The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 25, 1897, Image 5

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Absolutely Pure.
oirtratwl for 1U Rreat leavening strength
.mi hMlthfulnwa. Aure me loon apHnsi ai
Kr.iS I ll forms of adulteration common o the
lOMD nrnwis. "
Some More Fine Writing.
Ssydertown, Pa., March 15, '97.
Editor Middleburgh Post,
Dear Sir,
fftiu a subscriber of the Sun-
bury American and see an account
taken from your paper of 2452 words
on i common sized postal card, stat
ing that if their is any one that can
bait it, you would like to hear from
them. I beg lea7d to 6ay that Geo.
W Arnold of Snyuertown borough
can do better than that. He is not
a professor, he is a man of 58 years
of ace and worked hard from boy
hood up, and was a soldier in our
lulu HouHllion. mis iuarcu one
tear ago Mr. Arnold accomplished
the remarkable feat in penmanship
Jbywritiug the Lord's Prayer and
HUe names of the hrst thirty-four
IcountiiB of the state of Pennsylva
liia. Lis nu in e, post office address,
Vuonlh and dute, and nil written out
full. All this was written withiu
he circle of u silver dime. There
here 107 words. Now take the com
J , nt 1
toon sized postal cara, dj Dy oj,
loulj tiquare not leas than about 40
imes equal 40 times 107 4280 words
legible enough that any one with
food eyes could read it without
Bes. A full account of this re
karkablo penmanship was published
the Sunbury American this
larch one year ago. They had the
Iriting in their office.
Truly Yours,
Post Master,
Snydertown, Pa.
ternally ate anti-septics. Sulpho
Carboutte of Soda is great faTorite
with some doctors, but the writer
has had considerable experience in
his time, and prefers the old fashion
ed mortification , powders, which
have never been superseded by any
new remedy.
Here is the prescription :
Take Gunpowder, Sal Nitre,
Brimstone and Alum, each one
ounce; pulverize very fine in a
wedgewood mortar ; mix a teaepoon-
ful in a cup of water and cider vin
egar. Dose: One teaspoon ful ev
ery half hour. Alternate and Bran
dy today as a stimulant. As a pre
ventative, take teaspoonful doses
frequently during the day.
Don't be afraid of these remedies,
Avoid caustics and swabbing the
throat ; the poison is bad enough
Fbank T. Wibth.
liar tie toD, Pa.
pREAT SALES prove the great
p merit ol liooU's sarsapanlla.
food's Sarsaparilla sells because it
fccomnUBhea GREAT CURES.
Rnrklen'a Arnica Naive.
The Best Salvk in the world for
kits, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt
feum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chniip
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
tin Amotions, and nositivelv cures
lies, or no pay required. It is
aranteed to give perfect satisfac
pn or money refunded. Price 25
tots per box. For sale by Graybill,
arman uo.. iticnue id and al
Fill a bottle or ooiniiion water class
in nriuenntt let if stain! twenty-tour
iirH; a pediment or xettlltii; Indicates
uiarantHi conuitlon or tile kidneys.
Jien urine stains linen it in tonitive
Idetice of kidnev trouble. Too fr.
lent desire to urinate or pain in the
kk.isulso convincing troof that
kidneys and hlndiler urn nnr. nr
L WH AT to no.
lliere is comfort In the knowledge
rucu expressed i nut ir. k iimur .
'"P Hoot, the great kidney rem
I . iiium every wihii in relieving
ii iu the back, kidneys, liver, blad-
HIIU every imrt of thn nrlrmro
NfJPS. It correct!! itiahilirv tn lml,l
panel ncaldinir pain In passing it,
mi effects following use of liquor,
uorr, nun overcomes tuat un
aut necessity of beiuir coiupell
fo get up many times during the
t to nriuate. Thn miii n.i
raonllnary effect of Swamp Root
pon realized. It stands tha hiirh.
Or Its Wonderful
regular cases: If von m..
V you should have the best. Sold
'"kkims price tirty cents and one
lr rop a sample bottle and pain
P. both sent free by mail, mention
fl and semi vnni. r..ll nri
ens to Dr Kilmer & do.. BinK.
ton, N. Y. The nrnnrln f
l'KUarantee the genuineness
Tho death or n Hoswell liothrontc occurred
at his homo, McOluro. Siiydor Co., Pu.. on Mon
day, at 5. r. M., March 1, ism. Ills doruh wan
caused by llrlirht's dlm-ase. lln was conllned to
bed 17 day, lmrlii' liU stckiu-ss ho RiMVrel
groat pain. All thtit, medical skill and loving
han'ls could do waidoni; to subdue tho pain
and Ktiiy the rava'"en of the dtseaso, but all ut no
vall ; llin an,"in or doitn claimed lilin and ho
passe I over til l Klvcr peacefully. Tho death
"traps" h tve imen sounded and ho has answer
ed ti the Imt Koi c ill of the (Ireat. Conimandor.
UN nun ilns wore interred In Urn Mc(?luro Cem
etery on Krld ly no ni, March .1. He was burled.
asreiU,sfed, by llio m uniier and ceremonies
of Cant. M. Smith's Post. No. 3M (1, A. It., and
the M tf'lure 1. U., 1. 1). (). K . N . 770. Iho fu
neral wan very l.iv,ty aMnad.-d by loving
friend', m n.v of whom cam ' tr im u dlst.inno t.o
piy their last t.rlbiito of respect,. ev. V. II.
llllhlsli and Itev. W. M. l.andls oriletated at the Very utila and ltiUTi'8'tii Horinotis
wore p vaehe l v.l In tho Emtllsh and (ionium
laiu,'u:i ,i curlsi.s E.mdlcal Lutheran
eliuieh. irouitlio tett. "I h ivo fouiit, a ifo M
lliflif't'to. Th d icoawd attended catechetical
leelutvii held by Key. Wl tndat S imuoi'schurcli.
was b iptUod and Joined said church lu 1S79. Ho
ufturwurds received Into tho Christ's Evau
k'ellcal ohuroli tit McCiure, wiiere lit) roinalnod a
faithful monibor to lUte of deutU.
llo was born at Adaiiumirir, Suydor Co., !.,
Oct. 14, 1SJ1. Ho was the oldest son of Dr. Isaac
Rottirock, decon-sed, who wis elected a member
of the House of Representatives In 18fl7. repre
senting tUe district composed of Lycoming, Un
ion and Snyder . Tin deceased was a soldier In
tho lato civil war. Ho was enrolled In company
u, 7St,n regiment, I'euna., vol.. on the mta flay
of August, lHi.l and was discharged Nov. W, ls4.
He was captured by the Rebels In Sueuandoau
Valloy, Va., and held prisoner In Llbby, Balle
isiu, una Anacraonviiie, N months. Un was a
fuKhful member of C ipt. Mlchaol Smith's Post,
No. 8M, Q. A. It. Uo served as commander of
said Post one term and was surgeon for ten
years. Ha was also a member of the McCluie
Lodge, No. 770. 1. 0. 0. V., and was U. s. to V. a.
Dr. ItoihrocK was a successful practitioner of
medicine for about 45 years. Uo first began' the
practice of mslldne with his father ut Adatns
burg and In 18M first located at Mlllvllle, Clar
ion county, Pa., wuora be practiced until 1855.
He then locutedut Beavortown, Snyder county,
whero Ue practiced until 18tw. He then located
at Now Dcthlehcni, Clarion county, whuro ho
practiced uutd au. 2 imi, tin data of his en
tering the war. inisiWhe located at llintiur
vllle. Snyder county, whore he practiced untl
the Spring of 187, when he removed to Middle
burgh, where he followed his practice until ish&,
whon he located at McCluro, whet e he continued
the practice of medicine up to tho tlmu of Ills
last sickness. Ho was intermarried with Cath
arine Mohncy. August 4, ltB3 at Now riptlilo-
hem. This union was blessed with children,
a sons anil two daughters. The widow, 5 chil
dren, and 13 grand thlldrun survive to mourn
the loss of a kind and loving husband and father.
Business Men Endorse Him for
State Treasurer. -
(From Our Own Correspondent.)
HarrlsburR, March 24. The Business
Lien's League ofi Pennsylvania la urg
nig jonn wanamaker to crime out as
a candidate for state treasurer. There
13 no question about his pre-eminent
liiness for the place. If John Wan a
maker should he induced to accept tho
nomination there would be a state
treasurer In Mnrrishurf- such as pos
siiny me coninionwealtn nad never
seen before.
The National Lrnirue of Business
Men In Philadelphia on Monday last
passed resolutions askl'nr Hon. John
Wanamaker to become their candidate
for state treasurer. They are aware it
would bo a front Barrlfleo for Mr.
Wanamalter to accept, but they never
theless uixe him to enter the cam
Tills In nn indication that the Husl
pops Men's League and the anti-Quay
men are In this tight to stay. They will
never leave tha field until the last
vestige of bosBism Is driven from the
slate, riosslsm haa been the curse of
Pennsylvania for a quarter of a cen
tury, and it cannot last much longer.
Can we forget d-narted friends? Ah. nn t
Within our hearts llielr menim-v linrlml n.
.,r wiii Linn i.ney tiro wo iuo Ilia
v iu cam u light o er darkest seeues of woe
Death of Mrs. Samuel Stetler.
Mar. 14th. in Drr Vallev. Mifflin
county, by Ilev. W. F. D. Noble.
Chan. F. Arboijiist, of Beaver
npnngs, this county and Aliee M,
llachtunn, of Vira.
Mar. 14th, at Fremont, by Itev. O,
(.. Itomig, Dauil II. it of Freo
burg aud Miss Amanda ForHter, of
Mar. 17th, at Piniiuvilln. by Ilev.
O. li. Uouiisr, W. II. AuekiT, of
Ivicnliclil and Mihh Nora K. Wood
ward, of DininiHvihV.
'March 10, at Middloburgh. bv Rev,
D. E. Mi Lain, D. A. Biviuingliouwe
(.f Ltnvihbtirjr to Samh E. liorsry of
1 laaklin Twp.
March 20, ut Smithirrove, by Kev
J. II. Hertz, Laphcmia Valtr and
Mm. Lizzie bm.tli, both of Smith
A Cure for Diphtheria.
Miniinburg Times.
'tor Times:-With yourpormis-
1 will publish a fill r A i1fa frf
ptlieria. Some years ar?o T was
f emtiy of Dr. Peter Fharnov
w&xo, who cave mn t,h rr
tion, and who Buys he had at
pimo over one hiinrlr. r
f-horm, losini? but two n,l
Wore dying when he wan onU,
now the presorintion will An all
B'aiH for it. as we. nnfl Drtm r
oi8lbor8 have tri,nt.
diphtheria, but for all throat
P'es. rhoue who have the pois
l,n ,VUroat8' ,un8. blood,
lould be treated constitution -
gargle of equal alcohol
" water wnnbi
J the patient hn .
V In i
r Kurgie. Dllv n on...
.. J UT UI !
be, used,
child, too
.Mrs. Stetler, of Salem, daughter of Jacub and
Barbara Erdley, died Feb. 15, 1837, aged bo
years, l montb and is duys. Iu ls55 she became
a member of tho Heformcd church at
Salem, and remained faithful to the end.
Jan. 7, 1H4S stio was married to Samuel Stoller.
This uclon was blessed with three children
twodsualiters and a son. oue daughter died
lu Infancy. Mrs. Stetler was allluir for about
4 months, and was a great sufferer at Hints,
but she bore It with patlouco. She was a good
mother and especially a good grundmothor.
TUe children, Sovllla, married to Mr. Moyer of
Kreeburg, and Uoorge of Itochostor, Ind., at- j
tended her funeral. Our sympathies are ex-'
tended to the bjroft husband and chll lren. 1
A Fiiiknu. j
There was universal sorrow and pity forOerg
Stetler, tlie well known blacksmith, of the Stet-ler-narcus
Co. when the unexpeotod announce
mont wus made suuday, that his wlfo had died
while Georgo was on his way homo from Salem,
Pa., whore ho attendo 1 his mothor's funeral.
Only a few weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. St ;tlor had
burled their only child and last Thursday Goo
was notllled ol tlie death of his uiotliur ut Salem,
Pa. Mrs. Stetler was sick when the word came
but not dangerously at all and Insisted that she
could get ulonir all right und ur.'ed her husband
to go to the fuuaral. Uo wont and she soon
ufter took worse und on Saturday he was no lin
ed of her dangerous condition. Ho started homo
on tho first opportunity but Inability to make
railroad connection prevented his getting homo
until a half hour utter sho was dead. He came
down tbtVaudnln Suuday morulng to Dclong
and then walked most of the twelve miles home.
Mollle Dusu-Sietlur was born April ST, mi, in
Defiance county, Ohio, and dlod February si,
181)7. She was united la marrlugo with 'George
F. Stetler, December SOtli, 18M, and to them was
born one son, who preceded bis mother Iu death
thirteen wooks ago. Mrs. Stetler was tukou
with catarrh and lung tcver a wtok previous to
h ir douth, but was not considered serious until
Saturday when contestation of tho brain set In
and all that physician or kind friends could do
availed nothing. Sho was a good christian wo
man, having beon uu active member of the
trangelicul church for nearly twenty years aud
will not only be missed there, but sho was ever
ready to lend helping hand to all that needed
her assistance. Beside her companion she
leaves an aged mother, one brother, one half
brother and a largo clrclo of friends to mourn
her doath. Rochester, (Ind.) Sentinel.
Mar. (lit, near Salem. Mrs. Jordan
LiukIhuhIujjoi', daiit-liter (if John
ltow and wifo ucd 22 years, l.ev.
Sclmable nfflciutod.
Mar. 12th, ut Si'linnsrrovp, Mrs.
Jorumiah Luck, ucdtii! yenrs. Revs.
Yutzy'tinil Sclmable otliciutinir.
Feb. l.'ih, at Salcni, Mrs. Samuel
Si ('tier, dailifh1.! !- of .l.icoii und liiu -b.ira
Erdley, a'e.1 (i ) yearn, 1 mouth
and 18 days.
Feb. "1st, nt nochislei', Ind.,
Mrs. (leo. F. Stetler. aired 21 rears.
Her husban l formerly lived ntir
Sivlein, this county.
Mar. llJlll. near Iiiclilielcl. Chester
Arthur, hoii ol' Henry and Mary
KiestlinEr. nired 1 renr. 'i months and
21 diiys.
Iu Williamspoi t, M.w. 12 lliniet
Weiser, widow of Junius W. Weiser,
late of Jliniinburir, dee'd, iijred 12
years, 3 tnontlis and 1 dav. Inter
ment in tho Mitllinbuiir cemetery.
In Mifllinburer, Mar. lOtli, Jacob
Doeblor, son of Win. Doebier, nRed
47 years and 17 days.
In Lewisbursr, Mar. 15th, Mr. Jus.
W. Shriuer, aged 71 years, 4 months
and 4 days.
March 10, in Monroe Twp.. Cath
erine Dorothy, widow of Michael
Reichley, aged 85 years, 1 month J
and ID days. ;
March 17, at Selinsgrove, Jane
Mary, daughter of Frank and Maty
Haupt, aged 28 yours, 3 months anil
6 days.
Old people who require medicine
(Liberal Adjustments
io regulate lue bowels una kidueys
will tnd the true remedy In Electric REMEMBER
stimulate and contain lo whiskey
nor outer intoxicant. Hut acts as
tunic and alterative. It act mildly
on the stomach and bowels, adding
Bireugiu ana giving tot to lue
organs, thereby aiding Nature iu
i n performance of the funclions,
ttieciria uuiers is an f?xceiietit an-
peiizer ana atas ilig.-sii.u,. Old
People rind it just exacil.v wlnt ther
need, l'rice hfty centr and 1.1)0
per bottle at Oravbi I. r.miii A-
Jo. a More, liicbhcld, Fu., und all
Prompt Payments.
of the Mother shapes the course
of unborn generations goes
sounding through all the
ages and enters the confines of
Eternity. With what care, there
fore, should the Expectant Moth
er be guarded, and how treat the
Ft . . . . " I
cnon De to ward ott danger and
make her life joyous and harjnv.
- rr
allays all
ncss, rc'
,ia ueves me
Only tlie Oldest, Strongest Cash Conmanies.
lire, Lite, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
The Aetna Founded A. I).. 1S1!)'
Homo - S53 9,S53,G2S.54
American " . iS10 2,40!),5,S1.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
i i i
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days !
H Headache The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EU-
fully pre- SYLVAN I
U- W ..... - 111 . . ". ' M'1,
JJaita IHC " r- nr.- Ill.l MMllll OIU, J1.T Wl III) tills t( idetVIIMI- oi;r SIlIl K IlllOVl
system that tniiawrtn is made easy '" y-Hr. necivn row ,.r tin prin. as r.iii.iwn
and the time of recovery short- F,',,u"l";r S"',H" '1-,H '"""" T"i Mattrn Si2.-,
ened-many say "strong after pZ- S Ss;S;.M'- V,
than before confinement." It in- "sh l-Hrlr s.iitn :;o.oi. Dr.',. ,Vi 'itw "t"r fV (t!
SUrCS Safctv to lift? nf hnt h mntli. WooiloU t'llllirs Dor hot 2 .Ml I'lnti,,,.,. lf,w.L-.,
nT-i n..v 4 Vf
1 n l m' e1v"r',11,in' fnrnitnro li,,,., ini lmli,,- Mirrors Hook (W
- vl ti' S,l',:? ,0,lr(1';t ,,l''''r.lH, (:..!,( roT,.l.l,.N. IWv l;,.,,k..r.H. Haliv VUuir'J
r Htmt Umirs-lhie, iio.lium iinil oIioh,. furniture, to uit .ill oIiihsoh.
cr and child. All who have used
Mother's Friend " say thev will nev
er be without it acain. No other
...wu)r iuuj -vjiiiiih.ihi.iii. ui us jiaiii i ii-uiiwii mil nroiiii. (. oiiio oiirly mill hoo our stork
Actntomcrwhom. wlfo tine.l 'Mother's Friend l r"rr' HU" nmB 8HVe 1; 10 - I,,' '"' ' evory ilollnr.
& Knibal;iiij)j.
Iiofnroj xh-iuf;
mymium i mie Bail to ro throuKli the orilKal Snooial Artlntlm (1 vmi I T., ,l..f .. 1. 1 .. .
earn, and there wore but four Tittle to lw - 1 -UUmon UICn IO U Utlei taklUif
oDtaineu, ana llio cost wan I100.0n rar luittln. h
would have tlieiu.' Ubo. Ivtoh, Uaytou, Ohio
Sent by Mall, on receipt of iirloo. II.OO PHRrtOT-
uai Bu irne upon application, contalnlnR val
uable Information and voluntary testimonial!.
Vealmoss of Men
Quickly, Thoronghly, Forever Cvrctl
by a new perfiHSIrd clmtlflo
nuthod that rannot full un
lift ttiftoaM' In tTyond human
aid. You ficl ImproviHl tlie
flriitday, ff,I n 1..iimT.I rri'ry
day, ftoou tu,i'r j .iripir a
klug anionK !i l:oly.
Imlml am) hoiui l "!niint
IffMBfH endiHl. 1'vi'ry ilit,u'!r
to happy mnrrli'il It.o rr
moved. Nerve f'MW, will.
enerty, when falllne or lout, are rftoro.l lir till.
treatment. All weak portloneof the boily enlnriiiH
and itrenirthened. Write for our book. Willi ex.
planatlona and proofs. Sent aoaled, froe. Urf
3.W0 reference-.
A I'nmoiiN t.ormnii ItiM'lor'o Work.
Snyder's old, and reliable oen'i
Insurance Agency,
HJlmoi SAT. Snydoi-, Agent.
Successor to the lato William II. Snydor.
Tho rnr-Excdlvncn of Reliahle Insurance in ronrpspntoil in tin. follow.
iiiR : IiHt of btnn. hird CompitnioH. from which to luakn a scloction. None
Uettor tlx? orlil over.
mi,V, i ' , LOCATION,
I'llCh Royal, Liverpool, Eiur. (includinE
r foroicn nnots1 i:t oii iiiinnii
('onsiim:iMmi Is now known to ho nmiiilii If Hartford, of lltirt fori I Conn (nhloMt A ni..ri,.n,i (,, T u ri-. -ir-'c.
Mkcn In llmo-tho OiTiiiiin ri'iiioily known iw ll,,niv ' 1 ''"ji'' Vr !'' A 1111 ".''. .-.
oiio'HCiini. Imvintfi) Miiml lulu- an iiliniiHt , nar! !onl, Conn. f,fisx JIM 07
fiTiuin rum tor iiu iiisouso. Asiiiiim, iirmi- t -onttnetif nl, Now York i; i 'him't
nhlllM, Croop, cmiu'lis, CdIiIh, l'liciiiiiiuihi. nml nil (Sorilllin Anwl icnn V,,. V.,,-1-' , . ,
lliriMil HiiilliiiiifHlsi.iisi.snri okh niri.l,v TT, Vi i i t i ) U . i?1 ),.,' ll,0!S.S.
lir. (iMn'mlroai (loriimn lo-iiii'ilv. Suinplo hot- -J11 l'i iMlltuiil Jjilo Ihh, (;(. Ncw lui'k, S!'i)l i ..(;
iioh or oiiii's cur.- urn hoinir Kivon nwuy .v our ACLIDENI Kiniiliivci'H Liahilit v Assm nico n(,niori( ion " ' '
Iiif-IIM. W. II. S.:iriKlor. M..ll.-lir-ll ; M. It.itll- Aofi.linit Iiio"f, .11 . l '"("'raUlVl,
rook. M. I)., sii, liousaiit .Mills. .-, . A( ( lilont Ins Oo. hiibscniioil C'n i t ?t I of S:?,7"i),0iM) 00
M- ..,?p, L,fo '!" Acciilont risks n.'.-cpto.l at tlio lowest poxHihlo rate, jus-
llhiilly ii Htru-t ri-Hranl t(i niiitunl safety. All just, claims nroinm I v nml
. rT J ,.r.'T.. -".r'. anco pioiiiptly funiisheil I'.f.M v:u v svv m,-i
I'lillh hv siuiplo liii iins, hIIit HiilTi-i Inir rnrsov-
r it I vi'i:rs wini ii sivri- liini: un,... ion. ;in.l , nil
llroilll lllSIMSI! IISIIIII,tloU. Is IIIIXlllllS lo
ln:i!;i. Known In Ills ti-llow hiiIIitits llio iiiimiiis
f i'iiio, Totim-c w lio ili-s n II. ho vl elu-frliil-
I) Hi iiil (froo ill rliaw) a ropy nl Mm prosi'i lpilnu
used, wiurn inoy win nml a miit run' fur t on
Hiitupllon, Atilliiiin, (nlnrrli, Krom-hlih,
uml all throat i,it liuitf 1IhIiiiIIcn llo IiimiihiiI1
iiirrrrs w in irv mis ri'inoiiv. nsii s iva I a o.
I'luiKO ilnsliliiif Mir piosrilplliiii. wlilrli will riisl
llioiii notlilni. and may pmvu a lilosslm;, will
pii'iisr nuuross
ft-lJT Brno lljii, iw York
Sale Register.
N.illros of Palo will Iih Insorlrd tron unilor
ills hoailliii; wnon t.lio salo hills aro prluloil al
hi-nllli'i'. When tho hills an not. prliili'il nl
mis iiiiioo nih'i'nis win no riiiuyoii. ivrsiius on-
rlinir to hiivoHalo shoiilil m-loi't n dalo und
liavo it iiiHortu in this column.
Oflico on .Market Stroot.
In order to irivi? more of my time to tlie Iniiianec Inline.-
jrrmliKilIy close out mv enlire stock of(iciieral Merchandise at
IViccs, Many articles tiir la-low cost. Special hiiP'ains on
I will
Kutiinlnv fiirili -r In Itmnmiit nt tUn pail,lonno I
or uio iiko Jiinm N-nnoe, (KM-fi, AllMTt I -i- JL -- WJF
CTiiiino huh viimh iNinpit;, txfrim)Rs Willi , ,
u11 uVi1!lkt f""1"1 impiwHt'in anil and all kinds of wintiT (JocmIs,
iiuuncuuiu uuuun.
Aid, C'OMK
Io not ncfrlect thi.s
Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges
tion and permits food to ferment and putrlfy la
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache,
Insomlna, nervousness, and,
It not relieved, bilious fever ill A
or blood poisoning. Hood's III S
Pill stimulate the stomach, w
rouse tho liver, cure headache, dizziness, con
stipation, tc as cents. Hold by all driiRglsU.
Thuualy hills to take with flood's Harsaparilla.
ters of Administration In th Eh
tuteof Henry U. Herhrlst, lato ot Union Town
Huln. unt'dMf i 'n .i..fli.i ,...,.. , .
...... ,, , w. j,i,Tii1k in-mi KntUb-
i-il to the timlorslirned, all ixTmnis knowlnn
Ihflinuolufl. In. I. .I..... , , .......... P
U V iiimiuHjg w Blllll uamto MTH rUIIIIUrll-
ed to make liuiuodlato payment, while those
llllVlllLr fiitlmu will I.-....... 1...... t
tlrutcil to the undcrslKliod.
f.uiuu w. a. . bcuiiui t, nam r.
RIpans Tabules: gentlo catnartlc.
I Bat CouKh rup. Tula tioud. TJul I
a In time. Wolf! by dnimrlrtn.
great opportunity at
, Pa.
ThechafTof wheels aro mado to
sou -not to nue, witu economy as
a partner. The Keating is the
wheat of wheels. Contains the Rood
the substance of all improve
ments. The Double Roller Chain
and Improved Divided Crank Shaft
alone, place tho Keating "305
days ahead of them all."
Our beautiful Catalogue ot friction reduced.
hi i
tr .... w - - -
lou can got tho host goods for tho
least money. I5o Miro to order
Fall & Winter Clothing
of tlio man who guarantees a choice
lit and gives yon rock bottom juices
Merchant Tailor. Selinserove. Pa.
Send for one.
The POST and the New York
TRIBUNE both one year $1.75