The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 11, 1897, Image 3

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    .Inn of RhiM.
Lliameutal principle of narlga-
.i tberew ' ' "
ritluie 8tratecT. Is
P.-i law f displacement that
L" i Inmrinlilv welirha
I reSSCl '
r:n i., than ilia ntmntl v
I nor - -
F" .,.i immersed Dart diu-
Ljr iriiiiu -
- .wtfuuwiiimino Af thin
It U I w"-1-
, ,L weight of a ship of given
nrfsiit Within certain limits
w wa J''Slrlbu,e tlie !Kht
. ..- He way assign so much
j mUih to engine of propul-
i fat reunouuv - -
1 ...i the weight of enzlues
' of the same size will be much
?. The builder, therefore, must
..... 1...M
MK-ei-n aSSIRIHUJ. n,in iu nun
... i. m cargo. A very strong
L reduced earrylug rnparity.
mwsible construction.
r .. j..mi.ntar.v conditions Is due
Ifference Mween a ship of wnr
gerrhant snip; iucmn.iui rni
necessarily he const met ed to cnr-
llT . i . . ... .,.-.. .11.1..
itutert weigni i i n ik piihi
." . oith a hull strong enough for
atlon, and with propulsion nut-
for the speea required iu us
.niont the hull Is iuinecess:irily
tlieried the chip will cease to lie
I,, compete as a earner wim inner
,f the Rime siie ami spivu wniei!.
lie-liter hulls. ' cany more
Shi) built with a hull spe
c'r'nlieiicd In order to wilh-
the various shocks of KUtlo can-
; jH-ueftil trade pay as a oinu
I enterprise, r.tnl the moreliant
lth Its hull lightened down to the
.rife:r. can never he exposed
same rough treatment for which
,n.i.f.war. with its specially
itlH'iiiHl framework, Is prepared.-
al Keview.
Ilnrie Power.
notsohw wonderful aiiisoulnr power,
II suffer a great ileal ut times with
uu attacks it uot properly groomed nuil
Tbis illustrates tbut a grout detil of
in in caused by Imprudence ami re
nin aliuck troiu cold to the nervous
im In parts most exposed to tho 'l,i,
imiiraig.a Is so often an ti fTl . ;i ! a of
J. fuee unci neck, us they are fro-
tally prelected against Intense cold.
of warmth as au untul.xe is apiuir-
ml III" warmth to the n filleted pint i i i
Lll.ytlic uoof St. Jacobs Oil, together
tin mi .ilhuiK nun sireugineniug num.
ftlic r mc ly. lul the pain and mncklv
li-aitood lie lihful vuiidittou ol ttit!
curium even tho wort e:usoa.
Mllnn or cn?tl''. cut R CViMret.
mlliai tic; iiire nuaumliidi 10v.,i.K-.
tupiml fn'cai:d iTm:inciitly rurcd. No
lprlllt(lll.VM!SO I't UK. lI.INI. H I.HAT
t Kbitkkeii. Khh- f ! trinl liol t lt ii ml In-m-
iidtoUr. Kliai-.Kil ArruMM 1'bila., l a.
'it jenrV pi! t!"erl iiti, 1 wnH,-i:rcil liy
i ii 'v.-.MaiivThomwin, tltyVOliiu Ave,
.fi,). Ph., Jlnri li 11', im. '
Wimlow'" ' ciutliinitXynip forchllilrcn
R: i, iMltci 'lie iV;wls. rtdiiff s intlanunn
t)V (.Klill. V Uri". " IUH Mill. M.IV.M Wlll,
It trr rtltc. dot of Ccirt. the finest
iSnrmipurllla now and ex,.ol from your
iliejiiil)..riiii' which Iihvc uccumulaled
;iiiiir. Thus prevent humors, Imlls,
fMTiH''i"u-. and iwrioUK Illness, such in
.uiiliii.i Hid dciillitj of the system.
bod's sSa
hui-in furt the One I nieHlood Purillcr.
Inllilru i-istK. jl, six lor J.i.
K" C f; l 1 iiiirinonioiiHiy Willi
w f lllrf Hood's iSursupArula.
In the World.
. i-iiuirn.
'J i. . '""' wenrera n the
1 ''fli dumuillly ut any itlioo
'V.V" "1'" '" u"nt ihnpeuBnil littles
,"'r''y v"rll'' le r.
i .V .r '" " "" K""'ii ecliilvp le
Li.. "i '." "' l'"!""' ' rwiin or
u i"'"1; Wrl"' f,,r ctuUitui. lo v.
00 C3 Reward mEc!d!
7i Well AVortli Trii. lor.
' re l.i. letter. Yv
..! i ' 1",""'"'",1" W"r.l-. fwl
l.i,' . ',U,M'11 rc.ivo r.-wur.l. I(i
I MK. !"",""'"", 11 " '"til.
- I'll i,li ii; '"".""'''"I'l'-liwoni". The
II.., L ''ruwlnKC,,..,.!-.,,.,,-,.."-.
''." 1 ' '""I"1'""". 'H l'v l.i
1- ..J. "!rr Wi'? 1,1 " w ,r,t l'KA
'". i h ! r."" ' '"'"" r..rte.
' m m n, i i, ' A " J". 'i,ii(n,ii,j
C m " ,r' r'"-- e:.l.l..,.
- -U ll.i, " .'" ; V:'1",'-'. '-V.'ry. lie.,e,l
ir.- ., , 1M"r1'," hr lwlwi.t ln.l-
yllii'T) I'l ''I ",""r -"itii" It 1
'fes 5.c". ". lr,'1'lly-Hr lUt .if w,.rU,
ili ..,., ' . T ur lUt nf w.irU
, l'lilVleT!l'",'r'V: " 1-Hver.
K"' 'i mviii )VvZllilT,"L
,""ir.,C 1 1 ':,'rM, WT-
!. 111.1 i.. 7 ' Kliciil.l Im neat
" Urn A ,,mM """""m.H iiiat H i.uh-,'l1.i..-...Tr'"r
J" o uy uwrcjtniil
- - " "willing,
rl t'"T
i.1!.!1 vbU f an, t) a-
UIiit.Co,a,,U)gtttl,rBeiN y
Hot Rho Ha Bmi Carltanc May Sbk
14 TO and Lone Lin tho R emody t
Which SHo 0M Her fctlu. .
From (A Oatrlle, Meadville, Pa. .
The following Intareetlas Interviews eon
eeroiDg the efflonoy of Dr. Williams' Piuk
Pills for Fat People, bars lately been re
ceived at the office of this newspaper: 1
The first embodies aeonrersai ion with Mrs.
&L A. Wultely, the widow of the late Rev.
Jonathan Wtiliely, D. D., an eminent dlv ne
of tbe Methodist denomination. Mrs, Wnltely
spokH as follows:
"I consider it my duty to tell for publica
tion the immense Ix-nHli 1 have derived from
Dr. Willtnms' Pink Pills. Three years auo I
was stricken by ara!ysli, and lav nelpii-xs
for months. I whs hi last advised' to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, which nttt-r mnuy mis
plvmpi 1 concluded to do. as I hn1 lont laith
in all medicines. The first box helped me
much, and the continual use of thetnlls hits
worked and is working wonders. To-day I
liuvs driven twelve mllea without fatigue. I
cannot say too much In priiine cf Dr. Will
lams' Pink Pills for tliuy have done men
world of Rood."
Mr.JouuW. Eeatty, who is a contractor
and builder of Meudvnle, of tho hiKhtut re-8"-:abiiliy,
"AllhouKh I have psssed tho meridian of
life, I am Kind to he ulile to sy that 1 have
but little or no uee for medicine of any kind.
Hut my wife is not so fortuunto. Dui-Iiik the
last few years sliu has been a sufferer Ironi
dropsy mid disease of the heart, and ut times
sullereil areatly. A lew mouths bijo she be.
fin takitiK Dr. Williams' l'luk Pills for Pule
People nud lni hneii Rmatly henetlted by
their use. h experienced a mimlmw-s and In lier liiulis mid at tunes could
scarcely vinlk by reason of poor circulation
ottliold'jod. Ail llie-etiiipleiiaunt symptoms
have diHHppeartid and I confidently hope to
see her ii well woman ere Ion;?. 1 will also
take the liberty M speak for a brother-in-law
o! Milne, O. V. M)er, who retili8 at Siienk
leyvi He, Mercer (.'mitity, Pa. 8o Rt'nt was
his iifilietioii by naseu of In tho
face and n Reiuiral bre ikliiR down ol Hie .
