Published every Thursday. Geo- W. Wageaseller, Editor and Proprietor, Subscription 1.50 per year. Men must be pair! In advance when sent out dlrte the county.) RATI I OF AOVf RTIilNQ. All transient sdvertlr-nvnta not otherwise eonlracu-d lor will be rlmrired at the rate of is ion and 10 cents per line lor every subsequent ivmn uvu. V Prats nntifet puhKthnl fm i obituary poerty tributes of respect, do., three cents a lint. Republican Standing Committee. Adams Tobias Mitchell, Troxelvllle. W. II. Her man, rrnxi'iviue. Besver-t'hss. K. Hpeeiit, Ilcavertown. James M Kline, Heaver-town. Beaver W. Men. J. Speeco. McClure. T. A. Wait' ner. McC'luro. Centre Kliner Mmniharh. Mlddleburgh, D. F. Hlnintinsn. I'ennstTeek. Uhapman W. II. KerMfUcr, MeKees Halt Falls, Kdgar Kelsh. Coffer, rrankhn W. D. .l(t. I'axlonvllle, J. W. Elsen- hnur. Mlildlel-urKh. Jackson Yearlck, Krntzcrvllle, Isaac lin ger. New Berlin. Mldillehurxli-Meo. V. Wagenseller, Middle hurgh, N. A. Howes, M ll.l leouryll. Mldillcereek-I'. I.. How, Kreanier, K. B. llum ml. Kreamt-r. Monroe nm, II. Lelller, Hluimokln Diun, J. II. HclO.illH. I'enn t:. K. Wagner, Suletn, Daniel Knouse, 8e llnsirroro. I'erry .1. N. Itroslus, Mt.. Pleasant Mills, U. F. Arbotriist, Ml. Pleasant Mills. Perry W.-It. K.Naugle, Hlchtield, Dan. Man- evnl, Klelilli-lil. cllnsirinv N. s. FNher, Sellnsgrove, F. II. Smith, Nellnsgrove. Spring lr. A. M.miiIMi. B-aver Springs. 1'. F. Ueltrel, Beaver SnrlnitH. Union icm. I. FlaniliTs, I'urt Trevnrton, O. CI. Hire, Pull Treverton. Washington Jerry diaries, Kreeburg, V. II. Mninin, Kreebitrg. JlJl' UliLICAN TICKET. Axxoctttt-t Jiu'ut', II. C. tStiiitpxell. J'rotionof.nri, tr. J. Mtindel. lie.tLiter 0 leeurtter, .. II. Willis, J)htrict A tttirnen, J. Jt. Baker. Jury Comm., Jos. Jl. Jlemlricks. Thursday, May 20, 1897. Wearing Out the President. It ia given out that tbo President is looking pule and weariod, and that it is evident that he will break down unless he soon takes another period of rest. The cause of it is attribut ed to the fact that lie is besieged at all hours of the day by office-seekers, who implore, beseech, beg and threaten in order to secure inter views, and when they do succeed in seeing him pour into bis car all of their bard luck stories and their tiresome speeches setting forth their claims to office. Just ' think how ........ t . V . ureadlully tiresome ana wearing such a performance must be. But when we remember that in the midst of it all the President has to tran ' sact an amount of business, strictly pertuiniug to his office, that requires all of a man's strength and nerve, we can well understand why bo looks pole and must seek rest. He is at present uliuost as much confined to a monotonous round of toil as the con ;ict in tho peniten tiary, and bo can no more escape it than tho man in stripes. Tho best hecaudo is to surround himself with guards and intermediaries, who prevent any rush upon him, and save him from being torn to pieces by the either applicants for place. But thev have him constantly hemmod in the White House. Ho is conscious every moment that they are without, ready to pounce down upon him, and that ho will have to see tho most of them in order to get rid of thorn. There is lots of honor in the Presidential office, but its oc cupant has to cay a pretty good price fur it. Sunbitrjj Item. Xrw Jrrey rnpi Julre Nrnl to KuroM. Mr. Siieer, of New Jersey, lias a reputation eitcnilioK over tlie world as being a reliable producer of ()orto firnuu Jiiieeand Port Wine are ordered by families in Dresden, London and Paris for their superior medicinal virtues, and blood milking quality, owing to the iron loll 'allied In the soil in which the vine grow. Ml' Wlt: IN rilll.AIIM.PIIIA, A W ine Tinier I.Ike a Prophet, Not With, out Honor State In Ilia Own Country. The following is clipped from the Philadel phia Herald of Monday. April l'Jth: "Connoisseurs on wines in fashionabto club houses and restaurants in Philadelphia Ve all talking uboiit a great brand of old Burgundy which has sprung into favor with a suddenness that Is unusual in a city noted for its set no tions and staid ways. The Burgundy in ques tion is from the vaults of the Hpecr N. J. Wine roniany, nt Passaie, twelve miles from New York city. The Hieer vineyards have long been noted for tWo iu.lity of its wines, its port, sher ries and brandies Iniing sold In many of the capitals of i:uroe. The company ha had such a great demand for its wines it has never at- empted to sell them in Philadelphia, or, in fact, in any section of the country west of New York city. Incidentally, however, a swell Philadelphia club got hold of some of Its Burgundy, and once sampled, there was a tremendous demand for It. Members would drink no other kind, and very soon the quantity was eiliauatod, Then more was ordered, together with some brands of Hcer's port, which were said to be famous. The Burgundy nlid port arrived in due time, but were soon exhausted. Tlu) fame of the winei spread to other clubs and to some of the leading city hotels, it is said the demand on the Hpeer company from Philadelphia has been so great it has been kept busy during the past few weeks filling orders (or this city alone. Its Old Climax brandy and its Socialite claret are among its famous brands. The vineyard of be Hpeer company I perhaps tho oldest and most famous in this country. Alfred Hpeer the president, Is a fatuous wine producer. Tlie toll In which the grapes ara grown has aneajh Irca on It to give a tone and quality to the wines which make them, especially the port, a prime medicinal wine. Dr. Janes of the New York board of health has given bis testimonial to M s merits of the Speer port wine : "I take great pleasure In testifying to the su perior qualities of the port wine produced by Alfred 8 peer of New Jersey. After prolong ed trial, I recommend it at a superior wine (or the sick and debiliated.' "The company will allow no wine to leave ts vault that Is not of prime quality. Conse quently there is no such tlu'ng as poor wine to be bad, so far as the Specr product is concern ed. The wine is kept in casks to a great age twfore it is bottled. The vineyard itself is a great sight. There are over three hundred miles of vines. Tbere are graiw arbors two miles long.In the grape season it is a wonderful and beautiful sight one beholds in driving out to the vineyards. Hundreds of New Yorkets drive to the place to feast their eyes on tie spectacle. Great clusters of grapes greet the eye as far as the sight extends, a purple prairie kissed by the summer tun. Intheraults of the company are the very oldest wines produced in this country. The company sells to much of its product every year, and no fancy prices would induce it to break In on a wine which it did not believe had the right age to give it the proper flavor. There is no wine like it to be had In the I'nlted States. Next week the Post will publish a full list of Soldiers' graves that will be decorated in Snyder County, May 29th how to"fFnd out. Fill a bottle or common witter glass with urine and let it stand twenty-tour hours: a sediment or nettling indicates a diseased condition of the kidueys. When uriue stums linen It in positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre quent decire to uriuute or mlii in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys ft nil bladder are out of order. WHAT TO . There Is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney rem edy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys liver, blad der and every part of the urinary passages It corrects inability to hold urin and scaldintr pain in passing it, or bad effects following use Of liquor, wine ot beer, and overcomes that un pleasant necessity of beuitr couipell ed to get up many times during the uitrht to nrinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is t-oon realized, it stands tne liigii et-t for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases; If you need allied icine you should have the best. Sold by druggists price fifty cents and one dollar r or a sain pie Dome anu nam nhlet. both sent free by mail, mention Post aud send your full post-ofllce address to Dr. Kilmer Si Co., Uinn hatuton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Jury List. i ut nf cirand Jurors drawn for the court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery auauourt ot quarter nrwsiuiiaui mc j etur 01 Snyder county nuiu u june term, cumuicnciny Monuay, june . rav . UliAN'D JUKOKS. Name. Occupation. Amcy, Jerome, Lumberman, App, 1). N., farmer, Aueker, .1. I., laboror, i Benfer, Moses, farmer, lieiser, Cleorge, miller, llertister, tieorge, miller, ilollenliKch, Samuel, farmer, Huffman. It. V... blacksmith, Hassiiiger, Joseph It, laboror, llnssinger. Jacob, fanner, Keller, W. M., confectioner, Kissinger, Charles, farmer, Ijiiidenslairi r. liavid V., Mantiei k, lwis, gentlemnn, How. tienrire V.. farmer, Iteieliriiliaeb, T. T., farmer, Steimliug, r'red. guntlemaii, Stroiise. Klia, farmer, Snook, Harrison, farmer, Stuck, Aaron, farmer, Wagner, Joseph M., Waller, diaries, latmror, Wetel, Jacob, shoemaker, Wetlel, H. i:., Teacher, PETIT JL'KOKS. KesiduDce. West Iteaver Monro t'nion Hpring 'Heaver Beaver W Jueksnn I'nion Heaver Centre Hcjtver Yt asbington I'enn W. Heaver I'enn I'erry West Beaver .Monloe Spring Spring vt . Heaver l-'raiikliu Iteaver Heaver Aiglcr, Jo'in W., carpenter, H.-aver itowersox. .Maxwell, farmer, t'entrj Hognr, Jas. II., farmer, I'nion HiiiKaman, I. J., airent, Spring lien (it, Isaac, farmer, Monroe Hiiigaman, John S., laboror, Wahiii(ton HowerMox. Amos, farmer, Franklin Hover. Irvin. laboror, I'erry Hreese, William, gentleman, Spring Dreese, Isaac, farmer, Heaver Miindrum, Fred, farmer, West Heaver tilass, C. A. II., teacher, Washington Hoy, I,. H., miller, Washington Herman, Jacob, farmer I'nion llerrolil, J. ., miller. Chapman llej-htcr. John, laborer. West Beaver llaillcy, Harrison, carpenter, Chapman lloot, Henry, laborer, I nlon llchnbach. Allen, fanner. Centre Hummel. A. J., merchant. Chapman KaiiiTman, Weisley, fanner, Monroe Krebs, Ueorgo, fanner, West Beaver long, Charles, lamirer, Centre Middteswarth, Jas., J. P., Adams Measo, William, farmer, I'enn Moyer, J. Y. II., farmer, Adams Moyer, Fred. O., farmer, Washington Mattern, Wilson, farmer, Spring Moyer, Jerome, ialrorcr, I'nion Olilt, M. 11 farmer, West Beaver Pnrtzline, David, laborer, Chapman I'eters, James, earpenter, West Milton I'orUline, Kll, teacher, i'erry Itoush, Absolom, gentleman, Perry Kennliiger, J. )., blacksmith, Frank li ii Homig, John P., laborer, Spring Itlne, John 1L, Boatman, Chapman Smith, Keuben, gentleman, . West Beaver Hchrelber, O, W., carpenter, Chapman Slear, David, farmer, Monroe Straub, Clcorge, farmer, Mlddlecreek Shellenlwrger, W. II., laborer, West Perry Steely, J. J., teacher, West Beaver Hholly, D. S. gentleman, Helinsgrove Trutt, David, mason, - Helinsgrove Wagner, T. A., teacher, West Beaver Waller, ii. A., clerk, Middleereek Walter, John, blacksmith, Monroe llucklen's Arnica Nnlve. Tub Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapp ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Qraybill, Oarraan & Co., liichlield and al Druggists. Rlpans Tabules euro indigestion. Rlpans Tabules cure constipation. Rlpans Tabules: ono gives relief. Rlpans Tabules: at druggists. in time, nnia py b Pt You Can't Go Amiss if you get a package like this. It contains the genuine Washing Powder It cleans everything and cleans it quickly and cheaply. Largest package greatest economy. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, St. Louis, ' New York, Boston, Philadelphia. DONT SACRIFICE ... Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, but BUY the Sewing Machine with an established reputation that guarantees you long and satisfactory service : Tl)e yi;ibe. Its beautiful figured wood work, durable construc tion, fine mechani cal adjustment, coupled with the Finest Set of Stec) Attachments, makes it tlie Most Desirable Machine in the Market FRANK S. RIEGLE, MlDDIiEUUHGII, Pa KiT Send for our beautiful half-tone catalogue. VXECUTOR'S MOTiCE.-NotlM'i meataryoo the estate ot Matilda Faust, lata of Mlddlecreek. Twp Snyder County. Ps., bare bees bmued to the BDderslmMsl residing la said Uwnty. All persons, therefore. Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay menUancl those hiTl 07 olsims atrslnst It will present them lor settlement in JOHN HILBBRT. April tt, V. Kxecutor. A OMlNlSTRATOlt'S NOTICE. Let Vters of AdiuiniHtral Ion in the Ks tale of Marj Uudenslairer. lale of oellneirroTe, Snyder Co.. Pa., dee'd. lilig- been granted to the undersigned, all persons kDowinar thera selvee indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate navnient. hn iiuwt h.vino claims will preseut tbem duly autbentlcated to me unaersiKQed, APrtl 1. M.K.BDLEV. Idmr, t&Sy OOT0 effnger AjNT! Tl e Tallerjr II inn Anybody can tell you it's jnuldin nller they liave eaten it. Just so with our $12 Suits and others. Anybody can tell you alter wearing which is made and finished best, but tew can tell by just looking. Look at our $12 Suits, and then look at others ; iicrlians you can't see the cHfTercnce, but, like pudding, you'll find it out. I guaranteed to fit. Wearing quality is unsurpassed John A Heffelfinger, Merchant Tailor, a Selinsffrove, Pa. j-Fir, Lije ar)d A(ciclr)b-j- I r)surar)ce, Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i Insurance Agency, SELINSGROVE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Elmor USJ. Snydor, A.goxxt, Successor to the late William H. Snyder. The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance ia represented in the follow ing list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None Better tne World over. LOCATION, ASSETS. NAMK. FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Enp. (including foreign assets) $43,iKM),000.00 Hartford, ol Hartlord, uonn., (oldest American Uo.) H,t45,735.62 Phoenix, Hart ford. Conn. 5,588,0t8.07 Continental, New York, fi,7G4,0O8.72 German American, New York, ' 6,240,098.83 LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, $204,638,983.66 ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowost possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur ance promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt., Office on Market Street, Selinsgrove, Pa Executors Sale of Valuable REAL ESTATE 1 The undersigned executors, of I lie last will and testament of Jacob Un ese. lnie ot IVitv Twp.. Snyder Co.. pa., decrasel. under ned vlrtueof Hie power ana authority muta'nrit in tbeaalii will and tesiaineiii, will ernose t i not llcsaleonthenreinlitt'H.althe'e r.f In said county, on Saturday, Juno 12, 1S97. the following described Real Kbtqte 1 1 u It : Tniel Xo. 1. All that eerhiln nifssiniire, teneiueiit sn.l trai t ol lind slluav in fn In p , Kn rier Co., l u , 1 oiintlt d on the Nuilli bv hili.lf of Wllltum Ye reel nml Jf-oli Yerner, cl. ul Knsi by publle mud wii' tin; tniMi Mliliili burir to Al'. Hleiisniit jUIIh. (iouu bv lin.ils o' Jacob 'iuui '.. heirs and on the West, l.v Ismts ot Mm. Jjooli Ai liotrsbt siul oUiits, roi.inmuu' 1 15 Aeres, more or lesB, Willi the iippuileiiun:o. I.turl.v all of which Is clear and In a iruod slule ol culilvuilon and on which are erected a Lare Two Siory Krnmo Dwelllnir House, a large new Bank Hum nndotueroiiihullilliiKs.goml wulerandall kinds ot fruit on the premise, lo church, school market and mill. The above Is prlnclpu lly lliucv OUIU1I OOII. Tmcl 5fo. a. lklnK'R tract of Wood I.nnd well timbered with chestnut, ouk, pine and nliltc-oiik, s;tiinie lu IVrrv 'I wp count v and biiiw HioriBHiii. oouniica uortn ny xiiade Monr- uiiii. Miar-nr landNot .loosilmn lloltlger. South us ih'hih ot llcnry uovcr, WIIhoii .Mtt.Tllng el al.. nnd oi. the W est bv lands or .Innutbaii Hot. tltfiTr -111 Aeres, more or litu. w ith tuu uppur Tenet Xo a. Helnir a nertiiln messuage and trucloi hind s'ln:it" In I'errv Twi county and slule iiforeseid, liouiided on tbo North by lumls ol Miss May Arlxnrsst, Kast by Truct No. 1 ubove cIcscrllM-d, South by himln of Jacob Schiiee's nens. aim wssi ny tunitsnr Mrs Jncib Ari.ornst, TOhiiilning li Acres, morenr less, with the up. piirlcnaines, on whlcli aie erected a Two-suirv rriinie House, stable and nuilnillillnirs, good "t hiio innr, hiso a iiiigciioiiine lllnc-kllll Sale lo coniineiice nt 10 o'clock a. m., of said ilny when iluu iii.trinliiiice will be given uud the kciiimui nun lliriin Known iy itlCOHUK HHKKSK, .lAt.'OlinUEKSK, Isaac W. Longacre. Auo. Executors. Mlf PUB Executor's Sale of mm Real Estate T'ii- 'i-irtc slened Kxecutor of the lst, win nnrt l'-1 ! ol .Manilla Faust. Into of Mlilitltweek i !., -:ijuur uo i-u., win sell on the premises Saturday, June 12th, 1897, the lollowinir described Heal kslnt tn wit. All Hint tract of land situate in Mlilrilncrenk I'wp.. HnvderCo., Ha., aliout mile, north-east ol tllone Mills and Is bounded as follows: North by lands of II. W. llauch. West by lands ot Phil ip Zelber and heirs of tieorge Ubllg, South by mini-ji miiuiiiuii iiiiiuiuri unu ir. w, Knucn, and Kast by lauds of John Kcreamer and Ban, Hontloiis, containing 77 Acres, more or less, Dwelling House, Eank Barn. and other outbuildings. Sale to commence at in ociock n. m. wnen forms will be made known vy -ioiim liiLUEin, Executor WIIXWS' A PPKAISBMKNTS. -Notice Is here hV irlWtn tit lit tlta -"-.llnsarin.. 11 ' I ...,.1 A. pra1sonicniHundortlie$30o law, have been flied with f.ltn I'lnrlc nt Miofir iomi (nns t unirfn. - v uiu vywAl V Ul OUJUI'I nniint.v fnr I'nnni-matirvn nn n.n,trT ti. .. V v'-nit HlltltUM V U"C11V I IUO f IU day of June, 18U7. The appraisement of Harriet Jarrett, widow of Jacob Jarret late of Monroe township, Sny der Co., l'a., dee'd, under the $30 law. ow of iMniel AL Htauffer, late of Union town- snip, onyucr w, ra., aeoasca. under .the $100 exemption law. The appraisement of Margaret I Hassinger rhlnur of .l,ihti S lluanim. l..f ..I i.' i. n - townsliip, Snyder Cj., I 'a., deceased, under the oolti exemption jaw, Thj r.t ra.l..lH Tl ... 1 1. wlfl.itV 1.1 llnmM,U I..... ..I tt . I - .tw....w.M, MNui " rr, ii ra VCr township, Hnyder Co., Ha., under the 8J00 cxriH.-iitin, inw. Tlie appraisonientof Malinda Secsholta, wid ow of Isivid It. .Hocsholt, late of Monroe town- Sllill. HllVfltT IJ,.. fl.XMf.Bin,l .. l.m O'fim cxcmptioii law. Appraisement of Charlotte M. Kousli, widow of Alexander itoush, lale of Washington town ship, Hnyder Co., l'a., deceased, under the fciOO exemption law. TIlA ,.ntir,i ( (untwist .r Afll,ln 1.1 ......u. ...u.,,ut. iiuiiiiaii, wiuuw of Jacob K. llerinan, lata of I'enn township, Hnyder Co.. l'a., deecosed, under the $100 ex emption law. Tlie nniiraivnmnnt nt l.llnl, II A 17 l..n ... IIUUUIIIII, widow of Henry Woodruff, late of I'enn town ship, Hnyder, Co., l'a., under tlie K30J exemption 1 1, w. TIlS ftlllirAlapmitlll r.f L'ntn Tl Vlln. of Jimiuli K line, Into o( Hpring townnh'ip, Hny der Co., l'a., deceased, under the $Wu exemp tion law. Thn nntirnluMti,nt r. t I.,,.,na u...l,t. - i Smith ami Stella Hinith, minor children of Su san A. Smith, lale of West Heaver township, deceased, under the $100 law. J. C. HCIIOCII, Cleric O. C. A Nliort Cut lo llenllh. To try tocureconstlnntlon bv tnklnir mils is like going round In a circle. You will never reach tho point sought, but only get hack to the start ing point. A perfect natural laxative Is nacons' lelery King, the celebrated remedy fnr nil nervn blood, stomucbe, liver and kidney diseases. It regulates the bowels. W. U. spungler. Middle burgh ; M. Hothrock. M. D Mt.. Hfoasant Mills. Vt and 60cta. Large size Closm suits Ha Ma-1 suits. I " but J 1 HO lllOli J1 IC'C, sellinj; a whole piece nf 11. Ml.. 1 V I . ' win-in vne uoiiar. tum u) j'wiiai, oct; : Full ina.natii-M.-if- i. .ic Wllllla tlltulifv ..t l...!.! 1 v "l "iiiipri goods at low ligureg over our bargains. we Are So We Gd Bbj out our stock Look at theso riteJ UJ-iOTHING, Men's gotxl dress Suits, 42, only $2.o0. joy- gotxl dress s ID, only 2.00. Youths' gtMid dress 14, only 1.00. ri,u t punts, ;34 to 42, 7"c. men s nn clress pants, :) l.'Jo. i i . ixiys Knee pants, -l to I I, nt Men s good Iieavy woi kuij-J ouincncs long, toolJc, Dry Goods. t.. t- otapie Calico, 4c. a yard. All best indigo bhio'calico .jc. All Apron Ginghams. ;V All Fancy dress ginghams, ,tc.J iVnncv iinpnnla 'III . 'I I to'Jc. Also a full line of Fancy U uress Uoods, V lute Goods and ill O.X.T. SHii 4c. a spool. AH Goods sold Reduced Price: Here we are, just returned New York and riiiladcliihii the largest and latest stvlwofa ever had before and wo are at half-price for what agon buyers are paying for it. SHOES. Wo can soil vou Ski lower prices than jot can buy elsewhere en's fine dress shoe l!alarel rcss, Go to 95c. Men's " heavy workinir Oil IJalare Congref-s, to IKfe Liadies Ao. 1 IvaiiL'aroo Mi to 7, tllTSS Jlitf, or Button, 4 to 7, Hoys' and Messers, LaivorM 75 to $1.00. Youths fine shoes, J f0 to 75c. Children's Shoes, Lw 25 to 50c. M Lad or Button, 4 idles' INo. 1 tine auv or M re or Great Reduction Sale of F Ml m For Ninety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT TOE GREATEST SACRIFICK EvEB KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. We are not nelling out, but we do this to increase our sales above any pre. vtous year. We Rive a few of the prices as follows : Boft Wood Chamber Suits $l4.00;Cotton Top Mattress 2 28 Hard Wood Chamber Suits 16.00! Woven Wire Mattress.... 175 Antique Oak Hults, 8 Pieces 19.00 Bed Springs ; 125 Plush Parlor Suits S0.00: Drop Tables, per ft.... .'" 60 Wooden Chairs per set 2.00. Platform Rookers 260 In stock, everything in the furniture line, Including Mirrors, Hook Desks, 8ldeboards,Cupbourds, Centre Tables, Faney Rockers, Baby Chalra Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, DoURhtrays, Blnks, Hall Racki, Cairt Beat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. Prices reduced all through. Come early and see our stock before' trlvlna your order, and thus save 16 to 20 per cent, on every dollar. Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming. , :. , KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, NOTICE TO HEIRS. IX KK-EST ATE OP 80I.0M0N I.ONO, LATE OF BEAVKH TkVi'., SN YDEH CO,, PA, DKCD, lo Annie Lonif, Elizabeth Heuenson, neelx)nff, IntunnurrUvt toNHinuelSeveusonof Miminburir, Unln Co., Pa., Mary Htulil, nee Long, Inter murrledwltlitt.B. sthl,of Hand, Union Co.. l'a., Frann Long of Klktun, Hickory Co., Wis sourl, and Cleo. Long, who has granted his In tercut In Hald Ileal Kniule to your petloner, Kouben c:ramer. Llneul decendante of George Long, late of the township ot Heaver, Hnyder county, deceaa d. You are hereby cited lobe and appear before the Judgeaof our orphans' Court, at an Or- Rbana'CoiirttobeholdatMlddleburgli, on the mt Monday olJune, A. D., lw, at to o'clock in the forenoon, then and thero to accept or refuse to lake the Heal Katateof nald Hoi. Long, dee'd at, the appraised valuation put upon It bv an In (Itiest duty awarded by the said court, and re turned by the Sheriff of siild county, or show cause why the same should not be sold, and hereof fall not. Witness the Honorable It. M. Mrrhire nrBi. dent J unge of our said court at Mldiileburir. this J.C?.HCHOif. Clerk O. f". jlliririlcburtf: illnrkct Corrected weekly by our merchants. D..i.4- cjuiylior ............ ...... EKKB Onions Lard ituiun Chickens per lb. rurneys Hide 15 0 25 5 4 G 8 7 Shoulder , 7 Ham in Old Wheat....... . 0 Rye nf! Old Corn..... , ,23 Oats 4 15 to 2o Bran per 100 lbs tin Middllnirs .jo Chop .85 lieans, Lima, sc. per lb., 9 ltm. ' , oeaus, sc. per 10,, 9 ins. lor ix. .""r llnnAV. Op. nnr nt 9itt. uitr rrfll.. rV syrup, ve. per qt Hoc. por gal, vm W per qt,, 18c. per gal. I Call and sec these Great Ba in Shoes before von Ijiiv. M we can please vou anil money. COITIX- 4 llw. Lion coffee for 4Sc. cr lb. Arbucklcs 4 lbs. for iSe. My own brand 3 Hi". 'r 15c. a lb. Java nnd Rio loose ma-tw for 50e. or loc. a lb. Chocolate 18c. SUGAIIS. 13 lbs. light Urown 50c 11 lbs. soft White 50. 11 lbs; fine granulated 5 Making Soda 5c. a lb., Ccfl 8c. or 3 lbs. for 20c. Call to See Our Cw MARKET m. Butter, 17c K Side Meat, 6c. Chickens, 8l - . . ' ' . ShoulJer, 8c. P. H. 1IATJT floor, per bbl . 4.75
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers