The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 25, 1897, Image 4

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    Published every ThuradAj.
Geo- W. Waaenseller,
Editor and Proprietor,
Subscription $1.50 per year,
Men mum. be paid In advance when Bent out-
All rmnsli-nt adTerttrmjnt not otherwise
oontracMHl for will be churned at the ratof 18
wnui l"-r line ui.mijw i - -
Uod and 10 ceuls per line tor every subitequent
aPnth noiirtt fmbluhed frt i Mtuary poerty
CrifcutM of rapoet, dc. thret cent lint.
Republican Standing Committee.
Adams Tobias Mltrhell, Troielvllle, W. U. Her
man. Troxelvlile.
Beaver (lias. K.Hpwoht, Beavertown, James M,
Kline, llcavertowu. . ...
Beaver W. (loo. J. Hpeece. McClure. T. A. Waif.
Centrw Klini-r Wmmbaoh. Mlddlcburgh, D. F.
BliiK'Hinun. Pennn Creek.
Ghapinuii-w. li. Korsu-ttor, McKeesIIaU Falls,
Franklin W. I). olft, I'axtonvUle. J. W. Elson-
hoiir. MIcMltttiui-Rh.
JackHon I. H. Vearlck, KruUervlllo, Isaac 1111-
gfr. New IWrllo.
Mlddli-hurifli-tieo. W. WiKfenfwller, Middle-
burxli, N. A. Howes, MlilillebuiYh.
MlrtdltMT.M k-1'. 1.. Kow, Kreumer, K. B. Hum
mel, K reamer. ...
Monnx'-tico. 11. Lefller. Hliamokin Dam, J. II.
renn-i'. K. Winner, Salem, Daniel Knouso, So
llnstfrove. jerry .1. N. llroMlus, Mt. l'lnnsnnl Mills, B. F.
Arlx;r:if, Ml. I'lt'OKiint Mills,
rerry W.-B. K. Saiigle. ltlolitield, Dan. Man-
eval. HK'lillelrt.
Hellnsirrove-N. s. Klsher, Sellnsgrove, K. H.
smlih, Si-iitisirrinf.
Bprlnif IT. A. M. smith, Hmivur Springs. I', r.
Itelt.'1'l, Beaver Siirlmrs,
Unlnn-Oen. 1. Klani'erM. I'ort Treverton, O. (1.
Hlce, Port Treverton. ,
Wosliliiirion-.liTry Charles, Frceburif, . 11.
(rlinm, r'reobiirir.
11 Kl Ull L I OA N Tl VKJS T.
Assoeiut", Jwl;e, II. C. Sampsell.
I'rothonotary, O. M. Mantlet.
Jlevhter cfc Recorder, J. II. Willis.
District A tlorncn, J. M. Baker.
.Juri Comm., Jos 11. Hendricks.
Thursday, Mar. 25, 1897.
Another Proposed Steal.
Now Dr. Atherton wants the Leg
islature to pa.Hs a luw that will pro
vide for the creation of free scholar
ships in the State Collece in the pro
portion of two each for every legis
lative and senatorial district.
Dr. Atherton has pulled about all
the money out of the State Treasury
he can get in the old way. He now
wants to taffy the members and Sen
ators with the plea that they can
Bend their own sons to be educated
What an outrage ! And of course
if the bill ever becomes a law Hast
ings will sign it. It goes to Centre
county, you know.
To Tax Bicycles
Two bills were introduced in the
House of Representatives at Harris
burg last wook providing for levying
a tax ou bicycles. One was from
Representative Spatz, of Berks
county, which would tax each bi
cycle, owned in tLo State, one dollar
to bo paid into the State treasury,
for the improvement of the public
roads. The other was olfored by
Representative Tipton, of Aduiun
county, and seeks to levy a tax (no
amount named) on all bicycles, ex
cept those held by manufacturers
and dealers for sale, for road pur
It would bo just as well, perhaps,
for some other member of the
House to have thoso bills amended
to cover buggies, carriages, wagons
and wheelbarrows aud thon for the
rest of the members to got on to
them with their brogans aud stamp
the stuiKu out of them. A more un
just and ridiculous measure could
not be conceived in the brain of an
average law maker. To single out
bicycles for a tax of that kind would
be unfair, unequal and a disgrace to
the State. The present method of
taxation might be improved but the
equality with which the levy is made
seems to be all right and it would be
very strange that the vehicle that
does as little dainago to roads as the
rubber tired bicycle does should be
taxed to keep the roads in repair,
If the proposition were confined to
building narrow paths at the side of
road for the use of bicycle riders a
different view right be taken of the
Washington and the Bicycle Craze.
The ubiquition makes it import
ance felt in many ways in Washing
ton. The miles upon miles of as
phalt streets ami avenues from an
ideal place for wheeling, and the fad
has taken possession of all classes of
society. .
The growth in the popularity of
the bicycle has been particularly
rapid since the introduction of the
pneumatic tire. It has boon enthus
iastically seized by women and chil
dren as a means of health giving ex
ercise, and within the past year the
riders of this class have been in
creased by thousands.
Perhaps the enormity of the in
dustry may be appreciated better
by inquiring into the relative num
ber of of patents granted relating to
new forma of wheels, and their con
tantly increasing variety of acces
A meant naoer stated that of the
26,000 patents granted in England
during the past year, one-third re
lated in some way to the bicyclist 8
rnnuirementa. Iu this country the
proportion of applications for pat
ents in the same line has increased
In the Patent Office all inventions
are grouped into about two hundred
and fiteen classes, and there are
about one hundred and sixty as
sistant examiners, so it will be Been
that on an average each assistant
will have to take charge of one class
and part of another.
Bicycles are examined in Division
7, and the number of assistants has
had to be almost doubled in the past
two years. Nearly the entire force
is engaged in examining applications
in this one class, and even then it is
impossible to keep up with the
work. At the present time there
are nearly 1,000 applications on hand
awaitintr action, and these do not in
clude bicycle pumps or bells.
On our streets may be Been al
most every kind of machine that is
made, because inventors of new
types of apparatus bring them here
to demonstrate their good points to
the Patent Oflice Examiners, or to
organize stock companies for their
manufacture,. Here you can see the
motor bicycle, monocyclo, sex-
tuplctte, liiille Tower wheel, water
bicycle, etc., etc.
The crowth of the ' wheel' in
dustry commercially is seen from
the great increase in the numbor of
stores dealing in bicycles and bicycle
sundries. Eight years ago there
wero about live or six, aud now
there ore about five or six hundred.
The Patent Office records disclose
some queer applications of the ap
paratus. One of the earliest patents
covered a vehicle in which dogs were
used for motive power. Ther were
placed within the . hollow front
wheel and as they tried to climb up
the forward slope of the wheel they
caused the same to rotate and the
machine to advance.
One inventor proposes to use the
the bicycle gearing to operate the
propelling apparatus of a flying ma
chine. Still another devises a ma
chine suitable to use on the long
fences in the west. With this the
farmer ean in the springtime, when
the ground is wet, make tours of ob
servation abcut his ranch or visit
his neighbor.
Bitterness of a South Carolina Editor.
From the Hariwoll Hud.
The Lord loves a cheerful giver.
He'll take care of the editor. He has
a charter from the State to act as a
door mat for the community. He
will got the paper out somehow, and
stand up for the town, and whoop it
up for you when you run for oflico,
and lie about your pigeon-toed
daughter's tackey wedding, aud
blow about your big footed son whon
he gets a four-dollar-a week job, nnd
weep over your shriveled soul wheu
it is released from its gasping body,
and smile at your wife's second
marriage. Don't worry about the
editor: he'll get along. The Lord
only knows how but somehow.
Nothing to Boast Of.
Joe Lumbard boasts of a victory
made possible by promises of six or
eight postoffices, several positions
us storekeeper and guager, fourteen
dollars worth of whiskey and $ $.
Mis crowd got a committeeman bo
full that he could not walk without
assistance and then tried to put the
blame on iunocent parties. Now
they boast, and of sucli a victory !
The Gov. Snyder Questions Answered.
t raor. d. a, botes, ruuou. fa.
I will endeavor to answer the
questions you ask in your last issue.
1. Tne name Snyder was original
ly spelled Scnueider, a Qermau
2. Snyder County taken fiom TJa
ion County, by act of Legislature,
March 2, 1853, and ratified by a vote
of the people for division, 16S8
against 163. It is bounded north
by Union County, east by Northum
berland, south by Juuiuta, west by
Mifflin County.
3. The inhabitants are mostly of
German decent.
4. The Sunbury aud Lewistown
R. R. traverses the county from
east to west, through Middlecreek
valley, the entire distauce of the
county. Also the P. & 11. R. R.
crosses the Susquehanna river to
Sunbury, aud is located along blue
hill on the banks of the Susquehan
na to the Union County line.
5. The county town is uamod Mid
dleburg, because it is located in the
middle or central purl of the Couu-
6. The Middleburg and Pleasant
Valleys noted for good soil, good
farm buildings aud good farmers.
7. The Susquehanna University, a
Lutheran, Classical and Theological
Institution, located at Selinsgruve.
Tho Froeburg Aeadoiny, a charter
ed Institution, having a thro-i story
building, spacious grounds around
tho builliug, a good opening for a
teacher. Tho property could bo
purchased at a bargain.
8. Lutheran and Reformed arntlm
leading denominations. The United
Evangelical and U. 13. have each sev
eral ministers in iu county, and in
thu western pirt. thorn aro several
Meuuonitechuivhos. National Ed
Out-door life and Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with
Hypophospbites have cured
thousands of cases of consump
tion in the early stages. They
cure old, advanced cases too;
but not so many, nor so prompt
ly. When a case is so far ad
vanced that a cure cannot he
made, even then SCOTT'S
EMULSION checks the rapid
ity of the disease, relieves the
pains in the chest, reduces the
night sweats, and makes the
cough easier. In these cases it
comforts and prolongs life.
Don't experiment with cures
that destroy the digestion. Pin
your faith to the one remedy
which has been THE STAN
dard foR Over 20 Years.
Book about it free for the asking.
Tot sale by all druggists at 50c and
t it asm itr
l7 J
1 lww.ryr
i nrf
Washing PovyoS?
What Mere Can be Akd?
Only U)i ; Hk yoor tnxm for It, nd hmSmX on Uylnf Ik iTfrtt prkift frf tt economy.
OsJeaco, 81. Lou la. Hew York, Botton, Phlltdelpbit,
Bright new designs look out from
every nook and corner of our Store
Shapes and Styles In which at once
you see your Ideal.
PICTCKES at prices so low that oth
er merchants cnu not compete.
Yours Respectfully,
M. H. FELIX, Uwijjfcowi).
A Hmm When Women Are BiuoptlbU
to Ji&D Dreod llnue.
The anxiety felt by women as the
"change of life" draws near, is not
without reason
When her system is in a deranged
condition, or she is predisposed to
apoplexy, or con
gestion of any or
gan, it is at this
period likely to
become actiTe
and with
a host of
life a
docs its de
structive work.
Such warning symptoms as sense of
(suffocation, lieduche, dread of impend
ing evd, timidity, sounds in the ears,
palpitation of the heart, sparks before
the eyes, irregularities, constipation,
variable appetite, weakness and in
quietude, dizziness, etc., are promptly
heeded by intelligent women who are
approaching the period in life where
woman's great change may be expected.
Thousands at this critical time consult
Mrs. J'inUham, and conduct their hq bits
according to her odvice,
and with the Vegcto,'
ble Compound go
through that dis
tressing time with
perfect safety and
comfort. Mrs. W.
L. Day, of IietU-
Tille, Ohio,
ays :
" When
all else
failed, Lydia
E. Pinkhum's
Vegetable Compound saved my life.
It carried me through the change of
life all right, and I am now in good
health. It also cured my husband of
kidney trouble."
tern of AiliiiiniHtrat ion In the Ks
tale nt Dr. lw.Kot.lirnek, lme ol W.Ueftver Two.,
Hnj'rtor Co., I'a Uov'd, liarlng Ijimmi (framed to
Ihn unilrrKlk'm'il, nil iwrsniis knowing them
kcIvks Indehiort to mild flslitln nre ro(iiestx'rt to
make linintllnM?p;i.vininil. wlilln Hum) having
cmnns win priHciii iiieii) amy nmuuiiucuiea to
the uniernlL'iio(l.
March ift. Mt. I'litnHitiit MIIIh, Hnjilur Co., I'a.
raiLroad COMPANY-
Tour to C'AMFOllNIA mid llio PAf'IFIC
COAST will limvH llarriHlunr,Altoo!iaitmirit,la
bum bv kM)cIhI I'ul I man truin March iff, lwc,
returning on regular trains within nine mnntliH.
ItoiiiiC-trlp llckuta, InnluilliiK all tour fcaturm
Kolrir and tranHporiatlon only returning, will
e Hold at tlw following rates: From llnrrlKhiirg
$l7.0: Allooiia$l4.KO; 1'lttahurg 1 1S7.WI. Olio
way tickets, Including all tour features going,
$i:ik.w from HarrlHburg, tliM.7R from Altooua,
and f lHD.Sfi from Pittsburg. Proportionate, rates
Iroiu ollior points.
For detailed Itineraries and other Information
apply at llrkot agoncloa or address J.O. Hansom
Acting Pass. Agent Western District, 800 Fifth
Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
: at
Everything in the clothing line I beep.
I Guarantee M Ms aid Low Prices.
ft Special reductions are now $J2v4
i being offered. Gents' fur- jj'jj
nishing Goods, Hats, Caps, etc.jfJ
Come va ojni Leatu oort Pcv&s.
G.C.GUTELIUS, Middleburg
Xbo roRulnr Bubscription price of
,, I n will st'iul all three to you lor
D- , o. 1 o' ywir ior 5?2.00, or b mo. lor ?1UU.
"r iiiiny Pictures" is .330 J J
IlEMOHIxrs MAOAZINK" Ih by far the best, f imllv magazine publlHhed ; thore Ih none of our
mom lilies In which the bcaiiiUnl and the u-,(fiil, pleasure and prolll, fashion and literature
are ho fully presented mn In Keumresl's. There Is, In fact, no publication pretending to a sim
ilar scopu aud purposo which ;an compare with It. Kvery numiier contains a free pattern
JflMiKH I.111HAHY'' In a monthl) magazine of fun, tilled with Illustrations In caricature and
replete with wit and humor, lla contributors are the best of American wits and Illustrators.
'Pl'NNY PICTUUKS'' Is another humorous monthly i there Is a laugh In every line of It.
All three of these magazines are handsomely gotten up. You should not mls this chance to
secure them.
Cut hero and return Coupon properly tilled out.
DeiorcPuUiirCo., 110 Fiffcl; Ave., N. Y.
For the enclosed S'J.Ort please send llpiiioreHt'n I'nnilly Mnira!!". Judjrc'n Library
(a magazine of fun), aud runny Pictures for ono year us per your offer.
J'ost Office, .
is twice no price, bGt
the common price. r,
selling a whole piece of
worth One Dollar, for a r)
a Dollar. N
Closi t
Whole quality at half 13
' " j nam P(J
goods at low figures, j
uvcr our uurgains,
ft Are
So ffe Gn Bif M
Come in and help tj8c
out our stock.
Look at these Priced
Men's good dress Suits,
only .50.
JJoys' gotnl dress suits,
li), only 2.00.
v....i... i . . .
i imiiis gunu urcss suns,
14, only 1.00.
Men's good licavy v.diking J
pants, to 4z, Viic.
Men's line dres jiunts, ;)
Hoys' knee pauts, 4 to 14. lfir
Men's good lieavy working d
6b inches long, 2;c. to 3,
Dry Goods,
Stop, look at our fancy calieoStj
Maple Calico, 4c. a vara
All best indigo blue caliwi,
All Apron Ginrrhams. 5c.
All Fancy dress ginghams, kx
H&acy percals 3b indies wide.
Also a full line of Fancy M
Dress uootls, V lute dooi.
and all O. N. T. Spool U
4c. a spool.
All Goods sold
Reduced Tiii
Here we are, just returned
New York and FliilaJelpliii
the largest and latest stylwvla
I ever had before and we aro
at half-price for what agnol
buyers are paying for it,
We can sell you SW
lower prices than J
can buy clsewbert
Men's fine dress shoe llalar
ress, 65 to 95c.
Men's licavy working Oil
Jiularc Conirress, 05 to 9ft.
Ladies' No. 1 kaniranio Shot.
or Button, 4 to 7, 0
Ladies' Jfa 1 fine dress sl
or Button. 4 to 7. 93.
Boys' and Messers, Lace or E
75 to $1.00.
1)iitlig fine shoes, Lice or S
50 to 75c,
Children's Shoes, Imv or H
25 to 50c.
cumiao cuiuiii.
Kor ttA nt we will Rend oqd full lis parkajt
r.r tli follnwltit brM. mini orif Miunil bulb of mah varlnif
n -ntbtiod: llrU i'-Ti!' IOwmI Turnip, a good early
riutr. t'aUhiitfr lt-rntln Kurotivatl ; iur beMer.
t npumbiliiiitnui.l WtiitHiin)i Uie hMt wrt. Ih4
lUfis llniiK-to (hnrl liFftIlnK);erlaadtrui1rr. 4lnl
Vrliow Ulthr lUnvtrt; flint quality. ItudUh, WhiW
l,dy.tiner(woi:ut); ilWMoui IUor. I'llmlilliBriinp
ry rat) : Rraulrllnlttiiit vtuf, pKlmiu leave. tcsH
t.ful ti'Uow Howri, followed ity jirriiy nnt rhnriat which
ciiniti In rolor to bright Mrlt, oirbtl with whlM.
AlyMvm Hweet wliild; Tt-ry fraxrinit. Antrrv tttieit
ihUt1. cliil4Mt vrltlf . rftndvliitt. huow Dumb.
whU?: useful fnr uorlrrt. J1nthiiB Ijiplnotua
UKUllnillr trinrl. HwtH IVm, H. A hi Hurlmi
mlxMl. On bulk lrnie FIowpmhI Tabrroi
orahi'i iTilrl. One hull) itladloltf, vTy fln varlny.
HlK41AI, OFF Kit If rtiolttaiKW Is mi- with ft
fttlvr tw-iit.flToiil nWc. will tuA in ldUloo to
anra ou nuket iwjh New Junitc lmperiiil
niiind; ft llit Flourr 6r0rn milning ott hi
VMlvtt; alto oiy of our large t-atftlogu of hM ftoit
Plaou it bftrcftln prion. If oollMtlnn It out wtnUd, ftnd
you dralro othor mat, w will mall our utaiugtt fro
upon rucoiptof kpiilffttlon.
Ofilccs in Hank Building. EiiilcHrH, Fa.
Gaa Administered.
I Crown and ttridgework, Ete,
i Oflloe one door north of Welti' Store,
i BellnHtrrove. Pa.
All basinets entrmte.l tohUoare
wlllreoelv prompt attention.
K. 1 Pottiegei',
Veterinary sUrceo'n,
All protosslonal business entrusted to my ears
will receive prompt ana careful attention.
Call and see these Great M
in Shoes before vou buy.
we can please you ami 91
3 lbs. Lion coflec for i
oer lb.
T.ion mwl Ai-lmi L'li.4 and
Brand liuekets 1 Sc. a It
I?.,t,,f 17.. &
Side Meat. Gc.
Wli lvi,lJOj . r.t
Shoulder, Sc,
1 1. IflL
a a i ecf5
To wll our Ulah mHe 'B,lS'
Oral lime, u wll W tli UZ,H
and ornuientl. No f1
remrr. Write (hr term". JJ7
W,t tBeiM'1"