The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 11, 1897, Image 4

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    She pMtburgfc go$t.
Published; everj Thursday.
Ceo W. Wagcnseller,
Editor and Proprietor,
Subscription $1.50 per year,
nlcH must be paid in advance when tent out
side toe county.)
Ail transient advrtlrmonta not otherwise
oont ractt-d tor will bechanced at the rate of 1
oetita jt llnecnonnurlel measure) tor first Inser
tion and 10 cents per line tor every subsequent
JlwitA notierl publukrd frt i obituary potrty,
tnbutrs f raiMct, ., ur cenu a una.
Republican Standing Committee.
Adams-Tobias MltchcU.Troxelvllle. W. U. Her
man. Troxelvllle.
Beaver-cbas. p.Mnerht, Beavertown, James M
Kline, Hearertown.
Bearer W . Ueo. J. Speece. McClure. T. A. Wag
mr. McClure.
Centre-Klmer Miamnarh. Mlddlcburgh, D. F,
Htntminun. I'piinn I'reek.
Cbapmim w. H Kernteitor, McKeesUalf Falls,
MilfHr ncisn. tinner.
Franklln-W. I cure, I'axttmvllle, J. W. Elsen-
hniir. Mtridlettiinrh.
Jackson I. s. Yeiirlelc, Kratzervllle, Isaac Mil
irer. New Itcrltn.
MIMlcliuril)-(ico. V. WMfenseHer, Middle-
hnrvli. N. A. Bowes. Mldillebunrn.
MUMlecreek-P. L. Bow, Kreamer, K. B. Hum
nii-t. Kreftiner.
MoiinM'-o.'o. II. Lenlor, Sbamokln Darn, J. II,
renn v. K. Wagner, Salem, Daniel Knouse, Se
ll nif rove.
Perry .1. X. lrolim. Mt. I'leasant Mills, B. F.
AruoirtisT, ricAwiui mum.
ferry W.-B K. Nnugle, Itlchtield, Dan. Man
evui, Kicnnciu.
Scllnsumve N. 8. Fisher, Sellnnifrove, V. H.
Sprlnir lr. A. M.suilili. Heaver Springs, P. F.
Keltfel, Henver Nwlnirs.
I'nlon-Miio. I. Flanrlcr. Port Treverton, O. G.
Hire, Port Treverton.
WaHliiinrionlerry Charles, Freeburi?, W. 11.
tirimia, Freeburir.
Thursday, Mar. 11, 1897.
losaal force, but without any fear
to the outcome. Outaido of
those who prosper by virtue of
Standard oil iniquities the whole
. 1 . A I L
American people are against mat
monopoly. Mercantile and finan
cial Timet.
Truth Crushed to Earth will Rise Again
The Tribune editor evidently
knows very little of what trauspired
at the "coincidental" feathering of
the new Standing Committee recent
ly. He publishes a notice ' at the
head of his column calling the stand
ing committee together. To this no
tice he attaches the name of F. H.
Smith. Tern. Chairman and W. H.
Grimm. Tern. Sec.
Mr. Qrimm, the temporary secre
tary, has on his note book the pro
ceedings of that meeting in which it
states that J. H. Rhoads made a mo
tion to request Chairman &impsell
to call the new Standing Committee
together for organization Mar. 13th,
The motion was seconded by W. D.
Qift and carried unanimously. In
accordance with this action Tempo
rary Chairman Smith and Tempo
rary Secretary Grimm requested the
Post to publish the call and attach
Chairman Sainpsell'tt name as the
chairman had given them such in
structions. Mr. Grimm gave the
Courier the same instructions and
they were obeyed. How it happen
ed that the Herald aud the Tribune
received different instructions, we
can not conceive. It is a small mat
ter to quibble over, but tliero is no
occasion to misrepresent facts.
