The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 10, 1897, Image 3

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liUW Test: Tanl's Advice to Timothy,"
jl Tim. 1-. 1-7; 111., 14-U-Coldea
Ti-it: II Timothy III., IS Com-
mrBmry by Rev. Dr. I). M. fitrarnl
- Tbt Mond epistles ara all suggestive of
i, l-t davs when the world shall ttava
jiw ,.h
irlru'tioD5 to God's servants (or times of
i.siinier. confusions, formality, tto. The
faithful witness is taught how to deal with
.. who "turn away from," "err cop.
-.niir.e" and "resist-' the truth, or "will
ot endure seeond dootrine" (II Tim. iH 15;
a 1; lii.. Hi !..
1 "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by
the will of Ood, according to tho nromlso
'l life which Is in Jesus Christ." He
loved to think of himself as one sent forth
tifjmus Christ and ohosunfor this honor
hv tlie will of Uod. Why God should ehoosa
iv of us is certainly a great wonder, but
I We iiare tmly received the Lord Jesus
Ohrist as ur Saviour, resting wholly aud
onlv on His finished work of atonement,
we 'need not fear to believe thnt wo went
chosen in Him" before the foundation of
the world (Eph. I., 4!t that we should bo
holy before Him, and that He might semi
. frtli In His name, even as the Father
pot Him cJohn xvil.. 18; xx., 21). The
lifetlist God Rives is in Christ, and apart
from Him there Is no llfo (I John v., l'i).
t -To Timothy, my dearly beloved son:
lr'e, mercy and peace from God tun
v:ber and Christ Jesus our Lord." In I
Tim 1 , 2. he calls Him "My own son in tho
hith." and In 1'hll. it., 20 (margin), Ho
wrote tlmt he bad no man so dear unto
Him is Timothy. We first read of him In
A'UxtI,. 1, as a diselplo living ns Lystra,
ls mother a Jewess, his father a Greek.
And 1'anl on his second missionary tour
took him with him. It Is by tho (trace or un
served favor of God through Jesus Christ
that we are saved.
j -I tbnnk God, whom I servef from my
forefathers with pure conselonee, that with
out nimlug I have remembrance of thee la
nr prevent night and day." Ilefore tho
('o'unll be also said that he had lived In all
rood conscience before God (Acts xxlll., 1)'
or as lie pits It In Acts xxvi., 5, "After tho
most stroitest sect of our religion I lived a
I'harieee." He does not attempt to excuse
hi ereat sins against Jesus Christ and His
inleenied, hut huvs that no verily thought
that be ought to do these thing (Ads xxvi.,
4 "Greatly desiring to see thee, being
rimlful of thy tears, that I may bo tilled
witli Joy. ram prayed mucli lor Uioso
i horn Ooil had given 111 in, but he would
rav. especially for Mich a one as his son
iitiotliv. If Paul had the I'hilltitiinn and
Uln-r believers in bis heart (Phil. I., 7) and
prayed much for them, how much morn
Joes our Lord Jesus carry love and pray
lur His redeemed ones. VYo are, not told
the cause of Timothy's tears, Imt if Paul
ta mindful of them how much more is
our Lord of ours. There is comfort to hu
man weakness In the thought that the joy
of such a one as Paul might bo increased
by Timothy.
5. "When I call to mind tho unfeigned
faith tliut is in thou." Not In 111 in only but
io Mil mother ami grandmother; not that
laitli is hereditary, but children mav be so
taught and trained that from earliest In
liuvy they maybe true believers in the
Lord Jesus Christ. messed aro the moth
n and grandmothers who so train tho
children. I'nfcigned faith makes us think
n the "most surely believed" and "know
;he certainty" of Luke I. 1, 4.
6. "Wherefore I put thee in remembrance)
that thou stir up tho gift of God which is
cuV'e lv the putting on of my hands."
H refers 'to this also in I Tim. iv., 11. Tho
Sjlrit bestows gifts upon people severally
telle, the Spirit, will, and God places tho
members iu tho body as it hath pleased
lliai (I Cor. xil., 11, IH). Ho gives to every
nan his work and something to work with.
.......... ................ tip,
Tfl .. ........ mn.. ....... .-.It.... ... I. I..
?. "For Cod hntlt not given us the spirit
ilki, ..f .... ...! 1 1 ... ..
Mund mind." Judging from tho portion
I till! epistle following, such as i., H, 12, lii;
3, 10, 12; III., 12; iv., IS, Hi, wo would
liter that the fear referred to is a fear of
"iiat onx might bo called unon to endure:
i- thoughts of tho perfect lovo of God cast
tut oil fear 1 1 John lv.. ink
Ml. "l!iii contiuuo thou In tho things
vhie'.ithou hast learned and hast been ns
firod of." (lur Lord said. "Contiuuo vo in
hi, ve' 'if ye continue in mv word, then
'eye My disciples indeed" (John XV., II;
lii. . 31 i . I like to remember tluit l.ol:n
Hel in the beginning of his gospel that ho
, , iui, Leiiin nmeii were
most surely believed." that bis friend
iKht know tho certninl v" of thpan till
Uli'wL, 1. 4 I. and that Alinilminjns fnllu
rsuJli'd that what God bad lirnmlmul lie
'l able tn perform (Item iv VII on
15. "And that from a child thou' bast
TOIFntliu 11 1L l.l.i ..
.... n.nj, onijuures, wincn uro aiua
'make thee wise unto siiIiilH.hi
'.th which n Christ Jesus." Thoso could
DOnu lit tuir .!.. .1 l.... -
. . mi, nuni uuuio uepjiiso us
mow Testament writings. In which Paul
,i k wisnoin umo salvation
m tray of salvation. God's wav. is nowhero
thA ini i.. . . . . . .
iu- ui.uo more simtiiy set forth thnn
". ill.. 21. The T oed HI
eciotiimg by tho shedding of blood, and
-.u on,! i,b I1Ba oniy to arop as useless
eir own works, the fig leaf uprons, and
niari.'u who from thnir imi, n... .......i..
. 'All Scrinturn la rpWnn h,, in.,,i..o.
r,Ji, lor cnrrontlnn fn- 4natn.Mnn in
.1 . iat71& UVL1UU ill
"iwuwiess." V III in tho Till) la enntnlna
;Iery wrds of God and some of tho very
n of the devil, s well as some words
woo and bad men, yet tho wholo book,
'SIxyilinillL't,! nn, n.o .o.., K.. ,.-
t of Ood, Ho giving tho men whom he
1 the very words to writo . i i.i.
'"'7, OlXXXVl.. 2.4 It .Tnlin vll ifl
ok a .7 " rutu la8 D001c ls "till in the
grj I - 'niuojuiuttduuicgiui
That the man of God may be per
thoroughly furnished unto all good
child or kT. i V"a.Uonowh0 19
. .. y ll.llll in Llirlst Jeans nnil
.xi, vii'iiiitii Ti. iirt.i wri- .
'l"-ny lor H s servlnn t .
-.-..iia me Lord's m... .ii . " " H Ull nils H a unnrnnnl
trooly ls
"Tfou LZ9,8 ."""l-l""' to qualify
findi..?55d ?"" " we will only
luT '?..uHl good l)leasur tVM II
""-Lesson Hbi
Ln.. 'maay, Amonir th q..,i.m
P f Wrohoff. of Uatle. whoTnld.
Foy 'th v ot? wnit throughout
K-'i iSVtei 'W ot tac tile
14"iuvnii.' u8'u Beau not navo
Ks.f V UnloaJ a 6iu
ru lo iriT sutae weapon,
Vmiil,.u '"tors. Th hnll..i 1
"a nuni, .. j
iu .i onB ster
Jwt above the heart. ,
oad struct
liHU." uWn'0l Ollvei
- vior iti
KEYSTOaE stite kews gosdensedl
Tardiot at tht SmobI Trial f tka
f U iMMTUat
lata Hsbms.
Jona L Tha Houm today wttnuwd a
harp attack oa the Baker by KepraaenU
tlea eimpuD and I'.tohardson tMoaoM ol
aon-appointmeot of tha committees. On
motion of Mr. Dlngley, by 6 to 6&.UM Houm
upheld the Speaker's refusal to recognize
the resolution of Mr. Lewis (.Oem., Wash.)
