The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 18, 1897, Image 7

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    I Zm snasitsstsats for FrssV
taaogaretloa ass tkluM
I u .at tbe best wstoadog that harks th.
- .M arah-hdoc Uts low ui mIcm
. - - ..
fL-utbf0l MkaoWSH. IS to. treat
ra.(ttkuatlMMa7affrm talk too
UoadotooMttl If they wut to find
rlt.1 u beat tor m uai ut j scoot
EJrSSiOS ot pals. It goes to wort
rJwud nd stnies hold ol reeu
r2 tor tb pari om of driving It oat, ud
riBMU Its purpos. u aceoasniisnea.
VL. w means to SCComDllah 1U and.
"Iiiiient will tontfy. Th euro to th.
' .hm.mor inflammatory oases. With
fVL and a fnx dm ot It, th wont earn
P"" i.hvhaen flnallveuraml hlt'
klHM -
, M B ioc. bos of Caeoareta. the finest
j,f tin
100 Howard. SIM.
wltit of thli paper will bo pleased to
.alt there l t lout ooo dreaded dusts.
hu been abl. to cure In all 1U
fSdtaat U Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
,k. oal positive ours bow known to
..Ileal fraternity. Cetaira being oonsti
LiJ duMto. reqairas a constitutional
t.MiL Hade Catarrh Core it Ukoa inters
. ) i r. -t U' nu tha hlnnd sum) mn.
ffiirUcasof the system, destroy.
feaudatlon of the diaeae, aad firing
IZutat strenrth by bUlMIng up the coa
Eiand aaalBtlng Daluro la doing lu
rk. nmnrietora have eo much faith In
Costive power, that they offer One Una.
h Dollars for any cam that it falls to ours.
Gurhatof testimonlala. Addreas
r r. j. c mi a ca, loiodo, a
U'lTainilr Pills are the taU
srtPnftjfns and permanently cured?.
...first davsiiae of 1hi.Ki.imk s Uksat
iva Hpl' i i - r- ... linn-
Send to Dr. Kline, Wl ArchSL, iHulsV, i'a.
LwinfWsSoothln? Syrup for children
U,inf wm i rii 9 iiip KUIII9. reumxn niiinninieV
r r :.. ....HMwinii iin . K,..ti.
1111)1 l'IU VlelM -e n..SB UUtlHk
LliVe-wattrr. IruuKiiit scUjitafic. uer boj
... bilious or cnMir Mt a Cafmret,
(i nru: aw.,
It Brother's Foot and White
grvwlng worae In spite of medical treat -I
oftf n benrd of cures by Hood's Sar-
L:lla and pemuaiird my mother to give It
a. Soon he was able to walk about tbe
Wt continued giving- him HolkI's Sar
,11 snd he Is now cured." Miss MAlir
isicAurorm Indiana. Kemember
pod's Sarsaparilla
bct-lhe One True Blood Purifier.
8 llilS with Uood's Sarsaparilla.
awaaMaV I
13 SHOE In thVworid. A
ir it jnn thin the, by merit alone, bas X
r.mydll competitorn.
fer I hy ovfr l,o,nm wfarers a the f
l style. Tit euJ durabllltv )t snv hoe 1
ulcrrit a.i.0. I
li udrju ill h' latnt shape and styles
lit. . T; l,oty of leather,
dealer In a town nlveu exclusive sain
idverlltieil In local laner on rtHwIut of
aKble order. Write for catalogue to W.
fcmilai, lirockton, Maas.
00 Reward in Gold!
Well Worth Trylaa Far.
word Hf.Al TIKl'I. ara nina ltljr Vn
art en..i.nli to nuke fourteen words, we feel
! if t(.h do you will re.'eive a reward, bo
lA .,.'r!'..","r, "'" " occura in the
IMI I IH I.. I'wonlv KliulUli a,r,l. Th.
IJ l' mil trlutiiiK ()o., pronrietora
Hnuwimiii ( ,iiiintii, will y 4ui.uu lu
Ihe i.riii all to make tlx longest llat of
word from I In. letter in the word UKAU
VAW f,.r I lie o,intl l.muMit. ta-ki mi
each for the uhkc tivH n,l mi
nat trn lnniUMt 'i'h. aK.,... ...-.i.
u free, nj B.ilpy for the nunwiae of atlraiit.
pi II HKlll 11.11 COMPANION, coutamlng
flit panes finely illu.trated, Latent faahlona,
t'i i ,r,,'llll. OyclHig, Cookery, (leneral
it 1' . u "'"ea oy tile neat Hand-
'I lowest iirired niaiiatina
I"" '" w1,h ?mt of words
kin .-!. i 1 '""i" hi eiieer,
r ll entltli. yon to . half.Tp' .i.i..,i.
H'M HKHHI.Dl!tlMPA5lO. luldu'ltioa
Will ZX" w ".? "
k fk. 7 '"iiiwnaii may ue POD-
Ri5 pJl of tob hoisehOld
iTtfA nltfctia-T aV Priatla. f!a
""aer ht.. xew Vark t.-Rw. "
liaa made many wealthy
man. Salaried men may
iiive; small jnuounti.
beam.. LZZZr ..V."!?"?J
C',- '.'"''l1'" Oevelonmeat fe.,
' " ttpoaane, Wusb.
l. ii it i mm i i m
VwioaS. UH "wr WITH
frwn 8t.Vi.rr ' ,ra,,r,i Our "HtiH-k, Cot
f U. ii SnJ1? '"V1"4 'res. JAH. E. i'A V.
reruaiway, ,w York. Booms S-ls.
'WoamAsTlsi BiTaTaiawsi.
Woman's lntrodacttoa Into tht bttt
tMM world U no longtr svm cxpcxlaMDl''
Tte feminine wafemn)f is sow
permanent factor In the natiooaU ccobv
amy. The Indlrhlual dropa ont ot the
ranks to form a center around which
home springs up, bat another woman,
not a man, takes her place. The typo
remains. Mors and more places art
being made for. women, to suqh am ex
tent that a recent census bulletin re
ports the increase la the number ot
women employed in gainful occupa
tions during the period between 1ST0
and 1800 to bare been 113 per cent,
wblle In trade and transportation th.
Increase was 1,061 per cent. Thli
change la significant. It fat, in fact, a
revolution. Twenty, or Indeed, ten
years ago the girls of an ordinary mid
dle class family In which the fsthei
was a small business man, sn expert
mechanic, or a farmer capable of sup
porting his family with decency If not
absolute comfort, were expected to stay
at home and help with the housework
until they went to preside, over homes
of their own. It was considered some
thing of a slur to say that a man's
daughters were obliged to go out to
work. Nowadays this sentiment Is re
versed. A business training Is ss much
a matter of course for tho daughters ss
for the sons. And no one is surprised
when the daughters prefer putting tht
training into practice Instead ot devot
ing their time to household duties en
livened with social amusements. Tho
growth of the Idea that woman Is an
individual, not an appendage, that she
has social duties and moral responsi
bilities as well as men, Is really at tho
bottom o the revolution. Llnplncott'a.
Queen Victoria Writes Many Letters
Queen ictorla Is ouo of the busiest
of women when It cornea to attending
to her mall. She writes many letters
herself, using whito paper with a nar
row edge of black, and always writing
with black Ink. She Invariably sends
personal letters to the members of the
royal family on all birthdays and other
anniversary occasions, and letters of
condolence and congratulation to relatives.
arcisiiiEEs com
Ko.To.Bao for Fifty Cents.
Ovpr 4(K).(W cured. Why not let No-To-Bnc
reizuluteor remove your tleaire lor tnlutcco?
rHven money . inukes Ilea It li and manhood.
Cure fHinrantced. Su cent uud 1.U), at ali
Tomes Towero. a Clilonim cnliman. shot
nnd luHtwutly killed bis wito and then fatally
Bliot hitiiBeK.
Merit Wins.
The invention of Alatmstlno marked anew
era in wnll coating, and from the standpoint
of tho building owner was a moat important
discovery. It has from a small Iwirinninit
branched out into every country of the civi
lized world. The name "kalsomine" has be
tome so offensive to property owners thnt
itiHitulacturers nf cheap knlsomlne prepara
tions mo now talllnu them by some other
nitini', nnd Attempting to sell ou the Alubas
tine company's reputation.
Through cttciialvesdvertisinir and personal
use. Ill" merits of the durable AlnbnstlliH are
so thoroughly known that the people inalat ou
Kttin tlio-e goods nnd will tnke no chanoeof .
spoiling their walls for a possible saving of at
the moat but a few cent. Thus it is attain
demonstrated that merit win-, and that man
ufacturers of ttrst-cliMs urticies will be sup
1 orted by the people. .
We have not boon without l'iso's Cure for
Coueumpliiin for 3 yt'iire. Lizit KfcltBtL.
Citiup St., llurrisbttrg. I'a., Mny 4, 1W4.
CAscAltrrs stimulate liver, kidneys and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or grijic; 10c.
Vegetable Sicilian
Beautifies and restores Gray
Hair to its original color and
vitality; prevents baldness;
cures itching and dandruff.
A fine hair dressing.
B. P. Hull & Co., I'roiw., Nashua, N. II.
.Hold by nil JtriiKgiMs.
I . i Mtutomsa-
Columbia Bicycles
Standard of tho World.
POPE HFC. CO., Hartford. Cons.
Catalogue free from dealers or by mall for
one S-rent stamp.
Alabautlne does not require to be taken off
to renew, dors not harbor eertrs, but desirojra
them, and any one can brush It ou.
Sold by sll paint dealers. Write for card with
samples. ALASAsTINE CO., Grans Rapids, Mich.
lil TiW?
but hava HU AlwmA ft. K.
conMimar lor tt years, st
flla. Hbrp any wbwa
-v. .uuuiaiion oa
fort sale Every-
niLsTVwL wDatvlaaaB a LJ.aa.
, jwti top Busslesaa low
aagj Fbaaiona low
aT aZTB a-aaaumsaalow AT
I I u mi. fcTaji lT wHn"J. etc Mend smT
I b77B , 277
a I J 'l V-'J-T
ST"""' ""- tor laraTr,:" J". .'""ir.'iaS
MBU " Mtw. , w.Tr.. Anf. 1KB,
Sarglsrs Make the Third Visit ia Hadley
sal Oae ia Tieaests,
For (he third time within the lost fire
months the general store of 'Squire T. 8
Powell, at Hadley, was robbed. Samuel
Brown discovered three men leaving the
store shortly after midnight, He aroused
Powell who trailed the men In the snow for
some distance toward Greenville. - He pass
ed the mein about two miles east of U reen
vilie, going that way. Each carried, a bag
of stolen ttoods. llein g aloue, he passed on
and Informed the o dicers. In the meantime
It commenced to rain and when he returned
to follow the trail the tracks were obliter
ated. Governor Hastings sent a message to the
egislnture stating: "That s new building,
suitable tor the general assembly, and ot
such s character as will be entirely credita
ble to the commonwealth, can, by the utili
zation o( the 2,000,000 or more of brick, the
remains of the old building, be erected at a
cost not exceeding 5o0,0O0. Of this euro we
have reulized nearly SlMO.OOO from the In
surance policies aud upon tho old rapitol,
leaving a dellult of about S60,000 to be pro
vided for by reduced expenditure, or by In.
Increased revenue, as mny seem best. I
therefore earnestly recommend to your hon
orable bodies that an act of assembly be
passed authorizing that the rebuilding of the
main capltol of brick, stone and Iron, fire
proof in character, aud colonial In stylo of
architecture, by such authority as you may
namu. with power to name an architect to
make plaus with reference to all the build
lUK'S contemplated, and direct tho mnkiuK ot
a contract la behHlf of the stuto for the eroo-,
tion ot tho main capital butldinir to be com
pleted on or before January 1, 18H9, at a cost
not exceeding the sum named; aud further,
that the amount of lusuranco received by
the state be specifically appropriated toward
the cost of the new structure.
Greene's New Railroad.
A oorps of engineers begau the survey of
the proposed new Pittsburg, t'ounellsville
ami NVheeliuK railroad at the mouth of Ten
Mile creek, in tireene county, near Miils
boro. J. L. UurroU, who surveved the
Wuynesburg and Washington railroad, is the
chief of ena-iueers. President Funk, of New
York, and Heeretary HoiiKlnsa, of West New
ton, are looking after tbu nnht of way. The
road will connect with the Pittsburg, Vlr
t; I ii in and DhnrleMtou, or the Luke Erie at
tho MononguhelH river, nnd pusB through
nrwuB county vm Mityuenuurg to heeling.
President i'tiuk snys there is ample capital
back of tho project, uui it will be pushed
forward at once. I
Harrison and William Pox wore convicted
nt l ulr-uiowu of perjury, the latter being
recommended to tho mercy of tho court. The
case arose from the proeucution of A. F.
ltickson and John Howell by Dr. J. W. llleh-
nrn, on u charge or attemptliig to procure the
murder of Dr. llicbitrds. Tho Poxes were
the principal witnesses uud swore that the
ili-fcuduntH attempted to hire them to da the
killing. J it dn Ewing did not believe tho
testimony und took tbo cuso from the jury
aud ordered the arrest ot the Poxes. Harri
son 1- ox procured the conviction of 1'rank
liner, in Westmoreland county ou a charge
of nmon. Wnce tho perjury development
jite-r nas oeen puruoueu.
A general raid by burglars was made nt
Tioneetu. The clothing store of Miles A Arm
strong was robbed of ft 100 worth of goods,
and a quantity of cigars and groceries were
stolen from the store of J. It. Morgan. The
billiard room ot Len Airnew was broken iuto
where the thieves secured 410 in cash uud a
quantity ot cigars. Not content with the
robbery of business places the thieves enter
ed the residence of ex-Couhty Treasurer
Inmieson, where they made off with 10 in
aiouoy, aud some articles of provisions.
V. J. McFarland, a ' school teacher in
8pritigfluld township, had been prosecuted
by Humane Agent Charles Wilson, of C'on
nollsvlle, for severely whipping the 10-year-old
daughter of Charles Johnson, and the
lustlce lined him HO and corts. When ' tho
appeal came up before Judge Mculrczat ho
quashed the hill of indictment, but directed
Mel'arland to pay the court costs. "hud took
'Occasion to score tho people who und been
uiiiueiui; mu ircituuor, saying mat a lonelier
who did not try to control his school chonld
have M certificate revoved,
A bold case ot highway robbery took
plueo at Port Perry. A rnttrnp peddler, who
gave the name of Isaac Hoeowsky, and suld
be lived iu Allegheny, was walking tilling
Jefferson street, when ho was stopped by
two men, both of whom held a revolver at
Ills head, nud took his silver watch aud about
(9 iu money. D. M. Kerr, of llrtnldock, who
was roollug a house only a few stops away,
saw the transaction, but was uuatile to do
anything. Tho high way muu disappeared.
Julius Shipley was couvleted at I'nlon"
town of four charges ot assault und batlery
shooting with intent to kill, carrying con
cealed weapons and resisting officers, (ship
ley was tried Inst ynr and convicted, but
owing to his tige was left olT with a term lu
Huntingdon. Ho escaped ami upon his ar
rival home began a career of outlawry. Ho
was Dually run down iu llrowosville, but the
officers had a rougli time bundling him. In
Ihescufllo Police Officer Caldwell was cut.
Shipley also tried to shout the ofticcrs.
by nu explosion of mine gas following a
ihot in the Iierwlnd-Whlte coal mines nt Du
bois, the scene of last year's catustrophy,
four men, Hugh ltoynolds, John Oruham,
Homer Hopkins and Peter Freeniau, were
burned about the face and bunds No ln
ury was done to the mine aud work is now
progressing as usual. F'fty men were in the
mlue at the time.
The new bridge spanning the Yottghlogh
euy river at Hulerville.butlt by the Mononga
hela and Youghiogbeny Uridgo cumpauy,
was opeuej with imposing ceremonies on
Wednesday. . This structure Is oue of the
finest In this part ot the Htate. It will be
used by the McKeesport aud West Newton
eioetrio line, to be completed during the
coming summer.
Two Incendiary fires occurred at Green
ville early Hat unlay morning, and at the
same time an uttemnt was made to rob the
jewelry store of James ltoland. Officer
Hobaugh discovered the burglars nnd alter
exchanging several shots thu robbers es
caped. J. II. Robertson, ot Kllwood, pletdod
guilty to keeping a gambling house, aud
Charles Volght and Daniel hmlth, of the
same place, were eaoh convicted by a jury of
aiding and abetting Robertson In his room.
Robertson turned state's evidence.
The store nnd contents and large office of
the Phlllpsburg Fire brick company were
oompletely distroyud by lire. Loss HO.OIK),
oovered by Insurauce, Three dwellings were
also burned, the loss on these amounting to
tft.OOO with a partial insurance.
- It la reported that the coal mines at Beech
Tree will be closed Indefinitely. The sua
peujloa Will effect about 300 tneu.
A compulsory non-suit was ordered at
Klttannlng In the suit of Mrs. Elizabeth Will.
Is against Armstrong oounty for (40,000 dam
ages for Injuries received by her carriage
running down s hill and over an 'embank
ment, The report of the directors' of the poor of
Westmoreland county, shows that there are
240 lumatea at the county borne, more than
at any other time. There are BOO Demons In
various parts ot the county receiving assist
ance. W. C. Haus, of Sharon, announces that he
will not be a candidate for the Congressional
nomination In the Twenty-fifth district. This
leaven MaJ. Harry Watson and Henry Robin
son the only candidates from Mercer oounty.
- March a The following bills were passed
Anally by the senate: To amend an set pro
viding for the claseiftcatlon of real estate in
eitlea of the second-class, making the assess
ors not less than three nor more than five:
authorising the appointment of Warden and
matron ot oounty prisons In counties con
taining a population ot 150,000; to amend the
act ot 1885, providing for the Incorporation
ot coninies for buying, selling and trading
in all kinds of goods at wholesale and retail,
The senate committee on mines has knock
ed out Mr. Coyle's bill providing lot a bureau
of mines and mining, the secretary of in
ternal affairs to appoint attaches, and has
substituted Senator White's administration
bill, which gives tbe governor the power of
appointment, ordering it reported affirm
atively. Captain John C. French, of Washington
oounty, presented a very important bill in
the bouse this morning. Allegheny county
Is particularly Interested In the measure, as
it means a saving ot several thousand dol
lars a year to the countv. Captain French's
bill abolishes all fee offices iu counties of
this commonwealth and does awav with the
collection of extravagant mileage aud special
fees by oounty officials, and holds everybody
down to a specillu salary.
March 10. There were a large number of
vacant seats lu the house to-day. Nearly 40
members, headed ,v tnu iMaware delega
tion, weut to W ashington this niorumg to
boom Jack liobljson for assistant secretary
of the navy.
The speaker signed the measure regulating
the election of assessors iu second-class cit
ies. This is tho bill to go tho governor
Ibis session.
Dr. Muehlbronner Introduced a bill estab
lishing the standard d;:e of barrels lit 17 lH
inches in diumeter of the head, and 2.x'
Inches iu length of stave, aud of regular
The Kentnr bill, creating a legislative eom
mli sloti of three members to puss on all legis
lation before It tlnally considered, provoked n
long debate. Mr. Keutor said this men-ore
was necessary to secure be. tor legislation.
Mr. Miiust, of Cumberland, spoke ngaiust the
scheme nnd it was overwhelmingly ilt-entel
Senator Heller pres-iited the report of tho
Joint building committee which has been In
vestigating the capitol fire. It recited the
progress of tho Inquiry and the fact that
Rev. Dr. Swallow refused to give the source
llf hla ltifnrmnlint, f,. 11, u ..II...... .1
- " iii-,aiiuii nun
the bla?.e had not I u entirely accidental.
Mureli 11. The Judiciary general commit
tee rolmrtitil tn Him u,ii.i.. u. ii. .
----- .-- t-..,.. , i ,,,, psiiiiu.
cose till!) morning, recommending that tho
it-pun oi mo jouu nuiidiiig committee be
referred hucL- ultli ti .n o..,. i
- - I " ... o..,i n.awu
the cmmiilthot duirw. t. .... .l ti... i
nnoe of Rev. Dr. Swallow ns a wituess before
me oar oi eitner senate or house, to answer
the nueatlotin which lot Ima .raU.i t .....l..
to before the committee, a full report of tho
proceedings relating to his refusal to testify
io made, so that the legislature nmv be fully
Informed on the nature of the Interrogations
and the manner of the refusal.
Mr. Fllun introduced ills now charter for
second-class cities, just about tho time the
I .yon bill was reported from committue iu
the house,
lu the house a batch of bills protesting
against the passage of any road law that
creates new offices or increases tu.utiou,wus
A communication was received from tho
governor announcing his approval of the
bill regulating the election of assessors in
second-class cities. Tills measure was wnt
to thu executive March 10, and U the llrst
signed by him this season.
The committee on municipal corporations,
through Mr. Simon, of Allegheny, reported
for printing the Tilbrook bill of Wednesday
revising the clusttiflcutioii laws. Ropresentii
tive Mullhaney presented to tho house the
Fllnn copy ot the llullilt luw. entitled "An
act to Improve the government of cities of
the seeoud-olttss." The bill simply applies
the Uuliltt law to cities of the second-class.
After bills in place had been read, the house
took up a calendar second-rending bills with
Representative W. T. Marshall iu the chair
March IX The Horise had a short session
this morning, and then took a recess until
Monday eveulug. There was a small at
tendance and not much business was done.
A bill was Introduced by Mr. McCluin, of
Luncaster, repealing the llrst and second
provisions of soetlon.ll of the net of April a,"
108, relating to fees of county officers. The
bill applies to Allegheny, Lancaster. Mont
gomery, Philadelphia, Reaver and Washing
ton futilities, . ,
A 111 vm presented by Chairman Ham
mond, of the education committee, granting
to school districts the equal educational
rights, nud that both borough und town
ships may each elect supervisory principals
urh.n li .lip.t.. ft.... 1. ...... .........
..... .. u i, n it.-i-iii isu.-ii iu-i--n-
sary, and extending the provisions of tho
in. unmii n7 iu or uioro eenoui ttlfurici.t
jointly. ' . (
itiii v.t onn m ftt... ..t.,u.t(i..,.ti.,.. i.ti tA
known, pnsM-ii the house on llrst rending
iiuii mutt on inoiiou oi i uuirmau .lim-iu-bronner,
of the committee on municipal
corporations, wus recommitted for hcnrliigs.
Mr 1 1 ..1 1 ,.f I mi..- I,. l.lll
appropriating' ifl, 000 to the 'state college to
establish a tobacco experimental station.
Abolishing slavery on the Niger.
A dispatch from Lngos, Africa, says a de
cree has been Issued lor the abolition ot
slavery in tho Nlgor oouiitry. Hid decree to
go Into effect upon the anniversary of the
completion of tho sixtieth year of the reign
of Que'jfl Vlotorla,
Mayor Convicted and Fined Hlmielf.
Mayor Campbell, of Bowling Green, Ohio,
has Imposed a fine of $3 and costs upon him.
self for being druuk find disorderly. "His
Honor" had been curried to tte police station
beastly Intoxicated, and oooupicd a cell with
common drunks.
The Labor World.
A membership button has been adopted by
the Nutlonnl Union of Custom Tailors.
. Five new unions havo been organized by
the brotherhood of Carpenters within tho
region of the Gnater New York.
About 200,000 persons were on a strike iu
Gennauy during IH'.ld, thu largest number
since 1H89-U0, wtlcu It was 3)0,001).
It is said thnt ot 60.000 looms ia Rtmiley,
England, 30,000 are working short time,
while there is vacaut space for 6000 looms to
be let.
A Birmingham (F.uglaivl) pnlicomaii was
compelled to pay a unionist 4.00 for prevent
ing him from spuiiklug at u Sunday outdoor
In Great Britain and Ireland there nr
8.000,000 wqi kern, and there are only 2,010.
000 of them who are members oi' trades union
The Czar of Russia has ratluced the work
ing day throughout his dominions from
utgbleuu and nineteen houn to 11 ( hour
forday workers and nine hours lor night
Toledo Bnild'ng Trades' Council Is trying
to have architects pledge themselves to Insert
In specifications that only union labor shall
be employed, also to require trade to bid ou
its work direct.
The Spang Iron and Steel Company nnd
the Morehead Brothers Ac (Jo. Stool Work",
both situated In Hhsrpsburg, Penn., have re
turned work after an idleness of two months,
giving employment to about 70 J meu.
London music halls hive 12,099 employes.
The telegraph operators of Milan have for
mally protested against the employment of
women as operators, on the ground thnttliey
aae Insufficiently educated, work for lower
wages, aud Increase the already excessiVd
Of the hundred or more national nad In
ternational organizations of oraitatneu that
of the printers stands at the ilea l. And not
only are they the s-l ongest numerically nud
financially, but tbev were also.-if sot the
first, surely among the li st of tho trades
wnion organized for the betterment of thafr
fellow craltsmen.
A True I nclden t A woman wss picked up in the street in an unconMiauscrav
flit ion snd hurried to the neat-eat hoepitaL. On examination her b-nly wiw found
to be covered with sores caused by the hypodermic Injection of. morphine.
tut issin sm: u, a nuoisB uu ouit iieiu an houoralilc snd lucrative
ptasuiua in a larjre publishing In
New York. Her health began to fail. In
stead of taUng rest and medio! treat
ment, she resorted to the stimulus of
The hospital physicia,as discov
ered thnt her primary tronb'.e was
an affection of the womb, which
could readiiy have been cured in
t" tirst stages.
If, when she had felt those se
vere pains in the buck, the terrible
heuiluches, the t-on.stu.nt sense of
fullness, soreness nud pain in the
pelvic region, she had used l,ydia
K. Piiikliain's Vegetable) Com
pound, it wouM have dissolved and
Htsseil off tbut polypus in tbe
womb, und to-day she wouM huve
been a wtAi wotiiuu siuinjr in her
Why will women let themselves)
g-o in this way V It seems passing
strillio-e tlllll 11 Willlllin lib I liiu .....
SO lliL'lllv Ctl uent ! .anil sj iv.. II ill.,...., I wl...,,l.l l....... .i..'
- . , ..... ...... l. iiuii- vio-
iM-niled on nioriiliine. insti-ml llf Nfl'killir n t'lliliieil ..ntv
There is no excuse for tiny womuti who Millers -she mvil not p- without
Mrs. l'iukliuiil stands lemly tt lu-1 1 nnv woman: her n, I.
Lynn. Mass. Write tober; it will cost you notliinjr. In the meantime pet a
bottle of l.ydiu K. Pinkhiim's Yepetaiile t oiiipoiiinl ut the nearest drug
store. The followinp letter from one of your sisters w tTI etieourape von :
.Mrs. Hkktiia Lkiiiiman. No. 1 Krie St., :.'Tlli Ward. Pit tsburjr.'.'ji., writes
to Mrs. I'iukhiiin: '1 can hardly Ihul words with which to tiitink yon for
what you have done for inc. 1 siilVi-reil nearly seven years with backai-hi-titnl
sitleache, lencorrliica, tiiul the worst forms of womb t i-.niblos.
" IhH'tors ftiilcd to dome any pood. have taken four bottles or l.vdia K.
rinlthum's Vepetuble CoiiiikiihhI uud one box of Liver Pills, an, I used omi
puekupe of Sanative Yash. and now can say I am well and have Iven stead
ily gaming: tlesh ; ant stouter ami heartier now- than I have been for
years. 1 tun rccoiniiu-iitliiip your Ycpctable t iiiiionul to my ricti U Aifuiu
1 thuuk you for the pood health 1 um enjoy inp."
i.r--: isar or..'.,, t'ssr i .mn.'im. ,'rw-
i r v aw y .i iniuP'tf i; .. T'-v'uwaneW i 'jiw
A Soutlicrn f.irmer, whose Inuno is somcwluit in the -packwooJs,
in ;m interview with ,-i nevsip(-r correspondent
s;iid: "I ;ini oi years old, aiul until I was nigh unto so years
old I was always well and pearl, then lor a lony; while I sul
lered with indigestion and could not eat anvtiiirnr hardly at
all. My daughter, who lives in the city, sent me 'some of .
Ripans Tabules
bId me how tt lakir them, and they have eoinplelelv eure.l' ,
me. I want Von to tell evrvlxJy liow I nt cured. I'or it. : .
a Mcssino; to humanity."
ii Baker's Giocofaite I
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd., i
Eslublishcd in 1 780, ut Dort hrsler, Mis.
lias the well-known Yellow Label on the front of evert- T
package, and the tr.ulr-in.irk, "I.a llcllc CliotMlnicre," Z
on the back.
Waller Bdkcr & Co. Ltd., Dorchester. iVJas. t
ussiu hi esesaas m sj.nsassajju.
Jgfrltattji... eSfWiti'
. a
io . sr mysxzmzm all
2i 50 iSiS DRUGGISTS f
ABSOLIITF.r.7 (1ITJSEENTPPI1 ,0 " "of "'Hrtio. fsncsmti r the Meal
nuuwuuiLUI UUHbaniLL" llTe.a,reriperrlpf.bnlraBweaaflurslrulla, ham l
pie yj booklet free. 111. STUItUXfj UKHI IIT CO., rhiraa-o. Sontreal. I an. . or !Sw Turk. tit ft
Pamphlet, "Hugriestlous for Exterior Decoration," Sample Card and Pescrlptlvo Price List free l7 mall.
Asbesloa Itoofltis, Itollitlnar l'eli. Sn nm I'nrklna, Holler Coverlnns, I'lrr.l'rnof Puluts, Lie.
Aabeaius .Sou-Cotiilucling and Kleetrirnl liiaiiliiliiiu .yiuti rlalK.
n. w. jonns matnufactueino- co.,
87 Maiden Lano, New ork.
CHICAOOi 9Ui!M3 Randolph St. l'HII.ADl'I.PUI A: i;u k ITS th St. I10STON: (7 h TO I'eirl St.
Cleanliness fs Ne Pride, Dirt's Nae Honesty." Com
mon Sense Dictates the Use of
. A :. -. . . "" .'i: