I "'13 BUSINESS IS IMPROVING. Cheering Reports from Every Section of the Country. The Testimony of the Behalf of Democratic, Republican, and Independent Pa pers Testify to Business Improvement. Even the Calamity Shriekers Are Compelled to Admit Better Condition. The following statements, gathered from roiinl Unties of dully and weekly papers In nil part of the country, ami riprisentlni: nil political parties, relate 1n I ho business condition in the United States. They- will repay n careful ex amination. It will ho h''tn Hint 1 lie editors, who linve their linnd on tlio public pulse through 1 1 1 1 1 nnny of re porter, news KHtlx'i'orH n ml liii;ind."l students, ii ro iinniiiiiioiix, liTohpeeilvi! of politics. In the Kliili'inriit that Imsl ncss L.'is improved and Is Improving. Pair Better than In 1 '.!. Very much inure conclusive evidence of n increased movement f merchandise has been obtained fur April by "Dun's Review.'- whic h Inn scoured statement from ;t,"7 liimiiH'hK houses representing nil parts of th iimlry nut of the Kucky Mountains, nnd nil lines nf trndt. cover ing their n:ilt'M in April, 1S!7. lN!ij and IS'.VJ. Si houses reported uelual fig ures nnd others only percentages, hut tho groupings of but li give very much tho same results. Assuming these replies to be Indicative of tho business of t hi coun try, (he volume of sale lust nioiilh was only about 10 per cent loss than in April, 1S02, n year of more than usual pros perity, nml li per cent greater Ihun in t ho Mine month of IStMS. n estimating the valuo of thl statement the decline in prices must h.. considered. Since 1S!I"' Sauerbeck's iiultx figures khmv that tho decline has been n little under 10 per cent: "Bradstreet's" index figures, con- nnea to this country, make it nearly la t iU nor cent, woolens .'10. wool 3-', ami cottons 21 per cent. If tho vol- nnio of transaction has fallen oft only 10 per rem, the actual oinoimt of mer chandise handled must have been givnler than in IMC Journal of Commerce iDem.). Improved Driuunil ln the Wtil, A genera! survey of tho business bilua tlon for the past week afford Bond grounds for encouragement. Tho water Is leaving tlio Mississippi bottom lands, and it will bo possible, after all, to raise crops there. There is nn improved d mnnd for Roods at most of the great West ern distributing centers, In spite of the unseasonable coolness of the weather. There Is a better call for iron and steel, but production is still nheail of consump tion. r.ostou Journal (Rop.). Great Activity in Hallway Hnllcllna. If tho disposition of railroads to extend tlietr mileiiKo be nn indication of a re turn to prosperity, mi l If the statements made by the Railway A so, the generally accepted authority in regard to railroad matters, be at all n crura to, this desidera tum may already be distinctly discerned on the country's horizon. Tim Age, in n recent issu, gives in tab n'.ated form statistic of new mileage either already in process of construction, or expected to be roust mcled during- the year 1S!7. The grand total represented In this table suggests a genuine boom in railroad building all over the country. Tho total thus given reaches the startling figure of IT.riiMi miles of new track as the probable record for the present year. Memphis Scimitar iDem.). Good Crop I'ronpectH nml Ootid Trices. Th prospect is highly encouraging to the Northwest. Of course, the crop is not yet harvested, and will be subject to tho usual contingencies which sometime blast tlio hopes of thu husbandman; but tho fact remains that a crop well started, with favorable soil and climatic conditions, al most invariably turns nut well. The Northwest this year fares (he pleasing probability of a good crop and good prices; for It is hardly possible that even a phe nomenal yield of spring wheat in this section can force prices down to the old low plane, with available supplies so near ly exhausted and the probability of n less than nverage crop In the rest of the world,-Minneapolis Tribune (Rep.). Formers Feellnat the Improvement. In all of th different classes of indus try In tho United Stales, then, the person who has the stick-tn-it-lvcness to hang on till a chnnge for the better comes is are to be the one to first regain his lost resources. This change has set In and ns It develops the farmer who lias not rlosed out his business will be the beneficiary of the Improvement In the financial and Industrial condition. Albany Journal. Better Time at Leant In Pig lit. The report made by It. G. Iun & Co.'s trade review, showing an activity in le gitimate business transactions during the past month, little short of that during April, 1 SJ 2, the year of tho largest busi ness, emphasizes the cheerfulness of the present business outlook and points to the conclusion that the good times which have been predicted through many weary months of wailing nre at least in sight. Memphis Scimitar (!cin.). Brightening on the Pacific Conat. In spite of the occasional sneer of Pop erratic philosophers thnt tho dawn of prosperity is being strangely delayed, It cannot be denied that the trade situation It brightening and that business Is better than in 1800. The exports of produce from tho United States thus far this year show an increase of $144,000,000 over tbo same period in ISM, which is a gain large enough to satisfy the most exacting Press Is Unanimous in This Fact. grumbler. If we look below the surface aud study the custom bouse exhibits we ill ten that the balance of trade has been In favor of the United States for a rear, taking this period as a whole. Under a proper tariff we would not only enjoy the proSts arising from this large balance, nut those denred from a areatly stimulat ed internal commerce as well. This fact is well understood by businegg men, hence their anxiety for the passage of a suitable larm bill.-Sau Francisco Call (Kep.). Hopeful Feeling Among Merchants. The feeling of optimism is most notice able in domestic merchandising. It is a fact that the actual sales in April by leading houses In each lluo of business in the principal cities east of the Rocky Mountains averaged ouly about 10 per cent legs than In April, 1892, the year of (he largest business in our country a his tory. Returns of failures for April show a decrease In number, amount and aver gn of liahllltig in almost every branch of trade and In nearly, all branches of manufacture. The only clouds on the bus iness horizon are the dilatory national Senate and the various Hlate Legisla tures that persist in remaining In session and which operate as a serioua disturb ance to trade Interests. Chicago Times-Ik-raid (Ind.). Even Bryan's Organ Adatlta It, Kvery Democratic newspaper in the land admits that business is improving, nml rejoices that it Is so. Only organs that support Republican admlnletratlone rejoice when American bualnett la proa- I trnte. This slttarnt It backed up by the " .v;i-r.i i. i aMh imuui. si ins oik cuoudix'i - the editorial paget of its Republican con temporaries, beginning about Jan. 1, ldT(3,' and ending promptly on Nor. 4, 181)6. Omaha World-Herald (Bryan Dem.). Merchants Buying Oooda. The Tribune, in lis Isst week's business article, gave a hint of the Improved com mercial conditions by quoting from a New York paper a statement to the effect that tho city wag filled with buyers from alt over the country. The summary of Dun's reports indicates thnt the buyers were not there luerely to toe the sights, but thst they actually bought, which is a good proof that they had gauged the buying ability of their respective constituencies irnd 'wVfo' satisfied that they were fairly prosperous. Such facts as these spesk louder than (he most elaborate theorlniqg on the part of calamity howlers. Minne apolis Tribuue (Rep.). "Beyond All Question." Iievond all question, geueral business is improving. We have this week more de cided indications of the progregg mado. Vet it Is true thnt ono can easily draw too broad a conclusion from the more manifest evidences. Buyors, for instance, are goon to have incrnased In number in nil our markets, but their purchases still show great conservatism, supplying only immediate wants. Current production in the dry goods trsde is believed to be fully absorbed now, but the old accumulations have not been drawn down much yet. 1'robnbly the lMst irade outlook, and by far Hie most promising conditions, prevail in the iron Industry. Prices of steel and iron In all their forms are now so low that limy could hardly be expected to go lower, while tho demand for export of rails, billots and pig helps tho home mar ket. The I run Ago says that the hope ful feeling in tho Iron trade is spreading, and in those departments which are close to the raw mater in I moderate advances uro being recorded. It adds that the total loiitiago placed thus far must be heavy when It Is considered "that very large or ders were booked during the halcyon days of tho billet pool, and that now this has been swelled by the volume of busi ness done in track material." FlnaucJal Chrouiclo (Ind.). The Bonth Responds with Good Cheer. Tho Chronicle's statements bear out the facts presented to our readers yes terday in an Interview in our local de partment with Mr. W. L. Douglas, man ager of Dun's agency In Macon. "The re turn of prosperity," he aays, "is visible on nil sides. Wholesale dealers in nearly all lines are all reporting an inereaae of business over last year. All houses dealing direct with the farmer will tell you that collections were better last fall than for a long time prior to that. Right here In Macon business appears more substantial and in healthier condi tion than could seriously have been ex pected some months ago." In view of the deliberate and determin ed efTorls being made to discourage the people; and worts, to involve the country in war with more than one foreign pow er, these reports, from the highest au thorities, are exceedingly hopeful and en couraging. Macon (Ga.) Telegraph em.). The East Feeln It, Too. In spite of the disturbing effects of the 10 cent decision in tho Trans-Missouri Trnflic Association case, there are many encouraging features In the business sit uation. Business failures are steadily decreasing in number, while the advlcea of the mercantile agencies disclose a co table increase ln the number of Industrial plants now in active operation. Over 100,000 more men, according to the Penn sylvania labor bureau, are at work ln that State to-day than there were sis months age, and a corresponding Improve ment In the demand for labor has un doubtedly taken place la New England and ether saiaafacturing eemmaaltlea. New Xor Commercial Advertiser (Rep.). Betar s( "XcKUUy Tlsaee. The week just closed witnessed a steady eonanoance of the favorable trade con dltiooa which were noted Isst wrsk. The bresk in the steel rail pool seems to have been the signal for a general awakening in all lines of productive activity. The optimistic feeling in trade ia not based on mere rumors of promised resumptions of business, but is founded on actual book Ing of large orders. Tinict-llerald (Ind.). Kallroed Balldlnc Slarniacaat, During 18SM the tetal number of miles of new tracks latd by railroads In the United States was but 1.803 mllea. the loweat figure kuown for twenty years, The record for the yesr 1803 waa uractt caily the same, bringing to mind the situ ation In 187.1, whsn the country waa just recovering from a great panic, and the unprecedentedly low figure of 1,711 mllea of new track was the record. Afterward came a period of expansion, culminating In 1887 with the unprecedentedly high figure of 12,983 miles of new track con structed during thst yesr, which was one of great prosperity all over the country, a prosperity which continued for aeversl successive years. And now tomes the Railway Age and predicta an immense increase in rallwsy building in 1807 over the bsnner yesr In the history of railwsy construction In this country. Memphis scimitar (Dem.). Prosperity Htcalias Upon the Country. Is It possible that prosperity, baa been stealing upon the country unawares? For msny weeks psst the reports of the com mercial agencies, though at times hopeful, hare been on the wholo iiervaded by a lugubrious tone; but in their last week's review Dun & Co. break Into the follow ing joyous strain: "Nearly all will be as tonished to learn thnt actnnl sales iu April by lending business houses in the principal cities east of the Rocky Moun tains average only about 10 per ceut less thnn in April, 1892, the year of tbe larg est business hitherto, and were 0 per cent more than in the same month last yesr. This fact, the Review goes on to say, is especially encouraging in view of the great fall of prices within the past five years. Memphis Tribune (Rep.). More Work and More Watts, The daily announcements of the re sumption of operations at mills and fac tories tell the story of a steadily expand' ing volume of trade. The movement is progresaing and more workmen were em ployed last week and the amount paid out In wages waa larger than at any time since tbe election. It is undeniable that the situation is steadily improving and it it satisfactory to note that the underlying conditions which must sustain this Im provement give promise of continuing. One of the main eaoses ef tbe protracted prostration we have endured baa been the low price of wheat In no mouth of 1H did tbe Chicago price exceed 05 cenla and during most of the year it told around 55 cents; In 1805 the price was a little better and in 1806 a little better still, but nevertheless wheat has averaged fully 15 cents a bushel below the average price of the five years previous to 1804. Now, however, we soem entering upon nn era of higher grain prices. Philadelphia In quirer (Ilep.). Visible on Kvery Hand. Reviving prosperity Is on every hand. To lie sure it Is not coming with a rush and In the nature of things could not be. Rut there are reasons for believing that the American people are gathering fresh strength and that confidence ao sorely tried of lste years. Tbe many mills and Industries of all Muds thnt have so severe ly felt the shocks of incompetent tariffs and vociferous demands for besmirching the national honor, have taken fresh heart since the memorable verdict of the people of Inst November. There were those who in view of the campaign talk had the idea that after election business would boom at once and industries that had been keeping bouse with closed doors for long periods would at once resume with full force. This could hardly be, but within a brief time after the election was over there had been such a noticeable revival and so many men had found employment that campaign pledges were fully kept in ev ery sense of the word. Business is gath ering strength with every passing week. Racine Journal. More Testimony from the Routh. Augusta people have very little reason to complain of a lack of prosperity just at this juncture. The ndvane agent has surely been here and left his card. As we understand prosperity, It Is when there Is sufficient employment to keep every body making a few dollars In order that they can purchase the good things of life. In another mouth or go thero should not be a worklngman in tho city out of em ployment, providing, of course, that the Individual does not belong to the "song of regt." There is a vast amount of work on hand, which must benefit all classes and conditions of people. When thu la boring man has employment he gets money to spend and that money circulates through the different channels of trade until everybody has been benefited in some woy or other. Treat the advnnco agent hospitably that be may decide to locate old (Seneral Prosperity In this neighborhood. Augusta (Ua.) News (Dem.). The fsilTer Presa Admits It. The Kansas City Star says that the "Bryanlte newspapers persist in reiter ating the statement that business Is not improving, and that Idleness Is increas ing." Perhaps the Star means Democratic newspapers. If it doea, it makes a mis statement when it says that they are re iterating the atatement that business Is not improving. Ibey know thnt business is Improving. It always does In the spring. That it historic. When you hear an administration organ whining about the Democratic newspapers pulling back in tne siiatta you are listening to a siren song to distract your attention from mn. dltions. Of course business Is improving. Omaha World-llerald (Silver Dem.). Benorta Very Esmnn.l.. Reports of the commercial situation made up to the close of last week are very encouraging. "No genuine or lasting improvement," says "Dun's Review," could come otherwise than slowly and step by step, after such t depression as the past four yeara have witnessed, and the most hopeful feature of the situation la that the gain la so nearly devoid of ele ments which involve unsoundness and probable reaction." These reports ahow a large increase In tales of wool, an ad vance la the price ef cotton, and the re- rrampnon of more mills which use cotton and wool. Additional boot and shoe fac tories hare returned operations, though taking orders at Tery low prices. The tone of the commercial reports from near ly every department of business ia reas suring. There is need of patience, how ever, better timea are coming, but by easy marches. Brooklyn Standard-Union (Rep). Bradatreat'a Keparte Favorable. In spite of tbe fact that the pendency of a tariff bill alwaya unsettles trade and manufacturing, the reports from the vari ous parta of the country are very encour aging. Advlcea from alt sections, espe cially the Mississippi valley and the East ern States, thow Improved busiuess condi tions. Reports to Bradstreet's on May 1 atate that in Seattle "trade ia good and ahowa an improvement over April of laat yeari't in San Francisco "the retsil trsde Is reported as fairly good;" lit Nashville "tbe local retail trade Is somewhat im proved;" in Augusta "the retail trade is reported good;" In St. Paul "trade con tiuuea good in all lines In which tbe busy season ia'not over, and collections are also good;" in Dulutb, since the opening of nsrigation, there has been some improve ment in general business;" ln Mllwsukee "tbe amount of business transacted Is re ported of fair proportions, with prospects better and collections slightly easier;" in St. IjoiiIs "general trsde shows a slight improvement, and collections are good;" in Louisville "a steady seasonable trade is reported by jobbers ln nearly all lines, and collections are fairly good;" In Chi cago "general trade situation Is improv ed slightly;" Jn Baltimore "the outlook for the fall is encouraging;" in Pittsburg "thero has been a steady increase In the volume of business;" in Providence, R. I., "cotton manufacturers who recently re duced their output have again started on full time aud capacity." i flonthern Democratic Confidence. Week before last the Times-Union made a comparison, for tho preceding week of 1807 and the corresponding week of 1800, of the bank clearances of the eighty-seven principal commerclsl cities of the country, aud this comparison showed that the vol ume of bank clearances of tbe Southern cities bad Increased 4.0 per cent, while that of the Northern cities bad decreased 2.0 per cent. Saturday's number of Dun's Review published the bank clearances of the fourteen leading commercial cities. The bank clearances of the Southern cities show a decrease In volume of only $548,407, or lets than 1 per cent, from those of the prosperous year 1802. The volume of bank clearances of the North ern citlca, however, shows a loss of $203, 130,821, or more than 25 per cent. Tail is the record of only ono week, and only fourteen cities. It is but a straw, but when all straws oolnt ln ono direction they abow positively how the wind it blowing. Every iodlestlon shows well for the Sonth. If ve rosy judge by bank clearances, the Southern cltiea referred to have practically recovered from tbe panic Florida Timet-Union (Dem.). ladaetrlal Conditions Bound. The New York Commercial Advert iger, In Its review of the markets, contends that "tbe Industrial conditions of the country are sound," for everywhere pro ductlon Is restricted to an ainouut com niensurate with tho demands fur consiimp tlon, and with few exceptions stocks are not being increased. On thv contrary, in many cases consumption appears to be gaining on production. Another favors ble sign Is tho absence of any great trmlo combinations, such, for Instance, as those which until recently honeycombed the iron aud steel trade from top to bottom. Theso have gone, aud trusts In other lines must go out of business under tho Supreme Court's decision In tho Trans-Missouri rase, leaving all markets free and open. The consumer Is getting, nnd will con tinue to get, tho benefit of cheap iron ore. cheap transportation and cheap raw ma terials of all kinds. 1 hese changes place the manufacturer in a position to supply a cheap product and still realize a profit. Minneapolis Tribune (Kcp.). The "Heart of Oeorzia" Reaponda. The figures which we herewith publish are of tho greatest iratortance, as show ing the vastly Improved conditions in the heart of deorgla. e are quite sure that the toiithern belt of counties can make quite ns good a showing. Mr. Douglas does "not care to poso as an optimist, but," he says, "figures speak for them selves, and the conditions surrounding us cannot be denied and should not bo misunderstood." Ho is free to confess that we arc not In the midst of a business boom, nor do we want anything of that kind, "but unless all Indications under my observation nre misleading, we are on co more on a level with a slow but ttendy Improvement." Nothing stands so much ln tho way of business just now as the calamity howling press, nnd tbe war cry of tho Senate. Macon (Ja.) Tele graph (Dem.). Business Barometers All Favorable. The return of prosperity Is what every body Is now looking for, and there aro few better indications of this return from a local standpoint than the appearance from day to day of the hotel registers. The wholesale houses in tho larger cities never send out their commercial travelers until they nre satisfied that tho retail dealers want goods, nud in stringent times retnll merchants do not purchase more goods than they are hopeful of selling. For sev eral weeks past a member of The Leader staff who calls at each of the local hotels daily has noticed a perceptible Increase in the arrivals. Hotel registers, while a good criterion In the matter of business prosperity, are not the only Indications. It Is noticeable that railroad travel to Lex ington is dally increasing. Lexington (Ky.) Leader. More Democratic Testimony. The Wsshlnston Post flem I artlfi. to a marked business improvement al ready. It says: "It is an undeniable fact that there has been a great improvement ln busiuess since the election," and adds that the people who expect complete re vival of business before the- tariff rates and schedules are settled are "Insanely nntlmlatir." Doubt ns to tariff inhtni.. it says, "is always demoralising to man ufacturers." Teople who are complain ing that busiuess does not revive at rap idly as exnected tines tha In iiiin ration of McKluley thould remember that a tann Din cannot be framed and patted in a day, cr a month, and that nothing to un tettlet the busineaa of the country . aa nendlna tariff legislation. Tha of a measure affecting Imports and dutlea upon many tnoutanda of articlea, must lead manufacturer! to delay production and dealer to delay their orders until tha new rates sre kaowa. Caaerlaa; Nawnx fa Barsaere. Tha Department of Agriculture is re ceiving very grs tifyioj; Teporta from the vanning community. The continuation of high prices for wheat, the unusual foreign demand for corn and tha activity among farmers la preparing to make an earneet experiment in tbe production of sugar beets, combine to make the condi tion among that class of population un usually healthful and encouraging. "Dol lar wheat," for which farmer bad scarce ly dared to hope, waa coincident with the incoming of McKinley, while th extraor dinary demand for their corn adds to their general encouragement Coupled with this comes the tctW A ""St felt In h. I . ' tb Allen- E. Slide noretl tud tbe u ill. TAFvrouvul In all parts of th tlou of our own that the farm in pay the coata. Ia same tb i, and Charles- Btil were indicted, l ng feeling the rety thought. VOU3' re- of maliciou " Good Now frosa til Most of tbe shoe factories are now fair ly well employed, and manufacturers evl, dently have confidence that the Improve ment In business Is to Increase, as they sre buying supplies more freely. The prices of footwesr show little change, but the advance asked Is more cheerfully paid by the jobbers. The salea of leather show an Increase, and values are main tained. The local manufacturers of mo rocco report an Increased trsde, and on some grades the demand Is lively. . Shoe shipments hold up well. The forwarding! from Boston the paet week, according to the footings of the Shoo aud Leather Re porter, were 70,087 caseg, against 83,254 cases Inst week, and 05,127 caseg for ths corresponding week last jesr. Since Jan. 1, the thlpmentsx2ave bee?. 800,820 esses against 702,700 last year; aa increase of 11.027 cases for the business of 1807. Lynn (Mass.) Item (Ind.). . , -a ' The Capital City Feela It, A reading of The Star'a weekly review of the real estate situation, printed to day, indicates bow steadily progressive is the return of prosperity to this city. There has been no sudden and unstable "Ixiom" In values or ln building opera tions and hence what has been accom plished has been with a greater guaran tee of permanence. The shlf tings of cap itnl havo all been Inspired, It would seem, by a feeling of fulth in the ultimata re covery of not only the city but tbe entire country from the depression that haa been so marked for nearly four years. ! con flrmation of this view ofMhe xencfal slt nation It is to be noted that tie commer cial agencies are flfls Jek repirtjng busi ness to be improving all orer the country. -Washington Star (Ind.). . ' . - - T - " .:a . Tba Wasttara Far ' Peasass tasf--' For th paat sovetll dsys Tie Call has been publishing a aerie of exclusive fruit crop report, both t from tbe Bast and California. They tell(tfc ato'ry. .T;her show that the hd.r".op will be acrfu. (lood price will follow as a natural re sult, and mlllioiia ol KasVern moneV will probably flow Into California peckcta late,' on. And as price for wheat bid fair to keep up tp a profitable plane it, is aafe to sny that tbe California farmer will do better this year than for some years back. Whcu the farmer prospers tha rest of the community flourishes; hence if present In dications are Realized we ought to enjoy increased mercantile activity during the rest of the year. San Francisco Call (Rep.). Cllmltlnar Slowly bat Perceptibly. It Is the old story nf slowly climbing a very steep hill. "Though steadily in creasing," says Dun's Review, "business still is much below itretiy.ma) n former year of prosperity." .! upon a pinnacle wheni BeB" world nnd counted tl.re tributary to our prosp8 ono stupendous blundiT.R t)2 we were re'TPaTeu' thft r pnrt as We mado iliuoat iu spondency ttantly fell Into a slough - and adversity. It will take time and labor and favorable rlrciimsttijce to re galu our former position of supremacy. But we aro climbing upward, slowly, it Is true, but nevertheless perceptibly. Inter Ocean. The Workmen Are Co-operating. More men are employed about Pittsburg at present than have been the past year. Despite the dert. "eg, owing to tin) dissoluidard JobbersN.rga.ll?OovnMnUn. more carnestivi th Ku Ru i . Ttt.aoaof near- share lo iinpro'uwaks. the history of ty been so rcasonnuended industry have li'!,;nj!"? ers Slid KS to bend lOlllff IIS I 1 perity and gloom, sr taucsiors fiicturers nre confide -.... i;..i. ...... i'ie .ilsr. pro Improvement 81 From the comiiierciaVSE .110 State is evidently working Into better shape. This does not appear so much on the surface ss iu tbe undercurrent. It is too gradual to be observed by the gen oral run of people. But that there Is a real Improvement in the situation Is ap parent to those whose business Interests lead them closest to the center of trndo activity. San Francisco Call (Rep.). Factoriea and Railroads Boar, The news which comet offthe reopening of factories in different part1, cfub coun try Is a certain sign of the approach tit better timet. It it evident that the1 nnra ber of wage earnen is steadily increasing. Sales of stocks are growing, and prices are firmly maintained. At last there ia a sign that railroad earnings, which have been down to low figures for thie past twelve montns, are on tbe upward Globe-Democrat (Rep.). fturn. A Steady Improvement. The business situation aa.ihnwn by current reports is certainly .78 raging. As an exchange remarks, thoi.85 circum stances were against any dech'JjS nprove ments in general business laajU ek, atlll there was a noticeable contlnt .60 a of the slow and steady growth. Jh .70 it, been characteristic of business .K'.85 jce the November election. Scran tor 4.75 1) Trib une (Rep.). . . Busineaa Movea FortCTd. The evidences of improvement in trade prospects are undeniable, notwithstand ing tbe popular uncertalnt lifdr-'l'' what tbe markets will dsmand aft k tariff rate have been established. ' ! export tf.de last week showed an reaae of nearly half a million dollas r that of the prerioua week. Timeaiclv ' id (ltd.). FACTS FOB FABMEBS: WHAT UNCCE SAM 13 DOING IN THEIR BEHALF. bowing aa to What the Agrlcaltai-' lata Art Receiving and Faylas for What They Kale a ad Coaeaase Importation Flood tho Coaatry. Crlap Washington Chat. Special Washlogtoa correspondence: TUB last a a tu rnery of Finance and Commerce, issued by, the Treasury De partment, contain statlatics and figure tome of which will prove of much inter est to farmer and those connected with farm pursuits. It shows the import and exports of farm products and th amount of tuch com modities tbst sre be Ing brought into the country. Following sre some of th things shown in it psges: The March Importations of wool In 1807 were 58,085,8.10 pounds, against 17,781. 547 pounds in March, 1800, and against only 3,488,415 pounds In tbe last March' of the McKinley law. Tbe importation of rags, noils, etc., in March, 1807, was 5,400,401 pounds, against 1.504 pounds tn the last March of the McKinley law. These quantities of free wool and shoddy now in stock here' are not particularly, cheering to the growers of good American won, for It will be some months before they can be absorbed by the country and a place made for the home product. Th number of cattle Imported in March, 1807, under the Wilson law was 50,800, while in March, 1804, nnder the McKinley law: the number Imported was 311. The num ber of pound of hides Imported in March, 1807, In view of the prospective duty on hides, was two and a half times as much ns In March of tho last year of the Mc Kinley Inw, amounting to nearly three million dollars in value. The hay import ed In March, 1805, 1800 and 1807, nnder the Wilson law was over 70,000 tons, averaging about three times ns much a was Imported in tbe last March of th McKinley law. The world, according to thia official report. Is being raked over to twd wool to be brought to thla country before the new tariff law goei into effect a he, importation! of wool during March, 18077 came from Austria-Hungary, Bel glum, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Roumanla, Baltic Rusaia, Spr.lb, England, Scotland, Ireland, Nova Scotia, tba F-??t- tjrts,-Butch- West Indie, Argentine, Braxil, Chill, Fern, Uruguay, Veneauela, China, British East Indies, Asiatic Rustia, Turkey ln Atia, Brltlth Australia, British Africa, Egypt. .'Thli ii a pretty fair showing. Among other thing! thia summary pre sents a table of especial interest to agri culturists. It shows tbe monthly average prices of the principal articles of merchan dise Imported nnd exported during tb past year. Extracts from the table are given below, the exportt representing their market value at the date, of expor tation, while tho imported articlea repre sent their values In foreign markets. Thla lattor fact should bo burn in mind con stantly in examining the comparative fig ures as tbe prices of Imported article ap pear low, until it Is remembered that the values given relate to the prices ln foreign markets, and do not include the amount added, for freight, tariff, handling and dealers' profits, before they reach the consumer in this country. Comparative Tablea, Table showing nverago values of com modities of farm export in April, 1806, and in March, 1807: April. 1890, April, 1887. Wheat 70. 7 fet.a Whent Hour, per bl!..fA.fS0 f 4 13 Hups T.K cenla 10.R rent 1'lckled pork, per lb. .tV.H cent! 5 4 certs Cheese, per Hi I.2 cents lO.e cent Leaf tobacco 7.4 cents 7.9 cents Table showing average price in for eign markets of commodities which farm ers consume, in April, 1800, and March, 1807: April, 1890. April. 1907. Cents. Cents. Cefree 14H 11.9 Cotton cloth, per yd.. P. I 8.0 Tickled herrings, lb. .3, II 2.3 Mackerel, per lb 7.2 ft. 'leet sugar 2.4 1.7 Viress goods, per yd. 80.7 7.9 It will bo seen from tho above that the n 'I selling price ut practically everything F which the fanner has bad to put upon the f market has iucrcased during the year and that the buying price of things which he consumes has decreased. Tho State Department is in receipt of a communication from the United Slates consul at Odessa, Russia, to the effect that large quantities of ltussinn wool of Inferior quality are being skipped to this country and the tnimufacturert of the country are cautioned accordingly. The proposed duty on the quantity of rawhide which would be used in the man ufacture of a pair of shoot it ettimated at about 0 cents. Ouly about one-fifth, how ever, of the hidet used iu this country are Imported, to thnt the increased coet of a pair of shoes by reason of tho duty would probably not bo more than one or two cents. The average man probably nses about three pairs of shoes per year. Doe anybody particularly object to paying from three to tlx cents toward the sup port of tho Government In itt present extremity, especially in view of the great advantage accruing to the farmer? One Reason (lold la Exported. It is but reasonable, with the importa tions of foreigu goods increasing to enor mously in anticipation of the repeal of the Wilton low tariff ratet and the en actment of a protective tariff, that gold oxportt have increased. Tbe foreign gooda brought luto the country, must ba paid for in gold, aud if such importation increase from ten to twenty millions a month, it goes without saying that gold exports mutt increase somewhat. Sev eral other reasons, notably tbe desire for accumulations of gold In Europ by rea son of war possibilities, show that there is nothing alarming in the exports of that metal, and no cause for tho note of alarm being tounded by the silver advocates The quantity of gold money in 1878 wai $1,200,800,000, while in 1800 It waa $3,. 608,700,000, being in 1806 BO per cent greater than the gold and silver money combined ln 1873. Secretary Wilson' latest move la la making a practical Investigation to deter mine tectiont of th country moat adapt, ed to the production of the bett quality of beet sugar. . . GEORGE MELVILLE. 1 s I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers