The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 04, 1897, Image 4

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    Published every Thursday.
Geo- W. Wagenseller,
Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription 1.50 per year.
hlch must be paid In advance when sent out-
suit- l ue county.)
All transleut odverttr-nvuta no otherwise
couir-.icicd lur will f chwved at Hie rate or It
etnts per line (nnnparli-l in.-.i.-oire for flrst Inser
tion and koceuia per line lor every subsequent
fVnfA notify pitbliahrd fret ; obituary poerty,
tributrt uf reptct, ilc three cents a line.
Republican Standing Committee.
Adam Tutiliw Mitchell, Troxelvule. W. II. Her
limn. Troxelvllle.
Beaver ('has. K Srxvht, Beavertown, James M.
Kltne, lleuvertown.
Beaver W. ;eu. J. Speece. McCluro. T. A. Wag
ner. Meclure.
Centre t-atiierMininbacn. Mlddleburgh, D. T.
Wnirainan, Henns creek.
Chapman W. II Kitskmkt, McKees Half Falls,"iir Itelsh. Ilorfer.
Franklin W. I) (iitt, paxtouvllle, J. W. Elsen
hour. Mlddlel.urirh.
Jackson I. s. Yearlck, Kratzervllle, Isaac mi
lter. New Berlin.
Mlddlebiirirh (ieo. W. Wait-ensellcr, Mlddle
hiintli, N. A. Bowes. Middle tmtvh.
Mlil.llcT.'ck-l'. I.. Kow, Kreiimer, it. B. Hum
mel. Kreaini-r.
Monroe-;eo. . Lcttler, Shamokln nam. J, II.
R,1M.I,S '
IVim '. K. Wanner, Sail-in, Daniel Knouse, Se
llii"tfrove. i'erry-,1. N. Ilroslus. Vt. Pleasant Mills, B. F., Mt. Pleasant MlllH.
Perry W. II. K. Nannie, Klrbtield. Ran. Man-
eval, M.'hn.'M.
sclinsr.iv.'-N. s. Fisher, Sellnsgrove. F. n.
smlt n, Si'lirmirrove,
Sprlii'.'-lir. A. . Mnitli, ll-aver Spring, P. F.
Ilelifl. Ili'-iver Surlnns.
I'nlon oeo. I. plunders. Port Treverton, O. 0.
Itlee. Port Trevertnn.
Wusulntrt on Jerry Cliariea, Freeburif, V. II.
tirlliuii. Krecburz.
Thursday, Mar. 4, 1897.
Sorm Startling Accusations.
TIih "Pennsylvania. Methodist,"
the ollicial organ of the Central
Pennsylvania XI. E, conference, pub
lished the following startling sugges
tions and accusations. Rev. Dr. S.
C. Swallow, is tho editor of the
Tun article or editorial is Leaded,
"Au Investigation That Would Iu
voHtigato'' uud is ns follows:
"If the state olliciuls aro in earn
est, and really desire that the tax
payers shall know what has been,
and is being d one with their mouey
hero is a plan :
'A resident of Ilurrisburg, who is
responsible for what ho says will
furnish evidence horeiuafter describ
ed, on the conditions which follow :
Let the legislature pass an act con
stituting a court of inquiry thus:
It shall consist of twenty five busi
ness men or fanners living near
enough to the capital , to render
traveling 'expenses a minimum
amount, other, conditions being
complied with. They shall bo uieu
over fifty years of age, who have
never held a state office and are not
known aspirants for official position
Five shall bo appointed by tho may
or of Philadelphia, two each by the
mayors of York, Heading, Lancas
ter and Williuuisport, and oue each
by the mayor or chief burgess of
Lebauon, Pottsville, Carlisle, Cham
bersburg, Lewistown, Suubury,
Shamoki i, Lewisburg, Milton, Dan
ville, Uloomsburg and Huntingdon.
"They shall (-online their work to
thirty working days, bo ullowed live
dollars a day for their t i mo when on
duty, and not to exceed four dollars
n day us per bill rendered for all
other expenses including board and
travel. Those expenses shall be paid
by the state unless otherwise provided.
"The court shall have access to all
books, pap"rs and accounts, and be
empowered to send for persons and
"The Ilarrisburg citizen above re
ferred to, proposes to secure an af
firmative verdict by at least a two
thirds vote of tho courts in tho fol
lowing indictment, or failing to do
so, .v ill pay all the expenses other
wise to bo paid by the state, and
will give acceptable bonds iu the
sum of $'Jti,0Ui to Bccuro such pay
ment. "He proposes to furnish evidence
to prove :
"1. Tho persons have been paid
inotioy out of the stato treasury who
rendered no service to the state
therefor, and in some cases made no
pretense of service except as poli
ticians serving their party.
"2. That for sorvices rendered
tho stale, persons have been asked
to sigu receipts for two, three and
even four times as much money as
they actually received.
That new metal furnishings
have been paid for by the Btate, but
old ones in use by the state carried
iutothestate house cellar, cleaned
and returned were made to person
ate the now ones paid for.
"1. That articles have been fur
Dished for the soldiers orpbans's
schools that cost the state eight fold
more than reliable bidders were will
ing to furnish the samo article for.
"5. That in tho purchase of ma
terial and labor, for making addi
tions, repairs and furnishing the
capitol buildings, and cellars and
grounds, also for the executive man
sion and now for Grace church, the
state has lost many thousands of
dollars as the result of an unfair
system of competitive bidding. In
other words, that the cost to the
state has been two, three, four, and
as high as eight times in some in
stances as much as it should have
been, and that not all of this money
went to the persons furnishing the
materials and labor." At this point
the nun accusation declares that a
certain public official has "guilty
knowledge of this excessive cost."
"6. That the act of 18!5 by which
the governor, auditor general, and
Btate treasurer constitute the board
of commissioners of public grounds
and buildings, having control of re
pairs, alterations and improvements,
and expenses incurred, including
furnishing and refurnishing, is cor
rupting in its tendencies, pernicious
in its results, and has already cost
the state at least one hundred thou
sand dollars more than the sameim
provements, etc., etc., should have
cost under some other system of
"7. That the remonstrances which
two years ago, poured into the gov
ernor's haads from the patriotic or
dcrs of the state, against the appoint
ment of the present incumbent of
the office created by the above act
of superintendent of public ground
and buildincs were well founded as
the sequel proves.
"8. That the burning of the capi
tol by which the state lost over one
million dollars worth of valuable
property, if at all occidental was
also iu a sense incidental. That the
possibilities and even probabilities
of a lire had been for some time dis
cussed by employes of the state, and
that it was a logical sequeuceof hav
iug exhausted excuses for expend
ing public mouey. Aud further that
there is convincing evidence of aim
inal carelessness and neglect on the
part of the state house custodians
and, presumptive evidence of crimi
nal intent .
"That valuable furniture and fur
nishiugs bought for the state aud
are now in use in private homes with
out any commentation for the same
having some to the state.
The citizen who proposes to fur
irish the testimony named, ou the
conditions named, will suffer the
severest penalties of the law rather
than summon his witnesses before
any committee or court of inquiry,
which is the creature of a body
whose vote is controlled by oue man,
and he au intensely interested party.
."The name of the citizen of Har
ris burg, above referred to, will be
furnished the governor, together
with the boud of indemnity, imme
diately on his signing the bill creat
ing the court of iuquiry at the office
of the "Pennsylvania Xlothodist."
"We herewith respoctfully chal
louge the execution of tho threat of
certain politicians to wreck the
"Pennsylvania Methodist,' and to
destroy through the partisan press
the reputation of its editor, if he
permitted the use of his columns for
publishing the foregoing statement."
Ou tho evening of Feb. 1SU7,
tho dear good people of Paxtouvillo
gave us a lino donation. They came
with wagons to the parsonage and
began to carry in Hour, meat, uppkw,
potatoes, groceries aud horso feed to
the amouut of some $18., besides
some cash. After spending a few
hours pleasantly together all de
parted to their homes. Xlay tho
good Lord richly bless the kind
doners and may thu good work go
on all over the charge. Many thanks,
J. H. Heutz.
Mrs. Ella Smith has been visiting
at H. L Bomig's for some time....
Miss Ann Elinepeter has returned
from Crossgrove where she spent
some weeks... Mrs. Hoover of Potts
ville made a business trip to this
place.... Eph. Kline of Poo Mills
spent a week at homo William
Haines shipped a car load of cattle
to Kutztown Messrs B. F. Harley
of Freeburg and Amnion B.ishoar of
Middleburg were in towu....5Iitch
ell Bros, bought Reuben Felker's
farm for 2000 Division-boss.
Snook, goes around with a smiling
face, all because of the arrival of a
little girl at his home Mrs. Alice
Stumpff has returned home from
Lewistown ti. Goss of Painter
villo paid a visit to our burg Dr.
A. M. Smith was to Philadelphia at
tending the Penrose banquet.. ..D.
W. Klose and wife of Lewistown
spent a week with his mother.... E
E. Wetzel has resumed teaching the
High school.
offices, or factories, Bre peculiarly
liable to female diseases, especially
those who are constantly on their feet.
Often they ere unable to perform their
duties, their suffering is so intense.
When the first
symptoms present
themselves, such as
backache, pains in
groins, head,
ache, dizziness,
should at once
write Mrs.
Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass., stating symptoms; she
-vill tell them exactly what to do, and
in tho meantime they will find prompt
relief in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, which can be obtained
from any druggist.
"My Deak Mrs. Pixkham : I am so
grateful to you for whut your Com
pound has done for me. For four years
I suffered such pains from ovarian
trouble, which caused dreadful weak
ness of the limbs, tenderness and burn
ing pain in the groins, pain when
standing or walking, and increased
pain during menstruation, headache
and leucorrhuea. I weighed only 02
pounds, and was advised to use your
Vegetable Compound, which I did. I
felt the benefit before I had taken all
of one bottle. I continued using it,
and it has entirely cured me. I have
not been troubled with leucorrhira for
months, and now I weigh 115 pounds."
Ln.UK Haktson, Flushing, Genesee
Co.. Michigan. Box 69.
i r
It Makes M- e Laugh
To think how cheap they sell
Groceries, Chinaware, Etc.,
A Good Laugh Aids Di
It will Prevent Dyspep
sia Trading: With Us.
Hero aro some prices that
will make you laugh.
We are selling on small profits now
and for cash, so we can save you
some money by luiyinp for cash.
Come and see. We will give you
a few ju ices on our goods.
11 lbs. white for f0c. or Th. tier lb.
1 1 lbs. granulated f)(V. or oc. iter lb,
1 3 lbs. light brown "). or lc. per lb,
Lion eollec for f0c. or 17c.
per II). I
3 lbs. Arbuekles eolloc for 50c. or
17'. per 11).
lava and Kio in milk pails
Tmc. or lite, imt lb.
3 lbs. loose roasted limey Mocha and
Java !).". or 33o. per lb.
4 lbs. loose roasted fancy Java and
Kio (i(c. or K'xr. per lb.
Chocolate, pi ice 18c. a cake, or Co
cts. a lb.
Bright new deshrn. w
very nook and com.... H
8bas and Style.
you see your ide.i "M
. -
PICTURES at prices
er merchants nn . . . "4
. H. FELIX, LewJ
Everything in the clothing line I keep.
I Guarantee Good Ms ai Lt i
kpcciai reductions are now ?
being offered. Gents' fur-
nislnng Uoods, Hats, Caps, etc.
Come a aid Leaxu ooa: Pem
G.C.GUTELIUS, Middiebu
A KlKtrl Cm In Health.
TO try tO Cure (WHS! t nut Inn lur Inking nllla (u
linn soiii I .villi,! in it rip-lf.. 1UUWIII llfVOI TCICH
IIih point soiik'lit. but. only Ri-t, hmk u the .itniu
intr point, a ported rmMirul IiixhMvo is liai'nn'H
-firry miir, i ne o'leiirniefi ri'ini-ilj foriill nerve.
Mood. HtimiiirlM'. liver und kidney filHense. It
recululen the bowels. W. II. H;lll','ler. Mhlille-
Miinii ; .11. iiomnx-K, m. ii mi. riciiHun! Mills,
will (five yon a smnnle iiockiure tree. Lai-e-e size
t!i mid 6nels.
niy w possible, whether m ft test of rreellonee
in joiirnniism, or ir l lie nifaMirment oi
ties, Uuio or value ; and
The Philadelphia
tier a career nf iienrly twentv venrs of milliter .
upted irrowth Is Juslllle.l In eialinlnir tli it the
luliiliird llmt est.ilillshed by UsIoiinJir.s is the
one true test o(
A Perfect Newspaper.
Mrs. B. F. Hoffman received quite
a fall on Saturday, caused by an at
tack of Vertigo but sustained no
serious injury Horace aud James
E. Freed have succeeded James
Kline in the butcher business and
will furnish our people with tooth
some roasts and steaks. .. .The la
grippe iu a mild form seems to ba
very prevalent iu this neighborhood
for the lust few days.
Lover Bills
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, hendache, consti
pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's Tills. Tuey do tlicir work
Msily nnd thorouulily. m II
Rest alter dinner pills. 1 I I C
25 cents. All (Inmnlsts. B II I W
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Fill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
WHli WHtHt All (
Boat CotaKli Syrup. Tutu
in lime. fiirt tit
(111 11 1
Uood. En 11
Tints. In
To publish AM. T II KNKWS promptly and sue-
eiiii-ii an i in me most rcudunie form, with
out elision or parllsen plus; loillm-uss its slir
liltleimee with fiiumness, to keep AN OPES
KYK KOU r-l HUO 1 Bl'SK. to irlvo lies s n
complete, record of current thought, tancies
7 lbs. Wee for i!S cents.
S lbs. best Carolina for 30 cents.
gul. best white honey Syrup so cents.
1 gal. pure Sugar Syrup 80 cents.
1 Ucillon Syrup 18 cents.
1 pal. Iiost X. O. Molasses, 50c.
1 Jinking powder, 9c,
1 Hi. best J'a king Soda,
Ij lbs. corn starch for '20c. or 8c. a pk.
5 -ZV. IiT,
14') ll)s uruin suck common salt
5(1 lbs. line Dairy Suit,
o. t. vi
Q II .1 14 I,
The regular subscription price of
"Demorest's Magazine,"
"Judge's Library," and
"Funny Pictures" is $ .3
We wi
one yean
will send all three to von
for $2.00, or li,
Can sell you the li'st. Iron, stone
ware, China Guaranteed.
1 tea set, u plates,
'2 bread plates, 1 meat plate,
3 butter plates, 1 cream jny,
1 Miirnr bowl, 1 trravey bowl
I lolij; diln'H. Vi cups,
12 paucer.
-JLO pieces fou S2.05,
l.ndies rnlibcrs from 25o. to 40c.
s " oOo. to 70c.
Men s (Itmi l.ootsCatidep, $2.7"),
Men's Felt " from $2.00 to 2.75
.Hen h Mioes. drets und heavy, from
iiuo. up.
I.ailieM' Shoe from flOo up.
... ii i
oum aim m'i- (iiir.iiiiiiiiiKi we are
sure we can please you in price and
quality and styles.
and discoveries In all department, or human . ,, , . ,. " v. .......
Hctivity m its daily editions of io to All blue Calicos. ,ror
Kpuijesi undtoprovldtthe wholp for lis pa-' . ,i . , . ',, - . "
Irons at tho nominal price of ONE CENT All Stable Iiost Sold, from 4 to 7cts.
that was from the outset, ml win continue to ,,........
bo the aim of "TUE KEt'oitO." I (JIMillAMS
oin 0 to bi:ts.
3 tt 1 ply carpet chain from 15 to
IS cents, always in stock.
The Pioneer
one cent morning newsnanei- In tiia i-,oiaii
Htatcs. -Th" Keeord" still LEADS WUKknf
'Apron (liiigliams,
Dress (iMiighains fro
Witness Its unrivaled nverafertnHvelrpniniir..,
f .xceedlnj 10 to copies, iiiul an kreraw ex-
c.iui iwi o'-o copies tor lis Bundnv eillllons,
while iiiiitations of its tilnn of publication In
every Important city of the country trstiiv to
the truth or the assertion tlmt Iu t he cpiaiitltv
and quality of Its contents, und In the price at
which It Is sold "The Itecord" has t-RUIillaUcd
the standard by which excellonco In Jourua
llsm must be lucaaurcd.
The Daily Edition
of "The Ho.ord" will be sent bv mall to nny
address for 00 per ycai orMceiiUsper month.
The Daily and Sunday
editions biRether, which win pive Its readers
the best and freshest Itiforinutlon or all that
Isifolniron In the world every duv In the year
Ineludliiif holidays, will be sum lor .oo a year
or 3t cents per month. -v-jvui
THE 11E4 Oltn Pl'ItMSHI.VU ( O,
Kerorl ltnlldliiK
l'IHInlolilila, '.
An Important (notoii.
If your Irlends or neluhlmrs in mitr.rinn
coiiRhs. colds. Bore throat, or any throat or lun-i
fllKIMIHe ItielllflllKf nintitnnntl...! ...... ... I,IU
they have ever used otto's Cure. This famous
Herman remedy Is having a lJr,re sale hero and
Is performlnirsoinowoiirtiTfiii enr. .i.
and lunK illKeases. W. II Spancler, Mlddlehinv
M. ltolhrock, M. I).. Ml,. Plcaiant Mills? wlllSve
you a samijle bottle free. No inatter what other
medicines have failed to uo, try otto s CuroT
Large size i5 and 60cts. ' LUIU
Men's Heavy Suits, sizes from 3-1
to 42 only 2.50.
Men's Flannel Shirts, o(j Miches Ion"
2.3 irnts.
Call anil seo our IJargain
Counter and save money,
Don't forget our liomc-made
Carpet from 25 to 40cts.
All wool stripe, 50 to 55cts.
Ingrain Carpets, 25 to 70cts.
i'leuse call and see our new prices
i nl goods and we can save you
money by selling for cash.
Pnch Df
''Ml0S ulyi'-y-Jf ""I ,"' fl,m"T magazine published : thm u
monthlies In which the beautiful and the useful, measure and Drotlt. fshi .,,T,
?ir Prelcil 1 liemoresfs. There lMnfact. no publication priiotd
il?nn np' PurP8e wl"1 n compare with lt. Kvery number cootatm 1 1 H
"JUDOE'S LIBRARY Is a monthly maifailne of fun. filled with Illustrations in ciria
iri.uuuuuuiur, ua coutnouiora are the best of atncrlcac wltstudM
iiulkiib' is anomer humorous monthly ; there Is a laugh In ever)- lineoli
A2!,V"? of these maffazlnc8 re handsomely gotten up. You should not mm tunc
YC, iV
Cut here and return Coupon properly Oiled out.
Derr;orc?bPutli?I)ir;6Co., 110 Fifty A
For the-cneloscd H3.00 please send npraorenCa Inmlly Muifiiilne. j,,dtfSliJ
(a magazine of run), and t'miiiy IMelurea for one year us per your oiler.
I'ont Office
Date, State,
n iu
l i
I keep constantly on hndand man
ufacture to oriler all kinds of
Marble and Granite
M Mies!
Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired.
I have one of the best Marble Cut
ters In the State aud consequently
turu out tfood work.
tucTCoiue and seeiuy work a prices.
Thankful for past favors I most re
spectfully usk a continuance of same,
a. b. mm
ill i!d I c b u r g ill a r U e t
Corrected weekly by our merchants.
Butter io
f?s 12
Pitted oherrles
Uupitted "
Onions 25
l.nrd a
Tallow 4
ChickenBper lb 6
Turkeys 8
tide 7
Shoulder 7
Hiu 10
Old Wheat 85
Kye 35
Old Corn 2(5
Oats 15 to 21
Hran per 100 lbs 65
Middlings ." 70
Chop " 85
Flour per bbl 4.75
Rlpans Tabules cure flatulence.
Rlpans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Rlpans Tabules cure liver troubles.
Rlpans Tabules: at druggists.
for Steam and Hut WutirFi:
Also dealer in Hoilers. El
ShnftiriK Pulleys, IlangereanJU
er ueitlng.
of Engines, Boilers ami Mill H
families can be supplied
Tubs. Pine and Pine Fittinrt
as reference concerning my
cal skill. Prick & Co. of Warn
Pa. and Lebanon MTr. Co. bolt I
panles of high staiiclin
In order to avoid acciJenti
All Bailers
should be tested nuder the bj
test at least once a year.
danger and call upon we too
Selinsgrove, : :-
All business entruxteJ tob
will receive prompt attentw
Gas Administered. i
uivffii nuu . " . ,
Office one door uortliof fi
Selinsgrove, Pa.
All professional basins eniniJ"
will receive prompt and crehii