Too finch Knife! The ne of the surgeon's knife is be coming so general, resulting fatally in such a large number of cases, as to occasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpole.of Walahtown, Sonth Dakota, writes; "About three years ago, there cam under my left eye a little blotch about the sue of a small pea. It grew rapidly, and shooting pains ran In erery direction. I became alarmed and consulted a good doctor, who 1 A. pronounced it can- r hvJi vcer' and S l roust be cut out. iwNl-jT This I would not Mi consent to, having little faith in the indiscriminate use of the knife. Read ing of the many cures made by S. S. S., I determined to pive that medicine a trial, and after I had taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and began to discharge. This after awhile ceased, leaving a small scab, which finally dropped off, and only a healthy little scar remained to mark the place where the destroyer had held full sway. A Real Blood Remedy. Cancer is in the blood and it is folly toexpect an operation tocure it. S.S S. guarantee J purely vegetable) is a real remedy lor every diseaseof the blood. Books mailed free; address Swift Spe cific Co., Atlanta, SELINSUROVK Clvtl It Is pretty generally understood that the first of these, tha civil senrlca bill. Is dead. The bosses wanted this bill to apply only to Philadelphia, Pittsburg. Schuylkill and Luserae counties. Both of the great cities art anti-Quay. They were to be punished by putting all of the ofllaes out of reach of the local administration. The coun ties of Schuylkill and Luiernt are also anti-Quay In ordinary years, and they, too. were to pass under the rod. All of the other counties of the stats were to be exempt But the 'Seventy-six." who practically control the house, have decided otherwise. They propose to make civil service apply to every county la the state. This Is the stum bling block to the bosses, and rather than see a righteous bill put through they will defeat the whole project The caucus presided over by State Chairman Elkln decided to fix up bills containing a few elements of re form. A bill compelling the payment of Interest on state deposits will be pass ed, but It will be so framed that It will exempt several millions of dollars an nually from the payment of Interest In other words, it Is proposed to foot the people If it possible to do so. State Chairman Elkln Is to appoint a com- rniittee of three, whose duty It will be 'to take all the reform bills under ad visement, shake them up to suit the Ideas nf the bosses and then substi tute them for the reform bills now pending. This Is the scheme up to date. The "Seventy-six" are watching these movements very closely. They propose. If possible, to force a general civil service law through the legisla ture. Two stat conventions have de manded It, and Senator Quay himself s the author of the proposition. More lhan this, a large number of the "Seventy-six" have put themselves on rec ord as favoring these reforms. When the senatorial contest was on Senator Quay wrote to all the members of the house suiting them to pledge them selves to his reform bill. These men did so, and now when It Is proposed to make a pretense of reform, or to aban don It altogether, they express a de termination to force Senator Quay to keep his word, and not put them In an unenviable light. Dr. M. Kantiier bun gono to Xew York City to visit hit) duucliteru who are living there. .. .Miss Ella Oman of Sunbury ih spending several days with her sister. . . .Mrs. Bertie Emer iek niul son of Carlisle is visiting her mother, Mrs. Kate Wagenseller.... M. L. Wogenseller returned from his trip to Phila. and will again resume his travels through his dis trict Mrs. Dr. B. P. Wagenseller, Mrs. Nettie Snyder, Mrs Uarvie Mil ler uud Miss Minuie Schouh were Phila. visitors last week. . . .Rev. W. H. Dale and wife of Williauistown are the guests of Mrs. D's parents, ""Squire Burns and wife. . . .Prof. B. M. Wagen8eller spent Sundav with his purents. .O.IW. Burns and family of Williumftown are spending some time among friends in the county. . . A game of Base Ball was played on Saturday between Selinsgrove and Duncaunon. Score in seventh inn ing, 3 to 4 in favor of Duncannnon the rain putting a stop to the game S. Wies went to Phila. and N. Y. to make further purchases of goods .... Mrs. Rev. Fortney, daughter and snd friend of Turbotsville are, visit Mrs. F.'s parents,., Dr.,1 Ziogler's. The U. B. Sunday School conven tion opened on Tuesday evening. Revs. Arndt and Mutch delivered the opening addreses. Three sessions are being held daily. Further particu lars next week. REFORMS ARE TO COME. The Quay Lieutenants Hold an Im portant Caucus. NEW BILLS ABE TO BE PBEPABED The 1-nbor LeatleiK Experience Diffi culty liiUcttluir the l.ifllHt Ion They Wnut The Ant I-ItlucUl IhI luir lilll Still In tlio Semite Com in It too ICIuo tlou J'rom ! llclnu; HroLcn. (From Our Own Correspondent.) t Harrlsburg, April '11. The promises , ,-' HJlitlcal reform are to he fulfilled measure. lp until this week It h ,n tne '"tentlon of the bosses to ' ! the pSls!ature without pass- . adjourn eform legislation whatever. f "jL-ii e has ome ov,'r the "Pint , , ' The determined atti- of their dwwa veMy.M.. and tne al. ude of the mand of ,hp ooun most universal. for a fulnllment of press of the stare . , th bos8es 1 party pledges for.-wo. Compromise. ,hn ..svn,' CI. i .tnfmlnn,! .rKa j ;slx" that the state shoul. ' know just who were responsible for t. his failure to enact reform laws that e en Sen- 'y. and tele- all fetor'Quay himself became uneau In tht; early part of lust week phoned State Chairman Klklns to c a meeting of his leaders and lieuten- ants in HarrlBburg for the purpose of deriding upon some line of action. He insisted that sjmethlng should be done to stem the popUlur uprising A meet ' Ing waaM.-ulled, and among those pres-'- ent were Senators Andrews, Durham, Oobu. Grady, McCarrell, and ltepre-- imitative Lytle, Kunkle, Keyser. Plol Vtte and Speaker Hoyer. State Chair man Elkln presided over the meeting. The so-called reform bills which Sen ator Quay had Indorsed by the two last state conventions are civil service reform, a bill prohibiting the payment, solicitation or acceptance of any as nesement for political purposes by or upon any officeholder; a bill comjiel Ing every candidate for the general as sembly or any state office to file a sworn statement as to his election ex penses, and also to the fact that he had expended no money Improperly to secure his election; a measure making Is a misdemeanor for any officeholder, firm or corporation to coerce, or threat en, or compel the vote of any Indi vidual. These were the bills which It was proposed by the bosses to Ignore and defeat. The Anil-Blacklist BUI. Another illustration of how little the controlling political powers In Penn sylvania cares for the vital Interests of the mass of the party Is shown In the treatment accorded a bill presented by ltepresentatlve Welle which pro hibits the blacklisting, or coercion, of any worklngman because of member ship In a labor union or brotherhood. The areatest difficulty has been ex perienced In getting committee actloa THEINFLRE of the Mother shapes the course of unborn generations goes sounding through all the ages and enters the confines of Eternity. With what care, there fore, should the Expectant Moth er be guarded, and now great the effort be to ward of danger and make' her life joyous and, happy. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays all re lieves the Headache Cramps, and N a u sea.andso fully pre- nari9 th system that Childbirth is made easy ana tne time or recovery short enedmany say " stronger after thin .... ' T t. uviyiv al in sures safety to life of both moth er and child. All who have used Mother'! Friend " say they will nev er be without it aain. Nn nthfr remedy robs confinement of its pain "A ciutomer whose wife used Mother's Friend lays that if she bad to go through the ordeal spin, and there were but four bottles to lie obtained, and the cost was 1100.00 per bottle, he nvw... .m,v mwiu. VV.1AIIVH ASaHU,UUIO Refit ttV T.lll.nn Mrtslnt nfn.ln. ft, Ml own BVT - -- . 1 - ... i vf, .iiv .civ wri' TI.K Book to "KXI'KnTANT unrufDn" mailed fma npon application, containing vaU uable Information and voluntary teatlmoDlala Tm BRADFICLO RCOUUkTOR CO., ATUNTA.OA- hlb bt akL DRVSQISTS. Oiphuus' Court Sule tt mum Heal The undnrslgnpd Executots lor the lost will and testament of Daniel Zelber, late of Hprlnir lwp., Snyder County, Ph.. dee'd, will by virtue of mi order Issued out of the Orphans' Court of siild county of Snyder, expose to public sale on Truet No. 1, on Monday, Mav 10th, 1897, the follow-In described real estate to wit: Truol No. one. llelng all that certain mes muitfe and piece of land, the Munsion Farm ol the estate, situate In Spring Twp., ttnyder CX., I n. hounded on the North by fund of Btmon mKfi uuii nuiouiun buninert, et. al.. East bi , "I of Lumltert am' Iran. No. 9 Mnmii h i-.... nl" l. "wi,H '"i'ef. Isnliella Yost and Josluh Neurit. "ro1 lv i'iu 01 rnares llclirlch.'""', "" WnH-ae.conUlnlug 150 Acres and 180 lie. vhm- '"" or with the appur U'liuiices. wu ""e") ure erected a large S siory wheitilier honi'ut'a I'hiuK frame house, bmi. barn and al neCKwry outbulldlnKs. a well 11 B(K)d water at the house and barn. About ucrus of this tract Is we..'l tlmliered aud tne bal uee Is In a good state of cultivation. Tract No. . Being anotbor farm or piece ol liiudhliuiile as and adjoining tract 1 Above de mtrllMMi, bounded on the north b. yuUHa xoao h'ttdln fmin Mmdlcereek a Tielville. ami by of Jacob Umgle. Mouth by land of Au.nji uud ..wis Munlivrlc and West by tract No. 1 and pu'illc mad, conlalnlng 80 Acres, more Ol l.'wlih the appuitenances. Main Building. w iter rrult. stale of euli ivailon about the sam :is mi 1 be trust above described. Tract No. 3. llelng a certain piece of tlmbe I t situate In Twp., Co., and Mlale aforeaalu o'lniled on the North by land of Solomon Lam '. 1 Oust Moyer, Kiul by landof Alex. Horn south by laud 01 Ainoa llackenburg s;id by lunds of I.ewls Manbeck and Juco coutalng 8H Acres, more or lees with th ;, nil-nances. s.i to commence at 11 o'clock a. m. when - will made known .' I ACOH ZKIHEK. LINCOLN ZKIU8R. Kxecutors. NE1M MEM-1 L 0 WE IT ART THIS 8PRHTG 8EAS0I? WITH AH EITTDTE ITEW STOCKOF BTTTTI S H IUI uu E AND FURNISHING GOODS. Having disposed of all our stock of the previous season, we start this season with a clean, fresh stock of goods from top to bottom everything new. Our entire stock lias been purchased for SPOT CASH from large Clothing Manufacturers who were press ed hard for the ready cash. We having taken advantage of that rare opportunity are prepared to give the public tne bentnt ot prices on this nfeW Stock Ol Clothing which you will scarcely believe until you visit our store BOTE THE PRICES BELOW. B S Men's Working Suits, worth $3.SU ; Our Price f 2-12. Men's Grey Mixed Suits, others sell for 4J , ' Wo sell for 12.48. Men's Blue and Black Cheviots, well made, fast colors; , we sell tbeiu for 13-75- ' Men's All Wool Plaids hii.I Scotch Tweeds 8uits, worth 16.50 ; Our price $-4-00. Hoys' Suits, 14 to 1U years, from 13. a 5 up to $9.00, Men's All Wool Suits in plaids, cheeks and home spun, latest styles, mat will be all the rage this ni.HK, niaun up m nwciass style : no cloth ing house sells for less than $9 00. v , Our Price 15-49. Plot more than one suit anlii tn m.,,... Men's Fine AH Wool Black Clay Worsteled Suits in uutaway or Pack, made to sell fr $11,00 "Ii-iot TOot.swa 13 r".r. All the newest effects In Plaids, Checks. HouiesDun And Cheviot:. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING! A PRENENT m KJf WITH EVERY ClIILD'N MlIT NOLD. e have exercis'-d great care in selecting a line of Clothing to please the mothers as well as the little ones. We have as complete a line CHILDREN'S CLOTHING as you will see thin season, consisting of little IJovs' Junior Suits. Reefer Suits. Jersev Suits. H!mi Snit Vnlv..r Snlfj ami rvui. .,:o : - - - -j , - ' -.-I , ,.,.., wiuoii JUIIL-lllir trom U cents to y-UU. e have Kme rants Suits to 10 vears. in price Children's AV ool Mixed Kne Punts, 19c. Children's Gray Wool Knee Pants 25n ChiltireuV Double beat and Double Knee Pants for 48o . worth 75c. Boy's Pants from 60 cfs. to $2 50. Men's Pants from 65 cts. to $5 00. OUR STOOZ OP FURNISHINGS, HATS AND CAPS is larger than ever; all of the latest styles, shapes and colors. Our NECKWEAR the choicest in the market. Our SHIRTS the best in the market for the price, loc. for a fine Negligee Shirt, with or with out collar attached. We do Lot advertise anything we have not in stock as we are prepared to serve you with anv article mentioned on this sheet. It you want to BUY RIGHT, if you want to be TREATED RIGH'fj if you want to SAVE MONEY, make our store your trading home Convince yourself of the above facts the money yon can save by purchasing your goods from us. "We X0 what OVEUUXIS advortlso. Money n tunaea on uj article purcoasea from us which Is not satisfactory RELIABLE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, SJtrABl.lS)ll.U 191 1B77. M. LDEB 8c SDN, SUNBURY, PA. L 0 B S TO CONSUMPTIVES. The underslirnrd barlnz been restored to nealtb by simple means, after suffering for sev eral years with a severe luns affection, snd tbat dread disease Consumption. Is anxious to make known to bis fellow sufferers the means of cure. Tot hone who desire It, he will cheerful. I) send (free of cnaive) a copy of the prescript Ion used, wblcli Uiey will find a sure cure for ( on. nnptloa. Asthma, rrh, Hrnnchlila. and all throat and lunit MaUillra. lie hopes all sufferen will try Ibis remedy, as Ills Invalunlile. Those desiring tUe prescription, which will cost them not bin?, and may prove s blessing, will please address Bev. EDWARD A. WILSON. s-HMyr Brooklyn, Mew York CHAS. NASH PURVIS, Collections, Loans and Investments. Real Estate Mil Private Banker. WHliamspbrl, Lyeoming Co., Pa Deposits accepted, subject to drafts or checks, rem any part of tbs world. Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments, REM EM BEF --m-mm-. H. HRRVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Jb ire, Lite, Accident and Tornado. No Premium Notes. oJufctice of the Peace AND CONVEYANCER-M- Z. STEININGfcR. Middleburgh. Pa D U. A. C. 81'ANOLEK. No Assessments The Aetna Founded A. D.. 1819!" Assets 811.055.513.88 " Home " 1853 " 9,853,628.54 " American 1810 " 2,409,584.53 , The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Tour Patronage Solicited. DENTIST. Gas Administered. (,'rovrn nud BridKpwork, Ktc, Offloe one door north of Weis' Store. Selinsgrove, Pa. K. 1. Pottiegei', Veterinary sUrgeoN. SELINSGROVE, PA. All professional buslucsscntrustoil to my cure will receive prompt and enrof:,! attention. f.k.bowi:r. K. K. 1'AWI.IMJ BOWER & PAWLING, Attorneys-at-Law, H iddlBl nrb Pa. Offices In Hunk Bulldlni:. Public Sale of Valuable REAL ESTATE! Br virtue of an onli r Issued fo Ulm out of tlio Court ot Common I'lnia of Nnvditr oiiniv tlie unilerDlgnrd uominlttf of Jonli K. Ti oinus, an habitual druiikurd, will m-11 upon tlio i rt mlses lu 1'eun Twp., said county, at public mile, ou Fridy, May 28, 1897, the following described resil eiUite to wit : All thnt certnln mcssuiije or tract of land sit utile In I'enns Twp., tnydirco.. IM., uml tMninil ed on tUe North by a pultllo ou the Ij st I y lnndorcbas.I,.4iembiirlliiK nul n the muHIi and Wsl by land oi Henry Mover. con'aliliiK Ot.e-Kouith ol an Aore. mure or li-ss, w hereon arearntoda Kriiiiw Dwilllnir HniiHe. siuhlo and minor outbullilliiKi, thnsnme belmr u very desirable home, and being In first class rnunlr. The ale will commence at one o'cloc p. m of said day. The tei-nib 0' sale will be ) nor cent. ot lh purchase money down when the pro e-iy innirin-H imi, uiiii dim niiiMnee ipjii rue couiir million ott'iesnle by the rourt. when a (lied and poNsus.-Muu will he riven 10 the pu.chiowr. .v. i-.. tKui.fcv.Lom. on j. k rnoiuas. Note Any Inh rraat on doslred can be obtain ed by culling upon tnu said ( mm t ee or his AlUjrney.Cniis. 1'. L'lrlch, S222-S2H5II AGENTS WANTED Mi ii ? Anybody can tell you it's pudding after they liuve eaten it. Just so with our $12 Suits and others. Anybody can tell you ufter wearing which is made and finished best, but few can tell by just looking. Look at our $12 Suits, and then look at others ; perhaps you can't see the difference, but, like pudding, you'll find it out. Sh Sner Soils, guaranteed to fit. Wearingqtiality is unsurpassed John A. Heffelfinger, Merchant Tailor, i I'osW'ce. Selinsgrovei Pa. 1 B. WOLGEMDTH ist Hew Steel Cable Fencing Beit Quality Greatest Varietv. Fencing, Gates, Poultry Nettinf. c::et in it fch live hen Btiraua wonui wiu mci co, caiMi. itipana Tabulss: eu. (1tm r.llet ! , Wpans Tabules: at druggists. for Steam and Hot Water Fittlug. Also dealer in Boilers, Engines, Shutting Pulleys, Hungers and Leath er Belting. REPAIRING ot Engines, Boilers and Mill work. Families can be supplied with Bath Tubs, Pipe and Pipe Fittings. 1 give as reference concerning my mechani cal sKiii, r ftck a Vo. or Waynesboro, Pa. and Lebanon M'f'g. Co. both com panies ot high standing. In order to avoid accidents All Boilers should be tested under the bydraulio test at least onoe a year. Avoid danger aud call upon me to make the test, A. B. WOLGEMUTH, Selicsgrove, : ; pa. Remember Te 0 SELINSGltOVE MARBLE-YARDl Rlpaai Tabules: (or tour tomacn. M. L. MILLER, - Prop'r I keep constantly on band and man Hfuoture to order all kinds of Marble and Granite Mmrels Mil MUml Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. LOW PRICES I LOW PRICES!! I have one of the best Marble Cut ters in the State and consequently turn out good work, QTCouie and see my work&prioes. Thankful for past favors I most re spectfully ask a continuance of same, M, L. MILLER Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Rlpans Tabules cure bad breath, illptfis Taouies cure nausea. Rlpans Tabules cure dlztluesi. . Sheriffs Sale of Va'.uabla REAL ESTATE! and to me dlroetad I will oi.7. to L,i't 2, attha Court Houaa Id MldUlehurtli.W.g, baturdari May 29tb. 1897. at It o'clock, a. til., tlie lolloliir UoktIM m itata to wit j TH ACT NO. ONE All that cait.iu Irntd land iltuattd In Adams town.ihlu, SordntT Fa., one-loarth of Troi.lvltl. UtM ad on tba nortli by laodsol Mn. K.iun on tba aait bj public road and Lndi ot ii Moyei, an tht iuth bjr Uodi ol Koiur Haiti luc Smith ami RobartSmlth and no tkiia vj ihiiiif ui nunn omun and 1. 1. Mxibtei iiiiiiik it lorn inn h iihit.iii.. n..,. u u. on ar arccted a tw rtoiv Krain. IM mn. uiu uara anu oiiiar culuuUJIugi. TKACT NO. TWO Ilia uudlvldM eM Interettinallthatoaruintruot of wood w iituate la Adams townahlp, SDydor cmiiif.h. bounded on Ilia north by land, nl tht hita 1 helM, on tba oast by lands ol Jacob D. !Md on th. aouth by laud, or O. Hard.n I'lih lulDlaar tr acrai audits pcrolici, Bute ot to w iku ww apiiurianaucaa. TKACT NO. THKKE All th.t ccrlalo Ml niiaauiiiuaiaa In spring Towi.ilno, S county. I'a.. bouadeil ou tlia nnrtli h, lm,ii a Mra. OiithorlneSbirey, ou the .tin liv Uoditl Keiiuen Oretae, on tli touth by laud. ol Ckv. waiter and ou tna woat by tract No. i. hm after dewrl i ed containing 17 acre, and 121 1 aa more or leaa with th aaiiurteDaucei. TKACT NO. FOUR-AII that cerUIn trirt a laud altuated In Sprlnu; townahlii, tiuvdir IX I'a. about one-hall mile wuatol liunvcr Sprlto. uuuuu(i on in. norm ny umia nuuiia A Ivr, on tlie taat bv landa ol Mra. lioijcre. km- Ich and Metilintle, on Ilia louta b, yiHt road, and on the waat by laud, ol J. C. Miw bavh and othera containing; 37 euros and :itt ai uioie or Ufa wnn tut appurtcnuiicrt, TRACT NO. FIVkl-AII that certain tncU laud altuated I Spring townh!, siiMt IC f . about one-hall mile louiti-wral of Hanr spring, bounded on the nerth hy mil nil MaubecK and J. C. btiecht. on tliu tun 'mi nt Catheilne Jill ire T and Tract No. S aMi scribed, on the aoulb by lamlaol llw.k.teti Mra. Keuli.n Fry and the Ilrechblll tinn. u iu the welt hy land! ot Amos llcnler, 1. 1. Mt beck and othera. centainlng 69 acrai luvreuriia ou wnivu are erected a Two aiuir vnuua bank barn and other outbuilding. . TKACT NO. 81X-A certain Rl. of U . altuuted about one-ball' mile weit l H"" I ' NiirlHu. Iu......l..l ..... . u ...j, jimth hfl I 1. Manbeck and on th want liv laml ol I Keigle cvotaioliiK 7 aorea, 111 petcljira B'rm I mis who ina appuricnancoa. TRACT NO. SEVEN The oiie luunliiliw id all that cerulu lot or pared oi K"1""'1 "m In mo nlluga of lleavor Mptlug', Siji ahlp, MijilurCo., I'a., boundedon llw iwna . an ulley, on the Euet by the puhll; mid.oa w south by Watar atrxnl and on tint will li lot J. M. bulcr containing one-fourlh air nun 'I lese, on wnicn le arected a urge fury uumm part being occupied by Miinlioek'i tmeiKl parthySuilUi a hotel, alao coniamiBg roowl which are occupied by aevroi onlett, l" ' I uuiei neu m.i iue loai ol me lot uuu "" -bulldlnna. I TRACT No. UIUHT-Alio a certain M I grouuu or inline mono lot I" Pr towaahlp, Snyder Co.,1'a., tn .undid miclitiwA aoutli aud weal by lauda ol William On " ou theea-t by landa ol Caihcriuealnrc.'M'X Ing one acre more orleia with the ii'jiu:le Seiaed, Ukeu Into eia utlou and to l u uie pruiierty ol Samuel Shlrev. Alao at the aaiae time and plnw hy vlrn"' I writ of Fl, Fa. laaued out ol tliu Court ' I' I mon I'laaaoi snydar Co., I'a. an. I io lue J'" 1 Will bhII lit t M.l.ln l..r nr .n'UI 1)1 tfrviHV I altuated In Spring townrlilt), Niyder tn. f I uuuvone-uaii uine weotoi ierrn".." - i joining landa af W. H. Kelgk. H'l.eA" I and tllM Suitlturv an.l liii..n rail load, a I talnluir about 1 acre) more or leu uii lc,,fl erected a Dualling Home. Seiie.l. uata'TI aiovullon and lobe aold aa the pruiivrly "I vosiih. . P. S. K1TTKB wiariraofHoe, Mfddloburn.l'a., SUyi.i"" ORPHAN'S COURT SALE! By virtue of an order of the orphan' CWrq bnulcr County, the underslKiinl AdmlnWrl oi aiury iiiiuc nsiBgor, lute ol bciiui"-v a uroeamu, will sell al public sale ou ' r- a oca uil Thursday, May 27, 1897. Ilia fnllawlnir rlu.rlhiul nul MlaMt0j . ..'.?Z7" M Hi Twp.HnyderUQ., Pa.. ftdJolumffUitfJ5)?L SelliiHkrruve, and bounded on the Kui W C J iluirer. Weat by an alley, and Noriu alley, being an ordinary town lot ality ana one hundred and ality feet deep. leas, whereon are erected a j Bouse. Stable and minor outbuilding? same being In good repair and aduilmW" Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. . conditions will be made known by M. M.K.Mblllf.Wjy Note-Any Information denlred will f iillv iriM'n if '.AMllii.ilAit h tnulle to IT aHmlnlatratir nr rl... D tTlrli U. L0. tome.