The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 22, 1897, Image 8

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    Blood Poison.
Contagious B'ooJ roisoii has been ap-
firopriately called the curse o4 mankind,
t is the one disease that physicians can
not cure; their mercurial aud potash
remedies only bottle up the poison in
the system, to surely break forth in a
more virulent form, resulting in total
wreck of the system.
Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent
jeweler at 936 Pensylvania Ave., Wash-
I was for long
time under treat
ment of two of
the best physi
cians of this city,
for a severe case
of blood poison,
but my condition
grew worse all
'hundred dollars.
1y My mouth was
filled with eating sores: my tongue was
almost eaten away, so that for three
months I was unable to taste any solid
food. My hair was coming out rapidly,
and I was in a horrible fix. I bad tried
various treatments, and was nearly dis
couraged, when a friend recommended
S.S.S. After bad taken four bottles, I
began to get better, and when I had
finished eighteen bottles, I was cured
sound and well, my skin was without a
blemish, and I have had no return of
the disease. S.S.S.saved tuefroui a life
of misery." S.S.S. guaranteed purely
vegetable) will cure any case 01 blood
poison. Books on thedisease
and its treat
ment, mailed
free by Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
V.HW 111
Tho Susquehanna University boys
viz. J. A. Heruii.n, G. A. Gchm and
W. I. Zectiman upeut their Easter
vacation at home. The boys re
port SuHquebaunn University grow
ing rapidly. Some thirty new stu
dents matriculated at the opening of
the Spring term. . . .Easter service
were held in the new Lutheran
church on Sunday forenoon. The
participants in recitals performed
their duties well Last Monday
the merchants of Troxelville left for
the city to buy a new supply of
Spring goods ...The trout season
opened lust Thursday. Many took
advantage of the first day but were
disappointed in their expectation of
u'roat success. Some seem to have
the patience of Kip Van Winkle,
that is, even though they have no
nibble for a whole dar yet they will
make repeated expeditions up the
stony trout stream Two new
houses will be erected this summer
At the Eastern terminus of our
town. Many lots are sold indicating
admirable prospects for the future.
I. N. Cutherman of Hazolton spent
a few days with his mother. Irs.
Win. Holtzworth.... Harry Alleman
of Piuiltt. spent Easter with his pa
rents, 11. Alleman's. . . . . . Mrs. A. D.
Carey and Miss Lottie Eby are in
Phila. buyiuj; their spring millinery
goods Dr. A. C. Spangler and
wife spent Sunday in Middleburgh
Miss Uheeu and brother of
Jersey Shore were the guests of their
grandmother, Mrs. John Miller, over
Easter Mrs. M. Miller, ot Wil
liauisport is visitiug her daughter
Miss Lizzio Miller Dr. li. 1
Wageusfller and wife spent last
week in Washington, D. C Hon.
Chas. Hernial! ot Middleburg was in
town on Friday Miss Mary Suy
d;r spent Easter in Washington
Mrs. Dr. H. Zeigler anu grand
duughter, Miss Lidie Reese, made a
short visit to Jtuv. Fortuey's at
Turbotville....Hev. It. U. Stark
and wile were in Williamsport over
Sunday. ..Mr. Rentz, of Ashland
spent a few duys in town among
friends.... Mrs. Kev. Hilbisu of Mc
Clure is visiting IW parents, Vui.
Lutz's Early sun-rise pravcr
meeting win lid. I in both the lie
formed and tii Ev. Luth. churches
on Easter at 5:.'n Dr. 1 Born is
attending confercucn at Montours.
ville ...TheEv. Luth. church held
coiumiou on Easter moiniug, 37 per
sous joined the church by baptism,
confirmation and letter. In the
evening tho .Sunday school held their
easier services.
"Miss Annie Klinepeter is spending
Rome weeks in Lewistown. . . .John
Uuuch made a business trin to Slin-
mokin on Saturday. .. .Miss Carrie
illiiini of lSlooiiibburg was visit
ins her sister. Mrs. Murrav Smith
...Luther Holig and Miss Elsie
Mattern of Selinsgrovo spent Sun
day at Claude Klose's Sliss Nellie
Smith is staviug in lieavertown at
preseut H.U.Smith is erecting
a new resilience and Mrs. Hetty
Smith is erecting oue on Main St.
H. I. Homis?. contractor .... Mian
Lulu Long of Thompsontown is
staying with her sister. . . .Miss Mil
lie Kiempfer's school opened on
Mnndav with a fair nttnndnnon
Dr. A. M. Smith and rrife spent a
week at Washington, Old l'oiut
Comfort, etc.
made a bueiueaa trip through Nor
thumberland county last wtNk....
After a few weeks' rest W. F. Howell
baa bia teams on the road agaiu
hauling props.. -rMra. Jacob Ueu
dricks of Kansas ia visiting her
friends in Snyder county and ex
pects to remain one year..... Mrs.
Cora Banner, of Mitllin county spent
Sunday with her father, Emanuel
tvutpp J. M. Baker made a bus
iness call to McClure a few days ago
bet w. en trains. Juu is always full
of business and apparently comes
out all O. K. eleven times out of ten
Capt. ltobert Myers (caok) from
the Soldiers' home, Dayton, Ohio, as
be represented himself to be, stopp
ed a few days with C. W. Fisher,
teaching them the Hrt of making
soup, left very suddenly one day last
week. Something over five dollars
also went suddenly with the Capt.'s
departure. The money belonged to
Mrs. Jerome Reitz. Captain, you
were appreciated bv all. Call sgaiu.
dation of good health. That is why
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True
BlooS Purifier, gives HEALTH.
"Does Modern College Education
Educate, in the Broadest and Most
Liberal Seuce of the Term ?" is one
of the most important inquiries that
could be set on foot. This discus
sion, which is to be taken part in by
President Oilman of the Johns Hop
kins, President D wight of Yale, Pi es
id -nt Schuim m of Cornell. Presi
dent Morton of the Sieveus Insti
tute, Henry Thurston Ptck of Co
lurnbia, Bishop Potter and others of
the most distinguished men of both
the United States and Europe, is be
gun in the April Cosmopolitan by a
radical inquiry into the educational
problem along the lines of Herbert
Spencer. President Oilman will fol
low in a direction almost equally
searching. Altogether there is prom
ised the fiankest possible expression
of opinion, and it seems probable
that it will be the most thorough
comparison ever made of education
al methods with the needs of every
day life at the close of the nine
teenth century.
There is no
word so full
of meaning
and about which such tender and
holv recollections cluster as that
of " Mother "she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth
er is beset with danger and all ef
fort should be made to avoid it.
. so assists nature
MnttlPr Q in the change tak-
IIIUIIIUI V ing .place that
apo 1 the; Expectant
Lfinnrl Mother is ena-
r I I K II II bled to look for-
I I IUIIU warrj without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in short, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy," as
so many have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
" My wife suffered more in ten min
utes with either of her other two chil
dren than she did altogether with her
last, having previously used four bot
tles of 'Mother's Friend.' It is a
blessing to anyone expecting to be
come a MOTHER," says a customer.
Henderson Dale, Carmi, Illinois.
Of nrncRlnts at II. On, ornmt by mall on receipt
if price. Write for book containing teatimonlals
mil valuable information for all Mothers, free.
The Bradfleld Btaalator Co., Atlsita, Ga.
J. J. Steely spent a few days last
1 l l
ween visaing inenus anu relatives
in Mifflin county.... W. J. Koch is
now able to be out again after being
conned to his house almost all win
ter Most of our farmers are
through Bowing oats, while some
few have not begun plowing yet. . . .
Henry Homer purchased a house in
McClure, where he eipects to locate
about the first of July next, and ex
pects to be put 00 the retired list 1
of merchant-.... T. F. Hwiaeford
Sheriff's Sale of
lly virtue of certain write of HI. Fa. Issued
out of the iurt of Common Pleas ol Snyder Co.,
I'n., anil to me directed, I will ex pone to public
self at tlie Court House, Mlddleuunfh. 1'a., on
Saturday. Miivntu. mn.
nt I o'clock, I'. M , Hit! following described rea
'K'Hie 10 nil :
Tract No. 1. A tnict of mountnln land nltuate
In West Beaver towunhtp. Snyder county. Pa..
bounded on tlie North by lands of .Ion. Knepp,
on the I .ast by lands of I'nrdee, on the south
by liinila of I). II Harrington and on the West
by the Mifflin county line, containing about ISO
acres inure or less.
Tract So . A certain lot or parcel of land
situate In sprtiiir township. Snyder county, pa.,
nettrby or Hdjoininx the Ullage of Heaver
Springs, bounded on the South by publlo road
aud Innd 01 Ilnrry Mntnrn. on the Kant by lands
of Mrs Halite Kline, North by Hutibury A Lewis-
town 1(. It. ana nest by lands ol Mrs. K. Mc
F.lmili coutnlniMi rwiuare rods more or less on
which are erected a Dwelling House, Ac.
Nelwd. taken in execution and to be sold as
the Property of A. Singly.
P.S KITTK8. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Middleburg, Pa., Apr. li, H7.
To Annie Long, Ellzalieth Setenrton, nee Long,
Intermarried to Samuel Seveosoo of Mini Inburg,
Union Co., Pa.. Mary Stabl. nee Long, inter
married with u. 8. Htalil, of Hand. Union Co.,
Pa.. KranK Long of Klkion, Hickory Co., Mis
souri, and eo. Long, who has granted his In
terest lo said Heal Estate to your petloner,
Keuben Cramer, Lineal decendanU of George
Long, late of the lowuablp of Hearer, Snyder
county, deceas d.
You are hereby cited tn be and appear before
the Judges of our orphans' Court, at an Or
phans' Court to be held at Mlddleburgh, on the
first Monday of Juue, A. l 1S7, at 10 o'clock In
tha forenoon, then and there to accept or refuse
to take the Keal Estate of said Ueo. Long, dee'd,
r the aunralsed valuation put upon II by an In
quest duly awarded by the said court, and re
iiirnnd br the Sheriff of said county, or show
cause why the same should not be aold, and
hereof fan not.
witiuiaa the Honorable H. M. McClure. nreat-
tnt J uaiie of our said oourt at Mtddleburi. tola
aard day of April. A. D.. IT.
i . c, acHOCII, Clark 0. C
Having disjwsed of all our stock of the previous seasons, wc start this season with a clean, fresh stock of
goods from top to bottom everything ntew.
Our entire stock has been purchased for SPOT CASH from large Clothing Manufacturers who were press
ed hard for the ready cash. We having taken advantage of that rare opportunity are prepared to
give the public the benefit ot prices on this new Stock of clothing which vou will
.....1.. . '
m-unxiy ucueve until you visu our store
Men's Working Suits, worth $3.50 ;
Our Pris, 2.12.
Slen'a Orey Mixed Suits, others -ell for $1.30 ,
We sell for 12.48.
Men Blue and Black Cheviot, well nmde, fgt color;
we sell thetu tor $3-75- '
Meu'a All Wool Plaids mm. I Hootoh Tweeds Suits, worth
$0.50 ; Our price $-4 00.
Boys' suits, 14 to IV years, from $3.21 up to $9.00.
Men's All Wool Suits In ulaidn. check ami hm.
pun, latest styles, that will be all the rage this
spring, made up In Brut-class style ; no clotb
ing nouse sells for less than $9 00.
M , t. , Our Price 15 49-
Hot more than one suit sold to a oustoiiif r.
Men's Fine All Wool Black Clay Wondered Suits
in Cutaway or Sack, made to sell fr $11,00
Onn Puma RSI.
All the newest effects lo Plaids. Checks. Houiesoun Aud Cheviot.
e have exerisd great care in selecting a line of Clothing to please the mothers as well as the little
ones. We have as complete a line CHILDREN'S CLOTHING as you will see this season, consisting of
little Hoys' Junior Suits, Reefer Suits, Jersey Suits, Blouse Suin, Velvet Suits, and Crash Suits, ranging
iu price from 70 cents to $5-00. We have Knee Pants Suits to 10 years.
Children s wool aiieti Kn i'hiiU, iya Children's Gray Wool Knee Pants. 25o.
. n . , ChiUireu ' double Seat and Double Knee Pants for 8o . worth 75o.
Boy 8 Pants from 50 cts. to $2 50. MenV pHOtg frolu oUt to 5
is larger than ever; all of the latest styles, shapes and colors. Our NECK WE All the choicest in the
market. Our SHIRTS the best in the market for the price, 15c. for a fine Negligee Shirt, with or with
out col lar attached.
We do Lot advertise anything we have not in stock as we are prepared to serve you with any article
mentioned on this Hheet. It you want to KUY RIGHT, if you want to be TREATED RIGHT," if you
want to SAVE MONEY, make our store your trading home
Convince yourself of the above facts the money yon can save by purchasing your goods from us.
, Wo DO what OTHERS advortlao.
Money r: funded on any article purchased from us wulch Is not satisfactory.
The undersigned having been restorea to
health by simple means, after milTerlng for sev
eral years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease foiMampllon. Is anxious to
make known to bis fellow sufferers the means
ot cure. To tboae who desire It, he will cheerful
1 sand (free of charvp) a ropy of the prescription
used, which they will Ond a sure cure for Com.
wanptioa. Asthma, Catarrh, Brnnehlll.
and all throat nud lunir Maladlrn. He hopes all
sufferers will try this remedy, us It Is lnviilunble.
Those desiring the prescription, which will cost
them nothlnK. and may prove a blessing, will
please address
RhewawolUoa Cared la Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Khtumutlsm and Neuralgia
radically cures In I to I days. Its action upon
the system la remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause nnd the, disease Im
mediately disappears. The first dose Breatly
benefits : 75 cents. Hold by all lirugulsto, Mitt
T. r. Anthony, Ex-Pom master of Promise
( Ity. Iowa, says : ! boutf hi. one boll le or Mys
c Cure' for Kheumatl.sin, and two (lows of It
Id me more good than any medicine I ever
ouk," Sold by all l)ruifHt).. .Mlddleburuh.
Brooklyn, New York
Collections, Loans
and Investments.
Real Estate and Private Banker,
Williamsport, Lycoming Co., Pa
Deposits accepted, subject todrafts or checks,
rom any part ot the world.
eJustice of th
e Peace
tern of Atliiilnmtratloii In the En.
tote of Henry u. Hochrlst. late of Union Town
ship. Snyder Co., I'a ilec'd. havlug been (fram
ed to the iinderslKnod. all ierns knowing
themselves Indebted to said estate are recreat
ed to make Immediate paymet.t, while Uioso
bnvin claims will prenent them duly nuttaen
Ucuied to the underslirned.
March 5. A. S. HKCHHIST, Adm'r.
Middleburgh. Pa
Gas Administered.
Crown nnd Hridgpwork, Etc,
Office one door north of Weia' Store.
SeliURirrove, I'u.
a. 1. Pottiegei',
VeteriNarY sUrceoN.
All professional business entrusted to my care
rill receive prompt and direful attention.
Offlcos tn Hunk Ilnlldlnir. MMlctonii, Pa.
All bunlneH entrusted to his care
will receive prompt attention;
VoU detect THE CHAFF
The chaff of wheels are made to
sell not to ride, with economy as
a partner. The Keatihq is the
wheat of wheels. Contains the good
the substance of all improve
ments. The Double Boiler Chain
and Improved Divided Crank Shaft
alone, place the ' Kiatino "365
days ahead of them all."
Our beautiful Catalogue
t0s of friction reduced.
Send for one.
Mipouiowh, Coaa.
ters of AdminiMtraMoii in tlie Es
tate or Hr. ItovKoihrook, l ite ol W. Beaver Twp.,
Snyder Co., I'm., dee'd, luvlni: been granted to
the undersigned, nil penums knowing them
m lveshidebted to suld estate nre requested to
limke lininwllule payment, while those hitvlnir
eimniH will prewnt them duly autheutlcau-d lo
the undi rsluiied.
March . JU. I'leusHiil Mills. SuyderCo., Pa.
tern of AdininlHtrntion in the Eh
tateof Mary UiiilenilnKiT. 1st of SellnsKrove,
Snyder Co.. 1'a., dee'd. h ttinir been ernnted lo
the uiiilerKU'iieil. ull persona knowing them
selves Indebted to said estate are requested to
make Immediate payment, while thu-e having
diilnm will present them duly authenticated to
the iinderslL'ned,
April 1.' M. R. lint.EY, Adtnr.
A Great Nedlrine Ulven A way.
W. II. SpmiKler. Mlddleburgh; M. Kolhrock,
M. V., Mu I'leusilit Mills, are now klvlng free to
bII a trial package of the great herbal remedy,
Haeon's C'eiery King. If Indies sullerlng fmiii
nervous disorders nnd eonstliatlon will use this
remedy they will soon be free from the head
aches and backaches that have caused them so
much suffering. It Is a perfect regulator. It
quickly cures biliousness. Indigestion, eruptions
ot the skin and all blood diseases. Large size (5
nnd 5ocU.
Charter Application Notice.
NOTICE IS HKItKHY UIVKN. That an appllca
tlon will be made lo the (lovernni of the State of
Pennsylvania on Saturday, the First day of Mav,
lslC, by u. M. Clement, V. It. Savldge, A. W. Po't.
ter, tl. P. t'lrlch. i. H. Hendricks, B. K. Wagen
seller, G. O. Wna-enaeller, A 1). Carev. I). U,
Smith and W. W. Wllteamyer. under the Actof
Assembly of the Coin inon wealth of Pennsylva
nia, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incor
poration and Kegulatlon of ceitaln corpora
tluns", approved April KW". IH74. and Ibe suppie
menu thereto for the chart) r of an Intended
Corporation, to be railed "The Penn Tele
phone Company." the character and object
whereof Is to construct, maintain and lease lines
of Telegraph for private use of Indllvduals, firms
and corporations, for general business and for
the transaction of any business In which elec
tricity over or through wires may be applied to
any useful purpose. The Counties In this state
w herein It is proposed to carry on business are
Northumberland, Snyder and Mlltlin. And for
these purposes, to have, possess and enjoy all
the rights, beneltls and privileges of the said
Act of Assembly and lis supplements.
A.W . POTTER 4 C. P. ULRICU. Solicitors.
A Famom Urrnai Daetor'a Work.
Consumption Is now known to be curable It
taken In time the German remedy known at
Otto's Cure, having been found to be an almost
certain cure for the disease. Asthma, Bron
chitis, Croup, Coughs, Colds. Pneumonia, and all
throat and lung diseases are, quickly cured by
Dr. Otto's Great German Remedy, sample bou
tie of otto's Cure are being given away bv our
agents. W. II. Spangler, Mlddleburgh ; M. Roth
rock, M. D., lit. Pleasant MI1U, Large size
turn uv
Shcrift's Sale of
By virtue of a writ of Fl. 7a. Issued nut nt tha
iwirv ui uomnioD rieas or nnyoer county. Pa.
and to me directed I will expose to publlo Bale
at the Court House, Mlddleburgh, Pa, on
Saturday, May 1st, 1897,
at 1 o'clock, p. m. Tho following described Keal
Estate to wit. A certain lot or trrt nf ini
situate in the Borough ot Mlddleburgh on North
Sugar street, bounded on the North by lot ot
Krederlk Smith, on the Rant and South by landa
of Milton Moats and on the West by Sugar St.,
containing One-Fourib Acre more or ism on
which la erected a Two Story Dwelling Douse
and other outbuildings.
SeliAd. taken Intoexecutlon and to he uM
the property of, J. C. Swlneford.
', P. S. HITTER. Sheriff. I
Baerlfll Offlee. Mlddlebnrjb, Pa., April T, istr.
M. L. MILLER, - Prop'r
I keep constantly on lindani maii
Hfncture to ordor all kinds of
;' Marble and Granite
liDiiils AM Headstones !
1 - Old Stones Cleaned andHepaired.
I have on of the bent Marble Cut
tern in the State and consequently
turn out ;oo(l work.
. aWCoiue Hiid see luy v ork A prices.
Thankful for past fa'vorn I iiiont re
spectfully ask a continuance of same,
1 B.
lor Steaui and Hot Water Fitting.
Also dealer in Boilers. Engines,
Shafting Pulleyi), Hangers and Leath
er Belting.
of Engines, Boilers and Mill work. -Families
can be supplied w ith Bath
Tubs, Pipe and Pipe Fittings. I give
as reference concerning my mechani
cal skill, Friok li Co. of Waynesboro,
Pa. and Lebanon M'f'g. Co. both com
panies of high standing.
In order to avoid accidents
All Boilers
should be tested under the hydraulic
test at least once a year. Avoid
danger and call upon me to make the
Selicegrove, : : Pa.
Corrected weekly bv our merchants.
Butter 15
Onions 20
Lard 5
Tallow 4
Chickens per lb 6
Turkeys 8
Hide 7
Shoulder 7
Raw 10
Old Wheat n
Rye 35
Old Corn 25
Oata 13tou
Bran per 100 lbs 60
Middlings " .70
Chop " 85
Flour per bbl 4.75
in ladies' shoes is a pleasant
voyage afoot, For tie plea
ure it gives, there's no sail
like our sale. Crowds are
enjoying it, and securing the
prettiest, coolest and best fit
ting Summer shoes now man
ufactured, at prices which
buyeis find it a pleasure to
pay. For house or street
wear, pleasure or every-dsj
practical purposes, walking,
viding, or driving, we supply
the ideal shoes demanded by
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladiei,
whoever claims yoar lmds,
by all means surrender your
feet to these shoes.
Orphans' Court Sulo ot
Viable Real Estate!
Newspaper Deciaioaa.
1. Any Demon who takei a oaoer reruUrl
from a poat-ofBoe, whether directed In bin name
or another!, or wbetber he Jias lubscrlbed or
not, U responsible tor payment.
1. H any Denton orders hie Diner dlseontlnu.
ued be must pay arrears or the publisher may
continue to aand It until payment b made, wheth
er ibe paper Is taken (rom the poat-offlce or hoc
8. The court have decided that rarailnv ta
take newRMDer or oerlodlcala from the mat.
oflceer reaortug and learlnf tben uncalled
lor, I prima facia eyldenee of intentional trial.
Tbe undontgned Executor 8 for the M JJ
and testament ot Daniel Zelber, late ol iC
Twp., Snyder County. Ha,, dee d, will tf
ot an order Imued out of tbe Orplum iltn'
aald county of Hnyder, expuse to puwic
Tract no. i. on
Monday, Mav 10th, 1397,
h fnltaorlni. ftaMiv4twi,l rnl A.liifl. tn Wit:
m ... u. V .1..., Aurt. R 1
suage and piece ot laud, tbe Manalon nm
tbe estate, situate In Hprlny Twp., '"'ir
11. bounded on tbe Nortb by laud
1 eager ana Holomon Imoeri, .
nnif of LamtMit and tract No. 1 souiu tij a
nt talu U...IU..I, 1muI.II Vlilt U!.U J1
Uelfiicb and on tb'n west by laml u,
Ueltrlcb and Wm. Ureese, coiitainluf l J
and 180 perches, more or less, wun
tenancea, whereon ire erwoted a larue JJJ
wheatber boarded plank frime fooue. oa
barn and all necewary outbuilding". :
acres of this tract b) well tlinhere'l aud l
nM I. In . mvul iI.i.aI ..till lir.f lull.
Tract No. l.-BeingAnothor farm or pHJ1 '
land nltuate as ana -wJjoinini: tract l ''
awirHKAil hulinrfoil nnll.i. ii.irlh h. t)IDlW
leadlnif from Mlddlecreek to Tnti'
by land of Jacob Kolk-le, South by land
and Lewis Man beck and Went by UKt '
, . . . .... ...u. nor
less with the appurtenances. Xoin Buuae
water, fruit, stale ot cultivation awui u
as on the iraat abore described.
Tract No. I.-Helns certain plfe ot oJ
land altuata In T.n fa . and Slt VT1
bounded on the North by land ot n Z
bert and Gust Mover, Sost by landof am i
mel. South by land of Amos Itackenburf
West by lands of Lewis Manbeck Mid "I
Uul ..Iu Aniit.ln. IU I nw.m ,. ,pm ilT lM
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock a. . F"
terms will bvi mads koowh
..... vr L f ai 0 D
Rlpaaa Tabulea cm llwt roubl
RIbju TaDules: eae girt rU4 1
Aiytiia tMikHNi ynHM .
v'rt' '