0) Absolutely Pure. .i.,hr-,ti for IU ereat leavening strength .lul bealllifulnes. Asjutrx Hie food against al-i-r.mi all forms of adulteration common to tne brands. KUYAL BAKING H)Wl)KRCO., jiKW YOllK. WAS MER FOR G'FOLLA IS. Bin j allien. JIisTEii Dkdckeb: Ich hob ticu g'sswt forgonga Jos ich luich not ferscbtuicra duh fur au couutv oflia in griegd, ovver ich hob mei inoinJ ufguiacht, so wie de rfancy Holla niol proposed hut., dos ich ahseh prueh much oa dor Bresidont Me Einley for en gate olli-t, uhue dos nil Jerwartis. Ich hob luich d inu de nnner wueh uf der waxe g'mocbt un bio Duch Washington gong:i. De Ssncy uu ich wahre dort uf W in auguratiou dawg un ich hob Bella juolif'uunt; g'larut for uf tiiieh Bt.-l wcrocht zu gcvva wauu ich nivvcr kumiu. Wiimi dor iiuch iiuiiui ich lio eich fcrzahlt lctsi-ht harbscht wie Dicreii trip g'maucht hea uuch. Can ton, Ohio, for der McKiuley uu sei familya zu b'auelia un wie sio uus n6 gut ufjj'uuuuuit hon zu Heller zeit. Mitdeiu dos ich der UcKiuloy gut lion wars nier en klahue soch ihu M b'eucha ia Washington un hob gazalilt eb ich fun humo bin cu r ti ter bargra mit ibm zu tnache eb ich tame kumm ovver ea gate net alle mol wie tner zahlt. Ich bin glicklich uuch Wasbingtou kumma un hob dann der wage (t'frogt zum Bresident si haus. We icbonde fedder dier kumina bin war en grosser schwartzer nayger dort un but mich bo schorf abga gucktos wann ich en dieb waer. Icb hob ihn ovver net g'notiat un hobgrawo zo dor dier nei wella un hut raoiner seeks der sassy nayger uich g'scbtoppt uu wissa wella wos ich will. "Wos ich will, du schworlzer ascV' bob ich g'sawd, 'was denkshtt Du bnuicht net donka dos ich de weitiug kumma biu for so'u gapul whter zu sauna wie du alms bisuht. Ufkohrs biu ich kumma for der Mc Kinley zu sahna; sell in was ich will" Ovver er lr.it inieh uefc nei lusaa wella, tlonio hob i.:U ihm moi luiiu tag gut g'sawn uu hob ihn zu for schtae erevvodos es ih'U ivvtl gate wjnn or net uf u suit schtato un Ut mich dei. Eudlich dauu bin ich ztt der dier nei kumma uu dort biu itp ferboftich widdor weddor en nay Mrg'rennt. Der hut ah ruingTuhlt dit mor bis er g'sahna hut dos ich so waer, no hut er raer de dier uf sfiuacbt. Ich bin dann in do zwet Khtub kumma un do war holesder Kuiuner widdor od nayger. Der sar youscbt so sassy os wie de on- aorer un ich hob ihm g'sawt wos ich ibrfon denk. "Dier nayger," hob ich c'sawt, "sidder dos der frei Kmac.bt worr Bint denkt der ahgend ce gons United Schtates un dos ronscut niemond ma enncs zu sawea hut." Erbnteu schnut g'mocht se gits os wie en lebkuche un do awger im kuprum g'rullt os wie rohm ima buttorfos. Ich bet ihm zimlich glei n abfoig gevva, ovver er hut sich urn Beit g'schtellt un ich biu dorch de dier in do naigscht schtub. Des ar en grosse schtub un do wahre about 50 odder CO mennor drin. Oin evvorer end wnr dor Itr-eni - lent uu dor wu om head fon der urup war but eppos im Bresident sei our gBpischpert un is nous on der onnerdier. Drrno is dor zwot mif souca un but sei spiechla g'macht, ua so Bin Bionucbnonneruftraschten- I't. Zimlich bol is mei zeit kumina unichbobahfangazu ziddora, weil '-! J bob net g'wiszt wos ich sawga mor wnr An ffrtnunr "engel fon menner un icd hob iiarcht Bio duhna mich ferlciht hara ann ich moi schpiech mach. Endlich is mei zeit kumma un wie ;n uiBHeht kumma bin hob ich moi jond nouRg'raicht un dor McKinley but bands g'Bchakt mit mer uu er warorriir frnirwliiMi Tli v,nl for. zWt fon uuserer trip nuch Canton u er but g'sawt dos er orrig froh is uich tu sabne un hut ah g'frogt wie Sawney ahkummt. Unnerdem is n vom delegation in de sohtub zu "Wakummoun der BroeidenJ hut icn miflzt ihn nau xcuea, dos er ia bisay is long mit mer m blin der. . Ich hob dann g'sawt, "good by Bill ; labe wobi an b'such uns wano da m6l in de ' Hiokerniss Valley kammscht." De crown hinnich mir hut ahfanga zu schieva an ich hob j mich ous'm wage g'schafft. Ich biu dann ea der dier naua un bin bol outsid'm building ahg'lond wu de nayger mich net gaboddert hen. Mei b'such hut mich reoht gut fiehla g'maucht un hob mer selwer forg'schtellt wos ich der Nancy fer zahla will derfon un dann is mer's uf ahmol in der sinn kumma wio'u blitschtrahl dos ioh net amol so lid os'n wort g'sawt hob zum Bresident wahich er guter offls. Mahnt mer dos der medsch so g'rattelt wan e kennthob ich gadeukt. Nucbuuol dorch seile lein fon nayger zugah un ferleicht fechta hob ich mei meiud ufg'macht dos ich net dub, un daun ivvel uddnr wobl biu ich uf der bmnewak'e. Wu ich z'rick kumma biu un hob der Xaucy ferzablt wio mer's gouga is hut sin mich gayoin iii era g.iblackgunrd uu sell hob icb argyer K'hatiti os wiu u lit i ioh eppes Bunsclit iu tier ii'Vif trip. Es nescht is, win de Nancy g'uawt hut nuch- deni o mich p.dir duvg iiu uletid bott.k hut. d i mor l.uvu k i-u u a uuce ouis. Ich donk om end wys mei iltck dos tunr's iia is wie's is. Fer-b-'cht het der McKinley mich miu iMter tr'iiuiiiclit niicli Oi'rik.i un sell hi t ich beiouueks net fordruwga ken nn. Dl.l OLT.ScilfLMESaTEK. Semi- YTeckln Xewn. mtm - inn Bucknell C'Dinniercement. . , The 47th aunual couiinencoiuent of Bucknell University this week was held at Lowisburg. Iho Junior de bate took place ou baturday night last. On Suuduy morning President Harris delivered the baccalaureate sermon. The school of music held its commencement exercises on Monday morning. Ou Monday af ternoon the Institute Alumnae met. Ou the evening of the sam day the Ringgold band, of Heading, gave the first twilight concert. At 8 o'clock, on the above evening, Pres. B. L. Whitman, D. D of Columbia Uni versity, addressed the graduates. On Tuesday morning the college Seniors held class day and the Academy graduation took place. On Tuesday afternoon the young ladie of the Institute graduated. The clasB of '72 banqueted in "Bucknell Hall and the Ri&ggold band gave the second twilight concert. Ou Tues day evening the Alumni met in Bucknell Hall and the fraternities banqueted. On Wednesday morn ing the college Seniors graduated when Judge Asbman, of Philadel phia, addressed tbo class and at noou the corporation dinner took place. Ou same afternoon the Ring gold band gavo a coucert during the base ball gamo. Tbis has been a very successful year with Buckuell. The University graduated U3 from all departments this commencement. Tbo total en rollment for the year was 113 students. ItctliH-t'ri Hit (oh ln Pi'iuiiy Iviiuiii Knll ruail ou Arromit of l oiirlli of July. Tlin Pennsylvania HaHioad Company un-uounct-.-i thai for the benrllt ut persons dfslrhiR to takiMulviuituk'o at the National Holiday on die Fourth ot July, 11 will soil excurshm tlckiU belwt'Ph all stations on lis lino east ot nnd In cluding 1'ltlsuurg utnl Erie , except that tickets will not be sold u or (rum points norlli or oust ot Philadelphia nor to nnd from points north of ttio line HurrlKbtirg to Krlu. Theso tickets will be sold und will be good K'llng on July S, .1, i, and 5, and will bu good to return until July (i. 1K1T, Inclusive. 8-!il-2t, APhysician's Tribute To th BMflta Reltw4 Prom Dr. MUm NEW HEART OURK. Losing Flesh You naturally lose flesh in the summer and running down is so easy. You get a little weaker each day without hard ly noticing it. There is loss of appetite, headache, weakness of the muscles, disturbed sleep, weakness of memory, and these are the beginning of nervous prostration. Iron and tonics and bitters may afford some temporary relief, but what you need Is a food for body, brain and nerves. of Cod-liver Oil with the Hy pophosphitcs, furnishes just the nourishment needed for those who are run down and pale and thin and weak. If you lose flesh In summer take Scott's Emul sion now. Don't wait till fall or winter before beginning. For Ml t joe u4 i.x by all druggUU ' HEART DISEASE Is curable. It Is not surprising that all cases are not cured, since no physician has made the heart special study tors quarter of century as Dr. Miles has done. The follow ing tribute from a physician will be read with Interest. "For six years prior to taking Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure my wife was a terrible sufferer from heart disease. She had a constant flutter- 1Sm - '"A. I leg of the heart and a . . f A severe paipiiuuon ana pain In the left side. She took three bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart y iureauu nui-uillllinw HmJ and has not taken a drop of medicine during the past two years. Under these circumstances I ennuot do Otherwise than recommend It toother,." Friendship. S. Y. W. II. Scott, M. D. Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee first bottle bono fits or money refunded. Hook on Heart and Nerve sent free to all nppllcanu. DU. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, ni. "Cssefeig f n I A How to A!0 Alu.i.i i'.. A Wonderful V, w Medical lliHik.wi'.Men for .Men Only, iinu copy inay he had I rci , sealed, In plain i n-.. 1-on-, ou application. ERIE MEDICAL C:., 65 .V-j-.ri Si., BUFFALO, ft. v. BEAVEKTOWa. Mr. and lira. RoiuIk of Hun isburg visited the hitter's mother, Mrs. E Reicle. . . .Frank Beaver Las develop ed Typhoid Fever after a niontU'B illneHS. It is reported thnt Doctor Miller and Mrs. Rlit-iuard aru hIho down with Typhoid... Th. corner stone laying of the Evanpelical church on Sunday was well attended and proved to be (juite a tuiccosR.tho contiibulions beinj? liberal. .. .The Ladies' Minsionnry Society held their AnnivoiHiiry in the Evangelical church Sunday cvcuii'ff. ADAHSBURQ. Mrn. Mcits and Mrs. Baker of Lewistowu nre viaitiug Jas. Dreese's ....Rev. Harry Landin. accompa nied by Mif s White of Stxon, spent a few days 'neath the parental roof .Childrens Day Exercines were observed in the Lutheran church. The exercises were well rendered . . . Rev. J. A. L. Romifi, of New tot, Kans., traveling under tb auspices of the American Mishiouaiy Sr'ociety, will preach in the; Lutheran church on Sunday morning, Jun J'.Tth at 10 o'clock. All are cordinlly invited to attend Win. P. ShiL'ej- cf Mid- dleburg, Busiueoa Maiiagsr of the .SearcA Light, was in town lust week soliciting subnet iptioiiH. Ko met with fair success. . .Rey. Oephart has returned from Lin visit to ltrnd- ford county. . . .Robt. Midlleswarth and wife are visiting frie nds in Juni ata county Hurley RomL' und wife from McClure, spent Suuduy with his parents Mrs. Clnu,l Klose and children are sptiiding some time at Solinscrove. Itlshap Mrrib.orXcnr York, on ,)r James' Headache I'owdi i. 'With regnrd to Dr. Juiiit M' II ml- ache Powders, I have no hesitation in cominendiug them to Htiflenrs from headache. They rtli ve ilm pain speedily, aid I have m vi i known anyone to be harmed by I heir use. I have been a great sullerer from headache in my life, but bitve almost gotten rid of it by tho con stant use of hot water and fruit and bv d)ing without cc (Tee. The Dr. James Headache Ponders have. however, greatly relieved nic at. times and I nuvtr allow myself to lo with out them, and have recommended to others freely. ('. (5. McCaiik." For salo by W. II. Spangler, Di u:r- cjist Middle! urgh, Pn. (i 7-!tn FUEEBL'IMJ. The Commencement exercises of the Freeburg Academy were atteud edbyalnrgo and interested audi ence. The floral decorations of the church were beautiful and in an at-1 tractive mauner. Rev. Haas con ducted devotional exercises. The mandolin club gave several fine se lections. The graduates Misses Ol ive Reaver, K utui K. Moyer and Mary S. Hilbish were the recipients of numerous and valuable presents from interested friends and rela tives. They are a bright trio of ladies, and their preparations for the occasion rellect credit upon them os faithful students. Prof. Walboru presented the Diplomas iu a suitable addrosB. Prof. J. I. Woodruff of the Susquehanna University delivered an interestirg iml instructive nd dress, referring to past, when ho was a student in our Musical Col lege and also of the Freeburg Acad fiiuy. H. S. Lntk, Esq., of Millers- burg was alio present and by re quest of tho graduates, teachers, Hid audience gave tin iti.p: onipt u address in which ho refined wiih pleasure to the time when he n!o was a student iu our Academy Inur ing strong testimony to the valuable instruction imparted hue when he was a student. His son Chiuhs L:irk new a student at 1' t. College and his daughter Mub.l who (.-radii ated at Irving Female College Mo chauicsburg at their last Commence ment were also preseut. On behalf of tho class Prof. Hoyrr presented to Prof. Walboru in a suitable ad dress a huge and new edition of Shakespeare as a memento of their appreciation of the mauner in which ho instructed them. 1 that nor.o r.roy fyiwJi I'lull ( Vu bottcr tlian our y ijjp f Lunqren Special fMfWff )) soo 1 mlp Sent C.O.D. rrivi!.-::-.' "f c r V examination 0:1 receipt of iC " lS5.0o, Money returned less ' j""" cxpressajiG if not accented. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND CHINA, mm mm?, CouchesMl :(): Bright new i'.-igiis lu.U r.n t frnii; every nook ninl enrin r 'f our Store fSlui ! ami Styles in w 1 . i i li nt once you nee your idt-nl. CARPETS, It UUS. ART SIJUARS an? PICTURES at prices so low that oth er merchauts can nut compete. .(): Yours Respectfullv, V. H. FELIX, L Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. REMEMBEFl H. HRRVEY SCHIUCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Kli 1 G KO YE 9 PA Only the Oldest, Ptronjjest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No PremiumNotes, Tho Aetna Founded A. I)., 1S1. Assets 1 l,0.V,rl;J.Sb " Home " " " " n.'.C-.N, " Anieriian tk " " IStO a 2J0!.:S 1.5:? The Standard Accident Insurant 0 The New York Life Insurance Co. The ridclitij Mutual Life Association. Your ratronage Solicited. CTftJJ nDIUI ' cure 'or Jrunkcnncs O I Ul "UnilllV which ian be given wtlh or withuut tne knowledge of the ilrinkur and will completely stop the iles're (or liquor. Women can secretly mlmiimterSior-DMNK anjeifect cures. Its merits have been proven ill thou sands of cuses. Mailed in tt plain seuled wrup- fvr, with directions, on receipt of UNK H)LL.R. I iirtioulars nnd testirnoniuls free. bEAHLfcS JtCO.,3 4 I'ai k I 'hue. New Vurk. Siiaiiacii & Reigls A. M. Sliumhaeli ami Foster Uei";le luivo iormifl u jmrtiiersliip and eiiu Ik? I'oiuhI at the OLD RELIABLE STAND. The lest tuul finest work in kinds of Iron and Steel will he executed in the most satisfaetnry inaniier. 8 3mo. IMdleburglu Pa. An liii;iortiml (llientlou. If your Irlendsor nelKhbom are sulTwIinr from euiih'tiH, roldH, mire Ihroat. or any tluoat or liuii; (llHeiuHMlMcludlnif consumption), ask them II lliey Uave ever used Oltw's I'tire. This fiunoiis (lurmiin remedy l Imvlnt; a large Rule here ami Ut performing some wonderful cures of tluoat and lung diseases. V. 11. .spangler, Mlddlehuiir : M. Knlliniek. M. I).. Mt. I'lruoiut Mills, will give you a Rumple bottle free. No inaiter what oilier medicines have fulled to 1.0, try Otto's one. Lurge alte H5 und wctx. . ANhorK'uttolIenllli. To try to cure const Iput Ion by tiiklng pills u like going round In a circle. You will never rcucli the point sought, but only get back to the stun. Ing point. A tierfcct ualurul laxutlve la Itacoua' Culery King, the celebrated remedy for all nerve bkHsl, Rtomache, liver and kidney illseaseR. It regulates Hit) IsiwelH. W. 11. Riiangler, Middle burgh ; M. Holhrock, M. 1 Ml. rU'aRant Mills, will give you wimple puckugo fieo. Large l.e Si aud Wots. Tublic Sale of Vulunblo REAL ESTATE! Tho undersigned attorneys-ln-fiu t for the belts of Jonulhau Uudv. deceased, w ill sell at the Court House In Mlddlcbtirgh uu Stiturilny, June 2tli, 197, The real estate la Kranklln township bounded nnd described us follows: Minute IS, inlltn North ol Middleburgli on the ro;ul to New Her Un bounded on the Norlh by lands ot Howard linger and Klemelit Muser, on the Kust. by laud of tlcnjiiiuln lliiuuuel and Levi Hint, Siulh !) landsof John Dleirick, West by lauds of John Dlelrlck and Jese llllger, conlalulng IIS uirea and 4 perches, of w hich about :o acres la good tlmberfand. I'pon the premises are envied a large bank barn and a large Frame Dwelling House and necessary outbuildings, two wells one at the house ana one at the house and one at the barn, school house near til door. Terms: .M per cent down, balance Apr. 1, lsw when iKkssiv-slou will be glveu. sale to beglu at ten o'clock . in. N KWTON l l.lllt'll, W. W. W1TTKNMVKK, Attorueis-lu lacl for heirs ut .onathan Hudy, Dee d. THBObD KSTADUISHKl) -Merchants' House,-- Third Street Above fallow hill. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Under New Management. Kates $1.50 a dayf $5.00 per Week. Win, F. Miller, Prop'r. THE "MAYWOOD" BICYCLE 9 f V THt' DOUBLE DIAMOND FHAMI STRONGEST WH:L ON EARTH t:':s ccwflete '4 O' AND CULi'ON J3l 7; r"tvtt(in A U I.IMIlMIITliI A PATPNT!? 1 Fob- 2i- mi I May 17. 18'JI Cc'. 3, 1B91 l-o V. 1I1S6 Jn. I. IU'Jj Oil us 1'i'iidiny The "Maywood" is the sttoiigft chiI u t lu t..- n i:::. e V-.iipt" kinds of rends and riders. M.ideot material that is WW, ex ,.-.-. :.. :nip'e in coii-imi.h, r. eaaily taken apart and put t K' ther; has lew p. iris; is.. I" i.t.!i .:: vi.i.:-::v ; n thai its p.itMVill hlil together even in an accident, no li..iw tubitig to c:i.-l. in at : .ereiut. a Ii.ihii- lit. it c.itiu t be broken; m simple that its adjusting parts serve rs its .ovv.' i-'ti- a :. pi...- t-rntik, instead of a doren parts; nl.vays ready to i;ive rrliiiMv and raptd ttatisp, i t. 1 1, n FRAME Improved double diamond; m ule of vinch cold n Hid sivi 1 n ' I' iikIh si i.n.l i: , ,i,;:isi im.-i.il for its weight knowm; joined together with lair imjtoved sin 1 litlmts; a tn.m.i d novelty. iaipttcitv and durabdttv the greatest com binitlion I iiu emiiiy in bj.-ye'e n: . :.-::tin kmnvti. to build li frame without braeu joints and tubing, as all knew tl-.at tubular It.- i . -ctin tiini s hmk and fracture at bra.in joints, and tubes when tl" y ate bin k'.- d in. 'it-.n. i Im i. putrid WHEELS INiuch. front and rear; warranted wood lims. piano wire niikil lanm ul s; . kis and brass nipples. HUBS -Large barrel pattern; made fri-m the -t '.alily i-.l.'-.i-.truwatitlew steel, with atent reinforced sx)ke H inges dinvtly ver I all bei.i'i.gs. TIRES- .: 7i i!c" or "1'iger" single tube, "North Anieiican" or " luistoit " .liable lut i- . r . im- .. 1,,: Ik-.i.c!.i-k pneumatic tires, fully guaranteed. We will furnish, if ere.!. .t!ii.!.toir' lose pipe or M irgan it Wright uuiek repair tires for f-Mm extra, nit. BEAMINGS- I'nll bt i r . - i..miv pari incliKling wheels, crank axle, steering head and j i-.'.a's. CRASH bHFf BEARINCS-An iitt- A with our patent ball cases, which are iuterlockeil and suppoit r-eli.--trier. ClI'S AM) COKES llest quality selected steel, carefully tempered ami hanUnid. CHAINS lluiiibit Mock I ..ttent. high grade hardened centers, rear'adjiistment. CRANKS-Uur ci lil-tnti '. i r t j ce crunk, li;liy protected bv patents: nocotter pins, SPROCKET S Made Irom l i-: ,u I'iiy ' ; :..s .till, nice y finisheil and hardened; rear sprocket detachable, front sprocket si - nr 'v kr-.-1 to ctniik axle. REACH Shortest. 'M inches; longest. M inebes. CEAR-iil er T'J FK0NT FORK - Iralc structibb fork crown made of drop forged steel. HANDLE BAR- KevirsiMe. i.-mltly changed to either raised or dropped pattern, best cork or comtwsition cotk handles. latest stye ,,f l-mjlili til and ferrules. SADDLE Our own stvle "K" high grade, veiy easy ri'ling: p. ami K , Cilliain or some other first-class make. PEDALS -Combination rat-imp or rul.bir; lull ball bearing. FINISH Knameled in black, wilh all bright parts, including front t .:k. ban. He but. hubs, seal post, cranks and spokes, nickel plnted. Kach bicvele complete with tool bag pump wrench and oiler. WEICHT-Aceording to tires, pedals saddles, elc, Z to 10 pounds. GUARANTEE liach. 'Maywood'' Uicyclc is fully guaranteed for one year. , n.vi-.wim:. Wash., bib. 10. IsliC. I consider your "Maywood" wheel the Rlrongest and Mifct bicv ile made lot hartl ridint; and' nitgh roads, uch ns we have in this country. They are also light tunning and easy to adjust. The one-piece crank is a woniieriui piece ot mechanical simplicity in bicycle construction, and with the improvements 1 uudcrstutid liny are to have this year, It will be the best wheel made. SAMl'KL 3. SOMKRVILLE. fj l our Special Wholesale Price. Never before sold for less. To quickly introduce the "Maywood" Bicycle, we have decided to make a special coupon offer, giving every reader of this paper a chance to get a first-class wheel at the lowest price ever offered. On receipt of JL7.00 onrf coufrm we will ship to anyone the above bicycle, securely packed aud crated. Money refunded," if not as rrpre-enlcd, after arrival and examination. We will ship C. O. I)., with privilege of examination, for f.00 and coupon, provided JS.OO is sent with order as a guarantee of good faith and charges. A written binding warranty stnt with each bicycle. This ia a chance of a lifetime, and you cannot afford to let the opportunity pass. Address all orders to CASH BUYERS' UNION, i62Wsi(Vin BurenSt., Bx35?l. CHICAGO, IL V COUPON No. 3!)1 ofr ,m aoooron ig :$5.oos If sent il!i order For HAYWOOD" No. & DlCTCLE. W