mi power 0 ,S oith and John Fields wero at Fre jmoat last Saturday...... Old Mr. Ltwrer wason theaick list. ...Geo. I Stuck and N. C. Gutelius were in I Middleburgh on Saturday.... Job n j Kinney and wife of Salem were the ,Kue8t9 of J. F. Walter's on Sunday .... Frank Thomas our new landlord was m your burg on Saturday.... Jamas Row and family of Selins grove were visiting friends at fc&is place over Sunday. TIRED MOTHERS Ana help in Hood's Saraparilla, which glres them pure blood, a good appetite and new and needed STRENGTH. m am m I WEST BEAVER. Absolutely Pure. iwifbrated for IU great leawnlnff strenKtb ?iinu. Awmren t he food amidst al- jigW YOKK. FIIEEBD IMJ. W. H. Knepp, made a business trip to Lewistown last Saturday.... term closed on Monday. The parents of the differ ent scholars that attended, are all well pleased with the teacher. Y. I. Our auditors at our recent town-'Zechman, the way he conducted Im ..l-mnl rnnmrd the reason i school and the advauc the scholar of the persons woo-so taxes were not j made in their studies. rr. nnhliahad them aftr i first term of tenohin pillA BUU wwj K their names in the public statement in the Freebursr Courier. The rea ,oq8 "pleads poverty" seemed -res-enable, others "will not ptiy" show- ,1 obstinacy, but to cap the climax ver friend. after several names appear the words .Sunday at T, "too lazy, me last reasous inauo the persons foel indiguant an 1 we trust it will have a good effict in shaping their future actions in their duties as citizens of "this land of the free and home of the bravo" .... TheFreeburg Bund iv mm tl, El- -. . i itri. r . in .... 1 enezer, Hea vwk, nuue 1011 una Miller's in Washington township will have a Sunday School Institute atFreeburg next Sundiy April 4, at 10 a. m., 2 and 7 p. m. Subjects have been assigned to different persons. . n i Prof. Win, Moyer, rrea. ot onyaer Couuty S. S. Association will pro sit. A thorough organization of each township is necessary in order to sustain our present position as one of the best organized counties in the states, and we are marked with s star on the Sunday School map of Pennsylvania to indicate our land ing in relation to the Sunday school work.... Next Wednesday evening the 31st inst. the Union Lutheran and Reformed Y. P. S. 0. E. will col ebrate their fourth anniversary. A special service has been selected and the performers have been assigned their different parts, consisting of music, recitation, addresses, &o. Neighboring societies have been iu TiUd to uttend. . . .Saturday evenr'ig April Sid the pupils of our II h ScnooJ will nave a drama in t, le Opera House, assisted by local talent. Some of the pupils of the different departments of our schools will par ticipate in a geueral literary enter tainment.... The muddy roads did not prevent a number of our people from moving.... Messrs. Dover and Botdorf, our insurance firm, placed a number of good risks in first-class companies. They made a successful trip to Perry township for tbo pur pose A ton weeks' term of tun Freoburg Academy will open April 12th. It uud The Sales of Hood's Sarsaparllla are the largest in the world because the cures by Hood's Saraparilla are wonderful, perfect, per manent It U The One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills are the best family eathartla mi liter medicine. Harmless, reliable, sure. Iiiirklpn' Arnica Naive. TllE lU'ST Kit vp in flm it.nt.1.1 tnv Uts, Brumes. Sores, Ulcers, Salt """"n., Fever Sores, Tetter, Clump ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all nkin Eruptions, and positively cures liles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 jents per box. For sale br GravbilL Garman & Co., Itichtield anil al ruRgists. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottln with urine and let it stand twenty-four - -ojuiiucui, or nettling trioleates - "iiiiiin iiurii iii im in im i vw VIUellOt nf kdlno.. ...l.l m " nillllVI LI Ulllllrl. 111! I THte 1 uw M J. 1 1 a 1. 1 1 lirilllirO SW tin f n I r t "n, is aiBO nnnv n ni I1A Blilnn,.. 1 II 'wauu umuuer are out or imam mi . WHAT TO DO. mere Is comfort in Lnn.,i.,.r.. l .Ann ' 11,8 8reHt kidney reui "yiulUllg evcrv wloh ln r,.,i Hin In 1 1. . . .. " W.,,,l ' liver, UIUU- ZF. Zty part of the urinary rt, hIT U .T1"60'8 Wllty to hold , h.H "d oal"nir pain in passing It, Ine n.e,IT,'Ct8 foilo''''K "e of liquor "nt necessity of beiuir ooiupelh SJh, f UP ,nan-v ,i,1,e8 during the t fn?it U 8tftDd8 the high 1 VZ Wond"' cures of the most J drm. I 'Ul hftVe tl,e best- mA ullar ' pr,ce flfty oeDt8 ftnd ne h A u 8 T'.,ple bottle anJ ram- ii .!;? The Proprietors of ' thi EUnrHntee the en""w was his with a little more practice, he will be one amongst our ablest teachers in the county.... Mrs. Tiue Wagner spent Sunday with some of her West Lioa ...Jos. Ivuepp spout P. Swiueford's ...T. F. Swiuuford and wife, Milton Knopp and wifu and A. A. Rjtnig's spent a d iv in Lewistown lnsi, ioek, attending the moving ( f - M iize Knepi) Mrs. Auua Suook is home nguiu from Lewistown where she had boon stopping for the past two or thive months with her daughter, Mrs. Abner Knepp.... Moving ut this on 1 are too numerous to men tion at this writing- ...McCIurecaiux almost haviug a set to concerning the big fight between Uorbot and the Kangaroo. A Vnlnnble I'rocrljtlloii. Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have 11 valuable prescription in Electrio Bit ters, and I can cheerfully recotn mend it for Coustipatiou and Sick Headache, and as a crenei-nl system tonio it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehlc, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, wus all run down, oould not eat nor digest food, had a back ache which never loft her nmF felt tired and weary, but six bottl s of Electric Bitters restored her Wealth and renewed her strength. Pi ce 60 cents and $1.00. Get a botl e at Graybill, Garman & Co.'s 4tore, Richfield, Pa., and all dmsffisb. BEAVERTOWN. EN DEITCHER BREEF. Fersonda Dawl, Mirtz der Nind. Lisveb Kortz: Well, ich hob shunt long ken deitsoher breef guUs i in diners tz-iduog un hob mv miti I uT g'iniuuht dere'ra )hl aner shriva. Ich hobaner gilaesa fun Hiws Bir rick de ledsht woch im Tom Harder sinera tzeidung un ich wore net or rick goot ga-bleaseii mit. Ich hob der Boonastiel un si uldte on Wash iogdon g'saena, Ich uu de Betz wora aw druona der MoKinley sana inaugurate wara, un es is net wore os der Bill? Bryan uff dor fense g'hucked hut uu hut ruts un wosser g'hiNd, awver Ich un de Bets hon olla tswae g'hilod usht draw tsu denka dos mere widder fior yohr sboffi missii un nix greng far unser arawet. Ich hob do leit sana shpringa un hob dor Bets g'sawd se set de draena ous da awga butsa wile es boll now loos brecha daid. Gli hen mere dor parade sana cooina. Dor Ha Qua wore forna draw un hut ts vee site in ma sulky g'fora. Our McKinlev uu der Cleveland sin bin na noach cooma. Der Cleveland w re orrick fet. Ich hob der Bets g'awd Ich daid glawva won der Mc K nlny fier yohr Bresident is don Lw irdt are aw fet. Dart droona se se nix os goot soch essa un driuka. Won se es shtuft drinks daida os der Bomastiel un Ich mit 'nonner gadrunka hen don wnen so dote long e de fier yohr uff wara, awver es doot una nix wile mere's uet uft ga-nunkgreega. Es geld is so raur os mere feel druvvel g'hofc hen far ganunk tzoma sonila far nunner gae, nwver mere hen oil unser tswivvula forkawft uu sell wake hen mere es geld g'raised. Der ae-baenich huckster hut no greek t un hut uns usht en dri-un zuftzich-cent dawler gevva. Ich hob Rev. J. R. Freed of NewbetVanlfcr4Be,to 8'8ftWJrre w?" neklon . -.mil... iainna AriTii9KnKuVm'ann mit unseram his "amilv sfe visiting bi&tisef j.. : i a I ... of uiuuuo in vtiiwu nuu fix move his family to Shamokln- to new field of labor.... Mr s.v. rt-JjrWkVr "tJ , , , Specht, after quite an extended " 5 ffV.'n V ? 'i"? . . , . "r iwn land i Do l wet Ich unse u among irienus at wniie ueer ana. ksdtooiL . r ' r-tbn nruruil arv la en gouier. Kutu ols wi lilur, forhSraTlftob un bin g'soout no will Ich ADQinertui urvan sana si sits nemma. doot )U nsor galer Watsontowu, has returned home ac companied by her mother and Miss Beulah Scheafer....J. W. Hassinger and Miss Jennie Bingnman were married on Tunsday last, as were al so Dr. E. M. Miller and Miss Sallie Aigler on Sunday. May their barks glide smoothly down the stream ofj life. The usual force of calathuin piaus paid their respects to both par ties. . . .Mrs. D. S. Specht is paying a visit to friends at Paxinos The large tannery ut Boavertown is at present running on half time...... Mrs. Jane Rhamstino is nmkiug preparations to erect a new dwelling on one of her town lots Elmer Crissmnn recently moved from Mif Hin county to this place. He is en gaged in shipping wood for the man ufacture of paper pulp.... A petition to the legislature for an appropria tion for establishing high schools in rural districts seemed to meet with universal approval of our citizens. Our Clubbing List. " I We have made arrangements with a number of newspapers and maga zines to club them at reduced rales in connection with the Post. The three idij YmiKNIS HlN'KLEFOOS. The IUphI Prncru. James L. Francis, Alderm in, Chi cago, says : "1 regard Dr. King's New Discovery as un Ideal I'eneea forCoiit;liH, Colds uud Lunu Com plaints, having used it iu lil.v f.nuily for the In sit live years, to the exclus ion of physician's prescriptions or otber preparations." Rev. John Burgus, Ki'okuk, Iowa, writes: "I b'tvo lioen a .V mister of the Methodist Episcop.il Church for 50 years or more, and have never found anything so Ix iieheiul or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr. Iijiug's New Discovery." Try this Ideul Cough Remedy now. Trial Bottles Free at Graybill, Garman it Co.'s Store, Richfield, Pa., and nil druggists. A NEW TRIUMPH. The llrrniliil Conniimption Can lip Cared. T. A. Slooiim, the Oreut Cliemlst nnd SolrnillHt, Will wuil to SufTurera, Three Free IluUlea uf Newly DlHcovered Hisinu dlcstocuro Constuinplluu And All Lung T'oubles. Notlilng iionlil be fulrer, more philanthropic or carry mom Joy to the ullilcted, Uitin I lie gener- ouHonuror iin; nonoreu ai.naiHl.lnjfiilslied cheui lit, T. A. Slucum, M v., 01 New York City. Ho lus dlsrovcri'd arnll.ilila anil niiHiilnia nnr,. for coDHiunpt Inn, und nil bronrhlul, throut. Iiinir fieures in the first column represent I S.S1"!!" . . M il 1 ' k L.invj uuu ndMiicnn,iiiui licnil UIKI 111 Cllll- ine regular priuu ui tun uuijci nuu iu puimoukoi waHiuiciiwuy j nn to mako Its (Trent the second column is the price of that paper with the Post : Price of one. Both. l'hlla. Inquirer, (dully) n.no $! on (Suuuuy) i.80 Farm News, .b Womitnklnd, .M Buxton TrHvelor,(twlre a week) 1 oo N. Y. Tribune. (Weekly) uueen or r uHinon, KHI2AMER. The farmers have commAnno,? pnHammelditdlastwAAir t n I. IK) .hi l.W 1.00 S.IMI IU 4.e 4.0(1 sou 4.0(1 4.INI 4 0(1 l.M l.UU l.oo LlUI 1.00 1.18 I. HO till MIS 8. on 3.50 IM 5.U) INI .TO 4. INI 470 t.50 IU .W Tlio Ohio Parmer, (weekly) Thrleo-a-wcek World, DemoroHt's nuurozine. Kevlew ot Ki'vtowo, U'hIIr'8 Weekly, The Century, St. Nlcliolna. Ilnrner n Weekly. Ilnrper't Mucuzlne, llurper't Bauir, Cosmopolitan, America n AK'rti'ulturlst, WuslilnKton Pout, SPECIAL COMBINATION. (1.) We will send the N. Y. Weekly Tribune, The Boston Traveler, (twice a week) and the Post all one year (this makes four papers every week) for only $2.15. (2.) We will Bend the Farm Xems, (monthlv), Womankind, (monthly), The N. Y. Tribune.Vom all one ytar for only two dollars. Special rates for other combinations will bo mode upon receipt of a list of papers sired. de er Old inhabitants declare they ne saw a winter with such a light snow died last week. . . . A. C. f&U as the reoent one. merits known, wllUeiul three free but lies ot lib newly dlwovered remedies to any uftllvted read- er or The I'oht. Already his "new selenllilo system of modi" clue" has permtineiitlr cured thousands of ap parently hopeless coses. The Doctor considers It tint only his prnfes- liuinanlly to donuto his In- slotial, but his rellvioiiN duty a duly which ho lalliweoure. Ho has provided the "dreaded consumption'' to be a curaiile disease beyond a doubt. In nnv cllmale, und Inw on tile lq his Amerlean miil KuniN-un latiornUirles tbousunds of hcarllclt tei-tliiiniiliilHof iTniliiide" from those ben'Mlted and cured, In all parts of tlio world. Catarrhal and pulmonary troubles !eud to consumpllon. nnd consumption. unliileminUMl, ineiins hooedy und certain death, Uon't delay um il It Is too late, simply write T. A. Kloeuiu M. C. IH I'lno Htroet, New York, (jlvlnir express and posionioe addrvai, and the free medicine will .e nroiutitly sent. Please tell tli tineii.r you aw his offer In The Post. Rlpans Tabules: at druggists. Rlpans Tabules cure flatulence. Rlpans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Rlpans Tabules cure liver troubles. Rlpans Tabules: one gives relief. Rlpans Tabules: for sour "tomacn. Rlpans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Rlpans Tabules cure dizzluess. Change of Addresses. Our tu-uc 19 r j who have O'ltlled us of their cl amre ot addr s are tie toll wlog : F. M. Kline front Baarertoira to Mtminburff. Henry Kentetter tra a Oyiiru 1 jw. to La rorte City, l'w.u Mllt'Mi MiU'ir fro u Kanu to Snyd-rtowo. Elmtr Zw iiu iu trim reins Creek to Mladic. ' ur.-h. Join P. SUener from tlliusporl to Paxinos. J. Irw.u llo. l iri.n suamoklnto M!)'iure. J. U. ti-Mtilei fro n Bristol, I il l., to lOtt llliul ttone Ave.. K Kiurt. In J. Irwlc II. Walter from Kreamxrto P.ixiiioh. 11. J. Snook from Bannervllle lo S.i Hik, Pa. P. c. Lent; Iran Kr.itervlllo to Njiinuiuber land. W. il. Kersletlir Irjm Mtlstrvllle ui M.-Kies. Jonathan Mussor from Biiavertown to Kreamor Thos. Iluiiley from ll.irrlsuunrto.swlueioid. J. II. Hai'Keiibinx Ir.na llluodeld V. V.i., to Kenowa. W. Va. A. A. Uelnuel a m fr i u Krea'U-si- to Lewis town. Mls Ida Krtly from Loelilcl to Butralo Roads, i'. U weui leu trim Puxtonvllletu Vordllla. W. O. W ilier from Atokoy, Ills., lo liakulu. Ills. P. P. Brume from New Rerllu to Wlutleld. P.iter Nace from Mt. Pleasaul Mills to Wlnlleld Mrs, Annie E. Kelcli from Freiburg to lilobe Hills. Allan Foreman from Paxtonvilie to llurtlulou. Nathan llaeke iliiiri; from Mlddlelmri; to Me dure. Kate A. W itf-onscUer from Sellurove to Hall fax, Pa. (leo. S. Kline from Mlddlcswurlh to Sellus grove. Teter ShaclTer from Allue to Oundore. II. T K.'li'heubach from Uelservllle to Aline. Charles furry from Melservllle to MeKees. S. M. K uiifinau from New Ujrllu to Kellus grove. W. 8. Arbocast fro n MlllllniowntoSwIneford. James lloovel trom Port Treverton lo South Bethlehem. J. E. Thomas from Kant, to Mlddlehun;. J. II. llarlman from (lordon Heights to Penns Creek. J. M. Andernon from MeKees to Suiibury. C. A. B.irrett from NorthumlMTlaud to Selliis giuve. Anion Bloueh from Mlddleburgh to SbiMiiokln Uam. P. Heleh ntiach from Mt. Pleasant Mills to N.iutli'oke. Emanuel Wetiel from Selluti:rovo to Kantr.. 1) U. Mengel trom lliiminers Wharf to Sellns-gnivo. C.C. Seelmld from MlddleburKh toSunbury. II. J. Benfer from Swlneford lo Adamsliurif. Kher Bolllnner from Kreamer to Kreeburif. David llelnlwlman from Mlddleburg to Sellns- provo. No Gripe When you take flood's rill. The big, old fash ioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take Mood's and easy to operate, Is true of Hood's Pills, which aro I I up to date In every respect. Yt III Safe, certain and sure. All H 111 druggists. 280. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take wlto Hood's HarsapariUa. "Complete AND How to Attain It." A Wonderful New Medical Hnnk.writlrr for Men Only. lit. copy maybe bad free sealed, iu plain envel ope, on ai iilii iillon. ERIE MEDICAL CO., 66 Niagara St., BUFFALO. N. V. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The llll.lni-KK: lii'il hiivlnir I u.i.t. n.ui..r...i tn healili by simp!.- means, iiiier NUfferlng lor sev eral years wliu asevre luni; arTeellon, mid ,bat dread disease Ciiiioimiiillou. I;. anxious lo make known to Ins fellow suirerers Hie t un of cure. Tolhoe who ileslre II, he will cheerful- I) send (live iii chaw) a copy ui Hie prescription IIUl.ll Ullll-ll tli.tV ..'111 II... I .. mi ,i,ki ,1 mil t in il 1 1,11- iiiiiplliiii, Aatlinin, ntnn li. Ilrom liltl. u ml nil tlirik.it .....t I i,.. ,1 " -. i'muiiiii... nr niiies nil sulTereiH will try this remedy, nsll Is Invaluable. ... . .1., . ii i 1 1 ii . in. . nil-It ,V Ml t IIMl Ibem notlilii, und may prove a blessing, will Kv. I IIWAItl) A. VII.SO.. v-lo-lyr 11 run kl n, N w York CAN YOU DETECT THE CHAFF FROM THE WHEAT? r, im'Miinsn: 4 VUHtS WMtKl ALL Hit IAHS. t Boot Couitb Syrup. Ti I J In limn. H.Mil hy TantMtiood. OnmlMii. (SEK THAT Ct'ItVK?) TbecliniTof wheels are made to Bell not to ride, with economy as a partner, lhe Keatixo is the wheat of wheels. Contains the good the substance of all improve ments. The Double Roller Chnin and Improved Divided Crank Shaft alone, placo the Keating "!Ki5 days ahead of them all.' . onr bcuiitlful catalogue to. Is of friction reduced. Bond for one. KEATING WHEEL CO., Miiiiii.ktown, Conn. Rlpans Tabules cure constipation. Rlpans Tabules cure Indigestion. Rlpans Taouies cure nausea. Rlpans Tabules cure bad breath. arc intended for children, ladies nnd all who prefer ;i medicine disguised :is con fcclioncn'. They vmv now he had (put up in Tin Boxes, seveniv-two in a hox price, twenty-five ten::: or five hoxes for -ne dollar. Any druggist will get them Jjg it you insist, an-, i Ih.ev mav al vvavs be obtained bv rcn?ittin- the price to ftlSw The Vimns CeksMPf Company vnnK. , spruce t:smmw0tm -k ire, Li e ai)d A(xidei)b--Insnrance. SNYUKR'S OLD, AND KULIAULE Cien'l Insurance Agency, SELINSGROVE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Htlnaoi W. Snydor, -A-aoiat, Successor lo the late William II. Snyder. The Par-Excellence of llcliiiblo Insuriition is represented in the follow ing list of Stauilard CompiiuieH, from which to niiiko a selection. None Better the World ovor. NAM K, I.OIATION, AtWKTH. FI11E Jvoyal, Liverpool, Enp. (incliulinir foreign (insets) ijWMXMI.OOO.OO Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) K,i:.r),7.'15.()2 Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. r),.r)HH,05H.()7 Continental, New York, fi,7.r4 'MH.Ti Gorman American, Now York, (!,' 10, WX.Kl LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, $i!l)4,(K18,j8:.(jG ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted ut the lowest possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. In format ion in relation to nil classen of Tnmir. ance promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDER, Airt., Ollice on Market Street, SelitiHtirove. l' CLOSING GUT! In order to Lr,ivt inure ut inv time to tlio liisiiinnec business, I will Ltnuliinlly ('lose out my entire slock of (ieiienil Mercliiiii.lise ut reduced 1 rices, Many articles lar belnw cost. Sieeial liarnius on Pants, OVKKCOATS, BUYS' SUITS, Coats. J3Xj.NTSLXltP& AND HOOT, and all kinds of Wiiilcr (inmls. AUj ' ).M II. I o not nej;lect this, great opportunity at Dam UTntnnl iniui iui i GI.U10 'r. fl Store mm ,Pa. inn it Anybody can tell you il's iiKlliu' alter they linvu eaten it. Just st with our $12 Suits and others. Aiiylnxly can tell you after wearing wliieh is made and lini.-licd best, but lew can tell by just lmikinjr. Look at our $12 Suits, ami then look at. others ; perhaps yon can't see the diderence, but, like puddinir, you'll (ind it out. rt (juiiranlccd to fit. Weai'ii!L!:(uality is uiiMirpassed John A. Heffelfinger. Merch.'int Tailor, Selinse:rove Pa, - SILVER CUARYCit COLLECTION Of VEGETABLES, FLOWER SEEDS AND BULBS. Lni-T"- TTny m r or Kft nt rnd um nui-ir .ti.-iKr wn lT"j r'JTjTT r-Wl rtf l,K' f"H'l' l. Hill iil HiHiml iHtlbor cw:h rtHjr inioiif'i' iiihm t.nny HHMHi i urinii. ft fun.T r. 4'HhhuCi (Jetiiilim Surehi'ftil ; aurff U'-ndi-r. I iK'timbcr luiirottil WliiteHinne ; Uielrl sort. , liii't't llftiiton (bufl hra-Hnir) ; orl-p RlxI tt ti-lcr. Oil Inn Yillu lilotHi htnvra: l ne quality. Kallah, Mini Ltvljf-linger (Mriitj ; tcl(. i..ull.ivor. 4'ltmliln ('her fx (er rut) ; ft KruI I'ltiiihtiiK vine, (iftlniBtu lri m, Ih-sii-drill Ti'llow Ho wen, follow..! by Trlt) nln'brrrl( wlib'tt criaiifit 111 color lo brltfhl wrlrt, marlilM nub hlt. AImUIU KWlH'l.blU) Very ffMri.t. AMl'1 IiiimI Hilxtil, ctioi.-flM larlclleii. 4'HnlylHf1 Hliow i) white: UMfiit lir borJer. IllHtitbuft I.Mplmn(u. buti Cully frltiirM, Kwn Iiim H U Nu.i-rtlnu iuUpJ. one hulb 41 rm Klowrn-il i'ttbciHMTi oriir tr nic1, mif tiuibi;lHilluliift, vrrjr Hum vftnel?. KK'I4I. OKI- Kit. -If rxiiilitNiio Ii rnx.tr wlth'a illver iwfuty tlifeocnl lit, w wtll wud Iu nldltloii to tnr on pthrt no Svw 4pmnvmt Imprriiil Momlma Ulory nir, Uint-Umm"tli Kilillntl'-n nilinl; lid Flowrr (iMrdfn, nMitalnlna over 4u vtrtfftiM; alao ouiv uf our Urnu cattiimut or Kmli D'I Flftiita ftl bftritftlu irlP. If rvllnitlitn la not ftnift, ftm) you dilr other Modi, will ttftll our cftUUuftie frve tipoo rcrolplof ftppllofttion. IIOLnKM A nnrKlTRIIIW.Nrdanirn. ill VUXMIXQ tUUI, WHIII LALI riMUM LtllUI 1