Quilting partie-. are very numer
ous. Saturday Peter Foltx gave one
which was attended by 62 person
..S. G. Mtrtin started out for
work. The last we heard of him he
was in Philadelphia but did not yet
have any work ...A few weeks ago
something occured iu one of our
public schools, for which the teach
er wipped a boy r ither hard. His
father threatened to use the law but
did not ns yet. Hm boy wrote a let
ter to a girl aud used very vulgar
aud profane laueuiige. I wonder
who shall teach school aud not use
the rod f correction for such an of
fence.... Mrs. A B. Markh-y was vis
iting at her brother, Geo. Diehl, at
Middleburzh all last week. .. .Ben j.
Brosius' hired boy. John Inch, came
to this place last Thursday.
Important Intelligence.
For many years past this paoer
has been an earnest and consistent
opponent of the Standard Oil Trust;
and from first to last nrobably hun
dreds of columns have been devoted
to the purpose of setting forth the
reasons why it ought not to be al
lowed to exist.
It is, consequently, with special
pleasure that we are able to an
nounce the fact that at length "the
beginning of the end" is in sight. A
most powerful combination has been
formed for the express purpose of
fighting this monstrous monopoly,
and it has without doubt the sym
pathy of every decent man and wo
man in the country.
A year ago there was organized
under the laws of New York a con
cern known as the Pork Oil Com
pany, the capital of which is $1,000,
000. Tue other day the annual meet
ing of that oorapans tas 4aeld and
arrangements were enacted by vir
tue of which the Pure Oil Company
ia joined by the United States Pipe
Line Company, the Producers' Pipe
Line Company, and the Producers'
Oil Company, Limited. The capital
invested in these companies is over
$3,000,000, and a vigorous campaign
is to be entered upon.
The investors in those companies
have over twenty millions employed
in oil producing ami oil refining
properties. Into the details of what
is to be done it is not at present
proper to enter. In fact, the loss
said about it the better. Suffice it
to Hay that tho Standard Oil Trust
is fast approaching tho "end of its
rope." It will bo dostroyed as suro
ly n it has destroyed and ruined
hundreds and thousands of honest
men wno have dared to oppose its
We attach the more importance to
the new company for tho reason that
its direction is in the hands of sing
ular ability, courage and determina
tion, as will be seen from the follow
ing liHt of Directors : Michael Mur
phy, Philadelphia . C. P. Collins,
Bradford, Pa. ; E. H. Jennings, Pit
tsburg ; J. W. Loe, Pittsburg ; V. K.
Phillips. Butler, Pa.; Peter Thas
bold, Oil City, Pa. ; T. It. Westcott,
Titusville, Pu, ; Lewis Emery, Brad
ford, Pa.; and Hugh King, New
At a meeting of tho Directors tho
following oflicrs were chosen : Presi
dent, J. W. Loe; Vice-President,
Michael Murphy ; and Treasurer,
Hugh King.
One of the principal reasons for
pushing the fight against the .Stand
ard at this time is found in the fact
that the independent producers
have been selling considerable oil
during the last year, but on account
of tho Standard underselling them
in New York and keeping them out
of the foreign trade, and otherwise
interfering with them it was decided
to reorganize and conduct the bus
iness on the same basis an the Stand
They wero shut out of other ports
by the Standary buying up all the
tankace. It is now the intention to
distribute their oil from Antwerp,
Rotterdam and other places. Pipe
linos have been extended to the sea
board, and the independent refiners
will now be ablo to export oil.
We shall watch with interost the
coming struggle between these col-
Schliffeltown, Feb. 4, 1897.
Mister Drooker : Wann ebber
wissa will we's coom'd os ich der kae
breef g'shrivva hob for a pawr wucha
dun sawg 'm os ich txu sawga gons
ou's g'sbpeeled war, derhame mit
rummatticks un narfisha injections
mit shmariza im knp un im rick un
disruption im linka toon un accord
ing tzu'm duokter si opinion war ich
in der condition fun ebbas os we
general brostitution uf der vitality
fum sistem. Ich hob awer 'n gonsy
box ful fum duckter si ivver ous
gooty ripper pilla ganumina, un
shwitz druppa, un de Bevvahutraer
aw blenty kotza kraut tae govva un
olla owat'n foos baw, un now bin ioh
widder weit ganunk uf dur beBser
uug cs ich widder de shtrose nunner
bin dim morya. un hob a wennich
g'shtupd ous Kitzeldcrfers un 'u
gooter shnifter ganumina ous der
h hwartz buttle, un now feel ich so
frish un so g'sund os 'u yungnr
monkey im cllifoulu show. Un
sunbht is now aw got' nix der matter
mit mer.
Unner so umshtenda bin ich now
aw sur os my feel a freiud mien ex
cusa, iu der hufTuung os ich kae col-
laps grick, un os ich widder 'u frich
or shtart nemma con for der olla
wucn 'n breef shreiva, un all unser
freind wissa lussa we 's har gait dob
im SchlifTu towner shteddle.
Pit Scbweffelbhenneb.
At Kantz. Feb. 25. by Rov. H. G.
Suable, Grace S. Beaver of Kantz
and D. L. Gembcrling of Solins-grove.
New Berlin. March 5. by Itev. S. S.
Kohler, Hiram O. Guthrie of Wil
liamsport and Miss Yernie E. San
ders of New Berlin.
March 7. by Rov. D. D. Baddinrr-
er, at the residenco of J. 'J. Hart-
man, II. V. flartniaii aud Miss Ida
Wray, both of Millmont, Union Co
Feb. 2rt. by Rev. J. H. Hertz. J. L.
Bingaman nnd Mary A. Stout, both
of Centro townsuip.
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Arc features peculiar to Hood's rills. Bmall In
size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
said: "Vounovcr know you
have taken a pill till It is all IttI i 1 1 a
over." 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., 1 1 1
Proprietors, I A) we II, Mass.
The only pills to take wltb Ilood'c, Sarsaparilla.
I Bart Couch Irrup. fu UuuL TJi
in lime. ki( hr drnirzlsta.
Hany do not Rralli th Full Si(-nlfloane
f ThoM Two Words.
When a woman is nervous and irri
table, bead and back ache, feels tired
all the time, loses sleep and appetite,
has pains in groins, bearing-down
sensation, whites
and irregulari
ties, she is not
"worn out,"
but feels
as if she
that a womb
trouble is imminent, and she cannot
act too promptly if she values her
future comfort and happiness.
The experience and testimony of
some of the most noted women of
America, go to prove beyond a ques
tion that Lydia E. Plnkham't Vegetable
Compound will correct all such trouble
at once by removing the cause and
restoring the organs to a healthy and
normal condition. If in doubt, write
Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., as
thousands of women do.
Here is a lady who says:
" Lei me add my name to your list
of testimonials; For yC"" -T suffered
with inch a weakness ?i.the back
could not Italia straight. I had terri
ble pains in my womb. The doctor said
an operation must be performed, as
there was no other way to be cured.
I was afraid to have the operation per
formed, and kept
trying the modi
cines that I saw
advertised. At
lust I tried yours.
After tak
iug three
bottles I
felt like a
new wo
man. I rec
omtoend it
to every woman, and cannot praise it
enough, for it saved me from the sur
geon's knife." Mas. Mark Bucu,
Dolgeville, N. Y.
ingle (V
only Is possible whether as a tost, of excellence
In Joiirnullsiii, or for Hit menximueiit of qiiautl
tlcn, t.liiw or value ; ami
The Philadelphia
after a enrcer of nearly twenty years of uninter
rupted irrowth Is Jusiltleil In claiming thai the
standard Una eslubllshed by IIh foun Jers la the
one true teat of
A Perfect Newspaper.
You Can't
Go Amiss
if you get a package like
this. It contains the genuine
Washing Powder
It cleans everything and
cleans it quickly and cheaply.
Largest package greatest economy.
St. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia.
Bright new designs look out from
every nook and corner of our Store
Shapes and Styles in which at one
you see your ideal
i' :
' - f-1 1 nV 4 1 ' iii ii' V -; ' jjlEt
PlCTCUKSat prices ho low that oth
er luerutiuuts cuii uot compete.
Yours Heuppctfoll v,
It lMk')
Everything in the clothing line I keep.
I Guarantee Good Goods anil Low Prices.
Special reductions are now $
u Deingonerea. tteuts'tur-
Xnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, etc.
. Com u aui Leata ovw Pdces.
The regular subscription price of
"Dcinorest's Magazine " "J ... ... , ., , .
"June's Library n.ul I c w, s " 1 th to J0"1"
"FunV rictums" is ?.330 J 01,0 vt'ar lor -00' or b ,no-,or ?10-
"DEMOHEKTH MAGAZINE" la by far tho best fumlly magazine published ; there Is none of our
monthlies In which the beautiful and the useful, pleasure and profit, fashion and literature
are so fully prescnteil as In DeinorvHl'H, There Is, In fact, uo publication preteniltnir to a sim
ilar scope unit purpuso which can compare with It. Every number contains a free pattern
"JL'DOE'S LIBRAKV l a monthly mafrazlne of fun, Oiled with Illustrations In caricature nnd
replete with wit and humor. Its contributors are the best of American wlta aud Illustrators.
"FUNNY i'ldT'RES'' Is another humorous monthly i there Is a laugh In svery line of It
All three of these magazines are handsomely gotten up. You should not miss this chance to
secure them.
Cut hero and return Coupon properly tilled out.
Dcn)orc?bPuUiiCo., 110 Fiffcl) Ave., N. Y.
For the enclosed fW.on please send Deniorenf ' Family Maa-aclne, Jndae's I.lbrnry
(a magazine of fun), aud funny l'iclare lor one year us per your offer.
Name, .
Post Office, .
To publish AIL TH EN EV8 promptly nnd sue
cfnclly anu In the must readable form, with
out elision or pan Isen bias; to discus its slu
nltleanee with riiiUKness, to keep AN OPEN
EYE Ktllt PI'IIMO A HUMES, to give besides a
complete record of current thought, fancies
and discoveries In nil departments of human
activity In lis DAILY EDITIONS of Iron) 10 to
14 pnges; and to provide tho whole for Its pa
tro'm at tho nominal price of ONE CENT
that was from the outset, and will continue to
bo the aim of "TU K KlX'olil)."
The Pioneer
nno cent morning newspaper In the United,
mates. "The Kecc rd" still LEADS W 11 EKE ,
Wllness Its tinrlvnled avcrageaullyclrculntlon
exceeding 160 ooo copies, and an average ex
ceeding lguoeo copies tor Its Sunday editions,
while Imitations of Its nlan of publication Iu
every Important city of the country testify to
the truth of the assertion thai In the iuanllty
uihi iiniii,jf ui un iTuiiirum, null in HIP price 111,
which It Is sold "Tho Record" has established
the standard by which excellence In Journa
lism must be measured.
The Daily Edition
of "The Hot.ord" will be sent by mall to nny
address for ta.00 per yeai or Js cenis per tuoulh,
The Dail) and Sunday
editions together, which will give Its rondors
tho best aud freshest Informal Ion of nil that
Is going on In the world every day In t lie year
Including holidays, will be sent for MM a year
or Hi cenu per month.
Record Building,
Philadelphia, Pm.
For S5 Cent IU end on futl-iltt Dftckaure aeh
of the IbllowinK, aiwdt, nd on fwuod bulb of emctx varlsty
tnDtloned: Htt Kr)j Blood Turnrp, m trood Mrly vta
tirtj. f'abbvtftH Uvnulu HurebctJ; sur hrder.
I'ttcumbfir, Improfod WhlltHpiot; ibabvatMrt. lt
tucr. Hsnaoa (hrd hcadliiitt i crisp ud trader. Oalon
Vfllow Uluba liaoTtri; Una qualltj. KndUh, Wtilt
Laui-ilngcr(Ntoui); dvlkloua Htavor. Cllsnblnc ' ber
ry (aw out) ; (rand allmbltig vtot, palmsM lvti, beau
ItTuI vlluw donvra. fallow ud br prvtlv crtwo cbvrhea whlub
chao la color to brlibt acarlcl, marblMl with whlw.
A I y Mam iwt,whit wry rragrant. Aalcr nutjat
tutiml, obokoit varlotUa. CandytHftt Know jum,
wblto; UMful for bordrrt. Irlimtbua Lttrlnratuat
bcautlfullir rrlnirml. Hwvet IVat, U. t U Hufwrtlua
Billed. Oat bulb Orain PUwrt4 TvbfrvM!
orani-o swutrd. Ont bulb iild0lua, rry But variety.
HPKCIAL OFFtH. If rvulttaiitM la madr wltb ft
tl?rr iwtuir-flTt oaut iilcoc, w will arnd lo addition to
ahova on pwkrt aeb New Jnpnnea Imperial
Miirnlttjr ('lory lHry, Uiaut-UainiiiMth Kiblbtti'u
m I awl; AIM Fluwer A Ard en, oontaiulDR ovtr 400
varieties; also a oopy of our large t atalnxua of Merria aod
rianu at barraia prleea. If wlkeliin la uot wantd, and
you deal re other aoeda, w will mall our oataiugue free
upon receiptor tpplioatloa.
IIOIinKNdV nnrKirnniy.ftfPdBiuB,
r. k. now i:u. i:. i:. imumvu.
on Ices In Hunk Building. Miflfllelwrgu, Pa.
All business entrusteJ to his care
will receive prompt attention:
Ous Administered.
Crown and Rrldgework, Etc,
OIHoe one door north of VVeis' Store.
Selinsirrove, Pa.
a. . Potticgcf,
Veterinary sUrceoN,
All professional business entrusted to my care
will recolve prompt and careful attention. .
!J cents, M
ley Sy i ;i,MH, 1 I
To think how ch ap th
Oroc ries, Chinawar
IK h Dill II
A Good Laue-h Aa
It will Prevent W
bia iraamg with
Here are some price
will make you laugh,
and for cash, so wo can
Homo money by buying lt
Come and see. We will gj,
a few price&on ourjiooils,
11 lbs. white for 5(e. or .'V i,
1 1 lbs. rranuluted oOe. ir "jc.J
i o ii. , l.i. i -.. .'n
io ioh. iigm, orowii otic, or
3 lbs. Lion codec for uflc, 0
per lb.
3 lbs. ArlmcklcH culleo tor
17c. per lb.
3 lbs. Java and liio in mili
55e. or l'Je. ucr Hi.
3 lbs. loose roasted fancy Mn!t
Java Doe. or 3:)C, m
4 lbs. loose roasted fancy Jan
KioGOc. or lOciwlh
Chocolate, pi ice 18c. a cake, m
cts. a lb.
t Its. Rlevjor Si
1 gal. best white honey s i strvou.
. 1 gal. pure Sugar Byrm 1 - hdIs.
1 UaUon 6ynip ls i : .
I gal. lest N. O. Mjlasxcs,
Baking powder,
1 lb. best lkking Soda,
3 lbs. corn starcli forOcorSci
140 lbs grain Hack cotuiuon wit,
56 lbs. Une Dairy Bait,
10 it i ii i
ii ii ii
Can sell you the Iron, i'
ware, (jlnua UuarHiitfeii.
1 tea set. 12 plate,
2 bread olalea. 1 meat pli:
2 butter plates, 1 cream jw
t sugar bowl. 1 u'raveyt
1 long ditthes. Vi cup?,
13 saucers.
46 plooos Full S2.K
Ladies' rubbers from i'x Ui
Men's " " 50c. to!
Men's Qum Boots Camlee, t
Men's Felt " from 2.U0tot
Men's Shoes, dress and hcarf,
00c. up.
Ladies' Shoes from 90c tip.
Call and see our SHOES and
sure we can please you iu price
quality and styles.
All blue Calicos,
All stable best sold, from 4 to J
Apron Ginp-liams,
Dress Ginghams from r M
3 & 4 ply caqiet chain froiu 1?
18 cents, always in stuck,
Men's Heavy Suits, sizes Iron
to 42 only KJM
Men's Flannel Shirts, 30 !mte4
25 cents.
Call and see our liarr
Oounter and save mon'
Don't forget our lionic-ffl
Carpet from 25 to iOcts.
All wool stripe, 50 to 55
xngrain vjarpers, o i
Please call and sec our m-w f i
and gocnls and we can rt
money by selling lor casn.
ii for
F. H. MAUBtf