id Ith .ntn. " Is tha basis of good health, PlirC tMd7 awnrea, mental, phys J. leal and d Iff entire strength. lOOQ It you are nrnrous, enrich parity your Woo4 with llood's Karea arllla. M T00 aro wk. hae no appetite !a to be strong, healthy and igor- uk Hood Barsaparilla, which will uaf your stomach, create an appetite and you up. i"i obij awa Because Hood's5 parilla fct,bet-l fart the OneTrae Blood Portlier. Uxi't Pills easy to take, easy to bay, easy to operate. Xo. gumaaer Care of Blanket. i.nkMs after the winter use are never Blanirtf ai without '1n' Manv hntisekemiera in view !!. .brinklnu aa'd dlscoloiin- caused 10 , i. .Mllsfv themsidres with airlnjr T .hikinff their blankets, but this is .Ju mistake, for if the work is prop Li, done the soft appearance and white siT retained for years. r ltuiHknt ,'ntiKlilt.rattna In lithlnit blsnkets is to have plenty of fi watranl good soap. An inferior cheap !n in reaily the cause of the Injury done miles gool in iinniens nu !!ua Hie lll're. When ready to boKin the ihske the blankets free of dust, till Mb'nrly full of soft hot water, aud-dis-'dlea thinl "f a cake of Ivory soap in It. Im od blanket in at a time and dip up and ...... ......I.I.... with 41. l iin.l. v.ri run OU blsnknts, or wash Hi washboard. 'After the blankets clean, rinse iui.m in narui wmt'r mini nfuiR A"" a Mil"! iuihk iu mo last 01 ... I . ,i Lrlwr. s"'1 'mnB "n tlie "ne unt" Then Itl Will I'1 K awuv ,u vvx nm-uniiy u iflnil'' the moth. Blankets washed in this IT Will Kf I' l' K Ili-nillirTO mill ,r terv mut'li lonjtcr than Jf put away Ljtd year after year, 1!. 1'abkeu. I.rt (roo il -1 . - II.. I.. ! ... U 1 1 V. Ilgtpnewlul B1IUUBI UIIIOIUII'UKtUVIIU , iwrsje heiitht of 18 feet, has been built l,MS-onii Ave., in Pittsburg, by the Bal- Ltto(tl I"1" million dollar improvement kn the Company is muaiuir ui iuui puiui. Naval Tank. The new uiivul expei'lnn'tit tank nt ! Washington ynrd, in which mluLa- Vn war ships will lx tcstwl, will bo li) fret loiitf uu feist across, Jtid !de tlie water niuee will bp 475 by f,xt. Its dentil will ! It foet. Intuitu; across, close to the water, will carrlaKO tipou winch there will be ached a dynamometer to register th Litaiice due to towlnjr u model iromih Hie Imslu. Models, varylni: In bt front ton to twenty feet, of e-orv Iff ship to be built will bo Attached this luaciiinery and drawn through i? water. The wave motion w!ll lm Jwrccu ami the resistance It offers ill be calculated. The Mexican Herald says of a recent al panic at n bull fight: "The young !y was frlsliteued to death, but be- mlwltli imic'.i courage and self-po- kslon." This, we believe. Is thorough- characteristic of American corpses. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE For the Whiskers, Mustache, and Eyebrows. In one preparation. Easy to apply at home. Colors brown jf black. Tho Gentlemen's favorite, because satisfactory. t P. Ilui. Co., r-rnprlrton, N'uhut, N. II. Siu by til lru((lali. Raking and health making arc included in the makiuc of HIRES Uoolbcer. The prepa ration of this ercat tem perance drink is an event of importance in a million well regulated homes. HIRES Rootbeer is full of good health. Invigorating, appetiz ing, satisfying. Put some up to-day and have it ready to put down whenever you're thirsty. Made onlv by The 'V laamd cl,Hrl E. Hires Co., Wm Philadelphia. A pack- Sold everywhere. m The Rocker Washer hu provwl th aiMt HtiifMtorr wfltf'v t"wh luhtr ivvr nliMd udoi taarkal. It it warrftnuJ tm "rrtiniry family wathint " - a nm mn t w noilU, t9n M tan b ah4 o th ilMtr4. Wrili fur nnaa ..u ROCKER WASHER CO. iHmwu to Ut n ! pd. I' irnmf' Ar' d yell" nd ! ml "1 o m , tenv ndh.1 t.i.i ar t" .nd k, 1.T.1V 1 2V" AN, Tru uii r ' wni, n niim. "BuUllUlg, WMhillgtUD, i). C. UN Pan't fltriiig rlap-lrap ARDB run l rtTKl with eut IhHr knulil by Anil-Jin tlia iurvloii "it lor tfa. dnk liihlt. Pw,0 (ta tll,P W aJr. N. V. SLOS .TO "wild .N aFBi (j UUyirnii. uimi i mm suxDiT mm A GOSPEL MESSAGE. Qomb Tlrtorla' Job lies Waa tha RaVmt of the Mlnltrr'llaraurae, aadlt Wb Dellmwd Bvfora tha Chaataaqua al Beatrice, KekAa Kloqaent TribaU. Text: "What wilt thou, Queon Esther?' tmT.,j, This question which waa asked of a queen ttiousandsof year ago. all civilized na tions are this day asking of Oueeu Victoria. Wbat wilt thou have of honor, of reward or reverenoe or service, or national and in