The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 25, 1897, Image 8

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Of the ta
Mrs. LaaraE. Mtms.of Smithrille.Oa.,
art: "A small pimple of a atrawberrv
color appeared on my cheek; it aoon
began to grow rapidly, notwithstand
ing all effort to check it. My
eye became terribly
inflamed, and was so
swollen that for quite
a while I could not
see. The doctors
said I had Cancer of
the most malignant
type, and after ex-
1 .1 1 ft .
v without doing me
Xl? any Rood, they gave
op tne iase as Jiopc'exo. When in
formed that my lather had died from
the same disease, they said I must die,
as hereditary Caucer incurable.
"At this crisis. I was advised to try
S.S.S., and in a short white the Cancer
began to discharge and continued todo
so for three months, then it began to
heal. I continued the medicine a while
longer until the Cancer disappeared en
tirely. This was several years ago and
there has been no return of the disease."
A Real Blood Remedy.
Cancer ia n blood disease, and only a
nlooa remedy will cure it. b. h. b.
(guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real
blood remedy, and never fails to per
manently cure Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema.
Rheumatism or any other ! mease of the
blood. Send for our books
on Cancer and Blood Diseases,
mailed free to
any address.
Swift fepecjfic
Co. Atlanta, Ga.
Ner A. Foewp, a fanner near this
place, took u loud of provimons to
Sliuiiiokin last week. . . .Jid. freed
And Irv. Iviuuey dug garden on Hon
day morning. . . .J. J?. Shirk royally
entertained a wedding party from
Riehlield last week, an occassion
which we know that no one would
enjoy more than our friend Joe. He
in not muck on poll lies but is
friend to horses and weddings....
Meth VViney, a merchant of Beaver
town, took auite a walk on Saturday
to Richfield and returned onSuuday
morning. . ..MiHs Josta Frevniau and
Jacob Stithlnecknr of Miudleburgb
spent it lew hours at the Uentral ho
tel Sunday Quite a supply ol
trout frv in expected to arrive to-day
to replenish the various trout streams
of this vicinity.... A. W. Alusser.
who whh Hick for a few days last
week, wim able to resume his duties
in the fcchoul room Monday morning
. . . .Tim operatic taleut of our town
are urruiKinK to give us a fine vari
ety entertainment in the near future
...J. v. uiukuuiuu, wuoresiuea in
Spiiug township for a few years, is
again moving to town this week.
Minn Bunslur ofReadtfte is Vitutlng
llins Addie Laiidis. .. .Miss Lizzie
Oundruui has returned from Lewis
town wht're she spent a few weeks
Miss Frances Jones of Philadel
phia will lecture in tho Luthsran
church April 3 and 4. Miss Joues
comes to us highly recommended.
The lecture is free. A collection will
be lifted to defray her expenses. . . .
Jas. StraWHer of Philadelphia is vis
iting Iiih brother, John Isaac
Smith if Philadelphia, accompanied
by bis niece, Jennie liickel, of Mich.,
visited Uobt. Smith's a few days. . . .
Adaumburg has a woman who never
told a lie Win. Woodling moved
to Beavertown Dr. A. M. Smith
made a business trip to Philadelphia
....A number of our boys make a
practice to jump freight trains and
steal mien, which practice should be
discouraged by every loyal citizen
....James Mauery and Allen Man
beck left for Oh io Inst week .... Wm.
Haines shipped a car load of cattle
to Kuiztowu. . . .Lincoln Swanger of
of Yeagertowu is visiting friends
Jno. Lloyd, ffife and child of Wag
ner are staying with his parents.
Edward Miller was down at Read
ing week before last to have his sore
ear treated. We hopo he will recover
A. C. Smith and family spent
Sunday before lust in Selinsgrove. .
J6f. Ilumbacb of Beading attended
his father's sale at this place last
Wednesday Izora Walter has re
turIied home from a visit to Selins
grove. -Quite number of our cit
:, intended the convention at
Middlebmh last Saturday a week
ag0 a.. V Smith and wife were
io town ou Moilav of last week. . . .
