SENT THE SLAVS BACK. ' . Xiatrt Bsfassd U Work Wit 1BSBV L nlBtol miners put to night In the ."ifbOCKl 01 OV o wuu sail utjcu Zjto ork in ,be Mehard coalmine, l tl ibot two miles from the town of r Th Klavs are the una men who lrT- ...,,! t Washinirtonville a few eo. Tne Slavs were to have begun toll week at Wampum, but when the . ' - i i t u Lit r nnmii n i mv u i nnmi jeB. ttaahlnctonville and louod that .renol desirable men. Tha result . .I.-. entitled the manager of the that they wou'd not work with the ' ...l mootinra were held between ' . ... 1 . .. .. . .. ,jtMj n tne oi ,i ....i. to have a new borough bnlld- . ..oinMiiatlon town hall, police depurt- ..ndtlre department, it will be ot u , Li.. ml bv 48 font, with a 55-foot E!ui Id tb basement, an engine and truck ullj for two horses, feed room and nnthR first floor; while the M n.r will contain a large and eom- fiicu council chamber, the mayor office, ' nK.prtol vault, an assembly room !hr fire companies, an anteroom, wash lm ami bath room. Un tne tmrd floor . i ( . 1. . V. 1 .1 1 - I fflil 110 ue ruuiu iui iuo uviuiiik tit ., The entire building will cost from i i.. i.- .. . i... Uupalnrnni Iht) linri.iit.h rrtl lua llrf department have nw.ijs met mi1 rooms. k.i was a meeting ni me emce oi jus- I William Sloan in .ueuiiiu ui iuo u.niio f the estate of Joseph ball, who died pi-jl, in Philadelphia, leaving an estate mate! to be worm inrmiy n uui.iuu uoi- It was agreed oy an present to take t once towaru recovering tnirteen mivhii bare now in the Court of Claims riihlnKton under the French spoliation Lm. 1 be claimants 10 tne estate in ine Li. i.l of whom were at the meeting,, are rcr. n i.i r u.i,u wttl M. t USier, Vliciiumvu, vaults miu.u, i.nir, Josepn Hunter, i,nesier; .urs. k,t Harrison. Knowiton: Howard Mark- Medina: Mrs. Kmma L. Lukens, Chester iMn. J. wstts Jlercur, n sningioru. IbolJ attempt at , horee stealing was pre, ,d at Greenville, jonn Ravage, a rarmnr I lilt borse to a telegrapn pole near tne kton botel and went into mat Hostelry. tilv alter a man unuiieuuii me uorse. M mtu tbe rig and drove on. luo loss iiscoverml and a not i'Da ensued, l ue tn;m!e a desperate attempt to escHpe tin turnout, but was too hard prerr-ed . nureuers. und wnen near tne rolllni; tutapeJ out of the rl and disap)eareit ilarkness. Aithougu a dillKeut search tuale, the thief could not be found, i ho meeting of the trustees of Wilson CbainberxliurK, the resienatton of Dr. Tlion.iis K. ltoblnson, of Allegheny, iiiit pri"iilent, and cf William JL. iln :ry. of Mercerburg, as trustees, anil of Klizatwth 0. Murnhnll, assistant prinei- .Tf received. 1 ne salaries or several i-re were raised. Tbo executlvo oom- was authorized to spend $4,000 on tbo l.viwuts to rk'ti'ht'r ball, so that I) -two moro students may be roomed I Lane R. Hart and Kdward Bailey, -liuri; tankers, unci Y. J. Nnavely, of in, alo a banker, were elected direc- l!tbe(irieniburK, Jeanuette and I'llts- liailway ocmpanv. the iiHSoclallon of Ilii-d with the company, it is snld. in- 1;be enrly completion of the rond as lly contemplated. The ireneral tnan- Iw. F. Sa iler, states that the work of liing the roml west of Irwin will be weit April 10. All tho rinhts of way Irctvrfrai! have been seuurod. rtbree bours' deliberation the jury at wwn lounci i nnries u. Knlser. Jr.. efmunlerin tho llrst degree as tho (a of hLtwife. Uo on tho night of r2Sth last fhot her In tho carriage, be- i fitii a lonely drive in order that he f ttheill.lKIOfor which he hail Insur- I liV. A nmltitudo of neonlo outvliln trt bouse yelled their approval when llct ivas iinnounocd. Jrillii.g nn oil well noarEldrod. a 1 51 -K''aa eountv. pecullur formation bil at a depth of tfOO feet. SpoeiniHiis rocK were preserved uml sent to 'iierts for exiunluation. An ooinion I) received by tliu owners of the well Itiiiit tbe rook contains considerable iNecimens have l?en sent nwiiy to be luvmiu iius eauseii considoraule ut in tlm vicinity of Eldred. fyof .Mendville obtainod a temporary " i-oiriiiiiing me .Meanvllle water i? from making any additions to its liie eity is desirous of purchasing it, ami has nsked the water company, h lii of lN7t!. for a ntiittnnt nl iia Ike water company ignored the re i'l was preparlug to make important wuts. The tluul heating will be ! Tthwestcrn Mini nr fl l 1 1 Prnlinnna , ' i..iinuhQ lias COIIlIilclH,! n ,luul .l,l..l. i... Il e puri'hase of about 1,200 acres of i south of Ilrockwuyville. This !' which is affiliated with the Krle . ueeiop tin; new purchase this ine operations Involve the Con tois mile or mnrn nt rull.l Img of mines a mile south of town. "Dtfor23.000 has been entere.1 at rsiuH .vioii.nus r and Elwlna l it hamuel T.ed nf t ah.i.. t...... l'luter and the trustees of the I - ;"euiyare named as garnishees e"Ut on. Tin. II . lUiaiid, but Mrs. Linton beenmo r leal estato lu Armstrong county 1'terVvntia nn J . .. I - , nK:u woman or ren or ten v,,ftr, )wn 4meted wltu ! Sllillfll tl.v..l.lA .1. . . ....... . wuico snowed )Ut ll.tfrmluu 1n l it. t l i. , """""i m opaaniouic jerK F 'atl atiil an...t... .. I VI , l i i "no e. out of bed, sevorely Injuring h wooden trestle,, which have for Iin . , '. 1,18 LKiawlssa lluil ll , ",,lH",J 1,y bstantml iron 'lU'I llllt I. .i I Hae.. I,. " "?. orf II ui'wn.. V- I'mianeipnia and hi "iiuHo vouipauy, oi tr:'.''' ."''. 'dybee I colT. ""yPBr. being one of I Valley. , n" 10 tno lowur EH ' u'll"" of the Weed es" tt ls ink! "' ' . r peut- of their 'rc.or,,Tn'OWl,,K "lPh alitor t court. """'I'0"'" be passed brni..- batter, sin la w hieh o-. uourt,h'-, I prot. r . . " u ""Mlvely Taxes In n n.. ""on ath, .... :aa .V" class. Wta," acting th. l'n!Z",lm6eUn0'c''l Center t. I.;,,""'" Coal built "l the )jt,ry. ' appeal v-oatraotorlCeoBU aaa lie at t wi on tha sew tnrnplka from Jotutowt to CrajBOra, and If rapidly posh lor -the aama, He expects to pnt oa about 100 mora mea aa soon as tha state of th ground will per mit. In the damage salt of Angus Cameron, ot Rathmel, against the borough of Reynold ville (or 2.0OO for Injuries sustained by falling from a sidewalk, the jury returned a verdict for tha defense. ' The borough council of Fredonia, has or ganized by electing J. K. Ilayen. president; A. (i. Loveland.aeeretary; Halph Livingston, treasurer, and James B. Uorey, street com missioner. Ber. A. B. Phillips, pastor of the First Methodist Epiicopal church, of Ktmron, baa tendered his resignation to take effect f once, on account of failing health - PENNSYAVANiALEGiSLATURE. was reported March 17. A large number of Important bills were reported out of committees in tha house this morning. From the Insurance committee came four bills, two regulating assessment insurance companies and chang ing their policing; a bill prohibiting insur ance of children under 12 years of age; an other relieving the insured of responsibility should they receive a portion of the pre mluin. Two bills of the Citizens' Municipal League, of 1'hiladelphia, were reported. Another bill was reported providing that no oouncllman shall hold any office of profit under tbe national, state or city governments. The FHnn "reform charter out for printing. Mr. Hcagy, Dauphin, presented a memor ial asking the passage of the bill prohibiting the sale of liquor on Memorial day. The following bills were Introduced: Mr. Hpatz. Itorks, levying a tax of one dollar per annum on each bicycle, to be paid Into tbe state treasury for the Improvement Ui UlU IM1LI1IO rouuH. Mr. Woodruff, Philadelphia, amending the constitution so as to enabio tbe legislature to pass special registration laws for city and couutry districts. The purpose hi to permit two registrations a year in cities. Tliehousa after a brief light, passed the MeWhlnney resolution providing lor a coal Investigation as amended in the senate. In Its present form the resolution provides for two investigations, one in the Pittsburg coal district and the other In the anthracite region. The Senate completed its calendar at noon. Several committees wanted time to act, so a recess of 30 minutes was taken. During the recess nn Impromptu M. Pat rick's dny celebration ocourred. Senator Osborne, of Philadelphia, recited a humor ous poem on Ht. Patrick's day which was applauded. On resuming the session, a batch of ap pointments from the governor was received and confirmed. Among them was one miming I,. 11. Frnzler to be alderman of the Thirty-fifth ward, Pittsburg; vloe 1). IS. Johnston, resigned. All were confirmed. On motion of Henntor Grady, of Philade 1 phla, a special session of the Henato was ar ranged for 6 o'clock this afternoon to con sider the cose of Ilev. Swallow, now resting under a charge of being in contempt of tho Henate. March 18. Representative Nesbit present ed a resolution for the investigation by the Legislature of the charges mailu for lumber in fixing up the present structure occupied by tbe House. Mr. Nesbit said ho could pro duce the evidence to show that t3,000 feet of lumber had been charged for in excess of the amount used, nnd that the bills were In dorsed by two State officials. Mr. Nesbit was very positive In his statements, and the affair created qulted a breeze In tho House. A bill introduced by Mr. Smith to provide lor me commitment nnu treatment of person, in asylums addicted to tho use of cocaine, morphine und other stupyfying drugs for a period not exceeding two years. A bill providing for tho granting of retail liquor licenses upon u basis of population whs presented by Mr. Voorhees, of Philadel phia. The measure provides that in cltio not more than one license shall be granted for every 1,000 inhabitants; not moro than two licenses in towns having 500 inhabitants or less, but additional licenses may be grant ed for each W)0 Inhabitants or fractional parts thereof In taid boroughs. Lieut. irv. Lyon culled the Senate to or der at 10 o'clock. On the roll call only one bill was Introduced. It was by Mr. White, of Denver, und provides for the appointment of meat inspectors in all tho cities, boroughs and townships in the Stato when the S'ato Hoard of Health directs. Tho enUmdur was thee proceeded with nnd the following bills wero passed finally: An act to prevent inaiiiifacturers and con tractors or employes of labor from discrim inating niraiust any employes becausu they are members of labor unions. An uet amending section 2 of an act en titled "An act to regulate ami establish fees to bo charged by jiudicra ol tho pence, alder men, magistrates and constables in this commonwealth." Aa act supplementary to tho act entitled "Ao act to provide for tho better Bocuritv of life and property from tho dangers of coal and petroleum oils." ATter finishing the calendar tho Senate nt 12:10 adjourned until Monday evenlug. March HI. Just about a quorum was pres ent when the House was culled toirder this morning. A few petitions of minor import ance woro presented. Only four bills were read. They were: , lly Mr. Williams -An act entitled an net to repeal nn act entitled an act In relation to huckstering in the countiesof Pedford, Cum berland, Franklin, Fulton nnd Vork. Mr. Emery To enable borough and town ship tax collectors, whose term of office has expired, or shall expire iluring the year 18'J7, to collect tuxes, tbe payment of which may become or may hereafter become liable wituoui uaviag been collected. Also a bill to amend un net to provide for tho incor poration and regulation of certain corpora tions, providing for the nub cations in separata pamphlet form of a certified list of an cnarters of incorporation. After the llrst reuding of several hills the Jiouse adjourned until Monday evening nt u o ciock. i ue senate was not in sossion to. day. March 22.-15y a majority of '25 the Honsu lo-uignc piueeci useii on record as being in lino with tho Governor's ideas of Capitol construction, or at least, as beiug willing to take them for n busts of action. In the Senate to-night the following bills Were introduced: Mr. Walton. Green, to provido for the erection of a new capltol building at a cost not to exceed ifS.OO.OUO and to be under the supervision of the commissioner of publio uuiiiiiuks ami grounds, una to lie as nearly fire proof as possible, and to bo completed by January 1, 1800. Mr. Mitchell, Jefferson, to prohibit the puuiio exuiiuiiun oi pnotogrupblo reproduc tiou of pri7.o lights. Consumption of Amber. In Puntzlc alone during Inut j-pnr tiPftrly 100 tons of amber were turned to the smoker's mirpoHO In pipes nnd cigarette holders This, of course, to amber of the fumlllar yellow variety. Sicilian Jiinbcr, on the other band, shows a wonderful variety of tlnts from ruby rod to ttminolsii blue, as may best be seen In tho private onllec tloi of Arifolil ltufTtnn, an American of fortune, who has made coloied am bers his hobby, has written a book atumt them nnd him recently been on n visit lo London, carrying with hliu a num ber of li'.s finest epcclmcnfi. At a meeting of one of tho largo En Kllnh Insurance companies It wns shown that more than six hundred thousand dollar had been paid out for deaths duo to Influeuza. ; .Q.OIsOUSIl III TEBJf ATION AL - LKSSOX MARCH 28. FOB Bevlewfor tbe First Quarter Golden Text: Acts ill., 24 Commentary. Lesbo I. Christ's Ascension (AeH I. 1-14. 1. Golden Text Luke xxlr., 51, "While He blessed thorn He was parted from them and carried up into heaven." Tbe golden text lor the review, "The word of Ood grew and multiplied," describe the work ot the Holy Spirit through the apostles after tne ascension of Christ. Via must keep before us the great fact that it was and still is the purpose ot uod to bless the whole eart throueh Israel f Pa. xvli.. 1-7- U ir ii Jer. 111.. 17, 18j Itom. xl., VI. 15). but. Israel uaving rejected and ornoifle t their King, th kingdom la postponed until tho Klug shall return (Luke xix., 11. 12: Acts lil.. 20 .'J1L In the meantime we live in "tho mysteries VI 11119 KlUKUOm. Lkkso II The Holy Spirit Olvon (Acts 11., 1-13). Oolden Text Arts 11., 4, "They were all Oiled with the Hulv Ohnst " Al- :hougb these disciples hill been daily under ma icauuing or !U Lonl Jesus Tor several years, yet they wore not qualified to lie His witnesses, but had to watt until II Hod with tne uoiy spirit, for Ho alone could accom plish in and through them what the Lord required. jo wisdom or power ot man can tcoomnlish the work of the Lord, but only mo opiru oi tne jjord (ioch. tv., 6). When lilted, they spake as the Spirit gave thorn uuurauce .v.'ts it., 41, Lessox III. A Multitude Converted CActslL, 82-47). Oolden Text-Acts II., S'J. "ine promise is unto you and vour children and to all that are afar ofr When the strangers at Jerusalen from all parts of the world hoard those unlearned men speaking musTuiigcs nnu declaring tne wonder ful works of od, they were amazed, and mine said tlmt the disciples were full ot wino. Peter, then standlug forth, in the power of the Spirit tho facts of the case, aim irom tne Scriptures preached Christ unto them with the result that nhnni BOOl) believed nnd were baptized, and the Lioru continue:! to add dally those being wived (verses 41, 47). Lisbon IV. The Lamo Man Healed (Acts III.. 1-1G). Golden Text, Acts ill IB. "Mis namo, through faith in His name, hntli made this man Nfcnnir ' The disciples seem to have frequented the lampie, proonuiy tor tne purpose of teach Inc. oven us Jenus had done ('sea clinntnr v 20), nnd on thin occasion the Lord through them gave health to a man over forty years old who had never walked a step (verse 2 mm coupler iv. , ii). Lkssom V. The Itoldness of Peter and John (Acts Iv., 1-14). Oolden Text-Acts Iv., 12, "There Is none other name under licaven given nmong men whereby wo must bo saved." As the power of Ood Is Increas ingly seeu tne devil s anger Increases, and tnenpostlcs suffer Imprisonment nnd threat' eniug. Lkison VI. True nnd False Oivlng (Acts iv.. m, ui v., ijj. uniuen Text i Sam. xvl., 7, "Marl looketli on tho outward appearance, but tho Lord looketh on tho heart." With such great power gnvothe apostles witnoss nf the resurrection of the Lord Jusus that '.he grace of Ood was unou ihem all. and many sold their property nnd put all the proem-os id ins common mail that nope of mo Dcitevers might lack anything: for then as now nmong the Jews, those believing in i-urisr wouia prounmy be cast off by tliui friends nnd flml themselves destitute of temporal things. God's hatred of deceit Is eeu in ltis judgment of tho liars. Lx-aoa VII. Tim Prison Opened (Acts v., 1V-;12). Uoldnu Text Acts v., li'J, "Wo ought to obey God rather thun men." Satan's rage Increases, uml again thenpostles are Imprisoned, but no walls or bolts or Midlers can hold thorn unless tho Lord is willing that they should be hold; so He H-nds nn angel, who delivers them and sends them to tho temple to continuoteachlng the words of life. When again arrested lu thu temple lu tho morning aud brought before tho council, Peter again preaches Christ eruclllcd and risen, and, although beaten for it, when let go thoy continued ilnilv to teach und preach Jesus Christ both iu tho teinpio unci from house to house. Lksson VIII. The First Christian Martvr (Acts vi, 8-15; vll. C4-00). Oolden Text itev. II, 111, "B,( thou faithful unto death. and I will give thee a crown of life." Tne power of the Holy Spirit Is us noeesarv to serve table us to preach the gospel, and if one is willing to sorvo wholo henrtodly in humble service ho will bo led forth to creator things. Tho wisdom and spirit which thoy wore not uuio to resist was not nnv wisdom of Hlophon, but that of the Holv Spirit in Stepbun, even the wisdom and Spirit of God. Stephen's sermon, like Peter's, wits ehielly quotations irom or references (of Scripture, and having giving his testimony he went nomo to no wltu jiisiis. lie Is tho llrst re. cordod as seeing Jesus after Ills ascension. l.r.sso I. I'he Ulscinles Disponed (Acts vlll, 1-17). Golden Text Acts vlil, 4, "J'hoy thut wove scattered abroad wont everywhere preuoiung me worn. luo last Words ot Christ ere Ho ascended wore, "Oj ye Into nil the world, and preach, tho gospel to every eronture, ana "Ye snail ue witnesses nnto Me unto tbe uttermost rnrt of the earth' (Mark xvl. 15; Acts I, 8). yet up to the time oi our lesson me witnesses ao not seem to have left Jerusalem. Lissos X. The Ktliioplan Convert (Aots vll. 20-40). Ooldon Text-AuU vlll, 85, 'Then Philip opened his mouth and began at tho. same Boriuture and. rrcached. unto b Ira Jesus." Perliups Done of the scattered abroad had gone to Ethiopia, but tho Lord had his ohosen ones even there and will Somehow roach them also. Lessox XL Saul, the Persecutor, Con verted (Acts IX., 1-12, 17-20). Oolden Text I Tim. I., 16., "This is a faithful saying nnd worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus enmo Into the world to save sinners." Things Impossible with men are possible wiro uon. ana mere is notniug too hunt or wonderful lor Ood Luke xvlll.. 27: Jer. xxxll., 17). The time came for this blasphe mer to be stopped, and iu Ills owu way, by Ills own power, the Lord humbled him and brought hi iu to Himself. Lkssun XII. Christian Bolt Itestr.iint (I Cor. Ix., 19-27). Oolden Text-I Cor. ix., 23. "Everyman that htrlvoth for tho mas tery Is temperate in all things. Salvation is tho free gilt of Ood through the llnlshcd work of Christ, and uo works or strivings of ours liuv! any part In our redemption (Ko Ill.,24 iv., 6; Kph. II., 8, U; Titus ill., 5), but when saved through Christ it Is that we mnyauouuain good worlts (Titus 111., 8; Eph. II., 10), ns tho evidence of our redemption, aud for tbesu works which God prepares for us we shall be rewarded at tbo coming of Christ ( Luke xi v.. 14; lt'JV, xxll.. 12; II John viii., i cor. in., 14, 13). Tbo special work of our lesson Is denial ot self. Lessou lloipor. CONGRESSIONAL FLOODS IN ARKANSAS. Thousands of Cattle Drowned In tho High Water. The destruction to property in Arknnsni from high wutor and rains Is unprecedented. P.iports from the section oovoraj by the White, Ouachlla, Little Rod, and Black Rivers all say these si roams ore bank full and In many nlnoos have submerged the country for miles la every direction, roo nle are fleeing to higher ground, In many iustnnoes leaving tholr stock und household goods to the mercy of the llood. Governor Jones has received many np. poals for aid nnd will convene the Leslsla. ture within the next ton'days to take action on the matter. All the streams In tha Rtnte urn hlnhn. than ever bofore. business is prnctioallv al standstill everywhere. At least in nnn horses, hogs and o.Ktlo have perished so fui in tbe high water. . . Abstract ef tie lapertaat Measure ta Beta Esases. March 16. In the senate to-day 348 bill and eight joint resolutions were Introduced. They embraced nearly every phase of public basinet. Mr. Allen's batch ot bills num bered about seventy-five. They Included bills directing the foreclosure of the irovern. ment Ilea on tbe Colon l'aeltlo railraad, to prevent professional lobbying: detlnlte the powers of the Judiciary: for service pensions, etc Hills introduced by Mr. Hale related to a cable between the l uited states. Hawaii and Japan, and to the twelfth census. There was a general laugh at one of the pensien bills of Mr. White of California, "for the re lief of William J. liryan." Mr. Lodge's bills included those to amend the immigration luwa and for a Hawiiiian cable, bankruptcy bills were presented by Mr. Nelson of Minnesota, anj Mr. Lindsay of Kentucky. March 1M."-The houe reassembled at noon todav pursuaut to adjourn meiit, a very large portion of the members being present After the chnplniu's prayer and reading of the journal, Mr. Hcndersou (Rep., lu,.) stated that the committee on ways and incurs would not be ready to report until to-morrow, therefore he moved that the House ad journ until Friday. This was agreed to without division, and at 12 16 the house was declared adjourned by Speaker IWd. In the Seuate to-duv Mr. Turple, Iemo crut, Indiana, again introduced his consti tutional amendment providing for the elec tion of United States senntors by direct popu lar vote. Mr. Gear, liepubllenn, Iowa, re ported from the Pacific Railroads committee the bill creating the Secretary of the Treas ury, the Secretury of the Interior and the Attorney General a commission to settle the debts of the roads to the government, the settlement to be llrst consented to by the President. March 1'.). In the Sennte to-day the peti tion of John Kdward Addicks, contesting the right of Mr. Kenney to a Seat ns Senator from Delaware, was presented by Mr. burrows, Itepublican, Michigan, and referred to the Committee on Privileges nnd Flections. A communication from the Governor and Sec etary of State of Oregon was presented by Mr. ChnuifW, Republican, New Hampshire, and read, setting out facts to show that the House of livpresentatives, not having been regularly organized, there has beeu no session of the State Legislature since February 1HD6. The objeot of the communi cation, which was referred to tbe Committee on Privileges and Flections, was to prove that the Governor had the right of appoint ment of United States Senator. Among 200 bills Introduced was one bv Mr. butler, Populist. North ( establish a postal telegraph system. Tho bills Intro duced to day increase the number submitted since the special session opened on Monday to 975. , 3 This was a stormy dny in the house. The Republican lenders before adjournment hud secured tho adoption ot a speehil order llx ing the limits of the tariff debate, and two of the regular appropriation bills which failed to become laws at the lust session had been passed and sent to the Sennte. March 20 The house to day pushed through the two remaining "left over" ap propriation lllls according lo yesterday's schedule. Th agricultural bill, carrying .t.lh2,'.Hl, und the Ind'iin, carrying 7,670. 220. Representative Maxwell of Nebraska, introduced a bill for a beet sugar bounty in the house. March 22. - Amoug the bill reported from committers nnd placed on the calendar in the senate todii) were those approving tho settlement nnd compromise of the claims be iween tlie Fulled States and the State of Arkansas, and providing free homesteads H public lauils for actual uud bona llde set-tiers. ilr. I'eltlgtew , Sil S. 1 1.1, who reported the latter bill, gave notice I hat ho would ask the beniite, us soon ns possible, to take it up. .Mr. Ilnnna ( l!ep., O.l, tnndo his first re marks in tiio Semite, when lie olTered a bill providing for a new public buillillng ut Cleve land, O. Tho four great appropriation Mils, the agriculture, the sundry civil, the Indian nnd the general deficiency, which fulled in the the lust congress, were receive from the house and referred to committee. HoisK-Tiii, journal of Saturday's pro eeecilngs was read and approved. Speaker Rsul then said: "Pursuant to tho order adopted, the house will now resolve itself Into the committee of the whol" for the con sideration of tarilT bill No. IIT'.i, ami the i hiur will appoint the gentleman from Now York, Mr. Sherman, chairman of tho committee." Mr. sherniim took the etialr and directed the clerk to read the bill In exlenso, which oc cupied two hours, reducing by that much the period for debate. When tho reudlnir of the bill had beeu llnl-died. Jir. Dinirirv. chairman of tho committee on wuvs nnd menus, opened the debate on the measure. INDUSTRIAL NEWS. Items of Interrit to Working Mtn. Pros pects for Resumntion. The l."iO men who have been out of tho Ohio nnd Pennsylvania Company's mi!ii s ut Salliieville, O., for the past ten order of the state uiiiio Inspector, because of un safe condition of the mine, from luck of ven tilation, were allowed to return to work, as the company will dually arrange to put lu a steuin fun, which will remedy thu defect. Fust Liverpool. O.-It is announced the extensive Kenilworth pipe and lire brick works, on the south side, between this eltv and Wollsvlllo, will start up In all depart ments. The works have been suspeuded for almost a year. Sharon. Pa.-It Is expected that the new stcul mill nt this pluce will be in operation by June i. me machinery Is n.,w being placed in position ami the structural parts an about completed. The work ut the South Sharon steei mill is being rushed forward. Fifteen men are fitting up the mill and getting it In readiness to start some lime in April. About jUO men will be given emploj ment In these two mills. Johnstown, rn. General Muna-jer Price. of the Cambria Iron Works, ordered resump tion of the No. roll mill, which has t en loscd during tho lust year. It employs 100 men. The American Tube und Iron eomimnv. of Youngstowp. O., posted notices Saturday that, commencing March 2!, there would be a reduction of 10 per cent, iu wages, mude necessary by competition. Revival in ths Woolen Mills. Pittsfleld, Mass. There Is a great rovivnl of the woolen business iu this city ami vi cinity. All the mills are running full time aud nave more orders than in any former spring in a long time. Tbe Poutoosuo Woolen Company has tensed the Pomeroy mill for the manufacture of dress uoods. The mill will bo started iu a few days and will employ 100 bauds. Drop-Forged Durability Drilling out with mathtmatkaJ accur acy drop-lorginji of the finest steel is but one of the way of ucuring Col umbia lightness and strength. There are cheaper ways of miking bicycles than the way ColumbUs arc made. Bet the mult b not Columbia quality. w STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Columbia you know, in quality and construction are in class by themselves 100 TO ALL ALIKE. Deautiful Art Catalogue of Columbia and Hortforo Bicycles Is free if you coll upun any Columbia Agent ; by mail from ua tor two i-cent stamps. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. r-t t. . . ual oxorea ana Agencies In almost every city and town. If Columblaa luupcii in your vicinity, let us know. are not SELECT UI HEIMNd I dii-i or smoke r ion-... ;;:r. : i.i spiriu mid low, to I lin.'.-- timl w-uriuou.-i to the penitent 101,1 t . r..,iti y,., pi,,., ,,1,, , i appear. lii-iop lliiutiugiuii. apart wrrn oop. Apn-t with Cod how beautiful the thought! 1 roin eares or eurth to win such sweet re. elli To lay aside the vexing task, half-wrought. And by tbo green, u'ershuduwed path of peace Seek the white altar that the saints have touglii ! Oh ! precious Is the quiet place of prayer. H nere iicuvcu ami earth, where doii and mortal meet. To that deur spot come neither pain nor euro And nil about is like a garden sweet. The llower.s whereof shod healing on the air. There, brother, bring vour trial's vexing thorn. And ijod ftlmll pluck it out ami give you rest. There bring vour sin, and He whose side was torn Shall cleanse vour soul to be His palimpsest. New-writton as vour spirit Is new-born. None is forbid that blest communion none. The hands llml spanned the cruel cross so wide. Thus would thev clusp the troubled race, as one Li st brother, bv love's anguish justified. Come, whosoe'er; behold J vou lire lind's Son : - .lame lluekhnm In Advance. John I.nwrenee, manager of the l.ta.igibby hunt in Monnioulh, Wales, has hunted con tinuously for seventy years. He is now aged A itr Di rivi; i'i;nioii. Afterspivlul praver ami evangelistic effort it is important the ehurch should have a welcome reu'lv lor all coiners. The or dinlitv of Individual-need to be Imlor-ctl hv the sympathy of the clmrcli. At such a time the prejudices of men are sofii-i.ed, uud thev uif prepared to rispotnl to invita tions wlliell oy would j rcvioii'-ly have dismissed without cou-ldcrat iiui. Some of them have drifted away Irom early habit of church attendance, oile rs lnuc bud ai IciiHt I heir cm lo-ity urou-cd. and some arc feeling their way toward faith without hav ing bad llio courage lo mi r .ui inquiry mooting or to open ilp'ir hearts to a t'liris- iiiiii minister or frn-iid. I he .-o.-iiil uiiiio-- ) piii-ro ot tne i it ii r.-li ought nlwav-i to oe genial, but never more m tluiti when lie eoniuiiiiilty hu been -lirrod by calls to faith and obedience, and the stranger in ourgatcs may be only waiting I t an invitation p, become one with us iu faith nnd service. Ami to this genial atmosphere individuals tiMist contribute eie li t Ii' ! r sliiue, , geniality ol the whole will l Ullor. 17 For salo by tho Atlantic Ro- fining Co. rniooD poison o Muar 111! J s;:x-a -J limnef.irrnnio limn . :r ' P. H.IIUD o .1 . ii - on irreier toenrnn lint-rt T;"'1 y vai Iroml I iir.-nriil ln.te I bi I ts.aiul euro. If you huve taken fuer- A rn wi ll I on HI MIi.t rv. Dour l iiUier, here I am, where thou bust phi line. I'hoii dost know the phi, is for me wlil 'li are in thy tiiluil. Tca.'h inc. t ! k . t I may know them, line mo grace Unit inn v accomplish them. .'Ma!,.- me strong thai I ii.iiv nil th 'in as thou iloyt will. , In spirit ue , ti Holy Spirit, that I iniiv embodv Ihine own m-Ii. .Mold ui", (I i reiitor of i; ali, thai I may take on immortality in the likeness of .Ichus Christ. Lend me. o Saviour of life, that these days on earth may lm es-tulli-lic,l in truest service and luiihiul min istry. And tint plans of the hour that I fol low out will then be thine, so that all the re sults, iibuiit whleh we thy followers arc olti'ii anxious, will be thine also. .My growth ami transformation lead us into P'm ami peace, that all our Inner state and nil the works of our hands may be made holy. e pray to ihee because Christ Jesus upv'ueil up thu way. Amen. .in i rurv. .iifij. ....... u - .- -ii, nnu mi l lifivo nrni4 ami puns, M ucous Viu ehc, ( m,,,,,,,, Soro TI nm. rimpl. s. Topper i red Spot. 1, ,'rs o, any purtof the lly, llairor Kvebrows r ,ir ,V ! ont. a is this (Se. oi.di.ry lilVo oil , r,l" fi we guarantee tornre. Ueo. ..,.,...,. nnn riiaiicmro tho world lor n, i Meweeam..tcure. Tins m ..,. h . oamailie skill .f the most t loineot .7 ivii. Al)solin..i.r....rJ .,.,: .. . . " aiiplirniion. itilrtresn ciiiiu i.-. i'Xl UK" J Uiinnlgnttruuly. niinllrnlli'ii. Aild 8U1 Alasuulu lmpl0, VUlVAUti, IL& I . I 1st Day. j l.'.lhDay THE CflEAT I .v b' - I. Wfl If REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Lord, we are rivers running to Thy sea, Our waves n ml ripples all derived from a nothing be, A nothing we should have, for Thee Sweet are tho witters nf 'I hy shoreless sea, Make sweet our waters thu! make luisio to Thee ; 1'our in Thy sweet, that oarselves may be .v.veetncss to Tin e ! - Christina llossettl. Warren. (). Citizens of Mineral Illdire re- Joice over the fact that tho manufacturing works there have received orders sufficient for a sternly run for tome time to come, Tbe ompany niunufuetiires coal mine sunolies ami other maehiuery. One large order conies from the Coiinellsvllle coke legions. A Tragedy or the Sen. The Fremiti linn stonmer Villi do fit. KusMire has boon nt sa;i. tfhu sailed from mr York, Mtrcb 6 for West Indian ports nnd was abandoned Jlareh 8. There wero eighty people aboard. Captain Borrt nn 1 three leuinen, pluked up from nn oiien boat by the sohooner Hilda, wero landed' nt Forth Amboy, N. J. There were four dead lu the boat. Nothing Is known o; tha futo ot tha others. Til K IIAVS OK PISCOfKAOKMIN I". It ofti'ii kociiis as If there were a sense lii Which it might bo said that nothing so lead ed to keep Hod out of our lives as work for (iod done in a wrong and supcrllciiil spirit The Scripture render, the Sunday sonooj teiieher, the evangelist, the minister, the working laymen nil of them. I am sure, have felt how religious Work tries to pub out religious thought uud to kill the soul', receptivity. Thought minle prueticnl, turned into duty, tends to become like nil turned Into wind The more earnestly you are ut work for Jesus, the more you need times when what you are doing' lot Him passes totally out 'of your mind nnd the only thing worth thinking of seems to be what Ho is doing f(,r you. That Is the real nn lining of the duys of discourage ment and self-contempt which eome to all o iis.O fellow laborers for the Lord !riii!lips liruoks. Well Man fcf ... 1 V7 oi "vi e. (Mil I) riv. 1X133 IVCXI nXJlVTIEXj-Sr pr!:i. results ln':io lus. rt acta pmv. i iuii.van.l.iaiclilr. l uri h w h.ui all elliers tall, lmiiilt no n will regain their Inst muiihnisl.iad old K'.'vVi" ,''''nvir tl'-lr MMithlui vitor liv usinii l(l. l0. It iiulckly ami surely restoiesV.rviiiis. , jess. Lost italily, 1 1 1 1 1 . . i . n,-v . Mirhtly Kinissumii, . I-est l-uwiM-. Killing Menmry, Wasim i,s, ases. anil I ail etl.cts of scii ahuse r rice. a ami Incllirri lion I wliii li niititsoiic fur sillily. Ii.iainessprniarri.ise It nut only riinnhysti-iiiigntllis sent ol disease but' li aijrcnt tii-rve looie una lilood Imilder. brl.i. ins luck the p K. I(, ,,u(, ..i.erk t,, M. , st.ii ins tlm lire of youth. It wards ot, lasaiiilr I snil tonsunipiini,. innit on bavinir ltKtlll,ni other. It ran bn rarrieil in vert pocket, lly mall I l,o r,.r packaKP. or sli lor S.f,.oo, lih ,, ,,oa' I live written Kimriintee In nne or refund the money. Oin iilarlrcii. Ailurrsi j Jli'AL HEDIC1NE CO.. 2VI Vm Ale.. CfllCAUO, ILL , Forsulo nt MiildlelMrgh, Fu.,by ! w. h. arA.NuLiat. KArE Ol'KN To nurAT NKKU. There can be no doubt of what Is slgnllled by our catching and sending out again tin light beheld in "the I'liee." Not us St. John and Mary saw do we soe. but we see when we look for him wenro sure lo llml him, with the other eyes, faith und communion. Imagi nation and adoration, bringing out of-the dim distance that Presence, comforting ami most dear; the wondrous and blessed eouii- tnnnnen wliloh painters and sculptor at tholr best, for flfty generations, have striven iu vain to represent, grnoo upon gruee, glory upon "glory, In blended majesty and tiuiduraoss. The greater your need the more "open" the Face will be. Sometimes the. jncdium. may be hazv, dimmed by earthly Baco-Curo Baco-Curo Baco-Curo Baco-Curo Baco-Curo The only scienti fic cure for the Tobacco habit. lias eureil thousands where other ieiieille failed. iWrilo lor proofs. ) Does not deiirnd on the will imver of the user. It Is the euro. Yt'Kctulio& haiuiless. IMreetloni urn elear: f rw fl tin Tnhiiri o iou mill until liaeoi urii liutllies you to stop. Is the Oriuiniil IVrll ten (iiiarnntrr itcmisly that refunds your mon ey If It fulls to cute. ' Investigate li n o- uro ts'fore taking nny remedy Inrllie 'lobaeco Habit. AlliliiiL'L'l-lsnro nut borlzeil lo sll Itiien-Curo with our iron clad w ritten Kiiarantiv. One Ikix h.iki; :i hoxes iKt.itrnutcfNl riirel ll'.ai. If f our ilni'.'uM Iks mil keep It, wo will mini il. Wrlto or fne IsHiklci uml proofs. t.1 Ul:k A A IIKUtC At A- M1U. CO., Ial'm, Wla. WANTED-AN IDEAoySMK thing to patent? Protect your Idrns; ibuvmsy bring you wealth. Wiito JOHN WKUDKIV HUlfN Ac CO., I'aient Attorneys, Washington, l, C.i for their 1 1.3"0 priza offer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers