained notoriety In connection
with the celebrated Automatic TVIp-
phone scandal In Philadelphia. Persch
has oein wormng in me interest ol
tone of the largest politicians In the
date. As a rule the big brewers and
big politicians stand together. It
to their mutual advantage to do so.
By consolidating all of the ereat
breweries of the state this combination
of capital, or trust, expects to freeze
out the 'nail fellows, and make life
dreary i.urden for them. It will thut
be seen hy the treat light In the let''
M.tir- us to keen a tax oft beer. I
caa also be seen from this statement
how, when the Wanamaker men did
force the machine and the bosses to
put a tax on beer, that the political
machinists contrived to place the bulk
of the burden upon the small brew
eries of the commonwealth. It can also
be seen how It comes about that retail
liquor licenses were Increased, while
tne big brewers escaped almost scot
If It hrtrl not been for the Wanamaker
men the whole burden of Increased tax
Hon would have been thrown upon the
shoulders of tho small retail liquor
dealers and upon the smaller brewers.
ine Wanamaker men do not belong t
Ihe liquor purty. As a rule they hav
nothing In common with the lienor
traffic in any way. But they are fair
men. They believe In the general ptin
tlple that It is cross Injustice to trr
the weak industries for the benefit o
me strons. They contend that It
not American Justice to make- a small
urewery in a country town nav a hi
tax, while a big brewer In a largo city
permitted, practically, to escape.
Senator Quay's frlemla nr tho .
ho sought to, and did, perpetrate this
ui ranic injustice on the small deal
and small manufacturers of Penn
From the above showlnc. If nnvnrw
to ngure it out, he will discove
'hat while the bosses have been com
Wld to place a tax on beer, they havi
rranEtd It so that while a brewe
"nose output is 300.000 Imrrela n von
MVS only 16.000 tax. whlnh I. t
rte of only 2 cents per barrel, the tax
" 'e small brewers Is over 30 cents
Had it not been for the Wanamaker
' every one of the attempts to get
7 out of the treasury by Illegal
me'8 In the shnno t
rrrlagc hire, telegraph and telephone
.". oy members of th voHm,
nvlsatliin committees. u-nuM hv
n suceuBsful. No legislature has
"Known such barefaced attempts
n mM w nnolner attempt was that
" Hch the state
- unci secretary of Internal af
Z.arB.K,Vt'n' n addition to their
"'r salaries, extra salaries na mom
" Bln,e boards. The attornc
fl was heretofore ln,.,i.t.i,i ir.
" "Ul last VAnc LI.
. ana iiaimiit
ii. 10 nl" m payment of this
.... . lrv"'c he returned It to the
hat k! Ury wlth tne endorsement
" b fOUld not nnoont If o. l.
mnl , was l0Billy entitled to the
ion n nn.J Ul m .. . .
-I nu oi con run If ih. .it......
- ' law Olllrnr n k,
. ""t 1 nut cmiii. ..,. ..
- no other !.... ........
v i v .. ....... a
71,4 Wanamiiiro. . .
- uese items limi.j ,
arit)rnin-ini ... .. .
i .a - iuuuii uui. mil inpv
"nJIng fr .,--' " ""'"
' L, very demand made by
Jrom ft... .
k cloain0-. S8t dramatl0 episodes
i in (he reived but scant no
V tho I ' ftnd mon vital toplcj,
V.'H. - ntor Mnew Btanlry
right ana ictt. RepreswntaUvM Voor
hee and Crothera, ot Philadelphia,
made vigorous speeches on the subject:
Representative Dixon used his name
like a football, while other members
of the lower house ridiculed his pre
tensions to leadership In a way that
must have made his cheeks burn even
in distant Washington. The most con
spicuous and lamentable failure of the
session was the attempt of Representa
tive P. M. Lytle, of Huntingdon, to
defend Mr. Quay. He was the sole and
only defender that Quay had on the
Moor of the house.
When in the heat of a debate three
days before the session closed he r
fcrred to Senator Quay as the man
who had come to Harrisburg, struck
the rock of revenue with his wand, and
money gushed forth. Lytle, mlstaklng
ly, pointed towards Representative
Charley Voorhees, of Philadelphia.
Voorhees had laughed at the remark.
and Lytle took occasion to Insult him,
Voorhees in reply mode the most ter
ribly scathing speech against Lytle and
Quay that has been henrd In the home
of Pennsylvania for years. He towered
over Lytle like a giant, and pointing
nis ringer at him declared that he,
Voorhees, was not afraid to follow Mr.
Quay when he was right, but that the
gentleman from Huntingdon made Sen
ator Quay his mentor, and followed
him right or wrong.
Lytle had nothing to say in reply be
yond rising In his place and feebly pro
testing that he did not mean Voorheei
when he pointed to him and Insulted
him. It was a poor, lame, transparent
excuse, and deceived nobody. Mr.
Lytle was not heard from for the re
maining days of the session. He had
tried to defend Senator Quay and slg
hally failed. It Is doubtful If he would
have attempted such a thankless and
uphill task were It not for tho fact that
he hii.ies some day, by the grace of
Senator Quay, to become surveyor of
the port of Philadelphia.
There are other and vital interests
In connection with this legislature and
its actions which will force themselves
upon the people during the ensuing six
months. Kvcry citizen of the state
should keep himself thoroughly Inform
ed on the trend of current politics. Al.
thoughtful citizens, especially those
who are taxpayers, owe It to themselves,
it not to the commonwealth, to see to
It that the proper steps are taken to
prevent the election of Incompetent,
corrupt men to the next legislature.
Otherwise the lesson furnished by the
extravagance and venality of tho body
w hich adjourned July 1 will have been
lost. The bosses are already quietly
setting up candidates for next year.
The people should be equally vigilant.
The governor haB a hard task before
him In considering and disposing of tho
multitude of bills passed by the legis
lature. He has devoted nearly a week
to their consideration already, and, af
ter his return from the encampment ol
the National Guard, the last of this
week, he will resume his labors. It is
thought that he will veto a number
of the measures, for the late legislature
certainly excelled all predecessors In
the enactment of nefarious laws. All
those desiring the veto of obnoxious
measures stilt unsigned should write
Governor Hastings at once, setting
forth their views.
Everybody Bays So,
Oncarpts Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas
ant und rufreslung to tho tasie, act gently
and positively on klilnoys, liver and bowels,
clennsiiis tho entire system, dispel colds,
cum linaunelio, fever, I'mbitim) constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. O. C. to-day ; 10, Si. fit) cents. Ssuld aud
guaranteed to cure by all drtif gists.
I0 14.111! I I. EH TO! US.
Two Tours l the .orlll vill Pruimyl.
vimiii KnilroiMl,
For tlie convenience of those who seels the
most attractive way of spending a Summer
holiday, the 1'ennsylvnnla llullroud Company
lias arranged two de!Ii;!itrul tours to tlio Nortli,
under Hie personally-conducted tourist system,
J uly STand August ir. Tlio points Included lu
the Itinerary and tlio country traversed abound
lu nature's beauties. No null or how much
may bo expected, one cannot be disappointed
In Walking Uleli, Niagara Falls, Thousand
Islands, Quebee, Montreal, An Sable Chasm,
Lakos champlaln and George, Saratoga, or the
UlKKlauds of tlio Hudson. tour wlllbo In chargo of ono of the com
pany's tourist agents, assisted by an experi
enced lady as chaperon, whoso especial charge
will be unescorted ladles.
TUu rate of $100 from New Vorlc, Jirooklvu,
Newark, Trenton, l'hllndelphla, llarrlsbur.-,
Ualllmorp, and Washington covers railway aud
boat fare for tho entire round trip, parlor-car
seats, meals en route, hotel entertainment,
transfer charges, carriage hire In fact, every
Item of necessary oxptuse.
For detailed Itinerary, tickets, or any ad
ditional Information, addross Tourist Agent,
Pennsylvania itallroad Company, llM Itroad-
way, New Yorki 6o Fulton Street, Brooklyn.
or Oeo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Pusseuger
Agent, urooxl street Station, Philadelphia. st
t'limnx IJrandy ofOrnpv.
Tho superior vlutaire of 18T4 Knimlv. Intro.
duced by the Spcer N. J. Wine Co.. is ulirhlv
spoken of by physicians. Tlio following testi
mony from the Halt linoro Medical College Is
one among many :
'I am prepared to boar testimony to tho val
ue of your Climax Urauuy predicted unon the
ascertained valuo of your productions, and not
f run general reputation merely.
11, L. IIyhd, President.
Pneumatic Tires in Germany.
Tho former manager of a big European cycle
goods dlsl running and Importing concern writes
to an American Journal, advising American bl-
cyclo manufacturers not to waste time and mon
ey In trying to forco single-tube tires Uxn Eu
ropean riders, la Europe, tires with removablo
Inner tubes (called double tube tires) wero long
ago found to bo the ouly practical, monoy-sav-lug
form of tiro. Iaspeakiug of a Journey of
Inspection throughout Europe, the ex-iuanagor
refers to Germany a follows.-
In most otiho cities I visited, tho repi'lnnou
had formed small local aud autl-slnglc-tubo
loiiguos, each man vowing not to mend or repair
a hosc-pl)o, however touching the appeal of the
unfortunate custonior who hapHmd to puncture
his tire, and however tempting the remunera
tion offered.
Tho uormans are great talkers, and even in
cuius like Hamburg rumors of tho sluglo-tube
humbug" have been circulated with amazing
rapidity from tho artisans "wlituoliafl" aud
the ctin'lemoo's "moln hallo." Into the clubs,
and Into tlio homes ot the peoplj.
trMaa!ly-CadHec4 Tombm wia Praa-'
j-lvaate lUilrtai,
That the publio have come to rec
OKinze the fact that the best and
most convenient method of pleasure
travel ia that presented by the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company's personally-conducted
tours, in evidenced
by the increasing popularity of these
tours. Under Ibis system the lowest
rates are obtained, for both trans
portation and hotel accommodation.
An experienced tourist aeut aud
chaperon accompany each tour to
look after the comfort of the pass
enger. TUe following tours have beou ar
ranged f,r tlit season of 18U7:
To the north (inoludiug Watkins
Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand U
lands, Montreal, Quebec, Au Sable
Chasm, Lakes Champlaiu and
George, Saratoga, and a day light
ride down through the Highlands of
the Hudson), July 27 and August 17.
Rate, $100 for the round trip from
New York, Philadephia, Baltimore,
and Washington, covering all expen
ses of a two weoks' trip.
To Yellowstone Park on a special
train of Pullman sleeping, compart
ment, and observatain cars ami din
ing car, allowing eight day s in "Won
derland," September 2. Rate, !?2:i."i
from New York, Philadelphia IJulli
more, and Washington ; sjf'i'Ji) from
ToNiagnra Fulls, excursion tickets
good to rotiirn within ten days will
bo sold on July -2, Agmt 5 and If,
September 4 ami 1(5, ut rat'j "f !0
from I'liilad.'iilili, lult.imori mid
Wiicliington. These tickets incliido
transportation ouly, und will permit
oi' stop over within limit at Bullalo,
Rochester, and Wutkins on tho re
turn trip.
Two ten-days tours to Gettysburg,
Luray Cavens, Natural Bridge, Vir
ginia, Hot Springs Richmond, and
Washington, September 28 and Oc
tober 12. Rates, (55 from New York,
!)3 from Philadelphia. 7 1 2t.
aw Kate Kxriiritluiift yl I'emiHy ivit-
nln KallroHU.
The Pennsylvania K.illrood Company will run
a series ot ten day excursions to Niagara Falls,
leaving Philadelphia, Ilalllinoro, and Washing
ton on July S3, August 9 aud IS, and September
4 and 1(1. An experienced tourist agent and
chaperon accompany ami excursion.
Excursion tickets, good for return pasrago on
any regular train, exluslvo of limited express
trains, within tun days, will be sold at tio from
Philadelphia Ualtlmoie, Washington, and all
points on the Delaware Division; 19. "0 from
Lancaster; fS.oorrom Altoona and IIarrlnburg ;
Pits from Wllkesbarre; from Wllllamt
port, and at proportionate rates from other
points. A stop-over will be sllowed at HulTalo,
liocliestcr, und Walklus returning.
A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day
coaches will bo ruu with each excursion.
For furtherlnforuiatlon apply to nearest tick
et agent, or address Oeo. W. Iliyd. Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Itroad Street SUtlon,
Philadelphia. out Aug. tuili.
is the time that tries all the care
of the mother and all the skill of
maternal management. Baby
comfort comes from fat ; fat
babies have nothing to do but
to sleep and grow.
If your baby does not seem
to prosper, If he does not gain
in weight, you must get more
fat there. A few drops of
each day will put on plump
ness; fat outside, life inside,
baby and mother both happy.
Your baby can take and rel
ish Scott's Emulsion as much
in summer as in any ether
For khIo by all drugiricu at 5oc. and Si.oa
A Living Object Lesson for Dr. Miles' New
Heart Cure.
HEART DISEASE Iscurable. "Forover
forty years," writes Daniel Myers of
Two Taverns, I'a., on Aug. 10, KS96.
"I suffered with heart disease. First a slight
palpitation, gradually growing worse. Then
shortness of breath, sleeplessness, smother
ing sensations and much pain in the region
of tho heart alarmed mo and I consulted a
physician. Kecelvlng no benefit I tried
others and a number
of remedies, suendinsr
?S .,-. -, Jj a large amount of
l ' T money, out unaiiy lie-
KHeart Qureji came so bad that It was
unsure Mr Die to leave
home. I commeuced
sing Dr. Miles' Heart
n ro two years ago.
Fur eighteen months I have been well. Al
though 72 years of age I can go where I wish
and I sleep all night and wake up as cheer
ful as a babe aud completely rested."
Dr. Miles Itcuicdios uru sold by all drus-
crlula Itiwlnp , iM.ll! va lMi'iritilnw 11 rl. lint t )
. , .... , ,
boiioftbt or iiionev refunded, ll.uik on Heart )
and Nerves sent free to all appllcnuu.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind,
in ladies' shoes is a pleasant
voyage afoot, For tlio pleas
ure it gives, there's no sail
like our sale. Crowds are
enjoying it, and securing the
prettiest, coolest and best fit
ting Summer shoes now man
ufactured, at prices which
Imyeis find it a pleasure to
pay. For house or street
wear, pleasure or every-day
practical purposes, walking,
viding, or driving, we supply
the ideal shoes demanded by
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claims your hands,
by all means surrender your
feet to these shoes.
Orphans' Court Side of Yaluablo
The undersigned iidiulnMrator of the es'ute
of Andrew .1. liowersox, ilee'rt, late ol Centre
Twp., Snyder Co., pa., under and by virtue of an
order ls-iied out ot t!,e m-phiitrv court of sn viler
county, lor the payment of the deliis of said de
ceased, will evince to pill, Ur sale on I lie premi
ses In .MMilleercek Twp.. about luilf-wav be
twecu Mlddlebiirgh ami New llerllJ on
Saturday, July 21, 18'.)T,
the following tieserllied real estj.te to wit :
THACT No. 1 llclng a ciTliiln messiiaL-e. ten
linenl and tract ot land sltinue In MliMKvm'k
Twp., Snyder Co., Pa., bounded on t tic North t.v
la nils of Henry Hreon's heirs. Kast by lands ill
Kmanuel llenler. South ly lands of Kmnnuel
llenier andSaiiiiiel Hilger amloii the West In
lands of Michael lllouelie. Iiji AiK. more or
less, with the lippurtenalH'eH, whereon are
ens'tisj a twiMitory Frame Uwelllng House
Liirge, Oond Hauk Iturn. good summer house,
wagon shed, corn crib, and nil necessary out
biiildliigs, arlneoieharit of choice fruit, gol
spring with excellent water near, and a well at
I he door. Almut 5 acres of the above Is clear
ami Ul a giMKl state ot cultivation and the bul
amv well timbered.
TRACT No. t-Sltnated In Mlddlecreek Two.,
county and state aforesaid, bounded North bv
lands of Jesse linger. East and South by lauds
of Joel llllger aud on the West bv lands ot
Itnchael Hover, containing 8 Acres and sixteen
perches, more or less w lib the appurtmanees.
on which are erected a koihI. large two-slorv
Uwelllng House, a new Stable, wins! shinl anil
all necessary outbiillillngs. The foregoing Is
all clear and In a good state ot cultlMttion, also
has choice Irult. irood water ami in:, Let v..rv
desirable lioinu.
SolelocoinincnreiitlSM, of sM dav, when
due attendance will be given ana U-nus ot sale
uiuue Known ov
11. A. ItOWEHSOX, A.tmlnlstrutor.
AONTS WANTED for lr. Talmage s THE
EARTH C.IHIM.KK" or his tamons tour
he worlC. A thrilling story of snvai;o and
barbarous binds. Four million Tannage hooks
sold, and "Ths Kitrth (llriiisi"l his ui. st ,,,,,1
greatest. Demand enormous; KvervUnly wants
this fHinoua Isxik. tmlv f.l m. Iiii uKik. big
eominlssion, a (iold .Mluo for workers, cretin
given ;-Krelghtiigi paid ; Outllts, tne. Prop
all trash and eil Hie Klnv-of Uou n,ui ,..v..
per mouth. Addn'ss lor ouitlt and tcrrl
tory, I'Korl.h-s.
--- awl Market St.. l'hlla.. Fa -
An liHrtHnt iIiipmIIoii.
If your trlenrts or nelghliors are sutTei lug from
coughs, colds, sore throat, or any throat or luug
dlseasedncludlng consuinpllon), ask them If
t hey have ever used Otto's Cure. This famous
Herman remedy l having a large sale hero anil
Is performing some wonderful cures ( throat
and lung diseases. W. 11 Spangler. Mlddlehiirg ;
M. ltolhrock. M. IV, VI. Ph aant Mills, will give
you a Rumple bottle free. No matter what other
medicines have failed to uo, try Otto's Cure.
Large giro !5 and Mk'la.
CTflO nDIMV l cure for drtinkonneaa
01 Ul 'Unllm which can bo given with or
without tlio knowledge of ihe drinker and will
completely stop tho dnsiro for liquor. Women
can secretly administers toe-LK INK andelfect
cures. Us meats hav been proven in thou
sands of cases. Mulled In plain sealed wrap-
Kr, with o I reel Ions, on receipt of ONU
)1.LAK. Particulars and testimonials free.
fUAIU,lt8 A CU..3H l'ark l'Uee, ew Vurk,
A Short I'm to llMlih.
To try to cute constipation bv taking pills Is
like going round In a circle. You will never reach
Ihe point sought, but onlv get back to the start
ing point. A iwrhvt natural laxative Is Haeons'
Celery King, Ibeceli' reincdv forall nerve
bliHKl. stomaclie. liver and kldnev itlsases. It
regulates Ihe lwels. W. II. siwngler, Middle
biitgh ; M. lletbroek. M. 1 Mt. Pleasjini Mills,
will give you 11 (ample package free. Large slie
ii and sects.
Merchants' House,.-
Tlilrtl Mreil Above allowhlll.
Under New Management.
Kates ft 1.50 a day,
5.00 per Week.
Wm. F. Miller, Prop'r.
K. ,i V JKIL
Iwm nib is our
r 1
Lungren Special
J)s Sent C. O. D. privilcv of
examination on receipt of $5.00, if not
accepted money returned less cxprcssao.
HE. J HGREh (-'CIE (06 ClilCifflATI
IV .-fctyji
I'lU'ht new ili'Mtrtis i,nr frm::
every nook nil, I curlier "f ti r St,r
!S1iiij('S and Styles in wl.ieh ul m.i
yon see your Mcnl.
Couches ggffl
CARPETS, ItrtiS. ART Sfl'ARS ntut
PlCTl'RES nt iiriccs co w Hint ot!,
r iiiercliniit- c.iu not co;niei.-.
. H. FELIX, Lewi,
Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payments
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tnrnadn.
No .Premium .Notes,
The Standard Accident Insurant: C .
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelitij Mutual Life Asociat:on.
Your Patronages ilicited.
No Assessments
The Aetna Founded A. D., 1S1!
" IToine u " " 1 S3:
" American u " " IS 10
9 V
V --i -..' . . .
c..'.Tcr: i -
'JicVCLC Zfr
AND Ceil'i N
AW A '
Cel. C. 1E33
Un. I. Kii
p.TPVTc tTcb. 2i. 1891
nlLl;i i XJ( 17. 1891
Tn? "M.iywo.r' is llie v-- ,:nj
nv.ils uuil rivlcr-. Mule ef that is
taken apart niet put lo-cttivr. It .i- tew part
1 i I Ml
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l. 'i e;i?l v
--.:: huj
:. .: ca--.- ,.t
u. r k.
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t'l. "-m :ul re
-. II J3S -!..rgc l arrel
ltenl Tci'i TO I ;vi';, ;
Je t:iN ' N.rth Aiue.ii-
Jsn. 5t. 159S
Cth,'S Ptna.nj
tr .' i; ;..
' -:n; :c ". v ntr
llvil w I:iruvlKtl t.:al ; -
1 g el her I'vcu ui u:i .ic.-i.'.cin , iK Ik llv,w lulling t i ciuh iu .11 ihti v.uu:ja. j : ::
lie broken ; v-ti;i;i!e t'i..i us ;ii'ri-:im ;ur.H x-r'C a-, it co!:thv!!' j"art .i -invent
e!' ! il.-rn i-tv ahv.n-. reily to j:ivc reliable jnil rapid tmti'r,vTt;i;:
Impniveil il.mMe i.iam rn!; nu.le vil" -luch coM rolleil teel rv's aoughest auj t
lor it -vi'4ln kier.v.'. j .nir I tev.htr with enr tmpreveJ steel tiiticjjs. a marv.
l ii-lu-'yn:i 1 uu::iSiit.y tlte reUest cem l'iti.itiou et' ir;etit:i:y ia bu-vc'.e mev.i
tol,i:iM a fin-.u- wtli mtlir;'.ieti iouits arid tubinc. s all krew that tubular im-,
hreii; I"-ire at lira i ints, aa.l iiiSht hea thvv a bu.k'.l ttj. mm.-
v irranteU wiv,l, p:auo wire nuli! tar :t - ,i.f. it '
viticrr.; ri'a.ic irem tne ret i;uaaty o-M ,!--9 . arr.'es
.iiri.i v.i ta,i i.i:;ci; IHt5- i.J.te.C ft
in" cr " l'ion " !cuK tnte .t -ere - r -....,..
ptraii:.!! Imv : i'.!y pilar nitre,!. e w..l lurcish. it er'cre.!. Ai'::,,..' : ,c or
t T.'ri Ji Wriithl ii.i. I. te;air tires for t.'.vll rtra. ret. BEftlC$- Pa!' 'Var -s t ee'v ' Tt
iiK-luiliiig wheels crank a. strcrtuii hea.l and re'aN. CR4SH SHFT BEr"iC-re p---..
with our patent hall c-ase-t, which are iuterKvke am! si:j'r'rt eac1! --ilier. CCFS ISO COIsES
tlest qiullty setectel teeL carel'ully tempered an! ruHene-l. CHa'NS H aV, v., ltt,
high Kiaile hardened centers adjustment CRSSHS-Our ctleiraie.: eue i.v vri-'w tu"
vrutected tv patents: no cotter p'Os. SPROCsEI S-Madc trvn: Vest .;aa':tv -:e"l uioeS
tinisheil and hardened; rear spriK-ket itrtachaMv, f-eet sprvvket wvi-v't-it-1 t -ii-tk mv
REACH-Shortet. i"S inches. Kindest. Sd im-l.e. GE-M cr T'.' FROM F0RK-I" -T9ct fc -lotk
crowu made oi" drop forSed steel. HlOLE 8R-Keversit 'e. read-.:v chacic-d t '. either
raise! or dropivsl p;ittern. best cork or compismon cerk haaU'es. 'au-si st'e el' l--'-..
aud lernilr. SADOiE ihir own stvle "K" hijth s''e. erv eiv r';:-i 1 jl-.' v c,:"iibi iu
Kne other first-ctavs make. PEOHS-Combiriati m vat'-tran'or r-abt'er- full V .'i tLLr,m
kab. seat
and oiler. WEHiHT -Acronlina: to tires, pedals, saddlvs. tc... lo jnunds. ClASsHE'-tib
I consider your "Mayrood" wheel the stronites and safest bivvcle made k..r hard rd:n ard
iney are a so ::,tni laais aad eu.-v tj iJn,i
FINISH Knamelel in black, with aM bncht parts, mcluiiin front u rk. han 'V
vhmi, crauits nn,i splices, niccet puieu. Kavn niatit cv'ie-vete with t.vl ba
itniolter. ntltitll -Acronlina! to tires, pedals, satld.c
"Maywcsxl" llicyxle is fully ituaranteed lor on year.
mueh rvvids, such as we have in this countrv.
The one-piece crauk is a wonderful oiec ci ruechanuut umnV1
btCN'de cnstruction, and with the improvements I uudcrsi r.i-.i '.(.;
te to have this year, it will be the best wheel made
fjt l our SrstcLal Wholesale Price. Sever befv re oM toi 'es,.
Ti quickly introduce the "Maywood" Bk-vcle. we have deo-icd t-.
make a special coupon iffer, iving ererv reader of th-s pa- c- a
chance to ire! a fimt-clasn wheel at the lowest pnee ever crlered. i'a
receipt of fStM anj nia we will ship to anw-ne the above btcscle.
securely packel and crmteil. Money retumteJ. if not as represeiiusl.
alter arrival and examination. We will ship C. V 1., with privileg -of
exaiuination, for pi.iW and coopoa, provided $ivV) is sent withorde;
a a (uarantee of good faith audchsrers. A written binding warranty
as nt with each bicycle. This it a coauce of a lifetime, and jro cannot
dvml o Id Ihe opportunity pass. Addresa alt orders U
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Fur HATVsOsia
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CASH BUYERS' UNION, m Kutf v tur St. I 3 1 1 CiUao.