The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 11, 1897, Image 5

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    Absolutely Pure.
for tu grtrnt levenln(f trenti
1 "TJi inruis o' artullerntlon "inm( to too
i Mohii nurses a sore hand. . .
i VT alter and wife attended Dr.
othrock's funeral at McClure last
eek ...Lincoln Bailey's sale Ut
.turJav was well attended.... Wil
, Hornberuer of near Richfield
.:A friends here over Sunday
L Fessler and Miss Ella Spanker
isited Henry Hartmans at iroxei
l rat ilavs last week . . .11. H,
aokenburs bought the two mules
t Lincoln Bailey's sale for $104 ... .
Ilanebe, youngest daughter of VV.
Sanders, is senousiy hi uu mis
The People Believe what they rcaa
Wut Hood'i sanapariua. i uey uuw m .u
Fm ....... .nH ti,t It nurai dlicasa. That
k w W Joa noulu " """"
Hood' Pills "" "Ter ""e CDU
illpiUon and aiilst dlseaUon. 25o.
TiiilioRoush and Win. Fryman
here iu . -
,.t wppk....FrHnk Blitcueii was in
Kv RimI n on Tuesaay oi last wuua
..J. J. Pawling of reeburg sponi
veral days at this place last week
Wni. Snyder and wife were at
Menulou over Sunday to attend the
kuneralof the former's motlier.
Millard Bollinger, wife and daueh-
kcr. Jennie, were visiting Mrs. 15. s
parents on this side of New Berlin
....EzraRoush and lamuy naa a
Bevere attack of La Grippe last week
but they are all around again. . . .N,
C. Gutelius received a telegram
from his brother, Albert, that he is
dyinttin the Hospital. Albert,
was visiting srouud here last sum
mer and i'.aiited many friends. We
ill hope li will recover. N. C. ini
mediately left for Mifflinburg to
tonsult with hie friends. He came
back Sunday evening.. . .Mastey Ray
Seaman is confined to tiis bed with
an attack of La Grippe.... P. L. Row
and R. B. Hummel will attend the
meeting of the Republican Standing
Committee in Middleburgh on Sat
PERFECT and permanent are tha
uiv by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be-
cc.Be it makes pure, rich, neauny,
life and health-giving BLOOD
Miss Sadie Forrester is jreleome
guest of her father.. . . Misses Faauie
Sigfriedof Reading and SteUi of
Sunburr are spending; some time
with their sister, Mrs. Geo. P. Fish
er.... Win. M. Schnure of State Col
lege spent a short time with his p
rents. EL D. Sohnure's Marion
Schoch spent Friday at Sunbury,t
calling on relatives B. Til. Wagen I
seller, who is teaching at Mutou was
home for a day Saturday last.
Mrs. Wm. Nbetling and daughter
have returned from their trip to
Bloomsburg. . . .The Misses Witten
myerofyour place spent the day
among friends in towu on Suturd.ty
....Daniel Kremer an old veteran of
the late war died Thursday mgbt
last, and was buried on Sunday af
ternoon, aged 7 year, i months
and days... Rev. R. B. Starks con
ducted services in the Lutheran
church at Belleville, Mifflin county,
on Sunday ...Rev. H. H. Weber of
York, Sec'y of the Board of Church
Extension of the Luther i church,
occupied the pulpit of the Ev. Luth.
church on Sunday B. Frank
Gregory and wife who spent several
weeks at New Castle, Pa., visiting
their son, Harry K., returned home
this week well pleased with their
trip James Reese of the Lochiel
Hotel, Harrisburg was m town 1 n-
day aud Saturday. . .The report pub
lished by one of our papers that H.
F. Oakes intruded leaving town in
the spring and moving to Watson-
town is untrue, at least Mr. Oakes
says he knows nothing about it...
Senator Hummel and Geo. C. Wag
enseller took in the inauguration of
President McKinl6y....Miss Lizzie
Reitz of Fisher's Ferry spent sever
al days in town with friends..
Frank Eyer, operator at Pleasant-
ville, N. J. was home several weeks
with his mother and sister, he is
looking well.... Miss Hut tie Lein
bach of Antes Fort is beiug enter
tained by Miss Bertha Oakes. ..Miss
May Lantz of McKeesport is spend
ing some time with her uncle Rev.
R. B. Starks Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Schoch trave a dinner on Saturday
to some friends Geo. M. Conrad
and wife and Christian Enterline
and wife of Milton attended the fu
neral of Daniel Kremer.
( Too late for last week)
As you would like to have newa
from this vicinity, I will try to send
you tome, nlthougu news is scarce
at piv sent. . . .J. 0. Brge is the hap
py fat bur of a liltl giil .. .A surprise
party win beld l Goorg Norman's
oue day lasl lv. About 40 per
sons vtr ilitMf. A brand l ew organ
was pl t i t l.t io l' Solomon Stein
inger. Tim vii.linifiH wempreHCut.
TIik tuui I.; kt : up till 1 o'clock
iu t!i' in i r i i t a? J. E. Futterolf
startfd a ri.iini! cluus on Friday
evening. Jt ..ipe its to be a grand
succuNM. About 40 member were
present tliH hi sr time. .. .Thin place
was wt-ll lepiticifiiicd at court, last
week ... O.K. Herman of Middles
wurth wuh with bis parents on Mon
day night.... Mrs. Jesse Gearhart
has beeu Buffering with consump
tion for about Might w eeks. H-r re
covery is doubtful.... M. J. Court
ney of uear Middleburgh, who is
canvassing for the "Pokt", was at
this place last week. Success to
Millard. .. .Anybody wishing to buy
an Unio bulky Cultivator or a
"Steel Field Roller" call to G. E.
Hermau.Middleswtirth . . .Last Sun
day Rev. Laudia gave us a goud
sermon ou Auanins and Sapphii a of
true and false giviug. . . .Well now
we have a republican administration
agaiu aud I do hopo that this coun
try will be more prosperous for the
next four years tuau it has beeu for
the last four years. Success to Mc
Kiuley. The heirs of Hiram Heibstor,
have ordered of M. L. Miller, tLe
S tlinsgrove marblo dealitr, a large
QuiuB.v Grauite Mouumunt weigh-
ti'.KH) lbs. It will bo erected iu Black
Oak Ridge cemetery iu West Beaver
township near Crossgrove whero
2000 people are buried and this will
be the first granite monument to be
pluced in that cemetery. This speaks
well for Sir. Miller's work.
At Fremont. Februarv 20. Jacob
Scbnee, aged 79 years, 6 mo. and
0 days.
At Dundore. Feb. 20. Barbara
bhortzbercer. wife of Jacob Sbortz
berger, aged C4 years, 5 months and
ii uays.
Fill a bottle or common water clnss
with urine and let it stand twenty-four
hours; a sediment or settling indloates
a diseased conditiou of the kidneys.
When urine stains linen it is nositive
eviueno.' or kidney trouble. Too fre
quent desire to nrinata nr rutin in I h
back, is also convincing proof that
tho kidneys and bladder ura nut of
There is comfort In the knowledira
o often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's
owwiip uoot, tne great kidney rem
eny iillills every wish in relieving
nam iu iiie oacK, Kidneys, liver, blad
der aud every part of the urinary
paHnnges. It corrects Inability to hold
urlii and soaldinii pain in passing it,
or bad effects following use of liquor,
wineoi beer, and overcomes that un
pleasant neesglty of beinir couipell
eu to get up many times during the
nlKlit to urinate. The mild aud the
extraordinary effect of Swamp Root
w noon realized. It stands the high
for Its wonderful cures of the most
distressing cases; If you need a med-
in yon should have the best. Bold
ov driipi'll.tu nrina nrt n,
dollar Vor a gainnln lint.Ma anil nn in-
Phlet, both sent free by mail, mention
" ost and ariml vnn, ..n n..uf.m
wdress to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. HiuK
aiuion, . Y. The nroDrietors of
"us paper guarantee the genuineness
of this offer.
Bneklrn'a Arnica Naive.
Till Ttruin C.... : it. 15
fi. " -ai..ju iiih woriu ior
s, Brumes, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
";um, ever Sores, Tetter. Chaim
Kb."'ind8'.Vllblains, Corns, and all
The Keating Wheel.
The rapid growth of the populari
ty of the bicycle and the large in
dustries which its manufacture has
developed are almost phenomenal
To contemplate the marvelous de
velopment that has been recorded in
cycle construction in tho past few
years makes this development seem
too wondorful to bo true, but we
know it is, and judging from the ex
periences of tho past, the future
may hpve a great deal iu store for
In speaking of the perfect wheel
to-day we do not refer to depart
ment store bargain cycles, but to
the peerless samples of mechanical
ingenuity that are recognized as
standard wheels, that have world
wide reputations and sales, and are
known to embody every improve
ment. There is no wheel more fitt
iug to be named as a ' single repro
scntativo of this class than the
Keating, made by tho Keating
Wheel Company, formerly of Holy
oke, Mass., but now in larger and
better quarters at Middletown,
Conn. The enforced removal of this
company in order to meet the de
mands of their increasing trade is
but one proof of tho remarkable
popularity of tho Keating wheel.
This wheel is the result of eight
years of experimenting, and the val
uable lessonB of that time have been
utilized in the production of the '97
Keating, which stands without a
peer in construction and popularity.
This wheel has its individual frame,
as the most popular cycle phrase,
"See that cure," well proves ; and it
is also fitted with Keating double
roller noiseless chain and an improv
ed crank shaft. It is a beauty in
iiuish and design and unrivaled in
construction. Finance and Com
merce, Feb. 2C, 1897.
There is no
word so full
of meaning
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " Mother "she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first totterintr step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth
er is beset with danger and all ef
fort should be made to avoid it
. . so assists nature
MnthAfG in the change tak
iflUIIIUI O ing place that
the Expectant
Mother is ena
bled to look for
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
hodinfrs. to the hour when she
experiences the ioy of Motherhood
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in short, it "makes
rhilflhirth natural and easy." as
so manv have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
"My wife suffered more in ten min
utes with either of her other two chil
dren than she did altogether with her
last, having previously used four bot
tles of Mother's Friend.' It is a
blessing to any one expecting to be
come a MOTJJEK," says a customer.
Hbndkkson Dale, Carmi, Illinois.
Only One
You and we may differ as to
money standards and out of
our very differences good may
come. But we won't differ as
to the merits of one standard
emulsion of cod liver oil.
won and held its way for
nearly 25 years in the world of
medicine until to-day it is al
most as much the standard in
all cases of lung trouble, and
every condition of wasting
whether in child or adult as
quinine is in malarial fevers.
Differ on the money ques
tion if you wilL but when it
comes to a question of health,
perhaps of life and death, get
the standard.
Your druggist tells Scott' Emulsion.
Two sizes, 50 cts. and $1.00
SCOTT & BOWNE, New York.
Sale Register.
Nutlpi's nf ;! will i Inspriil froi undor
Ms lieuclliii; wiien tho sale bills nre prlntiH at
tmaouHM'. wut'nine mil art not pnmii hi
Mils onh-f liOcmits will be liuirirt'il. IVrsom ex-
Cmlliiir to li;ivt Miilt slioiilil select u iluto and
ave li Inserted Iu tills eoliimn.
TUtirsiluy, March 11. ItOT, Loplipmia Waltt-r. on
tulle enst or miiiii Mirrnv. will sell l.le
Mock tunning Implements ami House
hold Ootids.
Saturday, Mr. nth, miles Smith of New Her
lln. V i!. tt'et.el will nell Live Slock ulid
KurniliiK Implements.
Mondav, March lit, tour nillns nort li-cixst of Mid
dleliurKh. 11. A. Ilowcrsox, Admr. nf An
drew ,1. Ilowcrsox. ilee'd. will sell It Horses,
10 head of I'attlo, Farming linplemeiitsand
Household lioods.
Monday. Mar. 1 one mile west of Aline on tlio
road leading trom Melservllle to Kiehllelil,
K. . I. and Clias. Trull will M'll 9 Horses. H
Cows, funning Implements und House
hold (ioods.
Tuesday. March 16, at Ntrotiptcwn, K. H. Stroiip
will sell fanning stock & household goods.
Tuesday, March Id, one, mile oast of llartlelon,
Henry (11 ulili will mil 4 horses, II head of
cutlleai.rt a lot of funning Implements.
Tuesday, March IH, one-half mile north nf
K reamer. Mat Idas lmiilrmun w ill sell
livestock and tanning Implements.
Thursday, March is, i miles north nf Middle.
Iiurgh, John DeuHi-r will sell 3 horses, 8
head of callloand fiirm'ng Implements.
Tuesday, March M, IMC, one mile west of Mld
dleliurg, Win. Wenrlok will sell 3 Horses, 4
Cows and Farming Implements.
Tuesday. March S. J miles Nort h of Sellnsgrove,
Daniel Long will sell Inriiilng stock and
machinery. Farming material Is new,
used only one season.
Tuesday, March Hard, l mllex West of Kreinont,
Mrs. W. II. Iloriibericcr will sell J horses, S
cows aud tunning implement.
Wednesday, March 14, one-lnilf mile West of
Middleburgh, K. '. Walter. Attorney In
Inci, will sell hordes, live stock, tunning
Implements, onto, corn. New II-Horse I'rlck
Trwllun Knglnowllh new Peerless Reper
ator nnd all kinds of Household (ioods.
Hstunluy. March jr. In Fremont at the residence
nl the late Ja'ob Nchiiev, deed. Albert
Kchnee and Viola Nipple, eiei-uiors. will
nell Live Htock, Furuiluf ImpleuieaiS Slid
iiouwiioiu (ooin.
)l liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payments.
Of nruRPlnts at 1 .00, nr nt hy mall on receipt
nf price. Write for book containing tentimonials
sou valuable Information for all Motbtira, free.
The BradfleM Bgulator Co., ittsata, Cs.
A Revelation to Weak Women,
Weak, nervous women who suffer
from female complaints, irregulari
ties, dincbarses, backache, etc.. get
no sympathy becauso they "look
well." No one but the physician
knows what they suffer, and no one
but a great specialist in female dis
eases like Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th
St., New York City, the most suc
cessful physician in curing these
complaints, has the knowledge, skill
nn1 mA?AO sM,1i ttavnt foil 4 r
Pi,1" options, and positively cures I cure. Women should know that
?uarantLr?tn SKI "qfuirfed- .P. isDr. Greene can be consulted by mail
ir A Itu u V wvva vu vsu
on or money refunded. Price 25 !
WUL I IS IT nW - L1A.I-1 9 I 'll
ijannan & Co . Rinhfloi .1
thus get his opinion and advice ip
regard to your case free. Write now
Happy and Fruitful Marriage.
Every MAN who would know the GRAND
j itu Tiis.tne I'laln ct,
the Old Hecrets and the
New Discoveries of lfedU
leal Science as applied to
Married Life, who would
atone for pant follies and
avoid future pitfalls,
should write for our woa
derful lit Mo bonk, called
"Complete Manhood and
How to Attain It." To
. in wuii any earnest man we will
mall one conv Kmlrrlv Vnw. In nUin
sealed cover.
Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Eire, Life, Accident smd Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
The Aetna , founded A. D.. 1819. Assets S11.053.513.SS
" Home " " 1853 " 0,S53,(2S.54
" American " " 1S10 " 2,409,581.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days !
The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN-
We arc not selliiiL' out, bi.t wt do tlnn to incrciiMe our miIch iiIiovh iinv nre.
vIiiiih yenr. We Kivfii ftw of thn prici im followH :
oft V((iiI Chiiiiilior Suits $1-1.1111 Cotton Top Miittrcws 2.2'
tlanl wood ( liutiiin'r ults lti.till ovimi ire Mutt 1.75
Anli(tiH Onk Mnitx. 8 ricccH I'.I.IMI U; SpriiiKH 1.2-"i
i.tuli I'urlor inlH :;tl.(li hnip ThIiIcn, per ft 0(1
Wooilt'i) Cluiirw per net VI..10 Plat I'orni KockerN 2 5i
In dtnok, everything in the furniture line, iiicliulitir Mirror-, liook ('iisen,
OeskH, Si(liliniirilH,(.'uplioar(ls, Centre Tallies, Funny Kockerx. haliv C'hu irs
Feather IMIIowh, I,ounireH. Coiiehei. IlontilitiaVH. (Siiilm. Il.ill Kaeks. Cmi'
Seat ChairH line, medium and clieup furniture, to mu it nil clnbses.
I'rlces rednceil all tliionli. Come early and nee our Htock before; giving
your order, and thus nave 15 to '20 per cent, on every dollar.
Special Attention (liven to Undertaking & Ktnhalniiiig.
(SKK THAT t'l'UVI-;?)
Theclmft'of wIiocIh uio itui-lo to
sell uot to rido, with economy as
a portlier. The Kkatino in tlio
wheat of wheels. C'ontains t in? good
the HiiliHtiineH of all improve
meuts. Tho Double llolli-r Chum
and Improved Divided Crunk Shaft
alouc, placo the Kkatino "UCm
days ahead or tliciu all.''
oor beautiful catalogue
ts Is of friction reduced.
A t'a;JioiiN (ilermnn Iorr's Worli.
Oons'i'tiiptloii Ik now known to lin curiilile It
tnkeivln lime tlio (leriimn n-tiuilv known an
OUcA cure. Imvliiif been loiiud lo be. tin ulmnst
certiducuro tor Hie (llNense. Astlimn, llron-
cliltlH, Croup, CoiitfliH, CoI.Ih, I'n iouIii, and all
llinmt.Hnd Iiiiik (IIhviiki'H ate iiilcklv cured by
Iir. Ul Id's Oreul (iennun Keniedy. Sniiiilu liol
ties of otto'H cure are Ih-IiikkIvhii nwiir by our
nirenu, W. H. SpatiKler, 5iUlilk-buri;li ; '.M. Itolli
rock, M. I)., Jll. PluuHuul Alius. LiirL-e size lis
aud W.
Tlio undersigned litivlntr been rcatorod to
nealtli by slmtile ineans, ullor tnilTerlii(t for sev
pi ul years w.ili sevie Itini; airwtlun, and iliut
dreud dlHentw 'oniiintlwii.. Is unxlutis to
make known to Ills lellow HiilTcferti t lie meaim
of cure. Totho-e who dimlre Ii, lie will clii-enul-l
send (free of eliarite) a copy ol the prcwrlpMou
used, wlileU tlioy will tlnd a sure cute for oil
snmpOnn, Ailhmii, t nlnrrh, llroiirlilila,
and all til rout nnd Iuiik MnUUIra. He Iioim-suII
SHlterem will try tlila remedy, aslt lH liivnluable.
ThoHodeMrlntrlliepreHcrlptloii, wlileU will com
tbetn nolhlnis', and uuiy uiove a bleiislnif, will
please addrena
-l0-lyr Brooklyn, NiwYcrk
Send for odd.
MuiiiLKTOWN, Conn.
Collections, Loans
and Investments. l'lat ami li-lvle lliuiker,
Williamsport, LycomiiiR Co., l'a
lleposltH nnccpteil, subject todrnftH or clicckH
rom any part of tho world.
Curious Facts About March 4.
No fears need he folt, by this gen
eration at least, that our 1'reBidentH
cannot lie inaugurated on tho -1th of
March as in tho past times on ac
count of that day happening to fall
on Sunday, as such an occurrence
will not take place until tho year
2717. After t hat date for 108 yeai B.
week days will be on band. After
2985 peoplo must wait 8t years be
fore the inauguration will bo post
poned because of a Sunday 4th of
March. Not lo be too long about it
we may say that from 1889 our last
Presidential Sabbath as it might be
termed such an event will occur
but eleven times until 4621 and by
that time most of us will, we hope,
be out of our misery.
-j-Fir, Lije ai)d Aidtf
Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i
Insurance Agency,
Ulna or- W. Snydor, Agent,
; , Successor to the late William H. Snyder.
The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow
ing list of Standard Companies, from which to make a. selection. Nono
Better the World over.
FIRE Royal, 1 iverpool, Etitf. (including foreign assets) $ liJ.iioii.dDO.oo
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) ,(' I5,7:i5.t;2
I'haMiix. Har! ford, Conn. 5,'iS,s,0.jH.07
Continental, New York, ii.7"il !MIH.7'J
(lornum American, New York, i;,2li),()!i.s.s;j
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, sgtili t-1 ,i j: tK. . k: i. t;0
ACCIDENT Employers' Liabilit v Assurance Corporation,
Accident Ins. Co. .Subscribed Capital of 7-10,000.00
Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted tit tho lowest possible mle, jus
tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims prouipd.v and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relut ion to all classes of Insur
ance, promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDEI!, Agt.,
Ollico on Market Street, Scliusgrove, Pa
III order to jrivo more ol my time to t lit Insurance lui-incss, I wilf
gradually close out my entire stock ol"(!encnil Mcrcliiin. Use at reduced
1 'rices, Many articles liir below cost. Special bargains on
Pants. BOYS' SUITS, Coats.
tuui all kinds of Winter (ioti(k ALL COMF. ! not nefrKrt this-
great opportunity at
nnVn Hr
David m
f iFFffllil'
tHe fasHioNabLe
You can get tlio host goods lor tho
least, money. lie Miro to order
Fall & Winter Clothing
of tlio nun who guarantees ft choice
lit and gives you rock bottom prices
Merchant Tailor Selinsgrove. Fa.
The POST and the New York
TRIBUNE both one year $1.75
it may result in your cure. -
... . :