The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 01, 1897, Image 8

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Is a blood disease and only a blood reme
dy can cure it. So many people make
the mistake of taking remedies which
at best are only tonics and cannot possi
bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith,
Greencastle, Indiana, says: "For years
I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma
tism, which the best physicians were un
able to relieve. I took many patent
medicines but they did not seem to
teach my trouble. I gradually grew
worse nntil I was un
able to take my food
or handle myself in
any way; I was abso
lutely helpless. Three
bottles of S.S.S. re
lieved me so that I
swas soon able to move
my right arm; before
lone I could walk
across the room, and
when I bad finished one dozen bottles
was cured completely and am as well as
ever. I now weigh 170."
A Real Blood Remedy
S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema,
and any form of blood troubles. If you
have a blood disease, take a blood medi
cine S.S.S. (guaianteed purely vtgeta
table) is exclusively for the blood and
is recommended for nothing rise. It
forces out the poison matter permanent
ly. We will
send to anyone
our valuable
books. Address
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
The typo? mada your correspond
out Ray some queer things in last ia-
aue. . .On Wednesday evening last
very nice wedding took plane at
the residence of Pro. Houtz on
West Pleasant street. Miss Felty
(cousin of Mrs. Houtz) was married
to Arthur Kim port of Bellefonte.
There were about thirty invited
quests.... Miss Stapleton of Lewis-
burg, elocutionist, will give an en
tertainment with her class in the
Town Hall on M'nday April 5th. .
James Norman and family of Sun-
bury Bpent several days with Mrs,
N.'s parents. 'Squire Jar ret t and
wife....Wm. Haupt aud family of
Milton are spending a week with rel
stives in town .... Mrs. Dr. Reuben
Born of Moutoursville is visiting the
family of Dr. P. Born on West
Pleasant street.... Merchant Meek
made a business trip 10 Allenwood
And vicinity on Monday, Oliver ia a
Las tier.... Prof. Win. Noetling is
spending the spring vacation with
Lis family. . . .Quite uuaiber I our
people are attending adjourned
court at your plnce this week....
There will be a good many Sittings
in town this week.... Mrs. Dr. TJ1-
nch of Millersburg is spending
sometime with friends in town..
Miss Lizzie ltoLrbachof Harrisburg,
laughter of Harris Rohrbacb, i
spondlug sometime with her parents
Miss Ida Mertz of Williamsport
was eutertaiuod ljr Mrs. John L.
Cooner over Sunday . . . .Mrs. Bower
Hoza Suamokiu spent Sunday with
her rareutn. V. S. ouolly and wife
Wm. Seibert of Lewistown is
spending a week with bis mother
Htid sisters preparatory to going to
York, whero he has been employed
by a lirui .... Her. Futterolf and fam
ily of Millersburg are the welcome
guests at the borne of Airs. Ueo,
fisher, tit., mother of Mrs. F.
fi ' "' ROSEMARY.
I " Oreefl
1 trad star spangl
The dead, black tree,
Bloom's In a tangle
On orchard and lea.
Sow Dim boughs shade ms.
Now birds bare sung.
Shall (he heart persuade me
I still an young?
Ah, no. Heart, hush theel v
Be wise, serene,
Vrt snow wTMtha crush the
Ere Ealloweon.
Though Jane bo Jolly,
Though flowen be sweet,
Tie aU but folly
And blind deceit.
Heart, thou has finished
With Jors that fade;
Thy strength diminished,
Thj light decayed.
The brain Is an amber
The blood Is cold.
My heart, remember
We both are old I
Edmund Ooase ia Century.
The schools of Vfrry township are
now all closed for this term Sales
are nearly all over in thiscommunity
andweliad plenty of thein....Th
Sunday school of the Graco United
Evangelical churcb was organized
on Sunday with ttao following of
fleers : Supt., A. S. Herald ; Asst.
Supt., John W. Teats s Sec, Levi S.
Gelnett ; Treas., Qeorge D. Good
liag....H. R. Gelnett. who is at
tending school at Bloomsburg State
Normal, spent bis vacation with bis
parentsat Meiserville .... Mrs. Rufus
Hamsey is very ill at this writing
Mrs. A. H. Troutman was also il
but is now convalescing.... Rev. W.
