The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 15, 1897, Image 4

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    Wit &wtom
Published every Thursday.
Geo- W. Wagcnseller,
Editor and Proprietor,
Subscription 1.50 per year.
&li'U must be pat.llnadance wlien tent ouv
Hide me cuun.y.i
AH friuisti'nt ailvertir-nvnts not otherwise
cutiuai'ifl lor will be ruwwd at the lute of If
jents P"r line (nonparlel in.-uimre) tor nrwt Inser
Ion ami loccuis per line lor evury subsequent
tfDtntk notiat publMed fru: Mtuary jioffty,
tntmtn vfraptct. tc, mrttcmu a uim.
Associutt Judge, 11. C. Sumpscll.
Prothonotary, G. M. Shindel.
Retixter c0 Recorder, J. II. Willis.
District Attorney, J. M. Baker.
Jura Comm., Jos. R. Hendricks.
Thursday, July 15, 1897.
That Funeral Committee.
Kijjlit members of tbe last legis
lature tittouilud the funeral of the
late Dr. JlcCook of Fulton county.
They rode on the railroad to Mcr
certiburs and from there they roilo
iu hacks to LleCouuelsbiirj;. Their
bill of espouses was !jSH71. This
makes nit average of each. Is
thero any voter in Snyder county
who would liko to have such a job
of attendiuir fuuends, 81 for
about two days and pay your own
expenses? How many workmen in
Snyder county aio nblo to earn 81
in a whole ijrarf Representative
Smith of Bedford, a member of this
committee, said they were nt no ex
expense except hack hire and Mr.
Smith wanted nothing. We have
no record of any one else on the
committee making such a remark
and so wii proHume they took all
they could get.
We reprint below an extract of
the House proceedings in the Phila.
Press ol Juno 2'Jth. From this it
appears that only five members at
tended tho funeral making an aver
age cost of $120 a piece.
When the itom in the general ap
propriation bill of $'71 drawn in fa
vor of Representative Long, chair
man of the committee on the part of
the House to represent the House
at tho funeral of tbe P. McCauley
Cook, of Fulton county, was repre
sented. Representative Ely called
upon Chairman Lonir, of the couiinit-
taa frti n arntamant. na in how HO
much money could bo expended in a
trip to Fulton County. Uopresenta
tive Long tried to explain, by Bay
ing that the funeral expenses had
been paid by the coram rttetf,' bui
finally wound up by sayiug:
"I don't care what you do with
tliiu liill T li ft it. to tliii Serceant el-
Anus to preparo a bill that he
thought was right. All I want is to
see the legitimate and just expenses
This tacit declaration that there
were Hume items that were legiti
mate and just raised a general
laugh throughout the House.
Cost of u run criil Trip.
Representative Spat followed in
a apt cch that still further convulsed
tho members, half of whom were iu
the aisles, Mr. Spatz said that the
bill had been made up by the Ser-geant-at-Arms
After the funeral
tho committee met iu the coiner of
a gallery of Grace Church, and tho
question was "How much wilt we
charge fur this funeral." Mr. Spatz
said that he had loaned tho Sergo-nut-at-Arms
ten dollars, but that
had been paid hack to him and he
was satisfied.
"Wc had a ride of twenty miles in
n driving suowstorm," said Mr.
Spatz. "And, gentlemen, we did
actually have carriago hire. We
had tio telegrams or telephoLO mes
sages to pay for, I want to say that
I do not want any mileage. I want
uothiug, and if anything is chargou
to me in that bill I waut it wiped
out. I got my ten dollars back from
the Sergant-at-Arms and I am satis
lied." "I w ant to know," asked Repre
sentative Storr, of Philadelphia,
who was in a very indignant frame
of miml, "if tho gentleman, Mr.
Spatz, did not propose to the Ser
geant -at -rms to charge ur mileage
for two members of the committee
who could not attend the funeral,
and then divide tho sum with the
Sergeant at-Arms?"
Mr. Sp itz replied by saying that
when he had come to tho Legisla
ture he was very green. He was
told that it was customary to charge
mile a. nnd Kll sorts of expenses.
When tlm matter of mileage was
proposed under the circumstances
ho told tho Sergant-at-arnis to go
ahead if it was all right. Now, that
he had seen the evil of his ways, ho
wanted nothing that was not right
and proper.
Full discussion on the bill reveal
ed the fact that the expenses for tho
five members of tho comtnittoo on
the trip down in Fulton County, a
distance of ho milos, or more, had
been obout $120 apiece. Represen
tative Lyt In, in an attack upon the
bill found fault with the charge that
had been made. Ho said that about
the only person who did not charge
for bis expensos in attending the
funond wns tho man that had been
buried. If he could earn money at
that rate, as tho committee had
done, ho would be willing to lay
nai.lo liiii tnrra nml irn into tho him.
in .j.j r. - -
iness of attending funerals as a I
H. K. Gregory, Esq., wife and
child of New Castle, Pa., are wel
come guests at the home of his pa
rents B. F. Gregory and wife
Frederick Hare an old and respect
ed citizen died Sunday night about
10 o'clock was buried Wednesday
morning, aifod about 77 years L
N. Catheruian of Hazleton spent
Sunday with his mother. Newt, is
running a drug store for a physician
oflhattowu Mrs. Rev. F. P.
Manhart and children of Baltimore
are under the roof tree at Dr.
Bom's.... The Council of the Ev.
Luth. church have grauted their
pastor, Rev. Barb a month's vaca
tion. Communion was held on Sun
day last, the Rev. leaving on Mon
day Judge Shindel took a trip
to York to spend a week with his
,sonR. II. Shindel who is a promi
nent candidate for State Treasurer
on the Republican ticket.... The j
telephone .'gang are through with
the poles to Middleburgu ami are
now putting them in to Freeburg
J. A. Lumbard visited his
daughter Maude Bousum at Patter
sou last week Our Base Ball
Club was at Millorsburg with a
patched up tenm on Saturday con
sequently the game stood 10 to 5 in
favor of Millorsburg. Whoever had
charge should learn not to take a
team o ut who had to substitute for
good 7la.vers, inexpciiencod ones
A Projoctoscopo entertainment
will bo given iu tho Town Hall Tues
day and Wednesday evenings. It is
said to bo immense, as it reproduces
motions of men marching, sound of
bands playing, etc The circus on
Friday did not get rich on tho pro
ceeds as tho attendance was very
John Rigel, who has been work
iug at the blacksmith trade in Illi
nois, has again returned after a few
weeks' visitiug his mother and
friends at this place.... Mr. and Mrs.
Shaw of Sunbury are visiting the
hitter's parents, Edward Beaver's..
Grant E. Heimbach has again re
turned home after a few weeks eui
nlovtnent at Lewistown. .. .Frank
Beaver after a mouth or more of
illness is again able to be out.
Ilettie Attig returned home from
Glen Union last Saturday ...Chil-
drcus' Day services were held in the
United Evangolical Church last Sun
day evening.... Irvin Graybill and
son, Hoy t, who had boon working
near Jamison City returned home
lost week.... Uriah Howell spent a
week at home with his family....
Mrs. Tillman Romig and If rs. Reub
en Weirick visited at Vicksburg over
Sunday Miss Kate S. Boweasox
of Carlisle Indian School is spending
a two months' vacation at home and
is enjoying a much needed rest. She
rides a bicycle and hopes to get
enough sunshine and fresh ait to
last for ton months.... Henry W.
Felty purchased a Beethoven organ
a few weeks ago. His daughter, Al
ice, is enjoying it very much.... It
W. Gift who is working in Sunbury
spent Sunday with his family
... .Huckloborry harvest is in full
blast. Many of our citizens are out
gathering berries every day . . . .Rol-
lin Bowersox spent a delightful week
with his sister at Carlisle. A ride
over the battle field at Gettys
burg was a very enjoyable feature
of the visit... .Preston Erdley and
family of Swinoford and David
Coleman and family of Beaverlown
visited Uriah Howell's on Sunday.
V.ili'i ate Your liowols With timcnret.
I :-pily Ciitlmrtic. cure ronstlpiitlon forever.
1( CC-C. full, ilruKKiatarefund money.
The Drcmletl 'uiiniiiittln tun be
ii red.
T. A. Slouuin, Hie tirent Chemist and Soli-Mist,
V III send to SulTereM. Three tree Hollies ol
Ills Nevtly Discovered Keniedlca to Cure CuU
Kiiiuptlou nnd Hi: Limit Troubles.
Nothing could be fairer, more iihlliintroplc or
currv more J".v lo the nfltleted, than the gener
ous offer of the honored und distinguished theui.
Lsl, T. A. Mociiin, M. l' of New iorn Ulty.
lie bus discovered a rellublennd absolute cure
for consumption, ami all bronchial, throat, liint:
mid ehesl diseases, catarrhal affection)), general
decline m.d wenknesa, loss of (lean alid ail con
dlllimsof wasting away, and to make us irreut
merits known, will Heuti three rreu iioitiesor ins
newly discovered remedies to any nfllleled read.
ol the 1'ost.
Already Ills "new scientific B.vslom of mcdl.
clue" liaa permanently cured thouHuuda ol ap
parently hopeless caacs.
The Doctor considers It not onlv Ills profes
sional, but Ids relljflniiH duty a duty which he
ownes to mifferlMi humanity do donate his In
fallible cure.
He has provided the "dreaded consumption"
to Ijo a curable dlscii-e hoyond a doubt, In any
climate, nnd haa on tile In Ids American ntid
Kuropcan laboratories thousands of ' heartfelt
testimonials of irratltiide" from those beuelllled
and cured, In all part of the world.
CatarruiU and pulmonary troubles lead to con
siiinntlon. noil eoimiiinntlon. uninterrupted.
means spi-cdy and certain death. Don't delay
until It Is too latii. Simply write T. A. Nlociim.
M. C , i I'lne Street, New York. Klvllitf express
and ixistofllce address, and the free medicine
will be promptly sent, l'lease, tell tho Doeiur
you saw his ofTcr la the Tost.
IMm fort'onnljr t'alra.
Tho following are among those an
nouncod: Ilollidnysburg, September
1-1-17 ; Bloorasburg, October 13 16;
Carlisle, September 28-30 ; Tort Roy
al, September 15-17 ; Lititz, Septem
ber 14 ( Allentown, September 20 21
Milton, October 5-8 ; Newport, Sep
tember, 22-21,Lewisburg, Saptember
29-30, October, 1-2; York, October
4-8 ; Hanover, Septomber 7-10. State
fairs will be held ou the following
dates : Pennsylvania state agricul
tural society, Johnstown, September
011 ; Grangers' interstate exposition,
Williams' Grove. Aug. 23 28; Mt.
Gretna agricultural, mechanical and
industrial exposition, Mt. Gretna,
August 16-20 ; Patrons of Husbandry
exhibition, Center Hall, September
July 5. near Mexico. Juniata couu
ty, Kmiua Yerdilht, daughter of Dau
iel Wolf, aged 23 years, 5 months
and 8 days. Interment in the old
Lutheran Cemetery, north of Free
burg, on Wednesday. Rev G. D.
Druckenmiller officiated.
July 9, 1897, near Richfield, Har
vey S., son of Jacob F. and Cather
ine George, aged 31 years, 11 months
and 7 days. Funeral held on the 12th 1
inst, at the Niemond s Ueiorined
Church. Revs. O. G. Romig and
John Landis officiated.
In Fremont Pa., June 19,1897, Mr.
William Schnee. aced 55 years, 8 m.
and 7 days, interment at St. John's
Church Fremont. Rev. H. H. Spahn
Near Fremont June 27. 1897. Chas.
Stuck, aged 5 years 8 months and 13
days. iDtermeut nt Arbogast's
church, Rev. H. H. Spahn officiated.
Lai-gent package greatest economy. Made only by
Chicago. BL Louis. New York. Boston. Philadelphia
MAKltl H'.li.
July 1. bv Rev. W. A. Haas. Aunie
Teats, of Hummel's Wharf, and
Galen F. Holshue, of Shaiuokin.
On the 25th June, by Rev. J. H.
Barb. Martin Buyer, of Now Berliu.
and Miss Mary M. Auraud, of Se-linsgrove.
In Lewisburg, on the 2(5th June,
by Roy. J. F. Dotdap, Mr. Kdward
Keefer, of Sunbury, aud Miss Evora
Attig, of I'axtonville.
Tho July Magazine Number of The
Outlook has a timely article ou tho
Dobs Commonwealth from a special
coi respondent, Mr. Ray S. Baker.
The perusal of this article and the
editorial comment which accompa
nies it gives to tho reader a justor
idea of the lators co-operative scheme
than is obtained from the daily
press. &) a year. The Outlook com
pany, 13 Astor Place, New York.
how to"find out.
Fill a bottle or ooinmou water glass
with urine and let it stand twenty-four
hours; a sediment or settling indicates
a diseased condition of the kidneys.
When urine stains linen it is positive
evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre
quent defire to urinate or pain In the
baok, is also convincing proof that
the kidneys and bladder are out of
There is comfort iu the knowledge
so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Root, the great kidney rem -edy
fulfills every wish in' relieving
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, blad
der and every part of the urinary
passages. It corrects inability to hold
urin and scalilintr pain in passing it,
or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that un
pleasant necessity of beitur compel!
ed to get up many times during the
night to urinate. The luild and the
extraordinary effect of Swamp Root
is soon realized. It stands the hlh
est for its wonderful cures of themoxt
distresing cases; If yon need a ined
iclnn you should have the bef.t. Sold
by drugtfit-ts price fifty cents nnd one
dollar Kor a Hitmple bottle anil pam
phlet, both sent free by mail, mention
I'ost and H.-nil your full post-Hlce
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. lling-
hiunton, N. Y. The proprietors of
this paper nunrHtitei tlie ri'iiumeuess
of this offer.
25. so:
A tblft nnw and thn will prerpnt tliarrhrrn. d,iH-iitrv,iill inmnirr compUlntp.riiuBtnir pftur.natariil
ll I U. taniplnl bixiklct fro. Ad. KTKKI.1NU KKMKUY CO..Cnlrito. Muntraal, Can., or Now York. 170
i,-r.-.v i.'".i'"sV
Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, but BUY
tho Sewing Machine with an established reputation
that guarantees you long and satisfactory service :
Tl;e Wl)ite.
aIts beautiful bgured wood
work', durable construc
tion, fine mechani
cal adjustment,
coupled with the Finest Set of Steel
Attachment?, makes it the
Most Desirable Machine iu tbe Market,
ftSond for our beautiful half-tone catalogue.
Shambach & Reigle
ninolc Qmltlis,
A. M. Sliiiinlmt.'li ami Foster Keigle
liave formed a purtnershiii ami can
lie found nt the
The l)est and finest work in all kinds
of Iron and Steel will be executed
in the most natisfactory manner.
8 srao. Middleburglu Pa.
' Ii)surar)ce.
Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i
Insurance Agency,
DEJlnaox- W. Snydor, Agent,
Successor to the late William H. Snyder.
The Par-Excellonco of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow
ing lint of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None
Better the orkl over.
FIltE Royal, Liverpool, En?, (ineludinff foreign assetb) $43,000,000.00
Ifurtford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,045,735.02
Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. 5,588,058.07
Continental, New York, 6,754.1)08.72
German American, New York, fi,240,0!)8.83
LIFE Mutual Lifo Ins. Co. New York, 204,038,983.66
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation,
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of 3,750,000.00
Fire, Life aud Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus
tified by a strict regard to mutual safoty. All just claims promptly and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur
ance promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt.,
OQice on Market Street. Selinsgrove, Pa
Great Reduction Sale of
r"i i told YOU"
Gotds, Notions, or what
straight to F. II. Maurer's. ' in!
III IWB U1C I I 'rI 1 n ! Itv .. . 1
r Pi ' i J an.:
iiicubuius inn. iou m t t m ,...-1
, o - v Dunn
of your inoney every time. lU
u ii.iri w us wuii ireated an.i
buy iust as crood and ns
i 4l w "'V K'H 1
Our rci.utiitinn 14 i-llii .1 .1
- IT J IIIIIK llltlllllJIIIl It . I
. l all
kwp it at its k'st. Wlii.u
fresh groceries, stylish dry pwj
notions of any kind, lie sure tu(,j
ami see us. 15e sure to buy f J
oeiore diiviiil' elsewhere. ( :
as you pass by and buy.
tteurenovrcluHlnir out, nil t. . I
. .. . "'"'"ii
(iMi., ui, tusi uua ut'low to make rw j
iu. uuiun kww, in name vou f..- n( . 1
low prices, luwur than you cun tuy eUt'wlierJ
u wiuorcatn, inatwtlio reason neems
cheaper tliun oilier di-alers.
Dress Goods.
F uney Wblto Dress Goods sold at s now 5 cert
uo 10 .
Jo li
dO o5
All Wool Slli.lljs H
do ii 1,,
Percales, so Inches wide, sold at 13 now ceiJ
At! Best Llfiht Calicoes,
Blue "
Apioo Ginghams,
All Clark's spool cotton,
111 .
7 4
" j
" 4
Ladies'Shirt Waist
Sold for 50c. now 3llc.
Sold for 1.20c. now 7Sc.
Sold for 1.50c. now 1.13c
Men's Fancy Si
Sold for 50c. now o-V.
Sold for (.0 now :!7c
Sold for 75c. now -18c.
Boys', Sold for 50c. now I'.ilc
" Sold for 25c. now 171'.
Bwt Cuuuh Syrup, f suaa UuuO. Vf I I
in lime, wnn nr qnwuiwii.
For Ninety Days I
The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN
Vie are not selling out, but we do this to Inorease onr sales above any pre
vlous year. We nive a few of the prices as follows :
Soft Wood Chamber Suits flf.OO Cotton Top Mattress 2.35
Hard Wood Chamber Suits lO.OOiWoven Wire Mattress 1.75
Antique Oak Suits, Tieots l!.00:Hed Springs 1.25
Plush Parlor Suits 80.00 Drop Tables, per ft 60
Wooden Chairs per set 2.50, 1'lutfonu Rockers 2 60
In stock, everything in the furniture line, including Mirrors, Hook Cases,
Desks, Sideboards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fanoy Rockers. Huby Chairs,
Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Doughtrays, Kinks, Hall Racks, Cant
Beat Chairs flue, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes.
PrlceB reduced ull through. Come early and see our stock beforej giving
your order, aud thus save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar.
Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming.
At Public Sale in Partition.
By virtue of an order Issued out of the Or
phans' court of Snyder County, l'a and to me
UlrnttPd I will expose tin hereinafter doserlbed
nl estate of Solomon ln.g. late of llenvtr
Township, Said county, docpused to publln side
nt the court liouso In the llwouuh of Mlddlc
burKh, on .
Saturday, August 7th, 1897,
t ono o'clock p. m. to wit 1 All tht certain
tract of lurid sliusis in Denver township, Snyder
connty, Fa., bounded as follows, on the Norttt
by liinils of Jacob Kramer, Kust by lands ol
Henry Shaffer, south aud West by public rood,
conttilnlnir 8 acrs more or less, with the ap
purtenances. Terms will be made known on
(lay of sale. F. B. KlTTKlt, Sheriff,
Mlddll-burgo, July 12, lb07.
Fusion between the Populists and
Democrats soems to be a thing of
tho past. Populist leaders are
everywhere expressing their disgust
with the uncertain attitude of the
Democrats of all national issues.
Not only aro large numbers of Dem
ocrats in every State where there is
a campaign this fall refusing to ac
cede to tbe demand for tbe support
of the Chieaaro nlatform nnd its doe.
trines. but a largo number of Demo
crats in Congress are abandoning
ii. . 1 it. j
me iruo-iiauo luuury auu supporb
ing a high protection.
ains i uifli
Here we lire, crood r.lcn s rini.-. on-
ly $2.o0
Ilovs' Extra GikhI tinlv D0f. ili
ami l.fiO.
Doys' Knee Pauls only 10c. lr
and '25c
Only 60 cts.
(leans, Limn, 8c. per lb., 9 lbs. for c..
HeHnH. an. niT lh.. a I tin. for 9sc. Svriliw. J
Honey, tc. per qt., .Hie. cr gul.. Pure Srt
ayrup, w. lerqi., uuo. iiwr k1"'. tfJ,wf
per qt inc. per gil.
Call nnd see these Groat ISargai
in Slioes Iwfore you buy. I am
we can please you and niv? )'
4 lbs. Lion coffee for 4Cv. or
ncr lb.
Arbuckles'llbs. for4('w.rl2 a
My own brand 3 11. i"r
1J ,, IK
fill 1 I"
lor 4 Sc. or 15c. a lh.
' Chocolate 12c.
12 lbs. light Urown f0c.
10 lbs. soft White CO.
10 Ilia, fmo (rrnnnlnfiil Tlllt'.
linking Sisla 4c. a 11)., CornStt
5c. or 3 lbs. for 13e.
Call to See Our Carpets.
Butter, 11c. j'
Shin Afnuf Cu liW
Cliickens, 8c. H'""'1!
Young Chickfit. l'c
F. H. MAUilE
sica'Jj I'm.