The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 29, 1897, Image 2

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    EhcgUddlclmrgli gout.
Published every Thursday.
Geo- W. Wagenseller,
Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription $1.50 per year.
nlcb iqum be p.itd in advance when sent out the county.)
aii transient silvertlr-oin-nts not otherwise
Commit -l t'ir will 1-e i-lmrifitl at the nit of IS
cent per line uiniiptirle, ineiuuirel for first Inwr
tli u Hint Weeiiis per line for every subsequent
flratH nnlitf puliluhrd fm ; obituary pnrrt y,
tntwlr vf ttmptei. itc. thrre cents a Utu. .
Republican Standing Committee.
Adams TohlaN Mlfliell. Troxt'lvllle, W. II. Her
man. Tmxelvlllr.
licaver-i'liiis. K. Sieeht, Ileavertown, James M.
Kline, Iteavertown.
Beiwer W. lieo. J. Specce, Mct'lure. T. A . Wnjr
ner. Mi-t'ltire.
tnln-Klmer Shiimtmch. MKMleburRh, I. F.
HIiiKaman. I'eiiim creek.
Cliapmaii-W. II Kersietter. MoKees Hull Falls,
Kiliriir Kelsli. HofTi-r.
Fraiikllii-W. I. lilfi. I'axtonvllle, J. W. Klsen
liour. MldilletiurKh
Jackson I. S. Yearlrli, Krat.ervllle, Isaac 1111
kr,,r. New llerllll.
Mlililleliurifli lieu. W. Wiiifi-nselliT, Middle.
t)iirk'li. N. A. Howes. Mldilleburfh.
Mlilllecrn-k-l 1 Kow, Kreauier. II. It. Hum
mel. K reamer.
MnnnM'-ti.n. . I.elller. Sliamnkln Dam, J. II.
l'enn . K. Wagner, Salem, Hanlrl Knoiise, Se-
I'erry-.l. N. Ilrospm. Ml. Pleasant Mills, II. F.
ArlHiuast. Ml. Pleasant Mills,
r'errv w. - It. F Nauifle, Kli lilicld. Dan. Man-
"ev.ii. ::i.'ini"M
Selins,' s. KMier, StllnsKnive, F. II.
siult li. si'iliisirmve,
Sjirlnir Or. A. M. smith, lteaver Sprlnifs, 1'. F.
Kei.'el. iver S.lll II 's,
I nliin i I. Flinders, I'.irt Treverton, . (i.
Kiev. Purl TrenTlnii.
Wasliiiiiri'Mi .lerrv riiirh'S. Kri'i-tmrtf, V. II.
(irimm, FreflmrL'.
:: I'll L '. I -V TICKET.
A.tsnr!,if. !.('', . Siimiiai'll
'rutiDiiDtiirii, (!. 31. SlthttJil.
Ilr,str,- ,fc n.rn,;h r, .1 . II. Willi's.
District . I thnisi, J. M. linker.
J lira ('tuii'it., Jiix II. Ilftilrit'i.t.
Thursday, Apr. 2!, 1S97.
Trjsls and the Law.
As Mr. Abrau S. Hewitt pointed
out not Ion ir a!o. m tmttiy large, cor
porations capital has borne nil the
losses ind they have beeu heavy
ar.d has kept its factorieH and stores
in operation in order that itn labor
might not suffer. Tho sacrifices that
have thus been made by large coin
binutious of capital iu these times
and iu every part of the country, if
they were fully known, would go far
towards making us forget the grev
ious wrongs that have been done by
conscienceless trusts and the politi
cal corruption which they have prac
This is the other side of the story
of trusts and other combinations of
capital. It will bo seen that they
have their virtues as well as their
voices, and the foriuor'as well as the
latter must be taken into considera
tion by the legislator when he un
dertakes to frame an Anti-Trust law.
otherwiso ho niav do the country a
previous wrong. It is understood
now, in the light of the recent Su
preme Court decision, that a law
which makes criminal a reasonable
agreement, even if it bo no restraint
of trade, is u bud law, and it ought
to be understood, as a corollary to
the proposition, that it is difficult, it
not impossible, to flume any law
that will punish al! contracts in re
straint of trade, that will not at the
sanio 1 i in o unhappily interfere with
combinations of capital and labor
that tire -wholesome and benelicient,
and that ought therefore, to bo al
ways lawful. Thero ought to be
laws for the prevent ion r.nd punish
ment of the oppressions of trusts,
and against their undue aggrandize
ment ; and there ought to be no law
that .vill encourage and aid in their
formation at the expense of the rest
of the community that will change
in their behalf natural conditions
which, as the world is governed at
pieseut, are sufficiently friendly to
them. Jf the tendency of trusts to
wards tyranny and corruption can
not be prevented by the law, it
might bo better, for the suke of the
country, to forego the blessings that
result from combinations of capital.
But we are not yet ready to admit
that the democratic form of govern
ment is so incompetent as this.
When tho legislator goes beyond
this, however, and undertakes to
regulate the details of the business
of corporations, he is likely to hud
himself in such a slough of despond
as the trainers of tho Anti-Trust
laws are placed in by the recent de
cision of the Supremo Court.
liiil?r'x M't fkh.
When Loving Mothers Grow Selfish.
"It is when children reach ma
turity that tho supreme test of pa
rental love comes," writes Edward
Y. lok, discussing tho home-leaving
of children at tho time of mar
riage, in the May Lmlits' Jtmnv
Jotinittl. "All through infancy and
early years the children are more or
less care. And then, just as tho pa
rents feel relieved from cares and
anxieties, and arc beginning to en
joy the companionship of their
children in tho serene and complac
ent way which 'grown-ups' have,
thero comes a llutteriug of tho
wings, a remote suggestion of flight.
The ton ii do less bis mother's boy
than he has been and ever will be.
But he is and who realizes it so
quickly as a mother T in a new and
very natural sense, another womau's
hero : and that woman a girl With
her he discerns, away out on the
horizon line, the shadowy lines of a
house that is to become a home,
their very own. The girl, too, whose
going in and out of the house has
been a daily joy to the parents she,
too, has become a heorine to some
other than her father or her mother.
It is hard for the parents to realize
that this mate of her flight can care
for her as they have ; that in her
young eyes, in her young heart, it
is possible that he can be altogether
noble and capable ! And after the
young birds have taken flight the
parents wonder if sometimes they
do not grieve in their new life. But
some fine morning a clearer vision is
given them, and they realize that,
after all, their t hildruu are only play
ing the same roll which they played
a few years before. It is a mag
nificent quality in parents when
they so prepare themselves that they
can meet this inevitable time with
the proper spirit when, in other
words, parental love can get the
better of selfishness."
Should Be Suppressed
The following we take from the
l'hiladeldhia Press. "Kvery few
days the papers contain an ucccount
of somo infamous outrage, perhaps
culminating iu murder, that has been
committed by trumps, and it is stated
that the neighbors are greatly excit
ed and are in quest of the criminals.
who will probably bo lynched as
soon as they are apprehended. This
is all very well for talk; but there
is very likelihood that these volun
teer efforts of citizens who have no
experience in detecting criminals will
be successful. From the nature of
the case, the tramp is very difficult
to truce. He has no habits, no re
sorts; he wanders from placo to place
as his passing faucy dictates, he
buys no railroad tickets, he sleeps
out of doors, and ono tramp re
sembles another tramp as one pea
resembles its fellow pea. And all
these circumstances which make it
so difficult to follow and arrest him
make it equally difficult to convict
The remedy for outrages by tramps
is very simple. It is, not to have
ti ftuir.s. The way not to have tramps
is to discourage them, to make them
impossible. It is idle for us to feed
the tramp at the back door and to
give him clothing, and then to be fill
ed with wonder aud horror when the
process of evolution has become com
plete and the trump has been (level
oped into a murderer. The cure of
tho evil must begin further back.
The tramp should be suppressed as
a nuisance, he should be arrested
and put to hard labor for a term
which should progressively increase
with every arrest. Wo can not ex
pect freedom from crime while the
trump goes at large unmolested and
even encouraged "'
A Viilmtlile I'reserlpllon.
Editor Morrison of Worthington,
Ind., ".Sun," writes: "You have a
valuable prescription in Electric Bit
ters, and 1 can cheerfully recom
mend it for Constipation and Sick
Headache, ami us a ec neral system
tonic it has no equal." Mrs. Annie
Stehlc. !(.,- Cottage Grove Ave..
Chicago, was nil run down, could
not eat nor digest food, hud a back-
i i i ji i i r i .
acne which never ieu ner aim ieii
tired and weary, but six bottles of
Electric Bitters restored her health
and renewed her strength. Trice .10
cents and !l.m. Get a bottle at
Gray bill, Garnian ,V Co.'s Store,
Richfield, l'a., and all diuggists.
The 3rd Quarterly Conference of
Freeburg Circuit East German
Conference. U. B. in Christ, will be
held in the U. B. church at Freeburg
on Saturdcy and Sunday. Bev. A H
Souillard, of Lykuns, will be present
to conduct the services which will be
as follows : Quarterly conference
business meeting at 2 P. M. on
Saturday ; English preaching at
7.30 P. M. ; Sunday School at 9 A. M.
ou Sunday ; German preachiug and
commuuion at 10 A. M. ; aud Eng
lish preacheiug at 7 P.M. The public
in general is invited.
O. G. Bomig, Vastur.
Apiil 19, id Heister's Valley, Jacob
Sierer, aged 71 years.
April 19, near Boavei town, Mary,
widow of Christian Gross, aged 80
years, 10 mos. and 14 days.
Anril 17. near Globe Mills. Samuel
Lei izel, aged H4 years, 11 mos. and
2i days.
April 20th, near Orieutnl, Duuiel
Kuouse. aired Hj years. 1 month una
11 days. Funeral was held ou the
2.ird inst., ut the miner Church.
Uev. O. G. Bomig otHciated.
Fill a bottle or common witter glass
with urine hiuI let it stum! twenty tour
hours; a sediment or settling indicates
h diseased eondition of the kidneys.
Wlieu urine stxitis linen it is positive
evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre
qiient desire to urinate or pniu in the
hack, is also convincing proof that
the kidneys and bladder are out of
There is comfort in the knowledge
ho often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Koot, the treat kidney rem -edy
fullills every wish in relieving
pain it) the buck, kidneys, liver, blad
der and every part of the urinary
passages. It corrects inability lo hold
uriu anil scalilinir pain in passim; it,
or bad effects following use of liquor,
wineot beer, and overcomes that un
pleasant necessity of beintr coiupell
ed to get up many t hues during the
night to urinate. The mild aud the
extraordinary effect of Swamp Hoot
is soon realized. It stands the highs
est for its wonderful cures of themost
distressing cases; If yon need a med
icine you should have the best. Sold
by druggists price fifty cents and one
dollar For a sample bottle and pnm
phlet, both sent free by mail, mention
1'osT and send your full post-'ifllce
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bing
liamton, N. Y. The proprietors of
this paper guarantee the. genuineness
of this offer.
American Tires in England.
American HlnBl'-tubc tires urn dolnif no hot
ter In Europa In lstir than Kiimpean ulnirlo-tu-
bein have dn lu-prevlou years. In England,
the riders mil more than ever Insist upon dou-Me-tuhe
tires. Judging by tha fultowlnir from
"Tlio Cyi'Ilsl", the great English cycling author
ity :
"Tho Hliigle-iuhe tyresflt.ed to American ma
chines Imported this wiison nr now beginning
to fall ; Indeed, a lot of them have already done
hi. Novlron should take the inmost care In buy
ing any of the second-hand American machines
at present, s extensively adverN'd fir sale, to
observcthat tlielyrcs, if of the snigle-niiie i!,v
scrlpllon, aro In thoroughly goo I order. The
Importance of this was tirmulil home lo us by
bearing of a friend who had been victimized by
what he consiibTed was a barualn In u second
baud Yankee mount. The t res were al ilule
ly poroiu and done f ir, falling lo hold nlr for
more limn a few hums when ridden. Even If as
good as new when bought. It w ill noi be long
before the slngle-tiibcrs go hopelessly wrong, al
least such Is our experience."
In line with Hie above statements. ;i dealer In
Kl Paso, Texas, gives his method id handling
single-tube tires : "Aft'-r eight years' experi
ence In seven different sli.tes, I find the only
sure way lo repair leaky single-tube tires Is to
cut them open, punch lai-e holes, put ln-li!c
plenty "I hoapstone, shake It oot, Hu n draw In
a Morgan X Wright Inner-tiiti ", ho e up. cement
to rim ami pump up " I'nisttcally making them
'nto dnuble-tiilie tires.
AH Cleaning ,
s. about the house, paint, floors, pott
and Dans, dishes and clawar
and pans, dishes and glassware,
silver and tinware, can be done
better, quicker and cheaper with
Washing PoWdFr
than with any other cleansing
compound. Largest package
greatest economy.
TH1 1. r. rATKBAirr cnnrvArr
Chicago, BU Loula, New York, Baton, Philadelphia
Future Coimort lor present seeming Economy, but BUY
tlio Sowing Machine with an established reputation
that guarantees you long and satisfactory service :
teiTrteiHi un our beautiful half-tone catalogue.
Tl;e Wl)ite.
Its beautiful figured wood
work, durable construc
tion, fine mechani
cal adjustment,
coupled with tin; Finest Sctol'Stccl
Attachments, makes it tile
Most Desirable Mine iu the Market.
Miiiu:ih'k;h, Pa.
ere I yon
There in only one Houne in the County
where you can get such Nobby Styles.
; - " wviijjlj a iuu uuo vi
Dandy bhirts in Colors
and White, Laundried and unlaundried.
and all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods, '
HATS AND CAPS in Straw and Wool,
Nobby liqe nt Fiqe Shoes.
Don't fail to Ree our Rusaetts, all the latest Styles. Como and see our
large stock of Spring NoveltieH in the
Ready Made Clotlii nrr T ln3
OX:r:E IVIIEIlVlUjirt, solinSgrnTrn
Thv Itrcmleil 'iiMimit ion 4'itn
4 Hreil.
T. A. Sloeiim, Hie tlreat Chemist, anil Seleiillst,
Will senil loSiilferers, TlireeKree Hollies
ot Ills Newly lllseovereil Reme
dies to cure coiisii mpt Ion
And All I, u tig
Nothing eonlil lie fairer, more philanthropic or
1'iirry uiore Joy lo the nlllleieil, than the teener
oiisolTer of I he honored distinguished clieln
St. T. A. Slucuiu, M. C, ol New York Clly.
He Iihs lllseovereil a reliable uml absolute cure
lor consumption, and nil hrnnchlul, tbniiil, hint,'
ami chest diseases, culanhal iittectlons, cuci-h
decline and weakness, loss of llesh ami "II con
ditions of w list. I iik away : and to make Its prem
merlin known, will send three tree bottles or his
newiv discovered remedies Iu any allllcted read
er of The Tost.
Already his "new sclenlllle system of medi
cine" has permanently cured thoilsuiids of up
pmeiitly hopeless cases.
The Doctor mushier II not only his proles.
slobal, but his religious duly a duly which he
owes to sullerliii; Iniinanliy to donate his In
fallible uic.
He has provided the "drended consumption'
to be a euraiili: disease bejond it doubt, in any
climate, uud has on tile In his American anil
KiiroH'iui laboratories thousands of '-bearllell
tolluioiilals ol ifiatlliiile" from those lieirllted
and cured, lu all pari of I lie world.
Catarrhal aud pulmonary troubles lead In
coiisiiuiplloii, and Ciiiumpilnn. uninterrupted,
means speedy ami eerlalh death. Don't delay
until II Is too lale. Mainly wrlle T. A. Sloeiim,
M. ('.. '.! I'lne street. New York, h'lvlnk express
and posiuMce address, ami ihe tree medicine
wnl e promptly sent. I'lease tell the Doctor
you saw his oiler lu The I'o.vr.
f5 1 JM)f-TTH'idafeL
bunts nntiit all tLSt tAas.
Bent Cough Bjrup. Tib-tea UikkI.
in tinin. Mold br rtnunilntt.
Q Bent Coufl
Shambach & Reigle
I31cvol5L Smitlis,
A. M. Sliiiiiiliacli ami Foster 1'eijfle
liavo lornieil a partiicrsliip and can
he liiiniil at the
oLd reLibLe staNd.
Tlio hest and llncst work in all kinds
of Iron uml Steel will lie executed
in the most satisfactory tnuniKT.
Middleburgh, Pa.
--Fire, LiJe ar)d Accider)b--Ir)snrai)ce.
Insurance Agency,
Elmer W. Saydor, -A-gorxt,
Successur lo the late William II. Snyder.
The l'ar-Exeellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow
ing list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None
Better the World over.
FIRE Uoyal, Liverpool, En?. (including foroifjii assets) $4H,HM),obo.OO
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,(M",7:t5.;2
rhtcnix, Hartford, Conn. 5,.r88,058.()7
('ontiueiital, New York, (i, 754. 908.72
German American, New York, (!,24),0!W 81)
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, $204,C8,98U.c6
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation,
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of ,3, 750,000.00
Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus
tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes oi Insur
ance promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt.,
Office on Market Street. Selinssrrove. Pa
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days !
The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN
SYLVANIA. We are not sellitiLr out, but we do this to increase our stiles above auvnre n- i. r.,.., nl l. .... flt J
ouun V trill . ur fil v ir- w ui i iir- ,i o.i-n nn liri u, w S
Unit r-i, u.iifu ti t mi i.n,. t....
is twice no
the common price S
selling a whole piece,,
worth One Dollar f,,r ,
a Dollar. See!
Full inaaftiiiA i
Whole quality at fcalf !
nciiever von
ROOd8 at low liLMire,
yiyvi uur "argaiiis.
TIT I rtt
we Are um
-I !',
So fife Cai Bif t
v,oiiie in and help u
out our stock,
Look at these l.:.
ueii s ,'ikmi dres Sui,.
4-2, only S-J..-H.
Boys' good dres ,,;,f
1!, only '.()( I.
Youths' piuil ,lr(.,s niu i;
14, only 1.(10.
Men's jrood heavy Hmli,,,,,,.
units, .i t to rj
Men's fine dress
Boys' knee pants, I t,, 1 1, hi
Men's i,'ihkI heavv wurkm..
Mi inches lon -j;,,.. t,):;'k,
Dry Goods.
Stop, look at our fiuiev ,,
Staple Calico, -le. a viird.
All liest indigo hlue'e;ilio,,v
All Apron Ginghams, .V.
All Fancy dress finglinnis, .V.
rancy jiercals yi inches iA.
to Uc.
Also a full line of Fiiikt .V
Dress Gotnls, White (i.
and all O. X. T. Sm (
4c. a shx)1.
AH Goods sold
Reduced Pricel
Here we arc, just Murm-h
New York uml I'iilailcliliii i
the largest and latest tyle.fv
I ever had before ami i :irn
at lialf-prioe for what :ip!r
buyers arc paying U,r it.
We can sell you Sin
lower prices tlian yot
can buy elscwliere
Men's fine dress slmc 1 :il:ir-
ress, Cm to t.le.
Men's heavy winking di! i-
lalare Congress, tu 'M:
Ladies' No. 1 Kang.'irmi Sin.-. '
or Jliitton, 1 to 7, '.i.V.
Latlies' No. 1 line livs i
or button, -1 to 7. ''
J 5ovs' and Messers, Laeenrl);
7o to $1.00.
Youths fine shoes, I .ace nr
"it) to 7"".
Children's Shoes
2f to ".Of.
.air el'
Soft Wood Chamber Suits...
Hard Wood Chamber Suit
.Antique Ou k Suits, 8 Piece?.
Plush Parlor Suit
Woodeu ('hairs per set
.14.00 Cotton Top Mattress 2.25
.. iii.uu. oven v ire Mattress 175
. 111.00 Bed Spring j'
. aO.OO .Drop Tables, per ft .' e0
. 2.00 Platform Hookers 2 50
In stock, everything in the furniture line, iiiliuliii)r Mirrors, Hook Cases
Desks, Siilet)oanls, Cuplioanls, Centre Tubles, Fancy Rockers, Haby Chair
Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Doubtrays, Minks, Hall Hacks, Catf
Seat Chairs tine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes.
r.Ices reduced all through. Come early and see our stock before' giving
your order, and thus save 15 to 80 per cent, on every dollar.
Special Attention Given to Undertaking fc Embalming.
lleans, Llmiu Sc. ner lb.. II Ihs. W l
Ili'UHH, 3c. per ll) 9 llis. lur v. sr: '
Honey, c. ht qt., h: yr Kl' W
Syrup, vc. per qt., sc. per cul., I'ure s;r
per it inc. pertfil.
Call and sec these ireat I to
in ShtK'S la-fore von lmv. I am
we can jilease yon ami
lbs. Iiion eollee fin1 N.orl
jier lb.
Arbuckles 4 lbs. fur iSc. nr 1 - -My
own brand :' llis. lur &
l.'c. a lb.
) Java and Rio Iooe rna-tol
for f)0c. or l."c. a H.
Chocolate ISc.
13 lbs. light !rowii ",'
11 lbs. soft White .'.I).
1 1 lbs. fine granulated ",(-
Jinking Ssla ."c. a lb t'""1' i
Sc. or 3 lbs. for "JOe.
Call to See Our Carped
Side Meat. tie. U L
Chickens. Sc. JlattH
Slioiilder. Sc.