Mr. Mason submitted a petition from tha ""'"J " muruer in tne nrst degree" was
National Buslnaaa League urging immediate toe verdict returned by the Somerset county
and effective aetioa on the pending tariff bill Jury who hava been sitting la Judgment In
S&ttSL1'" S'aVni 1 ,b- of John "d Jameslioddy, brother.
The tariff bill wu tuL.n .,n inn.i I. agl 23 and 27 resnectivelv. who have ban
ately after the dlsnoaltion ni Hia
. r " , - Niuv SIUVD aunw ato IUI
June 1 The formal notice of a tariff
speech was made by Mr Mantle (Silver Re
publican, Mod.), who said he would ad
dress the henate on Friday on the wool
schedule. The tariff bill was then taken up.
Mr. Aldrich was not present, and Mr. Alli
son, of Iowa, and Mr. liatt, of Connecticut,
directed the course of the bill.
Mr.Mewart (l'op.,Ntv.,')offered an amend
ment proposing the maintenance of a treas
ury reeerve of $128,000,000 and the retire
ment of bonds out of the surplus above 12fl -000,000.
Consideration of the niotal scbodule was
then begun.
June 4. The Kennte met at 11 a. m. to-day
with a view to expediting the tariff bill. Two
speeches were announced for the dny, one
for Mr. Mantle on the wool schedule of tho
tariff bill, and auother by Mr. llutler, Topu
list, of North Carolina, on his joint resolu
tion to amend the constitution so as to give
Congress the power to impoao income taxes.
Heuator Mantle (Silver liepublican of Mon
tana) addressed the Senate for two hours
upou the subject of wool
June 3. Senator Tillman moved that tho
ommlttee on contingent expenses be dis
harged from the consideration of the rttso
utlon for investigating charges in regard to
sugar speculation and bring the resolution
before the Senate.
Senator Gniliuger, a member of tho com
mittce.sald that he objected to Mr. Tillman's
motion, and added that tho committee in its
own good tlino would make a report after
carefully considering the mutter.
Senutor Vest quoted from a speech of
Sonatcr Thurman's regarding a demand
made at ono time by a Louisiana senator for
nn Investigation, rinirnum said that the
Senator of tho I'nited States had recourse
to the courts the snmo as any other,
aud no Investigation was ordered. '
Mr. Tillman said he was not concnmcl
to the charges ngalnst himself, and he pro
posod to have these charges investigated be
cause au attempt bad been made to attract
attention from the lire ho was building ln
front. He saw no reason why any Senator
Bhould not want charges Investigated. What
be wanted was to find out whether tho Sen
ate or uny Senutor belonged to tho sugar
Juno fi. The tariff debute was continued.
Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, objected to nn ml.
ditlonal tax on luinbcr.elalniliig that It would
Le a liurilen upon the oeoide. Senutor Vest
offered placing while ,un ,,u the dutiable
list at 2 per 1,(100 feet, lie declared that
tho pioposed ratio wns in the Interest of the
lumber barons, who have already accumula
ted millions upon minimis at the expense of
the people. Mr. Mci.aurinof South Carolina,
said that tho proposed rates on wood would
bo of no benellt to Southern Industry.
lr V.n,.., ,ll.,. I . .litv I ...tit. r .
............. , ... in. , llllll'ri-ll won. ir.
est, and expressed himself in of Hi..
duties on wood, claiming that tho lumber In
dustry of tho south would bo struck down
unless there was a legitimate tariff revenue.
Mr. I lay (Hem., (ia. ) denounced the Sen.
nto sugar schedule increasing the cost of
sugar $1.20 per hundred to the consumer
for the benellt of tho trust. Ho also said
that tho Senate bill would inciease taxation
f. 12, 000,00(1 on sugar, ten, wool and I r,
while the farming interests were ncirlccted!
Mr. Vest moved nn amendment exeeidtni?
white pine from duty, which was laid over.
Juno 1. There were three reform bills on
the senate calendar this morning which hud
originated iu the sennlo and were amended
by the house and passed. They were return
ed to tin) ti"unlo to have tho umeniliiionts
concurred In. They were tho iion-lnterfer-pucu
and non-political assessment bills and
ono prohibiting free poll tax receipts. Mr.
Osbourne, l'liiladi'lpliia, was corked and
primed for tho bills. I'pon his motion, tho
bills were lion concurred In.
The batch wns thrown into the conference,
committee and this will give nn opportunity
for them to bo still further amended.
The House refused this morning by a yoto
of (i7 yeas to Oil nays to adjourn over to-morrow
to attend tho International business eon
gross at l'hiindi'lplila tinder the auspices, of
tho Commercial Museum. Gov. Hastings
and tho members 0( his cabinet went to
rtiihidelphia this morning to attend the con
gress. The House killed a resolution offered by
Mr. Miller, of Luzerne, for 2,noil copies of
the new game inw. A resolution was report
ed from the rules committee and adopted,
that the order if business for iliursday bo
revenue bll s on second reading, local and
special bills on second mid ani third reading
and 11 n ii I passage, and tint general calender
of House bills on second reading. Jiutn
11 juses adjourned until Monday.
Juno 4. The order of business in tho
house wns senate bills on llrst reading, but
the time was taken up with other matters,
and after being in session nearly two hours
an adjournment was taken until Monday
night without acting on the calendar, lly a
Tote of IV.i to 411 the house refused to recom
mit tho lieeker bill, relating to the ap
pointees of tho mayor of l'hiladclphia.
Juno 7. Tho reply of Governor Hastings
to tho Grady resolution, culling upon him
for information as to the state of the treas
ury, was read ill the senate Monday even
ing' It Is a rumarkably clear-cut statement
that n cessation of extravagance Is the thing
most needed, ilio governor emphatically
declines to make any suggestions in regard
to the imposing of new taxes.
Alnsworth R. Spofford has boon Librarian
of Congress sinco 1S0I. 11 is salary is if 1000a
Thomas E. r.rocklnridgo, Inst or tho 1'ro
mont party of 1H1.H, died iu Missouri re
cently. Chief Justice Judd, of Hawaii, who Is
now in this country, was graduated from
Valil Iu ls,f,2.
Katxuo Hatoynma, a graduate of Yalo,
in tho class of '7H, bin boon eluded Speaker
of tho Japunetfo Parliament.
Tho famous Polish pianist rndercwskl Is
now getting J5000 an evening for playing
at private parties iu London,
Tho rrincejs Troubetzkoy (Amelia Itlves)
is being treated for nervous prostrution at
a sanitarium in Philadelphia.
The Sultan of Turkey lias personally
thanked tho Emperor of Germany for good
advlco and service which led to his victory
ln war.
Carl Sehrjni has tho lnst pair of pleevo
buttons woru by John Quincy Adams,
They were given to him by tho Into Charles
Bu inner.
Abbas Hllmy, brother or tho Khedive of
Egypt, ls twenty-one years of nge, and
weighs 2,'i0 pounds. Ho is now in Paris un
der treatment, it is said, for a nervous dis
ease, flrovcr Cleveland drow as Mayor of Buf
falo 10,000, ns Governor of New York
20,000, ns Sheriff of Buffalo County (three
years) $70,000, as President of tho United
States $400,000.
Sx-rresident Ilarrisou, whllo In Chicago,
refused to give a reporter a photograph of
his little daughter, and said that he did not
intend to have her plot uro printed in any
newspaper. The portrait seems, however,
to have been printed. .
tha murder of David lierkey, a wealthy Paint
township farmer, whom they were charged
mm uaving roooea and tortured by burning
until death resulted, just one year ago.
Governor D. H. Hastings signed the
Weller labor bill prohibiting the discharge of
employes by corporations because of th"lr
connection with labor organizations. This
measuie has been backed by all the trades
unions of the state, and opposed by the
Heading railroad and other large corpora
tions. It is "an act to protect employes ol
corporations in their right to join or belong
to labor organizations, by prescribing pen
alties for nny interference therewith." It
provides if any olllcer. agent or employe of
any corporation doing business iu this State
shall Interfere with the right of any employe
to join a labor orgaulzutlou he shall, on con
vietlou be lined not more than $2,000 nor
less than $1,000 and be Imprlsoued not more
than a year, either or botu, iu the disretiou
of the court.
Tho State Electric Medical Association In
sesssioii at New Castle adjourned Friday
evening, after electing the following officers:
President, lr. Wood Fulton, of New Castle;
First Vice President. Dr. N. O. Kepper, of
Clearlleld; Second lce President, Dr. J. 8.
Dodge, of Pittsburg; Recording Secretary,
Dr. .lulin Kuye. of Philadelphia; Correspond
ing Secretary, Dr. C. K. Splcer, of Center
vlllc; Treasurer, Dr. J. Ilungert, of Shlppeiw
ville. A resolution was passed to the effect
that iho Governor of the State should recom
mend no physician to place on the Board of
Kxamlners unless ho be a member In good
slaiiding of the association. The next meet
Inu of the association wili bo held ln Juuo of
18'J8 at iliirrlsburg.
The entire plant and stock of the Novelty
glass works at Washington was burned early
Tuesday, entailing a loss of uboiit $25,000 on
stock and machinery ami $ir.(lno on tho
buildings. '1 lie tiro was with diftlculty con
lined to the glu.-s plant. Tho blaze started
in the pucking room, Imt how Is nut known,
about midnight. The lurgcr part of the
structure was nearly a century obi, being
built by the Presbyterian i gregatloii ol
Washington in 1H05 mid occupied by them as
a place of worship till lsil.
These pensions have been granted to l'enn
s Ivanlans: Wilson S. Smith. Elizabeth;
Kviiiis liin.ii, Ohio 1'vle; Andrew Workman,
Crows .Mills; Joseph M. Mourtoh, Erie; Al
bert Seeor, Shclllcld; I'liUd College.Keiirney
Havid Welsh. New lirlchtoii. lt,,i.Pt l .il.
hoiiii. Allport; Mark K. lirown, llimersburg;
Sampson Love, Covnde; James Collins,
liiioiitown; .Mary L. Hicks, Somerset; Eliza
beth Mitchell. Sylvis; .Mary Craig, McClearv;
Mary A. Kendall, Tidlo'uto; Catherine ii.
Lynn, Altooua.
David Eilkill, colored, was shot ami killed
at Mercersburg by Policeman II. ( lay Wolfe,
who was trlng to urrest him. Filklll wus
drunk and di.-orderiy, nnd when tho police
man attempted to arrest him a gang of rela
tives and friends attacked Wolie, who was
compelled to draw his revolver. In defend
ing himself lilkill was so badly wounded
Hint he died shortly afterward. The bor
ough authorities of Mercersburg furnished
bail for Wolfe pending a habeas corpus hear
ing. The Pennsylvania supreme court handed
down an important opinion, deciding Unit
the proposed loans of $7,000,1100 and $;l,(ll)0,
(MIO I y the city of Philadelphia for municli.
nl purposes are not authorized by the eighth
section of the constitution and "that the In
debtedness by the municipality beyond 2 per
cent, of tlie assessed valuation, except by a
yoto of tho people is not legal.
Tho largest deal In property ever made In
the northern oil llebl is now under way. It
is said tho South Ponn Gil Company is con
teniplatiiig the purchase of all the proper
ties of the Devonian and Mutson Oil ( om
panies. The ileal includes 17,01111 acres of
oil territory and XiO producing wells. Tim
consideration is said to be $1,500,000.
The one hundredth birthday of the mother
nf Nicholas Heck, living near Cherry Tree,
was celebrated on the 2.!. Over 1,0110 per
sons were present, nnd the old lady, who
looks to bo not over 75 years, was greatly
pleased with tho .resents and greetings of
Iho people.
On tlm authority of Gen. Sunt. I.awnU'. It
Is unuouueed that, commencing July 1, all
the mines of tho Lehigh and Wilkesbnrro
Coal company will work full ti It Is ex
pected that lull time will continue until De
cember 1. The Lehigh and Wilkceharro
Coal company employs nearly S.,000 men aud
lii'V. Adam Holey, formerly pastor of tho
St. Paul's German llefornied church, on
Forty-fourth, near Duller street, Pittsburg,
committed suicide by blowing out his brains
at the Swiss hotel, fi03 North Third street,
Philadelphia. Ho left Pittsburg last Novem
ber, alter ho hail been askud to resign from
his church.
Over 100 men In different parts of tho
Heading Iron works stopped work because
of reduction In wages, puiMlurs from $2.70
to $2.40 per ton nnd others in proportion,
nbout 10 per cent. A previous reduction
look effect March 1.
$200,000, according to the will of Jacob
Fraley, a bather merchant, who recently
:lied nl Eastou was to gj to his widow In
.'use she did not ro-murry. The widow re
lusod tho money on these conditions, aud
will claim for herself tho widows one-half
Sharon colored people are to celebrate
Euiuucipntlou Day August 2 aud have lnvlt
ud McKinley, Heed, (juny, ltobcrt T. Lln
coln and others. Hon. J. II. Green, of Cleve
land, will be one of the orators.
John 11. Bowman, tax collector of Shrews
bury township, was robbed of $(U0 in tux
money while driving to bank. Bowman wns
knocked senseless with a club by a robber
who Jumped on the buggy unobserved.
The Cutter Silk Mill property In West
Ilethlehem, III litigation for several years,
wus sold by tho sheriff to the Sauiiuolt Silk
Manufacturing Company, of Philadelphia,
for $100,000.
Lending colored politicians of Pittsburg
are working upon a draft of a constitution
for the Afro-American League of Pennsyl be adopted by the votes of the vari
ous county organizations.
While plowing in a field on bis farm in
New Garden township, Chester county, re
cently, William Butler found the stone blade
of uu old axe, on which wus cut "William
Peuu, iota"
Christopher Becker, a farmer aged 6.1, of
Oluey township, uear Heading was found
dead, riddled witii shot He had been col
ecting runt nnd wus probably murdered.
Dr. Mcllenry, of Exchange. Montour
county, was probably futully Injured near
Muncy. While driving, his horse frightened
and bis carriage upset and he was thrown
with great violence to the road. Dr. Mc
llenry ls injured internally,
Oeorge Elsenhower and Harry Hupert,
prisoners nt Lew Isburg, broke Jail by prying
open a cell door and lldng the Iron bars from
a window. Both men are residents of
Harry Krlss, a little boy living sevoral
miles west of Johnstown, lull into a bucket
of scaldlug water that his mother was using,
and was so badly burned that he died.
An ore train erasbod Into a eoal train near
Oroya City. Sixteen cars were demolished.
tramp named Jones received fatal Injuries,
Tradaa ta tJaiw-W.w Usl Kant at Snn
a, 0.
Three hundred men employed In tha eu
ting and flattening departments ot tha 60
window glass faetorlea ln Indiana met at
Munlea and by a unanimous vote decided to
amalgamate the two trades as against tha
blowers and gathers of the same trade.
They claim that President Burns,of tba Win
dow Glass W orkers' association, is working
for the interest of the blowers and gatherers
to tbe detriment of others. The men declar
ed that if tha blowers refused to recognlza
them they wouid bounce Burns and taka
charge of the association, treasury aud all.
Bilk Mills forCharlaroL
Eamford Bros., silk mill owners of Patter
son, N. J., have decided to locate at Char
leroi, Pa. The company was notitled that
the amount asked fot by them had been sub
scribed, and word was received from them a
few days ago to have the deeds prepared for
the ground on which the mill Is to be locat
ed, aud they have been forwarded them.
The two hundred employes of the Youngs
town Carriage and Wngon company, on
leaving tne plant Saturday, were eacli pre
sented with a notice to the effect that by
reason of the discouraging condition of the
carriage business at present that a reduction
in wages of the employes would take effect
Monday, June 7. The reduction will be ac
cepted. Tho row between the Intornnttonal Associ
ation of Muchluists and International Typo
graphical l ulon bus reached such a stage
that already Chicago members of tho latter
orgnnlr.atlou declare that machinists will not
be employed in a newspaper composing
room in the United States at the end of this
Hartjo Bros., of Pittsburg, who own the
extensive mill plant at Steubeiiville, 0., con
template the erection of a sulphite pulp
plant at a cost of $30,000, and they will also
buy and place In position a lurge cylinder
machine for the manufacture ot heavy ex
press paper.
The location of the new stsel plant ntDen
nison, U., seems to be assured. From state
ments K'eu out the work on tho sidetracks
from the Panhandle yards to the location ot
the works aud the erection of the buildings
will be commenced ln a few days.
The manufacturers of East Liverpool pot
teries have shown an Interest In the houses
established Iu that city for factory girls em
ployed at the potteries, and have started a
movement to endow tho Institution besides
raising $2,000 for it.
Iron molders report work getting Is'tter
In England. Four of them left recently for
that country, under contracts calling for
wages equivalent to $2 60 per day lor tho
llrst year and $U per day for the succeeding
two years,
Wiieellng's city gas works Inaugurated tho
eight-hour day last week.
Washington laborers held a mass-meeting
to denounce tho employment of machinery
In cleaning the streets.
Btat the Contempt Out of Him.
Out in Kansas there used to be au editor
of a weekly paper, whoso mime need not b
mentioned, lie hud a quarrel with Judge
William Campbell, of tho District Court of
tho State, aud Invaribiy referred to tho
court as "bllcaiuii." He was so persistent
with tho warfare that friends of tho ( our:
often urged tho employment of a contempt
proceedings. But Judge Campbell let the
wholo matter go until one Saturday night
when he met tho editor In the postolllce, un
expectedly, an l before lie had limn to put
bis emotions under control ho hud liain
mered tlio editor Into a statu of peruiaueut
and lltoloug respect.
Oysters, after they have been brought nwny
from the sen, know by Instinct the exact
hour when the tide Is rising and upproneliii.g
their beds, and so, of their own accord, open
their shells to receive their food from tho
sea, iu If they were still at home.
Tho Germans appear to Im particularly
liublu to disorders of tho digestive organs
and to cancer.
Orialn, Flour and Feed.
WHEAT-No. 1 red $
No 2 red
COttN No. 2 yellow, ear
No. 2 yellow, shelled
Mixed ear
OATS- No. 1 White
No. 2 whito
II YE -W 1
Fi.Olil Winter patents
Fancy straight winter
live Hour
HAV-No. 1 timothy 11 75
.Mixed clover, No. 1
Hay, from wagons
FEED-No. 1 White M.l., ton
Brown middlings
Bran, bulk
STH.VW Wheat
SEEDS Clover, (10 lbs
Timothy, prime
Blue Grsss
87 -Hi M
K' Ml
'J!l ill)
2H ".(
27 28
25 2H
25 2(1
42 4,1
4 H i 4 IU
4 :!." 4 45
2 80 ,'l ftO
I 511
l.l no
12 oo
n oo
10 50
r 50
0 50
12 1)11
10 23
14 00
12 60
11 60
10 75
7 00
4 85di) 6 05
1 50 1 110
1 00 1 75
Dairy Products.
BUTTER Elgin Creumory . . . .
Fancy creamery
Fancy country roll
CHEESE Ohio, new
New York, new
Fruits and Vegetables.
BEAN'S Hand-picked, V bu... 90 !I5
POTATOES Iu car, bu 28 30
CABIIAOE-Hoinegrowu, bbl. 160 165
ONIONS Yellow, bu 165 175
Poultry, Eta
CHICKENS, V pair $ 45 75
TL'KKEYS, V lr 7 H
EOGS-l'u. and Ohio, fresli .... J 10
FLOUR t 3 75(s) i 75
WHEAT No. 2 red SO
HYE-No. 2 :
CORN Mixed 25
OATH 19 "ii
BUTTER Ohio creamery ' 12 15
FLOUR 3 25ai 4 75
WHEAT No. 2 red 83
CORN No. 2 mixed 28 2'J
OATS No. 2 white 24 25
BUTTER Creamery, extra 15
EGGS Pa. firsts 11
FLOUR Patents $ 3 60 4
W HEAT No. 2 red
CORN No. 2
OATH White Western
BUTTER Creamery
EGOS State of Peuu
Prime, 1,300 to 1,400 lbs $ 4 00ro 5 00
Good, 1,200 to l..'l(K) lbs 4 HO 4 !K)
Tidy, 1,000 to 1,160 lbs ' 4 65 4 75
Fair Hunt steers, 000 to 1000 lbs. 8 DO 4 60
Common, 700 to 900 lbs 8 40 3 75
Medium 3 !5
Roughs and stags.
8 65
2 SO
Prime, 96 to 105 lbs, wethers. ..$ 4 20
Oood, 85 to 00 lbs. 4 10 '
Fair. 70 to 80 lbs 8 40
Common.... 8 00
Culls l 00
Choice lambs, 4 85
Fair ti good lambs 4 00
Vsal calm S N
3 70
3 oo
3 25
4 25
4 15
8 80
8 25
a oo
5 II
4 61
AH the
World Loves
a Winner"
Our 'Ninety Seven
Complete Line of
arc the
of our
Years of
Hetail alrarnom.: Desrburn St. N7-80 AshlunJ Ave.
if0 I
7s s
fOinj the Rest.
i . -
Lailics', Giiilicmcn's & Tandem.
The I.ii-'htest Uiitililni; Wheels 011 TIartli.
....A0.... p
IVo ri vr.v.i M.-ilo Good Sc-in f,;a:!!lr.cs ! i
VV.-v Shouldn't v.o l.laloCoot! W.'i::-:;! t
For salo by tho Atlantic Ro
flning Co.
liiiu Co., f
The only scienti
fic cure for the
Tobacco habit.
Il;i ellleil I hultlllik
hell' tilller ivillrille-.
tailed. 1 til,' lur
lini"; imt ili'i'eiiil mi
Ihe will nw i-r 111 Hie
n-er. It I " 1 me.
ei;rl:iie , hnrillless.
Iireeiini inn ele;ir;
t '.11 11 7 tin T'thili; ,,iti
irilitl U'ltll i '.;' I III!)
Ii'itilii ymi (i li i.
I- Ihe (iiitiimtl Wi il
It it tillilltllili 1 1,'ellleily
lliiil reiiiniN vein' mini
e 11 It l:ill tn . in .'.
Investluale Iliiro-Cnm belnre tailing liny
remedy lur tin- Tukiei'ii IIiiIhI.
Allilrimdstsiiie niilhnrleil In "ell ltiHn- 1110
Willi our iron el;nl uritlen ejianintee.
One Imix fl.lHl; :i Imxi. leuiminl I nirelt-Ve If
yiuir ilrinirlMt iIim-m nut keep it, we will hmuI ii. rile
fur fret. iKMiltli't mill tn m f-
KlHKkAIIK:l Al.A MKU.IO., l. ....., M 1
.'.t ) I'piin'iwoy,
N.'v Vor:;.
rVr.triifiaJ Sewing Mac!:
I:::;ery: ,
lli'Lvidcrj, !!!.-..
'it ;i- -.v 'hv jj. n. 'MJ
i,inier,.ri.:in,eil(1,m rHamecinipa,',.
J3!' ,''""!''' """"'"'""hemwiiK.iip'.n.
cury, i.Hllilo i...i:,sl,. en.l nil I mviV .",',tn
11 ''M. ' r re,l r.,,,,1 4, t IV.'m !m
anyimrtufllKi,r I'vVl. r.-ws I iMI..,"
oat. It is thm.Se. h.rv III. i I'ois
eiiiiiH. IW.-.imi.uiiii .1 1"'.vhI-
tliiimliraiiriimy. AhsiiiiiVpriMifs..,TB,":j'.
'ri'iiiiii.ii. iiuiin'HN l(!'1fr llt' ft
Ml lllolil 'l.i.i.lo.cillii.Vt.i. AjI
il :m
arc intended for children, ladies nnd all
who prefer a medicine disguised as con
fectionery. They may now he had (put
up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box),
price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for
one dollar. Any druggist will get them M
) t mn inric'l' on1 tl-wtr miir 'iliifure n
ii jiuu nioioi, iuvi mvy niii mn cy 1 1. fZji
obtained by remitting the price to jdn
me Kipans uiemicas
1 ( 'Jl i - m -t g