Philip Stroub ot Snydertown,
North'd county, moved Cti his farm
back of this place last Tuesday ....
Geo. Gordon and W. A. Huinmol
were in Selinsgrove last Thursday
. . . .R. S. Heintzelman and John and
Ervin Walter left for Paxinos last
week where they will work during
the summer.... Mrs. N. C. Gutelius
and Miss Izora Smith were Selins
grove visitors lost week.... Frank
Seaman was in Dauphin county over
Sunday visiting his father. .. .La
pbenus Walter and Mrs. J. A. Smith
were bound in the bonds of matri
mony last Saturday evening by Rev.
TTrtv nt W residence in the pres-
nt a four invited euests. The
DUW v - - - --
sereuaders gave them a No. 1 old
belling with wind-mill, drums, horns
etc We all wish tbem a happy life
wni. Delhi of Northumberland,
was visiting friends at this place last
Mrs. Wiogan and Messrs. Frank
Patton and O. White of Huntingdon
were the guests of H. Alleman over
Sunday.... The First Luth. church
old the Town Hall to a syndicate
composed of the following persons :
G. K. Hendricks, m. r. a. ioyer,
A.W. Potter, J. P. TJlrich, M. L.
MilW. and Win. Fisher. It is pro-
Dosed by these gentlemen to put it
in better shape man neretoioie....
tints of the eetite of Geo.
Khv dee'd were sold on Friday last
Two of the lots were bought by
Tailor Phillips for $304.50 and the
larger tract at $150 per acre by M,
L. Smith. There was a large at-
tnndanpn ami the bidditur was spirit
ed.. . . A. M. and S. W. Eby, Bons of
Geo. Eby, dee'd, were here superin-
tendine the above sale.... neu Den o.
Meiser and wife of MeiserviLe, for
mArlv nf Ueadinif. were in tOWU one
day last week.... The minstrels of
the Athletic Association of Susq.
University gave two very pleasing
entertainments in the lowu naa ou
Friday and Saturday eveuiugs to
Miss Myrtle Snively formerly of
Mrhs war entertained several days
last week by Miss Mary Noetling. . . .
John Haupt of Phila. was culled
home by the deutr of his sister Miss
.Tannin ITiiunt who died of COUSUUIP
tiou and wus buiied Saturday after
noon. Miss liritrbt of Muncy is
visitinff Lida Gardner, of the South
Ward.. ..Mrs. Good and daughter of
nueonln ami Mrs. Pncker of bun
bury spent Friday with F. J. Schoch
and faiui v Joseph (Jovert, vui.
Duck, S.uiiuel Spahr, Harry I'orgy
and Milton Jariett. eouie of our
bridcebuilders. ore home for a lew
days Sunday liint was a perfect
spiiugday....S. Weis is still "uold-
rim fort" on bargains, he is re
covering from his iecent attack v ..
DrucrciHt UIhIi was called to irut
wood on Account of the sickness of
his son, Dr. Will. Ulsh. . .Miss Annie
Ott, who has been spending tue wiu
ler in Phila. with her friend, Mrs.
B. G- Shields, returned home ou
Saturday evening looking well....
Dr. Geo. Ulncn or 1'niia. ts visiting
his father, Geo. TJlrich Grant
App of Sun bury was in town ou
Monday... The Tenn. WarblerB gave
good entertainments on Monday
and Tuesday evening to largo audiences.
rra cura nrnved bv voluntary State-
meats of thousand! ot men and women show
that Hood's Sariapsrtlla actually does possets
power to purify the blood and euro disease.
Hood's Pills are especially prepared to be
taken with Hood's BarsapaiUlt, sec.
On Sunday evening about half
past five o'lock this town was thrown
into excitement uy a nre wnicn
broke out iu Novelty Joe Winter's
store and ware bouse on Front St.
Willinff hauds with buckets and the
fire ermine had soon conciuered tbe
fire. Considerable damage was done.
How the fire originated is not fully
known.... John Seebold, no doubt
tbe oldest man in this part of the
state, is very low at this writing.
Mr. Seebold is Vii years via and just
before he took sick he was able to
walk around town and read his daily
Eapers without glasses.. . .Thomas
Huffman aud Percival Nerhood
drove to Lewis burg on Saturday to
transfer Mr. Kauffmau's license to
Mr. Nerhood. who will be the future
proprietor of tb Central Hotel.
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers who change their P.
0. address this spring should notify
this otlico. Give present P. O. ad
dress as well as the ono you wish
paper changed to.
T P. Swinefoid made a business
i.rin to T.neli Haven. Williainsoort
and Bellefoute last week. He re
ports having attended a public sale
in Centre county aud cows brought
from $40 to $70 per head, horses
from $10 to $20 per head, sheep
from $8 to $10 per head Maize
Knepp moved to MilHin county last
Tuesday where he intends farming
for Jerry Knepp near Lewistown. . . .
J. J. Steely weut to Big Valley last
Saturday to puy a visit to bis sister,
Mrs. Gibbouy, who is sick.... Knepp
& Co. expects to stop their stave
mill uKnrf In ii u iha trnnt f liv ota nnw
ou will be finished up.... A few re
sponded to tbe call iu the wood
chopping for Wm. Wagner for which
ha vot Unix in nn v thnnkR. He is im
proving slowly with his sore leg
The McClure reporter for the Her
ald reported Robert Gobs having a
. . . i j i-i rn
call wiiu no eyeB anu au iuu....x.
F. Swineford is the owner of a calf
with two eyes, four legs and one tail,
queer how strange things are.
Two Lives Saved.
T.o PlmoVia ThnmnH. nf .Tiino.tinn
City, 111. was told by her doctors
she had Consumption and that there
was no hope for her, but two bottles
Dr. King's New Discovery complete
ly cured her nnd she says it saved
her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers. 139
Florida St., San Francisco, suffered
from a dreauiui coiu, approacning
Consumption, tried without result
au aw Kin fir fuRA then bought one
bottle of Dr. King's New Disoovery
and iu two weens wsb cureu. ns is
naturally tnankful. It is such re
sult, of which there are samples,
that prove the wonderful efficacy of
this medicine in coughs and Colds.
Free trial bottles at Graybill, Gar
man & Co.'s Store, Richfield, Pa.,
and all druggists. Regular size 50o.
and $1.00.
Jacob Gilbert, Esq., and wife vis
ted at Lewistown Junction recently.
On Tuesday Prof. M. L Potter
moved to Mrs. Bilger's house, re
cently vacted by P. S. Reigle.
Km lr Mtal Offer fcjr m
Well Kawa PaMUhlnc Hmm.
The "Home Visitor," a 82-page il
lustrated monthly magazine, desire
during the coming month, to secure
tweuty thousand new subscribers
and offer the following interesting
"MisBiug Word" contest.
Necessity is the cf Invention.
The wtrd which you are to supply
insert in place of dash aud will com
pleta a well kuown proverb ; cau you
think of the right word T If so, send
what you believe will be the word
and if it is correct you will have n
chance at the following premiums.
To first correct answer received wn
will give $100, second correct answer
$50, third $25, next five $10 oach,
next seven $7.00 each, next ten $5
each and next seventy-five $1 each,
making one hundred' large prem
iums. We give these rewards for
the purpose of attracting attention
to nur interesting magaziue con
taining instructive departments to
old and young, serial, short stories
and articles bv our leading authors.
It will be necessary for each cou-
testuut to seud 25ceutH in utamps,
money order or silver for six mouths
subscription as no guess will be re
corded unless amount is inclosed
in same loiter uud iu addition to a
cbance for the mouey premiums
each outestant will receive, nil
charges prepaid, our "Ladies' Work
Basket Companion Set," coutainiug
Darning Wool, Carpet, Button Iu
instruments and Five Dozen Steel
Needles, that cannot be purchased
for less thru 50 ceuts and wnich
makes a desirable acquisition to any
home circle. Names of successful
contestants will be given in the next
number of "Home Visitor" so send
your answer at once and your Com
panion Set and this month's "Home
Visitor" will be sent you immediate
Iv to how that your letter was re
ceived and your solution will be re
corded aud if successful, check for
amount, it is entitled will be mailed
you. All solutions will be judged ac
cording to distance of contestant ho
that a person residenug in tbe far
west can have equal cbance as one
living in Philadelphia. Premiums
will be fairly awarded by a commit
tee of well-known and disinterested
citizens of Philadelphia. Remember
every contestant receives the Work
Basket set and our interesting mag
azine free for six months and the 25
cents you seud barely pays for cost
and transportation of premiums and
expenses of contest. We believe in
liberal aud judicious advertising and
money spent in this contest will pay
us in later results. Address letter
to "Home Visitor" Pub. Co., 1813 N.
16th St.. Philadelphia, Pft.. giving
plainly your answer, address and
mention the Middleburcb Post.
Eggs in better demand N. T.
There will bo nruaching in the
Evangelical Clinpel on Sunday at 10,
m. All are cordially invited.
C. C. Loug, who had been visiting
his sister, Mrs. E. C. Aurand, for
the past few weeks, bus retusned to
his home at Marcellus, Mich., on
Mlfta Jwnes' Lecture.
Arrangements have now been per
fected to have Miss H. Frances
Joues of Philadelphia give a course
of Lectures in Snyder county dur
ing the coming week.
The following dates and places
have beeu fixed : Selinserove, Tues
day evening, March 30th ; Adams
burg, Saturday and Sunday. April
iid and 4tn : AlcUIure. Monday and
Tuesday, April 5th aud 6th ; Middle-
burg, Wednesday, March ol, Thurs
day and Friday, April 1st and 2d.
The subject for Wednesday night's
lecture is, "The cry of the child" or
The foe we face.
Thursday evening. Miss Jones
will conduct a Children's Rally at
which all the children of the town
are requested to be present.
jyriday afternoon a meeting for
mothers, wives and daughters. Fri-
uay v ouiuf iuuvui t v? aunuv4
Three H's to save one H." Tbe lec
ture will be free and tbe public is
cordially invited.
The Dreaded C'onaumptlou Can Be
T. A. Hlocum, the Oreat Chemist and Scientist,
win Bona loounereni, i nreo tree bouiob
ot lib Newly UlHcovered Home
dies u Cure (.'onHumptlou
And All Lang
Nothing could tie fairer, more philanthropic or
carry mure Joy to the anilcted, than tbe gener
ous oner oi me uonorea aca aisimg-uisnea chem
ist, T. A. Blocum, M. a, ot New York city.
He has (Uncovered a reliable and absolute cure
forcoDBUUiptloa.aod all bronchial, throat, lunf
and chest diseases, catarrhal allectlons, general
decline and weakness, loss ol flesh and HI eon
dltlous ol wasting away ; and to make Its great
merits known, wui send three tree botUes ot his
newly discovered remedies to any afflicted read-
or oi i ue roar.
Already his "new sclentlfle system ot medi
cine" has permanently cured thousands ot ap-
The Doctor considers It not only his profes
sional, out nis religious amy a amy wnicn ne
owes io sunormg numanuy to donate us in
talllble oure.
He has provided the "dreaded consumption''
to be a curable disease beyond a doubt, In any
climate, and has on tile In his American and
European laboratories thousands ot "heartfelt
testimonials of gratitude" from those benefited
and ourea, in au parts or tne world.
Catarrhal and pulmonary troubles lead to
consumption, and oonsumpuon, uninterrupted,
means soeedy and certain death. Don't delay
until It Is too late. Simply write T. A. Blocum.
at. 0.. 98 Pine street, New York, giving zpresa
and postoflloe addreaa, and the tree medlolne
will promptly sent. Please tall th Doctor
you saw bis olltr in The Post.
. it wm VOI IILL .
Dr. Grcono's Ncrvura is Just What You
iieod for tho Olodd and ticrves.
Life is not Measured by Years, but by Strength
and Vigor. Dr. Greene's Nervura, the
Only Remedy which will Give You the
Health, Strength and Vigor of Youth.
How many who ought tobo is their prime,
bear evidences in looks and feelings of old age ?
It ought never to to be. Strength and vigor
should be as perfect as ia youth. If it is not
so, some thine Is wrong
with you. You have
weakened yourself in
rour mode of life or oc
cupation. There ia no
tight so beautiful as vig-
luatumy.and fresh
and hearty
age; nor
one to sad
at a pre
maturely decayed
youth. If
time verd
ure. Sum
mer bloom
and Au
tumn ripe-
nest, are
the fitting
types of
the year,
to are the
ot youth
and the
vigor and
of age the
fitting in
cidents of a
proper life.
Nothing makes these
possible so sorely as a sound body, strong
norves, and rich blood to make the body
healthy; nothing it so certain to make this
couUiiiju as ir. Grcene't Nervura blood and
nerve rem
edy. Thou
sands who
have taken it
testify to its
potent Influ
ence as a
sonrce of per
petual youth
and strength.
It is the true
of the body,
ttronff nerves, rich.
red blood, and restor
ing tbs snap, energy and
vigor of renewed youth
to tbe nerve-weakened,
exhausted and run-down
tyttem. It makes the
old and middle-aged feel
vounir and vigorous. It
restores to youth the vigor
lost by excesses ana indis
cretions ; it gives strength,
enenrv and Dower to those
who work. It makes strong men and.vigoront
tf i tS Br
women. Try It and get back yonr strength
energy and youthful vigor.
Remember that Dr. Greene's Nervura blood
and nerve remedy it a physician's prescription,
indorsed and recommended by the ablest doc
tort every where. Dr. Greene Cathartic Fills
art tbe only perfect pills
for biliousa&ks and con-
M Sieaui aud Hot Water Fitt;
Alao dealer in Boilers.
Shafting Pulleys, Hangers and i
rr Hf Iting.
of Engine. Boiler and Mill .
Families can be supplied vith
-TV. Tit a r., ... " "Ml
auua, s-ipti ana inpe r utiogi.
as referenot) concerning tuv m
eat aklll. Vrlnk A C!n nf Wl-I
Pa. and Lebanon MTg. Co. both
(WUira Ul IllgU SUIUUlOg.
In order to avoid accident
M Boilers
should b tented ouder the hydi
teat at leant onoe a vear
danger aud call upon nie to u,au
Selirsrove, :
ttipation. Dr. Greene of 33 Weit Uth St,
New York City, is the most successful pbysi-
and can be consulted
StiNBtiRY. - - - i
. .'.'v v y til,-
The Elephant ia loaded witB
mieHi styles oi
fret, personally or by letter. Nothing to pay
for consultation, examination or advice, and
the low price of hit wonderful curative medl.
does placet a tor con within reach of every,
Bememoer The Dead!
I keep constantly on hood aud man
ufacture to order all kinds of
Marble and Granite
Monnmests And Headstones!
Old Stones Cleaned and Eepalred.
I have one of the best Marble Cut
ters io the State aud consequently
turn out good work.
&Cotue and see my work Jt prices.
Thankful for past favors I most re
spectfully ask a oontinuance of same,
' Rtaeamatlaia Cared la a Day.
"Mymlc Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia
radically cures In l ro s days. Us action upon
the HYNtera la mnmrknrilu and myHtertous. It
removes at once tl came mid the disease Itn
nifdlntdly dlHappenm. The first dose greatly
benefits : 75 CfUtH. Sold by all lruglflU, Mid-rtk-biirKb.
T. F. AnMiony, Ex-Post master of Promise
City. Iowa, nays .- "I bought ono bottle of 'Mys
c Cure' for Kheuiuatl.-nn, and two doses of It
Id me more good than any medicine t aver
ouk," Sold, by all Drugglstx, Mlddleburgh.
Oaution Notice
All persons are hereby notified that I have
this 3rd day ot March A. 1. IHtT, purchased at
conatablo sale of the property of Murry Kumlg
tbe following property to vtlt: Throe bo.-anx,
one mule, log wagon, prop wngon, four sets
horse gears, collurs aud bridles, chains, single
trees nnd drmblo srtes, top b'wr, and have left
It In poHHusslon of the said Murry Kntnlg. All
pemous are hereby cautioned, nut to meddle or
Interfere with tho same nr. tUi'lr p'ill. I will not
be responsible for any bills, contracted by the
said Murry Kotnlg for feed or otherwise.
S-lsst. WM. F. tlOWKLf,.
McClure, HqyderCo., Pa., March S, 'VI.
Auditor's Notice.
In ro-estute of Peter Super, dee'd.
The undnrslgned. an auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Snyder county, to distribute
the funds In the hands of V. 11. Wugner, execu
tor of the eatate ot Peter Huper, dee'd, as ap
pears on bis Unal account, to and among the
f ames entitled thereto, will at tend to the du
leu of bis appointment at his office In the boro
otHellnsgrovu, Pa., on Tuesday, the Ui day ot
April next, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, when
and where all parties Interested are requested
to present their claims before the undersigned,
or be forever after debarred from coining lu up
on said fund. 1IAKVKY K. MILLKU.
March . 1807. Auditor.
A Great Medicine Ulven Away.
W. II. Spangler, Mlddleburgh; M. Rothrock,
M. D., MU Pleas tnt Mills, are now vlvlng free to
all a trial package of the great herbal remedy.
Bacon's Celery King. If ladles nurturing from
nervous disorders and constipation will use this
remedy tbey will soon be free from tbe head
aches and backaches that have caused tbem so
much suffering. It Is a perfect regulator. It
quickly cures biliousness, Indigestion, eruptions
of the skin and all blood diseases. Large site ii
and 50c ta.
Mlddlebarff Market
Correoted weekly by our merchants.
Butter 15
Ejf(?B" 8
Pitted cherries
Unpitted 44
Onions , ..... 25
Lard 6
Tallow...... 4
Chickens per lb 6
Turkeys 8
Bide 7
Shoulder 7
Bam ; 10
Old Wbeat 83
Bye m .85
Old Corn...... .25
Oats 15 to 8u
Bran per 100 lbs 55
Middlings 44 .70
I Chop 44 .88
Flour par bbl.,. ....... ......... . ... .. 175
in ladies' shoes is a pleasant
voyage afoot, For tbe pleas
ure it gives, there's no sail
like onr sale. Crowds are
enjoying it, and securing the
prettiest, coolest and best fit
ting Summer sboes now man
ufactured, at prices which
buyeiB find it a pleasure to
pay. For house or street
wear, pleasure or every-day
practical purposes, walking,
ridinff. or driving, we supply
the ideal sboes demanded by
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claims your hands,
by all means surrender your
feet to these sboes.
:j sod Heavy Winter Underwef
uioves, ana all tne beet and
seasonable goods found in t
class Clothing' Store.
Gome and look at tor stock
wm una it wen selected.
I am, Respectfully,
Thomas Hubley on Tuesdav
ed from Hamsburg to the hoi
the estate of Jacob 0. Walti
Swineford. He will follow the
ness of painting carriages.
' c, 1 . B. T .!.! t; ! I
3uuuury ob jjowibluwu iivu
In effect Not 15,1894.
watTwaao oia. I statios. saiI
pm p A. I, !
4 88 I'i.W Lewlitowa 1. f.H
4.84 12.011 Mala Street In
4 ssl ll.uu Lewlitowa
4 2 I1A1 Haltland 7.41
4. IS 11.46 S Painter 7.l
4.10 ' 11.40 11 Hnladle l.k
4.0 11.W) 11 Wapner 7.n
l.H U.'it IT HeOlnre M
S.49 11.10 10 Baub'i Mill! l.ll
1.43 11.12 IS AdaBeburg B.i
H.8M 11.08 St Beavsrtowa 8.a
Sit lv.M 10 Btaler IM
t.n WM it Mlddltburfh 140
3.17 10.43 It Melaer 8.4(
8.14 low IT Krsamtr 9
8.10 1.U 9 Pawling 85
u.o-i lo.M 41 Sellmnrovs M
1ST KMT 46 SsllniKrove J. .o4
VIS 10.0il to l Suuburv lal
Sklinsgrovb Accommodate
(Oonneetlng with trains on N 0 Btlf
Leave Selln'Krove Jo Arrive st Sella?
o to r ai n
Trains leave Lewistown Jaootl
SI a ra, 10 23 s m, 1 10 p m,5 27 p m,7 Hi
Alumna, flttnburg and the wl.
For Baltimore aud Washlnirton 0
1 8S. 4 90. 1 0U D m For l'lilladeliihls
York KM am, 1 02 1 88 4 HO ami 1114
Uarrleburg 1 15 a m and 8 10 p ui
Philadelphia & Erie R R Divil
Trains leave Sunbury dally except Soul
I so a m lor wiuiamiipori anu i.aniwuj
0 is a la lor neneionte trie ana uanuuii
s a m lor Loek Haven. Tyrone anl us
1 00 D m for Bellefonte Kane A C'anscili
s 4ii p m lor Kenovo and Eiinira
UttDnlor lAlc Hufln
Sunday 5 18 a m for Erie and CsnsnilH
v 43 a m tor iooa iiaven anu so p
S ii a m lor Ratmwlna and Haiolton
imm. aiKam anil S 43 o rn for W
710am,lowam,20opm, 5 45pmM
kid anu mount iarinei
Sunday 10 00 a m lor Wilkeibarre
Trains leave Selinsgrove Junclf
ions a m. week davi arriving ai mi
3 00 p m New York 6 53 p in Balilisut
wvnmKion iu pin
ft 41 D in dallr arrlvlna: at ThMadelpli
11 16 p m New York 1 08 a m, Halllmor
8 40 p m. week daya arriving St l l
4 sva m ew vora 7 m a m
'I'r.ln. mlmn h. Njnnurr
1 Mam dally arriving at PhiladeidU
Ralllmnra I'Sl 1 Wiuhlnvton 74V
York 13 am Weekdays, 10 3 a
4 ss am daily arriving at rnuvwi"'
new Yorai is p m uauiuioresoaa
In. inll.m
1 M pn, week days arriving st Pj
8 S3 p m, New York 28 p m. Bsltlol
nuniDKion 1 10 p m
Train. lan HnnhlirV at IM I
and 1 to p m, lor Harrlsburg, Pbllsdi
J.H. WOOD.Oes'lri
I. B. HUTCHINSON, Uta'l Sisaasei
Collections, Loans
and Invest
Beat Eatateaad Private W
William aport, Lycoming
Deposits accepted, subject todnitf
rota any part ot tbe world.
rjhereby given that
mentary on tne estate oi vacoo
Perry township, Snyder CouDtyr9
been Issued to tne undersigned wtw
County. AU persona therelprM
said esute will pleats make to""
meat, and tnose bavin; olalms stm
present tnem for settlement to
Mtrok 4, T.
eluistice of the P(
anu ternst