mi Absolutely Pure. drDnitcil tor lu great leu 11111? 'rengtli mi Kallli(ilf'- Assure the l.si I agah.at al Ir.ij ill tot .o- o- :fliilr.rnt .-.mm u ro tne S,pi,''.i- UOYAL HAKIXU . o.V I'rllt CO., JKW VUIIK. Yit i i rcxecutorh' Kale of Valuable weaK Lunns seal estate i J. , T,h undersigned. Executant of the last will nui wcuici won i cure weaic fn,7,"""',"ni hickii. iwnMd, nnjraiT o., n . Will ol- ruasir m poaiDi tbat neither Mr. Andrews alleged expense bill nor any similar ntuurt will paas this legis lature. It will b fought very Inch, and la my opinion caa never secure a legal malorit V. In nn nn.t ., enough vote, be mustered to Inn Vn ..Ulk.....!.. . Si'?! L:P!"k".n T"'' It over a veto, t hava inr .1 ' ""6r" iwumiai isci ucucr UC- ' " i""".e. -ELJK, cause out of doors more, but Lir:?:'rr"'r . . sati.ned that the bill will never I ihs trouble 1 still tiw. rW , it' ,,'""""'f ,,evr"M'' - .w wmii W W. LUll 1. :ri-in Mlrlnrf im..r .J"' 1 A farm aituale lit Krnuklin E36 SS BtST Value 1p to Date SOME LEXOW LUXURIES Stenogranher $75 an Hour and Hotel Bill at $23 a Day. IiUrr LIAN'S DAMAGING SHOWING fla Wide cf thi State's Moneys A Deficit r 9:l.HMH0 lti tho State's Income The Clovernor Attacked tte'iiseofIIl! Vetoes) For Kcomoiiiv. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Harrislmrg. June 1. Nothing In tin history of recent legislation has cn ai,a so much adverse comment as the famous Mil of StiS.UOO for the expenses ,if the rhilndolphia Lexow committee. It has pissed the senate, and Is now m Its way to the house. When it ruches that !ndeiendent organlzat'.on, i nit try war may bo looked for. Th f,.llnvinir extract from one of lh;. iacal paper here, the Hanlsbiirg Tei- k tha 4,.ll.,ttln.r .I.....I1.. . . .' :he sensational attack made on t'.ie til! ly Senator C. C. Kauffman, of Lancaster. It Is the most mathing nr raiiinmrnt of any bill that has iln pfared before the legislature this ses sion: A Diiiiinglnir showlnir. "Whin the bill to pny the Lexow conimittoe hill came before the senate this moraine Mr. Kauffman opposed it. inj guve the following facts and Icuri's, which he said had been verl- "Total number of sessions of com dttee, ST; average number of senator silting at each session, 4; average ;ngth of each session, 2 hours and Sii minutes; total number of hours of fommlttee In session, 1374; total nuni !r of witnesses sworn, 436. "Careful examination of the list ihows that at least 30 per cent, will nc- rcpt no rompensatlon for their sur- "The rommlttee held 57 meetings, at tcoet of $ii5,60S.96, or S1.1CC.2S per Re- don. The committee was In session . ii'iuin, u. LUhL ,11 .,ni. z ii.t viif'ti "Four hundred and thlrtv.nlr wit. lAuuiiiivui ev , uni ,11 or an average cost per witness of Expenses of committee at Hotel Yral nor57 sessions were S5.912.40. or nn kerape cost of J103.72 per meethiK for iwei expenses. The number of senu- ira present at each meeting was 4"2. laklnjr the average hotel cost per day 'reach senator In attendance f::. "Cost of stenographer f,,r 57 mP(.t. BN l.'.ML.ii. (u itn nciTiimi ....wt ... .. I"n of $172.14. 'Average lenivtli of l.,.r ki.... bourn and 25 minutes., the nvemm. lT hour f,,r Htenogrnt.her was 3 StonoL'ia nher's hill f.ir i-..i,..(i.,,r Uimony of witnesses Is JH.K12.2.-., atfrage cost per witness of 22.50. Averatre cost per witness fur mile eaml fees is JTf, 7:1 Av r , .... rrapher'H service per witness Is r-w. iiiaKtng a total average cost per fitness of f'.;i.;s. Counsel fees for B7 meetings are lis! ke 1 n average cost per meeting of ... .v..r. J.I.UI. ' I'aners of the Interior of the Z 81 var,ou times published r.jr inieresting matter regard- ... sow committee and the bill "Peases whli.l, l .... k.. . - up lor 1 ni; .m " " me iotiowing P ath,.r nrrlHl(UrB I1PWS)llI)pri L.. l ainoi ot some Uavs as... Fib; - As nn 1 fclv ... , " oonar a plate, and luu l"v piaie; well, I Vnla u., '"""""wealth of Pennsyl- Ukl U:'r"!,ntatlve Charles E OI ! I I, ,1,1., .. Mr Vn,.i. r"n, nisi nigni. Ill of ... was "feaklnsr of the In m "S"' which Senator Will kto nr ,,f Crwford. Is go represent ,n ,,,,... , lil nt .1. . einiaiuic 111 oe- of the Lexow nm.u. .... nrl ... . -"'"""lire. ii wus "t stated n.ot .I.. . . .. . 'W'll In.. .7 " 11,81 01 lnls hi.V'",.,Batlnl committee would tuniii-. v ""'mrva amieu, "but ,:nt,,n, ,,lp - nw In ' over lioo.nnn i . ... Pll tin,, , .' ". l-ei 10 iur- l ihi. . . ,,,Iunp"t Information h' i ln t', 'J't,rt whcn the matu'r j ui m the hduse." ves. .1 H"y but emphatically P a, Z " ' mat tne admlnlstra- Kle.i nl('an8 ,n favor of this ' none 1 a trcasury which " I"'lnt h.'T fflori"hlng condition. y for ben ralsed that a W" nn...- no Ar"'rews fiasco would Nr . u")rol"'l'ition measure, re- hto,,... lWrd" voto each I, . Mr. nn, SllyM xot L ,, KfOUnd wnn 11 ... ' nat but oc . . WL" laKen, h hoi, ln ,he 8enate and ' htbr Would be necessary, 'tt.i'""'"'' JuBt ten more I M. Lyn!, , whlch were cast for "H'onent r the hoUBe caucus. " m iSSTl,e5.taUve Ward R- ,et whcuS 1. y The Patr,ot re" ',oull utand 08e h supported rU,lt 0" tn B lTether ,n 0PPosing ntnotan.k fharacter ""nut vZeaut0 Peak for the "DIH Caucus chaltman.". lM vou can 8tate cone a law.". A Treasury Deficit. Next to the Lexow committee's bill the most sensational feature of the week was the declaration by Auditor General Mjiin that there would be a deficit In the revenues of $3,600 00t This is lust 11.600,000 more than the previous estimates. In other worus. the state has to raise Just this amount of money In addition to the $19,000.0110 or IIO.OOO.OOO which It must ordinarily raise to pay the running expenses of the state government, Its schools, pris ons, asylums and hospitals, together with the other demanda upon Its treas ury. And yet with the state's finances In this condition the Lexow committee Is demading $05,000 to pay Its expenses oontraeted to no purpose whatever. It Is proposed by the bosres to force ' this Lexow appropriation bill through the legislature. The Lexow appropria tion bill will undoubtedly be used as a forcible argument to compel members to vote for It under penalty of losing appropriations In which they are In terested. This means, as already explained In previous letters, that unless members of the legislature vote for the Lexo.v bill of $1:3.000 they will he threatened with the defeat of appropriation bills for hospitals, asylums and charitable institutions In which they are Interest ed. It it proposed to hold the Lexow. bill as a club ovlr the heads of mem tiers who do not believe that the state should pay the enormous sum of money for a farce. That the bosses are growing desper ate Is shown ln the fact that they have commenced oiienlv to fight clovernor Hastings because of his nttom;ts to restrain tne wasteful expenditure of the public funds. A dispatch from Harrisburg on this subject to a Phila delphia newspaper says: i'lirhtlinr the (iovernor'N Koonoinv. "For several days past It bus been an open secret here In llarrisburg that a determined and vigorwus attempt was to be made to override as many of Governor Hastings' recent vetoes ns possible. Some of these vetoes had touched interests very close to the hearts of certain alleged leaders, ln vetoing these measures, however, the governor had saved thousands of dol lars to the state, but this fact did not weigh In the balance us against the selllsh Interests of certain members ol house and senate. "A combination led by two Philadel phia senators was therefore formed with the express purpose of passing these measures over the governor's veto, and not only these bills, but ail future bills In which the combination of senatos were Interested. "The plan as arranged by these gentlemen was not to consider any of tho vetoes separately or as they came up In their order, but to wait until every detail had been arranged and every senator 'lined up,' and then, at some designated session the vetoes would be taken up separately, one after the other, and passed despite the ad verse action of the executive. In pur suance of this policy not one of Clov ernor Hastings' recent vetoes has b- r considered up to the present tlr.ie. There has been a tacit understHnilln;; among the senate majority that tl, y were not to be called up until every thing Is ready, and then there was to be u certain time snt apart exclusively for the slaughtering of the governor's veto messages. ine taxpayers of the state me rapid ly rousing to a full realization of th I't-m mm annus iiieni ul I lie lliiinls ol mo Dosses. Trusts are being prolfciid and Individual taxpayers are made d Buffer. Times are hard and mom scarce, but the waste of the state funds goes ahead with inereas. rapidity, bcores of letters are received every day at the headquarters of th liUHHiess Mens League in this city 1 rum prominent uepuuilcaiiH all over the state expressing disgust ami dis satisfaction nt the existing condition o alluirs. it would seem that the people are at Inst aroused. Scott's Emulsion ecailSft thf UPlthpr hirnon,. rranklinTwn.. siiyikrro . , ,7 ""rfw,o 1 lll. Imuiiilnlami.iU'M'rilHtla fellow 10 oe warm. 11 you have a weak throat, a slight hacking cough, or some trouble with the bronchial tubes, summer is the best time to get rid of it. If you are losing flesh there is all the more need of attention. Weakness about the chest and thinness should never go to gether. One greatly increases the danger of the other. Heal the throat, cure the cough, and strengthen the whole system now. Keep taking Scott's Emulsion all summer. For ulc by all druKsim at $oC and tt.oa, Twp . ruunty ami une alorewnl, bniiiule.1 ami leaerlbrtl tut follow : On the nor 111 l.y I..11, In of j W. w. u iitrnmy.-r ami K. Krvyiiinn. on the Irani by Kvnns far in tlie South hv Mi.MUH-reek. and 011 tlie W.ll.y lumlaof .Iimo'I. HtemiiiKt, eontniiiinii Ar'rt iin.l lift.rn ; ImtvIici, more or lew, it brinji the ol.l limn... uleiul farm, on wliu h lire ere. Ic.1 11 k.mmI two ; otory Kraiiie ll.iiiw unit Ifank burn with Hie 1 uunl olltliiilling ami roiivclit.-nein l:f.-u-I ton 'of w h. at. I.lavrra more or h m. in the ; around to l,e miIiI with hind. irset s,3, A Intel of land itnnt In IV, near Pat..it. Hj. fatll. ..to It,. IIim Xorlh l.y .Mi.hllevre.'k, 011 lh i-u-l l,y lands of iwvi.i r.naiiM(.i, on tne iv.utli by liiuiln of I'. lUiyer, and on Hie Vtt by naii'ie, iiiiitaiuiiiK HI ArM ami 10.1 Mrelic more or lr-. Kucru toni of wheal, .laeri'N more or in th,, H-rouud lo.hv sold with the laud. 1 ',r"r' A trnet of woiHllaud situate In 1 Township. County and State afon-wiid. Iinnnil- ie.1 ami iliwrilHsl aa follow : (in the North h I Midilleererk on the Kasl by lands.if.ini. Hriui I ner, mi the South bv Niiue, on tile West l.y I lands of W. U itteiiiiiyrr, eotitiiiniii IK Af re and VO iierelim more or le. Trurl X. 4. A t-rn-t of iiu.uiitain hind sit I liate III towiiluii. county and slule nfc.res;ii,, ! hounded snd ,IiitiI,..,I im follows; On the I North by laiiils of .I0I111 llriinner, 011 t'.ie Ivmt 1 by lands of The llloonshuri; Iron Co. 011 the 1 South bv Kami', and on tl... W..