The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 04, 1897, Image 3

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,.. Ttxtt iTm and False CIt
..Golden Text: 1 Samuel
jvi, 7 UommenUry.
,7.) wsrc 0( one bMti aud Ot OaeSOUl." It
;rrl "u .u h,.ri,l surrender to Christ of
ilS'f". - ... tl.uir on hilt
ai. lull XUej l, " ------- - f
" :.. . ..!. to be ft atveeiul peoulo
I'1"". ' i ii.. .1 19 9(1- Tllus II..
.h.K-il lnAM of Pttar Ifcild John
, ji ; I II - - - -
Iiiaina tbe financial condition of the
,,,-h'is U't miasinunrjr nvcmii ....
"I,,, would say. "Whatever the Lord
1;oI,1,rn,t.Do l ylfom to, (or
I I im anl nave is
1! "U(1 Will Uru.
.i .., ,imn of tne resurrection of the
.i Jesus nn I great grace was upon them
'.. Ti,i?r.ii-e waslhnrracB of God, and
,; rtwr won the Spirit of God. "Sot hy
' rf ' .... hut hr Mv Snlrit. snitu
tit n1'! ' i" -r
,.I,ird or Hosts " (Z H. iv.,0).
. ..jjaitiH'rwaKiaeroiinvamoiisiunai
"' . I ni....:linl!nfi .mndlAitl'Arif
1 oh.L.I ni.A.1 " If In thn
,-jwantuut thosswhoare His and nerve
rt'-uld luck no Rood thing (Pi. Ixxxlv.,
ta!h.Tl..33; I'UiLiv., 19; Lukexti., in).
a-.iethou His service tliy floi:.-Jti
He'll make thy wants Uis care.
this e.ise the supply cam- ..-jin tho
m contributions of thoso -l.o, hnving
sold it and brought 1 .10 proceed?
tiio lipCBtlen. When tho tnoernncle was
tr.s Mipemuuuuum uuppij vmuu nwui
irillin; offerings of the people (Ex.
i srv. l.ut whether In these ways, or
riuu", or hy Increase of oil or moul, Uod
S7.'"And Josi-s, havin land, sold it
i.rniidit l'ie mouey and laid it at the
fivt." Here Is ono e.vatuiilo of tho
inr who dhl thun. His other name, Buru-
I(wn0 cnnomilou, ra lennmiy iruo
Htnwltcn ho stood by taiil at thn time
oilier illwlpioe were airam oi iiim.
SH..2C.27). .
hai'tir v., I, "t a conaiu man
s noiwslon aud kupt buck part of tho
.' -.. fll...
iucse weru pruici.uij lununni ul
it And perhaps realty so; out, iikh so
y 'o-iiiiy. they were not whole hcartod
rvire. They saw others selling proporly
gMag the proceeds to tho apostles for
F?uer.'l (jooa, nnu uey minwi iu uo
the others, not thinking that God faw
r licnrts aod iholr dishonesty. Thoy did
n.'t upon tho procept, "Whatsoever ye
I j It Heartily asio iue wru, nuu uoi
i iri'u. Nor illu tuey tninic oi tuo ryes
f I.tI U'IioLIIpk the evil aud the Rood
Hi.. 23; Prov. XV., 3).
i'.tit l'eter said, Aunnlns, why hath
ililiil tUino heart to llo to the Holy
tr Wlien anyone receives i;nrit, inn
hnirit is Klvcn 10 Instruct, guido aud
ril in nil thmics that life, and when
is coni l'to i-ubmlssion to the Spirit
will lie a life gre ally to tbe glory of
but v.lien the old llfo-tho flefh, tbe
l niiD'l which still rem ulna in tho l
1 1 mlovvod to hsvo Its evil way for it
ilr evil-then the Spirit is grieved (Eph.
I turn hast not lied unto men, but
G-J. Here is a proof of the oneness
r.ilh 'r and the Spirit j to lie to the
to lie to the other. The property was
lu's and the proceeds oi the proper, y
,U were his also, ami ue was at lln
ii Rive to Ood nil or pnrt or none with-
minuting sin, but to prorets to glvo
lyet give only a pnrt was a lie. Wo
lived freely through Christ without
iv or price. We are then to remember
oaro bougut with a price, the precious
ot ChriKt, und yield fully to Him for
Tvii-o (Horn, ill., 1), but it retiBt bo
itlrauil cheerfully done to be accepted.
"AtiJ Annniov, bearing tneso woros.
ivq nnd gave up tbe ghost." Iustnnt
for a lie. This scorns very severe, but
"'utly, In tbe tight ot God, a noccs
i'eiplme for Ihe believers. I ciuinot
. mm iDia man una bis wire were
1 out hypocrites and lost souls with
Dt:lr.diiig that all who to-day keep
irt ot the price are also lost soul.x, and
lie po what a lint of professors uro
1! nil tui'li rhnull be rut off as tho-e
re, there would not be undertakers
;li to see to tne burying.
lmi it was uDout the spneo ol llireo
iiwr wnen iiihwko, not knowing what
ae, emne lu." Kh did not know that
- widow: she did not know that hor
ad hwn found out; sho probably oanio
ifir ner nusuami. Bho eame know
or heart that she was actiuir a lie as
rrlco of the rrouertv. but not know-
d'l displeasure wliu such conduot.
coutrnst there is iu thjs "not know
tli) "not knowing" of Abrnhiim in
!id Tcter a;.flword unto htr. Tell
iter ye sold the land for so mueli?
U said, Yea, for so much." An-
'. too rtpirlt grloved, loss Incurrod.
v" I' the father of lies, and thus
tlie history of thechurnh he irot In
! his devilish work. Ho did some
mmo kind I mean Wine through
o and Surah, Isnno and Rebnkah,
u i.ucuei. aua ir do never accoin
my through you, my fiiond, you
' reason to praise God lor His
mni nai Kepi yoo.
l:on Teter said unto her, How is It
havo agreed together to tempt the
iuu uonii wnat consternation
IVeneiled her IU aim hir,l Ihiarnn.
' lier gollt, and In Peter's next words
w mat ber husbnnd was dead and
tow that sIih mii.1 hia imf Wh.i u
lustration of tbe words Jn Num.
- uesurt your sin will llud you
"Ywekeenln mlml ihni rinrl H.
P'hiniho Inward part, and let our
.-.i.iutf, --u iiiiru.tnoubisttearctied
Down mn" iVm II A.
then fell she down Binilsblwayat his
yieldeil up the ghost " Another m-
i uu s natrea of deceit and lying.
a nrncuce or ivini imva
jenr leht they finally find them-
tt'lv, XXl.. 8. TllilHH rtrn mnv hnpn
,fn to thin aln am ih.. h.J......
tu tho followers of Curist, and this
-u iuu urai ouiureulc klnce con-
1"I great fent Kama nnnn .11 11..
I - -uvu nil iiid
"id upon as many ns Lenrd these
Wa areto serve tbe Lord feat
2 wth trembling, and also to work
wo i salvation wiih fear and tremb-
r; tt), not fesr of being lost,
kr. ' r w-
r o.ivTiuK lua iiuiv Mnint.i.B.
Ki,t!!?..7j!!lllR n"-d Sw Vork
Lev. . w p 1!ulob to be M
WiM i. . . uon girt to his wife.
Ilk ih e , "'modest lavender
it .K clwiii ii
Uk ni Z. l.Lw c"n-eolored
b ro
an d
trs. it. .. . :r . uu"t 01 b
Hicctwlll, it is thought, be
irmmHri t.u
.au'T' .lncIullnK Chairman
ut th cnnnKl tbelr
o;ltblilty of keeping up
. ne.'?, ";,,UY ,,0",lea,
i It -m V4' ,0 hav eon-
Ft" In mud to agree In this.
in ithlnft, both skilled and
Imsartait Xtatarea Usier Csislderatitn
la Both Bens . ,
The senate had a busy nesstoa to-day.
Cuba, tbe propoeed International monetary
eonferenoa and tbe Nlcarairua canal, each in
lor share of attention. Mr. Xurpie of In
diana closed his speech on the Cuban reso
lutions, urging that Kpaia bad utterly failed
to quell tbe outbreak and that the I'alted
States should intervene.
Tbe Wolcott bill for an International
monetary conference was considered for the
first time.
The House to-day overrode another ol
fresideut Cleveland s pension vetoes to
day by a vote of 137 to 61 The bill pension
ed Jonathan Scott ot the Sixth Iowa cavalry,
who Is now living at Oewego, Kan., ut tbo
rate of 72 per month. Mr. Cleveland vetoed
it on he ground that tbe disability for which
the benellclnry was to be penoioiied was not
contracted iu the service. The rest ot tlx
day was devoted to ft continuation ot the do.
bate on the Indian appropriation bill. Only
a few amendments wuro adopted, and those
ot minor importance. About twcnty-Uvt
pages ol tne bill were covered.
A crisis In the debute on the Nicaragua
canal bill was reached in the senate to-day.
It brought out an euergetia statement train
Kouutor Hhormun, lu which he fonwhadowed
a new treaty by which the Uulted State
could build tbo cacal without the Intermed
iation of ft private concestdon. Tho senator
declurod that this goverutrtentnl execution ot
the project was tbe only feasible one, that all
private court m mat uirection bad proved
Tbe military academy appropriation bill.
carrying approximately 47'J,00O, was panned
by the senate after tho defeat of the amend
ment for participation ot tbo West cadets in
tbe inauguration parade.
Tbe bouse to-duy, after a donate of fonr
hours, adopted tbe conference report on the
immigration nil oy n vote of 131 to 111. The
principal criticism ot the measure agreed
ou bv the conferrees in debate to-duy wm
boned upon the extension of the educational
test to female bb well an main lmmlgrauta on
the ground that it might divide families anil
to tbe limitation of tho ability ot an immi
grant to read and write tho "English lan
guage or tho language ot their native coun
try or residence."
The open session ot the Henato wan com
paratively brief today, as more than bulf the
day was (.pent behind closed doors.
During the open session the bill for an In
ternational monetary conference was de
bated, Mr. Chandler speaking iu favor ot It,
iuu! Mr. Stewnrl, of Nevada, against.
The liouno was entertained today by sev
eral interesting ami at lime numerous and
acriuiouotis political speeches. They came
after tho Indian appropriation bill hud hceu
passed with amendments forbidding the re
moval or destruction ol antiquities on reser
vations, nml providing mat tlie children of
the ruurriuge between a white man and uu
Indinn woman shall hnvo thn same rights to
the property ot the tribe to which the mother
THiBTT-nrrn iuy,
The International bimetallic conferen ce bit
to-day passed tho senate by a lurge majority,
the vote being yeas tl, nays 4. Those voting
no were l'ettigrew. Vila, Allen and Koacb.
The bill provides that, whencyer.after March
4. 18'.)7, the 'president shall iletermine that
tbe L ultea mates should be represented, nt
nny International conference called by the
L ulled Mutes or nny other country, with a
view to securing by international agreement
a Ilxlty of relative value between gold anil
stiver as money by means of n common ratio
lieiween tuese menu. willi free
mintage at such ratio, he Is autho
rized to appoint live or more com
missioners to such International conference;
and for compensation of thn commissioners,
and for all reasonable expenses connected
therewith, to be approved by the secretary of
state, Including tho proportion to be paid' by
the I'nilod Htuteg ol the joint expens-os (If
any such conference, tlOO.000, or so much
thereof ns may be necessary, is appropriated.
The second section authorizes tho president,
in the name of tbo government of the United
Btutes, to call, in his dleoretion, such inter
national conference to assemble at such
points as may be agreed upon.
The bouse today witnessed another excit
ing ami somewhat sensational episode. At
the end of an acrimonious debate on the
conference report on tho bill to confer tho
rights and frunehl-es of the Atlantic A l'ac
iflo railroad on tho purchasers under the
forenlosurn Mr. Towers ot Vermont and Mr.
Barrett of Massachusetts exchanged bread
sides. TllIUTY-tl.Vlll 1IAV.
Tho House had tho agricultural ;i ' rr
fttiou bill under consideration aini n ;u.-r.l
by a vote o( 70 to 41 to strike out il.- ;ro
viston tor the free di.'tiihutloii of -.!- Mr
Cox, Democrat, Oeorglu.ofWe.l a 'mi t pnv
200,000 to the Confederal oHi -er-an I
diers for the lose of their lior-e. i;n. I u L-.i-'.-at
the Appomattox surrender. Mr. iuv .ird,
Republican, Missouri, ofti n d a l ol i" r "o
appointment ot u com ini.-.4ioii of. I . . :!
the Indebtedness of the raeille rmir . in ;
the government.
Georgla'n Woman Snitch Tender.
Sally Carroll, vho died two weeks ago at
Macon, On., was a railroad switch ten ler fi.r
many years. Duringthe war and until a few
years ugo she did the work alone and, it N
tald, never misplaced a switch, although 100
trains passed every day.
There are 100,000 wheelmen in New Jer
sey. Ia Prance llio first pnlent for a bicycle was
taken out In 1S18,
Convertible tnndem!) nrtf coming in for con
siderable attention just now.
Tirornukers are continually entangled in
litigation and maav suits are pending.
In the wavof frwik bicycles, next to bicycle
boats. Ice bicycles cut tho most ice with in
vantors. New Jorsey wheplmon made a hard fight
for tholr bicycle baggage bill before tho i'tiuto
Btudontsof rn?lng Imvo lately liecn pre
dicting that Dutnn's hour rocord ot thirty
one miles 682 yards will never lie noatcu.
Ablcyclo-maklng film InEnnIandis now
Riving to every buyer Insurance policies
against dentb.disubloment or loan of maclilun
cither by Ittoft or firs.
Some time agosomoonnguggeslml the i lea
of making celluloid gear ca-es, A mnnu'ac
tsrer turned somo out in England, and now
comes a report to tho effeot that tho friction
ot tbe chain sets them. fire.
The Inventors are making ft run on tho
Patent OITlce and many minds seem to niu to
sheathed tires, or tire armor made of wire or
steel scales. Whether thev wilt ever Uo
placed on the market is auotlior question.
Accident insurance companies refuna to
giont a policy to a "blcyelo girl." The rea
son Is not that she is supposed to rifle worse
than the "bicycle boy," but that ber claims
lor trivial sad small injuries ure too persls
en. Atlan(a(Gft.) bicyoln dealers are to furnish
tbe Tax Assessor with a list of those who
have purchased blcyolos so that thoy can be
taxed. Ownora of horsas complain Ihot they
are taxed, and bioycles, which are really
luxuries, are uot A tax of 3 on all bicycles
Will be imposed.
It Is a bad plan when storing a wheel in a
basement or cellar to allow it to rest on the
tires. The best plan is to bang tho blcyolo
tip on books driven Into tbe ceiling, ana
care should be taken that mice have no way
of Retting at the tires, as these mischievous
faiinwM i. -- ku. iiin n mln ft onlr OI
I new tiree In less time than it takes to tell it.
One Maa Kills! tad AasUssr Iajarel ky a
Fly Wheel. '
Ralph lieed was instantly killed and Will
lam Lelnbavh hurt in the wire, nail mill o
the Consolidated Steel and Wire Company at
Allentown, by the fly wheel of an engine
bursting. Reed's head was cut In two by a
flying piece and bait ot it was hurltst through
transom over a door. He wus 30 years old
and unmarried.
Ktrcer County Uiihapi
Three bad accidents happened in thin sec
tion. Jobu Ferguson, ft (armor near l lui kn
ville, was struck on tne bead by the falling
limb ol a tree and hit skull eriuhed. llo
cannot recover. Walter Lambert, o! near
Bethel, was drawn several hundred yards
over a frozen roud by runa way bora's and
fatally injured. Joliu LeMie, of Delaware
township, bud his leg fractured by piece of
timber lulling ou it
While a party of young folks from ltenvor
Talis were enjoying a ride in a big sled they
were upset over uo embankment, hnruti
I. lndley. one ot the party, struck her head
agaliiKt a atone and hecutnti unconscious, in
the excitement, the party drove oft without
noticing the young woman's absence, and
when she bivamo conscious she was alone.
8hu struggbil through thn deep enow until
she was exhausted and was just fui ing
asleep when tho parly returned, having dis
covered her ubseuce.
Two thousand pounds of dynanillo explod
ed at the Cryvtul lildge Colliery, near
ton. Three supply houses were demounted,
the side ot the braker torn ou. and the en
gine house destroyed. Watchman lllckert
and Knglneer Veager were burled in the
debris, tho former Mug fatally Injured. The
explosion was plainly felt in this city, many
windows being broken by the shock. The
explosion is tald to have lccn the work of
At n joint meeting of tho Central Trunk
aud Jamestown .V. Frnnkliu railways at
Htonelioro these oflleers were elected; l'resl
dent, George H. Melntyre, Ktonoboro; secre
tnrv, 11. 1'. Cnnn, Kloueboro; directors, .1. It.
Heed, l'lttslllirg; it. l., lnuer; 1'. I'.
Wright, Cluveland: H. It. Mason, Mercer: W.
II. Melntyre and 11. P. Cnnn.
The lllair County Republican comcilttiM)
selected Saturday, June 12, ns the date for
primaries. Chairman luv!s was iiiHtructod
to consult with tho county chairman of
Cumbria, lied ford, and Somerset coil mil's,
with a view of abolishing thn conferee sys
tem in the nomination of candidates fur cou
gress and the state senate.
The new Second United Presbyterian
church ut Indiana wan dedicated Mimluy,
The sermon was preached by Itev. It. K. Mc
Clure, of lllnirsvllln, he taking the place of
Dr. Joseph Kyle, of Allegheny, who wan un
able to bo preseut.
Piute Treasurer Haywood, ia bin mmim!
mport, said that the statu would soon bc
enme bankrupt unless either the appropria
tions ceased increasing or tho revenues were
added to materially.
A car load of coal sent to Washington by
Cook A McGovern, for distribution mining
the poor, was stolen before tho donors ar
rived to glvo il awuy.
The school authorities of Altoona are en
gaged in a dispute over the proposal to
utjoiisn tne study oi drawing umi vocal
' music in the schools,
Michael McPernott, an attendant, ami
Joseph ll.ill, H patient, wi re crushed lo death
by a coal car ou tli.i ground ot tho Iilsuuc
hospital at Norrlstown.
Morrison ltrothers. bankers, Mt. l'leasant,
have made an assignment, but it Is ex.
pectud they will be able to meet all llublli.
Andrew Habel, who killed Mltchael Strenki
at Hcott Haveu.was sentenced at Greeimhurg
to ten years ami three moiilhs in the peniten
tiary. Tlurnell Fox, a negro, linn been arrested,
charged with robbing the ticket oltlce at New
Costlo, about a week tuo.
Judge Doty, of Grecnsburg, ban handed
down an opinion recommending the build
ing ot anew court bouse.
Michael Lee, charged with the murder of
Maggie Hcardou, at Sharon, was uciuitted
by a jury at Sharon.
William K. lilaeklmrst. aged 2:1 year, wu
run over by n train al Washington, and died
shortly afterward.
Edle's mineral spring bathhouse ami .lonen'n
pattern Hhop at New Castle, were destroyed
by fire. Loss, 23,(10(1.
Tho Consolidated steel company, at I'.eaver
Falls, has let the contract for an 7i II ad
dition to the nail mill.
William Aughcnbnugh, while coupling cnrn
ntCipieiisburg, had his bead so badly crush
ed that ho cannot live.
Robbers with a wagon got away with I'JOO
Worth of goods from C. M. Jarrett n store ut
t'nu of Liquor ririen.
In I'enobscot County, Maine, ihe fines Im
posed on dealers who violate Ihe ll.juor 1 :i w
pay all tho couuly expenicx. The lines un
collected with us much regularity o.n if they
were license.
.wT Oleanlngi.
There are 30,000 non-Cieraiaii resldculs ia
The gold rcs-ai-vo is now over 1 14 1,000,000,
and still growing.
Itoost Great Dritaiu nenrly (110,000,000
lant year to maintain ber navy.
Sanitary conditions in Havana, Culin, as
cording to all reports, aro horrible.
The Elootrlo Springs It'iilway, of Warrens,
burg, Mo., bos been sold for scrap iron.
A Pullman car portor wiw lynched for us.
SAult tho other day n-ar Columbus, Miss,
A stroug movement is now being made in
Texas to establish a Ht:ito lu lu.-ir.til school
or girls.
Direct teloiihonlo commuiiication is being
wtnbllsbcd bolweeu licrliu uud Umlajicst,
The London theatrn managers aro mild to
be pluming war on the, high hat nuiuiueo in
Tho Ohio sauerkraut makers hnv pe(.
tinned for a tariff to protect them from
foreign competition.
Pierrots to remuin the capital ot South
Dakota, the benate having rcjucted tho bill
for a removal to Huron.
The drlnkmg water In Chicago is si im
pure that the city authoritiea have forbidden
its use ia the public sohools.
The Itullnn Government his pnroiia- 1 the
Borghese gallery, paying ihe Pi-in vi n-oji,-30J
for the plcluren and (40:1,000 fur tbo
Tho proposed now charter for Xew H.iveu,
Conn., provides for a elvil-servicD board ami
Irysteinot compulitive examination-
A European llrm lately ordered nt Pad.:
cab, Ky., 900,000 feet of I urn her In 'Jo, (.00
pieces, half poplar and half oak. The lum
ber business ban boon good.
For the first time iu years Ihn Mississippi
River at St. Louis la u solid block or ico be
tween tho Missouri and Illinois (diores, aud
ferry boats have hard work to keep a chan
nel open.
New Oilcans women have succeed. d In
raising enough money to put In good ron
Uitlon the ground about tbe Jackson monu
ment on 'he batll fluid of Chaluieite. They
have Issued n public nxi sal for a kumclen.
amount to complete the sbntt of brlcl; nnd
marble, ami rrntoru the broki-u batu of inn
In the Senate a measure was introduced
by senator Kennedy ol Allegheny by request
It prohibits the publication In nem papers of
the name of persons accused of conimitlng
a "crime, stale or municipal." A flue of
from S.100 io 1,000 is provided, one-hulf to
go to tbe informer or injured person. Sena
tor Kennedy declares he knows nothing ot
nor ia he Interested iu the bill.
The following bills were presented before
adjournment: By Senator Kennedy, a sup
plement to the act of 1;5, providing for the
incorporation of institutions of learulug.
This net is one of thine proposal by the col
lege uud university council of state, rcgulut
lug tho irruuting of decrees, providing bow
and by whom they shall Im granted uud a
penalty for the violation of the law.
l!y Seua'or l.oseh, an a t authorizing the
uppoluimeiit of a board ol trustee or tbo
b'iicr management of almshoii-.K in coun
ties containing n population of lJO.OOO uud
over and abolishing the oltlce o( dlr.s.tor ol
the poor in ntd counties.
By Senator White, an act making an ap
proprialinn to assist in the furnishing and
niainteiiuiieo of the li. aver Valley (leuerul
hospi:,;l of Heaver county.
By Senator l.oseh, au'uet regulating the
expenses of county commissiomn in couu
tie eontuiiiiiig a population of l.'n,UK or
over. . c
B Senator Losch, an act authorizing the
appointment u warden uud matron of
county prisons K counties of 1M,000 or over.
By Senator W.Vs. Scott, l.uzcrue, an a-t
pstithlishing a dental council and a statu
board of dental exumlners. delliilng tbe
powers and duties of said board uud to pro
vide for Ihe exumiiintioo uud lieenslng ol
prnetltitliRers of dentistry. This board is
eis'itted on a plau stinilur to that of the med
ical examiiiiug boards. The secretary and
treasurer ia to be salaried at (500 per annum
mni nn appropriation of fl.MHJ per year is
By Senator Mieliell, an net to regulate t''e
employment and provide for the health and
safety of men, women and children employ
ed in muuufttetriugestubllshmeiiu.liiuiiilrle's,
renovating works or printing olllces; provid
ing for the appointment ut inspectors, ofllee
clerks and others to enforce the same, also
an act to regulate Ihe employment and pro
vide for the health and safety of persons em
ployed w here clothing, cigarettes, cigars aud
c-irtnin other articles ure made.
Although the house was lu session but 13
minutes, about 150 bills wen' presented, many
ot them from Allegheny county iio niU'rs.
Jan. The legislative committees were
auiiouticed this morning in both senate nnd All thn old senator were treated
alike by President Pro Tern .McCurrell. l:ueh
were given a chairmanship. The same po I
ey was pursued by Speuker Bayer in th
Composition ol the house committees.
Senator Critcblleld, ot Somerset, Is chair
man of the committee on agriculture; Mitch
ell, of .letTersoir, appropriations; Becker, of
Philadelphia, hunks and building loan us
soelu ions: Millison, of t umberland, canals
ami railroad navigation ;Snylor,of Montgom
ery, centennial affairs; Sproul, of Delaware,
compare bills; Vaughn, of l.aeknwauuu,
eouirrcnstoniil apportionment; Thomas, ot
Philadelphia, corporations; McQuown, ol
Cleurlleld, education; Fliutl, of Allegheny,
elections; llert.eler, of Juniata, federal
relations; Grady, ot Philadelphia, finance,
Kaufman, of Lancaster, game nnd fisheries;
Short, of Wurrcti.iiistiruncojCoylo of Schuyl
kill, judicial apportionment; Wulliui, "ol
Greene, judiciary general: ilolun, of I.ebnu
on, judiciary special; Brown, of New Cnstln,
legislative apportionment; Meyer, of Bucks,
lltirury; ( roii.e, of Philadelphia, military af
fair; Mitchell, of llriidlord, mines nnd
minim.-: Oshourii, of Philadelphia, muulelphl
affairs. Brown, of Westmoreland, uew coun
ties aud c.uintv seals; Kbv, of Lancaster. pen
sion and gratiulb'n; Ib'llcr.of Northampton
public buildings; Kunuedv, of Allegheny
public heullh aud sanitation; Hurdenhnrgh,
of ayne,publiu printing; Suyder.of Chester,
railroads and street passenger railways
Meredith, el AriiiHtrong. forestrv: Andrews.
of Crawford, public supply of Unlit. heal and
water; V lute or Heaver, puiuie ronus ami
highways; .Merrick, of J loga, law and order,
After cominltti'o uniiouie emei.ts a number
of bills were pro-ienteil, nnd the Senate ad
joiirued until 1(1 o'clock to-morrow moriilmr.
Just lielore the Senulo ailjoiirued I lilted
(stales Senator-elect It,. n s l'etiroso leslgned
inn sent in tne Mate henate.
The House was called to order at 11 o'clock
I lie principal ousliiess w us the auuouiiciiig
of the committees. Alter Ihe tending of the
committees, on the roll of counties, Mr,
Muohlhroiiner presented u bill regulating the
occupation ot iiar' eiri and providing lor the
sanitary regulation uud inspection of their
intsiliess. nils is tile hill that wipes out the
uurner colleges, ihe same geiiileiunij pre
sented a bill tor the appropriation of r',ll
000 or the muinti'iiiinee .. Allegheny Gen
eral Hospital.
Mr. Meiililbi. inner also presented a bill,
fixing lint future of elis-tlon onT'ors at
Irrespective of tho tio.e that they served.
Representative McWIiluiiey presented
bill muklug tn colletors in horougiis lii'
eligible for re-election.
Representative Simon presented a bill
amending the city u-ec.-sors' Mil. It provides
that not less than Din r more tn.ui live
city assessors Clin be selected.
Mr. Plteuirn pre.ente.l u hill making it a
misdemeanor to wear huts cr bonnet:, in
Jan. ihe senits was in sexton hut n
short time to-day. Some of the committees
which hud met uud organised last night were
prepared to report bills. President McCur
rell announced the appointment of Geu. Go
bin and Senator .Mitchells, of Jefferson, an
memliers of Ihn soldiers' orphans commission
and Gen. Gohlu as trustee of the Soldiers'
home, at Erin
Mr. Yuughan's bill authorizing quarter
session courts to declare vacant the seats of
councils which fall to organize within 10 days
wus reported favorniily.
Mr. Goblu's resolution to provide for
sending tne "Legislative Uncord through
the malls, the pohtolllce depurtment hay
ing classed ll an thlrd-clnss mutter, was
Mr. Coy!", of Schuylkill, Introduced a bill
providing for tne appointment by thn court
of an oil Inspector in all counties, ho is to be
pnld ny fees.
An Important bill reported favorably was
Nr. Drown I amendment to ttin act of 1H74,
abolishing tho restriction that the tax levied
to pay municipal Indebtedness shall be eiiiul
to 8 per cent, of tho auiQUUt of emUl focreub
od debt, and providing for the method of as
sessing uud levying tax for the payment of
principal and interest when bonds become
Thn sonata ndlourned to meet Monday
night w hen It will have a calendar of bills on
tbe first reading.
Tho II mt wordy battle ot tho session took
place in the house this morning over the re
vival of the resolution offered by Senator J.
G. Mitchell, of Jefferson, providing for an
Investigation of tbe slato treasurer. This
resolution was, It will be remembered, defeat
ed some days since, owing to a general mis
understanding ot Its Import.
A number ol important bills wnro offered
In the house nnd the first committee reports
were made, Among the bills reported were
Representative TMirook'l.bill repealing the
Greater Pittsburg act.
)ulrk Conversion of a .lap.
Ho:rotary Aklyamn, ot tbo Japanese Lega
tion in St. Petersburg, Russia, picked up n
Bible in tho Hturtevant House, Now York
Citr, rend it with Interest, buenme convinced
of Its truth, consultod a clergyman, Adopted
tbe Christian faith, wus baptized, aud then
left for Yokohama.
Hilled by an Icicle.
At Pougukeepsie, S. Y., William n. Hovor,
ft coachman, while standing under the eaves
of a building, was struck on tho head by n
falling loicle. He died that night n Vasjar
As an illustration ot the harm done by
Babhath dis.s ration, Mr. Moody told a story
of the downfall of a youug mari, un Incident
that had come under his own observation.
Gne ot his friends, he said, had oonllden
tioj clerk, who had been trained in his New
England home to regard Sunday as a day ot
rest aud worship. '1 ho employer said one
Saturday that he wished the young mau
to come dow n tho next day and help him
straighten out his liooks. The clerk colored
a little, and said that he would lie glad to
work until midnight. Saturday, and to be
down shortly alter midnight on Sunday, but
that he did not wish to work on' Sun
day. The employer ovorperMiaihsl him,
however, and In throe years the clerk was a
defaulter for il2u,niKI. ' The employer went
across the sea uud liri.ii'.'ht him home, and
sent him to the penitentiary for eight years.
In mv opinion." said Sir. Moody." "tho
thief was the heller mail of the two."' II
urged upon the people to make Sunday n
holy day mi l n it a lmliilav. and sal. I that
unless the workiiu'iin-u stood up for a dav
of rest it Would not Is' long helore It would
be uot a day ..t recreation, but a day of
labor for tic workingman.
A rii.wi ii.
Lord of h' .iven and earth, vy bles.n theo
that heaven and eartli are always named to
gether iu tliy Hook. In llm beginning liod
created the heaven. and tho earth ; mid
Jesus said, lather. Lord of heaven nnd
earth. Teach ti that we heloug to one an
other, and we Isdongto God ; give us the
joy of fellowship : deliver us from the idea
of self-VOIUiele!ePS ; give 1S to IiH'l Unit all
thou hast made Is one. ilius shall our lives
be godly; thus shall we live tho Christ
life. He Kiveth others, hiiiim-lf ho did
nt save, lie Ihetli or men and women
and little children, and he made nil the
poor IiIh friends, aud sent the rich empty
awuy us they .ame. We hies thee f ir this
Sou ot Maui i io. the Son, the l.tenuil Won
der, the I ii-ieakaldo ,lo. lie proiuie to
give us rest if wo would come to him and ho
promised to give us strength wherewith to
come. So all things are of giuce. We lde
thee, therefore, that though wo can do noth
ing, wo can do all things through Christ
which streiigtheneth u. May wo ulways
await the Incoming strength, and thereby
glorify thee, through Christ, our Lord',
SI I I r.IIJN.I asp souiiovr,
In suffering and sorrow God touches the
minor chord'-, develops th" passive virtues,
and opens to view the treasures of darkness
tho constellation of promise the rainbow of
hope, the silver light of tlm covenant. What
Is character without sympathy, siihnil--i m,
patience, tru-t and hope" that grips
the unseen as an aic'h ir But the-e
graces ure only possible through sorrow.
Sorrow Is a garden, the tree which
aro laden with the peaceable frull- of
righteousness; do tna leave It without
bringing them with you. Sorrow is mine,
Ihe walls of which' glisten with precious
stones; be sun an. I do let retrace your
steps into dav light without some specimen-..
Sorrow Is a s "lie id. ou nro sent t' i sit on
its hard bench.-- and b arn from il black
lettered page- e,,ns which will make you
who forever , il I triilenvvay your chance
of graduating there. .Mis Novercal used to
talk of "turned h sons." l;( v. P. II. Meyer.
Mil. MooH ON'W M.klMI w int OOll.
Tn explaining tlm Christian life. Mr.
Moody said that it w a i important that God's
w ill should bo known. 1 or this purpose the
Bible was given, and If a person studied the
Bible diligently lc would know the will of
mil. The nei-oii that there is trouble and
sorrow among christian- is due chiefly to
their iguoruui f the Bible. If a mini Is
going to , California. ho said, he
will study the railway gui le 1 1 find
out what tram to take, tho cities
through which ho will pass, etc Christians
..I I.I I .. ! .. ..SI. . . 1. ..
sii'.iihi c us . 111 iie i, jiiuriiey i'i mo
belier land. I ntil a man was a hollevei in
Christ he could not walk with God. The
child must be bom tie fore he "an walk. The
Christian must wink Willi God, not contrary
to His will. .Mr. M 'o'lv -in. I that ho was
often a-ked to writ" In birthday I ks and
uul igrapli albums, and ho usually wrote
I'-alm Ixxuv, 11 : "No g 1 thing will llo
withhold I lorn tic in thai walk uprightly.
lino's danger of misreading the signal
along his per-oniil life-course is no ie-s in
the in. -i . I world than in the plu-jcil. Man's
conscience, like a ship s compa-s. should bo
corrected according to a divine tainlard. It
luil-l I e s. t right by e. "uparl-on with the.
true Ian l. rd o! the Sun of Blghteoiisiiess,
rated tieiiienilv by th'i Bible r nl.tiiel
guar I d watchfully, lest by careful ii-iuge
Us aecina' y be lost and tho soul In miil
occau be w thout a guide, l uless you know
how much voiir cmi.-icu dirnui:iiep i
sl'iW'or ipilcken in Ihe various latitudes
where you sail, you will never bo abVto
learn your bearings ac 'uriitely or to lu your
iiouise correctly.- Henry clay Tniuiieill.
'I lo re is an ol I fable tluil a doc that ha t
bill oi ye ii-c.l lo gi;i ,.e near tin- se.i : and
In older In he safe, she kept In r blind eve
toward Ihn water, from which side she e
pect 'd uo danger, Willie with the go. mI eve
she watched tho country. Some men. per
ceiving this, look a houl and came u,.ii o. r
from the sea and shot her. Willi her
dying breath, she sail: Gh! hard fate !
that I should receive my death-wound
from that side w hence on, cote, I harm,
and be safe in tile part where I looked for
nio-t danger.
let danger nnd need drive yon closer to
God. Ho never slumls'rs or sleeps, and In
Ills keeping yull will tie sate. Soo.o iioel ol
Him III prayer. "Watch and pray."--H. L.
Interpose n i barrier t i God's mighty bf
giving power, working In you all the good
plea-lire of hi.n will. Yield yourself up utierly
to hi- sweet control, i'.il yoiirgrow ing Into
his hands as Completely (is you havu put all
other affairs. SulTer him to impinge it as ho
w ill. I in not concern yourself aiioiit it nor
even Hunk of It. 'I'm .t linn absolutely aud II. W.8.
The truth, tho task, tin) joy, th" suffering,
on w hoso border you are st .lading, ( my
friend, tod a v, go into it without a (car ; only
go into it with God - the (iod who Iuu been
always with you. Let the past glvo up to
you all the ossiiruiiuu of Ilim before you.
i'ollow that, and the uew life to which It
leads von shall opeu Its best richness to you
Phillips Brooks. ,
We must not spend all our lives In clean
ing our windows, but in sunning ourselves
In God's blessed light. That light will soon
show us what still needs to b'l cleansed, uud
w ill enable un to eioa ise II wit !i unerring
accuracy. Rev. i II. Mever.
We have p is.n d over the thro.leil I ,if an
other year. After the week of prayer tuny
It lieu year of work. Mac Ihe vear not. be
Just tint same old round of duly an I ear-.
ai ay wo no more truo to tuou. i;. I,. l nul
ell. Many favors which God giveth us ravel
out lor want of hemming, through our owu
unlhaiikluliiess; for, though nravuriiurchas-
eth blessings, giving praise doth keep the
quiet possession of tlinin, Thomas Fuller,
Ttoffln each dav hv turn-imp lw.r.,A n-,.1
ami letting him touch you. Take tlmo to
meet uou.
When hrftimr h.lnrrs nn .i.isft f
weary nenn try praise.
i S tM
For sale by tho Atlantic Ro-
fining Co.
I t Jfe afnafaaMBka m m aaa
""" ,w.-n permanent lr
lired ill 151.1 iilnra Vn.nnh.i..
liouii' 'f . irnuuie nnee nmier nune gnuruuT
IV. If Von nr.. r.. I . 1 .
-;, --.'' """ ii.hiuiiiiicibi m.and
Bnrhanre.ilwMfiii tornrn If .,..i,n. "
eiir.v, iiolasb. am ,ul haTe ai ho. and
ruins. M uciiusl'ntt-iienlnmoulh.SoraTliraiat.
out. It la this Secondary Itl.ooit i)is"S
" ,K l" wruro, w n solicit (ho must olmtl
trnle cusps and t'li.illengo the world for a
bullied tl.esklll f tho ni. trnu?,e,if ,!
Clans. .K10.00O r.o.lii.1 is. ........ "'."V.
Uennl imnrantr. A linol ut e ttw,ln Mnt iwiuisl on
SPPhcnls-ll. AUrtresn COOK IlKMI-'UV ftiZ
SOI UusMiulo l.iu.plo, tUICAUO.
Its wsnringquallt les are nnKiirpansed, actually
outlast mg two limes of nny ot her I mil. Not
affected hrheat. I r(.KT TM K 1KNINK.
There are V'-rul waysof numbering our
lays. One wav i- merely t nuil them oil
us we tear off the dally leaves of our calen
dar. Much evening a man has. one day loss
lo live. B it that is not true numbering.
Another way Is merely to count th'-davs
Into the aggregate of life. A limn is one day
older but that Is all. lo is no better. He
ha left no worthy record on the day's
pa,'e. Thn truo numbering Is that which
hlls tho days ns tney ass with r rds ot
good and boiml fill living, and with Hues of
growth In cliara -ler. .Iii-tnow wenre look
ing back over the m..ry of a closing year.
What liavovv given the days to keep for us'.'
What b'ss uis of w isdom have wo learned
from 1 1 n-ll-. ns one by one they have passed t
There is little g I in Worrying ovei the
failures ol the year, but we ought to learn
from our pa-t. lie is th-' v. ise mau, not who
makes no mistakes, but who does n,,t repeat,
his n.istaic's. I. It. M I'.er, 1. 1'.
We ought never to .e willing to live any
year just as we lived Hie last one. No one
in striving after th" Best tilings w ho is not
intent mi mi upward and a forward move
ment eoiitliiualiv. The circular movement.
Is essential, too Mm going around and
nr. n i ii . I In tin- oi l grooves routine work,
daily tasks ; yet even In this treadmill round
there Sl'e'ilii In .Mll-tlllll pro-'ress 'o
ought to do tho . im thing i better each day.
'I lieu lii th" miil-t i.f tlm outward routine
our Inner lit i.,iit to b" growing in ear-
iic-ine s, iii force, iii strength, iu d-'plh. -J.
II. Miller, l. !.
Can we llud nnv room f..r regrei iu llio
year which h.o. away Ir.uii ns into tlio
vast iiccuui ilaiion ol the past if i! Iiils I n
tilled with new an I l ili T experience .' Who
can hiiv lliiii the niini-i rv ol suffering wan
not Infinitely greater than tho ministry of
joy 'i 'I lie 'bii-;lil as well lis lb" blossom
works God's will nn I nil that is his plan Is
be-i for us, veil if w mid not realize II al
the lime. 1,-i.iUng backward over tlm year
w iininitit I i In n u ith us sins, its lailures.
Us joys. Us sorrows. to be talo n Into his ten
der ki epiiig. garnered into the harvest. A the
years that are pa l. M. I'.. I'.
The Venezuelan Itotindry commission ia to
consist of Cliluf Justice Fuller mid Associate
Justice Brewer of the Supr-ine court, Lord
Chief Justice Russell nnd Sir franklin Look
wood nf Greul Britain and King Os. ur of
fsenat or-elcct Mason, of Illinois', wn-i horn
In the Slate oT New York.
Heiilptor Rraerinv or Chicago has finished
n marblo bust ot .Mrs. William McRinley.
Twiily. live venrn u','o Senator I'rltclmnl.
of North Carolina, w'un a prlutui's devil in
the office of the .loneslioro (Tenn.) Tribune.
l'resl, lent Kaurii intends lo visit Algeria.
No previous Kieimli President ban done g.,.
nnd tho last royal visit was that of Napoleon
Maine's "grind old man" Is evstenator
James War.i Craduiiry, of Aii'TuM.i. who Is
liinety-llve years old. w deli makes lll'n eight
years Ihe senior of Mr. Gladstone.
Jannti's. K uiierir line th" vn i-writing
liahil Worse than Bmporor William of Ger
many, for lie pen no I UK) couplets dur
ing 1 MiltJ. llo has composed over ,W
coiinlets in all.
Kiln Wheder Wllcov. (lie famous "portress
of passion," bus Junt o dehralo I h-r f.jrty
thlrd blrllnlay. She niarried a Milver-plato
drummer s unn years ug.i, and hnr uuiii. Iiafl
since beconm muoti more nudaLe.
Oarrnt A. Ifoliart h is lemul for fonr venra
the ruitntini reHblenee In Washln'Ttou of A.
Ij. li'U'lier, the nsoliall king. This mansion
tna large ono of granite, and Is surroundes
hy an extensive park and shade iro .
Ex-Snerotary John W. Fo'tnr lias slnrte.1
n Suuday-scihonl cl.'ir.n in the New York Ave
nue 'resbyloriaii Church, Washington,
which is attended by between sixty and
seventy people, iuclildingsuvcriil public men.
Charles A. Pana, e lilor of tho No Tort
Pun. said In n lecture at Ann Arbor, Mich,
(lie other dav that hn had ruined his oven
when young bv raiding "Oliver Twist" 'bv
enndlo light when tlio novel was llrst pub
Juslicn Harlan, of t'm Unltel State Su-
nreme f'nnrt. is a teacher ni thn'.
school of Ihe New York A vonnn Presbyterian
Church, Washington. Ho has a clni of
thirty or forty young men, to whom he o
pounds the Script urns ovory Sunday,
IL J. Hnlnr, the rittntmra manilfnnrnrer.
has one ot the lantrwt nrlvats munonmsln th
Unltod Htatsn. In his collection, which ac
euplca one floor of bis house, are an Egyp
tian mummvand a east of thn prehlstorlo
skeleton found In a rave in Monione, Franoe.
It Is estimated that it will tnk three months
to catalogue the collection.