ternational aeetamationT What wilt thou tna queen of ton nineteenth oentnrv? The seven miles of procession through the streets of London will be a small part of nm rungrriuuiaiory procession wnose mul tltudinous tramo will encircle the rth The celebrative anthems that will sound up rroaj Westminster Abhev and Ht. Paul cathedral Tn London will be less than the vibration of one harp string as compared With the doxologles which this hour roll un from all nations in praise to God for tha beautiful life and the glorious reign of this oldest queen amid many centuries. From (o'clock ot the morninir of 1H.X7 when the Archbishop of Canterbury addressed the emoarrassea and weeping and almost af frighted Rirl of eighteen vears with the startling werds, "your majesty," until this sixtieth anniversary of her enthronement the prayer of all Rood people on all sides of tne seas, wneiner mat praver be otTered by the S09,000,0ttj of her subjects or the larger number of millions who are not her sub. ects, whether that prayer be solemnlr.ed in church or rolled from great orchestras or poured forth by military bands from forts and battlements and in front of triumphant armies all around the world, has beuu and la now, "Hod save the queen. ' Amid the innumerable columns that have been printed In eulogy of this queen nt the npproncning anniversary columns which put together, would b literally miles long It seems to me that the chief cause of con gratulation to her ami of pre.lse ot God has not yet been properly em phusined, and in many cases the chief key note hns not been struck at all. We have been told over aud over aguin wlmt has occurred in tho Vloto. riun era. The mightiest thing sue hns done has been almost ignored, while she hns been honored by having her name attached to individuals and evcuts for whom and for which she had no responsibility. We have put before us thn names of potent and grandly useful men and woman who have lived during her reign, but I do not suppose that she at All helped Thomas Carlylo in twisting ins involved and mighty satires, or neipeii iiisr.icii )n issuance or Ills epi grammatin wit, or helped Cardinal New man in his crossing over from religion to religion, or helped to Inspire tho en- enauinii sentiments of (teorgo t.llot anil Harriet Martliieuii and Sirs. Krowning or neipea to invent unv of (leorgo Cruik shanks healthful cartoons, or holned Oeorge firey in founding a llritlsh South Arneaa empire, or kindled tho patriotic fervor with which John llriuht Rtlrred thn masses, or had anything to do with the invention of the telephone or photograph, or the building up of the science of bue terlology, or tho directing of tho ltoentgeu nivs which nave revoiutioiuxcii surgery, or Helped in tho inventions for facilitating print ing and railroading and ocean voyag ing. One Is not to be credited or discredited lor the virtue, or the vice, the brilliance or the stunidltv of Ills or her content nomi-lns While Queen Victoria has been the friend of all art, all literature, all science, all in vention, nil reform, her reign will bo most remembered for all time and all eternity as me reinn 01 uuriKiinniiy. Beginning with thnt scene nt 5 o'clock in the morning In Kensington palace, where she asked tho Archbishop of Canterbury to liray for her, and they knelt down, imp'lor- niK oivihh gumnuce uniu mis uour, not uiuy-iu uie suiiiime liturgy or her estab lished church, but on all occasions, she has directly or indirectly declared, "I believe in lod the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, 11 mi In Jesus Christ, his only be gotten Hon." I declare it, fenrless of 'con tradiction, thnt tho mightiest champion of Christianity to-day is tho throno of Eng land. The queen's book, so much criticised a" the time of its appearance, some saying n was not suiiiiuiiy none and some saying that tho private affairs of a household ought not so to have been exposed, was nevertheless a book of vast usefulness from tho fact that it showed that Ood was acknowledged in all her life and that "Hock of Ages" was noi nn unusual song 111 Windsor Castle. Was her sou, the Prince of Wales, down with an illness that baffled the greatest doctors of England? Then she proclaimed u day of prayer to Almighty Ood, and in answer to tho prayers of the whole civilized world the l'rince got well. Was Sevastopol to bo taken and the thousands of bereaved homes of soldiers to be comforted, she called her nation to its knees, and the prayer was answered. Heo her walking through the hospitals like nn nngel of mercy. Was there ever an explosion of lire damn In tho mines of HheffleJd or Wales and her telegram was not tho first to arrive with help and Christian sympathy? Is President Garfield dying at Long Branch und is not the cable under the sua reaching to E ilmoral Castle kept busy In announcing the symptoms of the sufferer? I believe that no throne since the throne of David and tho throno of Uozeklah and tho throne of Esther has been in such con stant touch with the throne of heaven as the throne of Victoria. From what I know of her habits she reads the Bible more than sha does Shakespeare. HI10 admires tho hymns of Horatio Bonar more than she does Byron's "Corsair." She bus not know ingly admitted into her presence a corrupt manor dissolute woman. To very distin guished novelists and very co'lebrnted orima doumis sho has declined reception because they wore immoral. All tho com ing centuries of tlmo cannot revoke the advantages of having had sixty years ot Ciiristiau womanhood enthroned in the pnlnws of England. Compare her court surroundings with what were tho court surrouudings In the time of Henry VIII., or what were the court surroundings in tho time ot Napoleon, hi the tiuieof Louis XVI., iu the times of mon and women whose names may not be mentioned in decent so ciety. A Ins! for tho revelries, and the worse than Belshazznr feasts, and tho more than Herodlan dauees, and the scenes from which tho veil must not be lifted. You need, however, In order to appreciate the purity and virtuous splendor of Victoria's reign to contrast it somewhat with the gehennus and the pandemoniums of many of the throne rooms ot the past and some of tho thronerooms ot the present. I call the roll of the queens of the earth, not that I would have them come up or come back, but that I may make them the background of a picture in which I cau better present the present septuagenarian, so soon to be an octogenarian, now on the throne of Eng land, her example so thoroughly on the right side that all the acandal mongers in all the nations in six decades have not been able to manufacture nn evil suspicion iu regard to her thut could be made to stick; Maria ot Portugal, Isabella and Eleanor and Joanna of 8pnin, Catherine of Itussia, Mary of Hootlnnd, Maria Theresa ot Germany, Marie Antoinette of France and all the queens ot England, as Miss Htrlck lund has put them before us In her charm ing twelve volumes, and while some queen may surpass our modern queeu in learning, and another in attractiveness of feature, and another in gracefulness of form, and another in romance of history, Victoria surpasses them all In nobility aud grandeur and thoroughness ot Christian character. I hall her, the Christian daughter, the Chris tian wife, the Christian mother, the Chris tian Queen, and let tha church ot God and all benign and gracious Institutions the world over ery out, as they come with music and bannered host, and million voiced huzea, and the benediction of earth and heaven, "What wilt thoo.Queaa Esther?" Another thing I call to your attention In this illustrious woman's earner ia that the is specimen ot high life uncorropted, Would sha have lived to celebrate tha aiz. tieth anniversary ot her coronation and tha seventy-eighth anniversary ot her birthday had she not been an example of good prin ciples and good habits? While there have been bad men and women I exalted station and humble station who have carried their vices clear into the seventies and elirhtiM and even the ninetlea of their lifetime, such persons are very rare. The majority ot the vicious aie in ineir mimes, and fewer reach the forties, and they are exceedingly scarce la the fifties. Longevity has not been the characteristic of the most of those wbo have reached high places In that or this country, in many casea their wealth leads them Into indulgence, or their honors make there reckless, or their op portunities oi doing wrong are multi plied into the overwhelming, and it is as true now as when the Bible flrst pre sented It, "The wicked live not out half their days.' Longevity ia not a positive proof of goodness, but It is prima facie evi dence in that direction. A loose life has killed hundreds of eminent Americans. A loose life Is now killing hundreils of emi nent Americans and Europeans. The doe tors are very kind and the certificate given after the distinguished man of dissipation Is dead, says, "Died of congestion of the brain." although it was delirium tremens, or "Died of cirrhosis of the liver." al though It was a round of libertinism, or "Died of heart failure," although It was the vengeance of outraged law that slew him. Thanks, doctor, tor you are right in saving the feelings of the bereft household by not being more sneelllc. Look.ali ye who are In high placesof earth, and see one who has been plied bv all the temptations which wealth and honor and the secret place of palaces could produce, and yet next Tuesday she will ride along in the presence of 7.000,000 people. If thevenn get wlthlu sight of hercharlot.ln the vigor ous old age, no more hurt by the splendors that have surrounded her for seventy-eight, yeurs thau is the plain country woman come down from her mountain home In nu oxcart to attend the Saturday marketing. I believe more people die of improper eating than die of strong drluk. The former causes no delirium or violence and works more gradually, but none the less fatally. Queen Victoria's habits, self-denying and almost ascetic, under a good Priivldonce, account for her magnincent longevity. It may be a homely lesson for a sexagesimal anniversary In British palaces, but it Is worth all the millions of dollars the cele bration will cost, and tho laborious con vocation of the representatives from nil the zones of the planet. If the nations will learn the sanitary lesson of good hours, plain food, outdoor exercise, rensonnblo nbstl neuceand common sense habits. That which Paul said to the Jailer is just as appropriate for you and for me "Do thyself no hHi-m " And here let me say no people outside nf (ireat Brltala ought to lm more interested In this queen's Jubilee than our nation. The cradles of most of our ancestors were rocked In Great Britain. Thev ulnveil in childhood on the banks of the' Tha'iios or the Clvdoor the Shannon. Take from my veins the Welsh blood nnd the Scotch blood', and the st renins of my life would be a shal low, (ireat Britain Is our irrnndmother Again, this International occasion Im presses mo with the fact that woman Is ompetent for political government when God calls her to it. Great fears have been "Hold fast that bo man taka th crown Crowns, crowns, crowns! Von did not ex. peet In coming here to-day to be Invited ta a coronation. Yon can scarcely believe yonr own ears, but tn the name of a uar. donlng God and a sacrificing Christ and an omnipotent Holy Spirit and triumphant heaven I offer each one a crown torthe ask ing. Crowns, crowns! How to get tha crown? The way Victoria got her crown, on her knees. Although eight duch esses and marquises, all in cloth ot silver, carried her train, and the win dowa and arches and root of the abbey shook with the "Te Drum" ot the organ in full diapason, she had to kneel, she had to eome down. To get the crown ot pardon nd eternal life, you will nave to kneel, vou will have to -come down. Yea. History says that at her coronation not only the en tire asseembly wept with profound emo tion, but Victoria was In tears. So you will have to have your dry eyes moistened with tears. In your case tears of repentance, tears of joy, tears of coronation, and you will feel like crying out with Jeremiah, "Oh, that my bead were waters and mine eyes fount altis of tears." ' In all the ages ot time noone ever had such a bard time as Christ while he was on earth. Brambles for His brow. exveo torntlons for Hiseheck, whips for His back, spears for His side, spikes for His feet, contumely for His name, and even in our time how many say He is no Christ at all, and there are tens of thousands of hands trying to push Him back and keep Him down. But, oh, the human nnd satnnlo Impotencyt Can a spider stop an albatross? Can the ' hole which the toy shovel nf a child digs in the sand at Cape May wallow the Atlantic? Can thobreath of a summer fan drive back the Mediterranean ouroclydon? Yes, when nil the combined forces ot earth and bell can keep Christ from ascending tho throne of universal dominion. David the psalmist foresaw that coronation nnd cried out in regard to the Messiah. "I'pou Himself shall His crown Nourish." From tbecave of black basalt St. John foresaw