8-fct gpuaMmrj) gut Published every ThurscUy. 6eo W Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year. irbJrtt must be paid tn advance when tent out Kldu the couiily.) HATCSOF ADVERTISING. All tr-.tnsleut ailvrtlrn;nts not otherwise OonirwUHt iur will becharKWl at the rale of IS cents per Hue (nonparVI mraaurv) tor flint Inser tion and 10 cents per line tor every subsequent insertion. -JV!f nnlitft piiMuknl fru t obituary porn,, iriimln vf fMjwct, tc. Urtt eentt a ItM. Republican Standing Committee. AduniH Tolilan Mllohcll, Troselvllle. W. H. Her mnn. TrnielvlllB. Beaver chits. K. Speebt, Beavertown, James M. Kline. Heavertowo. Beaver W. tiro. J. Speec. McClure. T. A. Waff- ner. McClure. Centre Miner Shsmbaeh. Mlddleburgh, D. K. lllniroman, I'enns creek. Ohapinnn W. II. Kerstetter. McKeeallalf Falls. Kilrar Hi'l.Hli. Hotter. Franklin W. I), tail, l'axtonvllle. i. W. Elsen- liour, MlddlehurKn. Jackson J. s. Yeartpk, Kratzerrllle, Isaac Bll iw. New llerlln. Mlddlehiirt;h-Ueo. V. WuirenReller, Middle- Imrirh, N. A. Howes. MliMlebwvli-slldilleereek-P. L. Kow, K reamer, K. B. Hum mel, k reamer. Monrm- )eo. H. Letller, shamc-kln Dam, J. II, Rlioads. t'enn-r. K. Wagner, Sulem, Daniel Knouso. Se- llnsirrove. erry .1. N. Hrwltis. Mt. Tleasant Mills, B. F. Arlxiira.it, Mt. I'leitKsnt Mills. errv W.-H. K. Nmitfle, Itlchlivld, Pan. Man- ' nnl Hli'linVlli. Sellnnvrove N. S. Fisher. Sellnsgrovn, K. n. siultli, Selltisu'rove, Hprlnu-IT. A. M. Mnlili. IteftverSprlnirs, I. F ltelirel. Heaver Snrllii.'s. Unhin-ii I. Fl iteli'rs, l'ort Treverton, O. 0 lilee. IMrl. 'I'reverloli. Waslilnirtnii lerry Charles, Freeburff, W. II. (irimin, Kreetmru'. -'Ja hep rr.LKJAX ticket. Axsorldt-i Jurftr, If. C. Sitmpxell. J'fiilliiniottli'H, (r. Jf. Sfiiiidtl. Hethter fc Recorder, J. If. Willis District Attorney, J. JV. linker. Jury Comm., Jo. 11. Hendricks. Thursday, Juno 10, 1897. Reig'e and Fensterbush Sentenced. Clias. lleigle and Daniel FcnsUr bush who were tried on Tuesday for malicious niiscbef in doing dam ago to tbe engine and saw mill near Marks' distillery, were found guilty, Tbe court sentenced IUigle to pay one dollar fine and costs of pros eoutiou. Fensterbush was sentene ed to undergo imprisonment in tbe Middleburgh jail for 30 dayB, pay $1 fine and costs of prosecution. Reigle had served sevon weeks in -jail and this was accepted as the equivalent of tbe extra penalty imposed on Fensterbush. S. F. Deibertof CsUwissn onTuos day was renewing old acquaintances in Middlehurgu Edwin Charles and his brido on Tuesday went to Port Treverton to (spend some time with friends. Tbe Howard Hornet printing plunt has been moved to Eagle's Mere, when' it will be used to print a local paper during the summer resort sea son. John C. Huekeiiburg of Franklin township tni Tuesday brought a clover stalk into this oflieo that measures : feet uiul 5J inches. Who can beat it .' The regular meeting of tbe Y. W, C. T. U. will be beld at tbe homo of Mrs. 1). K. McLaiu Friday evening at s o'clock. All friends of Tern perance are invited. M. L. Miller has Fold to tbo heirs cf John M. Rine, late of McKoes, a Quincv Granite Monument, which will be the handsomest piece of workmanship on that grave yard. It weighs G'.HHi lbs. iitul is intended as a family memorial John Frock of Middlecreek was a caller at this office Tuesday. He reports that good authracite coal is being found in Milllin county. He had with him some specimens of the genuine article that was found in boring a well. Tbo vim that was struck is 7 feet in diameter. Through a change inrodistricting tbe charges of the West Susquehan na CIuhms of tho Reformed church we regrt t to learn that Rev. S. S. Kohler of New Berlin will no longer be the pustor of this congregation here Rev. Kohler has eudearoJ him self to Lis people who are sorry to lose Lis servies. The 1'ost wishes the parson many blessings in bis new division of labors. J'EN.NM'l.VANIA KAII.KOAI) HI'.MMKIt KX 1 1 HMu.N KUITB HOOK. Tin- MM 'impleta 1'iililiiution of lt Kind. Un Jtin I tli J'aawiiKi-r iMjiartriieiit of the J'uiintylvaiiia Uallrosd .'onj.any lwui-.l the lw7 t-ditjci! of It. hummer En ur.ion Jtuiitu Book Tills work in .l.-.im-l t, provide the public wltlithurt flrwripiiva t the principal Mummer resort, of ICantern America, with the routva for rcxhinu theiu, uuJ the rak'l of fare. XUeie are over four liuudrtd reoorU In the book tuwhi'h ratea are uoted, and over fifteen huudrrd different routea or coiubinatloui of route. It In eouioilod with the utiuoat care, nd allboKetbar U tbe oiont compleW and com irUeiielve handbook of Summer travel ever vffered to the public. It Sit pacw are laeloaad la haadwe and atriklnc cover, tn eoloea. 8avml aiapa. P ea se nil n( the exact routoa over which tickcta are old are bound lathe book. It ia alaoprofaaely Illustrated with One half tone eute of scenery alone the lines of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad and elsewhere. Any doubt as to where the Summer should be passed will be dispelled after a careful exami nation of the contents of the publication. On and after June 1 it may be procured at any Pennsylvania Ilailroad ticket office at the nam inel price of ten cents, or, upon application to tbs arneral office, Broad Station, by mail for twenty cents. Urapeand Bark BUUrmtor Malaria. Kvpr niu kiHiwi the value of the BraDe aa a luscious and healthy fruit. Aunt Rachaera Ma larial Hitters Is tbe ultimate of the Grape Juice, in its nrnnerties. mildly diuretic, sudorific and Ionia More than seven-eiirlitlis is the pure Juice of the grape, aimply made by Peruvian Hark. Chamomile Flowers. Snake ltoot, fcc, and will cure Malaria Fever if used aa directed. M1DDLECREEK. Harry Wanner commenced sawing staves for Joseph Weader last week . .After an extended visit in Lew- istown Mrs. Mollie Smith returned home last Tuesday.... Mrs. Orwig and Mrs. Kahley of Ohio were tbe euests of Alvin Ulsh's Adam Thomas has become the proud "dad dy of a young daughter ...LUps. K. Goss returned to Cleveland, O., after a short visit with bis parents and friends Our town was repre sented at the P. O. S. of A. meeting on Saturday by Win Price Hen ry and Win, Maurer made a trip to Zeiglerville one day hist week u. Rhcam and family were the guests of Jesse Knopp last week. . . .James Mitchell, who is taking a course at tbe Modico Chi College in Philadel- delphia, is at homo at present J. M. Raker and family were the guests of Simon Yeager on Sunday H. Hoimbach and wife, James Hummel and Miss Sallie Hoimbach wero vis iting Allen Heimbach's near Center- villo over Sunday. X. Y. Ilonrtl of Health on Wine. Dr. Junes of the New York Board of Health uyn : "I take great pleoHiire In to the superior il itirs of tho I'ort Wine produced by Alfred Seer of New Jersey. After a prolonged trial 1 recommend it as osiiierlor wine for the sick and dchillatcd." It is kept in vanks to a great ago before Iwltl ing, and though higher in price is far superior and more reliable than other wines. SELINSU ROVE. V. F. Hummel, wife and sou of Williamsport are visitiug friends ...,B. M. Wagenseller spent Sun day with his parents Arthur Jones of Williamstown was in town several days Tbe game of base ball on Saturday between Watson town and Sehnsgrove resulted in a score of H to 2 in favor of the home team. .. .The Juniors and tho regu lar team played an exhibition on Fri day evening last. ...Mrs. Bubb of York state is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ludwig and sister Mrs. Kant ner. Mrs. Ludwig is nearly !() years of age P.S.Albert is bod-fust with Sciatic Rheumatism. Hopo be will be nble to be around soon E. B. Jones represented Post 148 at the State Encampment held at Johns town, Pa Dr. Dimm, Pros, of Susq. University left Monday after noon for Mansfield, Ohio, to attend tbo Gen. Synod of tbo Luthoran church Strawbrrries are getting quite plenty, tbe fruit is of excellent llavor this season Our bridge builders are homo having finished the R. R. bridgo at Columbia last week II. D. Scbnuro and wife who spent somo weeks in the moun tains of Centre county have return ed Prof, and Mrs. Voelkler, fath er and mother of Dr. L. H. Voelkler, of Williamsport spent several days in this place. . . .Prof. Chas. Albert, sons and Keller Bell of Bloomsburg spent Sunday with P. S. Albert's,. .. Eight wheelmen of the Uarrisburg Wheel Club wero in town on Sunday on their century run.... Mr. Betts and wife of Rokrsburg were enter tained at the Methodist parsonage . .William Phillips and E. R. Win- gard are spending a few days in Phila....Dr. B. F. Wagenseller at tended the Medical Convention at Philadelphia. Dampness la Itooms. If It is desired to ascertain whether A room is damp, tho doors and window should b closed hermetically nod kilogram of fresh llmo placed therein. In 24 hour It should bo weighed, arxS If It has absorbed more than tan gmma of water (one per cent.), tb room should bo- considered damp and nr beeUthy. The Instinct of Oysters. Oysters, after tliey hnvc been brought nwny from the bco, know by inmlnct the e-xnet hour when tho tide U rwng and opprouchlng their bed, and ao, of their own accord, open their shells to reccivo their food from tho ae, m if they were irtill at home. MAIIKIKD. Juno H, ut Lutheran parsonago, Ly Rov. D. E. McLain, C. W. Ernest of Paxtonvillo and Anna V. Eisonhour of Franklin Township. On the 3, inst. by Rev. W. A Haas, Charles G. Miller of SelinRgrovu to Gertie O. Klingler of Hummers Wharf. Susquehanna University. Th exersises of commencement week will take place as follows : SCHOAT Jc!i20tH. 10:30 A. M. Baccalaureate Sermou by Rev. G. L. McConaell of Miffiiu burg. Pa. 7:30 P il Address to T. M. C. A. by Rev. W. E. Fisher, D. D. of Suv mokin, Pa. Monday, Jo.n'e21jt. 9:0 ) A. M. ExamiuatioQ of elit es completed. ToesDAT Joss 22.ND. 10:30 A. M. Graduating exercisui of Theological Department. Address to the Theological clais by Rev. M. E. McLinu of Blooms burg, Pa. 7:30 P. M, Address to the Alumni of the Theological department by Rev. I. H. McGannof Lowisburg, Pa. 9:00 P. M. Philo Reception iu the Town HalL 9:00 P. IL Clio B mquet Wednesday June 23bd. 0:00 A. M. Business meeting of Collegiate Alumni. 10:30 A. M. Annual Junior prizn Oratorical ontest. 12.00 M. Banquet of Collegiate Alumni. 2:30 P. M. Entertainment of Stu dents in Campus. 2:30 P. M. Address to Alumni of Collegiate department by Rev. Am brose E. Renn, A. M. of Urbana. O. Thursday June 24th. 10:00 A. M. Commencement. Sept. 1st, Wednesday Examina tions for admission. Sept. 2, Thursday First term opens at 9:30 A. M. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill u bottle or common water glues witli urine aud letit stand twenty-tour Mourn; a M'dimetit oV nettling indicates a diseased condition of the kidneyH. When urine stains linen it is positive evideue- of kidney trouble. Too fre quent depire to urinate or pain in the back. it hIho convineiug proof thut the kidneys ami bladder are out of order. M il IT TO . There in comfort in the knowledge ho often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's .Swiiiup ltoot, the great kidney rem edy fulfills every witdi In relieving imin iti the back, kidney, liver, bluil der nt.d every part of the urinary paxtiiiKes. It corrects inability to hold uriti and Hcaldiuir pain in panslnir it, or bad effects following use of litmor, witieot beer, and overcomes that tin pleaxant necessity of beimr compell ed to iret up many times durinir the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effeot of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stauds the high est for its wonderful cures of the most distresbitiL: cass: If you need a med ioine you should have the best. Sold by drugu'Uts price fifty cents and one dollar f or a sample bottle and pam phlet, both sent free by mail, mention Post and send your full poBt-ofllce address tn Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ring hamton, K. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this oiler. An Important hokIIii. If votir Irlends or neighbors are sufrerlnir from roiiKhH. eolds. aoro throat, or any throat or lung disease (Ineliiillnir consumption), nsk them If they havo ever used oiio'h cure. This famoim (ierinan remedy Is havlnir n largo sale here and Is performing some wonderful cures of throat and lung diseases. W. II Spangler. Mlildleliurg ; M. Itothrock, M. I).. Ml. Pleamnt Mills, will give you a sainple IkiI I le free. No mat lor what ot her medicines have failed to Co, try Otto's Cure. Large size i! and suets. PENNSYLVANIA KAILR0AD. Sorbury & Lowistown Division. In effect Nov 15, 18i)0. WtflTVf tUD DIS. BTATIOH. tilTWAlD p III I 01 I :t7 ia.6 4..I4 I l'i.02 I :i 1'i.iH) in n.61 4.1)1 11.46 H 4 IU 11.40 II l.l'6 II. M 13 D5S !U.!i II 4tl 11. ID SO 3 4.1 U.l'i 3S a..'(N 11.0 S6 H -N 10.68 SO it.VI 10.60 13 :i.i; jio.43 aa :i.H io;i 37 :l.lll ! 19.86 tt l.l't 10.3 48 4.57 '10.17 46 V-" 10.04 SO A. Ii Lewlatown J. Main Street Lew In town Maltlaod Painter Shlndle Wanner Mouiurs Raub'iMllll AdansborR Bosvertown Henlrr M Iddlsburgh Melser K reamer Pawling Selinnnrove Sellnngrovs J, SauburT am 7.341 7.:a 7.: ;.4:i 7.4 7.64 7.M t OH 8.13 8.111 e.r. B.S4 8.40 8. 411 S.4U 8M 9.011 9.IM .18 Sra .15 8.IN 8.-20 t.'JV 8.II5 8.41 3.45 S.55 4 01 4, on 4.14 4.34 4:w 4.M i.M 4.43 4 63 4.58 6.10 Trains leave Lewistown Junction : 4 58 a in, 10 13 a m.l2H7 p m,5 27 p in, 7 07 11 68 p m Pur Kaltlmore and WaKhlngton u 811 am 103, I 4 lA 1 l1 1) in Per I'llllnilnll.hls nn.l Na Vort (t: 85 a m, 1 m l 38 4 45 and 11 1 p m Por nun ibuuik v a 111 unu 0X0 p m Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AND NORTUKKN OK.NTKAL RAILWAY t rains leave Sunhurr dallr exennt Sundav ; 85 a in Iur WllllauiMiort and Cananilaliriia 5 13 a m lor Hi'llulonte Kris and t'nnnnilulii 9 45 a in lor Uiok tlsven, Tyrone mid tho West. 1 IU m tor neiielonle Knne s CanaridaiKua & 4"p m lor Kenovo and Kluilra V r p m lor Ixok Haven Sunday 5 13 a in lor P.rlo and Cananilaliriia viSa in fur Lock Haven and V a p iu Iur Wll- liuilinimrb 5 S6a m lorCatawlKua and Ilarcltun 5 35 am, H 55 a in and A 43pm tor Wllknutmrro 7 II) a in. lo 30 a in, 3 us p in, 5 45 p in fur Miauio- Kiu anil iiiuiiui t.aruiei Sunday 10 00 a m Iur Wilkiuburro Tralnt leave Sellnmrove .lunetlon ' in fill At,, .l.,l.a BMll.ln.. ... ... ... .... ...... ... . n a nill.HIK IIV T llll.MKMIinill :t oo pm New Yurk s 63 p m llaltluiure 8 10 p ui n nriHUKtoii iv i ill 5 41 p hi daily arriving at Philadelphia 11 15 p in New Yurk 8 53 a m, Kalliiuuru in 40 p in H IU ti III. Vk-nlf flnva itrrlvit.v 11. It... I.. I. .1.1.. 4 3U a III New York 7 3-1 a in i rii'iis ni'ii isave Huniniry : 1 60 a in dally arriving at I'hlladolilhla 8 52 a in lliillltiiiiri. H 'O M in U'u.lilnul..n VJji ..... M.... ....... ... . . .. ..... p. . .... , t.. w UW York U (Warn Wcekilsyt, ll) ;w a ui Sundiiy, .u n in miiiy nrriviim hi -lliaMltllllia lUHia 111 New York 1 13 n in ItaltlmoreK.v & m. U'.i,iii. ton lo 18 a m 1 6.i p in, week day airivlng at FliMndotphla t 33 p in, New Yoik U 30 p in, llaltluiure 6 oj p m Warhlnglon 7 16 pin Tiiilns no leave Smiliiiry at 'i50ainsiid 6 30 and k 30 p m, Iur llarrlnburg, I'lilladelplua and llallluioru 1 XI TT7I li' 1 Tl f i n-i .... , . J. 11. HUTCHINSON. tlen'l Manager. lost Couxh Syrup. Taslsa Uoud. Cm I I In time. Hold hr dniiKlt. H .ttuimAji-iii '! y0mans I Arrest packace greatest sconomv. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, bu Louis. NswYork. Boston. PbUadtlpbia, . DON'T SACRIFICE . . . Future Comfort for present seouiia;; Economy, but BUY the Sewing Machine with an established reputation that guarantees you long and satisfactorv Ht'rvice : Its hcRutiful figured wood work, durablo construc tion, tine niecbani--;l adjust in ent, eiiiiileil witli the Finest Set of Stwl Atliielmieiit)-, makes it the M Dfsiralile Machine iu the Market. FRANK S. RIEGLE, MiDDixm noir, Pa- telfSund for our beautiful lmlftone catalogue. I nost -j-Fir, Li'e ar)d Afcidpr)b-j- T ii)surai)ce. Snyuek's old, and reliable Gen'l Insurance Agency, SELIHSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Blmor VST". StxaTrcloir, Agent, Successor to the late William H. Snyder. The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in tbe follow ing list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None Better the World over. NAM K, LOCUTION. ASSKTS. FIRE Itoyal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign assets) $4:1,000,000.00 Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,645,735.62 Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. 5,588,058.07 Continental, New York, 6,754.908.72 German American, New York, 6, 240, 01)8.83 LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, $204,638,983.06 ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur ance promptly furnished. ELMER V. SNYDER, Agt., Oflico on Market Street. Selinsgrove, Pa i Great Reduction Sale of FMITUfl For Ninety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT THE GREATEST SACRIFICR EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. We are not selling out, but we do this to Increase our sales above anypre vlous year. We give a few of the prices as follows : Soft Wood Chamber Suits fl4.00 Cotton Top Mattress 2.25 Hard Wood Chamber Suits 10.00 Woven Wire Mattress 1.75 Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pieces 111.00 Bed Springs 1 25 Plush Parlor Suits 30.00 Drop Tables, per ft CO Wooden Chairs per set 8.00 i Platform Rockers 2 50 In stock, everything in the furniture line, including Mirrors, Book Cases, Desks, Side-boards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Faucy Rockers. Baby Chairs, Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Doughtrays, Sinks, Hall Racks, C&xA Seat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. Prices reduced all through. Come early and see our stock before! giving your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar. Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, MIFFLINBUROH, P where fliayon get til at? Why At Oppenheimers', SELINSGROVE, PA. There is only one House in the County where you cun got such Nobby Styles At present we aro carrying a full line o Dandy Shirts in Colors and White, Launilricd and unlaundried COLL&fffi, CUfTS, 'BOWS, TIES, nnd nil kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods, HATS AND CAPS in StrawTand Wool, Nobby line at Fine Shoes. Don't fail to see our Russetts, all the latest Styles. Come and Bee our large stock of Spring Novelties in the Ready Made Clothing Line. XI. OXTESUiXUIlVIIDXl.. solinOgrovo M HALF Pit is twice no price, l)nt iuu i-uiiiuum nrii'n ir. selling a whole piece of J .i juuur. oee : Full measure at half pr )Urt,u. ai nan pry " uv,"' "ii want tr goods at low iiriuvs, over our bargains. TTPT 1 we Me laone l 5n Wp. Pan Dnn uu ii u uuii uuj Come in and lioln out our stock Look at these I'rta ULiOTHING. 3U'ii s gtKKl dress !SiiiiS) jZ1. 42, only ..-(). Hoys' rood dross suits, ;, only 2.00. Youths' jrtMid dress suits, 11, only 1.00. Men's good lu-avv wm Mii, r pants,:?! to 12, 7V. Men's fine dress pants, ;; ., 1.25J Boys' knee liants. 1 to 11. hi. Men's good heavy wnrkinc ,! o0 inches long, 2.V. to o,. Dry Goods. Stop, look at our fancy calim Staple Calico, 4c a va'nl. All liest indigo blue calico "h All Apron Gingliains, fie. 1 11 !. 1 . . vvii rancy oressgingliams,;io.H raney perenls .Hi inches wide, to 9c. Also a full line of Fanrv .Vi Dress Goods, Wliitc (im!,.s and all O. X. T. C 4c. a spool. AH Goods sold Reduced Prices Here we are, just returned h JNew York and riiilailelpiiia the largest and latest styles fS I ever had before and we art, at half-price, for what a giNl n buyers are jiaving fur it. SHOES. We can sell von Shoes lower prices than yon can buy elsewhere Men's fine dress slu e Hake I ress, to 0."c. Men's heavy wnrkini; Oil '! llalare Contrrcss, ii." to Ladies' Xo. 1 kaniriiroo SlnvJ or Button, 1 to 7, I1""'. Ladies' Xo. 1 fine dress .-In', U or Button, 1 to 7, I'"'. Boys' and Messcrs, I,;nvorl!i; 75 to 1.00. Youths fine slides, Lnec r Hu 50 to 75c. Children's Shoes, Lace or M 25 to 50c, Means, Limn, so. por lb., 9 ' lleans, So. per lb Ihs. for U: Syrnp Syrup, (tc. per qt 300. per K.il-. I'u !ri por qu, inc. per if u. Call and see those (ircat Ik in Sluu.a lufnr villi III IV. I we can please you iiinl W money. COFFKK. 4 lbs. Lion collee for 4Sc. or imr Hi Arbuekles llhs. for 4Sc. or lij U nwn lirrin.l I II. fT n II, Java and liio loose mAd 4 for 5()e. or 15c a H. " Chocolate ISc SUCSAKS. 13 lbs. light Brown .'Cc 11 lbs. soft While 50. 11 lbs. fine granuhilnl 51k'. Baking Soda 5c a II)., torn- S. nr 'X llm. for 2)c Call to See Our Caffg MARKET PBIffi Butter, 15c. V c" l r x i.. lAWi i3Hio meat, or. i . - Ham,- ftlw til Mer. So. F. H. MAUBE, NEW BERLIN' -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers