The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 01, 1897, Image 4

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    Published every Thursday.
Geo- W. Wagenteller,
Editor and Propiistor.
Subscription $1.50 peir yeai.
vhlcb must be paid In advance wben tent out
side tbe oouuty.)
All transli'nt adrertlrmoiiW not otherwl
ontrectrd tor will becharuwl at the raieol 1
eent pT line (nonpartd mnuture) for first Inner
tlon and 10 cents per line lor every subsequent
tDmtknalieupubluhtdrfi obituary jwwfy
tributf of ruptct, .. Ai tents lint.
Republican Standing Committee.
Adatns-ToMas Mitchell. Troxelvllte. W. H. Her
man. Tmxelvllle. K. Hpecht, Beavertown, James M.
Kline. Beavertown. . ...
Bearer W.-Oeo. J. Speece. McClure. T. A. V, as-
ner. Mcclure. .
Centrp-Klmershnmharh. Mlddleburgh, I). F.
BlnKuman. I'enns I'reelc.
Ohiipman-W. II. Kemtetlor. McKees Half rails,
Klfar Ki'lHh. Holler. ... ,
Frankllii-W. I. uifu Haxtonvlllc, J. W . Elscn-
hour. MMrtletnirgh.
Jackm-.f. S. Warteli. Kratzervlllo, Isaac BII-
ifiT. Ni'W Berlin.
MlddlehurKh ueo. W. Wiurenwllpr. Middle-
hiinfli. N. A. Bowos. MliMlebiinfh.
Hldillecreek-P. L. Kow, K reamer. It. B. Hum
mel. Krennu-r. . . ...
Monrx'-O'-o. II. Lefllw. Slmmokln Dam. J. II.
Pcnn K. Wagner, Salem, Daniel Knouse.So-
pcrrr Brolus. Mt. I'lensnt Mills, II. F.
Arboimsf. MU FleiWRtit Mills,
rerry W.-B. K. NmiKle. Klehtiuld. In. Man-
eval. Hlrhneld.
Sellnsirrove-N. 8. Fisher, Sellnsgrove, F. n.
Smith, Nellnwrove. .,
Sprlnir-lir. A. M. Smith. Beaver Sprluifs, I'. K.
UelCi'I. Heaver Hurlnipi.
rnlon-tieo. I. Flanders. Tort Trevorton, O. 0,
Rice, I'orl Trevi-rum. ...
Washlinriin-.Ierry Charles, Freehurjr, . II.
Grimm, Kreeburg.
AssoeinU Judfe, If. C. Sitmpsell.
Prothonotar;, (. M. Shindel.
Reiister fc Recorder, J. 11, Willis.
District A ttorney, J. M. Itukcr.
Jury Comm., Jos. R. Hendricks.
Thursday, Apr, 1, 1897.
Gvermr llMtlag Imbm th Xmm
rjr PraelMsaltoa.
Goteraor Hastings has fixed upon
Friday, April 9th, and Friday, April
23d, as Arbor Days for this year.
Ia his proclamation, issued last
week, the Governor gives some
interesting facts concerning the ben
efits growing out of the observance
of Arbor Days. He says : "The cus
tom of annually filing a day to be
celebrated as Arbor Day has sprea 1
into every section of the country.
The value of these celebrations has
been abundantly manifest. In tht
State which claims the honor of hav
ing originated Arbor Day more than
three hundred and fifty million
trees were planted during the first
five years.
"Sohool grounds have adorned,
the surroundings of the home have
been beautified, public parks have
been multiplied and the landscapes
and charming scenery of Pennsyl
vania may yet be made still more at
tractive. We are rapidly passing
from a destructive to a constructive
policy. We have learned the lesson
that trees and forests are essential
to our continued prosperity and
that he who plants a tree, whether
boy or man, is a publio benefactor."
Money Put Into Circulation.
Tbo Honosdale Herald recently
received a $ from a farmer for sub
scription account. The editor past
ed a small tag on the bill for identi
fication and immediately paid it out
and detailed a reporter to keep track
of the note for the rest of the day.
The reporter followed the bill on its
travels and at night reported that it
had paid eighteen different debts
amounting in all to $90 and, strange
to relate, was again, in the posses
sion of the farmer who paid it to the
Herald man in the morning. ..This
is another i)lus.tratjqc of, the fact
that thore is money enough if peo
ple would only pay what they owe,
as near as possible, with what they
have, instead of hoarding it.
Or. Swallow's Testimony.
What Rev. Dr. Swallow gave in his
testimony on Saturday :
Paying gUOO fo putting up a flag
polo at Scotland school, altho anoth
er mail offered to do it for 110 ;
Keepiug a biir-rooin tit the same
school by its managers ,
Giviug officiul lloyer $23 bonus ou
a contract ;
Getting live sets harness for two
horses, cost 257 ;
Buying two horses for $330 for
Scotland school which were not
worth over 100.
And Swallow has more of these
fellows to swallow.
Representative Herman Wins a Victory.
From Fochfa I.ewlabuig News-
By a vote of 92 to 78 t.he House on
Tuesday killed a bill increasing the
minimum school term in the State
from six to soven months. This
measure has been up at every ses
sion for ten years and has always
boon knocked out by the rural mom
bors. Twelve years ago the term
was increased from five to bix
mouths aud no legislation on this
poiut has since been enacted. Mr.
Herman, of Snyder, led the opposi
sition and won after a hard and de
termined fight. The bill was called
up for third reading and final pas
sage by Chairman Hammond, of the
education committee). Air. Seyfort,
of Lancaster, started a loug discus
sion with an earnest speech in favor
of the proposition. He showed that
twenty seven other states in the
Union have longer school tonus than
Pennsylvania and that twenty eight
per cent, of the schools in this State
are only kept open six months
year. He spoke of the greatness of
Pennsylvania in everything but her
educational facilities and declarod
an increase of one month a year in
the school term would make very
little difference in the taxes. Mr.
Herman replied to Mr. Soy fort and
was followed by Mr. Martin, of
Lawrence, ana other rural mem
bers. The discussion lasted nearly
two hours and was closed with an
earnest plea for the.bill by Chairman
From Hellnsgnvc Times.
Norton Crouse to his farm in Peun
Isaac Soiler to the Crouse proper
ly, next to the Town Hall.
A. E. Cooper moves to Student
ville from the Isle of Quo.
Win. Weaver moves into the Keel-
ey property on the Island.
Frank Smith into the newly erect
ed property ou Pine Street.
Perc. Keiser moves to the Walker
property on Water street.
Perc.Nerhood to New Berlin where
ho takes charge of a hotel.
Dr. Potteiger to Water street, two
doors north of M. E. Church.
John Thompson to the meat mark
et now occupied by Frank Smith.
Win. Haines moves from Salem to
High street near the school building.
Geo. Fisher, the lauudryman, goes
into John Miller's property at the
East End.
Clom Mertz moves, into F.Schoch's
house on Water strer , near the railroad.
Mrs. Newland moves into the For
rester property oo Market street,
aear the railroad.' vico'
L. 0. Wetzel, the operator at this
station, moves into Forrester's house
on Water street.
Newton Eratzer begins housekeep
ing on Water street in the house oc
cupied by his parents.
Chas. Erdley will commence house
keeping in Mrs. Wm. Suyder's prop
erty on High street.
Keely & Sou will move their cloth
ing store into the room uow occu
pied by Jacob Huupt as a furniture
Jacob Haupt to the Crouso build
ing, opposite tho keystone hotel,
where ho will reside aud coutiuue in
tho furniture business
C. O. Mayer, tho watch maker and
jeweler, goes into tho Keeley build
ing, shop in tho room now occupied
us a clothing establishment ; resi
dence in rear of building.
Thin, Pale
One satisfaction in giving;
Scott's Emulsion to children is
they never object to it. The
fact is, they soon become fond
of it. Another satisfaction is
because it will make them
plump, and give them growth
and prosperity. It should be
given to all children who are
too thin, or too pale. It does
not make them over-fat, but
It strengthens the digestive
organs and the nerves, and fur
nishes material for rich blood.
We have a book telling you more on
the tObject. Sent free for the asking.
The Fence Law.
The opinion h taded d n oueday
last week by Ju Ige Sari lga, of Sun
burr, iuterpretiug th feuoo la v. is
of great interest t every farmer iu
the state. A wotn in ha I brought
suit against a neighbor far daoiago
to her corn by his caUlo. Ju le
St vidua said the law formerly re
quired a man to feuce against- his
neighbor's cattle, but uow .-very
man must feuce a iiu-a hU own cat
tle, aud this u must d t m. ix'l haz
ards, no matter if it Uke-t a fence
ten feet high. If ouh's uattle gut
out an 1 d ) da:u ig't t liU onighbn4
the owner or the caM 1) is HuMe for
the damago done, U'iIhhs it cau be
shown that the cattle wer let out by
a trespasser, in which case thu party
damaged would proceed ug ainst the
wrong doer.
Insist on theJ'J5)'fS D r? &
Whftt Sh IIm to Contend Wlth-Work
That Sooner or Later Break Down Ha
Delicate OrgmnUm.
The great majority of women " work
to live" and "live to work," aud as
the hands of the clock approach the
nour or six, those em
ployed in store, offices.
mills and factories, hail
closing time with
The best Washing Powder
made. Best for all clean
ing, does the work quickly,
cheaply and thoroughly.
Largest package greatest economy.
St Loola, Ntw York, Bo ton, Philadelphia.
H If
Bright new desigos look out from
every nook nnd corner of our Store
Shape and Styles in which at ouoe
you see vour Ideal.
PICTURES at prices so low that oth
er merchants can not compete.
is twice no
Yours Itespeotfully,
Joy. They
have won
their day's
arc yet
to be
performed, and many personal mat
ters to be attended to. They have
mending to do, and dresses or bonnets
to make, and long into the night they
toil, for they must look neat, and they
have no time during the day to attend
to personal matters.
Women, therefore, notwithstanding
their delicate organism, work longer
and more closely than men.
They do not promptly heed such
signs as headache, backache, blues,
pains in the groins, bearing-down, "all
gono" feeling, nervousness, loss of
sleep and appetite, whites, irregular
or painful monthly periods, cold and
swollen feet, etc., all symptoms of
womb trouble, which; it not quickly
checked, will launch them in a sea of
There is but one absolute remedy
for all those ills. Any woman who has
to earn her own living will find it
profitable to keep her system fortified
with this tried and true woman's friend.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound Bpcedily removes the cause and
effects a lasting cure.
We are glad to produce such letters
as the following from Miss M. O. Me
Namce, 114 Catherine St., Utica, N.Y.:
" For months I had been afflicted
with that tirod feeling, no ambition,
no appetite, and a heavy bearing-down
feeling of the uterus. I began to use
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. Soon those bad feelings pnssed
awuy ; I began to have more ambition,
my appetite improved and I gained
rapidly in every way, and now I am
entirely well. I advise all my friends
to use the Compound, it is woman's
truest friend."
Everything in the clothing line I keep.
Itaiiee M UidLof Fn
f ... SpcjflLtrvffctions are now
' VmO firm akA .ft-At. 4a? fntj "Jl
? ""' " ptite, tat jJ
the common price w
selling a whole piece of J
worth One Dollar forH
a Dollar. See! Hi
Full measure at half Drj
Whole quality at half L!
Whenever you want eo
goods at low figUre(,
over onr bargains.
We Are
So We On Bif fi'
Come in and help us
out our stock.
Men's gmtd dress Suits,
42. imlv S') rn
7 S
nishingfods, Hats, Caps, etc.
Coxae- u axA Lwa oax Paces.
G.C. GUTELIUS, Middleburg
4'oiiiiminloti Nprvlrc.
April 11, Christ Hnforiueil church,
April 18, St. John's church, West
April 25, St. Paul's church, Beaver
town. Weak MenHere is Hope for You.
You are fearfully depressed and
discouraged by weakness, nervous
debility, exhausted powers and vig
orless condition. Do you not know
that the great specialist, Dr. Greene,
35 West 14th St., New York City, is
the most successful physician in the
world in curing this class of dis
eases? His medicines are most
healing, strengthening, invigorating.
He can make you again a vigorous
man. You can consult htm by mail
free. Write him without delay. It
costs nothing to get his opiuion and
advice by letter, an a writing to him
will probably lead to your cure.
liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments.
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819; Assets $11,055,513.88
" Home ' - " J853 " 9,853,628.54
" American " " . 1810 " 2,409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Tour Patronage Solicited.
Hoys' good dress
ID, only 2.00.
Youths' good dress suits, fa
1 4, only 1.00.
nr.... i i
niviio gutm ueavy Wurkini' if
punts, J4 to 42, 7"i
Man s line dross pants, :;4 to
Hoys' knoe pank, -1 to 11, nv.
Men s good heavy wurkiaj;
3(5 inches long, 2"k tn liiic,
Dry Goods.
a.. !..i, .. i- i. ,
btaple Calico, 4c. a yard.
All best indigo bltie ealiio
All Aprou Ginghams, oc.
II T. 1 I
au raiicy uress gingtianis, oc. u
1'iftiicy pcrcals 30 lmlas vidt
Vo 9c. ,
. AM) a full Hue .of' Fancy Si
Dres Goods, White Gooi.1
anir all O. N. T. Spri C
4c. a spool.
All Goods sold
Reduced Price:
Here we are, just returned !
New York and X'lii hidoljihi 1
the largest and latest stvltsoft
I ever bad before and wt arev
at balf-priee for what aoJ
buyers are paying fur it.
We can sell you Shews
lower prices tliati yot
can buy elsewhere
Men's fine dress shoe Ualare
ress, 05 to 'J5e.
Men's heavy working Oil
JJalarc Congress, lij to i'Oe.
Ladies' No. 1 Kangaroo Shoe.
or Button, 4 to 7, l,r
Liulics' No. 1 fine dnss slwe.
or Button. 4 to 7. Itf-
Boys' and Messers, IjirurM
75 to 1.00.
Youths fine slioes. Jtee or W
50 to 75c.
Children's Slioes, Lace or U
25 to 50c.
j U1C
SCOTT & BOWNE, New York.
Xownpiiprr nrrlnlonN.
1. Anv tiorwon wlm takns a Dittwr rflitiilarlv
from nost-omen. wltnthf r rtlrncted In IiIh name
or mint lutr'a, or wlnttlitir lis lout subsorllied or
not, a respjnslblo 'or payment.
t. If uny prson oritur, his paper dlBcontlnu-
tioa ne tniist pnv arrciirs or 1110 punnsner niny
contlnu tnneml It, until narment Ih mnde.wlietli-
ur tho paper to taken from tlie potit-olllce or not.
n. The couru have decided that remain? to
take newspaper or perlodlrala from tne post
ofUi e or removing and learlng them uncalled
lor, Is prima facia evidence of Intentional fr"
March 24, nenr Alino. Matilda,
widow of the bite Solomon Finist.
aged G3 yearn. 1 month. Funeral
was neid tne '47, nt tne ftt. Tuomas
U..B. Churcb, Rov. O. G. lloraig officiated.
At Hartloton, Murch 21, by Rev. J.
I. Htouocyphor, Mr. S. H. Williams,
of Laurtilton, and Miss Sarah Ocker.
March 25. by J. G Hornbercer. J.
P.. Solomon W. Shrawdor and Annie
A. Markley both of W. rerry twp.
March 23, by Rev. B. F. Kautz, J.
W. Hassinger and Jennie M. Jiinga
man both of Beavertown.
Itarch 28. by Rev. W. H. Hilhish.
Wilbur G. Hummel and Miss Elnora
ulips both of Banserville. :
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days !
Tho Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN
'We are uot t.ellirj(r out, but we do this to Increase our sales above any pre
vlous year. We ttive a few of the prioes as follows :
Soft Wood Chamber Suits $H.0O Cotton Top Mattress 2.28
Hard Wood Chamber Suits 10.00;Woven Wire Mattress 1.75
Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pleoes ll).00;Beil Snrinsrs 1 28
Plash Parlor Suits 80.00; Drop Tables, per ft 60
Wooden Chairs per set S.OOiPlatforui Rockers 2 60
In stock, everything lu the furniture line, including Mirrors, Book Cases,
Desks, Side-boards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fauoy Rockers, Baby Chair
Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, DotiKhtrays, Sinks, Hall Racks, Cam
Beat Chairs One, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes.
Prices reduced all through. Come early and see our stock before' giving
your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar.
Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming.
, ' ! ; . ' MIFFLINBURGH, P
Call and m'c
Wt II 'v..ii ntitl m
3 lbs. Lion cohV1 fir U'
nor lb.
f.ii.n niwl Arlmi-liltd illlJ Oj
Brand Huekots ISc.""1
Butter, 17c
Side Meat, 0c.
Chickens, 8c.
Shoulder, !
cai ccr.11
To tell oar hlch mr '"SlKSV
Mny new prlltl "iK'
Unit Urn, u well M l 0
iir i n Kr UriDI