it and cried, "On His head were mnuv crowns." Now do not miss the beauty oi that figure. There it no room on uny head for more than one crown of silver, gold or diamond. Then what does the book mean when It says, "On His hend were many crowns?" Well, it means twisted nnd enwrcntttcd flowers. To prepare a crown for your child and make her the "queen of the ".May" you might take the white flowers out ot 011a parterre mid the crimson flowers out of another parterre and the blue flowers out ot another p'irterre and the pink flowers out of another parterre nnd gracefully and skillfully work these four or live crowns Into one crown of beauty, ho nil the splendors of earth nud heaven are to be enwrent lied Into one cumim! for our Lord's forehead one bliulng glorv, one daz.liug brightness, one overpowering perfume", 0110 down flushing, up rolling, outspreading mngiiitlcence, und so on his head shall be many crowns. The world's best music will vet be sound ed in His praise, the world's best architec ture built for His worship, the world s best paintings descriptive of Ills triumphs, the world's best sculpture perpetuate the mem ory of Ills heroes and heroines. Already the crown woven out of miinv crowns Is be ing put upon Ills brow. Ills scarred feet are already ascending the throne. A care ful statistician estimates that In l'.)50 there will lie 174,000.000 people Iu the I'nited Stntes, and bv the present ratio of unit ing with the church 100.000,000 of them will be church members. What Keep thtt Month Rhat. If you woiikl aruld cold, keep Mm mouth abut hea cotulnjf out uf nn over-heated room, esutvlully late at ulirht, and lirvr.the through the noev. Clillla rv apt t wisue when" ix-ople talk freely while out of doors just .if tor leaving a room full of hot ulr, aud I theater-coera who dlwuss ami laugh I over the play ou their way home are Inviting Illness. It Is. In fact, during youth that the grwitcr number of man kind routract habits of Intlanuimtlou which make their whole life a tissue of disorder. "I" ' mi" country tllllt Woman think v of thnt v.. i...slmlsls Instilre.l l would get tho right nf suffrage nnd ann..,.i.,'.,iii 'i-i... r.....i .... 1.. .1 1' verse is tho kingdom of sat 11 11. The grand est throne of nil tlmo und all eternity is the one that Christ is now mounting. The most ot us will not see the consummation In this world, but we will gaze on It from the high heavens. The morning of that consummation will arrive, and what astir In tho holy cilyl All the towers of gold will ring its arrival. All the chariots will roll into line. The armies of heaven which John saw seated 011 white horses passing in inlliiite cavalcade. The In habitants of Europe, Asia, Afrlen, North and South America and of all islands of tho sea, and perhaps of other worlds, will join in a procession compared with which that of next Tuesday will not make one bat talion. The conqueror ahead, having on his vesture nnd on bis thigh written, "King of kings and Lord of lords," und when he passes through the chief of the twelve up lifted gates, all nations following, may you and I be there to hear the combined shout of church militant and church triumphant. Until the choirs staiiding on "the sea of glass mingled with lire" shall Hound the tiiiimpli in niorejiibllunt strains. accompanied bv harpers with these triim pots, the hundred und forty and four thou sand coming Into mo ciiorus, 1 ttiliik wo will stick to Isaac Watts old hymn, which the 5000 natives of Tonga, Fiji and Samoa sang when they gave up their Idolatries for Christianity, and 1 would not ne surprised to see some of vou old heroes of the cross who for a lifetime bnvo been toiling iu the service, beating time with your right hand a little tremulous with many years: Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore Till suns shall rise and set uo more. Let every creature rise and bring Peculiar honors to our King; Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud amen. consequence after awhile reach the chief magistracy. Awfull Well, better quiet your perturbations, as vou look across the sea. In this anniversary time, and behold a woman who for sixty years has ruled over me mightiest empire of all tlmo and ruled wen. in approval of her government the nanus 01 an nations are clunping, tho Dags of all nations waving, the butteries of nil nations booming. Look hero! Men have not made such wonderful success (if bov. miuueiu uiniuiey neeu oe nf raid that wo men should eVer take a turu nt power. flin fact is that men have made a bml mess of it. The most damnably corrunt thing on earth Is American politics nfter men nuve nun it an meir own way in this country for 121 years. Other things being equal for there are fools among women as wen as among men 1 say other things be ing equal, woman lias generally a keener sense 01 wnnt Is r irht and what is wr.mir man nas man uns uniiirnilv mora fa Ith n God and knows better how to make self sacrifices and would more boldly act against intemperance nnd the social evil, and worst things niiirht come to this cum. try tliau a Biipremocourtroom and a Senate cnamiier and a House of Representatives in which womanly voices wero sometimes heard. We men had better dron noma of iiih sirui out 01 our pompous gait and with a utile lessor superciliousness thrust the thumbs Into tho sleeves of our vests and be ess apprehensive of tho other sex. who seom to bo tho Lord s favorites from the fact that ho has made morn of them. If woman Had possessed an influential nnd controlling vote on Cnpltol hill at Washing ton and in the English Parliament, do you think that the two ruffian and murderous nations of the earth could have gone on until this tlmo with tho butcheries iu Ar menia and Cuba? No. The Christian nations would bnve gone forth with bread and medicine and bnnduges and military relief until Abdul Hamid would have had no throne to sit on. and Wev-ler tho commanding assassin iu Cuba, would have been thrust Into a prison as dark ns that In which they murdered Dr. Huiz. I am no advocate for female suffrage, and I do not know whether it would bo best to have it, but I poiut you to the queen of Great Britain ami the nation over which she rules as proof that woman may be politically dominant and prosperity reign. God save tho queen, whether now on tho throne in Buckingham palace or in some tlmo to come ia American White House. But as all of us will bo denied attendance on that sixtieth anniversary coronation I invito you not to tho anniversary of a eoso nation, but to a coronation itself ave, to two coronations. Brought up as we lire, to love as 110 other form of government that which is republican and democratic, we, living on this side of the sen, cuunot so easily ns those llvlsgontho other side of the sea appreciate tho two coronations to which all up and down tho Bible vou and I are urgently invited. Some of von have such morbid ideas of nil I do 11 thnt you think of it as going down intc a dark collar, or out on a burrea common, or as flagellation, when, so far from a dart cel. Inr, it is a palace, aud instead of a barren common it is a garden, utoss with tho brightest fountains that were ever rain- bowed, and Instead of flagellation it is coronation, but a coronation utterly ecllps- iuk uuo wnose sixiieiu anniversary is now being celebrated. It whs a great day when, about an eighth of a mile from tho gate of Jerusalem, un der a Bky pallid with thickest dnrkuoss, and on a mountain trammeled ot earth quake, and the air on tire with the blas phemies of a mob. a crown of spikes was put upon the pallid and aironlced brow nf our Jesus. But that particular coronation. amid tears and blood and groans aud shiv Ing cataclysms, made your own corona tion possible. Paul was not a man to lose his equilibrium, but when that old mis sionary, with crooked back and in flamed' eyes, got a glimpse of the crown coming to htm, and coming to you, if you will by repentance and faith aooept It, he went into eoatasles, nnd his poor eyes Hashed and his crooked back straightened as he cried to Timothy, "There Is laid up tor me a orowu ot righteousness," and to the Corinthians, "These athlotes run to 'obtain a corruptible, we an Incorruptible.' crown." And to the Thessalonians he speaka of "the crown of glory," and to the Phillppians he says, "My Joy and crown." The apostle Feter catebea the Inspira tion and cries out, "l'e shall receive a crown ot slorv that fadeth tint awnv and Ht. John loins In the rapture and say's LOST FLESH. CAINED STRENCTH, Cavalrymen Live on Kninrgcnry Hat loon for Ten Days. Colonel Charles Smart of the medical de partment ot the army has Just returned to Washington from a trip, during which he made very successful experiments with the emergency ration. Ho accompanied Captain O. J. Brown ot the First Cavalrv and forty-four cavalrymen on a march of 210 miles. Thev left Fort Sill, Oklahomn May 17, subsisted on full rations two days, and then for ten davs depended solely on tho emergency ration, consisting of eight ounces bard bread, five ounces bacon, two ounce! pe i meal, one ounce coffee, one tab let saccharine, one-iourtn ounce tobacco and portions of salt and pepper. llio party traveled about twentv-ono miles n day, during which tlmo die weather was nlonsant. excel. t for two davs. when It allied. At the end ot the expedition the men nnd lost on an average of three pounds welL'llt. but tests with tho dynamometer showed an average increase of forty pounds in strength. Another nurtv of ten cavalrymen under Lieutenant V. H. Osborne, First Cavalry, with pack mules, traveled thosame distance in the same time by parallel lines with full rations. 1 hese meu lost an average of 1 1-3 pounds per man in weight, owiug to the change from garrison life, ltoads were avoided, directions being ascertained by compass. Colonel Smart will make an ex tended report ot the experiments to the sur geon general. AIRSHIP BURSTS OVER BERLIN.' Flrrd by an Explosion of Itemlne anil the Occupants Killed. Ilerr Woolfert. an aeronaut, accompanied by a mechanic, named Knabe, made an ex perimental ascent in a so-called steering airship from the Tempelhof Common, Ber lin, Germany. Wheu the balloon, which had been tilled at the military ballooning establishment, had reached a height of 8000 feet, a loud explosion was heard, aud the next moment the balloon was seen to be ablaze. The oar, which was also on Ore, detached itself from the burning silk and fell with fearful rapidity to the ground. - Both nf its occupants were found to be dead. Their bodies were horribly burned. It appears that the benzine used in the steering gear motor exploded, causing the disaster. Iowa's Costly Kpisootlc. llnnnita nt tht Auditor ft tha atntm ilmt. Faithful to death, and I will give thee a j that hog cholera cost Iowa '23.000,000 last crown ol life," and , elsewhere exclaims, I year. Fhate Into Tear Sbaae Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cum painful, swollen, smarting feat, aud lo taoUy tnkes the sting out of corns and bun ions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Kane makes ttght-tlt-tang or new rhocs feci rssy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, ach ing feet. Try II to-day. Sold by all drumcinU and shoe stores. Hy until for Sbc. In stamp. Trial mt'kuge Kit Kt, Address, Allen e. Old sted, Le Boy, N. V. rise's Cure for Consumption hns saved me many n doctor's hill. S. t . lUnuv, llupkius Place, llalliiiinre. Md.. lire. :', ?M. I f afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thorn v. t'rtwKtar.HniaiiistasellatSriv.per bottle. Tliar Is a Class mt Peepl Whe are Injured by the aaa of coffee. It. Cully Uivr ba brvn plarvd la all tlx (roevry torvsa nrw preparation railed Ormin-O.aiade of pure cmins, that taken lb place of coda. Ihr moat delicate atuuiacli rccrtvrt it without dlatrcas, end but few cau tell It f run roflne. It doe not cuet over one-quarter aa much. Children may drink it with treat heut-Ut. li eta. aud 34 cu. per package. Try IU Aak tut Uraiu-U. In olden times bones were collected from the balllcllelda, ground to powder, and Used to fertilize the laud. Fits permanently cured tr first dav'n use 1 Nerve ltctorvr. ('.'trial boltlr and treatise trre No fits or nerroua- n use of Dr. Kline's Orat neaa after flrst da Dk. K. U. Klin, Ltd., all Arch tu.l'liila..Pa. Kvcry passenger coach, baggage car, par Ir.r car and dining ear ot the It. yal Blue Line, between Washington and New York, has lieen repainted aud refurulkked during the past six months. Mp. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, rcducint; inllainina Uuu, ailuys pain, cures wiud colic. Sica bulUe. S. K. Cnburn. Mitr. CUrie Scott, writes- "I mid Hall's Catarrh Cure a valuable, remedy " DrugKisU sell it, ' The annual balance sheet of the Monte Carlo Cusiuo chows a prollt of tl.U.iO.OUU. St. Vitus' Dance. One bnlile Hr. Fenner'i Siwcilic curia. Circular, Krt'doula. N. Y. THE HEAT PLAGUE OF AUGUST, 1890. Mrs. Pinkham'a Explanation of tho Unusual Numbor of Doaths and Prostrations Amoutf Wouiou. The rreat neat plague, of August, ls'.m, was not, without its lesson, tine oouiii not inn to notice in t the dead throughout this count rv. that so i the victims were women in their thirties, un i.-omcn U' twee n forty-live mul iifty. . The women who succumbed to the pro tracted heat were women whose cneririos were exhausted hy suirerin-rs neeu I'm r to their sex; women who, taking no thought rt ..t tl ,...1 i I . . . L ... un iiini iii-., ui utj, 111 i.iciuu'r no nil- ' " lortti!iee to tirst symptoms, ulloweil their leuuue system to lieeome run down. Constipation, capricious nonet itc. restlessr forebodings of evil, vertigo, languor, nnd wt liess, especially 111 the morning, an itcliin sensation wineli smldenly nttaeUs one ut night, or whenever the Mood brcomos overheated, lire nil warnings. Don't wait too long; tolmild up your strength, that is now u positive necessity! l.yilia. K. J l'inliham's Vegetable Compound lias spe- filieeiirative powers. Voueannot do better than to commence u course of this grand ' he loug lists of 3ri' voltes 91 of lirjit symptoms you will sw hy Uw following 1 'ftl I al medicine. llv the neglect etter what terrible su tTcrimr came to Mrs. Cr.iijr, sitnl how she was cured : "I have taken l.yilia V.. I'inUliam's Vegetable Com pound nnd think it is the best medicine for women :u the world. 1 was so weak nnd nervous that I thought I could not live from one day to Hie next. 1 had pro lapsus uteri and leucorrlnea and thought I was go ing into consumption. I would r,.i M, faint I tiioui;l: I would die. I had dragp-iiiL' nains iu mv back. Imr:. ing sensation down to my feet, und mi many mi'ierab', d rW--v v "'g sensation down to my feet, und mi manv miserab' ' WfPl Vf,,, lilll-'s- 1'eople said that I looked like a dea 7 vJInSJs:! J laneii. i nail "i " "'' ' "f 1IU' ,,i:iUmI" "le-'Heine. 1 vc fl fy v K" noi ne. i niu iiol nave mncii laitn in it, hut Nf" 1 hilll.rl.t I Wiiiitit I ti" it .....I ; , I - r- ' ' . i.ii li, mum- tb lll- lw;.lilll o mo. I wish I could get every lady in the land to try it. for it did for lue what doctors could uut do." Mils. Sai.i.ih Ciiaiu, linker's Landing, l'a. greivn DISTINCTIVELY COLUMBIA. just 4 (cycles STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Slflfl10 ALI ALIKE. In the 1897 Columbia models a feature of special inportancc is the double fork crown a special con struction which we have tried and found to be the strongest. The crown is encased in nickeled escutch eons, excluding dust or dirt and giv ing a rich distinctive finish which tells the wheel Columbia at a glance. 1896 Columbias, $75 Hartford Bicycles, second only to coiumwas, $60, $55, $50, $40. POPE MANUFACTURING CO., Hartford, Conn. CATALOGUE FBEE FCCM ANY COLUMBIA DEALER : BY MAIL FROM US FOR ONE KENT STA.M?. EVERYMAN HIS OWW DOCTOR Ey J. nami'ton Ayei j, A. M U, D. This is n mot Va'iiililj ltnil; Tur tho HmispIinM, louohiii'' ns it iloiv tlio essily-clistiiiuiiliw 1 Symtitmn Of llilT'Tl'Ilt Discus . tliu C 11H, mi l Mi'ieisnf 1'ivvoaliii ; audi His nisiM, nn. I tV Kiuii!eat Ktfiiulijj ttuicu will nlliviato or cure. GDC PACES, rnoiijM'XY ii.i.uai iuTnr. Tin Hook w vvi ittiMi iii i!.'vumvrv ilny Kii'-IUh, nu I in five from th torim whicii rcn.lri- inosC Doctor Hook so vo'ii'lt'ss to tha "S. 'm hV '7 Bnraiuy or iva l.-is. Tins IIimIc i.4 rOy .W&PSitJ i",v" ,M tu lKS Nw.iu In tin ' fji L'iV Family, an I i so woriel ns to bj II KKfcT?''7 roa.lily iimlirstool l ynil. Only ' ' CO CTS. POST-PAID. "Dtorta Afltr Tafc.'a (11 lw ,,r;0J y j,,, um,0 poasitila liy the iinniiig elitioti printe 1. Nft only Joai fiis I loo; co'ittlu so much Information K.'liitird t I lisp l-ut wrf r iijr!y Hivm a l'otiilU Analysis of vvorylliiirj rtainlii ; to Com ia'.iio, Msrria; nn I t'n IY l'i -tl m and Kmrin c of t(--dtliy Pitmid; lo'otliw wiili Vuluiiilj I', viom mil Pr. srrlptiniia, Kt!annlioiis oi' Itntiiii'u-gl lYat'liis.', L'oi r't u of Oi'liu ii-y Iforbi. New lilition, ISevisj I nn 1 Kulnrd wit'i t'uuili In In. li t toi i Iksife in tbehnut, tliwo is tm et !iid fo.' not Iciiixriiir whit to do in nn onior ; u . Don't wait-until vou Iihvs IIIikms in vom- fx-niiy t.r.n- von onl Imt M'n i nt one for tlU valuable troliim-. ONLY CO CKXTS rST-l'AII. KeuJ poul tiotiKnr poaUcnstmiinii nt snv ilHiioniin iiioii Dot lar-. r Mini ft ivuU BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE IS4 LoonarJ Stroat. K. Y. Cit. r ,rnw: - as "' i . Vka- "Where Dirt Gathers, Waste Rules." Great Saving Results from the Use of