Ml power Absolutely Pure. ... ui Inli nlm atiwntrftl a hlihfulnr. Awnroi I lie food agnlLst 1 ronwi o' adulteration common lo the !ynSi KOVAL BAKISU MWIKH CO.. M'ESTBEAVElt. The late rains have done a vast Ant. nf rood to the kiowidk Imps also putting out the mountain rireg J Irvin Howell made a bus mess will to our industrious little town (Lowell) last Saturday... Communion service was held at Baker's church last Sunday after Loon... i- J- Steely UttH Kivil1 UP Lv,., imi..l liusiness and expects to iro in the real estate business by the 1st of July....Knepp Co. have finished- up the stave sawing ou the tract they hail been on for the past year. DON'T ! vnnr Intler or valuable yuu n - t Lckage without haviufj your own C ii ifriUuii jir nrinroil norm tliA nmrl,.ft..l!uulcoiDor. Give Stroet. Kumber. and Postal Station in laro :itie. This will insure it j return to you f Dot delivered, and will prevent its ifingsent to and opened at the ) ad Letter Ofiice. (',. at the 1'ost I'nntinir UUu InJ eel vour envelopes minted. In Ltn nf '",n or fill.) we will furnish Diem for less than you can buy them a llauk. Give us a call. A Valuable lr-Tlioi. Editor Morrison of Vorthinrton, ,!. "Sun. writes: lou hav tillable prescription in niiecinc .ou rs, and I can cheerfully reeoru lead it for Constipation and Sick eadache. and as a general system imc it has no equal." Mrs. Auuie Iehlc, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave., licaeo. was all run down, could lot eat nor digest food, bad a back the wbich never left her and felt ted and weary, but six bottles of AtHnc Bitters restored her health lid inw?d her strength. Price 50 balsam! $1.00. Get a bottle at ArarKiil flnvman -fir Cf 'a 3f Sfrt Bichfield, I'll., and all diuggists. . BEAVERTCHYW. Irvin Kinney lias sold the old linney homestead at the East end It the diamond, to Johu Hassinp;er uo intends to rebuild on the nron- rty which will make a much needed uprovcii.ent in that part of the )wn ... John Wood has again ro irned to lkuvertown after several lonths absence to look after the af lirs of their tannery. . . .The motui- lnsboutli and South-west of town ve been burn ill L' at tliifrriMitliiiirwK lid parties interested in the timber ve eut unite a number of men to ftinguiKh the tire and check the liuaifo of the timber Dr T. K folfe made a visit to Centre county Friday.... L. E. Wetzel tho oper- "rat Selinsgrove mado a flying ip to this place on Friday and re rnedin the evening. .. .Mr. Belle id Mr. Baker of Lewistown were feats of J. 1 Kearns last weok. . . . ilmer Aiboast,.Mr. Faust's, hos ir will spend a few days with his other ut Georgetown A. W. inner opened a term of summer wol on Monday. The Ideal Pcnccn. Pames L. Francis, Alderman, Chi- iiy8 : i regard Dr. King's w Discovery as an Ideal Veneca wuphs, Colds and Lung Com unts, having used it in my family tue last hve years, to the exclus 1 oi Physician's prescriptions or Preparations." Pcv.John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, t ?:n VLttyebeen a Minister of r "omouisi episcopal Church for pears or more, and have never r-iuj iuiug so benohcial or that " Die Rllell sncn.ln -..).I 1- l,d r evi D'covery." Try this till (;niii.t. l j ' m Enn.n " ,il"'"u.v now. xnni ls Freea Graybill, Oarman & "Store, R.chfield, Ta., and aU MlDDLECREEK. ,linralr. r - . . 'Si, v 8- n.av? hnished saw- Ik i !'rmi;--.E,B.8teininger m "Ullllir U 11 TV lnnn lnnl 1 T rrlP up "uwmer kitchen property in n0rrtm t &1 htt.f! 8eci"-edthe agency of Ineinbait8,Sta?dard Remedies. rrn:f(ouuJ trial... .Charles "tern tends to move in tho near at Si,.8 oport,y Purchased by nn 'Shn? sale recently.... Sn ?0BRO, Knepp'B track Joseph Weader rur hi.V.eftavraatN,ew Lancaster to rt Patting a new fnn rn,,A TROXELVILLE. Next Saturday evening. May 8th, Prof. J. E. Fetterolf will have a con cert in the Lutheran church.... On Saturday evening, May 15. the C. E. Society will have a festival All are invited.... Last week J. F. Zechman and wife were in Philadelphia, the latter for medical treatment.... The carpenters are buisy at A. V. Gill's house. . . .Look out for a man taking orders for green goods . . . J. L Bing atnan of Adamsburg was in town on Monday. MT. PI J2 AS ANT MILLS. Henry Mengel's barn burned down on Tuesday, Apr. 27 on the farm where his son, Philip was tenant. All the hay, grain, straw and imple ments, etc., belonging to the teuant wore consumed. The baru was in sured for its value, but the imple ments, etc. had no insurance. On account of the heavy wind from the North sparks of the burning build ing were swept to the mountain north of Fremont, which was in a coiiilHguriiou fr tho remainder of the day causing a great deal of iilui iii mid auxiely to the people of Fremont, n i nl farmers along the south sidH of the mountain. Every body turned out and worked with a will and the tire was arrested with out doing any serious damage. A. (t. mid Jerome Garman have the contract ul putting up another baru ... .On Saturday evening last A. O. li.trnmu aiid Miss Nora Shr.fl'er not h of I his p!icn were united in uiatri iii'Miv by Rev. W. If. Spahn. Wo extend our mowt sincere congratu lations In til'' m-ulv married couple ... .'I he contract for building m ii -otht'C room to tint Fremont Kclmul house was awarded to .A. G. and Jfioino Garinaii (in Saturday for !l7.-)....Mrs. Dr. M. Uothrock who is in a l'liila. Hospital under treat ment is reported to bo able lo coine liiniie in a few days. . . .It is very sel dom that pi-onle can get tho best of Constable Iioush of this place, but such was the case w hile subpoeuiug witnesfes in llnckwbeat Vallev, lor an important, lawsuit pending In fore 'Squire P.rosius last week ( A. ftciiiu e lias returned iiomo irom Scrauton Business College wliero ho recently graduated with high honor Wiilet Boyer and A. J. Kaltriter started on Monday for the liuulx regions William behneo has le cently been granted an increase of pension C. F. Boyer is erectiug cclumoary Henry Hurtling ain W. H. W eddt made a business trip to Sunbury on luesday. Theadoiie. America's Share in the Cuban Shame, During the forty years that have since elapsed all the interested pow ers na7e recognized expressly or implicitly the position! that was then publicly assumed by our government, So, however unpleasant it may be, we must admit that wheu the consular representatives of France and of England in Cuba say as I have beard many cf them say, in commenting upon the unparalleled horror of the situation, that the government and people of our county are directly responsible for all the bloody crimes that are committed iu t he name war faro, they are right. I believe tha our share of responsibility for all this b'ood guiltiness is a heavy one, We have announced our peculiar rights as to Cuba ; we have said to other nations that they must keep their hands oil ; we block the way and stop all interference, mid assist Spain the while to eucompass her ends by tho activity of our fleet and the exortious of our federal oflicers, From "Tho Real Condition of Cuba To-day," by Stu-hen Bonsal' iu May lleoiturs of .Reviews. Little Men -dWomen We cU them little men and little women, but they are neither. They have ideas and ways all their two. Fortu nately they soon become fond of cod-liver oil, when it is Sivi n to them in the form of COTTS EMULSION. This is the most valuable remedy in existence for all the wasting; diseases of early life. The poorly nourished, scrofulous child; the thin, weak, fretting child; the young- child who does not grow; aO take Scott's Emulsion without force or bribe. It seems as if they knew that this meant nourishment and growth for bones, muscles and nerves. Book telling more about it, free It won't pay to try a tubctituU for Scott's Emulsion with the children. They will relish the real thing. For sale at 50c. and $1.00, by all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York, DANIEL MYERS, OF PENNSYLVANIA. A Living Object Lesson for Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. liikl Pi. e.w 'ence' "round ltng with Alvin Ulsh's last HEART PI8EASE Iscurnlilo. "Kurovor forty years," writes Pitnlul Jlyorsof Two Taverns, I'a., on AtiR. 10, 1896. "I suffered with heart disease KlrstasllRht palpitation, gradually growing worso. Then shortness of breath, Bleeplessness, smother ing sensations and much puln in the region of the heart alarmed mo and I consulted a physician. Iiccelvlnj no benefit I trlod others and a number of remedies, spending a largo amount of money, hut finally ha camo so had that it was unsafe for mo to leave home. I commenced using Pr. Miles' Heart Cure two years ago. h'np AlclitAAn ninnt Ilia I Ihivo been well. Al though 72 years of ago I can go whore I wish and I sleep all night and waUe up as cheer ful as a bnbe and completely rosted." Dr. Miles Remedies are sold by all drug glsta under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on lieart and Nerves sent free to all appl leant. OB, MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, fnX THE TRIUMPH OF LOVEI Sappy and Fruitful Marriage. Every MAN who wnnld know theORAKD TKbiHN.tas i'iinKc-tg, the Old Secrets and tho New Discoveries of Modi. Icsl Science as applied to Married Life, who would aUme for post follies and avoid future pitfalls, should write for our won derful little book, railed "Complete Manhood and How to Attain It." To any earneM man we will mail one copy sealed cover. Entirely Free, in plain ERiyEDIWlCOasft An Important lii-tlu. If your Irlonds or neliflihora are suirnrlnir from ('ninths, colds, sore throat, or any throat or Iuiik diHcnMC (including ninHuiiuitliui), iislc tlii'in If i icy hiivt-ever used tiilo's cure. This raiimux (icriniin remedy I' having n l:ui snle here nnd Is performlntf aunie wonderful cures of throat mid lung illwascN. W , II spanglcr, Mlddleluirg ; M. Kulhroek. M. I).. Ml. I'lunant Mills, will give you a sample Ikiiiic free No matter what oilier meuieines nave railed lo t.o, try (HtuH l ino, ltrge hit! Ut and uocta. Hlicritl's Salf ..f REAL ESTATE By virtue of s writ of K1. Ka. Issued out nf the ( uuri of ( (iiiiuinh I'leax of Miyiler connlv, I'a, and to me directed I will expose lo public sale hi. viw t uun House, Miiiuieiiiirk'ii, I'a, on Saturday, May 1st, l,Si7, at 1 o'clock-, p. in. Tlio following deserllied Heal Ks'ate to n it . A certain lot. or traoi, of land sit mite In i he IU.riiih nf Mlddlchiirirh on North HnjirN r el. Iiounded mi :ne North hv lot of Kn-rterlk Nmlth, nn the Kast. and houth by laniis ot niuion .mojiz iiniion itie esi oy Miigar ht., coiitiilnlng One-Koiirlh Aero inurn or liss on whli'li lsereet,)d a 'I'uo S'ury Utvellliig House ano oiner oiiinuiiniiigs. re).eii, mKcn imoe.ei'Uiicin anu 10 De sold as tne properly of j. t'. Hwineforil. I'. S. HITTER. Sheiirr. Slierin'sonice, MlddleljurKh. I'u.. April?. InT, Kxetnitor's Sale of Mai Real Esiale! The underHltfiied Kxeeiitnr nf the last will and t' lnmeiil ol .Matilda l-'aiiM. laic of ,VI Idillecreek T.p., snyiler ( o., I'a.. w III sell on the premises Saturday, June 121 li, 1'.)7, the lellotvinc dex'illieil Ncnl Kslnle in wit : All thai Iriel. nf slliinlc In Mlildlei reek I'wp.. snviler ( 0., I'a . uh'iiil till iioi lleeast of tilohe .Mills and Is Imiimlcd as inllons: Nonli liy iiiiiilsnl 'i. . Itaiieli, Wcs l,v I.iii,si,i . Ill Zellier niid h"lis of (leoru'c lliillir. Soulh In laml ' ul Soliil.iiin IMvmcl and (I. VI. Haiieh. met Kisl hv lainN ot Kcrenmer and Haul. I'oiiIIiiiis, eoiilaltilii'' 77 A:-rot, liinru nr less. niicreiiil llie crceien a Enrolling House, Eank Barn, and olher oiitluillillntrs. Sale to rommenep at lo o cluck a in. when Iitiix h III he iniidn knntvn i).v Jini.N II I'. Lxeculor- Slicrill'd Sule of REAL ESTATE! lly virtue of certain wrlls of Kl. Ka. tssueil ouiof the Court of Common I'leas of Snyder Co., I'll., anil to llie illrceleil. I will exnnso lo niihlie snlo ut the Court House, Mlddleluirgh. l a., on Saturdav. Mhv Htli. 1S'.I7. ut i o'clock, I'. M . the following tloscrlhed rea estale lo wit : 'J riiet No. 1. A tract of mountain land situate In West Hnivcr township. Snyder coiuitv, I'u., hounded on the North hv hinds of Jos. Kneno on the bust tiy lands of Turdce, on I lie soul h Harrington ami on the West I by the Mllllln county line, coittuliiliiir uIhiiii l mi ' ueros more or less. I Tract So. A certain lot nr narcol nf Inml 1 sliuale Iu Spring township. Hnydur county, I'n., ( iicitiov or tin niniiiir tun viii itre ot Heaver Springs, hounded on the Routh by public road mid land ol Harry Molern, on the Knst by lands of Mrs Salllo Kline, North by Hunhury & Lewis town H. It. nml West by lands of Min. K. Me Klrnth contaliigtMl siiuure rods mom or less on w hich are erected a Dwelling House, Ac, Seized, taken in execution and to be sold ns the Properly of A. Singly. I'. S. KITTKR. Sheriff. licrlH'8 Office, Middleburg, I'a., Apr. 14, 1HVT. Mercantile Appraisement. The venders of Foreign and Domestle Mer rhandlse In Snyder Uouuty will tnke notice that they are appraised and classed hv the uuder sl 'nedappralsor of mercantile aud other uxea for the s; as follows : Name t Residence. License Class. Tax ADAMS TOWNSHIP. M'ddleswartb t Mattern. gen store W U Herman. ' do BEAVER TOWNSHIP. W B Wlney t Bro general store A II Howersox do I hotuoH Kohlcr do J H shirk hardware store . It Vt eaver cunfuctlonery V M Keller do HEAVER W. TOWNSHIP, Mid .leswnrtht Vlsh, gen store Hei lister S Felkur do c llonser do 1 B Shellenberger d.i R I Wagner do M D Jenkins do CENTRE TOWNMlll' J T Herman general store W A Napp do C M Showers do CHAPMAN TvtT. A II Troutman general store tl 8 ltlne do J S nine ,,,, AJUumiml d) KRANKI.INTW1 A II I'ish & CO grain H II Custer general store David Wetzsl do ('has Buyer do W B W I ney nil n a ml coal I M () II stelnlnger do C W tiroyblll confectionery JACKSON TWI II M Perk general stow IBKomlgftCo do A B Dautermun do M1UIU.EBI Rtill HDliorcil. Runkle A W alter general store W W WltU'iimjcr do W II Heaver do It oiimdifrger clctlilng slor ( c (iiilellus do W I Uiiniiiin shoe store I II liowcrxox couiect lonerv, etc (t II Waller do' W K St ilniiceker hardware store K.Si;.IkI orcaiis.elc Will II spanvler (iruir store MIDDLKCHKBKTWI'. 8 O rirleh Kcnurul store AC smith do J K Mairee do J IS Melscr do MONROKTWP. EH llottensteln Kencral store 1H It ID Hi 14 14 H 8 13 1J 14 14 14 14 14 14 1.1 1 1 14 ia u u ii 14 11 1.1 1.1 II 14 II II i U lit II It 14 14 II II 14 14 II II 14 II in on ? ou u !W it M i 7 no 7 on a oo 6 00 1(1 oil 111 IHI 7 Oil 7 INI 7 IK . 7 00 7 nil 7 (Kl 1 10 IK) ! I 10 IK) ' 1'4 60 1 ftO 7 i j 7 (K(j 1I IK) 7 (10 10 il), III Oil j 10 IHI 7 00 1 7 no' 7 IHI ! 7 (III I Itl 51) li Ml It .VI 00 to STARTLING HOT TRUE! That the Cheapest, Best & Newest Goods For Sale in New licrliu, , arc to V n.un.l at the NOVELTY CASH: STORE JOSEPH D. WINTERS, on lut. i W.ick. C. i ii. i t.r lV... t m.,1 Union Sir't'ls New Store! New Goods!! New Prices!!! 7 mi. r or iwrpmns Unll nml Sec Ale us ltU R lilirH llllll well K(( Cctcl '(.,.!; uuiim. vtt'llis .!(!; cur 00 7 IKI 7 on I (hi ; 7 IKI 1 Oil j 7 00 7 (HI 7 OH 7 KI just vol in iicd from I'liiladclphiii 'f I rv (iikiiIs titnl Fiiiirv No- ii. I r ,i i.i ... um ffh WHII I, fU in,,! for tlit KHitst iii. , ti, ,.,!,!,. ( , (Hid j;ivt you iiiv ('.S ii;iv, arc cli,'ini:c, t m-u : voii. N r iiitnliif .ion my L'ooils inn li.'ic lo do (i M oroNS J .1 lieu Selioch M Mlllner (l M Winner I 11 HollllK A FSchnee II A KhrlKht I'eler llcriuan Minium a Sehnee .lolin KreiKllhtilim V r lloj er in iki I HI IKI j 7 Ul 10 IKI 7 IHI 7 IHI 7 Oil 7 (HI 7 IKI 7 IKI 7 IKI 7 Oil 1.1 do Kl do H k'ralii u l'KSN TW1'. k'cncral store 1:1 Kcneral store A coal 14 general storo 1 1 I'F.itHY TWT. general store II do 14 do 14 do II Rime store 14 groceries 14 1 KICK V W. TWr, s u siraun (,'eneral store 14 7 00 i.Li.s(iii(ji r, IHilidl (III. (1 C WiiKenseller druirKioro l.i J C Kessler tobiuro a Jewelry II A Marliuitfcr irrueerv storo II ,1 Howard I'Ull iImik' slnrc 14 II Oiipeiihcliuer clolliliiK store 11 II K Miller k'ns'er) store 14 Kecley A Son clot Idutr store 14 .1 (1 1. Shlndel dniK store 14 M S Sohroycr hIkh- store 14 8 WelH Keneral storo 14 III' (lakes KriH'erv store 14 (1 R Hendricks hardware 1 1 A N (IcinlicrlfnK Hloveselo 14 A 11 Keck Mime store 14 II Kl'harles stovesetu 14 N .1 Livingston tiinillure 14 .1 K Horns grocery store 1 1 M l) Snyder coal 14 II 1) schinire Hour and uralti i.j 0 W Meek (,'ciierul sloio u VI A Arlioifost do )4 AD Carey do 14 Kdward Taylor eatltnr house) h Wallace linker bicycle storo :i B K Tuliner one ihhiI tahlu KPltI.NllTWI,1 JWSiecht. ki ueral store II Manlieck A Mnnbe(!k do Klose li Bro do 14 A A L':sli do 14 PNION TWP. ASSei'hliHt, general storo 14 Kl' WllllauiH do 14 W M Buyer do 14 Hoiirr ,v llliigniniiu k'nilnete u (' W KnlKhis general slisro la Mrs I) 14 I. inlil do u N T Inindoio do 14 lieorifo K Klandi rs dc 14 J 0 Snyder lurnlliiee hardware 14 WASHINGTON TWI'. Ill'Straiili Keneral store I I lere Charles do 14 I' I, II Unities furnlturestore 11 W I' Mover drug slme 14 II K Hurley eeneial store 1 1 Calvin Shiilzlieru'ercnnleciloiiery s lake Notice. All nersniiu who are pmieri,.i 111 I his appraisement thai nil appeal will lie held in 1 in' niiiiiiissiiiiiers iiiuee. 111 nie court House 111 the llorougltof Mlddli'liunr. on Moml iv m.iv I ilb. I MUX. .ei ween I he limns ot II a. 111. and I o in., when and where till who led acL-rlevi.,! iieii c:assiiiciiini in.i.v allend f ii,(.v mink I'm ht, ,1, ti. i,..siii;h. Mi ri antlle Anprnlssr. Let .3SY MCTT0 .1 . lll!l.-l(T, i t;, V llll Willi 13 ll( ' ll'l Hill' til X 111 IKI 7 IKI 7 no 7 IKI 7 0" 7 IKI 7 00 7 Ou 7 tie 12 (Ml 7 (Kl 7 (XI 7 00 7 00 7 (10 7 IKI 7 oO 7 00 HI (Kl lit no 7 (Kl 7 00 n o 7 00 R0 Ul 7 no u Ml 7 IK) 7 00 7 on 7 00 7 IKI 7 on 10 00 7 IKI 7 IK) 7 Ul 7 IKi 7 IK) 7 IKI 7 to 7 on 7 IKi a 00 Stll.'lll IH-ul'its Mill ' I IT lill tli'Vrl' : Ol w hat I lnivi No Iciir Inn I (he )l linlv lair, in ll'"'" l' lllll-i C'lltllv (llll'S ItllC Mile, :-MW till' like til s,v lancv lake iiciiii ; ' ' I many an iiiiciciit liacJiclor WIlCIl l inid ,(1, 1 his looked so voiilli hist tinned ol Iwelltv-lnlir. our chcaji ul that he (ore, -eeiiicd le:ir lie.'lji lirst-cliiss store. store tidies collie HI V 111 iitir iur mi llie iiiorc you Imv, 1 111 very sure, you'll wish (o Imy the Hero's Calico ami Ciiiliains rare, ami Chintzes Silks and Iiovicst (hinirs in all the world, t.X(,.j,( Vour lovely laces. O many a laded maiden, Not younger than three sen ire, Has passed hersell lor eighteen lien dressed from our cheap And many a lovely youthful lace Iitmks lovlier than hefore, ' ' Ik-eause the wearer gave a call At. I. I). Winter's Store. Ye sons of Saint Patrick, come ! give us a call I'm trying my hest to give pleasure to all ; I've silks, cloths and satins of colors as cheering As the Shamrock that grows iu your dear native more ; Laces, Wal For lXKCL'TDlt'S notici:.- IJliereliv 'iyt'ii Unit, l.cll.M's Notice is est it iih-iii in mi 1 nr esiaie 111 .11 ut iid.i r ails, late n .iiiiioin ire:;. I wp., rii(ler Cnliulv, 'a.. lnivi. Iieen Issued lo the tiiiiler.sli.iicl resiilli,.' o, i,i iii tity. All liersims, Iherefiire. Imieliied lo sain csinio win incase make liumnlljilc nnv llll'lll. and those Inivlll f elallns acalnsl II present them for sett lenient to , , JOHN IIIMIKKT. April ft, '117. Kxeeiitnr. A Nhorl iii to llenlth. To try to cure const I nation by tnklnir mils is like going round 111 circle. ou win never reach 1 lie poiiii sougnt, nu( only get hack 10 the slai t- Ing point. A perfect mil oral laxative Is Mucous' Celery King, tho celebrated remedy for all nerve hliHHl, slomuclin, liver and kidney diseases. It rcgiiinies 1110 noweis. w. II. spangler, .Middle burgh ; M. Kothrock, M. I)., Ml. I'leosanl Mills. will g ve you a suinnlc Dockage freo. Lart'o size a unit viicin. A DMIN'lSTKAToK'S NOTR'K. 1 ters nf AiliiiinistrHtioii in Iho i: tale of Mary Laudenslager. lute of Selinsgrove Sliyder co.. I'a.. (lee'd, Intvlng Iieen granted li'i the iiiiilerslgned. all nersens knnwimr 0,0.,. selves Hidehteil to said eslule are reiiucslcd to make immediate imvment. while tin.. i,.i,.,. claims will present them duly authenticated to the undersigned, April 1. M. E. RDI.EV, Adm r. Executors Sale of Valuable REAL ESTATE! NOTICE TO HEIRS. IN RE-ESTATE OF SOLOMON I.ONO, LATE OP BEAVERTkVP., SNYDER CO., PA. IJKC'I). To Annie Long, Elizabeth Henenson. ncel-ontr. Intermarried to SniniielSeveiison of Mlfllliiburg, I'liliin Co., Pa., Mary Slnhl, nee Long, Inter married with it. K. Stiihl, of Rand, I'nlon Co., n.. KrniiR lingof Klkion, Hickory Co.. Alls. soiirl, mid teo. Long, who lias granted his In terest, in said ileal i-.sinio to your petloner. HeuU'ii (,'ntmer. Lineal decendf.iiis.of Oeorgc ,ong, lste of the lowtishlD of Heaver. Snviier county, decens d. You ure hereby cited to he and appear before the Judges of our Orphans' Court,, at an Or- rdittiis' Court to beheld at Mlddlebtirgh, on the Irst Monday ol Juno, A. I)., 1W, at lo o'clock In the forenoon, then and there to accept or refuse to lake tho Real Estate of mild lieo. Long, dee'd. at the appraised valuation put upon It bv an In quest duly awarded by the said court, and re turned by the Sheriff of sM county, or show enuso why the same should not be sold, and beraotfutl not. Witness the nonorsbla II. M. McClnra. nresi. dent Junge of our said court at Middleburg, this 13rd day ol April, A. D IHur. . J.C.8CUOOH, Clerk O.C. Tho undersigned executors, or the lust will nnd tesliimenl of JkcoI) Drcese. late of Terry Twp., Snyder Co., I'a., tits-eased, uuder and hv virtue of llie power and authority coiunlned In the said will and testameiit, will expose to nuli llc silicon the premises, at the village of Free mum In said county, on Saturduy, June 12, 1897. the following described Heal Estate to wit : TrdOl !V. I All Hint certuln tenement and tract of land slluiite In I'erry tivn ' Suv tier Co., I'a , bounded 011 the Norlh by laud's ... ..,.,,... .,.,, 1. . mi I i-rgcr, in. ai ,Kasl. by public road teaillng from Middleburg to Rli. I'luesaiil Mills, south by lands of Jacob Schnee's heirs 11 ml on the West, by lauds of Mrs. Jacob Ar hngaat and others, containing 1 15 4cre, more or less, with the iippuittumnci-s. nearly nil of which Is clear and iu a good slate or cnlitvuiloii and on which are erected a Largo Two-stnrv frame Dwelling House, a largo new Hank llarii and 01 heroin buildings, good water and all kinds " "" "I"" i-rciinscs, ciose to run 1 i'u, selinnl market and mill. Tho uliove Is prliicliially lime stone soli. J True! Wo. a.-llclng a tract of Wood Land well timbered with chestnut, oak. nine mm whlteiik. situate In i't-rrv Two., n.'m.iv slate arorcsitld. boumh-d north by Shade M01111 taln, Knslhy hinds of Jonathan lint tiger. South by lands of Henry Hover, Wilson Mlt.erllng e al and ol tho West by lands of Jnnnthan HoU tiger, 4flAcrr, more or less, with the apnur tenaiices. 1 1 Trnrt .o. a. Iloln-r s eerlnln nintu,,,. tract of land sit uate In I'erry Twp., rouni v uinl stale aforesaid, bounded on the North i.'i i ot Miss May Arlsigasl, Ksst, by Tract No. 1 above described. South by lands or Jacob rk-l.tu-e-s heirs, and West by lands ot Mrs Jacob Arlrtarioii coiiUtlning I'J Aerex. mornor less oni, ,t,r..' uirlenances, ou which are erected a Two-siorv 'rnmo liouso. Stnhle nnd null, ,,11, n... . wnter and trult, aluo a large double llme-alln Hnlo tocoiiiinenceatio o'clock a. m or aald duy when due attendance will be given and the terms of sale made known by W"K"0U una lue tthiiKUN IIKKKNR, JAconnuctuf UaacW.Loniracre. Auc. ' Executors. Kl'iu. in my hearty Irishman, o iraiie we II soon agree, we've tl heatust stock of f:..,i,l r 1 , 1 oil ever yet did sic ; I've everything that ymi can want. And even a little more, Coine in, or you will rue (In- d:lv Vou passed liy our clie.-ii store. Jeh, lilien llcntchen, Komnii t heir ; K.,0111 all das Kommeii Kami: leh, hah ein warnies d.-uts.-lics 11,-,- . r jed.-n deulschen Mann; Im deiitschen Pciiiisylvanien, war i. h g.-wiss gdiorcn, ,)ni111 K"m ''"'I' ""d Iviiiil' dich reich in iii.s(.reii m-iK-n Strohreii. Wir halien Seidcn mid Katun I 'ml vieles gules Tliell, 1 '..1 1111 1 1 no .1 lies iias man iiram 1 ):is li.-ilii-ti veil n,iiii,r " I-' "r-t I ll 1 1 1 1 koliiiuet, lielics tlctjls t 1 1 1 . icn ill eueil lllclil verllllirell ; Audi lianille nut keim' nndivii M; j .. , . 11 -t . 11 .. oousi wen 1 hum K id vcrlieivn. Koiimiet Klein nml (iross, wir Iriltenon il. r I'mut mi I'lium 1 ve knives : 1 1 1 I forks and hooks ilMl .Mid shot to kill each hird Unit Hies; I've pots and griddles, shovels, tongs, And pitch-forks with elastic prongs ; I've every sort of hardware things, From iron liars to golden ring ; I've cloth of every kind and hue, lirown, fancy colors, Mack and hlue; I've ciiltcry of every kind, As good as in (he world you'll timl ; I've silks nnd satins, rililions, lace, All (hat (lie finest form can grace ; I ve herring, mackerel, shad ami codlisl -And t include, two very odd fish ; All curious people who would love To see them, call on J. I). Vintcrs. . II A II. I.EHK1CUKH und WAINWIIHIIIT Jl. WINTiatS, Salesmen. lien Kami, h.- Yolk aim, eves, FURNITURE, CARPETS AND CHINA. --y n!iv: 7 :0: Hriglit new designs look out from every nook nnd corner of our Storo Shut ph und Styles fn which nt oncf you see your idcul. CouchesS CARPKTS, m os, AUTKQirARS and riCTCltKS nt prices so low that oth er merchants can not compete. :0: Yours Respectfully, , H. FELIX, L e Wigtown.