Iimii that Iiim wiiilMr lie was Riven up to die.
Dr. WilliU'uO 1'inl; Pill" Inrl'ule People have
made hliti a new iu.ui and ho t.s us une res
cued from tho very jaws of deaih."
air. Preiitieo Pry, or Meudvide, testifies as
"My wife anil iliuikiiter have been fallliiR
In hi 'tilth fot some lime nud the ttcatnieiits
of physicians lu tin lr iMaen have been Irult
l"'s. Soniueli ha-' beeu saidufDr. Wiiiuina'
l'.uk Pills lor Pale Po iple that I resolved to
iry them, and myslfaml family will always
beRlaiitlia! Piovi leuen threw such it medi
cine in mir way. The pale faces and wasted
cheeks (if lav wile and daughter have iisn
peared, nnd Iho ruddy r!ow of lu alih has re.
aiipi ared. Pen e.inimt record my feelings iu
the mutter, and all 1 can say is ihat 1 trust
till who mil bowed down by the heavy hand
of phy.-lcal infirmity will learn Unit there ig
a remedy thru cures unit places t-ulTerlnit
humanity wherottiey can enjoy this earthly
exi.-tence, (lod bless the maker of Dr. Will
lams' Pink Pills for Pale People."
Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills contain, In n con-deii-ed
turn, nil the elements necessary to
Rtvo new life anil richness lo the blood and
restore shattered nerves. They urn an uu
luiliiu,' specific for such ilisenso ns locoinolor
ntaxia, partial paiaiyt-ls, si. Vitus' diinen,
nciatlcil, ne.;r.iiia, rln iitnatisiu, nervous
headaclie, tin- alter effect of la trnppe, palpi
tutlon of the heart, (.lie ami s.ul w eoin
plextons, all forum ol wiRkness either in
inaiu nr leiiiule. Pink Pills lire sold by all
dealers, or will be sent post pal I on rocoipt
oT price, 60 cents a box or six boxes for $'.2.50,
by a IdressitiR Dr. Williams' Moiticluu Com
pauy, Scheliect r y, N. X.
('AscAiirT'i stlmnlnto liver, kidneys snil
bonils. Never snkiu, wrukeu or uripc; lUc
There Is more Catarrh in ilea scclinnof the
aouuiry tlian all other lil-easm vut together,
and until tbe last few years wavtuppoat'd tola
lucuraul. For a (rent lusi.jr yema iiocioin
I'MiroiinrTl ItjfcJoci.l tlincAMi ami prencrilnl
IochI remndlts, and by conaliiiitly l'lililmj to
ourewith local treatment, proiioinued It In
curable. Science hiw irtvrii ralerrii to In a
couil tillloiml dineaxe and thereloie rrnuires
ooiislltuiiuaal Irealineiit. llall'aC'iitarrht.'ure,
InanufiU'lUred by F. .1. Cheney A (.'(... Toledo,
Olil'i.U the only cunsliiutlonnl cure mil he mar
ket, Itls taken in ti'i'iiHli imlono.H from lUilropn
to a to;uio(uful. Jt ni is ilirm t.v i ll I bo blood
and mncniMKuri'reor thealein. '1 i.oi offer
one hniulred tlollar for ny t-e it to
cure, p'eml for circulars ami lest nioiiials.
Address J. I iiknkv & Lo., Xuiudo, 0.
real liy Uiuxtti-ls, ;f.e.
Hull's i'srai.y PilUare tho best.
Tim library of Congrivs Is the largest In
the country.
Nn.T.i-ltiir Inr lillv Cents.
(hi r i( cm nl. Why not lit No.To-":ic
rei:iiin.' er u nlove your liesire lor loit'eci ?
saes nioiie-. le-allll and niiilibooil.
Cure Ui ccnti and vl.ui, at all
Kast Harpswell. Me., boasts of a din; Chat
cmi climb trees.
A Yonderful Statement
From Mrs. McGllbi tit y.r. rinnliuiii.
I think it my duty, dear Mrs. I'ink
ham, to tell you what your wonderful
Compound has done for me.
I was divudf ully ill the doctors said
they could
euro me but
failed to dof,'.
eo. umwrnynvMs.
I rrave pKlWM
ffave up
and took to
my bed.
.1.......:- W:.Jni7 sr- W
I Ett&tf
pains iu my l-Jlm
l'i;-o my
r.iy eyes
an.l Hotuc-
linten I would pft so blind, I could not
seo for several mmutes.
I could not btiu-.d very lojt; wit'.tout
feelin;y nick end vomiting. I eoii'. l rot
brealho n lone; breath without heivaia
ih;T, my heart, pained to.
1 also ha.l femulu weaknes ;, ! ti n::in
matiun of ovaries, painful iue:i:ii".
tioa, dispiaoesient of tho wiviib, i t -li-ing
)f the cYternal parts, n;i l tti.'. ia
tion of tho wotab. 1 havu had all ti.'eLu
Tlio pains I lir.d to stand wen- f rme
ihiu dreadful. My husband tcM mo
to try abottlo of Lydia 10. I'lukhaua
niudicitse, which 1 did, nad u.'ti r ta'.iit'.;;
it for ti while, was c ired. No other
kind of medicine for mo as Ion:; ss you
make Compound. I hope every woman
who Buffers will tako your Compound
and bo cured. Mits. J. S. MciiirxAs,
'"i IC'.lburn nvenue. Koekford, 11'..
kt 0U W.U loUer Ixplod.s with TatU
. Stiults.
Callery Jsnction, on the Pittsburg It West,
era railroad, was shaken by a boiler explo
sion Monday morning, which killed John
Dunlap, an oil driller, and injured Charles
McKeever, a tool dresser.
The explosion occurred on the A. L.
Staples farm. The boiler which exploded
was used to furnish steam for the drilling of
a well about fifty rods from the station at
Callery Junction.
Tbe arillers did not work on Sunday, and
were Just preparing to start the machinery
when the explosion occurred. They had til
ed up the boiler, and at the time of the ex
plosion both men were in tbe engine bouse.
A few moments before they had been at the
boiler and noticed that steam KaiiRe showed
a pressure of 80 pounds. This being suffi
cient to start the ennlue, Dunlap was In tbe
act of turning the throttle valve when the
boiler let go.
The engine house was blown completely
away, sod both men were hurled some dis
tance. Dunlap was crushed so badly that he
died within a few minutes. McKeever was
more fortunate, although he was thrown
into the fly-wheel of the engine. The wheel
bad just started to revolve, and he narrowly
eAcntuul heltiir crushed bv it before it atonned
turning. lie was ablo to get up nnd look for
Dublap, whom he found lying about twenty
feet away, and dying.
Four Miners Killed and Four Injured By a
a Sweep of Snow.
A disastrous snow slide swept down early
Sunday morning upou tho works of the Imly
mine at Park City L'tuh, burying eight men.
Four wero recovered and resuscitated, the
dead bodies of three were dug nut by the
miners and one is not yet recovered, although
It Is certain ho is dead. The names of the
dead are: James W. Keating, N. ltussnto,
Nicholas Paflln and Joseph Xti'va, The four
men who are alive were more or less injured,
although they lire likely to recover. Their
names are: Thomas Hodges, Harry liuney,
James Hnllmau and Charles Mnthisou. The
eight men were asleep when the avalanche
struck their cabin ami carried It for hundreds
of feet until it reached the mill of the Daly
Mining company, demolishing the cniilnes
and hollers and doing damage to tho extent
ol eM.000.
John Mackinaw hud $5,000 In greenbacks,
gold and notes lu a trunk In the cabin which
was swept away, utid crowds of people are
digging In the Lope of recovering the money
The Hew sad Gradual Improvement ih
Trade Continue.
R. O. Dun A Co.'s Weekly Review of
Trade says:
The slow snd gradual improvement observ
ed for some time has coutlnued during the
past week, and without material change.
There is a better demand tor most products
on the whole. '
While the demand tor Bessemer pig has
sustained the recent advance to 1 10. 75 per
ton, at Pittsburg, and gray forge is still
quoted at t'J.40 there, and there is also less
cutting of prices to get more business In fin
ished products, the general range of prices
still continues very low. There is less evi
dence of the eastern mills selling rails below
'ill, except fur export, some sales of that
character having been made at 116. Western
makers are said lo be firm at i'21 per ton,
but the demands of the most important rail
ways have been supplied tor the present.
The consumers of billets are not In the
market just now, but with somewhat larger
production of pig iron it may be doubted
whether outside of rnils.demnnd tor lluinhed
products equals the capacity of works.
The new administration, the certainty of
an extra session ot Congress within a fort
Ulght ami the promise of a new tariff nt an
early day, which shall provide adequate rev
enue and protection, have douu much to
stimulate a better feeling iu trade cirolcs.and
increase conlldencn lu the near approach of
an Improvement in business. tavorablo
features are found in higher prices for wheat.
Indian corn, pork, lard and spirits of turpen
tine, as well ns for steel l.illctf. liecent low
quotations for various forms of Iron nnd
steel bavn been withdrawn, notably for wiio
und structural matniiul.
There were business failures through
out the United mates this week, .'otnpnred
with '2iW last week, 'JIO iu the week a year
ago, 2.V2 in the wock two years ago, and
smaller totals In like weeks in tb two pre
ceding years. This marks a return of the
ratio of business more nearly to the normal.
There were fit business failures reported
from the Canadian Dominion this week,
ngulnst 60 Inst week, (Mi in 'lie week a year
ago a 63 two years ago.
A Republican from Oregon and s Democrat
from Florida.
II. W. Corbctt, appointed ("nltej Mutes
(Senator by Gov. Lord to fill the vacancy
caused by tho expiration of Senator Milch
ell's term and failure of the Legislature to
elect a successor, Ii ft Kalem, Ore., for Wa-li-iugton
Saturday night. Mr. Corhi tt repre
sented Oregon in the Senate as u Kcpullicuu
from 1800 to lhi'J. IP) is vice president of
the First National bank ot Portland, and is
very pronounced lu favor of the gold stand
ard. At the recent session of the Legisla
ture, while uot opcniy u candidate, ho was
one of tho dunces of the opponents of
Senator Mitchell. He is about Mi years of
liov. Illoxhum, of Florida, appointed John
A. Henderson, of Tallahassee, vice president
of the Florida Central and Peninsular rail
road, ad interim United States Senator, to
till the vacancy caused by the expiration of
Senator Call's term. Mr. H"uderson is a
Ueorglau by birth, and about SO years old. .
Attended Church in Company With
, Mother.
President McKinley's first Sunday in the
White House was n quiet one. No cullers
wero received and tho l rtsident hud uu op
portunity ot resting from tne fatigues
ef the week. Ho aroused later than usual
much refreshed from a hard days work
on Saturday. Jirenkfnst was served at
I) o'clock. At 10 o'clock h prepared for
church, and accompanied by hi.- mother, at
tended the services nt tin) Metropolitan
.Methodist l'.pisciipal church, where Presi
dent tirnnt was accustomed to attend. As
the President's intention had been nnnot'iic
ed, tho crowd was very large, and the Presi
dent and his venerable mother had consider
able trouble in making their way from the
sldewulk to the vestibule. They were
shown to what Is called the Presidential
pew. The other occupants were Abner M"
Klnlcy and private secretary und Mrs. Por
ter. Rev. Dr. Johnston, the pastor, opened the
services by prayer, ami bishop Newman, of
Omaha, Neb., formerly pastor of this church
when (ien. (irant was President, preached '
tho sermon. j
Candsno in Crete Taken By the Ineur-
gents. !
Tho town of Candnno has fallen Into the !
ends of the insurgents. Luter advices as to
the capture of Candnno bv the insurgents j
states that the Greeks first took the fortress I
of Vavaros, which dominates the town, where i
there were 8,000 Mussulmans. !
The Reyg having appealed to Tewflk Pasha '
to get the sultan's protection (or besieged
Mussiiimuus, he replied that the sultan was i
powerless to insure it, and that they must
look to the powers. Thereupon the Ucs
went to the KngiUii consulate tu usk for us- I
Governor Hastings sent to the Legislature
n veto of tlie concurrent resolution wlilcn
provides that all material used iu the ecu- :
structlon of tho proposed Capitol building or
buildings shall bu uf Pennsylvania product,
whether natural or munufaciured; und, see-
ondlv, that all architects, contractors and
luborers, whether skilled or unskilled, iu and '
about the erection nnd construction of the:
proposed new Capitol buliding or buildings,
shall bo citizens if Pcun.' ylvania,
Two Killed in a Wreck.
On tho crossing of the Mineral A Southern '
railroad at North Wnnitigham. Ala., two I
heavy freight trains collided nt right angle. !
both locomotives were wrecked and several
curs mashed. The trainmen jumped, bat
Lliglneer Charles Kynu of the .Mineral tralu
was caught lu the debris aud fatally Injured. '
Kngineer Frank Mosby had au aim broken 1
ii ud was otherwise seriously Injure i, and an ,
ucknowu tramp was finally scalded. I
The empress of Austria is III, and is going
to Klssengen to take the waters,
U'he relations between Great Britain and
tho Transvaal uro becoming seriously
The call for a credit to lttcrenio the navy
ot Germany will bo strong1' opposed In the
5 he Chilean Chamber ol Deputies has pass
a bill providing for a guarantee of 1J5,
00 to any company that will establish irou
works In that country. Iron ore is exceed
ingly abundant in many parts of Chile, aud
lu mines are easy of socess.
Ho Refutei to Furnish the Document! Ask
ed lor by the Annate.
The President sent to tho Senate a report
made by Secretary Olney on the resolution
requesting the correspondence in the eoao of
Dr. llleardo lluiz. The report suggests the
lniuivisabiiily of supplying Iho correspond
ence at this time, winch suggests the Presi
dent Indorses, saying that it would be "In
compatible with tlie public Interest to do so
printing the public nud exhaustive investi
gation about In be Instituted.''
"'Hint the Consul General should have
professional aid ill such iiivestigation.thotigh
that matter, together with the selection of
the particular persons to net with him,
properly dcvolvis upou mv successor lu of
llee." Instead of transmuting the nlilcla! corres
pondence, the Sccietary supplies an account
of Ins own composition, covering the esseu
lial facts iu tlie case. He says:
"Uuiz, a natlvoi.f Cuba, catu to this coun
try during the revolution which terminated
in lsTi'i and studied deutl-trv nt Philadel
phia. Declaring his Intention to I ome a
el'.lzeu of the I lilted States in 1177, he re
ceived Ills IhiKl papers in It-si). Alter this
he returned to Cubu and has resided there
The conclusions of the oilleial reports of
the two Governments 1 lug radially conflict
ing the Secretary says another open and
thorough Investigation seemed to this Gov
ernment Indispensable, and that the Spanish
Government concurred In this view. The
Secretary lnelos"B a copy of Minister do
Lome's letter acceding tu IhiB request. He
says that llulz did not make known his
Americanship when arrested, a circumstance
whlcA, b "s, often vtrnua, aud always
leads to eonnorti,,,,,
lie dPtatffl J.'vi7 urrrst ot February 4, ot
which he says the department win immedi
ately Informed, but that nothing more was
heard In regard to the matter until February
1", when the Consul General reported that
Uuiz had been found dead. He said that the
department had assume! that the ease was
being attended to during this interim, and
that a demand would be made that the pris
oner should in put Incommunicado; but that
it afterward developed that no such demand
hud I ecu made, and the prisoner had re
man ed eoii.-tantly in solitary conllnenn ut.
Tlie circumstances intending the death wro
such as to load to a demand tor immediate
Baltimore and Ohio Train Hit by a Freight
Near Cincinnati.
Passenger train 10j, west bound on the
Midland branch of the l!al'.i:nore A ()iin
Southwestern railway, wus stopped ly it
andslide near llilis Nation, five tulles east
of l.oveland. A heavy freight came thun
dering through the fog and enwhed Into the
sleeper, whose occupants were nil in the.r
berths. It telescoped three-fourths "f the
leiiKti, of the sleeper, throwing occupants
out of their beds und pinioning them in
ugi ii y iu the debris of scuts and broken gln-s
and splinters and beams of wood, liesculiig
v:.s prompt and energetic. (j the occupants
injiiied beyond slight Injury, two were fatal
ly hurt, two very serious. y and two alnfuily
but net dangerously.
bead P. II. llu'ol'illS. Wheelint', V. Vll.,
scalded; right leg cru.hoJ and w.n ainpu
luted. Pled ut 6 o'clock.
Fatally Injured lire: It. H. Wardock, su
perintendent of parks, Cincinnati, shoulders
cut and bruised, and hurt internally.
Seriously Injured: G. It. Iltspe, Uleh
moiid, linl., scuie.l and Injured Internally;
.Mr. L. Myers, St. Louis, iegi and liciid
Destructive Rain full.
A special from Birmingham, Ala., says:
llepous from ever the state say Satur
day s tremendous rainfall ;u more do-.-triutivM
than at llr.-t supposed. At tho town
of Prattsvtlie a number ot stores and dwel
lings were recked and the cotton factories
heavily damaged. At S ".ma the losi frum
high water Hooding fin-tones and waMiing
out railroads U also qmt't large. In tlie lu
teiior hundreds of bridge have h on swept
away and t"rnMo havoc wrought to f irm
work und sma'l grain enq s, eiit'uiing
vcre loss to the fanners I i.c Ami atnii, War-ih.-r
and 'lombigbee rivers all reached Hie
danger lius and overflows are (cured.
Va'.i's brigands plundered porejo Hal!
endu le'iir i.e.ip, M'Wie.., and lu n Ii.;::'. wi.h
the rural guards Vu.'s and three ol l:n ui n
Were killed.
Andrew Carnegie, who has been seriously
111 at his residence) in Giciuwicli, Conn., for
several days Iroiu, Is out of danger,
aud it is expected he will bu up utui
anoul tho house ic-uln in a few days.
Charles Green Ihm been appointed receiver
of the Peoples s-treot liailwuy company of
st. Lout on the suit ot tho tiuctoes of the
J. D. Stockton, man-liter of the Cliftou
Coal coijipuiiy, was Indb led nt I'e Moines,
l.i., for eompi llUig employes to buy ut the
company store.
Klihu Iioed was seriously burned in the
destruction of his house at Port Norris.N. J,,
by lire, and his 4-yeur-old daughter, Jjertha,
was burned to death.
Maj. Dick, of Akron, O., who whs offered
the positlou ot fourth assistant postmaster
general has deolined to accent it, aud so no
tided President McKlnlcy before the inauguration.
- ( ?
Pill Clothes. .
' The good pill has a food coat. The pill coat
serves two purposos; it protects the pill, en
abling it to retain 'all its remedial value, and it
disguises the taste for tho palate. Some pill
coats are too heavy ; they will not dissolve in
the stomach, and tho pills they cover paes
through the system as harmless ns a bread
pollot. Other co.it3 are too light, nnd permit tho
VjV speedy deterioration of the pill. After 30 years
"j exposure, Ayor's Cugar Coated Pills havo beca
found ao effoctivo a3 if just f rczh. from tho lr.bor
atory. It's a good pill v.-ith a cood coat. Ask
o) your druggist for
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
. More pllt partiouInrH in Atpt'i Cv.rHmoV , ioo jmijtaU
Scnl I. ft-. J.C. Ayerfo., l.ovvril, Mas.
( v)
W v.-v.y v-.-' v -.' v
v &
i IS 5,0 sai
. i
li'llii: DRUGGISTS
nROMITFr 1 nnSRallTPPn ,n nn virmnt imUraU. racrarrU are On- Pl-il Im
, a,,, nrrrr rnp r i-ruie. hut muse mi iiaiiiral rrtuite. ban
I pi and bnnklst free. id. STKI1I.IM1 ItKSKIIf ( C. ( hicitc Wontreal. ( -n Viirt. 117
X y vr:. ;
wlts ' :
'' .-;'S
' (
V- r-;
A literary man, Ui'l to the iticeti-". of cxpresjij a id f ind ;iUo of the
pleasures of the table, in tptaking of -
says: "I couldn't recommend tltir. ror.ici'.v ns her.rtily an I do if I didn't
believe in it. I am not much ef a medicine taker. I am opposed to
medicine, on principle. There ought to I e no nc d of tnciu iiu just
at there omjht to be n p'ive:ty :'U! tlicrc i;. !t ;,c ;iic lived ligl.t
th.-y would be well. Sunshine, ;,;;, cx-rci'ie, fun, ,..,! ;.ci;ty and
not too nun !i are th be t t:i"iiU'i:ic. Ii:e natural oin-.; but men are tied
to tiieir il''-k and .11-10.: t 1 th; 1:' 1: n;. .-. :r:d belli arc t c! to f.ish
j"'l. t' ex'steu 1. :i'V:,'..t .'I I 1' i avti''('l.ll r ij 1 1 1 - i l .1 I
1 1 , itmmcnd !:ipan Taletles :i;i It,'.-; . 1 ;i v.-V. I Ln-v th.-y ;.ie both
haimic-s :i:nl rll.Tiive. (I '1,; ,.'. " .1' I i :,- : . i.'c . f. 1 Tlc-v ,,:c t!"'
bes rcmi'iiy I I::; r.v .or :!: :i . i i . r .
bi ii,U--Ilcss. o! .Tivsoitot :-'u ".: 'ill s i:: t.e
.!;.' 'uudie '. iiss;bi.' 'h.i'n.' '. -''. : '. 1 . tin-
r ivn ::( -itf 'ii. 1 r
At.d i;i
I o'li'libt, ' Si: ;-i'.'i,en f, r Kjt'eri r Pec rati, n." S"..i': le C.ird and Pen Tibilve l';-.ce 1 i t free by mall.
Asbestos Kuu'lnu. It nl I. Una I ell. s-tnuu l':i k'11;. Itoller Cm eriiius, I Irc-I'mul Pululs, tto.
Asbl'sloM .tlll-( illulllctlliK tllld (-:ici II 11 111 IllsulllllliH .iulel'iuls.
11. v. joiins JMA;uFACTuniivra co.,
07 Maiden Lane, Clew 1 or k.
('inCAiiil: 240 4 HZ I'.andelpli St. I'll ! I.A I. I'll I A: I To & 1 7'j N, t, 4'h St. IIOSToN: 77 ft "S I'narl St,
'Ha that Works Easily Works Successfully." 'tis very
Easy to Cissn iicss Vit.i
' - Vf ! .-v.-'V"
. '.V.; fit!
For io.c hst 20vc;.rs wc luvc kc:'c Picors Qtrs for Con-
stp.ipacn iu Steele, sn J v; sooner ililnk a :'0-cryrmn could
fct abnj sujrar in his i.torc than wc could without
Piss's Cure. It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Druggists,
Ccrcsco, Miclnsran, September 2, 1396.
.iohnvj Monms,,i!SHifww.o.c. ,
i.k m i r.nciymi diaRimir v . iiimv.i sui utsts.
) m lewi .r, ijua:aivt i. U i Lit, iisty. wu ,
V N U 10 II X
. . i -i . . . . i - " -
tfBnitCouehHyrup. 'lieuiUt. I'mM Jrf$j&r C O
3 Intli'is. Woiij by (iniEKint. NN ; CiaBSr 1 J TV
Cutler's PoUct Inhaler
CliriM like iiii gie
Itroin lillls ii ml
tiilurrli. Kesleres
(tie aeuse of smell,
tuste anil bearinjr.
By (Wail. $1.12
i V. U. SMITH CO., BuOnlo, N. V , froj a