The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 01, 1897, Image 3
4 , ' iiiiiiffnciTso U ELOQUENT DISCOURSE ' mi t"yer alM That If ob Trial For HU LI fa He p - . . . .. -atd rrrier nry oi wraitn Kathrr Than Om or Clergymen? 'Bring Zenas the lawyer," Titua rnr1)f'.l"n ' tne law ' bw Intro- I 1 r . . i. : .1 .. .. , 1 .. !.. i. . i Va ana nu m tuv iapuai ai youns men Joined It. and at this Sato Various parts of the land other jr.U an- tiiUnjf their diploma for that trinii prnfeanton, and Is it not appro, iii that I addreas such young men from rni and relitflou standpoint, a upon fut now rolling the re.iponMblllti'w of STfilllnif represented la the text by i.CTitr 'JJfgH admire the heroin and rigorous Jta dMltMTnfctj "n mjv Ul ma cum ' .ha Innt tura nf !, U.JIU. - fQllV " J" ' " .IVUIIU!- uaa " fowerlnR in the cyclone; as rr be atnnd unaaumeu amid the Cables of the palace before thick necked JL ,urrounded with his twelve cruel v. when we find him earning his Llhood with his own needle, sewing airtloth and preaching the gospel In the iSnrtiow; as when we find him able to Itethettilrty-nino lashes, every stroke of rtk-li idoheil the blood, yet continuing In wLioDary work; as when we find him, fLtJtaw of the consequence to himself, ujfrin temperance lecture to Feliz, JiOowrnnient inebriate. But sometimes L nti-ha tfli'i'l'' o( the mild and genial TfeotlW nature. It seems t lint he had friend who was a barrister by profession. Uome wus Zenns, and he wanted to see a fi-rlmps he had formed the acquaint ioitiilt lawyer inthe courtroom. Per jrt fomntimes, when he wanted to ask qantion in regard to Iloman law, he t to thl Zenas the lawyer. At any rate, ( bid a w.irm nttnchment for the man, it provides for his comfortable escort ,1 totrrtainment as he writes to Titus, BrinZcnu the lawyer." Tblsman of my text belonged to a pro Mion la which are many ardent Buppor oof Christ and the gospel, among them Urkstoiw.the great coininentntor on Eng !iliw. an-1 Wilberforce, the eraanclpntor, id the late llenjnmln F, Lutler, attorney uilo( New York, nud the late Charles taMOcy, the leader or tlie rtilludelphia f iDilLiiiei jiihuocs aiarstiau nna Ten-j-n and Campbell nud Mr Thomas More, fodiwior i lie i rum on mo Hcaiiiim, sny- U to hi. iiKiia.n executioner: "riuck up cam;, i"11". a"J do y"r duty. My nook wrjshort. lie etiruiui, tlieretore, and am strut awry. imouc tin nugiitiest nums tlint ever ti. lin innila by tongue of bnrri.tter n tx-i-npl'-ns In behalf of the lllble uml stoianlty, as wlien Dnnlol Webster Htood lie Supreme Court at Washington plend ; in t !iv famous (iirurd will case, do. .ui-iagauy attempt to edtu-ntetho peo- mtliout giving tneni at the same timo ,nl jontluit-nt ns "low, ribald ami vulgar Unaml inlldelity;" ns when Knmuel L. Uthard. of New Jersey, the leader of the 1mm in hi? day, stood on the platform at fctwtou college commencement advocnt- the literary cxeellency of the Scrip- trwa when Edmund Kurke, in the fnm- triul of Warren Hastlugs. not onlv in rislfof the English government, but In ill! of elevated morals, closed Ills speech the midst of the most nugust assemblage gitnereii in nest-muster nan by say "I Impeaeh Warren Hustings in the am-of the House of Commons, whose ktional character he has dishonored: I (plea him In the name of the people of lit, whose rights und liberties he hns wted: I Impeach blm In the name of Ian nature, which he hns disgraced. thuname of both sexes, nnd of everv kik, and of every station, and of everv lution In the world, I impeach Warren pilars. .notwithstanding nil tho plens which proiession uns ma.le in lielmlf of God the church and tint gosoel nud tli lite of mun, there bus come down Mgti the generations nmoug muny peo- uuimuru anu wicxeu preju.iiee against So long ago ns in the time of Oliver niwll it was decided that lawyers might niieruie parliament nouse ns members. they were called "sons of Zeruluh." learned Dr. Johnson wrote ua epitaph ,n nl tl I ... I , 1 it vt m--m iu uieso worus: find rorks wonders now nud then. uert-iiesa lawyer, an honest muul frohandri-d yenrsiigo n treatise win Is- uu me iiue, -iJooiiisaav Approaeli mth Thunder and Lightning tor Lnw- a ur-jiiii iient i-titriviiiiin .,r ., tury wrote In regard tot lint profession uni.: i nere is among us a society of InbM ut, from tlielr v,,nti, in ti... tt I Tim, n - It - i I. .,iji.uiib s uiey are paid, ly luiniiuiiiTii uir nil iTiiriirkun t iu k JlHii lillltlr lu LV-.- u I i . u 1( lllirj. j; Ul t. w: itmy neighbor has a mind to my i ho til-..j n i i . . J. - u,..-., mwjer io prove tllllt "(Ut to have mv tu,xv (mm nu r ,,,.,f 'auothcr lawvei tn ,ii,r...i .t..i. 'i r"!siusi an ruies ot law tlint u man p.micaK tor Himself. In pleading they l dwell upon the merits of the cause. -tv -.iri-umsiances, loreigu thereto, instance. t)wv An i,.t ti. ni ..... ll 1 J uui .like tim nnuuesi tO KUOW Willi! tltlrt mv. n,ln lion,.., I... " " v" .r' . r -v ul wiicuier ine cow De red witt her horns long or short or the F AfttT that Hll.U u.llr.Mrn n... piimeto time, nnd in twenty years they fc-uii . society iiitewise tins hiii .1 . JurBO" 01 ineir own, in "W their laws are written, and these lr...L -i- -'1""!" iiiuikjpiy, wuere flfrhivinni.fn....i..i Z' j t that It will take twelve years to decide Ifor ti . 10 me uymy auces- - .. urrunuua ueiongs to me or to "mi -, uir." W t things to show you that thero " J " "'- going on aown against r, -'u irom generation to genera- munorii ontne ground that '0D1ih n.n ,,,, ,ii.,a ., "nt to lu.v un.i i. 1 kiui. -1 ' " 1,u"1' lulv arraign K i.i", w""t t0 e8,nI'e the conse- i ,J l erune, anu as long as thut r- nil It 11 U'flfa ...III 1 .. I....' 1 . . r-Willi ,Jn,u WfBO.JUHt so long fcr . f cl"s,i"9 of men who will affect Nnnt i sl"80 tne lt'Kal profession. Ink. 7 1 1 a ,u 'ner countries, put I'?', ''"K ul wide acquaintance iln.iT proiession. 1 nave found li-irm l'ur'"s. 1 tarried In one f " offices for thi-iw tt. l,... .1...... Z I r1'.'''' ll,w'ers- Insurance lawyers. alum lawyers, nuu i ?, . ? ClRSS 01 mon more KKnlnl titloB 1 1 nere are lu tnut liobn 1 our 0?""lmt'on. men ltrii f V ona m',n "ul 11 1 Med 1. "'i ' 'KF"y I Ie an, ,i, 1 V "ouueu justice administered )i hi. .rotnBr uav8 my ubmlt ,,',' 7 01 ,twulve luwyers than to a iwelve clergymen. T'he legal pro- ihi il . . 11,18 le8S vlolenoe of prelu "wtobefoundtnthe sacred caU- Clu:J kowf-er, no man who has more rmt7. "I rt'sponslblllties than Plh. a ?,nd he wuo "empt8 to dls I ji utlcs of his position with only K r" 18 malt',, vefy 8rat liatk.. . "" fs '"8 scores 01 men who f i-roiession made eternal ship. Um ilT,M t.he men wn. with the J hind under their arm. have vlo- VnthlZ lule ot tu8 eternal Ood. K M trlbuna'8. who ghalV shiver mi tT LZ? Thurlow announcing "l?r ?" JWy government inthe W loii He.!. my earthly sovereign, t.hl 'J?'1 and looping to E wJB6MMM"-' Witnest Lord i0,Tind tn wckleM. Wit JK MMKencle, the exeorated ai. ifaaBi no that until tbla nj ' ebuwhTart, jdi. bargb, tha children whMla throngh the van 01 ine tomo, crying-: ' Bloody Ifackemie, come out it you danr. i.111 1 no anecK ana a raw tne Dar. No other profession mora hm.Ii h grace of Ood to deliver them in their temptations, Xp comfort them in their trials, to sustain them in the discharge i lueir amy. none 1 would nave yon bring the merchant to Christ, and while I would have you brinut the farmer to Christ, and while 1 would have you bring the mechanic, to Christ. I addraxa you now In the words of Paul to Titus. "Bring Zenas the lawyer." By so much as his duties are delicate and great, by 'so iiiueu uwi ut. uwu vnrisiiau stimulus ana safeguard. We all become clients. J do not suppose there is a man fifty years of age who has been in active life who has not been afflicted with a lawsuit. Your name is assaulted, and you must have legal protection. Your boundary line! is niTnueu, anu tne courts must re-cs tablish it. Your natent is in. fringed upon, and you must make the offending manufacturer rtav the nenaltr. Your treasures are taken, and the thief must be apprehended. You want to make your will, and yon do not want to follow the examnle ot those who, for the sake ot saving iuu rrom an attorney. Imperil t250, 000 and keep the generation following tor twenty years quarreling about the estate until It Is all exhausted. You are struck at bv an assassin, and yon must invoke for nim tne penitentiary. All classes of per sons In course ot time become clients, and therefore thev are all interested In the mor ality and Christian Integrity ot the legal profession. "Bring Zenas the lawver." But how Is an attorney to decidn'as'to what are the principles by which be should conduct lilmsolf In regard to his clients? On one extreme Lord Brougham will aO' pear, saying: "The inuoceuce or guilt of yourciient is nothing to you. You are to save your client regardless of the tormeat the suffering, the destruction of all others lou are to know but one man In the worl your client. You are to save him though you should bring your country Into confu sion. At all har.ards you must save your client." So says Lord Brougham, but no right minded lawyer could adopt that sentiment. On the other extreme Cicero will come to you and suv, "You must never the cause of a bod man," forgetful of the fnet that the greatest villain on earth ought to have a fair trial nnd that an attornov can not be judge and advocate at the same time. It was grand when Lord Krskine snerlfled his attorney generalship for the sake of defending Thomns Taine in his publication of his book called "Tho Bights of Mnn," while nt the snme time he. the ndvoente, abhorred Thomas Paine's Irre ligious sentiments. Between these! two opposite theories of whnt is right what shall the attorney do? (iod nlone enn direct him. To thut chancer)' ho must be nppeiinnt. nnu no will get an answer in nu hour. Blessed Is that attorney between whose oftlee and the throne of Ood there Is perpetunl, reverential mid prayerful com munication! That attorney will never mime an irrepiiriime mistake. True to the habits of your profession, you say, "Cite us some authority on tho subject."' Well, I quote to you the decision of the supreme court 01 nenven, "it any lack wisdom, let hlin nsk of Ood, who giveth to nil men lib orally nnd upbruldoth not, nnd it shall bo given mm." Wlint 11 scene Is the oftleo of n busy nt torney! In nilditlou to the mon whoeome to you from right motives, bad men will come to you. They will offer you a largo ii-o lor counsel in tlio wrong direction. They want to know from vou bow thev can escape from solemn marital obligation". They como to you wanting to know how they enn fail advantageously for them selves. They come to you wanting to know how they can mnko the insurance com pany pay for a destroyed house, which they burned down with tlielr own hands, or they come to vou on the slmnlo errand of wauting to escape payment of tlielr nonest ueuts. mow, it Is no easy thing to advise settlement when by urging liti gation you could strike n mine of remuner ation. It Is not n very easy thing to dampen the nrdor of nn Inliaineil contestant when you know through a prolonged law suit you could got from him whatever you nsked. It Is no ensv thing to nttemut to (llseourngo the suit for the breaking of n will In the surrogate's court because you know tho testator was of sound mind nnd l)0(ly whon be signed the document. It re quires no small heroism to dons I ouen heard nn attorney do in nn ofllce lu western eltv. I overheard the conversation when he said, "John, vou can go on with this law- suit, nnd I will see you through ns well ns 1 can, nut 1 want to tell you before you start that n lawsuit Is oqunl to n fire." Under the tremendous temptations that eomeupon tint legal profession there are scores of men who nave gone down, nnd some of them from being the pride of tho highest tribunal of the Stnto hnvo become a tllsgrneo to the Tombs courtroom. Every attorney, In ad dition to the iiiuute sense of right, wants the sustaining power of the old fashioned religion of Jesus Christ. "Bring' Zenas the lawyer." There nre two or three forms of temptn tlon to which the legul profession Is espe cially subject. The (lrst of nil is skepticism. Controversy Is the lifetime business of that occupation. Controversy muv be Incidental or accidental with us, but with you it is perpetual. ou get ho used to pushing the sharp question "Why?" nnd innklng uti nlded renson superior to the emotions that the religion of Jesus Christ, which is a sim ple nintter of faith, nnd above human ren son, although not contrary to It, hns but little chance with some of vou. A brilliant orator wrote a book, on the first page of which he announced the sontlmeut, "An honost Ood Is tho noblest work. of man." Skepticism Is the might iest temptation 01 tne icgnl profes sion, and that man who can stand In that profession, resisting nil solieltn tions to infidelity, and enn be us brave as Oeorge Briggs of Massachusetts, who stepped from the gubernatorial chair to the missionary convention, to plead the cause 01 a. dying race, tlien ou tils way home from the convention, on a cold day. took off his warm cloak and throw it over the shoulders of a thinly clnd missionary saying, "Take that ami wear it; it will do J 011 more good than it will me," or, like udge McLean, who can step from the su preme court room of the United 8tnto9 on to the anniversary platform of the Ameri can Hunduy-school union, its most power ful orator, deserves congratulation and en comium. O men of the legal profession, let me beg ot you to quit asking questions iu regard to religion and begin believing! The mighty men of yeur profession, Ktory and Kent and Mansfield, becameChristlnns, not through their heads, but through their hearts. "Except ye become as a littlo child ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom of Ood." It you do not become a Christian, 0 man of the legal profession, uutil you can reason this whole thing out in regard to Ood and Christ and the Immortality ot tho soul, you will never become a Christian at all. Only believe. "Bring Zenas tho lawyer. Auother mlghtv temntatlon for the leanl Erofesslon Is Habbath breaking. The trial as been going on for ten or fifteen days. The evidence is all in. It is Saturday night. The judge's gavel falls 011 the desk. and he says, "Crier, adjourn the court until iu o oioejc Monday morning." On Monday morning tlie counselor Is to sum upthecase. Thousands ot dollars, yea, the reputation and life of his oliont, may depend upon the suooess of bis plea. How will be spuud the intervening Sunday? There is not one law yer out ot a hundred that oan withstand the temptation to break the Lord's day under such ctroumstanoes. And yet it he does be hurts his own soul. What, my brother, yon eannot f before 12 o'olook Saturday night or after 12 b clock Sunday night God does not want you to ao at an. - nesiaea mat you want the 14 hours of Sabbath rest to give you that electrical and magnetic foroe which will be worth more to you before the jury ihan all tht elaboration of your cws on inn saerra aay. My intimate and lamented friend the late Judm KeiUnn i his Interesting reminiscences of Kufus unoate, says tnat during the last ease that gentleman tried in New York the court adjourned from Friday until Monday on account of the illness of Mr. Choate, but the chronicler says that on the intervening Sabbath he saw Mr. Choate In the old "Brick church," listening to the Rev. Dr. Gardiner Spring. I do not know whether, on the following day, Rufus Choate won his cause or lost it, but I do know that his Sabbatio rest did not do him any harm. Every lawyer Is en titled to one day's rest out ot seven. If he surrenders that, he robs three Ood, his own soul and his client. Lord Castle reagh and Sir Thomas Romilly were the leaders of the bar In their days They both died suicides. Wilberforce accounts tor their aberration of intellect on the ground that they were unintermittent in their work, and they never rested on Sunday. "Poor fol lowl" said Wilberforce in regard to Cas tlereagh; "poor fellow. It was mon observance ot the Sabbath!" Chief Justice Hale says: "When I do not properly keep the Lord's day, all the rest of the week Is unhappy and unsuccess ful In my worldly employment." I quote to-day from the highest statute book in the universe, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep It holy." The legal gentleman who breaks that statute may seom (or a while to be advantaged, but in the long run the men who observe this law ot God will have larger retainers, vaster Influence, greater irofnsslonal success than those men who ireak the statute. Observance ot the law of God pays not only spiritually and eternally, but It pays In hurd dollars or bank bills. Another powerful temptation of the legal profession is to artificial stimulus. No one except those who have addressed audiences knows about the nervous exbnustlon that sometimes conies afterward. The tern pta tlon to strong drink approaches the legnl profession at that very point. Then a trial is coming on. Through the 111 ventilated courtroom the barrister's health hns been depressed for tlnys nnd for weeks. He wants to rally his energy. He Is tempted to resort to artltlclul stimulus. It Is either to get himself up or let himself down that this temptation comes upon him. The flower of the American bnr, ruined In reputation and ruined in estate, said in bi last mo ments: "This Is the end. I nm dying 011 a borrowed bed, covered with n borrowed sheet. In a house built by public charity. Bury mo under that tree'in the middle of the field, thnt 1 may not be crowded; I al ways have been crowded." Another powerful temptntlon of the legal profession Is to allow tho absorbing duties of the profession to shut out thoughts of the great future. You know very well thut you who have so often tried others will after nwlillo bo put on trial yourselves. Heath will servo on you n writ of ejectment, nnd you will bo put off these eartlilv promises. On thut tiny all the affairs of your life will le presented In a "bill of purtieulnrs." No certiorari from n higher court, for this is the highest court. The (lav when Lord Kx eter was tried for high treason; tho day when the house of commons moved for the Impeachment of Lord Lovnt; the dnyswheu Charles I. nnd Queen Caroline were put upon trial; the tiny when Robert Kmniet was ar raigned ns nn insurgent; the day when llleunerlinsset was brought Into the court room because he had tried to overthrow the United States (iovcnime nt, and nil the other grent trials of the world are nothing coin- pared with the great trial In which yon nnd I slinll appear, summoned before the Judge of quick and dead. There will be no plead lug there "the statute of limitations," no "turning state's evidence." trying to get off ourselves while others suiter; 110 "mov ing for a nonsuit. The case will come on Inexorably, and we shall be tried. You, my brother, who hnvo so often been ndvo ente for others, will then ueed an advocate for yourself. Have vou selected Hlin. the Lord Chancellor of the Universe? If any man sin, we have 1111 advocate, Jesus Christ the righteous. It is uncertain when your case will be called on. "U ye also ready." i.oni Asuimrton and .nr. Wallace were lending barristers in their dnv. Thev died about tho same time. A few months before their deeenso they happened to bo in the same hotel in a villnge, the one counsel going to Devonshire, tho other going to ijolidon. They had both been seized unoii by a disease wiilch thev knew would be fa tal, ond they requested that they be carried Into the same room and laid down on sofas, side by side, that they might talk over old times nnd talk over the future. So they were carried in, and, lying tnero on op posite sofas, they talked over their old contests lit the bar, ami thou they talked or the future world, upon which they must soon enter. It was said to have been a very nlTocting and solemn Interview between Sir. Wallace und Lord Ashlmrton. My subject to-day puts you sblo by hide with those men in your profession who have departed this life, some of them sken- ticnl nnd rebellious, some of them penitent, childlike nud Christian. Those were wan dering ftars fur whom Is reserved the blackness of darkness forever, w hile theso others went up from the courtroom of earth to tho throneof eternal dominion. Through Christ tho ndvoente these got glorious acquittal. Iu the other ease It was a hope less lawsuit an unpardoned sinner versus tho Lord Ood Almighty. Oh, what disas trous litigation! Behold, he comes! The Judge, tho Judge, the clouds of heaven, tho judicial ermine, tho groat white throne, the judicial bench, the archangel's voice tllllt Hlinll U'llLn t lie ilenil Him nrl.iv "SVit.i.. ye blessed; depart, ye cursedfthe acquittal or the condemnation. "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and tho books were opened." LIVED WELL ON SIX CENT MEALS. In Fifty-One l)uy Four Students Ex. peildeil Only 38.U0. Client) living and good Hvlnir Is what the fourstudouts of the Y. M. C. A. Training School lu Hpriuglleld, Mass., who have ooiiniuu tuemseives tor the Inst eight weeks, with the aid of one of Edward At kluson's Aladdin ovens, have hud. An av erage cost per meal for each person of six cents, an average week's board of 41.20, did not preclude their having wholesome and appetizing fare. How they lived can be judged by tho bills of fare. For breakfast they usua'ly unti mnn. cocoa, oread and Putter nnd some cereal. Roasts, stews, soups, baked beans or eggs constituted tho chief arti cles for dinner, nnd tho cooking begun di rectly after breakfast. Dessert consisted of some kind of pudding, with dates and llgs. For supper, bread und butter, cake and some fruit sauce, with lemonade, made up the bill of fare. from April 22 to June 13 an account nt everything purchased was kept in Itemized form. This demonstrated that the total expense during that period was only W.C0. FICHTING CRASSHOPPERS. A Bounty of Fifty Cent a Bushel to Be ON fered for the Insect. State Trrlirntlon Cnmmlaulnnnr r?lirn..A of Kmlfli riflbnln hns limf Hhipn.J Ldmuuda County, where he has been di recting measures to destroy the grasshop pers, which have alarmed settlers there and In Brown County, l'rofessor Hnundors, nf tllH MtntA Afyrletiltiirnl f-nllAf... la am .k . .. ., M Jil v 110 ground superintending the work. Four teen "hopper dosers" nre In use. Crude petroleum Is shipped by the railway free and used in the work. One can gather about A llllsliel nf fra.iuiliniinMia In I.hh minutes. They move across the road like a ig gray Dianitet, anu nave already done much damage. The Commissioners will offer a bountv nf flftv citnta a ImuhAl fn.o,. insects. . Bleets Senators by Popular Vote. Next September, for the third time Rnnth Carolina will elect a United State Senator By a popular vote. . .., . . TOPIC FOR SUNDAY, JULY 4. "ConucraUd Patriots: What will Tkty dr Deat xxxii. Ml Daily Bladings. Patriotism. June iS. Christ's patriotism. M&tL xxlil. 29-39. June 29. David's patriotism. Ta. xxxtil. 12-22. June 30. Nehemlah'a patriotism. Neh. 11. 1-20. July L Solomon's patriotism. 1 Kings ill. 5-14. July 2. Ellsha's patriotism, i Kings xlil. 14-19. July S. Samuel's patriotism. 1 Sam. .vltl. 10-22. July 4. Consecrated patriots: what will they do? leut. xxxll. 1-1S. Scripture Verses. Neh. I. 1-4; Ps. xvl. S, 6: xlvlll. 12. 13; cxxxvll. 5. 6; Matt, xxlll. 37: 1 Cor. 1. 2; Kph. II. 6. 19-22; I'hll. III. 20; Heb. 111. 1. 2, 5, S. Lesson Thought. It la a sad thing and dangerous for the nation when It has grown so strong that it feels independent ot the divine power that has brought It from weakness to strength, and ungrateful ly and presumptuously acts without recognition of the kind providence that has sustained It. There Is no such thing as private citi zenship. Kvery citizen sustains im portant relntions to his country and to his fellow citizens, and consecrated pa triotism will secure faithful fulfillment of these duties. Selections. Our debt .to our country needs to be linked with the thought of our duty to t!od. True patriotism must ret on a religious basis; political problems must be solved by Christian principles. Christianity must leaven all our na tional affairs, or national corruption will leaven the churt h. lie serves his country best Who lives pure lite, nnd doeth righte ous tleed. And walks utmlght paths, however others struy; And leaves bis sons ns uttermost be quest A stainless record which nil men may rend. Citizenship Involves privileges nnd tlutictt. Wo enjoy the privileges, and we are transgressors of tllvlne law, nnd nre moral cownrds. If imt worse. If we neglect our responsibilities and duties. O land of lands, to tboe we give Our iove, our trust, our service, free; For thee thy suns shall nobly live. And nt thy in ed shall die for thee. The age culls for men who will place righteousness and public welfare above personal prosperity. If the evils or the world are ever to be over come, they will In- overcome by the unselfishness nnd heroism of pelf-sac-rlflolng love on I ho purt of nil who call themselves follower of Jesus Christ. NEWSY CLEANINCS. There were 1700 dentin in Chicago in May, The Texas wheat crop this year is put ut 30.000,1X10 bushels. Mexico's Government has been asked to rlil tho country districts of horse thieves. Tolling is the new outdoor game, de scribed as resembling both golf und tennis. Nine tons' weight of coppers am taken every week from the London penny-in-lue slot gas meters. St. Louis Mo., has a 'pretty little year- Villi girl named "Cyelonla," beenuse she was born tho night of the great storm. Heart trouble, caused by the excitement of going for a physician ut 2 a. in. for Ills wife, killed a sexagenarian or lieamun, .110 The number of metnber of the Kngllsh rnriiament in IHIM! was (170, divided as follows: l-.ngluud, 4'Jo; Ireland, 10J; .Scot land 72. lteports from 'JlOii planters nnd cotton Healers indicate tuero Is an increase in cotton nerengu tills year over last yeur of V7U,(kxi acres. J. Nat. llarliin. Senator Hearst's old niln lug partner of early California days, has been discovered alive In Mexico. Ho lias been thought ileud for fifteen yeurs. 1 1 A continuous round trip of eighty miles over electric roiuls Is now possible at llos ton, and it is also sabl to 1st tho cheapest trip tlmt can be made In that region. rrini-e l.ulgl of Kavoy, who hns started from San I raneisco to climli Mount I'.lins carries a rope for scaling purposes which is a curiosity in Its way. It cost ifriOU. One hundred nnd eight French Canadians, In twenty-two families, have left Michigan for tint Lake Kt. J0I111 region of Canada where tho Colonization Jiepiirtiueiit gives JW acres of fund to euch family, Near Alachua, Via., a man who bad just put some tools into a chest nt approach of 11 storm was struck by lightning and killed us he stood under an oak tree, which was photogruphed perfectly ou his body by tho uuid. Switzerland Is to follow Italy and Bel gium in reckoning time up to 24 o'clock In place of twice 12. In Belgium, where the new system was introduced on the 4th ol June, thero Is much growling at the ciiange. Grasshoppers nre threatening the wheat crop iu the eastern parts of Washington Ktntu. Homo of the farms have been stripped of everything green, while others adjoining. It Is said, have not bueu touched by tne insects. Tntrlck lluneheon, the wealthiest land owner In northern Indiana, died recently at tho age of seventy. Ho was knowu widely for his eccentricities. Ho lived with His brother, both being bachelors, under tho same roof for thirty years without speaking to him and died with the silence unbroken. His fortune is estimated ut about 1,000,000. r-x lit. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a i.t ay. y$llfi?'-Xc4ti -Well Man 15th Day. MP of M THE GREAT 30th Day. produce the above result ln'30 ileys. It .-ta pownrlully and ipilckly. Cure wIimi all otliern (ail loiiuKinim wiiirt-uaiu tlielr hut manhood. and old men will recover tlielr youthful vmor bjr uaing III-: VIVO. It (illicitly and mirtly rettorci Ni-rvuu. nous. lAi,t Vitality, Impotcucy, Nmiitly Knihwlons. Ut l'ownr. (all I iik Memory, Wanllnii PUt-aiu-a. and all cin-cn of aelf-abiw orcxenmand inriiacretlon, which unlit ana tor ituily. buatneu or marriage. II not only cure by aUrtlnj at the wit ot disease, but it a great nerve tnnle and blood builder, bridg ing bark the pink glow to pale check and re storing Die lire of youth. It wrd off Innanity and Conaumptinn. Insist on having other. It can be carried in vct pocket. By mall, 1.00 per package, or lx for VS.OO, with a pol tW written guarantee to cut er refund the money. Circular tree. Addreaa 10YAL 1EDIC1IE CO.. 271 Watarti it, CHICAGO, ILL For sale at Mlddluburgh, Pa., by . W. U, 8PANGLEB. WANTED-AN IDEA WSSX&i thins to patent t Protect your Ideas -.they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKIt gUrlN A CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington . 0.. for their IWWu priaa otter. - . gjp World Loves g a Winner" ) Our 'Ninety-Seven M W Complete Line of V jjm are the 1 1 fi MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO. f$ M CHICAGO HEW TORE LOflDON W fi Retail Salesrooms: J L(? 13 J Dearborn St. 87-H Ahlnd Ave. (Tji I wheels,! H W"Ji "M & Ladiis', Gentlemen's & TcnrJem. I XZ Tin Lightest Uuunin- Wbct Is on ICirlh. I I I THE ELDREDOE f I f B?f I THE BELVIDERE. f 51 .3 lval-'3Wi;ioC:)odSel7g Machines! ? V VViiy Shouldn't weMaka Good V.'hools! 5 1 .1 J National Sewing Machine Co., K A .VI ) l'-r inj-v?) , Factory: K nHPn-i.iirn ,ic ,or t,,e l .. UUUU U 11 1 U Tobacco habit. viTOrHR" For sale by tho Atlantic Re. fining Co. Baco-Curo The only scienti fic cure for the Tobacco habit. 1 l.-ts riin-il thnuviiiiiN where utllrr n-lnrilli'S failril. Write lor priMils.) lines not depend "II VUVU VUlVVt'i!' lirtalile .v liariulrs. Dlrii-tliiu-i an- i-li-ar: I 'hi- nil lit 7'iiiiivii 'in irmif unti" llarn l 1110 Untitles yolt tn stop. Is file Oriiffmil II f( fi it liiiiirtinlir Kt'iiit-ily that ri'fiimls vuur niuii-i-y II It fail-- to t-iin-. Invt-stluate lliii-u-) urn lii-fnrtt laklin; any rt-im-ily lor Hut Tuliacro Habit. All linguists lire iiutlinrli-U tn srll Iliirn-Ciirn Willi our IriiiK-latl writti-n miaranlit-. tine lux; a lnuii'it iKiiiirnnti-iil rnn-i V.'.'-ii If your UnmifitliliH-ri nut ki-i-i it, tti- Kill wind it. w rilit fur frit- iHnikli-t unit priMif. t l UKK A IIKV.K l. A MM. CO., L ,., Uk Baco-Curo Baco-Curo rilLOOD poison U r"r"JJ""',8-tay. Vniicnnbotrimtcdal W Ihonmfi.riwmo prn oiinilcraaniniriii.i.! J'r.. . r ''!?" hero wo will cog. K.n.,,liL,C.'m V,,l "' """"h. SorVThTolu 1 iinpli-H, t iipnr :nltirii Sput, l ( Pr, njr partof tho bi.ily, llalror Kvehriw f,,iii2 ont. It I tins ti-i )iili.ry I1I.0 o V MS 75 we Kuarantio locum, wi mwIi! : I . ltil uatoranea und rliullck.e the , worl J ftS Z cane we nunnnt cure. 'i ,7 t!,Z,? 1, bullied tl.eeki.l l tile , 'Zl Jtaeu" ? U? Uonal gnarauiy. Alw.ilui,. iiroiiU no. t aiitilicniii.n. AtMn-m ooll Kpiwl'iiv SvB 301 ULaaoulo Xempio;iWt'iuiU1lIl;U a tr J JA -n rill 1 w Wm RIPANS TABULES are intended for children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as con fectionery. They may now be had (put up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for one dollar. Any druggist will get them if you insist, and they may always be obtained by remitting the price to The Ripans Chemical company' SDoiirK ST- L