A, 3 to. ?L00K AT THE LABEL write i P.re-u - eft .MCtt htm in iwn "1 3 I"0" TTl. .hiiut 4 k, COM " v V. O ct Tbe dale, printed after your name, oa the label or i bis paper, shows I ho t Ira to wuk'ii your suuaertp llou bat been paid. "Price per Yew, II. w. mneniVT.T.Bn Editor and Proprietor. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA. THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1897. VOL. H NoTlG. HE TOWN NEWS. advuclicd with Interesting Items from Middle creek Valley. ,ir anl Reliably t'hrenleled for the ay an Orve. llism Rouiig is on the sick list. .nk S. Reigle was a Sunbury I. Wagner is the new poBtmas- Crossgrove. Mercantile Appraiser's listap in tbis week's Post. iJies' black silk hose at 25c. a !t Weis', Selinsgrove. 3t. iatown is making an effort to izu a fair association. W. Ripka of Globe Hills was a it tbis office Monday. Kustorand wife of Kantz J Mrs. J. C. Hassinger over Toinlinson and Art. Cooper tiunday visitors at A. H. TJlsh'a ford. both the suburban dweller egetables for his neighbor's beat. Ve assortment of mattings at r yard and upwards at Weis' Vrove. 3t. Herbster and wife of Penns (were county seat visitors on Sunday. jSuobury and Lewistown R. V declared a semi annual divi- i per cunt. " 1 ' Melser is still buying calves bmeut. Highest cash prices n J for them. tf. na Poles in walnut, cherry , prices, 20c. and upwards at Beliusgrove. 3t. eveoingsare quite cool for I on tbe front steps. But it to go in town. Wolfkiel, conductor on fid L. R. R. has rounded out of railroad service. It is a step beyond joking puny canes it is cured. It is lcessary expense of one. pons were sent to express jHutelius from Shamokin. (re reloused Saturday at 9:10. want a first class Piano, "owing Machine, call oa Riegle. Middleburgh, Pa. usuer of Middleswarth was linty seat Monday morning feu sale bills for his father. A.M. Aurand of the Ad- Utrald was a county seat lturday morning between pive line of Carpets viz, am. BruBsel's and Velvets prices at Weis' Selins-8t. frfaceof the earth were "vei, the waters of th lid cover it to the depth of piety of Lace Curtains at mtgrove. Prices: BOn . fM, 1.25, 1.50, 175, 2.00 St. her, the Slin rio me Keeley block ded k f 111 Pleased to meet Lis Spangler of Retinao. pent F.But .-u. il. otber and brother on r- otreei. Pe, of Pflnna rv.,.1. a Pdelogtetotha Repub- MnVentinn a... - ci.. ' oth,bu" " UU H, Charles Marka and pndle. ainj.i. ""Msity, ,pent their n auadleburgh. naent of Window --v., aoc, V.i all . nuimil.J vUW1 it VYeiif S , .-8k.' Good Rag Carpets at 25c a yard at Weis', Selinsgrove. 3t. S. G. JJoyer is digging a cellar for a new bouse at the west end of town. Children's exercises were held in the Lutheran church on Sunday evening. MisB Maud Runkle has not vet ful ly recovered from her recent attack of pneumonia. Luther Bolig and Elsie Mattern of Selinsgrove visited at Absalom Sny der b on Sunday. Judge Gemberling had a tatie worm 50 feet long removed in Phila delphia last week. Harry BibighauB of Philadelphia was a business visitor to Middle burg last Friday. Landlord W. S. Arboirast attend ed Masonic Lodge at Selinsgrove last Thursday evening. Mrs. Jt-aeph Walter of this dace is visiting her daughter Mrs. Rev. J, M. Rearick at Centre Hall. Cashier Thompson spent Good Friday and Easter with his parents at Mexico, Juniata county. The 16th re-union of the 40th P. V., will be held at Port Royal, Thurs day and Friday, October 14 and IS. If you want a first class Piano, Organ or Sewing Machine, call on Frank S. Riegle. Middleburgh, Pa, , For Sale. A second-hand Colum' bia bicycle. Price will be satisfao-1 tory. Apply to Sam. Wittenmyer, Middleburgh, Pa- 4 ' W. W. Rioe of Meiserville caliwlat our office on Monday and aubaorib ed for the Post paying year in ad vance. Call at F. H. Maurer's Cash Store for bargains on shoes. Lowest prices and largest assortment, New Berlin, Pa. Rev. Swengel, pastor of Seibert's Evangelical church, Williamstown, formerly of this place, was married at Allen town. Samuel II. Bolig of Penns Creek, one of the faithful soldier's of the late war, was a caller at this office last Thursdays A force of men and teams are at work this week filling up Sugar street between tho jail and the Lu theran church. The latest definition of a jury is "a body of men organized for the pur pose of deciding which side has the smartest lawyer." The Lutheran congregation cele brated the Lord's supper on Sunday. Twenty new members were added to the church records. We neglected to chronicle lust week the fact that the members of the Reformed church celebrated the Lord's supper, Sunday, April 11th. A. L. Esholmau on Monday moved to Milllintown and will open a buk ery there. Mr. Esbelinan was well liked here while running the bakery. Mrs. Dr. J. W. Deckard of Rich field, Juniata county, and Miss Em ma Deckard of Lykens, were tbe guests of W. H. Ripka and family at Globe Mills, Sunday. The mother of Carbon Seebold died at her home north of New Co lumbia, Union county last week. Mr. and Mrs. Seebold and daughter attended the funeral. Oil Stoves for Summer cooking. Blue Flame. No black pans. Throws out no heat. All heat is concentrat ed for cooking. Call on W. E. Stahl necker, Middleburgh. tf. John Hilbert of Perry township, executor of Matilda Faust, late of Middlecreek township, was a ciller at this office last Thursday. He was accompanied by E. S. Stroup of Switeford. It is reported that Judge J ere Crouse has brought suit against the Sunbury and Lewistown railroad for damages for injuries received at the , Selinsgrove railroad crossing several yean ago. Memorial Day coming on Sunday will legalize Saturday proceeding as a holiday instead of Monday as stat ed in these columns last week. Lost. A half bushel of clover seed on tbe road between the Bower farm below town and the iron bridge above town. Finder will please re port same to this office. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Luther an cburch elected J. A. Snyder. Pres. ; Mrs. John Moyer, V. Pres.; Mrs. A. S. Beaver, Cor. Sec. ; Miss Cora Beaver, Rec. Site. ; and Miss Maine Stetler, Treasurer. On Monday, April 20, 1897, I will begiu a primary school in Middle burgh, which will extend over a period of 8 weeks. AH are request ed to send their children. Terms reasonable. 2t. Lottie G. Chouse. Buoqy and Harness fok Sale A new buggy (narrow track) used only two inpnths, will be Bold cheap. Al o alaiy breast collar harness. Auy one leed of the same can have one or both at a bargain. Inquire at this office. tf. James W. Runkle, of Middleburg, came up to his old home, last week, to transact business and gave, tho Reporter a call, aud had his label pat forward to '99, one of a few that can claim such an honor. The erop outlook in Snyder county is good, he tells us. Centre Reporter. A' smooth, easy shave, genteel haircut, or othor tonsorial work, is always obtained at Soles' Barber Show in Wittenmyer's Building, op posite Post office. Go to Soles and you wil! make no mistake, Shaving soap, face cream,'1 hair oil and egg shampoo for sale. A. E. Soles. P. R. Gibbons, who has been writ ing local history and biographies at Selinsgrove and Middleburgh for the past four weeks for a Chicago firm, while riding a bicycle in Sunbury Sat urday, was run over by a horse and wagon. He sustained a fractured rib and numerous bruises. Any one in need of anythingin the marble or granite line should call on M. L. Miller, Selinsgrove, who has the largest btock ou hand of any marble cutter in the state. He has just contracted to put up a monu ment weighing 6800 lbs. for the do ceased wife of Val. Varnos at Nor thumberland. The Globe Mills Sunday school has been organized for the summer. The following officers were elected : Pres., li. W. Yodor ; Supt., W. W. Ripka j Asst. Supt., D. F. Rau ; Sec, Fisher Walter ; Lib's., Alvin Shroy er and Jumes Walter; Treas., Am nion A. Ulrich; Organists, Mrs. Annie ilottenstein and Miss Izora Walter. Joseph Strode of Strode's MillB lias been postmaster at that place siuoe Oct. 2, 1845. He is the oldest postmaster in the United States in the line of service. Congressman Mahon intends reappointing him for the next four years. Mr. Strode is about 88 years of age. He was first appointed during Polk's administra tion thtough tbe recommendatiou of his personal friend. James Buchan an. The Christian Endeavor Search Light, Vol. 1, No. 1, reached our desk last week. This is a monthly published at this place in the inter est of the C. E. Societies of Snyder county. The Editorial column bears the name of J. A. Snyder, Editor and Publisher, and W. P. Shelley, Business Manager. The paper is neatly gotten up and will serve ad mirably well the purpose intended. We wish the enterprise a successful future. Mrs. Harry A. Bibighaus, former ly of thia place bad an operation per formed on her eye and can now aee with the aid of glasses. Thia is in deed pleasant news for her many friends. Dr. Friebis, a celebrated oculist, and Dr. Piper, her home physician performed the successful operation. With the aid of cocaine, the pain was deadened and very lit tle pain was felt during the opera tion. . Eggs 10 N. T. Dundore. I John Stuck drove to McClure on ! Sunday. A. J. Crossgrove and wife visited Centreville on Sunday. 1 Remember the dates of L. Dunkel-1 berger's Millinery Opening. May 13, ! 14 and 15. Palmer E. Hackenburg of Beaver j Springs was a Middleburgh visitor on Sunday. Saturday, May 8, Levi Musser will sell Farming implements and House hold goods 1 mile west of Middles worth, it. Win. GuteliiiH, express agent at Puuxsutttwney, came to bis parents' homo in this place Monday where be will speud some time. The 1st Quarterly Conference of Tbe Witmer Uuited Evangelical church at Dundore will be held Apr 24th. Communion on Sunday morn ing. Do you want a bicycle? If bo ex amine the list in this issue. We cau get them on advertising contracts for less money than agents or whole salers cau get them. The wife and four months old daughter of Vice Consul John T. Hyatt at Santiago Do Cuba died, tbe first ou the 7th innt. aud the sec ond on tbe 4th innt. Mr. Hyatt and his young wife are from Lewisburg where they were married 18 mouths ago. Our Opening Milliney Display will take place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 13, 14 aud 15. As our Millinery Opening is always looked forward to as "the event of the season" wo promise our lady friends and patrons that our exhibit this season will far out-do any thing we we have heretofore shown and will have the Handsomest Dis play of Trimmed Hats and Millinery Novelties ever shown in Middleburg. L. Di NKELUiutFii, Milliner. Tbe startling news was received Tuesduy morning that a bill had passed tbe Delaware Legislature last week divorcing Mrs. Marv Sbrom from her husband, the editor of tbe Ledger. He declares tbe first intimation he had that his wife con templated applying for a divorce cume through a Dover newspaper, sent to him on Saturday, in which it was stated that tho bill had pass ed the Senate on Wednesday, al though the necessary newspaper ad vertising, in conformity with the laws of Dolaware, bad doubtless been done prior to making an up plication to the Legislature for a divorce. Newport AW. Last Friday and Saturday even ings an amateur company rendered tbe drama, "Hickory Farm" at Bou vertown. Dr. L. E. Wolfe has fa vored us with a lengthy article going into detail of the merits of the ren dition of the play which our space, we regret, will not permit us to pub lish in full. The Doctor praises in the highest and most complete niau ner the excellent way in which each performer acted his or her part. We congratulute our sister town on its excellent array of dramatic taleqt and above all the fact that the peo ple know how to appreciate such marked ability. Hill Preaenteil. Senator Quay re-introduced the following Pennsylvania bills, which failed in the last Congress: For a public building at Wilkesbarre, to cost $225,000 ; at Washington, to cost $75,000 ; at McEeesport, to cost $200,000, and at Altoona to cost $125,000. Representative Kulp introducd the following bills, which failed to pass in the last Congress : For a pub lic building at Shamokin, to cost $75,000 ; to pension Francis M. Lott and W. J. Friender of Shamokin ; Eliza Koons of Danville ; P. Sohroub of Sunbury; Christian Heinz, of Pratt j Eugene Dowing of Centralia j William D. Campbell of Espy ; Alf. George Towers of Centralia t M. A. Williams of Orangeville t Fred Salz man of Danville Isaac Kolb of Sun burr; M. C. Tate of Dewart, and M. J. Klein of Pottsgrove. High Grade Bicycles at Half Price. WE HAVE IKa t.-iUnvL-inc hirwU vaw miuh HIU grade Bicyclti whioh can be bought at half price. 4 We have but one of each and nonl of them have ever beeu HHed. They are perfectly new and if you intend purchasing a wheel aud want a good, first class, high grade Bicycle at the cost or a cheap one, call at The Post Print ing Office at once, as we cau sell these wheels cheaper than an agent can buy them from the manufactur er. Note the following uriees : Mouarcti. Model u. 'sr. Oar Price, lien Hur. Model II, "bt, Our Price, LuiiKren. 'It Model. Ladle' or (loin's. Our Priea, Wlille, Ladlna' or UenlN. vr. Our Price, White. Ladles' or Gouts' it, ' Our Price, Duiuon. 'IT Model, Our Price. lrAll ttie above wheels are guaranteed. POUT. MMUIebnraja), Vm. 78.00. 40.O0. IIOO.AO. 17.00. iw.oo. ao.oo. Iiuo.eo. eaa.oo. 175.00. 17.00. 1100.00. SO.OO. The Penn'a Chautauqua A meeting of the Board of Man agers of the Pennsylvania Chautau que was held in Lebanon last week. The time fixed for the Assembly was from July 1 to 81 inclusive. The Chancellor, the Rev. H. A. Gerdson, oi new lork, submitted tbe pro gram which provides for about 125 public entertainments of a popular aud instructive character. There will be Lectures, many of them il lustrated, Concerts, Piano Recitals, Grand Chortiees, Lectures in His tory, Literature, Natural History, tbe Sciences', Botany, together .vith excursioua across the field,, besides Class Studiea of 'be Languages and -Science, the '' whole forming a uionths's entertainment and instruc tion, combined with recreation, in one of the most delightful summer resorts in Pennsylvania. Tbe expeuse of a month's stay at Chautauqua is not more than that of a werk at the seashore. The Penn Kylvania Chautauqua is less than 100 miles from Philadelphia, 25 miles from Lancaster, 25 miles from Har i isburg and is easily reached frcm nil points, being on the line of t bo Cornwall Si, Lebanon Railroad which connects with the Pennsyl vania at Conewago, and with tbe Rending It. R. at Lebanon. Special excursion ticketH, good during tho season, can be had at all Stations. Among some of the lecturors and instructors there will be such emi net specialists as the Rev. Dr. Weid ner, Prof. Schmucker, Prof. J. Fred. Wolle, dipt. Mcllvaine, Lieut. Pary, Aloxander Black, Prof. Mc Cormick, Dr. Leon Vincent, Rev. Dr. Richard, Percy Hnese, Mrs. Sarah T. Rorer, Dr. W. H. Harrison, Misses Lippiucot and Mussy, Prof. Vordier Prof. Arof. Averaignet, etc., etc. Catalogue of the Chautauqua will bo reudy about May 1st. For copy of advance program and other infor mation, address the Rev. I. Calvin Fishor, Corresponding Secretary, Lebanon, l'a. Repairing Tire Punctures. Homo Amerli-itn bicycle rldcra du not know that Kuropanii rldera long aifo glxvarded all but doublc-tubo pueiiiniitlo lilojrclo tlrrn. Thin was done after years of experience wlili Hlngle-lube tlroi. during wlilcli tlroo erory known rmoily wan trlod to porinununtly repair a puncture, but without avull. In this country, the Morgan A WrlKht(doutle tulio) tlie being pntuntod, other tire iimkuni liuve tried to force Hlnirlo-tube tlroa Into favor, notwithstanding their proved failure In Hurope. Muny acbeuieH have Leon employed by tbe single tube makers to stop leaks and permanently repair punctures, but without sue cew. A repair In tho Morgan h. Wright double-tube tire Is easy to make, and Is pennacent. Inalde the Inner tube, all tbe way around, la a thin strip ot patching rubber. To make a repair pump up tbe tire ; then Inject some quick-repair cement inside the Inner tube. By presslag down on thecaslng with tbe thumb at tbe puncture thli cement will pick up the patching strip aud close the puncture. MARRIED. Apr. 13th by W. O. HolmeB, J. P., Amon M. Noll of Lewisburg and An nie E. Row of Penn township. Apr. 18th by Rev. W. A. Haas, Harry Foster Kreamer and Nettie M. Moyer, both of Selinsgrove. Apr. 18th by same, Elmer P. Sny der of New Berlin and Cora Maude Bolig of Winfield. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Weed Entered tor Recent. Joel G. Stahl, adm'r of Daniel G. Stahl to Harrison Stahl, part inter est iu 88 acres in Penn and Union township, for $:n. Emanuel Shaeffor aud wife to Jas. Shaoffer, 167 acres partly in Perry township, this county, and partly in Susquehauua twp., Juniata county, for $2100. James Shaffer to Emanuel Shaffer, 30 acres, partly iu Perry township, this county, aud partly iu Susque hanna twp., Juuiata county, for $425. Will Prebwted. The last will and testament of Su san Glass, lute of Freeburg, was probated last Friday. F. G. Glass is tho executor uud her daughter, Sallie C. Glass, is made tho solo heir. Marriage I.leeuaea. "Hearts Flcttkiuno with Dklo sions." The following marriage li censes have been granted since our last publication : S Amnion M. Noll, Lewisburg, Pa , i Annie E. Row, Pouu Twp. iChas. A. Gill. Penn Twp., f Harriet J. Jarrett. " H. Foster Kramer, Netta M. Moyer, Elmer F. Snyder, Cora M. Bolig, Charles Erdley, Alice S. Gregory, John A. Filson, Selinsgrove, New Berlin, Winfield. Selinsgrove, Burnham, Ada A. Suellenberger, Banuerville ARGUMENT LIST For February Adjourned Term. April it, iwr, U. I. Swartz vs. John W. Swartz, 1. No. Feb. T. 1893. Rule on J. J. Shrawder committee and H. I. Swartz, petition to show cause why proceedings "de luna tico inquirendo" should not be set aside. Weiser and Bowor. . Baker. John H. Kreitzer vs. Win. Earhart witn noticn to jjyuia 1'arks aud Martha J. Bloom field us garni shees, 2. No. 133. MttvT. IH'.m; Attachment Execution. Rule to snow causo wnv Judgment should not be stricken off as against gar nishees, etc. Potter. I Bower & Hackeubunr. W. B. Winoy vs. Daniel F. Bingaman. 3. Judgment No. 141, Dec. T. lH'.ii;. Fi. Fa. No. 4. Due T. lX'.M! Rule on W. B Winey, the plaintiff auu Aiua uingamiin, tiio claimant to appear and maintiiiu or relin quish thero respective claims to the property levied ou under said execution. Grimm. In the Estate of Moses Sjiecht, dee'd. 4. Exceptions to the report of James G. Crouse, Esq., auditor in allowing tho W. M. Walker & Co. claim Ac. Weiser. Bower. Y. W. O. T. U. Items. At the last meeting of the Y. W C. T. U., the following appointments were made and continued by the President: Superintendent of Evan gelistic Work, Mrs. Hertz ; Supt. of Loyal Temperance Legion, Mrs. Mol lie Bashoar ; Supt. of Parlor Meet ings, Mrs. Lucy I. Potter ; Supt. of Press Work and Literature, Mrs. Anna McLain. The next mooting will be held Friday evening at seven o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mollie Bashoar. All are kindly invited to be present. Come and bring a friend with you. "From tho Ram's Horn," "The beet men are mother-made men," "All Binful life is moral insanitv. and a guilty act is criminal lunacy." Dr. Crafts, Ctiairmun of the Na tional Reform Bureau, has been sue- cessfulin securing legislation pro hibiting the exhibition through kine toscope or othor means of brutal ex hibitions like prize fights. As chair man of the Reform Bureau he was instrumental in preparing a bill which was introduced in the Senate by Mr. Hoar ; and is known as Sen ate Bill, No. 1187, and will soon come before the attention of tbe house We would suggest to all who read this to write personal letters to our senator and congressman. urainir them to lend their assistauce to sup port this worthy buV rice per Yew, ll.w. ' jtr S i v