The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 01, 1897, Image 1

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    (sssssl -JkSr 7dJ ih lWir&te fifing r (IfuniW4 in W ,
(or and Proprietor.
f nmirv im br Dental or by
WVUiU " j -taoe
i UUs offleu.
April Fool's Day.
April 16th, will be the
holiday. t
Sunday comes April 18th
Save your eggs.
lie thief at Erie got ten
one month recently.
0. Buchar of Lewisburg
o Uwt Friday mgnt.
ooh and family visited H.
and wife on Sunday.:
m whistling : new onions
rkel-eure signs of spring.
ih of Middleoreek was in
'bursday between trains.
number of carp ate being
fishermen along tne i unt
il Spitler of Swineford is
I.., i i
W. H. Spangler was at
between trains on Satur-
ihr, the Mercantile Ap
11 begin work in a few
itplain of hard times but
land try to make them
tier last week afforded
to those who wish ra-
ittenmyer, Jr., of Buok-
iDgnis spnsg vacation
Specht of Beavertown
burg vjsjtor Saturday.
the marble dealer of
was noticed on onr
pitler and Mrs. H. H.
Vent Sunday with rela-
shurch members are in-
aimiRfl tnr nlnAnincp
is were initiated into
the P. 0. S. of A. in
last year.
da Dunkelberger of
entertained by Hea
ps Sunday.
ing, Esq., and wife
' at Selinsgrove the
parents and family.
a first class Piano,
ng Machine, cull on
e. Middleburgh, Pa.
kror in stating that
gone to Lewistown.
set and was not able
Inecker offers a onm.
lores and Tinware for
fle. Call to BRA hlR
enterprising agri-
pck raiser of Monroe
in Middleburg last
second-hand Coluni
ice will be satisfac-
Middleburgh, Pa.
merman of Selins-
pestof Rev. D. E.
fly the latter part of
lyderandson, Em
L are snendinc nor.
Jr sons, John and
f of Mt. Pleasant
jr office SfttnKW
Vntiooke this week
Holler was at the
iness last Friday.
or Boheaffer's
itroUDtown wo. .
Friday. He will
successor in Ih
If you want a first class Piano,
Organ or Sewing Machine, call on
Frank S. Riegle. Middleburgh, Pa.
H. J. Culbertson, Esq., of Lewis
town, is prominently mentioned for
the U. S. Attorneyship for the west
ern district of Pennsylvania.
J. E. Thomas wishes to announce
that he will repair shoes and do all
kinds of cobbler work at the jail.
Will work cheap. Call to see him.
Stoves, Tinware, Stove Repairs,
Corrugated Roofing, Cooking TJ ton
sils in great variety at Wm. E. Stahl
necker's Tin Shop, 'opposite the
Wl. tf.
The man who advertises in these
dars is in luck. People know
whereto find him. Others, calm
like, draw themselves into their
shells and stay there.
The State Editorial Association
will take their week off in the oil
region of the western part of the
state in June, with possibly a day or
two at Chautauqua Lake, N. Y.
Oil Stoves for Summer cooking.
Blue Flame. No blaok pans. Throws
out no heat. All heat is concentrat
ed for cooking. Call ou W. E. Stahl
necker, Middleburgh. tf.
The dreadful day April First is
here, the flitters are "on the move,
and the fellows who have financial
obligations to meet, are looking
about for the cash to liquidate them.
Subscribers of the Post who will
change their postoffice address this
spring should notify us of the fact,
giving both the old and new address
so as to insure prompt delivery of
the paper.
The bill to prohibit treating to in
toxicating liquor was killed in the
BUie, Senate Wednesday by a yote
of iS nays to IS yeas. The Senator
ial patriots considered this bill un-
American. ' .
Venus, that brilliant evening star
which has been attracting so much
attention, was most brilliant Sunday
evening. It will gradually pass to
the east and in April will become a
morning star.
The young members of the U. B.
church have organized a young peo
ple's prayer meeting to meet in the
TJ. B. church every Saturday even
ing. They invite the young people
of the other churches to join them.
What a faithful old soldier that
fellow must have been who intro
duced a resolution at 4 O. A. R.
Post meeting asalust a soldier ap
plicant for postmastership. ' The
honest old soldiers "squatted on the
G. L. Russel, cashier of Russel
and Sons bank at Lewistown and S.
R. Russel, cashier of the bank of the
Guarantee Safe Trust and Deposit
Company of Shamokin, were royally
entertained bv our popular bank
cashier, J. N. Thompson, Jr.
We learn that Mrs. Harrr A. Bi-
bighaus of Philadelphia, formerly
Same Bibighaus of this borough, be
came entirely blind in one eye in a
very short time. An operation by
specialists availed nothing. Her
many friends will regret to hear of
her misfortune.
T. H. Harter, editor of the Belle
fonte Gazette was at our county
seat last Friday night, the guest of
J. M. Steininger. Tom. is full of
stories and reports everything love
ly at Bellefonte. He is an admirer
of Dan. Hastings, an article that is
scarce in Soyder county.
Samuel Rumbaugh, who has suc
cessfully conducted the Kreamer ho
tel for a great many years, last week
retired from the business. He has
moved to the lower end of town.
Mr. Thomas is the new landlord,
who do doubt will give his guests
the very best attention.
Beginning with last Thursday all
outgoing and incoming mails will
be weighed by the employes of the
postal servioe in office and on trains.
The weighing, which takes place
every four years, will be completed
in thirty days and on it is based the
eomponeation paid to railroads for
transporting the mails.
Read the Roll of Honor. Is your
naae there T If not, why not t
William Martin of Jackson town
ship was at the county seat on Mon
day. C. S. Qraybill of Riohfield one of
ths old reliable citizens of that dis
triet, was in town on Mouday.
David Heintzelman of Franklin
township has moved to Monroe
township and will farm for Peter
bL F. Kreiuar. thn hunt n.1 ahnA
maker of Sweet Hope aud Miss Net
tie Uoyer weie oouuty Bent visitors
' $40 per month aud expenses raid
good men for taking orders. Steady
work. Apply Protective Nurseries,
Geneva, N. Y.
P. T. Brosius of Aline, oce of the
county's successful pedagogues, was
in Middleburg Tuesday on his way
to New Berlin.
Samuel Bulick. one of Monro
township's good farmers called upon
us Tuesday. He was a witness in
the Hummel Estate suit.
Come in early and get your Easter
Hats. Come to see me even if you
don't intend to buy. My goods are
beautiful and prices way down.
Rev. L P. Zimmerman of Solins-
grova is calling upon our citizens ex
hibiting a choice line of Christian
Literature. Give trim a careful hear
ing. ; His literature should be in ev
ery home.
Peter Long of Selinsirrove was
called to the county seat on busi
ness last Saturday. Peter was a
soldier during the late war and be
ta? AtheijE&yde eout? petition
oagttt to b purified.,
FanVPoultry Buff Leghorn and
B. P. Rock fowls for sale. Also eggs
from pure bred. White Wyandotte,
Buff Leghorn aud B. P. Rock fowls,
at .75 ier 13 or 1.50 per 30. Address,
; LF. Gembeklino,
tf. f Seliusgrove, Pa.
A 'Smooth, easy shave, genteel
hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is
always obtained at Solos' Barber
ShoJ in Witteumyer's Building, op
posits Post office. Go to Soles and
you will make no mistake, Shaving
soap, face cream, hair oil and eg
shani poo for sale. L E. Soles.
Th pupils of the Salem School
and t L9 teacher, J. F. Wagenseller,
will r mder "The Turn of the Tide,"
a pc pular drama, in the school
housion Thursday and Saturday
even ngs, April 8 and 10th. First
night intended for patrons of the
Sain n School District and seoond
night for the general public Ad
mist ion 10 cents.
It. is said that the Keatiug Wheel
Co. Middletown, Conn., desire a
gocld agent in Middleburgh. As the
Keating is known the world over as
one! of the finest and easiest running
wheels made, it would seem as
though some of our business men
might open correspondence with the
Keiting people to good advantage.
The wheel is a ready seller. 3-18-4t.
It is stated by a New York ex
change that a girl there kneads
bread with her gloves on, but that is
no newB to us. We need bread with
our boots on ; we need bread with
our pants on and if our friends who
are so much in arrears don't pay us
soon, we will need bread withot any
thing on. In faot, to be well breed,
is to provide us with the means to
obtain bread. Seel
AU wheelmen shall write at onoe
to their Senator, Hon. Ed. M. Hum
mel, Setinsgrove, Pa. and Represen
tative, Hon. Chas. W. Herman, Mid
dleburgh, Pa. to favor Senate Good
Roads Bill No. 0 but to do all they
can against a tax upon bicycles. If
we are ever to have better roads you
must act now or wait two long years
and continue riding and driving
through mud after every rain. Sit
right down and write the letter and
help the cause along.
. W.D.Bakb.
Snyder County Post Offices.
From tbe Tribune.
The following is a list of the Sny
der county postoffices, and the dates
that the commissions of the several
post masters will expire.
Aline, Augustus Dinger, since 1886.
Bannerville, Jno. B. Shellenberger,
May 2, 1898.
Beaver Springs, Chas. O. Green
hoe, June 10, 1897.
Beavertown, W. M. Keller, June
16, 1897.
Chapman, Geu. E. C. Williams,
since May 25, 1875.
Crossgrove, Henry Houser, May
3, 1997.
. Dundore, N.T.Dundore.since 1897.
Freeburg, P.J.Bickte, June 5, 1893.
Globe Mills, S. O. Ulrich. July 24,
Hoffer, Lizzie Cox. April 16, 1900.
Humrael's Wharf, John J. Foye,
May, 1897.
Kantz, Meyer Milliner, June 8, 1897.
Kratzerville, H. M. Derk, March
12, 1898.
Kreamer, Mrs. Lillian Gordon,
March 12, 1897.
Lowell, A. A. Romig, since July,
M'Clure. J. B. Spangler.May 5, '97.
Meiserville, A. H. Troutman,Maroh
7, 1898.
Middleburgh, J. W. Runkle, June
16, 1897.
Middlecreek, James W. Klingler,
May 20, 1897.
Middleswarth, James F. Harman.
JuneS, 1897.
Mt. Pleasant Mills, Thos. G. Arbo
gast. July 20, 1897.
Pallas, Benton Stroub, since 1881.
Paxtonville, C.H.Boyer, since 1881.
Penns Creek, S. H. Stroub. June
14, 1897.
PortTreverton. A. W. Auoker. Au.
gust 11, 1900. .:":;'.';:
Salem, G. M. Witmer, since June
25, 1873.
Solinsgrove, L. R. Hummel. Aug.
29, 1898.
Shadel, Lydia C. Boachel, May 31,
Shamnkin nm.K II Hnl.f nnalain
June 9, 1897.
htrouptown, K S. Stroup, since
Swineford, B. H. Custer, since 1888.
Troxelvilto, J. O. Gosh, Muy fi, '97.
Verdilla. J. G. Stiotzborger, July,
Inaugural March.
We are in receipt of the "Phila.
Press Prize McKinley Inaugural
March" published by J. B. Ettinger
& Co., 1804 W. 3rd St., Chester. Pa.
The March is written by J. B. Et
tinger of Milton and won the prize
offered by the Press. It is arrang
ed for Piano Solo for 50 cents ; Full
Orchestra, 70u. ; Full Military Band.
50c. ; 2 Mandolins and Guitar, 0o.
Every musician should have a copy
of this excellent March.
Miss Lillian Stetler and Mrs. Geo.
W. Wagenseller visitod Fremont on
Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Rose Rank has returned to
her home in Williamsport after sev
eral weeks stay here with her moth
er. Thomas Hubley on Tuesday mov
ed from Harrisburg to the house of
the estate of Jacob C. Walter in
Swineford. He will follow the busi
ness of painting carriages.
Miss Jones of Philadelphia will
not Lecture in the Lutheran church
on Wednesday evening as announc
ed. She has written stating that on
account of a death in the family she
oan not reach Middleburgh before
Thursday. Thursday afternoon at
four o'clock she will hold achildrens'
rally, and lecture in the evening at
7:30. Let every one come,
On Monday and Tuesday of this
week voluminous testimony was tak
en in the Equity case of John Hum
mel's estate. Thirty or forty per
sons inoluding lawyers, witnesses
and psrtioirants were present. The
ownership of the Keystone Hotel
and other property that had been
deeded to Mrs. Kistner is now con
tested on account of alleged debts of
John Hummel at the time of execut
ing the deeds.
Ealr tor lUear.
Henry German and wife to Abra
ham German, 4 tracts in Perry twp.,
for $550.
Edwin Boyer and wife to Jerome
German, 21 acres in Washington
twp. for $1300.
S. G. Euy, Executor of Geo. Eby,
deceased, and Margaret Eby to Lu
ther O. Smith, 4 acres and 98 porch
es in Selinsirrove for $738.
Samuel Kratzer and wife to Banks
W. Yoder, 8 tracts of land in Penn
twp. for $400.
Banks W. Yoder to Jacob P.
Kratzer, ten sores in Tenu twp. for
W. M. Boyer, Executor of Jacob
Sholly to Emanuel S. Aucker, 65
acres in Union twp. for $2125.
Will Fratoited.
The last will and testament of
Mrs. Raohael Wagner, late of Frank
lin township. Harriet Lvdia Kess
ler, wife of Oliver Kessler, is the
sole heir and executrix.
rrlas; LUcmm.
"Hearts Fluttering with Delv
biohs." Tbe following marriage li
censes have been granted siuce our
last publication :
i Ls ia B. Dillman, Setinsgrove,
(Blanche Musselman, Penn twp.
) Wilbur Hummel, Bannerville.
UnMlnlMMn' OSMe.
The commissioners met on Wed
nesday. Tbev will deliver the as
sessors' booka the latter part of the
week. The assessors will begin
work on Monday.
Look Out tor Him,
We are told that an agent is work
ing the picture totem: again in the
county. He wii- ; ' onr.- town last
Thursday nit d stopped with
Gabriel Beaver. He did not register,
but paid his supper, lodging and
breakfast in advance. He travelled
toward Paxtonville Friday. Before
ne takes an order to enlarge a pio
ture he requires 60 cents cash-in-ad
vance. He promises to do bin wnrlr
for loss than half what other firms
require. We have beon told of 3
different families that cave himor-
dors for 10 pictures. Fifty cents in
advance was required on each pic
ture. It would not bo richt to call
this fellow a fraud because he has
promised to deliver the crayon port
raits May 1st. Until Mar first he
may bo elsewhere, but we don't
know where. Mrs. Howard Sham
bach near Paxtonville refused to
give the fellow an order and advisod
the fellow to leave. The picture man
gave receipts for all money paid him.
He Higned his name as "Looner".
One receipt was dated Lock Ha
ven, another Williamsport, while ho
told Gabriel Beavor that he was
from Ridgway.
We do not know what this fellow
intends to do but other chaps who
require CO cents a picture in advance
have never turned up and it is al
ways safe never to pay in advance to
a stranger. We have advised our
readers against this 50 cents-iD-ad-vance
picture business and if they
will not take warning it is not our
fault. Don't order any pictures or
anything else unless you know the
people or refuse to pay anythiug un
til delivered in a satisfactory man
ner. Reliablo firms are willing to do
Moved to Sunbury.
C. C. Seebold, ex Treasurer of
Snyder county, this, week moved to
Sunbury. Snyder county and espec
ially Middleburg loses a most enter
prising citizen. He has faithfully
served Snyder county as Treasurer
for 3 years. For the past year he
has conducted the Washington
House and carried on the Sewing
Maohine and Piano business at this
place, Sunbury and Shamokin. His
business has grown so that he has
deoided to move to Sunbury to bet
ter look after his business. He has
always shown himself to be one of
the moat enterprising citizens al
ways lending a helping hand to ev
ery publie Movement. We part with
Mr. Seebold with regret, but what is
our loss is Sunbury's gain.
Friends of "The Post".
Roll of Honor. The following
persons have paid their subscription,
to the Post to the dates opposite
their name9. Should any mistakes
occur in those credits or on your pa
per please notify us :
U F Uplinger,
Miss F Kline,
W F Heeter,
J F Kerstotter,
Allen Mussleman,
Chas A Bolender,
Chas H HerbBter,
Aaron II Musser,
M A Yetter,
David F Krebs,
3 WShilliug,
F P Kustor,
H B Bilger,
C H Steiningor,
D K Ulrich,
Mrs. E. B. Arnold
Dr P Herman,
J C Packer,
Irwin H Walter,
A W Engle,
Wm A Wetzel,
Jonathan Musser,
Henry H Thomas,
F R Long,
W L Kauffinan,
Laphenus Walter,
J F Renuinger,
H Dreifuss,
Esther Harding,
Chas Mussleman.
P L Reiohenbach,
M S Campbell,
Reed Jones,
H O Rogers,
W M Gift,
W I Walter.
W H Bower,
E O Mussleman,
J O Maurer.
Elmer Ebarabac',
iilur tr r1
Apr 1 '97
March 1 '9S
Oct 15 94
Apr 1 '97
March 1 "97
Jan 1 '97
Apr 1 '9H
Aug 1 '93
Mar 1 '97
Apr 15 '97
Doc 1 '87
May 1 '97
Apr I '9H
Feb 1 '98
May 1 '97
Oct 1 '97
Jan 1 '96
Apr 1 '98
Oct 1 '97
Apr 8 '97
Sept 1 '95
July 1 '91
Feb 15 '97
Feb 1 '98
Apr 1 '97
Apr 1 '98
Jan 10 '97
Feb 25 '97
Jan 1 '98
Apr 1 '97
Jan 8 "q
Oct 1 '97
Feb 1 '97
Aug 1 '97
. Jan 1 '98
Mar 16 '98
Aug 1 '98
Oct 10 '97
Mar 1 '08
Fied Caekenbuir'.. 71 'wVmib ' ID? '"
Dr JO Wagner, ' Aprl'97
J M Baker,
Mrs W H Romig,
Chas Specht,
D F Hassinger,
F J Trutt,
Mrs Sonorah B Howell,
Frank C Spaul,
Wm Beaver,
Henry Benfer,
E W Young,
Geo D Fisher,
C II Wenrich,
D S Sbully,
DO Witmer,
A H Klose,
Edward Builey.
Willis Sham bach,
PhareB Shambacb
J G Horuberger,
F W Thomas,
Aaron Stauffer,
Howard Walter,
D N App.
Samuel Rumbaugh,
Howard Lmtzoll,
Miss Anuio Fisher,
S H Yoder, Est.
P Reichenbacb,
C S Gray bill,
II F Kremer,
Samuel Bulick,
II S Shaeil'er,
May 1 '97
Oct 15' 94
Mar 1 '98
Jau I '97
Apr 1 '97
Apr 1 '97
Apr 1 '97
Mar 1 '97
May 1 '97
Nov 1 '97
May 8 '97
Apr 11 '98
May 1 '97
March 1 '98
March 1 '97
June 1 '98
Apr 1 '97
Apr 1 '90
Jan 1 '9(!
Apr 1 '98
Apr 1 '98
Feb 15 '97
Apr 1 '97
Doc 1 '96
Feb 1 '94
March 1 '97
May 1 '97
May 1 '97
May 1 '97
Aug 20 'in;
Feb 1 '97
March 20, '98
Local Movings.
Carbon Seebold movns to the
Washington House.
J. B. Arbogast moves from Kantz.
to the house vacated by Carbon
Curtin Graybill begins housekeep
ing in Mrs. Jacob Specht's house,
Ephraim Graybill moves from the
Eagle Hotel to D. A. Kern's resi
dence. John Howell moves from Sham
bach's to the house of S. G. Muyer.
Hathaway Mertz moves from Phil
lip Spaid's to Fred. Smith's house.
Howard Walter moves from his
father's house to the house vacated
by M. I. Potter.
W. S. Arbogast moves from Mif
flintown to the Eagle Hotel.
James Erdley moved on the farm
of Samuel Bowersox's heirs and Ed
ward Erdley will farm for J. Calvin
H. R. Tobias moved from S. G.
Mover's bouse to tbe house vacated
by Mrs. Wagner and the latter mov
ed to the house vecated by Palmer
!' ft
: i
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