' 1 t Jposr. I Tbe data, printed kfttr your luune. on tbo label r tbl paper, ibowi the Uiae to wlik'U your nubeerl Uoo bu bet a paid. . -Prlce per Tewr, tl.M. Listi - KJS. pS w . nrwnr.T.n Sitofnd Proprietor. MIDDLEBURQH, SNYDER CO., PA.. THUKSDAY, MARCH Ik 1897. VOL 34. No 19 HIT IS THELEADEB OFC WS of LOO AL INTEREST ""nnUrt 111 b D0.U1 OT Lswineford schools will close lU, Mar. 26tn. s Reizel moved to tbe house Vtlj racated by Ll V. jjacutuan, Ockor of Laurelton is staying! her brother, David Ocker, at Mice. Hi a pleasant call by William tick of Franklin township last k Wolgemuth of Selinsgrove It tbe county seat on DUBiness buraday. leg Wenrick will move from llin towDship to farm for Reu- lucker in Union township. oawant a first class Piano, or Sewing Machine, coll on S. Riegle. Middleburgh, Pa. E, Stahlnecker offers a com- ine of Stoves and Tinware for Wing trade. Call to see his tf. Judelphia has a greater mileage itrio railways than the whole many, according to the Eleo- 'ortd. Hay was tbe first ideal Spring A every body seemed to be at- to the inviting out door at- lore. Wagenseller, tbe sucoessfnl Vd of wood and willow ware. In couaty seat merchants last ,r. lord H.H. Faust and Dr. E, I . -1 Tk L fr oi ceaveriown were in etween trains last - Friday . 0 ') 1 . J . 'J a woman read a newspaper will discover that nine out pok over the marriages and w Kholly of Selinsgrove and A list and Ootlieb Shrey of Ver- re Middleburgh visitors on Dunkelberger, one of the ul pedagogues of Middle wnship, was a Middleburgh kurday. woman who thinks she has for managing other people's ight better apply it to look her own. Sampsell of Centerville town Monday on his way p Beavertown where he feral days. Moyer and Hon. Charles Salem, two of Penn town- ccessful farmers, were in uurHuay. Umig of Swineford bought mules of Aibert Enirle of f'n. He will use them in r business this spring. Tinware. Stove Rnnn! ra fi Roofing, Cooking TJten- pi variety at Wm. E. Stahl- "i ahop, opposite the tf. f ns, the conductor on this !m ou duty since before "nursing a sprained ank nday he resumed his du- P. Auraud and her broth- l"0BjLKng, of MaroeUus, edRev. F. Aurand and her friends at Mifflinburg ' receipt of a catalogue of d Marshall College, the -w Austin Francis Gil PUwe, a member of the 'olthat institution. JfBo sale Saturday at Se- io aorelotof Oeo.Ebv Ht by H,L. Phillips --ur-acrelotbyL.0. mi in nrn nr 1. w m liUbBt (Jl h cLin, president of Association of Rn.nn "HaUfor April Dr. Salm will be at the Washing ton House on Friday of this eek. Mrs. Ann Alleman of Selinsgrove spent several days with Mrs. Thorn- as Bower. If you want a first cUbs Piano. Organ or Sewing Machine, call on Frank S. Riegle, Middleburgh, Pa. Miss Rose Soboch of Swineford last week paid a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Grouse, who resides near Cowan, Union county. Dr. John C. Amig has sufficiently recovered from his recent attack of typhoid fever as to return to Lewis town to resume his practice. We are thankful to our friends for the many complimentary expres sions for the excellent portraits of McEinley and his cabinet published lust week. An Eastern fashion jourual an nounces that "there will be nothing new in bloomers this season.". We conclude from this that bloomers will be worn by old women only. Charles Forry, proprietor of the Meiserville Hotel, will this week take charge of the hotel at MoKees Half Falls. Reuben S. Meiser will begin the hotel business at Meiser-ville. Qo to H. Oppenheimer, Selins grove. He will show you a nice line of Qenl's Shirts. A special line of shirts with the latest design of fronts. Laphenus Walter of Kreamer was in town ou Saturday to get his mar riage lieense and paid for the Post a year in advance. The Tost is a necessary adjunct to a happy home. H. 0. Dern of the Altoona Tribune witnessed a bull fight during the ex cursion oMbe National Editorial Association to Mexico a few dayB ago, but the revolting sight made him sick and he will never go again. Fanct Poultry Buff Leghorn and B. P. Rock fowls for sale. Also eggs from pure bred. White Wyandotte, Buff Leghorn and B. P. Rock fowls. at .75 per 13 or 1.50 oer 30. Address, L. F. Gemberlino, tf. Selinsgrove. Pa. Since stating last week that Chaa. MeiBer would be the successor to Moyer and Meiser in the butcher business, we learn that Mr. Meiser will retire and Mr. Moyer will con tinue the business. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is always obtained at Soles' Barber Shoi, in Wittenmyer's Building, op posite Post office. Qo to Soles and you will make no mistake, Shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg shampoo for sale. A. E. Solbs. Wm. Grouse rented his farm in Franklin township to a man in Mid dlecreek township. This man has a family of 8 children and aa thnrn war some probability of becoming a to wn ship charge, the township authori ties asked Mr. Crouse to cancel the lease. A telephone line is in course of construction from Port Treverton passing through Chapman, MoKees Half Falls crossing the river to Georgetown and Herndon. Dr. Bo gar and Mr. Bingaman are the pro lectors. This line will afford a con venience for the people along the new line. It is said that the Keatinir Wheel Co., Middletown, Conn., desire a good agent in Middleburgh. As the Keating is known the world over as one of the finest and easiest running wheels made, it would seem as though some of our business men might open correspondence with the Keating people to good advantage. The wheel is a ready seller. 3-18-4t. Victor H. Wertz of NewDort. whom some of our people have spec ial occasion to remember, in part nership with L A Deisher of Har- risburghave purchased the jewely store of It, O. and Cyrus Novinger at Millersburg. Mr. Deisher is a good workman and a reliable dealer and Mr. Wertz will do well .to follow his example. nip TiniE ami km emdeavdrs to a. M. win iun Wbo la about to resbjii aa Superior Judje. Mrs. J. A Luiuburd spent several days in towu and assisted at Pot ter s moving. Miss Sarah Ocker. a sistor of Da vid Ocker. on Sunday was marrind at Laurelton to Henry Williams The Post exteuds best wishos. Harry E. 8pecht on Tuesday out a half cord of wood for tbe Editor in aa hour and a half. This is a snlen did record from Harry and shows with what vigor he does his work. C. C. Soebold will move from Mid dleburgh to this city on the first of April. He will occupy the Eich- uoltz residence on Walnut street Sunbury Item. Spring Goods just received at Mrs E. C. Aurand's Millinery and Fancy store, also buster millinery ftooda. Hats, Tarn O'Shanters, Flowers. Ribbons and Laces. Come and rive us a call. All goods will be sold . gardless of pnoe for cash. During a recent visit to the Rn war graveyard in Swineford we noted two trariais almost a century uo The inscriptions are: fl.1 "Albright. Swineford whs born Feb. 16, 1728, and died Oct. 15, 1810," (2.) "Solo mon Aurand, sou of John and Cath erine Aurand, was born March 28th, 1805, and died Feb. 15, 1813." Miss Libbie Duukolborger on Wednesday morning went to Phila delphia to buy her Snriner (inn,a She will return next week with a full line of tbe latest styles of Millinery Uoods. She will attend all the hircre spring Millinery Ooenines to oh serve all the latest ideas in the trimming. Every body is invited to call at her store. No trouble to show goods. A marriage license was srrauted last week in Northumberland coun ty to Calvin Shaeffer and Miss Laura Zimmerman, both of Mt. Carniel. and were married on Sunday. The former was a resident of Swineford for several years, havine moved In Mt. Carinel last Spring. Here is our mr lor their happiness. Percival Keiser will retire from the hotel business this week. He will leave the Keystone Hotel at Se. linsgrove to permit Samuel Kauff. man, the popular proprietor of the Central Hotel, New Berlin to take charge. Mr. Kauffinau is a good ho tel man aud will no doubt pleaso tbe many friends of the Keystone. The barn on Dr. Nipple's lower farm below Selinsgrove was entirely consumed on Saturday about one o'clock. Four horses and two mules were burned also 2000 bushels of corn and other grain. The horses and mules belonged to Mr. Arter the retiring farmer. Twelve loads ot material belonging to the new tenant were also destroyed. The barn was insured. It has now been definitely decided to rebuild "Row's church" at Salem. Hon. Chas. Miller. Henrv Movap nnrl Samuel Maurer are the members of tbe committoH representing the Lu theran congregation and laaan V.rA. ley and Enos Klingler. the Reform ed. As this churoh is the oldest place of worship in the county and the cemetry the oldest burying ground, the Post will shortly pub lish a complete history of both writ ten especially for the Post by Prof. George JS. Fisher, a nntiva of th locality. TMi PEOPLE. COURT HOUSE CHIPS. Deed Eatered tor Rreer-4. Henry Smith aud wife to Jas. H. Long, four acres in Beaver Tp., for $181.25. Henry Bickhart and wife to David Bickhart, 96 acres in Washiueton Twp., for $2000. , Susan Miller and Joseph Miller to Wm. M. Keller, lot No. J7 in Beaver town, for $300. John Gilbert and wifo to David E. Spaide, 5 acres iu Frankliu Twp., for $323. Emma J. Fox nud Hiram Fox to James H. Bogar, lot in Port Trever ton, for $700. I.cttar of AtlmlulMratloii. In the estate of Roswell Uothroek. late of West Beavor Twp., to Dr. Marand Rothrock of Mt. Pleasant Mills. In the estate of Johu S. Hassimrer. late of Franklin Twp., to M. K. and U. E. Hassiugor, of this place. In the estate of Henry G. Seehrist. late of Union Twp., to A. S. Seehrist of Verdilla. Marriage Lleeane. "Hbarts Fluttering with Dki.d- siohs." The following marriaire li- censes have been granted since our last publication : ID. A Breininghouse, Lewisburg, i aaran Ei. uorgy, Franklin Twp. J S. W. Shra wder, W. Perry Twp., I Anna A. Markley, " " r JJuo. W. Hassinger, Beavertown, (Jennie M. Bingaman, . ' S Laphenus Walter, Kreamer, ( mrs. unzabetn Smith, " j Dr. E. M. Miller, Beavertown, JSsllie E. Aigler, Commissioners' Onlee. The Commissioners have made the rate of tax for aouuty purposes at 3 mills which will make a total tax of about $14,500. The total valuation last year was tl.847.354. The aver age valuation last year for horses was $27 each: cows. $15. It has beeu deoided that the assessors shall assess horses so that tbe average shall be $22.50; cows, $17.25. This action of the commissioners was due to the fact that the average last year varied from $39 to $18 iu the aver ages of the valuation of horses from different districts. Conductor Wolfkiel's Narrow Escape. Andy Wolfkiol, the votoran aud ef ficient conductor ou S. & L. mail. made a narrow escape from serious injury if not doath, near Beaver town, last Wednesday afternoon. Andy's train bad run onto the Biding to allow a double- heador to nats. and wbilo standing ou the lower steps of the smoking car an individ ual who bad been induluioir excess ively in strong dring staggered out of the car and down the storw. bumping Mr. Wolfkiol with such force as to almost knock him off the car against tho fust-running freight. Fortunately he succeeded in srrasp. ing the guard railing and thus sav ing himself from what might have been sure death. It is unnecessary to state that Mr. W. hustled the in ebriate back in to tbe car with more speed than he had emerged from it. Lewistown Free Press. Good Suggestions. People shouldn't growl because a newspaper fails to have every scrap of news so long as you take no trou ble to give the information. We have heard of readers who have been awfully put out because no note is made of the arrival or de parture of friends visiting them, or of social affairs of Heaven sent babies that visit their home during the night. The average newspaper man isn't medium nor a mind read er, but must depend upon those who have a scrap of information to give to ha,Ridpway Star. Silver is down very near the lowest point which it ever touohed, whilo heat is at a high level, and is likely to go higher. Nobody hears the par rot talk now of silver and wheat be ing yoked together, but this is be cause tbe silver issue is dead, tem porarily or eternally. If the issue should be resuscitated in 1900 the follies and falsehoods of 1896 would be repeated. , AN ELOPEMENT. Himiabara- Lovers Nklp Oat fer Parle I'aknewu. Lewlsbanr News. . The Mifflinburg Telegraph gives tnefollowiug accouut of a seusa tional elorement that has sot all Milllinburg to talking: "Wm. E. Wise and Mrs. Benjamin Hackenburg, both of this place, left for parts unknown on th traiu east on Tuomlnv 1 auk Tha former deserts a feeble wife with three childreu, tbe eldest not over 11 years, and the latter a husbaud and. the same number of children. We have been informed that each left written messages to the effect that they would prefer doath to capture. We might fill a column with the gossip afloat concerning them, but the above tells the whole story. Mr. Hackenburg is a fine young man and industrious ; and Mr. Wise iH a true lady and mother." This (Friday) morning Mr. A. D. Miller, father of Mrs. Wise, called at the Jfeics office on business. He in formed us that he had just returned from Danville where he had taken bis daughter for treatment. Soon after her husband bad deserted her she became despondent, followed by violent outbreaks until it bm clear to her physician that she had. temporarly at least, lost her reason, and for her own oomfort and safety was taken to the Danville Hospital. Tbe whole affair is most unfortu nate, involving aa it does the family names of some of tbe most highly esteemed people in aud near Milfiin burg. Mr. Miller said that Wise had made love to his daughter when she was a girl of seventeen attend ing his school in West Buffalo Town ship. He objected to the marriage at first, but W'so pressed his suit, professing the deepest affection for her. In an evil moment the father yielded to the entreaties of the young lovers and they were married. All went well until the husband be came enamored of Mrs. Hacken berg. His love was passionate, in fact her charms seemed to hypno tize him, and that he might more frooly devote himself to her, the elopement was planned and con su mated. We predict, however, that the "novelty" and romance of this sort of a mix-up will be very quickly dissipated, and then the re morse, the hell of a condemned and guilt conscience I There will be two very mournful and penitent eloping sinners coming back to Mif flinburg in a few months seeking sheltor aud reconciliation. Ed. Postmasters to Hold Four Years. Washington, March 15. Postmaster-General Gary made the defi uito aunouncoment to-day that tbe administration, after duo delibera tion, has decided to adhere to the four-year tenure of office, policy for all postmasters. He stated that ex cept in a few cases where removal for cause was required on account of delinquency, incompetency, or other instances of unsatisfactory conduct or administration of the of fice all postmasters, fourth-class as well as those of Presidential ap pointment, would be allowed to serve out a term of four years. This officiul statement of policy, one of the most imuortant so far determin ed upon by the administration, has beeu awaited with great interest by the entire corps of postmasters, and by the patrons of 70,675 postoffices throughout the country. Something to Consider. You are weak, sick, out of health. You have tried local doctors. Did you ever stop to think that it is the great specialists in your disease who can cure you, tne pnysician who can cure you, the physician who treats and cures thousands of cases like yours t Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th St., New York City, is the most successful of all specialists and has the largest practice in the world. You can consult him free. Write to him without deWand he will ex plain by letter your case fully. This will cost you nothing and doubtless lead to your cure. . BOODLE VICTORY. The Trinmph or Promises. Whislcey and Boodle of no Significance. Beavertown, Pa., March 22, 1897. Eo. Post By a letter from Middle burgh published iu lust week's issue of the Weekly Herald I learn that some of our political friends are still groping alone in tho dark. By statiug that the "Corabiuo is dead" by the rejection of a few and the oloction of another as chairman of the Republicau Standing Com uiitteo of the Couuty of Suydor don not in thj leist substantiate the idea that there existed a "Combine," much loss that it bus been killed. I wish to state, however, that there existed a oombino some time ago who had tho recognition by State leaders as loaders of this coun ty in politics when they never were able to seoure the majority ballot at a single election. This combine died a natural death. It died at the voice of the general population of Snyder county, but it is still trying to sur vivo defeat as does the rooster when deprived of its head. The combine met its fate by tbe exeoution of true and honest convictions of right of at least a majority of voters as you all know ; and when the majority of a common people give their decision a free and unrestricted ballot, they cannot be called a combine. A com bine is just what Mr. Middleburgh wishes to lift out of the mire and hold up to us as Moses did tbe smtke in tbe wilderness. O no. we saw it beforo it went into the mud. It is true we have our leaders in the dif ferent departments and they aren't little boys either as he tries to inti mate. They have not bought us much less sold us. They are men ' Wiio are neither very likely to bo tray us, but if they do ; woe be upon their heads politically. I think they are doing as woll or hotter thau any other mou in Snydor county could ; at least we thought so when we vot ed. We have also elected candidates heretofore wbo paid their canvass ing expenses out of their own pock ets with their own silver and gold, and we can do so hereafter. I do not think that the right mau in the right place nood havo a large amount of monoy from higher sour ces outside of tho county to spuud lavishly to be successful. History does not justify that fact. As for tbe cry "Tho Combine is doad ;" they havo let tho cat out of the bag aud we aro very glad of it. We know just exactly who belong to their gung and thero uru no excuses acceptod from men who cry "no gung." Mon don't staud alone in these days. I am not going to be couio specific in mentioning iiumes. You all know. I pity the man who thinks that tho rising generation should be kept in tho dark and old worn out men romain in ofiico until they sail safoly into tho celestial worlds, and thon give our govern meut into tho hands of tbo iuex perienced boy. And furthermore he is badly fooled if he thinks that we are boys. Wo are young, middle aged and old mon. We huve iu this common populnco, which the man from tbe centre calls ulcombino, men whom wo measure intellectually, morally and politically with any mau in his rotten combine. Those men will meet with the same fate, under the auspices they are marching, as they met with heretofore. Our motto and issue will be "No Combine." "No Cor- poration." You understand T And we don't care either what the Committee does on this point, as it is very often of late composed of men whose names are smuggled on the ticket and are in no wise a prop er choice. Trob Blue. Brqnesta to Fulllll Thrir Promises. Adamsburu Herald. Dr. Smith's mail for the last few dayB consisted largely of congratu lations on his election to the chair manship of the Republican Standing Committee.