Published every Thursday. Geo W. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year. Men must be psld In advance wneo sent out side Ibe coumy.) ATISOF ADVIRTISINO. All transient advertlr-mnta not otherwise contracted tor will b cumiy"! at the rate of II Cents per llnennnpart-l measure) for first Inser tion and 10 cents pur Hue tor every subsequent Insertion. tfDnlhnBlieeMpublitMfTMt obituary potrty, tributu tf rtiptet, ., Utrtt tent a tin. Republican Standing Committee. Adams Tobias Mitchell. TroxslvUle, W.H. Her man. Troxelvllle. Beaver ('baa. K. Hpncht, Deavertown. James M. Kline, HeaverUiwo. Beaver W. o. J. Speece, MoClure. T. A. Waif ner. MoClure. Centre-Klmer HhsmWh. Mlddleburgh. D. F. Blngainan, l'enns Creek. Chapman-W. U. Keratelter. McKeesHslf Falls, ftlljar KMsh.llonVr. Franklln-W. D. (lift, 1'MtonvUle, J. W. Elscn uour. MldilleimrKh. Jaekson-J. 8, Yeuruk. Krutzervllle, Isaac Bu ffer. New Berlin. MlddletiUreh-Oeo. W. Wacenseller, Middle buivli. N. A. Bowes, MliMlnburgh. sllddlecreck-P. L. How, Kreamer, R. B. Hum mel. Kreumer. Monnw-dt-o. a. u-mcr, Shamokln nam, J. n. Rnnads. Fenn K. Warner, Siilcm, Daniel Knouse.Se- llnxfrrovp. Perry .l.N. Ilroslus, Mt. Vleiwant Mills, B. F. Arbnirnst, Mt. Pleasant. Mills. Perry W.-B. K. Nunglc, Ktuuftcld, Dan. Man- eal, Klrhneld. Hellnsifrove N. H. Fisher, Selinsgrove, F. II. Hiiilth.Nellnsprove. Kprlmr-Dr. A. M. smith. Beaver Springs, P. F. Keiitel, Benver Serine. I'nloii-Wuo. I. Kl'indurs, Port Trcverton, O. O. Klce, PortTreverton. Washington Jerry Charles, Freebiirft, W. II. Mrliiini, Kreeburg. Thursday, Feb. 18, 1897. Discriminating. Duties. The American Baonoraist has takeu occasion to discuss quite fully the subject of discriminating duties in favor of Roods brought here in American bottoms or per contra, against goods brought hero in for eign bottoms. This proposition was dratted into a bill and offered in the United States Senate by Mr. Elkins of West Virginia, and known as Senate bill No, 3232. The measure has for its objuct the encouraging of American Merchant Marine, and proposes that goods brought to this country in foreign bottoms shall pay .10 per cent, duties adva lorein more than if brought in Amer ican bottoms. It is the principle in this law which we wish to advocate rather than toe rate o additional duties propoj v'f. 'm admitted that the same proposition when ft law) was very successful in the1 establish ment of the' American Merchant Marine in the early history of the Government. In fact, it is conced ed by all historians that a law sim ilar to the bill introduced by Mr. Elkins was the direct causo of the grwit growth of American shipping. The Protectionist stands for Pro tection to tho employees of Ameri can transportation companies on laud ( he also stands for Lb Protec tion of American seamen. It is a well-known fact, ami enforced by our shipping laws, that American seamen get higher wugos thitu any seamen in t he world. We are cred itably informed that the cost of op erating American ships, based sim ply on the question of near ly double that of other natious. It is manifest then that American shipping can be fostered in only two ways viz, by bounties and subsi dies or by discriminating duties. The American people are not in uuy temper to take up un elaborate sys tem of subsidios, but they have de clared themselves in favor of Pro tection upon land and sea. j The discriminating duty plan( s imply means tunc goods Drought here in American bottoms shall pay the rates of duty laid down by law, and that goods brought here in for eign bottoms shall pay an additional duty. The difficulty to American shipping is not in securing a cargo going abroad, but rather in securing n cargo returning to this country. A homeward cargo aided by a dis criminating duty would undoubtedly make a great demand for American ships, and it is believed that every shipyard from Maine to the Gulf,and on the PaciGo northward from San Francisco to Puget Sound would be busy with orders. This is not sim ply an opinion, for the same policy when in effect during the first de cade of this century accomplished the same result. We regret to know that there is opposition to this wise measure of Protection, and especially coming from Philadelphia, as expressed in the resolutions or memorial adopted by the Maritime Exchange of that city last week. This Maritime Ex change, like some other organiza tions of the kind, may be simply the agent of the North Atlantic shipp ing pool a foreign trust which should be investigated. The foreign shipping interests have become bo powerful in this country and so in volved with the transportation in terests that it is not difficult to se cure opposition to ft measure of this kind. It is also quit possible that tho American Line owned b? the In ternational Navigation Company (now heavily subsidiiedX which ha fully as many ships under ft foreign lag as under the American, has tak en an interest in defeating this pa triotic proposition. This measure would create activity in shipbuild ing and restore the American flag in the Merchant Marine. Every one who favors adequate Protection by import duties should favor the pol icy of discriminating duties, for it will accomplish for American shipp ing the same grand results to Araer ican interests in the ocean carrying trade that Protection has given up on land' A DOCTOR'S VISIT. Dr. Hartman's Free Visit to Every Family in the United States. How can that bet you ask. How can Dr. Hartman visit every family in the United States? This is the way: This little article goes into everv home. Every one has the privilege of reading it. Through this article Dr. Hartman speaks to every family. He asks if any in tnis house is sick. If so, would you not like to consult me as to the nature of your disease and its treatment ? If you would like me to do so, I will give your case careful attention. I have a large institution and many assistants and am in a position to detect the nature of diseases where they could not possibly be detected by the ordinary physician. If you want to consult me, just write me and give a description of your case and I will answer you free of charge, giving you full directions for treat ment. This is the wav Dr. Hartmau makes a free visit to every family in the United States. He has just call ed on you. Do you wish to consult Dim T Ur you may send and get a question blank to till out if you pre fer. All letters received by him are strictly confidential. Have you ca tarrh of the head, throat, lungs, stomach or any other organ of the body 1 If so, write to him at ence. He will send you directions for treatment without charge. If you desire to, you can send for a free cooy of Dr. Hartman's latest book on catarrh and the other cli matic disease of winter 64 pages in struct v& liUnstratedvx Sent tret) to any address by The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Colum bus, Ohio. HOW TO GET A PUBLIC OFOICE. Many desirable offices are within the gift of the new administration. Those who wish to know what places can be had and how to get them, cau obtain this information by send ing 7" cents to Soule & Co., Wash ington. D. C. for the "U. S. BLUE BOOK," showing nil government of fices and salaries with Civil Service rules, sample examination questions, etc.. Under presont laws women stand nn equal chance with men for positions that insure a comfortable income for life. The "Blue Book" gives campleto instruction for office seekers of both sexes, and is be sides a valuable book of reference much in demand. Men of Weakened Power, Exhausted Vigor. Weak men suffering from nervous debility, weakened power and ex hausted vigor, can now take new hope. Dr. Greene, 35 West 11th St., New York City, who is without doubt the most successful specialist in curing this class of diseases, of fers to give freo consultation by mail to all weakened, vigorless and nerve exhausted meu. You have the priv ilege of consulting Dr. Greene by letter describing your complaint and he will, after carefully consider ing your condition, send you free a letter fully explaining all your symptoms, telling you everything about your complaint so plainly that you will understand exactly what ails you. Write to him at once and get back your strength and vigor. THUU Prof. John H. Willis of Selins- grove, wishes us to extend his heart felt thanks to those who stood so nobly by him during the late pri mary election, promising them to al ways try to merit the trust they have imposed hire. Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power In so small space. They are a whole medicine cbojt, always ready, al- mbw sj ways efficient, always sat- ILpa ill 49 Isfactory; prevent a cold III W or fever, cure all liver Ills, sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. The only Pills to take with Hood's SarsaparlUa, "'" fnLHt Ml BLOC lUli Best Vouch Srap. TsmmUowL Css YOUNG GIRLS. Their Coadact aad Health OfUa If stifle Their Math arm. Young girls often feel and conse quently act, very strangely. They shed tears without apparent cause, are restless, nervous, and at timet almost hysterical. They seem sail- absorbed, and heedless of things go ing on around them. Sometimes they complain of pain in lower parts of body, flushes of heat in head, cold feet, etc. Young girls are not free from incipi ent womb troubles. Mothers hliould see to it that Lydia E. I'inkliam's Vegetable Compound is promptly taken; all druggists have it. The girl will speedily be " herself .gain," and a probable danger be averted. Any information on this sub ject, or regarding all female ailments, will be cheerfully given free by Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Write her. Reduced Rates to WMhlnarton an Ac- count ol the Inauguration via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the bonentof thoso who desire to attend the ceremonies Incident to the Inauguration of President-elect UoKluley.tlie Pennsylvania Hat. road Company will sell excursion tickets to Waslilngt m Marco 1, 1, 1, and i. valid to return from March 4 t ) 8, at Hie following ratos : From l'liMburc tiO.00; Unloutown, $10.00 Connellsvtlle, ttso ; Oreemburg, $9.8"; Butler, llt.M; Allegheny Valley Junction, 110.00; Johnstown, $9.90 ; Bltoona, $9.60 ; Hurrlsburg-, IS.Ot, and (rotn all other stations on the Penn sylvania systsin at reduced rates. This Inauguration will be a most Interesting event, and will undoubtedly attract a large number of people from every suction of the country. The mag-nMoest facilities of the Pennsylvania Railroad make this line the favorite route to the national capital al all times, and Its enormeas equipment and sptendld terminal advantages at Washington make It especially popular on such occasions. A Ton r to Balmy Florida via Pennsyl . aaUa Railroad. . When ihe North. Is at Ita worst Florida Is at Its oett. When lakes and rivers' "ire" 'aVianl here and a drifting snow Oils our streets the vio lets are blooming there and the air is laen with the sweet perfume of budding Spring. When Old Boreas howls around our northern homes and the frost king rules, the mocking bird Is singing In Florida's graceful palms and the whole land Is melodious with happy song. The elegant special train, of the Pennsylvania Kill' road Jacksonville tours are fitting Introductions to this delightful land. Tho next tour, allowing two weeks In Florida, loaves Now York and Philadelphia under peruana! encort February 21. Hound-trip tickets, Including Pullman accom modatloca and m"als on tits special train, will be sold at the following rates: Prom New York, 160.09; Philadelphia, IW.Ou; Ciiundalgiu. $51.13; Erie, fil.SJ: Pittsburg, $j.oo, and at proportion ate rt s from other points. Fur tickets aud Itineraries apply to ticket agmits, Tourist Ageut, 71V0 Broadway, New York, or to Goo. W. Boy.l, AsiHtant ueuerul Passenger Agent, Ilroud Htrect Station, pblla. A Mmrt t ut to lloultli. To try to cure constipation by taking pills In llko filing round Iti a circle. Ynu will never reach the point sought, but only net hnck to the Hlart Ing point. A perfect naiural laxative Ih Macon's t'elery King, the celebrated remedy for all nerve, blood. Htoinarho. liver mid kidney disease, n regulates the bowels. W. II. spangler, .Middle burgh ; M. Kolhrock, Al. I)., Ml. Pleasant Mills, will give you uVunple package freo. Largo situ 25 and tocts. ABook or Permanent Valoe. Every American Citizen andverv mwient oj American History and Collector of Americana will want it. School, Colleye and 1'ublic Libraries must have it. Colony ar)d Corr)iT)or)walbf) ....BY.... Sidney George Fisher Author of "The Making of Pennsylvania.' One Volume, Red Buckram, to match lne Making of .Pennsylvania, or Maroon Cloth, gilt top, uncut edges Last rrice, $i.&o. To bring It to the attention of the wide circle of readers It merits we will send, postpaid, to any address on the receipt of PENNSYLVANIA has had a more varied and interesting history than any other Slate In the Union. The early settlement of the province under I he enthusiastic leadership of William Penn.thecourllctsof the numerous sects and nationalities which made up the population, tho horrors, massacres, excitements, of the French and Indian wars, the tierce struggles of political parties In the Revolution when Hie success of the movement for the liberty of all the Colonies depended on the position taken by the Keystone Htate, as It was culled, the same struggle re peated at the time ol tho adoption of the Nation al constitution, and that strange wild revolt of the Scotch-Irish known as the Whiskey Rebel lion, all this Mr. KlHherhas given In full detail in an attrucltvu, handy volume, with additional chapters on tho part taken by Pennsylvania In the civil war, the growth und etlects of the pub lic school system and the development of Phila delphia In the present century. Henry T. Coates & Co., Publishers, Philadelphia. It Hate tie LaaaS To think how cheap they sell Groceries, Ohinaware, Etc., AT F. II. MAIMER'S. It's Not Only Gb639 Bnt Good. A Good Laugh Aids Di gestion It will Prevent Dyspep sia Trading: With Us. Here are some prices that will mate you laugb. We are selling on small profits now and for cash, so we cau save you some money by buying for cash. Come ami fee. We will give you a few prices on our gootK GROCERIES. SUCJAUS. 1 1 lbs. white for 50o. or 5c. per ,1b, 11 lbs. granulated 50c. or oc. per lb, 13 lbs. light brown 50c. or 4c. per lb, COl'TEK. 3 lbs. Liou coilec for 50c. or 17c cr lb. 3 lbs. Arbticklcs coffee for 50c. or 17e. per lb. 3 lbs. Java and Iiio in milk pails 55c. or 1 l)c. per lb. 3 lbs. loose roasted fancy Mocha and Java 95c. or 33c. per lb. 4 lbs. loose rousted fancy Java and Rio COc or 10c per lb. -Chocolate, pi ice ISc. a cake, or35 cts. a lb. .' ) RICK. T lbs. Rice for t cents. I lbs. best Carolina for SO OeBti-, ' . rtriips . lVal. nun Snnr SvrunMoenta. ' ' 1 6 allon Syrup is cents. ' MOLASSES v 1 gal. lest N. O. Molasses, ' 50c. J Baking powder, 9c. 1 lb. best Ikiking Soda, 5c. 3 lbs. corn starch for 20c. or 8c. a pk. AIiT. 140 lbs grain suck common salt, 50c. jU lbs. line Uiiiry suit, 80c. 28 ' " l3o. in 4 " 8o. 5 " " " " 4o. t " " " " 2o. Quoonswnro. FOEDITDBE, GABFET3 AIJD r :0:- Brlg-Li new Resign, vry nook and coiB.., Shaa and Styles i N you see your hie. i nuiLKiiSat price, go,' er merchants ian . Youra I?.... .. M. H. FELIX, Lewitoi NEW CLOTH : at : GUTELIUS' BAZAAR Evcrytbing in tbo clothing line I keep. I Qnarantee M Ms ami Low f jVh,v Special reductions are now l cl2';lt; beinsr offered, dents' fur, ntfvnishing Goo1h, Hats, Caps, ete.jfcj? Come va aM LfiQjm oort G.C.GUTELIUS, Middleb t il tfT HA LO0IC M0THeR A ""E TREAT FOR YOUALuTl A JM By Sampton Suit, with txtra Pair tf Pant,, hf uaiW.VV AND WB PAT BXPRE3S CHAROES TO VOUR DO0V W nd br to diln vou nvt thr Profit. wii An Important luontlon. If your Irtends or neighbors are RtilTerlnflr from coukIis. colds, nore tbroat, or any throat or lunir dlHonse (Including conmimptlon), nk thum If they have ever used otto's Cure. This famous Herman remedy Is havlncr a large sale here and Is performing some wonderful cures of thmnt and lung dlHoaHes. W. 11 Spangler, Mlddlebuw M. Kothrock, M. D., MU plcuwnt Mills, will gi you a sample bottle free. .No matter what other medicines have fnllnd to to, try Otto's Cure Large size IS and SOcta. Cut) bfll you the best. Iron, stone ware, Claim Uuuriiiiteed. 1 tea set, 13 plates, bread pint en, 1 meat plate, butfpr platen, 1 creaiu ju, HiiL'iir bowl. 1 Lrravev bowl 1 loi) dihlies, Vi cups, 12 saucers. LO plooos KOK S2.05. SHOES. Ladies' rubbers from 2Tt.. tn 40n. Jlen's " " OOo. to 70o. Men's Gum BootsCandee. $3.75. Men's Felt " from $3.00 to $3.75. Men'H Shoes, dress and heavy, from OOo. up. Ladles' Shoes from OOo up. Cull and see our SHOES and we are sure we can please you in price aud quality and styles. DRY GOODS. All blue Calicos, Sets. All stable best sold, from 4 to 7cts. : GINGHAMS. Apron Ginghams, 5cts. Dress Ginghams from 5 to 8cts. CARPET CHAINS j3 & 4 ply carpet chain from 15 to lb cents, always in stock. Clotliins, liottom Prices. Men's Heavy Suits, sizes from 34 to 42 only $2.50. Men's Flannel Shirts, 30 inches long 25 cents. Call and see our. Bargain Counter and save money, OAHPETS. Don't forget our home-made Carpet from 25 to 40cts. All wool stripe, 50 to 55cta. Ingrain Carpets 25 to 70cts. Please call and see our new prices and goods and we can save you money by selling for cash.' CasnPaW Tor BnilBr&Egizs. F. H. MAURER, NEW BERLIN, PA. OUR SAHPSOn Extra IJtt .a Black Xl Dark Blut l$m suits W 1 IV ?utl MM i with Extra Pinu u guarantor tobiSj j vua OIDWO, fA ' wwu wiin sailor UVrf Albert Twill Satnn Lining, TriawiaiBj w m diui wsni, I Op IM UB Patent Wiit Bands used oa ill fata pQckat nn all Panta In Sixei from loto it v-n 1 naAntMaitai .it r-..kl- h. , 1 Exprftsag paid tof jrour.aoor. In rmitttnjr tend timer rott Oflict o CvnraMA Wna.w C.A. r- I'sfna lur mraturr if 11 m er hoy at m Birthday and If larg or mall for his age. FREE TO EYERTBODT onr Illustrated Priced Catalogue in which you wiU find Boys Suits from p8r., vp. Youths Long Pants Suits from fa.oo up and Mem Suit from a 5 "P- E. K05ENBUROER & CO., 204 E. 102d St, New W Remember Te SELINSGKOVE MARBLE-YARD M. L. MILLER, Prop'r I keep constantly on htiniland man ufacture to order all kinds of Marble and Granite MoiKls Mi Hies! Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. LOW PRICES ! LOW PRICES!! I have one of the best Marble Cut ters In the State and consequently turn out itood work. tSrCotue and see my work cfc prices. Thankful for pant favors I most re spectfully ask a oontinuance of same, M, L. MILLER A. B. IH Hit K MidclleburfiTillarket Correoted weekly by onr merchants. Butter ... 10 Ekrb 13 Pitted (sherries Unpitted " Bitickler'ies Raspberries Onions 26 Lard 0 Tallow n 4 Chickens per lb 0 Turkeys 8 Hide : 7 Shoulder 7 Ham 10 Old Wheat 85 Rye 35 Old Corn 20 Oats 15 to 21 Bran per 100 lbs 65 Middlings 70 Chop " 815 Flour, per bbl .. 4.75 Rlpans Tabules cure flatulence. Rlpans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripens Tabules cure liver troubles. Rlpans Tabules: at drufflsts. for Steam and Hot Water Also dealer in Hoilerf. ' Shaftinir Pulleyv, Iluogersit er Belting. REPAIR!! of EnirJnes. Boiler and JI Vainlliaa nan Tubs. Pine and Pine Fittio as reference eoiiwrnluu wf n Kill olrlll V.lnh )i- Cn Of Kin Pa. and'Lebanun il'Cg. C K panies of high Btanuing. In order to avoid accidt All Bailed should be tested uuderthefc! danger aud cull upon ibm"V test, I A. B. WOLpEiiq SelinsgroTC, : '-' JA8. O. CROUSE, ...rutr if li'i All business entrMteJ IM will receive prouiii "TVR. A. C. Sl'ASULEK' DENTIST. GasAdmlniBtered. , i;rown n ""VifJ Selinsgrove, Fa. VeteriNARV8, ! SiLINSOJlO AH professional Taf will receive prompt and""
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers