She gtfMldmrgb go$t. Published every Thursday. Geo- W. Wagenteller, Editor and Proprietor, Subscription $1.50 per year. vtileb be puld In advance wben writ out- woe iu couuiy.) RATES OF AOVIRTISINO. All transient alvert!rm;nt not otherwise contracind lor will lx" chiv"l t the rule of 1 Ct-iila it lint (ninp:tril iiifisiir tor flntt lnwr Ion ami 10 cents ht Hue Jor eery subsequent liwertlon. notictM puliliihrd frt: obituary poerty, intmln uf rritct, ifc, thru cent! a lin. Republican Standing Committee. AJam-T"tilas Mlti hell. Troxelvllle. W. II. Her- rnun. Triixelvllli. Beaver Inw. K-Hpii-ht, !U?avertown, James M. Kline, Heavertown. Beaver W.-o.-o. J. 8xvce. McClure. T. A. War ner. Met lure. nln Win'rsliamharh. Mldilleburgh, D. F. HtiiKanmii. IVnnm iwk. Ohapmun W. II. KersteiU'r, McKitfSllalf Kails, Kilifar HelNh. Mofter. Pranklln W. I), (iltt. Paatonvllle. J. W. Elwn- Imur. MIcMleimrKli Jackson I. s. Yearlrk. Kratwsrvllle, Isaac Ml- k'iT. New Berlin. Mlddlehur'li (ieo. W. Waenseller. Middle- burifli, N. A. Boweo. MliMleuurirh. Mlddlerreek-I'. I.. Kow. Kreauier, H. B. Hmn- inel. Krvamer. Monrw-o.ii. . u-fller. Shamokln Dam, J. II. Knoads. l'cnn-'. K. Wairnrr, Salem, Daniel Knouse.Se llntifrove. rerry .1. X. Broilus, Vt. Pleasant MMa. B. F. Arboirast, Ml. I'leuitanl MIIIh. Perrv W.- M. F. NaUKle, Itlclilield, Dan. Man- evnl, Kli'hfleld seIlutfiov'-x. s. Fisher, Srllnsgrovo, F. H. smith, seiinserovr. sprlnir-lr. A. M.sinllti. Kaver Kprlnffs, I'. F. Itelifel, Heaver Surlnvrs. I'nlnii -(;,. . Flatulent. I'urt Treverton, O. 0. Kli e. I'ort Treverttiti. Wa.shliitnii lerrv Charles, Freebursf. W, II. iiniiiui, Fret'lnir,;. ; Ei un l i a. i s ti cKi-: r. Awittt' Jwhje, 11.(1. Siiiiisell. I'rothonntiiry, i. M. Shindel. n,-;lhtcr D Recorder, J. II. Willis. rirt Attorney, J. M. linker. Jury Comm., .. Jl. Hendricks. Thursday, Apr, 15, 1897. tanks Having State Deposits Will Come Up. Referring to the passage of one of the most important bills before tbe Legislature of Pennsylvania for many years, the Wellsboro Republican Advocate, of March 30, published the tbe following in a letter from Harris burg: "During the aftenoon, while the atmosphere was still hazy with the smoke of the morning battle, the Stewart interest bill was reached on second reading. About twenty amendments were offered by oppon ents of the bill as reportedlfrom com mittee. Under the fourth section tbe three State depositories in Phila delphia, Pittsburg and , JIarrisburg were to be exempt 'from the pay ment of interest, but the rural mem bers were full of tight, under the lead of Focht, of Union, went after this bill in great shape. Finally the test cauin on au amendment offered by Farr, of Lackawanna, providing for interest ut one and onu-half cent, on daily balances and it prevailed. The vitlue of this amendment is that $ 1,5(10,000 will uow be compelled to contribute one and one-half per cent, interest to the State Treasury which otherwise it would not have done. It makes a discrimination of the one half per cent, in favor of the active depositories as others which pay two per cent Over-Careful Proof-Reading. A sporting wiiter once included in his notes au item saying that "The young Kulmon are beginning to run." It appi-ared n print, "The young salmon are beginning to swiu." When the writer asked for an ex planation, the proof reader cheerily remarked, "That's all right. You had that mixed up with your turf stuff, but I straighteued it out for you.'' "Why didn't you let it go as I wrote it?" "I couldn't. Who ev er heard of a fish running V'JIar Iter's Hound Table. I he President and Cuba. A morning contemporary says that "the faithful jingo organs are an nojticing thit in the twenty days since President McKinley assumed the duties of bis office as many American citizens have been releas ed from Cuban prisons as had been released under President Cleveland in the twenty weeks of the closing period of his term. As there has not been an iota of change in the American policy in Cuba the precise significance of this news is not ap parent. It may be that there is no change in policy, but that there has been a change in Cuba and in Spain is ev erywhere apparent. It is possible for an American to go to Cuba these days and not be thrust into a prison cell because bis home is in the Unit ed States, It may not be ueccessary fur this administration to declare the independence of Cuba or even to recojize belligerency, although an effort to prevent the borribio atro cities of Ibe Spanish troops would b a work of humanity, but tha fact remains that under President Cleve land the Stars and Stripes were in sulted in Cuba ; that American cit izens were thrust into dungeons for no crimes, and that men were mur dered or starved and little or no no tice was taken of these acta of un friendliness towards this nation No w our prisoners are being freed rapidly and we bear few complaints. Consul-General Lee was practically left to do his work alone by Presi dent Cleveland and to tight his own battles in behalf of the honor of his country single handed. To-day this same Consul-General receives the support of the President and of the State Department. But is it true that there has been uo change of policy? We think there has been. Even Spain knows very well now that President McKinley will not permit violations of treaties or of international law. What is more, the President has appointed a special commissioner to proceed to Cuba and report upon tbe exact condition. He will be present at the judicial inquiry to be made con cerning the death of Dr. Ruiz, and we may be absolutely certain that if the report made b.v bim is to the ef fect that Dr. Huiz was murdered a demnnd for reparition will bemad?, what is more, it will be granted. We don't waut war with Spam or with any other nation, and there is not the slightest chance that we shall have war. A bankrupt and blood-thirsty nation like Spain is at heart a coward and requires only a firm hand to back awav from con troversy and to run from it. Here after the United States will not be humiliated by Spanish bluster. 1'hila. Inquirer, It is now said that the session of the Legislature will probably last un til the 20th of Juno. But when the warm days come and the members have no benches iu the Park to roost on they will probably agree that it is best to rush things and go home. Il'ENSK NOTICES. The following persons have Died with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions their applica tions tor laveru, isomers aim Distillers Li cense : TAVERN LICEFSK. 1 Feter Horner, Kratzervllle. 1 Jacol. A. LelUel, KraUervlllft, I Ellsworth Aurautl. Shamokln Dam, 4 Martin Slear. shamokln Dam. t Marcus M. Harlnian, Shamokln Dam. t Jonathan B. Arboffasr, SFllustfrove. I Z. T. Uetrlck, Bellnsgrove. I John li. Focklvr, Selluagrore. Samuel M. Kauffman, Selinntrrova. 10 Catherine Moser, Port. Treverton, II Wilson O. Oelst, Port Treverton. 1 Edward Klslie. For Treverton. II C. A. Forry, McKees Hall Fall. 14 MoClellao Cox, HofTer. 11 Darld llerrold, Chapman township. I Sylvester Howan. Washington township. it sirnoc fconir. rmmunc. IS Susan oiKiw. Freeburir. iteorkH W. Weaver. I reeburfj. 10 John K. Kims. West Perry township. SI II. C Haas. Fremont. Vt J. I. Verier, Ml Pleasant Mills. 1.1 K. H. Melr. Melservllle. I Win. s. Arhonasi, Swliielord. IS F. W. Thomas. Mldillecreek township. S J. Irvin Howell, Meclure West lli-iver. U7 K. li Mlddleswarth, MrClure. as 11. II. Kmi si, Heiivertown. t J. E. Hpanglcr, ivntrevllle. 30 P. C. llurtuiai. Ceiitrevllle. Hi cnrlHin Seelwld. Mldillnimrir. 3! William II. Smith, MldrileburK. W K. M. snilih, Heaver sprliifrs. IIOUI.EKS' MCP.XSB. St Arlwjijsst Fisher, Ml Ir.leburR borough !U A. II. Whli iner, Heiinstfrove boroiiifh iti W. 11. Jr I in in. Washington township. IHSTIM.KKS' LICENSE,. 37 K. I). Iliirtraiin, Centre township, as J. I. M irks. Franklin township. CENTRE NILLK. Peter. E. B.. P. C. and F. J. Hart, man were at Middleburgh on Mon day.... Ex-Chairman Sampaell was to Middleburg last Saturday even ing L. C. Uingaman will open h select school on Monday Miss Elva Hartman ia visiting friends in Shenandoah at this writing H. F. Mohn and L. A. Uertz were to Lau relton on Sunday afternoon S. F Sbeary visited his sick father neai MitHinburg several days last week ....Rev. Schocu held communion services in the Lutheran church on SuuJay....Mrs. Q. W. Sheary visit ed relatives in Mifflinbuig several days last week. w Htj le Potl Carta. On July 1st, the hill permitting t he printiug and use of private mailing cards, with a ou ceut stamp affixed, will go iuto effect. The progres sive business man will have his own advertisement conspicuouslv display ed, and the printing of millions of cards will make work for the printer. Tbe bill is approved by the post of fice department, as it tends to popu larize postal cards besides affectum a saving to the government of the difference between the cost of the cards and ehe stamps. i MA.RHIK D. April :i. by Rev. W. M. Laudis. Bes sie M. Houser. and Reuben II. Wagner, both of est Beaver towu shin. At the same time, bv the same. Ada A. Treaster and William Wei- aud, both yf West Heaver. April 8. by Rev. W. SI. Laudis of Adam.sburL', Charles G. Coleman and Katie SI. W etzel, both of Beuver- towu. April 10. by H. P. Jarrett. J. P.. at Seliusgrove, Win. Long of Slon roe township and Emma Musslemau of Penn township. tnrjti '.K in Km-inrr tnurnuliin Annie Benfer, wife of Jones Benfer, igea .J- years, 11 inontli and 21 days. April Torxelville, Esther Sla zie, liiiaut (lauguter ot (Jliaries V. and Sallie R. Shirey, aged ti mos. and 17 days. DO LBveir Mke biliousness, ilysjiepsla, liemlaclie, constl. patlou, sour stomach, lndlcestioii arc iroinptly cured by Hood's Tills. They do their work InlOOtfS easily and thoroughly. 'II IWsl alter dinner pills. Da 1116 2i cents. All dniKKlsts. I Prepared by C. I. llixxl & Co., Iowell, Mass, The only Pill to take with Hood's Hursaparilla. 'HMiter lerlslon. I. Any person who takes a paper regularly rroiua xi.-oini e, wneinernireriea in nis name or naot her or whether he has subscribed ut ijoi.ih rmji-insiiim ror payme.-n. I. If any person orders his paper dlscontlnii tied lie must pa v arrears or llin publisher limy com lime lowmd It urn II payment Is maile.wlini ti er the paM-r Is baken from the xmt-orricc or hot, 3. The courU have de'lded that refusing Ui isKe ni-hiiais-rs or ix-rnsiii ins iroin inn ixml ornieor removing and leaving them uncalled lor, is prima tucia evmence oi iiiicniiunai fraud, "WOMAN'S POWER. IT SHAPES THE DESTINIES OF MEN AND NATIONS. Where Men Are at a Disadvantage, and Only a Woman Can I'mlarataoil m Wo man's Ills. Woman's beauty, love and devotion, rule the world. Grand women ; (itrong mentally, morally and physically, whose ambi syf. tion and mng netlo influ TL uro men to deeds j!y W of grandeur and heroism. Vi J Such women are all-power Y A ful. Weakly, sickly, ailing women rare little ambition; their own troubles oc cupy their thoughts, and their one object Is to get well. They have no confluence in them- flves, and only too often lose faith in their physician. All irregularities, whites, bearing- down pains, nervousness, headache, backache, " blues," distaste for society sounds in ears, palpitation, emacia tion, heavy eyes " all gone" feeling, dread of impending evil, sleeplessness, etc., should at once be removed and vigorous health assured. Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com pound has for twenty years saved women from all this. Jlcar this wo man speak : , "I wish to publish what Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound and Hunatlve Wash have done for me. I hud fulling of the womb uml leurorrlxi'ii, tind they have cured me of hoth. I nm a well woman . I suffered dreadfully with such dragging pnins in the lower part tif the buck ami extending urotind the body, irritation of the bladder, pain when walking itnil painful mcn st million ; I weakened terribly. 1 hud been treated by three doctors without much help, and it. only took live bottles of your Compound and three packages of Sanative Wash tu cure me. I cun recommend them to nil women m tiering with complaints like these." Mn. Vannatta, 3S7 N. Jireud St., Philadelphia, l'a. This is the Package remember it It contains Washing Powder that cleans everything quickly, cheaply and perfectly. For economy bay fib. paeksfe. THE X. K. rUBBAXI COIPiXT, Cblcato, BL Lonta, New York, Boston, rtalladalpbla. DON'T SACRIFICE ... Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, but BUY tho Sewing .Machine with an established reputation that guarantees you long and satisfactory service : TV l)ibe. Its beautiful figured wood , work, durable construc tion, line mechani cal adjustment, coupled with the Finest Set of Steel Attacliinent.', makes it the Most Desirable Machine iu the Market, FBANK S. RIEGLE, MlDDMiUUBGH, Pa. lui our beautiful half-tone catalogue. Closin s llJ NEW CLOTHING : at : GUTELIUS' BAZAAR. Everything in the clothing line I keep. I Guarantee M Goods and Lot Prices. Special reductions are now & UVltl UUVIVlfi - J VII U3 IU1 n ayy-nisliing Goodsj Kats,"1 Gaps, etc. GC. GUTELIUS, Middleburg Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments, FjEIV ElVIBEr,Ba",",, H. HRRVEY SCH0CH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENGY, Only tho Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, v. tuv, i rr ,l. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. I)., 1819; Assets $11,055,513.88 " Home 44 44 1853 44 9,853,628.54 44 American " " 41 1810 " 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelitu Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited. Great deduction Sale of n For Ninety Days ! It m l HALF PRIGE is twice no price, biU J vuuiuiuii in ice ir i selling a whole piece, if J wfirrii I inn ii.vii... c a T"ll.. . 1 lD n -LTuimr. oee : v.. ii . . xuu measure at half nJ Whole uuality a, I,,,!, WlipnnFD I 'I goods at low iinureg 1 We Are Sn Wr Pm hv Come in and lieln n,J n,. ..... i 1 1 Look at these Pric CLOTHING ..v.. o uilN Olllts, oniy sz.ttu, IUvh' jtwmI dress suits, sn 1 Youtlis' rikm! dress suit. ,i IVfen'a inuul Iw. . i .. nnrKllii'if ; jiiints, .w to 4'' 7.,,.. m 9 . .ucn a fine dress punt 11 . 1.25. IV.ys' knw pants, 1 1 1 1 lt """"B'""' neavv working indies long,' L'.V. lo t Dry Goods Stop, look at our fancy dU'( oiapie uaiico, 4c. a yard, All best indigo blue caliw k All Apron Ginghams, 'w. All Fancy dress eiiiirlimns ..v Fancy percals 30 iiichra widn to 9c. Also a full line of . j t'ra Dress Goods, White (ii ana all O. N. T. Spuol Ci tC. a 8jHXl. All Goods sold Reduced Pric Here we areAiust return J iNew lork ami I'ln hit e nhiiJ the largest and lattvt stylesofJa I ever had ln-fore uml wearer: at hulf-riee for what ugnJs Olivers are jmyiiig for it. SHOES. Wo can sell you Sin lower prices than rot can buy elsewhere Men's fine dress shoe Mabel ress, (j to Hoc. Men's heavy workini; Oil 1 J sal n re Congress, li'i to iWr. Ladies' No. 1 KiinjriiriKiSlw, or JUitton. 4 to 7. 'J'k Ladies' No. 1 line d ress .-In. or Mutton, 4 to 7, !.". lioys' mid Messi-i's, LiivnrB 75 to 81.00. Youths fine shoes, Lururw T)0 to 75e. Children's Shoes, Lae or l '2 to SOc Asoalliofttl Shambach & Keigle ZSlctols. Smitliw, A. M. Sliainliiu'li ami Foster Ueigle have loinicd a piirtuershiii nnd can Im found at the J oLd reLiabLe STAND, i 'I I 1 (i Is'st and finest work iu all kinds of Jroii uud Steel will be executed in the most satisfactory niniiiicr. i tamo. Middleburgh. Fa. Tho Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT T1JK OKEATKST SACRIFIClt EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. We urn uot helllnn out, but wh do this to tnoreiiso our oalug above any pre vlous year. We jriv? a few of the prlepa as followi : Soft W ood Cliaiuber Suits (il4.00:C!otton Top MiUtreB 8.S4 Hard Wood Chamber Huit 1(1.00 Woven Wire Mattress 1.7a Antlquo Onk Mults, 8 l'leoen 10.00 Hed Springs 1.25 I'IiihIi Parlor SuitB aO.OO Drop Tables, per ft 0 Wooden Chairs per set 3.60. Platform Hookers 300 In Moek, everythlnu in the furniture line, including Mirrors, Hook Gates, Honks, Kid-bonrds,Ciipl)oards, Outre Table, Fancy Uookrn. Hiiby Chair. Fi uther 1'illows, LounKOH, Couches, Pouchtraya, Kinks, Hall Racks, Cairt K"..f Chairs fine, inediiiiu and cheap furniture, to suit all clauses. i rices reduced all through. Come early and se our stock befortj giving ..our order, and thus save 16 to 20 per cent, on every dollar. Special Attention Given to Undertaking fc Embalming. I KATHEKMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, 1 MIFFLINBURGII, P Call nml H(i tlnsi ( Ireat I' iu Shoes liefore you huy. I u we ean please vou and nioney. COFFKIC- J 3 lbs. Iiion eoflee lir ier lb. Arbuekles 3 lbs. for -I.e. My own brand :' 11k lur 1."w' tl 111 Java and liio hsise rui'tel for 42u. or lfio. a Hi. CIiiH-ohite ISc. StKiAKS. 13 lbs. light r.rown 1 1 lbs. soft White .". 11 lbs. lino granulated ",,lr' linking Stsla "m1. a Hi., 8. or : lbs. for '-'0e. Call to See Our Cm MARKET ?m Uutter, 17e. Sido Meat, tie. Chiekens, ,Se. l'! ' Klimililfi'. S'. F. H. MATJK NEW BERLIN, 11