-1 I,.. ..r John llriiiinrr, t'outHiniii); t! Arres ami four IM'rcnca more or lenn. Term 1 ail ier cent to be uii.l .adi u .lav o ale, and the hahiuee on or hefoie S,..t PJih, when ..eeds will bo delivered ami posm'-m,,i! Kiveu. Criti iN How KH.-OX. I'llWKl IN ItoW KKsoX. mwmm Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Wrnknrai, Nrrvnn-. ne, Debilltv, tool nil tho train ol evlla from enrly er rors or laterexeesses; tie- re suits of overwork, sicklies, worry, etc. Knit sower,, , ilevi'li.pmcrt ond trr.e !"! Ho every orunn nr.i 1,0,11 of the lnly. Slni,i'. li:.' in ;.l meihoilv Ini 111 e, I Into lot WnVl I'-fllt K:lll,:r,.l ... possible. :,njm references. D k k, rvit.r cl ,11 :u 1 (irtxifa mnll. d (sealed (free. 1 in 1 1. I ERIE MEDICAL CO.,?. -1 . Caution Notice. Tills. Is to eertllv Hint I, K. Cliarlcs. Con..' have lilts isth dny ol May, lsur, sn, t lt hilhnv liili iwrsonal properly of .liilm II. and Matilda' Kehrer, nt eniistidiie sale, and that .Ino. It.w ise , li"S bought I lie same am! Is the sole owner, vl.. towll : 1 (tray horse, one mare, two eows. lour shunts, two ealn s. I sov,i!iielilel;eiis, .' turkeys, 1 2 wairoiiK, sled. huta'J'. sulky eiiMHalor, small 1 cultivator, eoi 11 plainer, a plows, spring har row, spike harrow, leed ptill-r, hav ladders, live forks, horse ifears. eross-eut saw.'sinivel, (,-ralii . 11011. . oiiiioiu iinu siuit irees, uritid Mono, w heel-barrow, ai bushels of corn 011 the ear. Iron kettle, wash tnaehlno. Puller churn, ens'ks sausage stufTer, lard press, Kaiivago grinder, 1 bills, with vinegar, canned fruit, four-bushel pot. wash tub, sink comer eupboanl. two cook stoves, coal slove, tallies. 8 beds and bedding, lit hairs, cnriel , wash stand, chest, H packs of shingles. S tons of coal. All persons aro call tloued not to uieddlo with the snine. , h V. t'llAUl.KS, Cunt. ir 1 1 l WW I I I A Physician's Tribute To the Benefits Received From Dr. Miles' NEW HEART CURE. HEART rI?KA3K Is curable. It Is not surprising that all cases aro not cured, since no physician lias mailo tho heart a special study for a quarter of a century as Dr. Miles has done. The follow ing tribute from a physician will bo read with interest. "Forsix years prior to taking Dr. Miles' New Heart Curo my wife, was a terrible sufferer from heart disease Hhe "jasJEJJ-! had a constant fluttcr jMtlnT I 8cvcro P'i'I,ltll,l(m a,ul kw"" 1 ,TfJpain in ino leu siuu. KHaart Quraj She took three bottles Jl or nr. Wiles 'aewucan Tl? J I Cure and was complete- ly rcsxorou, iu ueutw, and has not taken a HealtK drop of medicine during the past two year. Under these circumstances I cannot do Otherwise thorn recommend It toothers." Friendship, N. Y. W. n. Scott, M. D. Dr. Mllos' Remodlei are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee first bottlo boncflts or money rof undod. Book on Ooart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, tod. A SUMMER SAIL in Indies' shoos is a jilonsaiil voyage afoot, For the pleas ure it gives, there's no sail I ! 1 1 it . 11 ko our saie. urowiis are enjoying it, and securing ilie prettiest, coolest and best lit 1 o . ring oununevsiioesnow man ufacturetl, at prices whic buyeis find it u pleasure pay. ior iiouso or street Wear, pleasuro or everv-dav practical purposes, Malking viiling, or driving, we supply the ideal shoes demanded ltv fashion and the dictates individual task'. Lad it whoever claims yo'ir hands 1 .. H . oy an means sur rentier your feet to these shoes. to of G.H. Y Oi iliiiniici' n. ;tj. AN ORDINANCE Shambach& Rei gle A.M. Sliainliiicli mill Foster Ueiglo liavc tiinueil a jiai'tncrsliij) and can Inj fiiiuid at the oLd reLiabLe staNd. Tin: U st and linest work in all kinds ot iron and rteel will be exceutet in tilt; most satisfactory maimer. Middleburgh, Pa. 8 31110. Executor's Salo of valii Real Estate ! The undersigned Kxecutor of the last will and teslanietil ol Matilda t'uiisi, late of Allddleereek rP,V U.,,,l,.. , !., ..-Ill u,.ll .1 . . w., . ... ... ... 1 nn m niimi'H Snttydiiy. Juno 12th, IS'.)", the lollowlii)f dt'scrlls'd Ileal kKtnte. In wit : All thai 1 met. of land situate In V. 1,1,1 h-.-reou 'I'wn.. Knvder Co.. !.. nhiuil lull,. i,Mh.inUi 01 illohii Nlllls mill Is lioiiiiiled ns lollnw's: North ny intKis or . w. naiien, west tiy hinds nt Phil ip ells-r and heirs of (leorire llolhr. Houiii tie liinil.ol Solomon Hummel and n. w. Hailch, and KiinI hy lands of .lotin Kereamer and II1111J. Pontliius, conlalnliit 77 A crew, mora or less whereon ure erected a Swelling House, Bank Earn, and oilier outbuildings. Salo to eomtnenro at in o'clock a. 111. when terms w ill lie inn, In known by JOHN IIII.HKHT. Kxecutor A Nhorl t in to Ilenllli. Tnlrvlnenmrnnullmillmi hv tt.lrlm. ... ... 1 ..j ...n,..,. II. like going round In a circle. You will never reach the point Boiik'hl. hut only get back lo the start ing point. A perfect mil mill laxatlvn Is Humus' Celery Klne. the celebrated remedy for nil blood, sioinache, liver and kidney diseases. It regulates the bowels. W, II. spuugler, Middle burgh ; M. ltothrock, M. 1)., Mt.. Pleasant Mills, will give you a sauinle nackiuro freo. I.arirn ui.u 25 and JtK-la. Vote for Water Works June 1 8 tli. limiting permission t, 1 Tin- l'i nn Trh oli 1 iitupany to et 1 and iiialmalii Us TelepiioiM i.i 1 me inii'uiigii 01 .Mlndlibiligh. sniil, Co. I'elllis.vlnillhi. ski 1 iox I .lie It otd.iliu'd by Ilie Tuw ii Conn en 01 1 lie Kormiirh of Vlililli'lmrgli. In Tow Comiell. mid II Is hereby enaeleil and old, due liy mil horn y of Hie snine, that periulssl.it, h ami tiie same is hereby granted In The IVnn Telephone Coiupaiiy In erect poles and run ires on 1 ne sniil" over or under am of tin Streets, l.iiuesnr Alleys ut lids llornuiri:. lor iln purpose of transacting a general Telephom hiislness. and the iwtne from lime 10 lime lo al ter. re new linn re pair. Sn-i ion said poles shall be straight mill hai ked and shall he painted at least, lo feel limn ine ground. 1 ne location of the line and poll shall be 11 ne'er Ilie supervision ot l, strei i.'nliimtliee 01 mild llnrougti, unit should 11 hi eonir necessary al any time In the Judgment of I..TSI..I, voiioiiii ir.T, in cuilllge ine liH-illlon ol any pine 1 ir sues, ine said "I'eiin Te eiiliinu Cumpaiiy" slnill liiimedtiilely iiHiu notice Iroin sain iinmuuiiee iniiKe tne iiestreii chance at tin eust anil expeuseof the said I'eim Tele,hune Skition 3. The said Teleiihnne Cinniuoiv lu fore entering upon any of the hi reels, alleys or ii.iier. ,,1 ninu i.ifiuilgll, ll.r I lie purpose Of 4-1 til sirilftliigorerectltiif poles to said Telephone .,,1,-, nn, .11 eoiei lino a llllllll III u t.Ulll Of r lV iiiiiiiiieu miliars 10 iiiesaiu iioroiigli, lo lie ap- t'... 'i ,j 1110 10011 . nuiicii, cnuilll lulled I' ine payineni or all (lamiiL'es ocensfiinert bv in.. cilliut rilet lo.i nt u, ,1,1 n ., I... .1. ...... t 1 .... . I i,i,iui, i.iiiu, nun iiisii conditioned that Die streets, alleys and lands 1 snail ue leu III as irooil COIIII II loll us IheV were More entering upon the same for the WM)se vuun.i ... tiuK PUIU 1 eiCllUlie 1,1110, Hwtion 4, The onicers of the flormigh shall have (he fret use of said Teleiiliiiiu. I in,, unn.i., the llorougb llinlls, lor sending and receiving ,,nn,,K, n,i iiiuMuii- uiraii lllllllieipal pur- tm )u..B ua nuiu iniu tsuitii ue uiaintaineu, Ni:in inN R,-Tho provisions of this ordinance nuuu ue loruiaiiy accepted ny said Company, and ... u. nuiu aeucjiiuuce ine saint shall be nun aim vuiu. Hkition (I. That the Borough of Mlildleburgli ., ,,,, c.i'usi-, now or nen'iiiier, ny riin.mt tl Ihu Mi.K....ti..n - , ,..v j,um ..mm Ul 1 HIS uiiiiiiiiuce. mil-rum 1, it tne said releplione Line Is nnt in inn cHTaii(in wiinin one year Irom dale of inmsnge in huh oruinance, thu sninu shall bo .....I UIIU VUIU, Passed nt a special uieellngof Town Council. Attest : I'., ivi u i... . .. C. HTKTI.KH, SCC'V. ' . I resident ,'Mi.i in, ini, me wiiuin nriiinanec iinvliigbci n duly passed as ninended by Iho Town Council and the same having been duly nrusented to me tor my approval or dltappruvul, 1 '.erehy up- rtrnvit flu fcinmn ' ' r J. K. ItKITT!, Chlrf Ilurgessof Ihv iloioiit;li of Mlddlel.urg.l'a. THKOLD BSTABUSHKl) -Merchants' House,.- Third N I reel Above Cnllowliill, PEILALELPHIA, PA. Under New Management Kates $1.50 a day, $5.00 per Week. Win. F. Miller. PropV. SMpped &o,d. or examina tion, direct Iremfactory. wvina )t amu arid J.cre'?rc!?' ipt or Money returned. if not accepted. LljUAL CF ANY WkeO. iiA.NLTACTURLD St FURBlITURE, CAHPETS AND CHINA. 'I mm rT;V. PT- Hfr: I lw r";-.; ajl' N. :(): Uriglit new ilesigns lonU mil from every nook ami corner nf our Store Slui,es anil Styles in wliicli nt ()lice yon seo your itleal. Couches CAKI'KTS, Kl llS, AllT.sijUAKS ami IMCTL'KKS nt prices so low that oth er men-limits can nut compete. :(): Yours Uespect fully. . H. FELIX, Lcwf?t ow 9- Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payments. IUI-1 HUUWUS REMEMBER H. HRRVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, fSKiiiNeraioTK, pa,, Only the Oldest, Wrongest Cash Conipanies, Lite, Accident and iornudo. No Premium Note; I - . .... ISiSHfSl Fire, No Assessments The Aetna Founded A. ., 1S1!), Assetsl 1,0.m,:i1:,.SS 44 Home 41 " " 1S5.J " J,S5:;,(i2S.51 " Aineiican " 44 44 JSI0 14 'J,-IO!,.iS.r; The Standard Accident Insuraiico 0 riM. . ' v .1. i ! i . T . . rt 1 HC 1C 1 01 l M10 lllblll.lIICO 'wll, riie Fidclilij Mutual Life Association. Your I ati ouago Solicited THE i.i. ix v. wvi J.tij 1 v V V V V Tr DiAMono rnAwr. STRONGEST WHZZL ON EARTH IliS COMPLETE CICVCLLv A.NU CUt'l'ON 7 ii i i in 1 1 1 i iii ii $27 PATPNTS Tne I To!). 24, 1091 Cc'. 3, 1C33 Jrn. 21. tfJOO i W..y 17, lU'Jl Jan. I. IU'j& tlhcrs I'cndina f.TVWlMMl" is the i,,iv7 ill. j wi'r, fit, l,c .ri nuu'e. Ai!nitid l.u ,,11 i ronds mid tiders. .M.uleol uniteri.il th.it is whit, t-'it It t-.t.tt ;.,m, sun It- in constiuciii.u easily taken apart and put tnuetllel ; h.is lew narts: is i I mi h v.n V inlisll lalmn I Inn ils ., ,u 'i,'..i i together even in an accident, un hnllow lulling In t: e; h ii.ut i 1 1 n.::ta t; a hiinic that can not be broken: so siinnle that its ndiusliiiLr Darts serve ns its rntinertmt, futriu t. instead nf n doien parts; always ready to give relin'.Ie mid tapid Itanspnrtatii n FRAME Imprnved double diiinionil; made of s-iin'h cold rnlltdstcd n ils It. ughi st mid Mi, n- ,m )m l, for ils Hvight kilownl; joined together with our impinvrd steel littiiiKs; n tnai vil .',( nnvclty simplicity and durability, the gn utcst cum binatlnii el iuecnniiv in l.uvclc inn hi.insin known' lo build a frame wilhout liraieii jnints and tubing, ns nil know Ihut liil'inlnr limm s 'soim times hrrak and fracture at hraxeit iuiuts. and tubes when Ihiv iia Innlli'il in. n i 1....1 WHEELS 'JS-inch. frnnt and rear; warranted wood rims, piano wiie niikil tnngnit spoki s ami brass tiitiples. HUBS Large barrel pattern; made from the best oiuility i'"l,l ih.,uii s,. unless steel, with patent reinforced spoke ll.inges directly over ball beniines. TIRES- 1 ,nn II.. " ... Tiger" single lube, "North American" or " liosion " d, idle tele, or it me nilu 1 lirsllns ,..,., IIIMV K,,4iii.ii,-,i. e win niiliisii, 11 I'lnrr.il. Alllllf'totl' hose pipe or Morgan & Wright quirk repair tires for f 2.1X1 extra, m l. BEARINGS Hull henrine loeci iv tuirt meliiding wheels, crank nxle. steering head mid pedals. CRANK SHAFT BEIIIINCS-Ait dili-il with our patent ball cases, which are interlocked mill mppoit each other. CUPS AND CONESI ltest inialltv selected steel, carefullv temnered nod harden. d CHaiN";- 11, ,,!,, . 1 1... t. liiL'h urade hardened centers, rear ntliiisl 111111I. CRANKS Our , , 1, 1,,m, ,1 . ; .,.,V ,..o.) ptolecletl by patents: nn cotter pins. SPROCKET 8 Wade from best ipialitv iclimd stcil iiicely linished and hardened: rear sprocket detachnblc, frnnt sprncket seciuelv kevtd In tnin'k uxU REACH-Shortest, 2S Inches; longest, IW incites. GEAR nt or 72. FRONT FOftK-Imlestructilile' lurk crnwn made of drop forged steel. HANDLE BAR-Reversible, readily cltanetil In either raised or dropped pattern; best cork or eomposiliuti cuik handles, laiest style of I 'tiiilisli tips mid ferrules. SADDLE Our own stvle "K" ki.'tl irrnde. u-rv rn.v ri.lin,,. l .....li.- '.-in;..... ... snine other first-class make. PEDALS Combination nil trap or rubber: lull ball hr.-irin FINISH Hnaiiieleil In black, with nil blight parts, hicltiding fiotit fmk, hnndle bar, hub, sent pnsl, rrnuks and spokes, nickel plated, itach bicycle complete with Int l bag, pitnip wrench nnd oiler. WEIGHT According to tires, pedals, saddles, etc. , in to ; 11(1 pounds. GUARANfEE I-iuli Maywood llicycle is fully guaranteed (or one year. , Kamvisi:, Wash., b. n, )km. I consider vour "Mavwnotl" wheel the stronnest nnd snfesl bievcte uia.l f,,. ;.u.. ..'.! roiiuh rontls. auch as we have In this cntintrv. Iiiev are nl.n lii.ttt runtiiMo n.xl nk. ... ...1:.... The one-piece crank isa wonderful piece of mechanical simnlicilv in bicycle construction, and with Ilie improvements 1 understand lliev are to have this year, it will be the best wheel made. tiAMll-.I, . htlMI-K VI 1,1.1';. 5.1 U our Sneclal Wholesale Price to quickly introduce the "Maywood' Never before sold for less. Bicycle, we have decided to COUPON No. 33 J lsf 0000 roa if :$5.oo; II sent w ilh order For MAYWOOD No. 6 BICYCLE CASH BUYERS' UNION, t62 Wact Van Buren Si., Bxsast, CHICAGO, ll make a sjieciai coupon oiler, giving every rentier or this paper n 1 nt ine hin Money refunded, if not as represented chance to get a first-class whee receipt of 127.00 axil coupon we will shl securely packed and crated. after arrival anil examination ofexamlnntlon, for (28.00 nnd coupon lie lowest price ever offered, fin 10 anyone tne nnove nicycie, We will shin C. O. I)., with privilege non. nravlded 15.00 is sent wit harder as a guarantee of good faith and charges. A written binding warranty stnt with each bicycle. This Is a chance of a lifetime, nnd you cannot uuru tu ict tuc gpportunity pass. Auurcss ail orucrs ig
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