Growing Children One-third of all tie children die before they arc fhrc years old. Most of them die of some wasting disease. They r row Tery slowly j keep thin In flesh t are fretful j food docs not do them much food. You can't say they hare any disease, yet they never prosper. A sOght cold, or some stomach and bowel trouble takes them away easily. SCOTTS EMULSION of God-liver Oil with Hypophoi phites is just the remedy for growing children. It makes hard flesh) sound flesh) not soft, flabby fat It makes strong bones, healthy nerres. It changes poor children to children rich in prosperity. Book about It free for Uu ukinr. tV No substitute (or Scott's Emul tion will do for ttu children what w know Scott'i Emulsion will do. Get the genuine. For sale by til druffbti at 50c and $1.00. SCOTT BOWNE, New Yerh. Tne Result 01 Last Taesday's Election. Adams. Justice of tho peace, Geo. Aurand; judge of election, A. H. Swartz; inspectors, Jonas 0. Borge. John Spaid; overseer of the poor, E. Herman; supervisors, J. J. Shrader, Chas. E. Bingaman; sohool directors. L 0. flackenburfr, J. G. Ramer.Chss. Fetterolf; tax collector, James M. Middleawarth. Beaver. Judge of election, W. 0. Stetler; inspectors, J. D. Kern, Qeo. W. Herbster; overseer of the poor, John P. Kern; supervisor?, James H. Aigler, Chas. Biugaman; school di rectors, Daniel F. Hassinjrer, Geo. Dreese; "auditor, Geo. 0. Walker; tax collector, Isaac Boush; treasur er, W. M. Keller.- Beaveb West. Treasurer, A. Hol shue; judge of election, J. J. Steely; inspectors, Howard A. Peter, Joliu LErb; overseer of the poor, Jacob Shilling; supervisors, John P. Fisher Joseph Wagner; school directors, Jacob Heeter, Amos Howell; audi tors, Wm. Heeter, Ammon Spigel syer; tax collector, Dan. Hassinger. Center. Judge of eleotion- H. K. Sanders; inspectors, G. F. Berger,F. J. Borer; overseer of iha poor, Val an'tina vvaltd, -st ; Vir A; SnoTr r. O. Bowersox; school director; Henry Suook, J. t F. ( Biugaman; au ditor, Isaiah Oberlin; tax collector, Joseph Kerr. Chapman. Judge of election, Jno R. Leach; inspectors, Elmer New man. Francis Moyer; overseer of tho poor, P.H. Shotzberger; supervisors Robert' Wendt., Henry Hendricks, school directors, U. 0. Keratetter, W. S. HerrolJ; auditor, Thos. Paige; ! tax collector, William Shelley. Franklin JuJ?e of election, J.H. . Martin; inspectors, Geo. D. Maneval Amos Bowersox; overseer of the poor Abner Walter, supervisors, George Sluunbuch, Hop Mitchell; school di rectors, Jus. Rotbrock, J. H. Sham bach; auditor, H. S. Reuninger; tax colloctor, M. G. Courtney. Jackson. Judaro of election, W. S. Sholly; Justice of the peace, Y. H. Wagner; iunpectors, G. B. Brouse, Henry Arbogast; overseer of the poor, John Steose; supervisors, Wm. Seebold, Daniel Hollenbach: school directors, J. S. Tearick, David Sny der, Paul W. Boufer; auditor, Jacob F. Seebold; tax collector, S. Oldt. f iIiit)LEHL'itoii Bono. Chief burg ess, J. F. Roitz 62, Wm. H. Smith 65; i town council, Robt. Shambach 15. J. 0. Schoch 42, D. Bolender 47, J. W. Runkle 81, W. C. Snyder 61, Charles .Spansler 69; judge of election, C. H. Walter 57, Jos. Clelan 53; inspectors, N. A. Bowes 18, F. D. Riegle 45, C. E. Specht 53; overseer of the poor, C. H. Steininger 56, Jos. Bowersox C3; school directors, J. W. Swartz 05, H. II. Grimm 35, W. I. Garman 57, J. A. Suyder 77; auditors, Arthur Beaver 69, Wm. Roraig 50 Paul Bill hardt 56, tax collector, G. M. Moatz W. Middlecbeek. Judge of election, H. S. Aurand; justice of the peace.N. C. Gutelius; inspectors, H. F. Aur and, J, A. Hummel; overseer of the poor, Simon Kratzer; supervisors, H. B. Yerger, G. J. Roush; sohool directors, A. A. Ulrich, Peter Yoder; auditors, J. S. Meiser, A. 0. Smith; tax collector, Jacob Bow. Monhoe. Justice of the peace, J. C. Gaugler; judge of election, John V. Lesher; inspectors, Sam. Trutt, W. S. Kuhnsi overseer of the poor, Noah Deobler; supervisors, N. E. Hartman, William Slear; school di rectors, Jeremiah Hummel, Benja min Holleubach and James D. Lesh er (tie) ; auditor, I. E. Boust; tax collector, Thomas Hess. Pebbt. Judge of election, Wm. I. Yerger; inspectors, Milton Kratzer, John F. Newman; overseer of the poor, H. D. Swineford; supenriaora, Enoch Smith, H. B. Gelnett; school directors, Jonathan Reichenbach, Thomas Arbogast; tax collector,' N. Ifen&eL ' Pass. Judge of lection, O. D. Romig; inspectors, W. W. Romig, Wm.Erdley ; justice of the peace, Geo. M. Witmer; school directors, Selin Uerner, M. ii. Smith; supervis ors, J. L. Gable, Wm. J. Boyer; Overseer 8 of the poor, Wm. S. Stahl, Cornelius Laudenslager; auditor, J. K. Hughe; tax collector, Chas. L. Gemberling; treasurer, J. M. Aur and. Pebbt "West. Judge of election, Henry Leitzel; inspectors, J. F. Noll, James P. Helwig; overseer of the poor, Adam Ferster, Fred. Arbogast; supervisors. John Kepler, P. S. Mit terling; school directors, C. G. Sny der, 2 years, J. Z. Strawser, J. G. Hornberger; auditor, C. M. Arbo gsst; tax collector, Daniel Maneval, Jacob Foltz, (tie). Seunsqbovi, Chief burgess, Dr. P. A. Boyer; town council, Charles Stauffer, Frank Richter; judge of election, W. H. Sears; inspectors, Harvey Haupt, Charles 0. Gaugler; overseer of the poor, A. N. Gember liag; school directors, H. J. Duck, H. L. Phillips; auditors, J. A. Lud wig, W. A. Moyer; tax collector, A. J. Gross. Spring. Judge of Election, Jas. H. Lodz: inspectors, Phares Hel- frich, Ross Sechrist; overseer of the Door. L. J. Man beck; supervisors, Henry Maurer, Edward Heimbach; school directors, John Zeiber, Hen ry Waguer; auditor, I. I. Maubeck; tax collector, Robert Smith. Union. J u dure of election, J. H. Rwhrer; Inspectors, B. F. Arnold, B. B. Neitz: overseer of the poor, D. G. Stahl, E. S. Aucker, (tie); supervis- ors, Johu U. Wise, W. J. Witmer; school directors, J. N. Houser, J. D. Riegle; auditor, W. M. Boyer; tax collector, Jacob G. Stahl. Washington. Judge of election, Frank Specht; inspectors, J. Howard Arbogast, Jacob Rauch; overseer or the poor, John Lauver; 'supervisors, Oliver Renninaer. Samuel Gilbert; school directors, H. S. Stahl, A. H. Klingler; auditor, John Houtz, tax collector, William F. RoClsh; town clerk, John Haas. MAR HI K D. Feb 22, in Middleburgb, by Eer. tf liawokifi Dam and Misa Lid J. Feb. lKh, in New Berlin, by the Rev. S. Sidney Kohler; -Elmer 11. Maurer of Dry Valley doss Roads aud Miss Floreuoe E. Bitter of Win-held. Too M Knife! The use of the surgeon's knife la be coming ao general, resulting fatally in such a large number of cases, aa to occasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpole.of Walahtown, South Dakota, writes; "About three years ago, there came under my left eye a little blotch about the size ox a small pea. It grew rapidly , and hooting painaran in every direction. I became alarmed and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it can cer, and said that it ITmust be cut out. This I would not content to, having little faith in the Indiscriminate use of the knife. Read ing of the many cures made by S. S. 8., I determined to give that medicine a trial, and after I had taken it a few days, the cancer became Irritated and began to discharge. Thia after awhile ceased, leaving m small scab, which finally dropped off, and only a healthy little scar remained to mark the place where tne destroyer bad Held lull away. A Real Blood Remedy Cancer Is In the blood and It ia folly toezpect an operation tocure it. 3.8.8. gmmrtnUtd funly vtgttatU) ia a real remedy xor every diaeaaeof the blood. Books aaalled free; address Swift Spe cific Co., Atlanta, SUar M07 W' Live Heath. So Mr. Oilman Brown, of 84 Mill St.. South Gardner, Mass., was told by the doctors. His son had Lung trouble, following Typhoid Malaria, and he spent three hundred and seventy-five dollars on doctors, who finally gave him up, saying : "Your bor won t live a month " He tried Dr. King's New Discovery and a few bottles restored him to health and enabled him to go to work a perfect ly well man. He says he owes his nresent eood health to use of Dr. Kirjff'a New Discovery, and knows it ! to be the best in the world for Lung trouble. Trial Bottles Free at Grav- jbilL Uarman & uo.'s Store, Rich field. Pa. and all druggists. Dr. Greene's Nertwa blood and remedy it indeed " The World" t Great Spring Medicine."' it hat come to be reeognUed a the best poMiible tprtng medicine to take, and the people everywhere we it during the trying epring month to tone up anew the relaxed nerves and reinvigdrate and enrich the blood. A tpring medicine it a necettity if tne withet to keep in perfect health and vigor during the changet from winter to summer. Thit perfect spring med icine, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, is exactly what the system needt at thit teaton. It not only purifies, but makes rich, red blood ; it not only strengthens and invigorates the nervous system, but reenergizes and revitalizes the nerves by feeding them with renewed nerve force and power; it U not only an aid to digestion, but it creates a regular, natural, and healthful action of the bowels, liver, and kidneys, which in the spring are always sluggish and inactive. By all means use Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy this spring. 7T9 PAPFR by special arrangement m:h the Western, into rnrun jfetr forkr gild HilY 3,BnJ NewSm 1 paper Syndicate is snqbhd 1 fo tr.ais tho extraordinary offer otitUnt'J it Ihii announcement ir.ado here- X witfc'; This effer puts within the reach of i ttH. ih possibility cf securin j 1hn greatest Mffftrtcth mrk of the age. Read the i SynVKatt statement a d if you wish to i . Mujn f of he books act quickly. S You have the rteht to examine the work whole feeeUi If not entlreiv- aatUtactory In evry respect yea may return It arid your atone wlU be refunded.- ; , iu iFnur. ..... . ni i hi in : MS hi ! SMS '.: f rM Mte i Dictionary tnd an Bscyclopjfila. Cest $709,000 to-auki It. St; 'It vci0P0tCfCYCUME0lC WW ttglrxrgr i ..ii 'i i ft. r . aiiNin. . n 8 I;fepi5 I1U Mill '- 'ggar-vr JX WSSL wan' vwa ou-ae or our root lotroduoutry ' Distribution, we fln.l in Mork few iwti of Tht Eaeyckpcdl DfcUooarydii vioib. hml-UuMitit. ud fuli-alK-t'ii t.iuUU only) tbat nre lightly marrod not nouirhtolmalr their real alur, tout autUoiem ti prevent their ibifou'iit as ixrlrci alocH ut uur rmulur p.-icKt oi $lo$ uatat T)ii' lieii ir onl; : liiniv-.l num. !r of tli.-ce api-cii I WI3. wa ahnll not K" to :lio mill 'In t rt-bind-InK hera, butli.ivi!? -Wed lo lot tlicm Koonenov piymin;M of $1 iln n HPd fl a mnnili until paid, t little more than half our reoent v. r l iv liiirniliirii.r' prices. By prenint action now, there, lore, a numlHir ol nuilitlioui and 'leaiuvnitr rca'ifr of thin now(.r'fipi r wh-i d-lr ustriHIy up-to-dntrrclcrcnoellliratT.niMy w curo one id Ihf mx-miil Beta ntuUuiCCar 01'. MAKING. WIE1SEUJ1ST They are youra for a lifetime thla eaiyway i Only$l WITH ORDER AND SI .00 PER JIONTH UNTIL PAID. mcept for slltrht ruht or abnuilomon the blndlnr, ne aa ioo aoiu at mu priooa. tut we caunot ; iturk and our loss aliall m your jfulii, Thla la Positively tha Grcclott Dargii.i tver offorcd in a strictly high-class standard publloatl' n. For those who are trying to "get aong vn;r. uiser una inferior reference works, tnis is a really wonaenui opportunity. f(umuitTiTt.iaii. !jM3tt0pe"ij. EJ.COOli- Olf dlo Taplts- lM.C00worti!nd. Atisl (,CS0 Stfil 4rtS fCt 3'A CENTS A UAY BUYS IT. YV LLi Xj J l r l I T I SI. EL offer thenT'a" pi'rlEot "ll WHAT THE ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY IS It oontalna over 250,000 dvKnr word lio.nwi more than WebHer, 13A,0U0momin iii .V.n tMT-2.f ,im rltlon,peilliiK, vi;i letlmeiinlnmiof ewch leirlllmate Knvll'h wird. It imr uowpled ut an un queatloned authority w!i-rut it t lei Uncllati lanirURiliHkn. It la one of the beat of all encyclopedia.!, Iieenuae prHcally UMful aa well ih tlm l.iiiet m.d iiikoI acholarly. SO.000 -c-viMiiiMo lIu nlije,-i8-tha llritannlca hue about ?,!. Juat think ef Itl The wli'dn ranneor human knowlodvc onnrteuaed for your Inatant oaa by mioh world-famoua aoientiala h Huxley, Proctor, and a hundred other ediicnton il hardly leu renown. It l a tlme-naver for huar men; a college education (or plodding- tuidenu; a brain daveloper for am bitious moobitiitca; an lnoxlmuttule ireRnure-hoiiM) of In formatkio for eaoli member of orery family. Iteuily take tho place of any half-doien other referenoe booka tbat oould be named. It l truly a nunlly neceaalty. It la an ornament t any library; lieautlfully printed and ublHoiHlly iHiiind; roiirirreiitvoltimea, profusely llluatrat e.1, costing more than 1750,000 to produce, and never before offered (exi-eptdnrliivoiir recent introductory oale) for leas tbuMiO0teS70.0Oaaet. WHAT THE ABLEST CRITICS SAY "NotonlT ore more words defined In this New Dictionary than In any other, but it definitions are more exhaustive." Chlemrn 'I rlliune. "A atsndard referenoe bonk, treating; every branch of knowledge and research In masterly manner," Philadel phia Pre. M Without doubt, the only Dictionary which gives all the words In the Engliun laiiKuaga of to-day." Chicago Herald. ' It forms In Itself a library for the busy msn of affairs, tb mechanic lo advance himself in his line, or the tudant or apprentice Just making a begluuluaT." ScientiQo American, M.x. ... " "At tho very be of all contemporary publication of Its kind and firmly mtuMlshed as one of the few great reference books e the wtM."-Christlan Horald, K. T. "The most ceaaprehenslv thing of It kind yet eo cnmnlHied, aarpaaalng It awartst cempetttf by SSVOOO worde." The Interior, Chicago. Over On Thouttnt TsUliaenlilt har fees veltrattrHf iceerdeS thit mwrk by CoSsgt PntUsatt ia Preftuort, Literary Cslsbrltlss, Seaatsrs, Judges, Soisnlittt, ate., eta, How to Secure this Qrcat Bar8!in 5; asTT tu 4JVVUIV Byndloato, ear of thli paper, and the entire est of four superb volumes, bound In oloth, will he forwarded. Tne balanoe Is t) be Eaid at the rata of $1.00 monthly for IS months. The first payment far either biadlag i esriy II . In sending your first payment please dealguate the stylo of Binding you deeire, and Indicate bow you wish the volumes tsnt, as the charges for delivery must lie paid b r the purchaser, ttemltuncea reoelved after this special lot I exhauatad will do immediately returned. Tne limited tocK at our oispotai cannot I protect ourselves against bookdealers, co., w mutt decline to send more than 3 set to any ene party, and In every case w must require tbo full mime and address of each Kirson reoeivluga set We have only three style of binding In this lot oloth, bait uasla and full sheep about an equal quantity of each. Order et eoce, te make sore, The absolute oonfidenoe that the work will be thoroughly appreciated, big hly reined ddres all aae)U and amaJke eill eaefc fNtyaet te REMEMBER These sett are t rood for sH practi cal purpose aa those for wbleb w are getting regular prices. We guar antee that the interiors are not In jured, and the binding of our standard grade. The- most serious Injur to any set is no greater than mbrhi occur la a few days use in your own bom or office. A abso lute proof of thit statement, you may retain the aet for eareful exam ination for on whole week. If not entirely tatlafaotory you bar the right to return to tb Syndicate and money will be promptly and cheer- THE NEW YORK NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE, care of this paper. went Miwvleei IIJI Ita tat of Iltxabet Rlrkel, U eotcJ? sayder Co.. Fx. ', it x2. matte Immediate pavmenv wii?iT etalma win nrMAn, ,t ee itz ;-v.'.rr-" : ""w uiw . WM. J. tllfrm. I !. tha Jan. t UtterJ one g. H J r c.-irnt i "e. reluij lXKCUTOIW NOTTi-i.' mentary on the entatM of Jenn ik nk k. i . oob fmnHk tn tbv iinrttrKi.r UisYDHlllp. AH pPniOri., thfram aVSIfl RXlJtlA III Ma.. M. . ment and tlio. bavinir U msiSii present them for actlemeni to UaVlBI d. HKUUiU' tmo. t 1W. "V J TXECUTOR'S SClTtnv 1 Jliherehv irivwn that r ... 1 menta ry on the estate of Jacob jml Monroe tuwualilp, Snyder cowh been Issued to tbe onderlKne. rviL.J township. All penmns. tnVforsTTii aaia estato win pieem make imiiniu ment. aud tho-e havlnr elaims s.?S present them for settlement to Jan. 14, 17. ID Executor's Notice Estate of Unrnr.l T... Perrv Towunhln. Snv.i.. r w r i J ii deoeatcd. All persons ind-iJ .... i.i . -. . . . emu miiiv nre reqaenteil to I lutiuedlate pnyiueut, ami tliiJ luttT leiral claiiua airai.t .i!j will present thetu without da proper ortier ror settlement u, UHART.KM IBnTT K11..K. Franklin Trdtt. mui-..J T ' iiauunry wo, F. in ladies shoes is a pi voyage afoot. For tbe p ure it gives, there's no like oar sale. Crowd? ernovintr it and sernrin v tj 7 -"m prettiest, coolest and bes ting Summer shoes now i ufactured, at prices m buyeis find it a pleaaar pay. For house or wear, pleasure or er Draof ical nnrooses. ws! riditi.CT driving, wet tbe ideal ehoes de'.nand. fashion and the dictate individual taste. Ladl whoever claims yoar be by all means surrender feet to these shoes. 1 i '4 6. H. GIBSON, SC lifiilt The Elephant is loaded wil GlotliiB&.Gaps.HatsM rnderwef Uloves. and all tbe Deal tnu seasonable goods found in class Clothing Store. Come and look at my stoci, will find it well selected. I aui.lReBpectfullj, vv . n, DW I InaSeW murit Bbfiaramllnan Cared "Mystk) Cure" tor RhsumuUsm raui(iiy cures in 1 mi nay. the system la remarkable and B2 removes at once the nnd to mediately dlaappeara. The flrsl 'J beneflta : 75 oeau. Sold by U Uro"V dleburgh. I T. F. Anthony. Bx-roHtmsster City. Iowa, eaya : "I bouipi use w7 o cure- tor Kiieumaimm, auu ' " " 7 t Id me more good than am SSSSzJ ouk." sold by til DrmfgiHtii, nunssn mm i OS Gel te IHSClW Wand wn lun, a garflen, orcu-- -- r orT:oovrs.ftolalnlango.;('i men, the ear ana coiht-v- - j trulte. piuta, treee, .-.e"-' HUM EMU, inhHahteetenonw' Mllaibla) faultily rwtmr. EManilinv v - i lUvutrataxl. SI To Intredue It to will tndAMBRICANOAW. tttra months I ?utt addreiaa on reoalpt 7... In stamps or coin. ll U , i.ooarJVF
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