THE HUDHBUBEH POST. GEO. W, WAGEXSELLER, Editor end Proprietor Middlibvbou, Pa., Ai-KiL 1, 1897. Frauce is in trouble because her population is not increasing. Europe La four time as many cities as it bad in 1831, and tho United States fourteen times as many. M. Cbaillo Bert, aon of Paul Bert, ia making an effort to have tho French government send wives to tho s-ttlers in its colonies. France and England Lave both tried such a plan in tbo past If the data furnished by tho Pub Ushers' Weekly can bo relied upon, them were' 5, 101 new books published in the United States last year, of which 1,050, or more than one-fifth of the entire number, were books of fiction. Tho cry against tho largo theatre bat has reached Australia. Tho men of thoHO autipodcau regious are hold ing meetings denouncing it. And yet woman, patient, long-enduring wom an, hns not yet hail a bill introduced in Congress or AKsembly to limit or forbid going out between the acts, mavels the New York Journal. A Now York paper, after careful in vestigation, fixes upon $'25,000 a year as "the nmouut that is absolutely necessary to dress a fashionable wom an iu a satisfactory manner nud make tier happy." Boys, let's all be true to our youthful idculs and never marry until we liud an angel, proposes Honry Waltcrsou in tho Louisville Courier-Journal. A university professor has testified in a dumago suit that the popular im pression that n rushing express (rain creates a unci ion calculated to draw under the wheels a cureless bystander is erroneous, and that tho air currents have a repelling rather than an attrac tive effect, lutqiitoof this scientific evidence, very few persons will bo in clined to test tho mutter, as a light ning express train in motion is nu ob ject to be viewed ut a respectful Jis tance, rather than close at band. Man's limitations iu space are not inspiring. Vast as are tho dis-tauces perceived, in no direct lino can he travel more than 25,000 miles, and his north andrM,'rr " ?ain.feciyii lo,UuuImluM dig into the earth 3,000 or 4,000 feet, dive into the sea perhaps 100 feet. In altitude, even the moderately wrinkled crust of the earth ban a number of points yet unattainable such us Mounts Everest (29,000 feet), and Daps.iug (28,700 feel), in Asia. Zurbriggen, a Swiss guide, accompanying nu English party, has just ascended to tho top of Aconcagua (21,000 feet) in tho Andes, this being tho climb yet ac complished. Kren with the utmost possibilities of balloon and Hying ma chine human efforts must still be con lined to n vertical one of less than ten miles. A special report on tho statistics of occupations has been made by Car roll D. Wright of tho United Ktutes Census Bureau, which throws some light upon the number of the unem ployed in tho country during im or dinarily prosperous year. The report iibows that "There wero 22, 735, fit! 1 persons ten years of age uud over who were engaged in gainful occupations in 18110, of whom 18,821,000 wore males nud 3,011,571 wero femules,and thnt of these 3,013,117 males and 510,013 females, or a total of 3,523, 730 persons, wero unemployed at their principal occupations during some part of tho census year ending May 31, 1890. Of the whole number of persons so unemployed, 1, 818,805 were unemployed from one to three months, 1, 308,418 from four to six months, and 330,117 from seven to twelve mouths, which is equivalent to, approximately, 4,139,072 persons un employed at their principal occupa tions for tho eutiro twelve mouths, and this number would represent 5.01 percent of tho totul number of per sons engaged ia gainful occupations in 1890. Divided us to sex, tho ap proximate number of mules unem ployed at their principal occupation for the eutire census ycur whs 972, 000, representing 5.10 percent of the whole number of males ut work, while tho approximate number of females unemployed at their principal occu pation during the same period wns 107,072, representing 4.23 percent of the whole number of females at ".fork. Every woman looks upon herself as nu u ut. and Is Indignant with some mnn because of his admiration for butterflies. THE MEN WHO LOSE ' ' ; Her to t hs mm who oA . What though their work ba er so nobly' planned And watched with cealoaa care, So glorious balo crowns their efforts grand; Cod