Bottled Up! Whether ia the form of pl'l powdet c liquid, the doctor's prescription fot blood disease is always the same mercury or potash. These drags bottle up the poison and dry it op in the system, but they also dry op the marrow in the bones at the same time. The suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains of rheumatism. The form gradually bends, the bones ache, while decrepitude and helplessness prema turely take possession of the body, and it is bnt a short step to a pair ol crutches. Then comes falling ol the hair and decay of the bones. a con dition truly horrible. &P0TASH? I 7 1 i ill Hi 14 filli'll Contagious Blood Poison the curse of mankind is the most horrible oi all diseases, and has al ways baffled the doctors. Their Dot- ash and mercur oonie uptne Doison. it always breaks but Mrs. W. D. Hewer's Dream. Praia the Miminbtirg Tetagrapa. A week or more ago lira. W. D, Heim-r loot her gold watch, and for days thereafter, she, her husband and other friends made diligent search for it, but in Tain. A few days ago she dreamed that if she would tale a peep from a window of their home ahe wculd find it She then awoke and considered it a ri dioulous dream t then, falling asleep again, aha experienced the same dream, which gi fatly impressed ber to the extent that she looked out the window, and, strange to state, shn baw the watch lying in an ad- joiuing lot. Mm. Hnser Is now firm believer in dreamt dream, at least, that refW to t watches. ' March in This Locality. organ, frequently me mourn and throat, filling them wna eating sores. S.S.S.. is the onlv known cure for this disease. It is euar anteed ourelv vege table, and one thousand dollars reward is offered for proof to the contrary. It never fails to cure Contnjious Wood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other disease of the Mood. If you have a blood disease, Lake a remedy which will not injure you. Beware of mercury; don't do violence to your system. Don't get bottled up! Our books sent free to sny address. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga. March was rather a wet month this locality, there being 13 days forth again attack-, ra'D fH which reuched 2.87 inches, ing some delicate The average precipitation for this month during the past nine years was 3.12 inches. There were but clear days. 7 partly cloudy and 15 oloudy. In March of last year the rain full was 3.85 inches. The mean atmosphere, 41 degreos; highest temperature, 66 UegrH : lowest. 22 degrees ; greatest daily range, 25 de grees on th 30t h. The mean tem perature for Mulch during the past nine years wan 37 decrees. . PAXTONVILLK Mrs. Beble of Pottsville, Pa., vis ited her sister, Mrs. Kinney last week. Mrs. Kinney has Detm very ill for sometime.... Uriah Howell is home from the lumbor woods visit rag his family.... Wm. Bruner fin ished his term of school at Cainina! Fa. and is now paying his parents ahort visit.... Elmer Boy er went to Chicago last week on business, but he expects to return in a few weeks ....Miss Nettie Wagner of Beaver town visited Howard Shainbach'e over Sunday. . . .David Coleman and family of Beavertown visited Uriah Howell's on Sunday.... Mr. Roinig ox AnumsDurg moved to our town on Tuesday.... Melvin Harner fan ished his term of school at McClure laBt week, and is now among us again. We are always glad to see our young people come back. . Murray llomig was to Lewisburg last Saturday on business. . . . Win Zimmerman lnft on Monday for Sun quehann University, where he ex pects to attend school. We wish him all the success. .. .Goinmuniou services will be held in the United Evangelical church next Sunday iorenoon. nev. stapteton, the rre aiding Elder will preaoh on . Satur any evening and Sunday morning. Fhilipsburg Editor's Opinion WKSr BEAVfel't. Roburt Peters and family of New L'liiciiHter, wpeut Sunduy ith some of their Suyur couuty friends. x. c. nwiiieioru, who naa Deen on the sick list lunt week, under the earn of Dr. buive, is improving., Jjist of hoiuu of our folks that have cuuunoa pluues of liviug in West Boaver: John W. Wagner to the Moyer funu ; Jloyer to the hoime va catod by Wagner ; Jacob Erb to tht James Erb farm; Aiumon Weiand ; to thu hoiisn vacated by Erb : Mrs, W. (i. .Smith to the house of Reitz and Stuck, Spring township; Aaron Wagner from Moyer s stave mill to his own farm. . . .Henry Houser ex pects to go out of the store business at Urossgrove shortly. He sold hi property to Ilnrvey Wagner. . . .Our newly elected roud muHter has made soma improvements ou our bad roads already. Keep it up Joseph mis wining no outs has been sowed at this end High water and warm days Heem to be hard on the mason work of the new bridge at Fisher's dam, as the cement is all crumbling out. This has boon re ported by different parties, making .-an examination ot it J. J. Steely l.n.n(a 4 : . 1. - 1- .... I t i.a iu ku iu iuo uuiei uusiness. in 111 111 r nnillllV llV tlin l!iut. nf .Tuna ' - - J " J M.UH V. . U UUU -.1 be little rain we had Sunday, jaKes everytning in nature smila. A Y. W. C. T. U. Organized. Last Friday .irtorooon, Mr. Jones organized a Young Woman's Christian Temperence Union with the following omcrre : Pres., Mrs. A. 8, Boaver : vice Pres.. Mrs. Herti ; Jtec. and Cor. Sec, Miss Lulu Suilth Troas., Miss Lottie Crouso. six departments of work were decided upon'. Loyal Temperance Legln of which Mrs. Amnion Uasuor was appointed Supt, Prison and Jail Work, Evanttellitle. Lltoraturo, Parlor Moetintrs and Proxi Work. The Union will bold It first meeting at tbe borne of Mr. A. S. Beaver jn Krlday tTenlng. Meeting every two weeks, the f eco'iil and rourtb Friday In each montb. A 'Y.' was organized lnstad of s "W." so that luo young men liavs jual chances to become mooaberb as tbe young todies- Duck trousers and straw hats are stirring with the spirit of rejuvena tion. The Pennsylvania canal from Co lumbia to Nanticoke is open for navi gation. It is said that the water way is in fine repairs and the prospects of a fine boating season good. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is always obtained at Soles' Barber Sho. in Wittenmyer's Building, op posite Post office. Oo to Soles and you will make no mistake, Shaving oap, face cream, hair oil and egg ahampoo for sale. A- E. Sole. The Pbilipsburg Journal says the man who takes his job work out of town to have it printed is no friend of the town. He cau prate about protection to home industries, but. he is the rankest kind of a free trad er, and all because he can save a few pennies occassionally on a job of work. These same kind of fellows when they oome to die should send tbeir obituarius to the some foreign job office and have them printed on manillacard board and then tack them up on the bill boards. They hardly deserve a fuueial notice in the home paper. Who Knows the Boucllt, John Wanamaker, the Philadel phia merchant, says that during the ten days previous to Christmas, his sales amounted to $100,000 a day, so the grand total was only a few dol lars under a million. He adds : "I spend $5000 a week in advertising, and I pay a skillful man, a former editor, and a good one, $000 a month to do it for me. I make money by it. Advertising ia the loveruge with which the store has been raised up. I do not see how any large or sue cerisf ul business oan be done with outadvertising." W. S. Arbogasi removed with his family on Monday to Swineford, Snyder county, where he has pur chimed the hotol. so long conducted hy E. U Oiaybill, and will take no- ssesmou of it. to day, and hereafter conduct tno same. We are genuine ly sorry to pan again with Mr. Ar bogast, for he is a good citizen, who commanded himst-lf to the favor of thin community both as landlord of the Jacobs Houso and latterly as a uardware tuerchaut bv his uniform courtesy and square business meth ods, ami such men nr? a blessing in uuy uommuuity. iiowuvcr, wnat is vIiih community's loss is Snyder .. a.i nr t cuuui.v a gain, we Winn mm suc cess in nis new Held and can assure uiui. that should ha aaaiu Urn nf snvder, Juuiata s latch string is al ways on the outside for tbe returu of hnriHolt' and family. Juniata u er alia. mm MEM L 0 E B WE hTART THIS 8PHHTG 8EAS0U Y7ITH All EliTiliE NEW STOCK OF Ul U UL I PI P AND' FURNISHING GOODS. Having disjKwed of all our stock of the previous seasons, we start this season with a clean, fresh stock of goals from top to bottom everything new. Our entire stock has beeu purchased for SPOT CASH from large Clothing Manufacturers who were press ed hard for the ready cash. We having taken advantage of that rare opportunity are prepared to give me puunc me oeueiit ot prices on this D6W StOCJC Of Clothing which you will scarcely believe until you visit our store- BOTE THE PRICES BELOW. S Hen's Working Suits, worth tS.ftO : u u.PsL?2rteo. 2.12. m urcjr uucu ouiis, unjirn urii iur fttti'J , , n. , , . , We sell for 12.48 Men's Blue and Black Chovlots, well wade, fust colors: we sell them for 13.75. Men's All Wool Plaids ud Hootoh Tweeds Suits, worth $6.60 ; Our price 4-00. Boys' Butts, 14 to 19 years, from $3.23 up to $9.00. Men's All Woo) Suits In plaids, checks and home spnn, latest styles, that will be all the rage this BHnuK, uiaue up in nrsi-ciass style ; no cloth ing house sells for less than $9 00. v .1. . '.ur Price t5-49- Hot more than one suit sold to a customer. Men'a Fine All Wool Black Clay Worstered Salts in Cutaway or Saek, made to sell fr $11,00 All the newest effects In Plaids. Checks. HomesDurTind CWi. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING! A PRENEJTT GIVES WITH EVESY rstll.n-a H IT ui We have exercised great care in selecting a line of Clothing to please the mothers as well as the little ones. We have as complete a line CHILDREN'S CLOTHING as you will see this season, consisting of little Boys' Junior Suits, Reefer Suits, Jersey Suits, Blouse Suits, Velvet Suits, and Crash Suits, randnir in price from 70 cents to $5 00. We have Knee Pants Suits to 16 years. Children's Wool Mixed I Kn Pants, 19p. " Children's Gray Wool Knee Pants. S5c t . n . SnildPei'bleyeatndnoublKneePntff48o. worth 75o. .-00. Boy's Pants from 60 ets. to $2 50. . ou Men.. PlinU froin nt frt M M OUR STOCK OP FURNISHINGS, HATS AND GAPS . 1 4 1 .11 1 At. 1A A X 1 . . isiurgcrumneverjmiojuieiaiesisiyies.siiapesand colors." Our NECKWEAR the choicest in the marae. vmr oiiiuio tne oest in tne market lor the price, 45c. for a fine Negligee Shirt, with or with out collar attached. We do Lot advertise anything we have not in stock as we are prepared to serve you with any article mentioned ou this sheet. It you want to BUY RIGHT, if you want to be TREATED RIGHT if you want to SAVE MONEY, make our store your trading home ' Convince yourself of the above facts the money yon can save by purcliasing""your goods from us Wo X0 what OTSBRS advortiso. Money refunded on sny article purchased from us wnicn Is not satisfactory. M. L0EB & SDN, HmBSWESjyip.piISHERS, . STJNBURY.PA. L 0 B B S CHAS. NASH PURVIS, Collections, Loans and Investments. steal Estate mm4 Private Baaker, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., Pa Deposits sccepted, subject todrafts or checks. rom any part of tba world. eJufctice of the Peace AND CONVEYANCER M- Z. STEININGLR. Middlcburgh, Pa, hwaiaatlsBi Cared la a Day. "Mystic Cure" for RhumUstn and Neuraisla rsdlcalljrcureslnlto I days. Its action upon tbe system Is remarkable and mysterious. It re mores at once tbe cauie and tbe disease Im mediately disappears. Tbe first dose greatly beoents:7 cents. Sold by all imigglau. Mid. dleburifb. T. r. Anthony, Ex-Postmaster of Promise City, lows, says : "I DougUl one bottle of -Nys-e cure' for Klieumatlxm, and two doves of It Id me more good than uiiy mrillolne I aver ouk." Sold by all brutsin, Mldileburgh. D ,R. A C. Bl'ANULEK, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let ters of AdtiiiniHtratUm In the Es tate of Hi-nry U. Sechrlat.. latn nf ITnlnn Tnwn. i sblp. Snyder Co., Pa., iliic'd. having own grant. m, w nue iinuTniKnu. ail pernuns knowing tbemsclvaa Indebted to galil entf are request ed to inuke Immmllate payment, wbllt those havi(f claims will prenent llieu duly autbeo ttcMKl to tbe undnlned. narenss. A. B. BECI1KI8T, Adm'r. DENTIST. Gas AiliiiiiiiRtproil. (;rown and Brirlfrework, Etc, OfflciH one dour north nf Wia Rtnra. rjellnscrove. fa. GETTING READY Every expectant mother hai a trying ordeal to face. If she does not get ready for it, there is no telling what may happen. Child-birth is full of uncertainties if Nature is not given proper assistance. Mother's Friend la the beet help you can use at this time. It is a liniment, and when regularly ap plied several months before baby cornea, it makes the advent easy and nearly pain, less. It relieves and prevents " morning sickness," relaxes the overstrained mus cles, relieves the distended feeling, short ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer tain without any dangerous aftsr-eSecta. Mother's Frieaa ia good for only one purpose, vis.: to relieve tnotharhood of danger and pain. ! 11 dollar oar bottle at all drac stores, er asat by mall on receipt of price. 1 tloa for women, wlU be ssat to as? addraa), upon application to I ' TtU BRAOPIBLO RMULATM 00 A. 3. Pottiegei, VETERiNAfir sUrceoN. SELINSQROVE, PA. All professional business entrusted to my ears will receive prompt and careful attention. r. E. BOWER. E. R. PAWLIMO. BOWER & PAWLING, Attorneys-at-Law, tt, Pa. omccs In Hank Building. J"A8. O. CROUSE, ATTORNKI AT LAW, MlDDLKBURG, PA. AH business entrusted to his oare rill receive prompt attention. LOW KATEA TO WASHINUTOX, D. V. Special Teu-Dny Ezcarslon via Pcun aylvanla Railroad. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has ar mured for an early Spring excursion to Wash; Ington leaving Pittsburg, April 16, istT. Round-trip tickets, permitting of stop-over in Baltimore In either direction within limit, will be sold at rates quoted below, gooS for use go ing on special train, or on Train No. I, leaving Pittsburg at 8:10 P. M., returning on any regu lar train except the Pennsylvania Limited. Special train of parlor cars acd day coachei will be run on the following schedule : Train leaves. Rate, Pittsburg 8:00 A.M. $9.00 Lewistown Jun 1:33 P. M. 5.50 MilHin il:60 " 5.25 Washington.. Arrive 7:15 " .... f Stops only on notloe to sgenl. Passengers from branch points desiring to take the special train will nss the following trains: Southwest Branch, Train No. lot. to Greens burg , Indiana Branch, Indiana Accommoda tlon No. SI, to Blalravllle Intersection 1 Western Pennsylvania Division. Train No, 1, to Blalrs vllle InursecUon ; HarUnsburg and Hallldays burg, Accommodation Train No. Ill, to Altoona ; from Bedford. Train No. 1 to Huntingdon, Pullman Bleeping cars will be run through on night train le svlng Pittsburg at 1:10 P. M, Should the number of Passengers not be suf ficient to warrant tbe running ot aapeclal train, tbe company reserves the right to carry panto! pants la thu excursion oa regular train. Tickets on sale In Pittsburg, at Union Ticket Office, Fifth Avenue, and Union Statlqn, ana at all stations mentioned above, for full Infor mation apply to agents or Thomas X. Watt Passenger Agent Western District, Fifth Are- bus and ttmiUifield street, Pitta b-irg. Hemembe r Tbe Dead! SELINSGROYE MfllME-YARl ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Lt trHof AdiiilniHtra'ion in t int Ka. ate of I)r. lion. Rothrook, late of W.Uraver Twp., 8nydrt:o ia.. dee'd, liavlnir been granted to tbii undeinlKned. all pnrsons knowing them stIvm liidehtsd to Maid enlul are rqiisfd to nmu MiiiiirTiiiiuipnynini., wniiB fiione bavins flulr., will nMuA... . - ....... . . ... . ...... .u, ... F. uv ,unu uuiy auiueuucatea 10 VUU HUU'.'lQIff UCT1. , SIARAND ROTIIKOCK, Adm'r. Marcli M. Mt. Pleasant Mills, Snyder Co., Pa A l'MINISTRATOR'8 NOTICE. Let- XAtprs or Admin titration In th V.m tau- ot Mary Laudenslairur. late of Hellusirrove. nyoeri:o.. Ha., dcc'il, b.vlng Iwhii granted to the iinihirnlirned. all persons knowing tiiem-si-lvos IndabttMl to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, while thoxe bsvlng cluluiB will proaent them duly authenticated to Mie uiiiirroiKnoa, April 1. M. E. RDLKY, Adm r, TpXECUTOR'8 NOTICE.-Notice is urrruy K'VU tllHl LiPIlPrS 1 esta- mcnlnryontlieestHtoot Jacob Schnee, late of Harry township, Snyder County, Penna., have been tfwuedto Oih uniliirHiitiAri n.i,titic in ui County. All persons, therefore. Indebted to ram wiww win nieae maw immediate pay ment, and bavin? claims against It will present them for lettlement to ALBERT BCHNEK, u . VIOLA NIHPLB, March 4, VT. Kxecutors. A Great MedlrlneUlven Away. w. u. spsngier. Mldilleburgh j M. Rothrock, M. D Mt. Pleas int Mills, are now vlvlng free to all a trial package of the great herbal remedy, Baeou s Celery king. If ladles sullerlng rrnm nervoiiH dlsordera and conallpatlon will use this remedy they will soon be free from the head aches and backaches that have caused them so much suffering. It Is a perfect regulator. It quickly cures biliousness, tndlgnstlnn, eruptions of the skin and all blood dlaeaaos. Large size it Charter Application Notice. NOTICE IS II ERKflY GIVEN That nnll. tlon will be made to the Governot of the state or Pennsylvania on Saturday, the First day ot May. 1W7. by C. M. Clement. C. K. Havtrimv a w p: taw tf P Itl.lnh 11 U ll...rini. .V ..." ir . . v iv.u, v.. . UT7UUIIUK9, . r . w airen seller. G. C. Waetmeller, A. V. Carey. DT G. smiin ana w. w. wittesmyer. under tbe Aotof Assembly ot the Commonwealth ot Penusylva- ma, cuuuea "an Actio nroviae for tbe Incor poration and Regulation of ceitaln Corpora tions", approved April ". 1874. and the supple ments thereto for the Chart r of an Intended Corporation, to be called "The Pennt Tele phone company," tbe character and object whereof Is to construct, maintain anil ! il.. ot Telegraph for private use of Indllvduala, firms v" auuiia, mr anonrai uusiness and for the transaction of any business In which elec tricity over or through wires may be applied to. 3 ocwjiui wu,nnv. IIIOUJUUUW ID U1IB StStS wherein It Is proposed to carry on business are Northumberland. Snvder and Mimm a . these purposes, to have, possess snd enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of tba said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. A.W . POTTER tap, ULRICH, Solicitors. Slierifl's Sale of REAL ESTATE I Byrlrtue ot a writ of FL Fa. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ot Snyder county. Pa. and to me directed I win evnmut tn mhiU at tbe Court House, Mlddleburgh, Pa, on Saturday, May 1st, 1897, tj o clock, p. m. Th following described Rea1 'VTi'0""1 lot " of land situate in the Borough of Mlddleburgh on North 7S5!?.rt,t SP11.11' on.u6 Kuit " oy lands of Milton MoaU and on the West by Sugar BL. containing one-Fourth Acre more or less on which Is ereoud a Two Story Dwelling House and other outbuildings. Belied, taken intoezecntion and to be sold as tbe property of J. a Swineford. mM-. HITTJR, Sheriff. SaerUVs Offloe, lfldaleburgh, Pa.. AnrU t. iter. M. L. MILLER, - - Prop'r I keep constantly ou h.indani man afaeture to order all kinds of j .Marble and Granite sts Aftd Headstones! Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. LOW PRICES I LOW PRICES!! I have one of tbe b-st Marble Cut ters In the State and consequently turn out good work. "Cniiie and see my work if; prices. TliMtikftil for past favors I most re spectfully ask a oontinuauce of same, M. L. MILLER A. B. KEITH iit for Steuin and Hot Water Fitting. Also denier In Boilers, Endues, Sbaftlnn Pulleys, Hangers and Leath er Belting. REPAIRING of Engines, Boilers and Mill work. Families can be snnnlfprl Hath Tubs, Pipe and Pipe Fittings. I give as reffience concerning my mechani cal skill, Frlok & Co. of Waynesboro, Pa. and Lebanon M'f 'g. Co. both com panies of high standing. In order to avoid accidents All Bailers should bo tested under the hydraulic test at least onoe a year. Avoid danger and call upon me to make tbe test. A. B. WOLGEMUTH. SeliDegroYe, s : Pa. Mlddleburg Market Corrected weekly bv our memhanta. Butter ... 15 j ... Eggs Pitted cherries... Unpitted " . bittowter'-'es.., Raspberries.... Onions Lard.. Tallow Chiokeasperlb Turkeys 8 Hiae 7 Bnouiaer , Bam Old Wheat Bye jw Old Corn gs Oats IS to Su Bran per 100 lbs tai Middlings " .70 Uhop fiff riour per dm . . . 4.75 7 10 80 SALESMEN WANTED in ear bleb mde laaveeesJ r aew BMelaltlea onared ihli time, m will a tba itaadard TaH TsnnaarbJcb Brat and ornamantala. I lVvnary Btoek. vufciUaaar Hm MHlMI AVBAvftAUM Ha rr. n mr wrnu, mhbb aca, am lasses. ra. Tksaat. MapleXTeaM IsmrUa, Wast laeeter, Pa. A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' shoos ia a pleas: voyage afoot, For the pies A t At 1 ure 11 gives, tnere s no sni like our sale. Crowds an enjoying it, and securing tin prettiest, coolest ami best fit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices wliicl huyeis find it a pleasure to pay. For house or street wear, pleasure or every-daj practical purposes, walking, tiding, or driving, we supply the ideal shoes demanded b; fashion and the dictates individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims yoir liandi hv all means surrender vow as w feet to these shoes. GH. S lerioo S SaNBORY, - - Bro Tl PA . The Elephant is latest styles of loaded with tin CIclis.CaisllsjiEEtu' In nv Fm M liUUb) VU IW A1UIW mrtA, Win!.. TTn,Wir, OlovAH. and all th hunt and 0 seasonable goods found in class Clothing Store. Gome and look at my Btock. 7 will find it well selected. I am.JRespectfully, W. H. BOYER A raaaaaa Uerasaa Deetar's War- ConaumptloD Is now known to be f"?, taken In time tbe German remedy '"rLZ Otto's ours, bavins- been round to be a oertaln cure lor tbe disease. Astlu obltls, Croup. Uouffbs, Colds, roeusmoiaa'' throat and lung dUmsea are quickly J Ir. ottos Qreat German Remedy. ties ot Otto's Core are being glren swtf V? agents, W. B. Spangler, alddlrtuwlii sr, nek. M. D., UL Plaasanl MUls. LvPm antia.