C. Hoch preached his first sermon
for this new conference year on Sun
lay. Most of the people are glad tc
Lava him with them another year.
Sss0S41 ST aw
Civil service commission:
Three commissioners at $5,000
a year 1 15,001
Traveling" expenses 6.008
One chief examiner 3.000
One secretary J.000
Clerks, stenographers and
messengers 10,000
Btate prison commission:
Estimated expense for com
mission, clerical force and
general running expenses.. M.OOfl
Horseshoeing board:
Estimated expenses 10,000
New capltol building commission:
To be composed of 15 mem
bers, estimated hotel, trav
eling; and Incidental expen
ses and clerk hire 15.00
Railroad commission:
Salaries and running expen
ses, estimated 25,000
One additional stenographer
and typewriter to the health
officer of Philadelphia 1,000
Bureau of geology and mines:
Expenses of six commission
ers 3.00S
One state geologist t.OOO
Two assistants 1.000
Two clerks 1.000
A stenographer 1.600
State board of barbers:
Five managers, expenses 2,500
One secretary 6O0
Board of gas, electric light and water
Three members 14,000
One secretary 1,(00
Annual appropriation for ex
penses 10,000
School book board:
Expenses of board 500
Text book commission:
Twenty-eight commissioners,
$5 per day, 10 days 4.200
expenses 5,000
Department of mines:
One commissioner 4,000
Five clerks 0,400
Apparatus and books 2,000
County health officers:
Sixty-seven county health of
ficers, average salary and
expenses 40,000
Publication of Pennsylvania archives:
Twenty volumes at 1500 per
volume 10,000
Same SHher Schemes.
Estimated cost of apparatus for
compulsory physical educa
tion and gymnaatics in ev
ery public school 2!0,0M
Estimated cost of apparatus for
compulsory Illustration of
weights, measures and arith
metical tables (0,001
New Ash sub-hatchery in
Wayne county 3,000
1,000 copies state library cata
logue 3,000
Publication of one (1) copy of
Smull'a Handbook for each
public school In the state.. 12,000
Publication of 12,000 copies of
school laws and decisions. . 1,600
Grand total per annum 131.000
Is not this enough to paralyse the
average citisen? Think of over $700.
000 worth of offices and their attendant
expenses, created solely to supply
places for Mr. Quay and Ms followers.
The figures speak for themselves.
VTO saw still say the light Is good
When nothing lies frees It sewnssUa
When, thrown on living flesh and blood,
ttahews a skeleton revealed'
We aye have loved the eoftaoed fays "
Which will not 1st us ess too muoa,
But wrap, as ia a kindly base,
The things that shrink from aamaa tooea.
We bide ear skeletons sway
When they hare played their living part
And ahat them from the light of day
Within the twilight of the heart.
Aad all the wrongs that shook and Shame
Our tender f ealuga or our pride
The sullied honor, tarnished name
In dim fuiget fulness we hide.
But now we dread lest some Beroe beam
More strong than our reslstaniis prove
And make us look where only sum
TJnlevely relics ef our love.
And yet It may be we were wise
To weloome oaoh new ray of light
And face with frank, counfleema eyes
What now we bnry out of sighs.
Tls not, perchance, true self 00a to)
Nor any part of charity
To shut the wludows ef the soul
'Oelnst all we do not choose to see.
New light which shines on earth may tell
How brighter rays whloh shlaa shore
Can touch the lowest depths of hell,
Tet touch with tender tints of love.
C. J. Boden In Mew York Ledger.
to which the Expectant Mother is
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with which she looks for
ward to the hour of woman's
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places
in life's pathway for her, ere she
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes for
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent protest in the way of
Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations she passes
through the ordeal quickly and
without pain is left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the high and holy duties
now devolved upon her. Safety
to life of both is assured by the
use of "Mother's Friend," and
the time of recovery shortened.
"I know one lady, the mother of three
children, who suffered greatly in the
birth of each, who obtained a bottle of
'Mother's Friend' of me before her
fourth confinement, and was relieved
quickly and easily. All agree that their
labor was shorter and less painful,"
John O. Polhill, Macon, Ga.
91.00 PZB BOTTXB at all Drug Stores,
or sent by mall on receipt of pries.
""Jf Containing Invaluable Information of
TSciT Istenst to all women, will be seat to
tasX any address upea application, by
Hav ing disposed of all our stock of the previous seasons, we start this season with a clean, fresh stock of
goods from top to bottom everything new.
Our ontirn shwlf Ima luwn mirrlmuul Inr fiPOTPACIT I r i . i
j..... - -' "uui jaige vmuiing luanuiuciurers wno were wess-
1 n.c i; wwii. ,c i.aviug mud! auvamage 01 inai rare opportunity are prepared to
give the public the benefit of prices ou this mW stock of clothing which you will
scarcely believe until you visit our store-
Men's Working Suits, worth $3,50 ;
Our Price, $212.
Men's Qrey Mixed Suits, Othr nit for $4.6t ,
Wo soli 1'rt-n 12 4
Men's Blue and Black Cheviots, well made, fust colors;
we sp ii mem tor $.
Men's All Wool Plaids ami Seotoh Tweeds Suits, worth
$0.50 ; Our price $4.00.
Hoys' Suits, 14 to 1U yours, from f 3.25 up to f 9.00.
Meu'a All Wool Snits In plaids, ohecks and liouie
spun, latrev styles, that will be all the rng this
spriim, mada up in nrstolasM style ; no cloth
ing liOuce scIIh for less than 9 00.
v . , , Our Price t5-49
Hot moro t hii ii one suit sold to a uustouirr.
Mmi'k Flue All Wool Black Clay Worstere.l Suits
in Cutaway or Sack, marie to sell fr $11,00
On Pmu en nrv
nn tus ucweai euecis in i-iaias, uneoK. iioiuespun and Ulieyiot
We have exercisd great care in selecting a line of Clothing to please the niother-i -m well as tlie little
ones. We have as complete a line CHILDREN'S CLOTHING m you will see thU season, consisting of
little IJoys' Junior Suita, lleefer Suits, Jersey '! Suite, Blouse Suits, Velvet Suits, ami Crash Suite, ranging
in price from 70 cents to $") 00. We have Knee Pants Suite to 16 years.
UIHIUreu's Wool Allied Km- ttu.ts, 19o- Chllilreii's Gray Wool Knee Pauls, 25c.
, CliildruV Double Seat and Double Knee Pants for 48o . wh 75o.
Boy's Pants from 60 ots. to 3 50. Men's Pants from 65 cts. to 5 00.
is larger than ever; allot the latest styles, shapes and colors. Our NECKWEAR the choicest in the
market. Our SHIRTS the best in the market for the price, 15c. for a fine Negligee Shirt, with or with-
out collar aitactieu.
We do Lot advertise anything we have not in stock as we are prejared to serve von with any article
mentioned on this sheet. It you want to BUY RIGHT, if you want to be TREATED RIGHT if you
want to SAVE MONEY, make our store your trading home
Convince yourself of the above facte the money yon can save by purchasing your goods from us.
"Wo Z0 wliat 0P22Eims advertlso.
Money rrrunaca on any article purenssed from us which Is not satisfactory
Collections, Loans
and Investments-
ImI EMate ans Private Banker,
Williamsport, Lycoming Co., Pa
Deposits accepted, subject todrafts or checks,
ran any part ot the world.
Justice of the Peace
m. z. stIininger.
Middlcburgh, Pa
heaeaatlssa Cared la a Uajr.
"Mystic Cure" tor Kbaumntlsm and Neurslfls
rsdlcaUy cures lo lto t dnys. Us acuon upon
the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause nnd the disease lin
medlately disappears. The first dose greatly
benefits: 75 cents, sold by all Drugulsts, Mid.
T. r. Anthony, Ki-Poetmaster ot Promise
City, Iowa, says : "I bought one bottle ot 'Mys
c Cure' for Kheumatlsm, and two doses of It
Id me more good than an- medicine I ever
ook." Sold by all Druggists, Mlddleburgli.
Gas Ailiiiliiisteml.
drown and Hrldtwork, Ete,
OfRof one door north of WhIh' Store.
SelinsKrove, Ph.
fl. . Pottiegei,
Veterinary sUrceoN.
All professional business entrusted to my care
rill receive prompt and careful attention.
omces In Hank Ilulldlng. Midclletnrgu, Pa.
All LuslnPHs etitrunte.1 to his care
will receive prompt attention.
Not U sU feosfeted.
Some rears ago, at a acsBion of the
legialatare of Kentucky, an effort to re
peal tbe law offering a bounty on foxes'
scalps was made, bat was defeated by
the appeal of a member from a moun
tainous and sparsely settled region.
"Do the gaiitlomen want to deprive
tay oonstitaenta and me of the benefits
of hearing the gospel preached?" ha de
manded, with indignation in his tone
and overspreading his ragged oonnte
nanco. "We are all Mothodiata np my
way, and onr preachers won't ooms
without we can give 'em chickens, I
know. We can't raise chiokens unless
the foxea are killed by somebody, that's
sure, and there ain't anybody that can
afford to spend their time hunting foxes
and get nothing to pay for it
"So, gentlemen, if yon repeal this
law, you'll be depriving my constituent
of the benefit of hearing the gospel'
preached. That's the way it looks to
me I"
This reasoning was too muoh for the
legislature, and for the time being the
law was not repealed. Youth's Com
panion. Odd Things A boot Wafer.
Water is made up of two different el
ements hydrogen and oxygen. It baa
in its com position two moasures of hy
drogen for every one of oxygen, but as
the latter is so muoh heavier than the
former nine pounds of water are found
to contain eight pounds of oxygen and
only one of hydrogen. The way in
whloh the composition of water la
proved is by means of the voltalo eleo
trio battery, combined with other appa
ratus, designed especially for the par
pose. 41 Louis Republic.
ters of Administration In the Es
tate of Henry U. Sechrtst. late ot Union Town
ship. Snyder Co., Fa., dee'd. baring been grant
ed to the undersigned, all pernuns knowing
themselves Udebled to said estate are request
ed to make Immediate paymebt, while wose
having claims will present them dUly authen
ticate to tbe undersigned. -
March m. A. 8. 8ECHRI8T, Admit
tern of Administration la the Es
tale of Dr. Itos. Kot.hmck, Isle ot W.Beaver Twp,,
Snyder Co., Hs dee'd, having been granted la
the undt-rslgned, all persons knowing them
selves Indebted to said estate are requested to
make Immediate payment, while thoite having
claims will present them duly authenticated te
the undersigned.
March 5. Mt. Pleasant Mills, Snyder Co., Pa.
ters of Administration In the Ks
tute of Mary Laudenslagor, late of Sellnsgrove,
Snyder Co.. Ha., dee'd, hiving been granted to
the undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves i Ddtbted to said estate are requested to
make Immediate payment, while those having
claims win present thoiu duly authenticated to
tbe undersigned,
April l. M. B. RDI.EY, Adm r.
Jhereby Riven that Letters Testa-
mentsryonlheestateof Jacob Schnee, late ef
Perry township. Hnyder County, Penna., have
been Issued to the undiirslgned residing In said
County. . All persons, tnererore. Indebted to
ssld estate will pleane make Immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against It will
present them for settlement lo
March 4. "W. Jliecutors.
Auditor's Notice.
In re-estate of Peter Super, dee'd.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the
Orphans' court of Snyder county, to distribute
Uiefuudsln the hands ot Y. 11. Wngner, execu
tor of the estate of Peter Super, doe'd, as niv
pesrson his unal account, to and among the
purtlps entitled thereto, will attend lo the du
ties of his sppolntment at his onice In the boro
of sellnsgrove, Pa., on Tuesday, the eth day of
April next, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, when
and where all parties Interested ar. requested
to present their olaltns before the undersigned,
or be forever after debarred from coming In up
on said fund. IIAKVKY K. MILLKlt,
March t, mi. Auditor.
Oaution Notice
All persons are hereby notified that I have
this 3rd day of March A. 1). imt, purchased at
constablo sale or the property of Murry Komlg
the tollowlng property to wit: Three horses,
one mule, log wagon, prop wagon, four sets
horse gears, collars and bridles, chains, single
trees and double srees, top buggy, and have left
It In possession of the said Murry Komlg. All
persons are hereby cautioned, not to meddle or
Interfere with the same at their peril. I will not
be responsible for any bills, contracted by the
said Murry Komlg tor teed or otherwise.
Wait. WM. F. HOWKLL.
McClure, Snyder Co., Pa., March , !.
A Great Medicine Olvesi A way.
W. II. Spangler, Mlddleburgh; M. Rothrock,
M. D., ML Pleastnt Mills, are now riving free to
all a trial package ot the great herbal remedy,
Bacon's Celery King. If ladles suflerlng tmro
nervous disorders and constipation will use this
remedy they will soon be free from tbe head
aches and backaches that have caused them so
much suffering. It Is a perfect regulator. It
quickly cures biliousness. Indigestion, eruptions
of the skin and all blood diseases. Large size St
and socts.
Watch for This Chap.
A swindler, representing himself
as the agent of a Baltimore hard
ware firm, ia traveling through
towns in Central Pennsylvania. His
scheme is to offer a lot of handy
kitchen utensils at an unusually low
price but in order to insure delivery
half cash must be paid down. In
ease it is done that is the last hat ib
saen of agent or money.
M. L. MILLER, - Prop'r
I keep constantly on band and mau
ntarfiure to order all kinds of
j'.j , LIsvrble and Granite
LffliSlS AlJ HsaflSlJffi!
' Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired.
I bavo one of the best Marble Cut
ters in tbe State and consequently
turn out good work.
sCoiue and see my workttprloes.
.Thankful for past favors I most re
spectfully ask a oontinuance of same,
A, B.
for Steam and Hot Water Fitting.
Also dealer in Boilers. Engines,
Shafting Pulleys, Hangers and Leath
er Belting.
of Engines, Boilers and Mill work.
Families can be supplied v.ith Bath
Tllha Plna anil Plna Piln.o T nltia
as reference concerning my mechani
cal bkiii, rncK & t o. or Waynesboro,
Pa. and Lebaoon M'f'g. Co. both com
panies of high standing.
In order to avoid accidents
All Bailers
hould be tested under tbe hydraulic
test at least once a year. Avoid
danger aud call upon me to make the
Seliusgrove, : : Pa.
Illddlebarff jllnrkct
Corrected weekly by our merchants.
Butter 15
Pitted cherries
Onions 25
lard o
Tallow 4
Chiokens per lb 6
Tnrkeya 8
bide 7
shoulder ?
lam 10
Old Wheat 85
Rye : .85
Old Corn 25
Oats 13 to ?u
Bran per 100 lbs 65
Middlings " .70
Chop " 85
riour per hbl 4.75
Rlpans Tabules.
Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia.
Rlpans Tabules cure headache.
Rlpans Tabules assist digestion.
Rlpans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Rlpans Tabules curt blllonaasea.
in ladies' shoes is a pleasant
voyage afoot. For the plea
ure it gives, there's no sail
like onr sale. Crowds an
enjoying it, and securing tbe
prettiest, coolest and best fit
ting Summer shoes now man
ufactured, at prices wliicl
huyeis find it a pleasure to
pay. For house or street
wear, pleasure or erery dij
practical purposes, walkint
riding, or driving, we supply
the ideal shoes demanded bj
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladiei.
whoever claims yoar hands,
by all means surrender pa:
feet to these shoes.
Hood s1
The Elephant is loaded tt 1
latest styles of
and Heavy Winter Undor
ninsag ,wl ull tha hunt HllU
seasonable goods found in
class Clothinir Store.
Come and look at wf Block, n
will find it well selected.
I am, Respectful.
A Famans Uerman Dortorl W
Consumption Is now knows to Je ejr(
taken In time toe German remwj
Otto's Cure, having been lound J
certain cure for tbe d I wane.
cnllls, Croup, Coughs, Colds. VwPfriZ
throat and tunc dluasesare aului'
Ir. Ottos Oreat Uerman Heraedj. sC
ties ot Otto's Cure are b? ln
agsntB, w. H. Spangler, Mid3irturPA
rook, H.Dn XtTpieasant MUU w'.
and M.