tempt Is failure's share. tTftM't frt I ha man MhA lnspl If triumph's easy smlla our Jttogelet greet, uourago la easy tnent The kiag Is ha who, after Mores defeat, Can up and light again. . Here's to the men who lose The ready plaudits of a fawning world King sweet la victor's ears; The vanquishers banners nevee are un furled For thorn there sound no c-heorj. Here's to the men who loso! The touchstone ot true worth Is not success; There is a biKhnr tst Though fata may darkly frown, ouward to pre, And bravely do one's best. Here's to the men who lose! It Is the vanquished' pral-ws that I sin?, And this the toast I cliocse; "A bard-fought failure is a noble thing. Here's luck to them who lose." George H. Broad hurst. An Unusual Burglary. 11V MARV B. I". HATCH. EOPLE are decry ing the tophisti cated state of the country, and by people I mean writ ers in particular. They say that there is little pictnr csquenoss except in the backwoods and in districts far removed from the en vironments of railroads and electricity. and that dialect peculiar to each lo cality is being flattened into monotone by the omniprosont schoolmaster, who, they complain has his way far too muoh in this proudly new world of ours. Hut if this be trne, as a whole, there are delightful ' exceptions. A carriage drive of a few hours, or the whirl of one's bicyolo an hour, brings one to the home of folk loro and pro vincialism capable of causing ecstatic thrills in the heart of the dialect-monger. Such were my thoughts ns I alighted from my wheel at nightfall, one cold antumnal day, and rapped (thcro v. as no bell) at tho door of a low-brcwcd cottage, behind which clumps of bushes bhut off tho horizon and seemed to narrow the world down to the little house, the yard, and myself,- with a heavy heart, standing before it, steady my wheel, for I was tired. . Presently an old lady caino to tho door. Her comfortable, rotund form nud mild blue cyo but decided chin impressed me with instant respect, whilo the inborn ladyhood of her nature was evidenced by her courteous greeting and invitation to enter. "Do you ever keep travelers over night?" 1 inquired after a decent inter val had elapsed. - J '!We do and we, don.Vfahe replied ; "bat jou-cia- stav iiiovoloome. "Bit -nyATid eat with . me if yon hain't had no sapper." "I haven't," was my reply; and presently the old lady and I wero dis cussing her homoly but toothsome supper, and doing it ample justice in tho way of testing its qualities ; at least I did. "My husband has gone to town," re marked my hostess, "and if you hadn't come I should a ben hero all alone to night." "Would you havo been afraid to spend tho night alone?" "Oh, nol But to-night I feel dif 'runt, for, you see, nt last we're ready to lift tho mortgage. It's two hun dred and thirty-three dollars an' ouo cent. That last cent I got by selling an aig," sho mid with a bappy laugh, "atid now it's nltogether 'twixt the straw bed and featherbed in my room ; and hushaud, he's go titer pay it off to morrer if ho livos," nhe added, with tho revcrenco felt by the old who have eeen so many hopes fadj and friends dio that they never dare to speak even of almost certainties without an "if." "Hut are you not unwise to spe.k of your uionoy to a stranger?" I asked as a warning. "On, nol" she said, laughing pleas antly, "I know an honest man when I see him, and I was glad the minute 1 boo your face and knowed that you wanted to stay all night. 'Taint likely anybuddy would steal from mo but stragglers. One has been seen 'round, and 1 feel a little mito uneasy." My hostess and I spent a pleusaut evening together. She showed mo many an heirloom which had been handed through Ave generations from an ancestor who had been a great man in colonial days. There was a silver punch bowl and a gold snuff box, either worth more thnn the sum treas ured so carefully in the owner's bed ; but I suspect she would have parted with her lifo as quickly as with either of them. "They are Jameses," she said, "or will be when husband and I are done with them. James is my nephew, and he's out to Chiny now. lie's bad lots of pullbacks, James has, or he'd helped us. But you look tired, Mr. " "Bradley." "Mr, Bradley, yon look zif you donghtor be to bed. I'll light you up." Ascending the short flight of stairc, I learned that my room was exactly over the old lady's "eottin"' room, as she called it. 'I hero was a sort of reg ister over it, through which the warmth straggled agreeably enough. How ever, I should have closed it had not a sense of the old lady's unprotected situation impressed me, and so 1 re tired to bed and dreamland, where I wandered lazily until awakened by voices beneath. Evidently the first word bad roused mo, for as I sat up in bed, wide awake in an insttnt. I heard the old lady say in a mattei-of fact tone "Oood-evenin. Set up to' the stove and warm ye." . Peeping through toe register, 1 taw a ragged, unkempt man creep toward toe stove, banking uneasily. He bad come op the cellar stairs, not through the outside door,' which sufficiently evidenced his predatory intentions. However, had. the old lady a visitors always made their entrances through the cellar she could not have been more at ease than she appeared now as she bubtled about, setting him a chair, putting wood into the stove, and other wise mystifying her midnight oaller by her careless, friendly manner. Admirable as was her acting, I knew that she had not dared to retire ; and while regretting that I had not sus pected her intentions, it now Beemed wisest to remain where I was unless she should need n.y assistance, as she probably would very soon, I reasoned. Cocking my pistol and otherwise pre paring myself for the emergency, I sat down on the floor, where I could watch tho couple without myself being seen. "It's tnrrible cold out for a full night, ain't it?" ''Yes, it is," raid the man. "Wall, jest set here by the stove while I Bet tho teapot for'ard and git you somethin' kinder warmin. Mebbe you're hungry, too," she added, "Mebbe I be." "Wall then, I'll set onto the table somothin' to eat," she said, raovinr about the room with a pleasant, bust ling movement which must have tilled the burglar with wonder, as it did me. "Ther- now," she remarked at length, "sot right up nnd ninke yourself to home. Mebbo you'd like to wash, though. I'll git you some warm water outer the teakittlo." " Twould seem good. I hain't washed for u week," he replied. "I wanter know! Ben trav'lin' and hiin't had no chance, most like. Here's tho soft soup, and there's a.cake o' hard I keep for oomp'uy." "I'll nso tho comp'ny soap," said the man with a sardonic laugh. And then he sat down to the tabic. Ho mutt have eaten ravenously, for where I sat, I could c. his elbows working rapidly, while his hostess remarked voluntarily, "Foor creturl How hungry you be!" "It's the fi.rt square meal I've hail for six weeks, " he t-uid with his mouth full. "I wauter know !" And rising, his hostess brought from the pantry a plate of cold meat uud set it bulore him. But at last the meal was ended, and the couple sat down by the stove on opposite sides, she with her knitting, and be fingering uneasily his old hat. "Hay I" ho broko forth at last in tho midst of eouio friendly inquiry re garding tho state of tho roads. "Quit your loolin'. You know what I've como for. it's that money you've got hid in your bed." "How do you know l'vo got any there?'' sho asked, without a quaver iu her voice. "I see yon pock it away just boforo your husband loft, fheu I crept into the cellar when you went to see him off, and here I be corueforit. I've ben hid there six 'hours. Gome, hustle round, old lady, and fetch it out, or I shall have to git it myself. " "I know better." "Know better?" "Yes. I know you ain't no seoh kind of a man as to steal from an old woman like nic. You aro too much of a man." a "I be, bo I? Wall, I guess not! You won't never miss it, ami it would bo the making of me." "How long you sp'er.e me nud Joinh'n ben gittiu' that together to lift tho mortgage?" "I don't know. Ain't your place paid for?" "Xo, and we've ben twenty years it scrapin' together two hundred uud thiity-threo dollars nud one cent. You sea Jonah's inuio nnd can't earn much, uud 1 ain't so smart as I was once, ami we hat to live. Tho times got hard jest tho wrong time for us. Wo used to havo ouough, nnl so wo used to take a child from the porir house every livo yeors aud fetch him up. Four of 'cm wo got stinted, uud nil smart childreu, every one, uud drsudful good to me and Josiiih.'' "Why don't they help you?" "They're jest beginuiu' to do for thoirselves, nud we don't want 'em to. Jumes ia in Chiny, Ellen's workiu' his way through college, l'hilaster's clerkin' down to tho Corner, nnd Horace's jest married and como in debt for a little place of his own. Can't you get no work?" "Xo, I can't. I've tried for weoks, and tramped miles ; but nobody wants a tramp when there's them they know ready to work." "Thnt'sso. I see how 'tis. I wish I could do for you, but I don't seo how I can. 1 s'poso I might lend you our siek money." "-"iffk money?" "Yes. Wo've always kept laid away fifty dollars to bury us with, which ever goes first, Josiah ot me ; but we don't like to speak it right oat, and so we call it 'sick money.' I could lend you that." The man did not reply at first, but after awhilo said iu a strangely altered tone : "Do you really mom that you would lend mo that money with tho ex pectation of getting it back?" "Yes, I would. I think if you can get work you will pay it back sure." m "Muybe you'd like a not for it." "Of course! I 'most forgot that. Here's tho ink bottlo and Josiah's pen and a half sheet of paper that's source ly got a mark on't. Hot right here." And the old lady pushed the dishes back into tho middlo of the tablo to give biro a better chance to writo. "You know, don't yon, that I could take tho whole of that money you've got hid between tho straw bed and feather bed if 1 wanted?" "Yea, but you wen't, because yoa are too much of man to Btcal irom two poor old ere tars vlicn you earn b'orrr if . .- - V - v Hat's so, I be. You shall bav that money back if I live, old lady. and int'rest too, I promise ye. 1 feel ' like a man ag'in, and it's yon that , made me." . 'Oh, do ! Yoa was a man afore, bat j kinder unfortunate, that's all." "Well, here's your note. I've wrote j it to pay in a year's time, if that will do." ' It will, 'less one of ns should die, and then 'twonldn't be as if we hadn't got that note to ehow." . The man laughed a laugh of amuse ment and relior. 1 watched him as be went to the door, and this time his head was up and his shoulders were square. In listening to the colloquy I had entirely forgotten or overlooked the fact that I had constituted myself the guardian of the old lady's slender fortune. What to do I did not know. The man seemed anxious to pay the borrowed money, nnd Bhe was ready to trust him. Perhaps I would better let the matter rest as it was, and in case he did not return to pay it in a year pay it myself as a lino for my uegligence, which would then have been proved culpable. When I descended, which I did as poon as the man had been gone several minutes, I found the old lady to be very norvons. "Why!" she said, starting to her feet in alarm at my entrance, "I clean forgot there was anybuddy ia the house bat me." "So you wish I had come down be fore and prevented tha loan yoa made?" "No, I pitied the poor cretnr' so.l He'll pay it back if he can, and if not it'll be jeet nnothor orphan v B've helped. Most like bein' so old, ooth of us up'ards of seventy, we shan't do ior no more as wo have done, and we shall git buried souin way." "Don't worry. If he doesD't pay it I will," was ray reply. "You needn't think notkiu' about it. l'vo saved tho mortgage money and given a man a lilt on the road to heaven, and I'd oughtcr bo satisfied I be satisfied," she said forvently. "And you have reason to be," I snid. We did not go to bed, either of ur, and in the morning I returned to the city. But I did not forget the old lady nor tho burglar. I felt convinood that ho would return the money on th exact date when the note was given, if at all, and accordingly, in jnst one year, I mado it convenient to visit the old lady at her residence. This time I was so fortunate as to see her husband, nnd I immediately discovered that ho was just such an other guiloless persoo ns herself. 'They were expecting tho mun to pay the note, aud it lay ready for him on the mantel when I entered. Sure enough, nt ten o'clock a Arm, stalwart man walked np to the door, where the old lady met him with a cordial gratp of the hand. "You did git work," she said. "Yes, I did, and it was you that saved mo from crime. I had tried every way to find something to do un til that- night .and .the fifty doJlarV put me on my feet square and firm. I' got a chance in a shop where I grit good pay, and hero's tho money: .d the interest." "The interest ! I didn't ask you 'io interest." 1 "Hut I mean to pay it." I do not kuow whether be ever heard thnt I was in the houso that night it not. It doesn't matter. I saw hi'n several times afterward, and he seemed both prosperous and hocost, and t don't doubt that ho wns. Tho fact did not tend to niuke me neglect my hobb, which was that crime, when it is noik,i disease, is either tho result of inherits cd evil tendencies or ot misfortniKy and that circumstances keep and mok sonic men honest and others dishonest! Waverley Magazine. Cause ft Run on Thermometer.'. "Exlrcmos in the weather," re marked a druggist who handles a large; line of thermoinoters "either in cold or beat create a run on thermometer.'', und though I hud n rather large stock on hand, the fall in the weather which started on Sunday lust nearly cleaned mo out. On Monday, 1 think, I sold more thermometers than on any other day that I have been in business. Or dinarily pooplo give but little atten tion to thermometers, but lot a very sovere change oome and they will havo them, it matters not how inuon hey cost. I don't exactly understand it, bnt it appears that many person' are more thoroughly convinced thit if is very A POISON FACTORY. . r I onk OF Til K STIlAXGfCST ESTAB LISHMENTS IN T:lK WOULD." It is Paacerous Kveni to : t'se tbe Tower of SmelllOK W'orkmea's Horrible Lonclng Intoxicating Inflects of Kt ber Swallowing. oold or extremely warm u they rend their own thermometer" Another thing is that they seem to c? y see ing tbo mercury go down or rise and for that reason like tohavothe woather measurer ia their possession. Trade was exceedingly dull in thermometers, but somehow, though, they are gen erally bought freely at Christina time, there were but few purohasers until about Monday last. Then it was very active." Washington Star. Woman's 1'ositinn iu China. A paper published at Shanghai saya that "in China a woman is not her hus band's companion and cannot be so, as sooiety is at present constituted. When a young wife is introduced to a new family her husband seems to be the last person with whom she has anything to do. He would be ashamed to be seen talking to her, and it he should ezohange views with her die would bo laughed at by the whole family." British Postal J-avlngs. One of tbe greatest bankers in the world is the British eovernment. As a bunk it holds nearly $500,000,000 iu poBtolSco depoeits payablo practically on call, and pays interest ut the rate of two nud a half per cent, per an num to .'te depositor. Last year the deposits incicased $50,000,000. San Francisco News Letter. PACKED away behind a wilder ness of gigantio warehouses and tanible-own tenements C in a remote suburb of South Condon is one of the strangest estab lishments in the world. It is a factory -but what a factory I From morning till night its great ehimnevs are con tinuously belehing forth clouds of fetid-smelling smoke. Occasionally a great column of steam will shoot high into tbe air; not honest, white 6team, lot purple and green and yellow, re minding cno of some bloated and gigantio serpent. During the hours of darkness its location is betrayed to the most casual observer by the red glare in the sky from its innumerable furnaces. The massive gates leading to thin strange establishment are locked and jealously guarded, for inside them lurk danger and death to the unwary tres passer. ' Poisons of each terriflo strength as would suflice to send nn army of men to eternity in tbe fractional-part ot a second lie around loose, and aro handled with ns little apparent care as if tbey were the most harmless substances in the world. As has already boon intimated, this factory is a dangerous pluco to visit. It is not enough for tho casual comer to be careful where ho steps and to re frain from touching. He must, in ad dition, refrain from using his olfactory powers without special permission, for there are poisons there which it is death even to smell. One of these is tbe pure or nnhydrons prussic add a terjiblo preparation, which is seldom or never seen outside a chemical laboratory. The original discoverer of this, the deadliest of all known poisons, was stricken dead through accidentally inhaling its fumes, and scores of other deaths havo happened from tho same cause. It is this anhy drous acid from which the ordinary, und infinitely weaker, prussio acid of commerce is made, by diluting it with from ninety-five to ninety sovon per cont. of water. Eveu in this form, however, it is sufficiently t-trong to cause almost instant death, even when taken iu exceedingly minute doses. "Next toanbydrous-aoid," remarked the proprietor of tho works in ques tion, while piloting the writer around tho factory ono clay recently, "the m3st deadly stuff wo make is cvuuideof potassium. Last year we turned out Over ono thousand tons of it, and, live grains being a fatal dose, it follows that our output of this chemical aloue would have been snflicient to kill l!, 500,000 people Altogether, wo man ufacture, in the coarse of each twelve month, enough poison to depopulate the United Kingdom." , While we were conversing we had cnteieu one oi me workrooms, wuero a number of men were engaged round a sort of gigantio witch's cauldron, containing over a hundredweight of molten cyunide. And ever and anon a phantom face, enveloped in an uncanny-looking glass mask, peering through the thick unotuom fumes, right into tho heart of tho horrible mixture. In another room wero tons upon tons oT the finished product, looking for all tho world like white em tal lized sugar. "It looks good enough to cat," I re marked 08tilarly, "Ah," replied my guide, gravely, "that is just ouo of tho ilitugeri we have to guard against. For some in explicable reason, cyauido of potassium exercises n remarkablo fascination over the men engaged in its manufac ture. They are haunted by it con: taut and ever-recurring desire to eut it. They are perfectly olive to the fact, however, that to give way to the crav ing would mean instant death, and are consequently usually able to resist it. But not always. During the time I have been here thrco of our best aud steadiest workmen havo committed suicido in this straDge mannor, impelled thereto apparently by no cunsu save this mysterious, horrible longing. I myself have felt the sime strange laet when I have been long exposed to the cyanide fames, nnd have had to leave 'the works for a time in consequence. So well is ttiis curious fact recognized that there are always two men at work together in this branch of oar busi ness, and a jar of ammonia, which, as yoa may know, is tbe antidote to the poison, is kept constantly near ut hand." Apart from this remarkable infatua tion, which may be likeucd to tue do sire experienced by muny people when standing on tho blink of a preoipice to throw themselves down, the manu facture of potasvinm cyanide is not particularly dangerous. Neither is it unhealthy. In fact, it is asserted that men have gone into the cyanide house ill and debilitated, and in a short time have been restored to robust health. The same cannot, however, be said ef corrosive sublimate. This frightful poison, in common with almost all tha mercurial preparations, is exceedingly treacherous, and prolonged exposure to the fames is often attended by very dangerous consequences. To persons unaooustomod to its proximity, even a comparatively short sojourn in that part of the works devoted to its manu facture sometimes givoa rise to various unploasant symptoms, as the writer can testify. In my case, ten minutes' exposure to the fumes sufficed to in duce profaso ranuing at tho eyes, nose and mouth, aooompnuied by a constant desire to expeotorate, and followed by shivering, nausea and headache Tbe room in which this particular poison is prepared, with itii vast collection of ctransoly shaped stills ami its maze of pipes and retorts, reeWe'la;T iat'a laboratory: : Of course, not all the rrcj,s tbia wierd factory are poisowf Xeither are all . the smell un. nor all the sights nncannv i.50 apirtaent,fcr instance, my'nost.ju saluted with an -exceeding savor, reminding me of "pelrnj! sweets ' beloved of my TiU'h. i!V acetate of amyl, the precis jt'a. 7 to give to the eonfection ia qaJr iU peculiar flavor. Another nliAinhpr. frnnft whin!, . e . , - uiinitM strong odor of camphor, ii u fairy plaoe of pure white ttja Facsimiles ot palms, fern ml gT of tropical vegetation droo( in ,JJ ful festoons from the root lnj pletely cover tbe walls, of the flowers and ferns are comn.iJ neither ice nor auow, but camphor crystals. Some of tbo substance arjf0 ceedingly volatile that lurin; thept! cess of mannfactare they nn,t B!L be permitted to come intoco.itta theoutsido air. A typical rise jitL of ether, which is passed iroa s'iub still and from retort to n-tott bt means of long copper pip j, nml last it emerges the ttnisue I article commerce It produces, t-.-a tt lowed, an almost immediate tion of spirits, followed by iiatedi. nesa of gait, thiokness o: tnt.rinc, confusion of ideas in tne J typical symptoms of ordiu ii v mtoa. cation. The effect uassesnw 17 -i:klv however, so that an ether -i r . :i,.er eia gei (irunK tnree or xour 11 r.u- iia ho My lost vims ueioro r.'t;un Ut woras was 10 me ieung r .o-i, ita(tt Biirrounded by hundreds u- .; ,.,,1, tno deadliest poisons kvm.i t ence, eat a inn, oieuuer ir 1 ,r(ttt young girl. Banged in fr : . ,f was a collection of tubes ; virion! shapes ami sizes; tueraio-n t-:, 5rtj, nated to tho ono naiulro 1 n ;,u; 0! degree centigraae, ana " res o J. cately poised thnt an eyeu-ii ; one of the balances deite'';. .! ; . oator nearly nan an incu. t::tt; of these and other Strang vj ; liCllj. ful piocc of apparatus 'i 9. auioU to record tue exie; r the various produots o. tn ', utj London Answers. Widow of Ilcvolmton .17 Soveu women ura still iir sums as tho widows of iv active service in the war lution ; women whose hi; ! . under Wuihiuston itoiv years ago. The eldest of these sr.rv1-.-: of the ricvolatiou i l.v : Angeles, Cul. She is Adrieh, now in the 11::, year of her ago. Her hu I'rivate Caleb Aldrich, ivL in the year 1703, nnd s?rv. dier boy in tho Nov,- liy. paiicns of tho wur. Mrs. Xn 1;.U Mi !" Kcio 1 -.a 1JJ ,' rif r ;it Lo.! ::il III i U a to! of Jonesborough, Ten j , n!i,-. b band was Darling Jones a .-:vjls one of the North Caro m a rt j.a,;aii, is tho youngest of the Ui'v.i'.ntmd widows, being now about eitity-tiiiiJ years of age. The other live ureNstii Cloud, who is living '. '"i.invVj aod is the widow o1""Ser!, iXtxV&m Clouo, of Captain Chru Virja line; psther 8. Damon, vi !'ir.:-a Union, Vi ; whose husband w.'i Ft vate Noah Damon, of Ma!uta; Mary Snead, living at I'nrk.-':T, TJ widow of Private Uoiviioiii snai. Nancy A. Weatherman, w.:u uwi Elk Mills, Tena., and who-.,- i;:t W bond was Tiobert Ulascoc!:, 1 i'.ni one of tho Virginia ivr'i' Rebecca Mayo, living ut Vn., widow of Stephen dier from v irg'.nia. That these wom-n widows of Uevolntion.ity r readily understood iu view . that their husbands wor-' v,. years when they marrie ;. .'. ample, when Esther rh:n:i . Xoah Damon in the year two years after the elo.-e sho was but tweuty-oL-e, a.. seventy -six. The last Revolutionary w (doner who had inurrieJ pr-1 closo of the war. an. I l::'.1 actually lived during r.-v times, was Nancy Serein 1 Daniel F. llakeman. She .5:. twenty-seven years aso. only two after her hasban , ' last of the Kevolutiouiiiy the pension roll. Ii'!,l4 ; N,TL-ea IV 1 1 . ;' vi .11 some j;ti CiS to s4 thoir way home afUT li J'l :e; and it is generally c ; jod birds can be d .;'i:i lJIl I'anabililics of t'an .e ;'. Two iutcrestinj qiu-s'WJ' themselves concerning tlK' I lime during wbieh the pig'-'u' ollect the placo of Im hi'ir. distance from which he h a ' his way back to it. found absence that good When pigeons were t l'J "-l and forth, it has beon u-ul i two sets, with their resp"1- " J a '.1 in 1 thev have reanbed their how- thorn back to the places 'f ' " Vv an tn (lisiiatehed. Til' 1 llllUeVUUtPBUI bu,u new home nnd its choice dn'ie set at liberty they start o.T'"-.' Paris, without lorgettiu,: l- tliinrtH tlipv eniove.l ot . IT' I . I. ... l,n ftPTlt I1' 1 1 lie u bucjr pig vf are made to fast a little wbi"". then let looso at about fee Jiojbil tlutli-f. 'i as to he U 'J of teedius. C'-J3 Sht to tly ue winces tii: St. Denis. They go 1 At 1 Ikni. rff waen mey uave mui - . ( ai rrntntr mn im la Ut) J' exact moment thus been taught regularly between plac apart. ' . n.-lrrt-'31 ... g Swedish Dnildiii By tbe law coming year in Sweden into dwelliuB"''" r . , .i ilia si'ii-5 t.,ru ill reck story. The height of tbo 0 1 U1UD UVV Weun street by more than . - .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers