L WORSE THAN INDIA. Scourges Ttat Ravage Cuba a Grtatsr Ka ace to the United State. A dispatch frcro Havana nays: There are aro now 2,063 cast ot smallpox in Havana. At Guannjay. lu l'ionr del Ilio, which bus only IO.CKjO Inhabitants, there are iCl coses. Yi'l ow fevt r aud malaria ar also rnvnincr tho country, ami it may I safely nttlrrtK-u that the sanltuty condition of t uba l a far grcaier iti ii lt r to tho l'uit-il States than the tsui'U found bulii.ie pontile of ludin. Cuba Is close t i cur co st iiml there In dully coni menicitiuu lr twct-u thu if laud und the main Intnl. At tho end of March the depriving warm Wi alii r begins In r", ami tlirn ihscu-e of a ountiu'ii 'is nature prcad twirl us fast o luriru th-winter. Cub. 1.1 udw .1 Im'ii nl ti. "ii--o a:i t tuny bceou 0 a hourcu of danger to tho 14 !u. 'i' world. I Mt iil.'i.ox was lntrotl:i'"-l hv tlio 200,. K0 f 'I n r trcin Spam. The. Spanish emu im 1 -op'o not cleanly in their habits, nml til' ti'ijv. r, thin come ia Culm crowded ! liu. 1. .:: is 1:1 try oirty steamers of the t'oiup .i.i Trans Aiu.ntie, in which r. well bred A'n't.:ii would tjuvot if could pos sibly ft. Under :iU conditions these li;i"r land in Havana, wh"re there U no H' tt'T.i:'" h j 'Ih'Ti' is m Impuof tiny improvement in tills i-Tuiu tf things mi. (it Spanish domina tion. 'J till UiUl.iclp.il IllWS IIU ll"t llllllW til" city council to Hike any stops In ti n ttititti r without iiutliiiri.itliui from fi captain gen eral, who ittu-t llx his slguutine to any loan raised by naiiiiiiry worn, unit fiirlhernior . inn municipalities ar- ail in thu hands of Hpauhir :s, most of whom Iuivh not thit least notion ol iivjiouic rt-ijtilr'-tii' nlB. SfANISII GUNBOAT TAKEN. MASSACRED BT SAVAGES. Cubans Capturo and urn Om of the Enemy's Vessels. 1 110 S;uinl-L gunboat Cofnola bus been cuptiirvd ainl burned by insurgent", accord ing to Havana inlviu'i s. TI.h Cometu li.'us been patrol lug tho coast war Carili'tiaH, anil was (irimstodii.,! t i niK'hor at night off Slerrn Moreno. Tin' gutibi at Ih)- t in hhnr nml i'vi'tiilay t.lK'!' win u;turi il l.y iiiMtwrnH, hottsi' la twilvo 1 ounil Hoti likim cnn. 1 In1 Cutui'tu wim ru"k n-vi'ml tiim's unl tliu in-nri jit, pmtini; !T In hmtc, lioarilnl ti:n vi'-H-l. A ilii-pnrnti' li ri 1 1 1-1 r-ln 11 tl llulit ful luwi'J on tlm t.'oini ta'it ilri'k, tin1 liwurp'tits iiklnir tli"ir itMii ln ti' wiili ilrn lly i llwt rinnlly, aftrrtlii hpikni-h i-oiiiinnniliT ittiii hulf his crow lia l lii "ti killi il, tin) mrvivurs 1 tirri'rileri'il. 'i 'Im ias'iron:, nftor Ffinlinif 1I10 priM'tirrs aliorn titi i n tiioviiii nil tint arms unit iinitiivtnitlnii, tlrnil tin: Cuttirtii, Which wns winn (litroy'il. When tint news of thu iilTuir ri arln il ll.ivm.a il wusKiipprchs 'il I y Spanish utiilmiiUo.'i, who n'tit i ruisiTH ti.i bicrtii Mnri'iiu to invc.-.ilifiitn l) Dicers of 'ho cfiilsi-rs reported tl.at ll cy found no trace of the ( oin-tii, and now tlm Hpaniih authorities lmve eprcud tho t torj that die a.i kit 111 11 Mot ni. 8,000 FAMILIES STARVING. Horror of Famir.s Upon the Unemployed of Chicago. Chicago has 8,000 fatnllle'' actually rtnrvlntf to ilea' ii. It has 10,000 wltes, htts bamla and children IkIhc; for lin.ail, liudilled Into fl. iff In rooms, and freezing in ino 1111,'xuru mm visncu tun my imm ween. Tim Unreuu of As-sociateiJ Charities has de cided to Ull the plain facts to the people and let the pi opl'i take tho coin-equcnevs. An otner.fuctv inw'tintt of . Afllllnted Chnrltli'H was ealleii hy tlin t'ivlo 1'ediTatlon iu the I'ultner House, Trldny. 'i'iie nipulllnK dli Irem wus reporled. ami the hm d prea-nt r golvod to appeal to the flavor at nee for funds, and to call a mfiA.4 "nil iHIIik to devise means for savltift the unfortunate from abso lute death. riiilllp W. Ayres, Heeretnry of the llurenu of Asaocltvted Charities, Is authority for thu terrible Iikuhm. lu says his estimate of thu tarviiiR in Chlcnu-o Is not completed, as his fiystutn of organliatlou dors not cover till tho oltv. 'i'hn greatest want Is In the river district. There is treat siiri)rtn in t.'io Htock Vanl soot ion, dire want in Houth Chiciioiind neeil of immediate relief in 1 ulluinu and Wot Pullman. There lias hem almi.nt an entire chntiKo In tlin miinner of appeals, mid this year It la not tho lloutltiK populutiou neeklni; aid. It Is tho uiechanii H and tlio laborers who have been Idle ull of this yeur and prob ably nil of lat Tho letters tell fearful tali's of desperate strunKles to kix-p alive and to save the writer tlio humiliation of asking for assi-mum, They com't in by the thoniiuli, many other thousands beitiK too poor to cvitn spire inotiey fin a postnge stump. TEE PLAQUE SPREADING. retail of How Uu Brltiik ZzptdiUai Wai Vipat Oat la Atrlea. The London "Evening News" publisher dispatch from Laoa, capital of the British West Africa colouy of that name, giving de tails of the massacre-of thcBri Ish eipvditlon under Coasul-Cieni ral J. IU I'uil'ipa by the lnliuniiaots of Deulo Cily early durlnir the prvscnl nnintli. The party cooslalmt of Con-pul-i ieneral I'liillipa uud several olllcers, bo fcides 'JiO cntive carriers. The party wn un armed, and was proceeding to Ileum Cily In order to make a reu-sl (or a palaver or conf. renro with hint; Ubbnh lu n;atd to I ti er, aslnif the trading laeililiea with that part of Afrlcu, the kinit l aving previously cen seiited that the x edillou should M.-it his cnpiial. The ofllcers went unarmed In rrder to Impress the kiur with the peaceful char acter of their mission. Alter proceed. nir up the river th expedi tion lunded at i spot about 15 miles irom : ltculu t i t, und the carriers were sent ahead through ui dciise jungle, ihe officers follow . ill--. Five mlliis from Eenln City tho ofneers sud I ib niy cuiiiM upon a narrow defile, which wus Itiieii witn the ucud carriers, woo were fear fully mutilated. t Almost Immediately afterward the officers nti-1 their servants wero surrounded and at tacrd by hundred of bavsges armed with Kims. cutiasiD, spears and club, and In a lew minutes nil 01 tun members ol tue party excepting lloisragcn and Locke wero killed. Captain llol.srijjon and his companion, nfu r wainlerlni; in the bush for a week suc ceeded lu reuchiu.' New lietilu, wounded and exhausted, bringing the llrst uuthentic news of the ma.s.-acro, although seven Lrooineu of the carrier parly Mipc-.'cded in escaping, and were thu llrot to bcur 1I10 reports of ttto dis aster. The affair is looked upon a deserving of the reiidlng of a punitive expedition to Benin City, known iih the cl y of blood, on account of lis being the seat of the fetich priests of that part of Africa, nnd because, human sacrifices an' of frequent occurrence, the remains of uacrlllced slaves being seen blenching in the tun oil all sides. mm HED MPLHICKD NINE LIVES LOST. Tnt tfembtrs ot tho Crow Wtro Clinging to tho Bigginj. 8oo COLDEST DAY IN 25 YEARS. Many Dread Indian Siaraso Beaches a Bed Sea Island. Two eases of bubonic, plague which is raging iu Dombay, are reported from Kunin nin. Kamxrtiu is un Island of the west coast of Arnbla In the lied sen. It Is u liritlsh pos session Mild one of the landing stations near tho city of Mecca. A severe quarantine has been established by the liuslau authorities. Committers in aid of the Indian (iiuiiue have been Instltu d by tlm governors of ISt. l'otersbnrg. Mo-cow and Odessa. The rovi niment hn ordered the stoppage on February 'J of all pilgrim trnftlc from Hombny to Karachi on account of the plague. There are now 1,750,000 por-ons employed on tlin relief works ami about 170,000 ure receiv ing grututlous rdlef. Thu principal Increase In th" riutnl er of j insonn relieved Is in Jlen gal and in the northwest. Mirfro's 830,003 Fire, l ire (h's'.royej all I lit tno building of nn entire bloek lu the business portion of Mingo Junction, Ohio, about midnight Thiiisduy; I.o the City Hull on lhi opposite sldo of tlio rtr. vL The .i- will foot up i.'iO.OXIO. The lire originated froui a defective lluu In Kd McNeill's butcher shop, und destroyed the double two-siory fi .une lu which wns the butcher shop nnd Charles lianna's barber hop; the two-story finme owned and occu pied by John Kennlou ns a saluon and resl dence; two-story double frame occupied by Kobert MeKlroy; fratno block occupied by Henry lliekerj two-sp ry block occupied by W. E.'l'ellyj frame building occupied by Mrs. LticiAst Ii. K. l)ndosky's tailor shop, William SIuKee's butcher shop, I. on Carson's bnkory, f). H. Simpson's Jewelry sloryind the build ing occupied by J diu Steen. The City Hull was occupied by the Chess Club, Mayor' of fice nnd poolroom. The htcubenville liru department wus sent down. More Than 12 Below in Chicago. Fatnilci Freezing to Death. According to tho records ol tno weather bureau Huudny was tho coldest duj in Chicago In i!S year At no time since Ihe Chicn.o stiilinu l.ns ben istatill-lieil hag there been so low a manlnium temperature reeunleil. It was a steady cold. Tnero was a variation of but i degrees lu the 12 hours from (i o'clock in the uionilng until tho same hour In the evening. At o'clock p. m., the signal service reported 12 below. On the street it was several degrees below that. The coldest weather of tne winter thus far was e-.erl"iieed at H. l'nul, Miuii.,Huturdiiy night and (Sunday, the mercury b"ing away down iu the minus llgures, from 20 to 3 de grees hi'iow, therm otm tcrs vuryiug in differ ent parts of the city. Other stations reported ns follows: Helena, II below; lllsninrck nnd Wiiinipeg, iil below; Huron, 'M below, and liulutli, is below. Specials from llochcster, M nn., sny that Sunday was the coldest for many years, the thermometer at noon Indicating W below, and the severe col l was Intensified by a twcnty-llve-mile gale from thu northwest. Tiistniuek, K. ))., reports n severe blizzard prevailing all day, with tho in' reurv il bo low i-ero and a high wind. Il la the worst storm of the h iisoii for tlio stock men, nud the lo-ses will probably bo heavy, owing to the low teniperaliiro. Th" first trains for the ea t for throe days arrived. At Waterloo, la., (Sunday w as the coldest of the season. The mercury was 'iH below xero In the morning and 15 below at noon. Thu rallruuds suffered from tho snow, and trains were late several hours on all roudg. The schooner Nahum Chaplu, of Rocklnnd Me., went asuor near yuogue, L. I., Thurs day morniii?. All bands are reported lost (juogue is situated about S5 miles ea.st ot fire 1-i.ouiI, nnd It is the tlrst, point wnere m occau l luetics inn main lauil tieynua tno gn-iit South bay. v Iho scliooniT went ashore at 4.3Ta. m. Qtloge hfe e.HVing stations n port that six men were seen eimgiug to tlio foh nio-l ng giDg sn.i three i tin rs on the Jibboom. As Ihe vessel went to p.eees till haiTrts wero c.r ried Into the sea And presumably wre drowned. Owing to the heavy surf and ilie strong wind the erew were uuuhle to luuiieli ttie llfo boat to render assistance. The name of the schooner was learned Irom pieces of wreckage which were wusheJ upon he Leach. A dispatch from Fire Island says that the storm which struck the Lung Mand shore WednetUay afternoon was the severest of the winter. The schooner Nutlium Chaplu was llrst seen on the outer bar ahout 4 o'clock by a patrolmun from Quoguu life saving station. About H o'clock the vessel began to break up, parts of her coming ashore, and in less than four hours from the time she struck alio went to pieces, the nia.-ls fulling into the ben, car rying the crew who wero ellugiug to them iiloug. The life saving crew patrolled the bete h looking for dead bodi"aiid up to noon bad found two, which cnnie nshoro near where the vejse stranded. Thu bodies wero taken to the life saving station. The prm 'ipal owners of the schooner were I'eter Mclntyr" 4 Co., of Jlielon. dipt. .S. K. Arey, who Co:iiir.atided tho vessel, wa a part owner. Tho crew of th schooner, nine in number. Were shipped lu Huston laat No vember. Tne uani' s follow: K E. Arey, captain. Maiden. .Muss; A. E. Davis, llrst mate: Maiden. M:s.: I,. A. Maddoek, second mute, Cnn'.'.-Mge, Mass, ; l".trr.iia John N'elbT, Albert I...ve. It, O. Anderson, Victor Mraehon, Oscar Oseur, Antonio Aueyanlih. Tho residences of the nitter arc not known. Capt. Arey leaves a widow and three c hildren, residing lu Maiden. Mate liavis and Hecoiid Mu'.c Maddoek cavil leave a wile and one child. Tho cargo was valued ot til, 400, the schooner ai t; 15,000. liuth wero partially Insured. , FAMINE HARD TO FIND. A Correspondent in India Eayi Beport Hava Been Exaggerated. The special representative of the Associ ated Press, who is traveling through the famine districts in India, accompanying the government's party of inspection, scuds a dlsfuiloh from Kolhapur. lie says that the reports which have been sent toEugland und the United Klatis of the acute famine said to exist iu the Hontheru .Maharashtra States havo been exaggerated, g. far as his observation has extended, A scarcity of grain does, indeed, prevail lu the extreme eastern portion of tills region, but the people there were able to escape want by migrating, most of them to the fertile Kan con plain, and elsewhere where the short ness of the ruin supply is not felt, lllce also is plentiful, and means and measures for the relief of the hungry are pronounced ulequuto where I led. The Maharajah, In an Interview on the prospects of his pennl" escaping starvation, said that his Htnle expected a famine every five years, nud was therefore not taken una wares or unprovided fur when It cnine. Thu llritisli resident w.'H also In ervlewed nnd Conllruied the statements of tin) Mahara jah us to the situation, adding Unit the relief organisation wus mo-t efficient, in thu lloni bay presidency, and that thu ilifll'-iilties from fandne nnd of securing the distributing re lief were lighter than in former famines. The resident summed up his views us fol lows: "My observation ha been, In traveling over the whole western side, that the famine Is not severe there, though it may Increase toward June. Hut Ir. tho districts In which I have travel d I havo not heard of u death from slarva Ion. The weekly official reporls from tho Gov onor Oeueral, Lord F.lgln, of thu f'imiuo out look In India, says that from one to three inches of rain have fallen In the I'linjab, ex cept In thu Delhi district, and light showers elsewhere. There Is a slight full In thu price In tho northern I'unjab, while olse whero they are statlouary. A bottle was picked up on South beach, seven miles below S . Augustine, Fin., on the 21st, which contained a message stating that the bark l.iulrus had foundered lit sea on January 15. Tlie ni"ssage was written on several small sheets oi paper and was signed by Captain (ionziilea. It was a log of the vessel from the tune she left port until she fou micro I. According to the message the I.adrus left Huston, January U In command of Captain (ioiiz.do.s nnd luaiini J by u erew of 12 men. On January 12 the vessel sprang n leak, but the carpruti r miiiiiiged to partial y slop thu inlliix of water. On January 14, however, the wiitr-r began to pour into tlio hold lu great volume. The pumps were manned nnd the men worked day ami nlgiit. but ut noon on Jan uary 15 it was apparent that thu vessel was doomed. The captain nud the erow tiled took to tho boats, and hardly gut clear of tho Vessel when she went down. "We have little food nud water nnd must perish unless soon ticked up," It is believed by seamen tnattho bark went down during the iub). i.revuillng off the Florida coast l:iit week, i'hu fear tx also ex pressed that tho boat xitli JJa crew wero swamped In tii" same gale. ' GUAYAMO RELIEVED. A SILVER PALACE Loisci by Fire.--Janies E. I'nlsley'a three-story dwelling and contents, a two-story house occupied by Iloliert Htnrkey arid Its conb nls, Monsou's saloon, Dock's Inrber shop and contents and the Aieade general stoni nnd contents, at Iroiidale, O.. were burned to the ground Vediiesduy rik'bt. l'alsley's loss Is fli.OOO; insurance 1,000; the others had no insur ance nnd their Iossch aggregute r 15,01(0. A delectlio ilue caused thu fire, remind Owens" blacksmith shop nnd new dwelling nd lu contcn sat Fiilrlleld were burned to ths ground early Thursday morning. The loss bi 11,000; no Insurance. The origin of the Ore was laecnrtlary. To bo Erected by ths Great Weft at tho Trana-Hissiisippi Exposition. Edward IloHowuler, chief of tho bereau of publicity and promotion of tho trans-Mississippi exposition to lie held In Omaha from June to November, 1HS8, ncting for tho ex position directors, ha approved and ac cepted the pluiiH for a silver palace. This pnlH.ee Is to lie one of the imposing features of the exposition and the central figure in n portion of the grounds, to lie called Eldo rado. The building Is to be 400 feet square, surmounted with n mammoth ornamental tower and the entire structure will be cover ed with rolled silver. The silver to be used In Its external covering will be contributed by the miners of the great west. Over 8,000 eiiuare feet of external surface will be cover ed by the precious metal. Tho "silver palace" will bo used entirely for the display of the mineral products and progress of the west, '1 h; amount of pure silvur to be used in covering the wnlls and domo of the mammoth hii'ldlng has not been definitely estimated. It will largely depend upon the thinness of the sheets ot pure metal that can be use for this purpose. CONDENSED ITEM 3. Sir I':aao I'ltmnn, tho Inventor of tho sys tem of shorthand writing whicji beans his name, is d ad. Committees In aid of tho Indian famine hnvo been instituted by tho governor of Ht. Petersburg, Mos.'ow nud Odessa. The miners' strike at the Jackson county, Ohio, mines Is at an end, the miners return ing to work at the old rnto AT cunts, the same aa la now being paid lu the Hocking Valley. Spanish Troop Succor tho Benegod Garri son on tho Cauto. Ilrlgnilier General M iHnii, by a or!cs of eo'.ubined opetatlons, has defeated the in surgent nt Zarahanila, Province of Mnlunzos, nt Fiiiita (iuayamo, where be dislodged them from tho hills, and later definitely defeated them at Tiimbadero. Several of the Insur gents. Jumping into the river, wero drowned. Fifteen men, Il is believed, lost their lives In this way, ami '14 others wore siifTurat'd in the mud. The Insurgents iiluinduijod O'J sad dled horses. Tho troops lost two men killed and hud seven men wounded. A column of troops under Colonel Tovars ndvunced nb ng the left side of the Cuuto river, defeating nnd dispersing tho enemy frntn Cnyomon. On arriving at (iunyomo tho troops found the insurgent. occupying n pnrupitod position, the town having been entirely destroyed, a tugboat blown up with dynamite and the roof of the fort almost shot away by tho artillery (Ire of the Insur gents. 'J ho Spaniards opened lire w ith ar tillory upon the eiieiii v's position, which was on the right side of the river, mid ih garri son, ly prompt movement, sticcee led In oc cupying and destroying thu defenses of the enemy. The fort wus attacked en January lfl by Calixto (iarcin from tho right, nml by Ituh'i on tlio left. Tho first ntlai-k was repulsed, with great loss, nnd, seeing the Impossibility of ciiililtiug it by iisstiiilt, the insurgents be sieged the pluuo and tried to cut on the water supply of the garrison. When assistance came the gairlsoii had lost three men killed, hud eight men seriously wounded, nud 13 men slightly wounded. Tho gurrlBon was commanded by Lieutenant IIIcok. Twi Insurgents. Ignado Hernandez and Domingo Niebiu, were executed ut Suuta Clara. GOLD EXCITEMENT IN GEORGIA. One Hundred Mines in Operation Near Near Dahlonega, Tho gold excitement hss rovived nbout Dahlonega, (la., fully 100 mines being In operation, and the city Is full of prospectors from Crlpplo Creek nud other places who lire taking options. Surface ore Is ull that ha been previously worked, but recently, in experiments here Mr, French, of Pittsi.iirg, l'a., has demonstrated that the ehlorinatlon process Is n sucoe sful way of treating" sul jdiuret ores. John F. llmz, the miillonairo brewer of I'hl adelpbiu, has developed a mine thai Is paying $500 ii week, and Chris tian Wulil, of Milwaukee, bus bud ore to run as high ns f 1.100 to the ton, while Judgo Murray, of Tennessee, who is tunneling n mouutnlu near Dahlonegu; struck three rich veins which run from tJ'J to (500. All this oro Is saprollte, or decomposed, aud is easily mined. The Creighton mines, southwest ol Dahlonega, yielded 6H.000 penny weights lost year, while the owners of the Holly Springs mines have taken out (10,0v0 In the Inst few mouths, using a 10-stamp mill. One oompany Is being organized to put In a largo plant with a 200-itamp mill and unother syndicate Is gelling ready to put in n 250-starnp mill with a clilorinatlou plant large enough to trout all the concentrates from 600 stamps. EN0BM0US LOSS OF LIFE. Terrible Earthquake oa tho Island of Knhm. A dispatch from Teheran, Torsln, says that nn earthquake occurred on tho Lslnnd of Ivislim, in the rersiun gulf, on January 11, attended by enormous loss of life. Ktshin Is near the cntranco to thu Persian gulf und is tho largest Island in Unit body of water, be ing surrounded by many smaller Islands. Its length Is 00 miles and its average breadth 12 miles. , The population Is estimated at 6,000, chief ly Arabs, The lsluud belongs to the Imam of Muscat TEE CAPTURE OP SANTA CLARJL Itary Cciirmti ky two KaglUatstB-TBty Bay XaoM 11 BteorarlBf . ' A dispatch from City of M-xleo sayst Va rious traveler just arrivlns from Can con firm the capture ot SuU Clara by the Cu bans, and also bring news that the Insur gents have been fighting In the near vicinity of Havaua, aud, a lew days ago, wrecked a passenger train within two uuea ot that cily. Two youn : Englishmen, direct from Cuba, Harry L. York nud Lee A. Hcrvey, have reached ihe City of Mexico, after 'having passed several w eeks in Cuba Willi tne in surgent nrtny part of the time, und the re mainder with the bpunish troois. Hcrvey hud received a siiot through the left arm. T'Ui-y are preparing a ropori for Sciritor Cameron, wul b wi.l be forwarded to W ash ington in n few iliiys. Tun Cubitus are not in win. t, of men, but money, am intuition nud medicine. Tne;e are nol over V5,0ilU Cubans, while the sp niiird and Vo.uuteerd now uurai er iiS5,00J men, mostly very young au'd not good ligtuiug m.ib rml. Tho Cuoiins ure. relying on being favored by Mekinl y, ami expect immediately on bis inauguration he vt ill rccoguiz-d Uiuir belli gerency, if not their Iieicpeudeuee. Hervey gives u grunhk uceouiit of tho cap ture of Santa CV.tru by thu insurgents, wher-i tho utmost gail.tu ry was displayed, the r-pimiuriis te tug overcome by tlio luagnlil cunt valor of tlio patriots. Hervcy says It was told to Mm iu the Cubiiu cm p that Mnceo had his lower jaw Miot iiway, but was alive nn'' recuperating. ion. Oomea Is not treating for oence. nnd although there is a peacj party among tho cuiaius, ii is u ennui one. Tlio eapturu of the town of Agutco by tho Cuhuns w as n brilliaul piece of Work. Three thousand Spaniards held the place, but thu Cilbiii s showed better generalship. At Santa Clara the Cubans took and held tho town just loug enough to ruin It. Hervcy doe not eatisldur thero is any decided pros pect oi victory for either side. BUTCHERED SICK CUBANS. LITEST M 5 OVER CLEVELAND'S VETO. Xenber Feicei, Out By Timber BefOBgtd. f Spaniards Attack aa Insurgent Hoipital and Show No Mercy to Inmates. One of the principal hospitals of tho Cu bans, located in tlio Siguuncu mountains, cetir Clenfuego", wits cuptured last week by Spanish troop.. The Cuban soldiers wero liimlly comi'i lied to give wnv. nud the ma jority of them were mercilessly cut down by tho Spaniards. A few escaped. The hospital, once reached, wus nttacked on nil sides. Dr. Holer, the patriot surgeon, came out waving a white Hie; and bearing the lnsl;.'i la of the lb d Cross to a.li for mercy, lie was met by a volley of Spanish bullets, and fell wounded, lie was dis patched u few minutes Inter by the machete. A sick American In one of thu buildings. assisted by two wounded Cubans, raised the stars mid strif es. This net Infuriated the Spanish eomiminder, nnd was made the sig nal for a general churge. Tlio work of Hpanisli li)oiiets and machetes wus short and bloody. Not a prisoner was taken; not even women nurses were spared. The gov ernment eotiiiiiuiider, before retiring irom tin scene of his "victory," set llro to the hospital und surrounding buildings, burn Ind them down over tho bodies of tho vic tims. GBEAT RUSH EXPECTED. Rjnewed Interest In th Yukon Gold Min ing District. The steamer City of Topeka, from Alaska arrived nt I'ort Towi.send, Wash. Very few miners ara wintering nt Juneau, nnd tho olty is said to bo very quiet. Fxtensive pro pnnition ure being nindo for the Incoming of mlucni Ijto the Yukon oouMry when the setLsoii opens. Tho rush, It is oxHK'ted. will bo greater ttian ever before. Il Is believed very few prospectors will go to Cooks Inlet during tlie reason. Old prospectors suy tho Cooks Inlet bubble bus burst. . Ii. ;. Knriffnnu, of tho Juneau board of trade, was a passenger on the Topeka. He will ask the oo-opcrutlon of the boards of trude of all the cities on the coast to hnvo congress allow n representative from the dis trict of Alnskii to represent It ut thu national capital. The last Issue ot the "Mining lieeord," the leading paper of Alusku, says: "Since the election last November, the name of C. S. Johnson has been mentioned many time as a possible candidate for the governorship under the Republican adminis tration, but it Is only recently that he bus do dded to be a ciiudidiito. ''His iipj ointment is considered a foregone couclusl u with those who are closely ac quainted with Alaska Republican politics." The most important mining deul yot brought about in Alaska has been consum mate,!. What Is known ns the I.iino nnd Huyward properties, In Silver How basin, comprising l!(l qnurU claims, were purchas ed iu (ictober, 1SK4 by Messrs. I.iuie und Huyward, of Citlilornia, und Archie Cnmp bei, of Juneiiii. Superintendent Duncan, Jr., of the famous Tread well com pan v. whllo In Sun Eriinclsco, purchased the entire pro erty for a sum approximating 6500,000, act ing for Alfred licit, of London, and Captain TliouiiH Mom, of the London exploration coinpnny, who Is now u permanent resident of San Francisco. licit Is a member of the firm of Wehrnor A licit, of Loudon. Captain Thomas Meln, Mr. Hell's associate In this purchase, Is well know In Aluskn, through his connection some years ngo with the Tread well company us its superintendent. Throo Men Take a Train. As train 35 of the Southern railroad pulled out from perry station, Ala., a masked ninn boarded the engine and with a brace of re volvers took command of the engineer and llrem.in. Two others nt the sumo time boarded the forward platform of the express car. Three miles out the train wus stopped. The express messenger refused to open nnd the rubbers, forced tho engineer and lireuiiiu to force the door, meanwhile llrlng oil pis tols to intimidate tlio passeugers nnd crew. They secured tho stile keys und rilled the local safe of $150. They also took a four gallon jug of good whiskey. bloodhounds, ure on tlio trull. The sumo train was hold up und robbed of J.'iU'J a mouth ugo. NEWSY NOTES. Ilobert O. Itigersoll bus abandoned law for the lecture pi at form. Homuliis Colell, tho murderer of tho Stone family ut Akron, 0., will plead guilty In thu second degree. Thu Stato of Chihuahua, Mexico, has pro hibited bull-lights, prl.-.e-flghts ami cock fights. Severe penalties are provided. Iiy the explosion of tho great furnace, at Wellhton. Ohio, John Kirbv, ngod 22 years; John Matlu aud James Waddle, aged 21, were terrlb y burned and cannot live. Weak ness ot tho brcust ol the furnace was the cause. i The Brltlli steamer Salisbury, from Tort Renlh to Nuwport, lias been in collision with nn unknown steamer about four miles from llfracombe, Devonshire. The latter Is supposed to have been sunk with a crew of about 20 men. There has been a scvero storm in the gulf of Cadiz, and 'H fishing boats huvo boon lost near Sun Lucur. A judgment for (t94,0OO In' favor of tho World's Columbian I'.xpositlon Company was given In Judgo Burke's court nt Chic ago against the Ferris Wheel Compnuy. The judgment is for the World's Fuir Company's share of thu gate receipts during tho exposi tion, The Jail at Jeffersonvllln, Oa., was broken open between midnight nnd daylight Friday aud tho two negroes, Willis White and Cbas Forsyth, Implicated In the assassination of Mrs. llowluud at Adams Fark, were taken out aud hanged to the same limb and the bodies afiurwnrd, rJslUc4 with buUetx Friday was private bill day la the bouse and most of the time was consumed with small bills. The bill to provide for holding terms of the Unitod Btates court ot the east ern district ot Texas at the town of Beau mont was passed over the president's veto .by a vote of 141 to 63. Incidental to the dis cussion Mr. Cooper ol Texas declared the president vetoed the bill through a misuppre- benslon. He explained the neccssitim which existed for the enactment of the mea-nre. llo said the llrst objection to the bill thut he nan ever ueiira or i-uino Irom iho rrenident. He recouiitud. as he said with tou.e huuillia- hod, iuui uu nan several limes called upon Mr. (Jievwut)d to present Iho rtnsous why it biiould besigned or to meet any objections which the president might rulsei ut he hnd oeea denied ndinls.-lon to Mr. Cleveland. On thu occasion 01 his last visit bo said liu had been Informed by Private Secretory Thurber that it would bo useless for him lo sou tlio president as Mr. Cluvelund had already made up ins mum ic veto the bill. Mr. Cooper's ri'imiiks about his Inability to get access to Mr. Cleveland drew from Mr (Irosvenor n half humorous, half sar castic commentary upon tho olMUiclcs which hedged the White House. Mr. tirosvenor said that it surprised him to hear that at any time within the past three years uuy solf-iu-spoctlng represeutulive of a respectable con stituency would even uuiko application at the White house. Three years ugo tho pro sent occupant of the White House bud been represented us having issued an order that no senator or representative should present himself In ersou until be bad bowed nt tho sent of tlie private secretary and communi cated to that august persouaga bis desires and received the function of that person. Mr. Orosvcuor recalled th fact that when that order was Jailed one vt tho representa tives ot nn Oiiio coii.tltucticv sworo he would never ngaln si;ek lo see tho president no unitiM Man s. "And lie never did.' TCI r-2 usp,zLowiJ; Urgtr yl ? Material. Frtutioa. 1 . R. O. Don A Co. 'a Ww.. . Trade snysi . 4 There Is more business. thn. I ter prices. It la Interesting th,t k prices which change at all ars k, week ago. and ye busluess U "'Kr. luere 11 larger Drudn-r of continued Mr. (Irosvenor. "Audi desiro to say that my constituency nuver commission ed mu to percolate my business with the exe cutive through thu eluv of n private pecre tnty. It now appears that the president has inudo a mistake, it I unfortunate that he c,xeludoa members of congress and fences himself uboiit wl b a skirmish Hue of such moderuto capacity. I am sorry these re tiiiirks tiro made too late to do uuy good. They shou.d buvo been uiadu sevurul years ago." "Do you think tho next occupant of the Whllo House will do better'." asked Mr. Dul zcll, qiitezlcally. "I can't speak for the next administra tion," replied Mr. (irosvenor, smiling. "I on n only express tho hope that never ugaln will nn administration refuse ready access iu the representatives of tho people. The peo ple up greater than nnv executive." Ad- pliiuse. The vote was then taken. Two-thirds having voted, in tho unintuitive, 1I4 to H. the bill v,a passud over tho veto of tlio presi dent. ALL AGBEED ON C0EBCI0N. Salisbury Erought tho Powers to Content to His Turkish Program. Tho oflklnl correspondence concerning tlio reforms lu Turkey shows that on Sep tember 23 Lord Salisbury proposed thut the powors take measures to -enforce their pro posals and that iu the event of unwillingness on tno part ol any power lo assume Its share in coo reive measures, tlmt. power should not oppose the rtctlou of uny other. Austria guru her assent without qualillcnlton,uud Oeriunuy assented with tho proviso that any coercive)' action tuken by tne powers agamst Turkey must bo ununimoiis und that tho Integrity ot tho Ottoman Empire must bo maintained. Italy gave her absolute assent to the propos al, but llussiu objected to nnv scheme which Involved tlie application of coercion. Iu re ply, Lord Salisbury expostulated with tho llussiuu Minister saying that it would be use less for tho powers to make further concert ed representations to the I'orto lu regard to reforms unless they wero prepared to en force their proposals.. On November 24, M. Shlshkin wroto to Lord Salisbury, suylng that tho Czar hud agreed to consider the question of coercion if tho Sultun should prove recalcitrant aud tlie other powers were unanimous in favor of resorting to coercion. About tho end ot December, Franco gave a similar nssent to measures of coercion, aud the governments nf llussin, Austria and Italy reallnuud thvir their adhesion t that plan of action. HARMON SAYS HOT 80. yet not so muoa increase i Vt and there la larger buyinir of T'" at present only because n.,n. pei-icu m ion luiure. a 1 present only because better cted In the future. 1 . 5 failures during ihe week nave fc?? ifil InltilAnA Th... - . . ulk. slightly stronger.nnd yet th.-r, hT? The number of bunds errpk.?,.? tries considered, la allgbuy ,,. Week ago wltiioutod VeiHH -.I.... . M The Attorney General Differs from Judge Looks About the Three Friends. Attorncy-Oencrnl Harmon does not agree with the decision of Judgo Locke of Flori da In tho case ot tho suspected filibuster, Three Friends. The iittoru-y general has applied to tho United Stales supremo court for a writ of certiorari on thu L'ultcd Status court of ap peals at New Orleans, directing that the ca-e be at oueo cert Ileil to the United States su preme court for trial. The attorney-general said that If Judge Locke's interpretation of the law was correct, it necessarily follows that persons engaged lu these expeditions are pirates und that be was seriously con sidering tho question of arresting them as such. Judge Locke's decision wns In effect that the law Inhibiting tho outfitting aud depart ure from the Untied States of armed expedi tions to aid 11 people In its eontest against the lawful authority of a nation with which the UuP.ed States is on friendly terms, does not apply to thu Cuban insurgents, they not being a people within the meaning ot the law. LIBERIA'S TERRIBLE SCOURGE. Colonies of Negroes From Amorioa Almost Wiped off ths Earth. Fred Williams and John Osgood, two In telligent oolol el young men, who were for merly employed In the New York postofQoe arrived at Ells Island on the 21st. They are on their way to tnelr homes In Sibley, HI., and Wuhasseuo, Ark., having crossed tho Atlantic lu nn Immigrant ship. On tlio recoinmeudiition ot a colored Bap tist Bishop, the young men sny they emi grated with a party ot colonists to Liberia lust Juno. V (hiatus and Osgood te 1 horri ble stories ol tho ravages of ,"coot fever" In Liberia. Out of one colony of 165 negroes who went to Liberia from Arkansas, only 12 have survived, the nHumlug travelers say. Wil liams stated thut the Arkansas colony Is ono of n dozen that have been practically wiped out by "ooust fever." Congressional Junket The first Juuket ot this Congress started from Washington Monday. Tho House Com mittee on Rivers and Harbors left for nn ex tended trip through tho South to acquaint themselves personally on the suhjeoi of tho necessity for appropriations for a number of public Impioveiiienis in Alabama, Louisiana nnd Texas. The members ot the committee wl 1 be acoompnuled by tbelr wives. This is a good season lo make a Southern trip, and those who engineered the Junket through the House evidently had nn eye to the fitness of things. Representatives Burton, of Ohio; Dovencr, of West Virginia, and Berry, of Kentucky, are members vt th? committee. - 1 .1.... 4 WBCVSL All Hloireh,..,.!. ' T"'U' fnrbauce of money market has J but there Is still great caution'!!?'"" loans. It is a mi.-tnii.) to r.,lf symptoms of depression. 1 1,.' .V iu spue of the lower range u( portunt Inuuslri.-s, the KVtnJ. 4 cato larger production and k; increasing, not us largely. iu ... Wheat, corn nml ......... "l'H key to tho ilunnclal shuuti,'';". ...... ,. n....un uie uei'iir- . cent und corn of a cent ., unchanged. 1 un Western ..,.','.! T are still bmall-5bl,000 bu.shi-'. L year ago. , " ' The Iron Industry l. e:igi-.,.i , relative 1, rlei-s nml 11,.. . , . 1 turds business in mui.v i.....- Inture of pricoa is uncertaii," 'j,"'M Is a trifle lower nt tlU.40 ut IvTr1! grey forge at i 9. JO. Ilioiuh .. . t lino has oecnrreii 11 1 I'... crt hi... 10.. . . . " ' : un-i".. corns temiued to niaiiufn. i,,. "I high prices recently m.-iiuniM clo.loli, l-.- .., .M"L" ' and of cut nails at tl.25. Th.'kiM' J has been In seHsbin in ......1.1 of fteel bars to 1 cent, and in hirl'j even uap. n...1 .1... I - eu airi.ln been e-ll.,,1 . I.... T1!! 2'Jtll. althouiH tl.ere Is ..... TM organization. Hillotn .-.i.i' . .i l'lttsburgh. The Inereiise u "J is perhups more delluite y J nny other wny by the .r..,l,j, tton Jj which steadily Increases. t nit .... f in blast against 8 173 ,i,., ,j lb"1 OUtllUt. lllOSS.I I..I.U l.nv'.J PUt ot October l. 'U0Ul,,l Failure for tho week lisn.w ... I-..1....1 Ul.,1... ..!...,. j-o i . " .-...t.-., ..hiiiusi. tlij irsl Vlfii fc flirtlK.jt III I..... .. ' lu Cuuada, ELSA'8 BUHVIVOHJ Mate and Two Sailors Brisgli: f.J vana. mo ward lino steamer Segari'iJ urr.veu in jew lork January a, is. lilpnnrnl llllvnnn I. ...... ..I.. ........... muo(.U Bllii' Hi;i.wJ soiimen rrom 1um co ami tl.r.-,J vnnii. Tim tlii...i ....... r. o . '1 ..... IliiVUUISlI mate and two of the crew t.v uj tug j'.isn, wnieu wns wn-iMil ,,B1i, 1 ril.ln peefa n'i.iU I.. I ... - ....... .w ..i.i.n liuuiiii iri.iu t.J for Uocns del Torn, und be.-anie t nnj ui'i'i IlivmoerS II liii'r-.J nomo by way of New Orionns. wns a small vessel of :I4 tm,s i ,i....1 longed to Sandusky, O. Mm vtm r J iioi as uci ioro lo carry fruit tyil leans. I Tho men from the Elsa were tnl J man Island. Those from 'J'amplco ninto and live seamen of the .V.rwn.1 niiviuiu, which went nslinrs IJirsatel T'tcuhitu during a iiorilar. aim leJ . ' S ftuiai loss. NO OVERTURES OF PIACI Miohigsn Prohibittonisti Will In i promise With the K-ticm After a lougthy discussion tlie SlJ lution Convention In Detroit, diclanl opjKised to negotiations with tho Smi l'rohlbitiontsts, Who seeeiled lat lauj l'ittsburg.' Tlin resolutiuu uiUutb wus framed by I'rof. SamuHl bictie. a man of the National I'ommlUc', najhl John Husboi, who Is known as the Its the Frohlbllloii party. Hotb il-!'i resolution in vigorous terms. There sentiment In the convention in Iivotfi cilatory measures, but it was snreeri parent when tho vote was tiki'ii oo u J of the platform. Tho platform reiterates th Pitt-tup form and usserts thut features of ttf w party's platlorm need not il-l'i,rtt hi ulisls from returning to ttn ir former w ance. In conclusion, it points outti cumes ana uunger of luslon, K0 REFORM FOB COM. Palms Deolares Nothing Bat h'.i?M Will Satisfy. Tliomas Estrada rulmn, .rwilret ii Cuban juntn, bus issued o ste teaes answer to tho rumors that ! pr.ln M nnd nnxlnus to grunt some Hiirwui iiunsu ihe Cubuus. lie .iy most eurtM ally that the Cubans will nut awpt J the so-called rcrorms mm spsiot m"!" no autonomy. What they want i ' and Independence from S auisli rnltlai other things no suys: J "What form of autonomy would HfCW when saddled not only w th her ff1 debt, but with the added buries of of the present war V Tne futureolUen try would bo ruin aud dcsmiir. At iHm nfNi.p nt iIim litntii a Btateneil given out of u list of 1J tienwiii ilP4 have been murdered during the sen crlmo bat that of being Cubans djot NO AMNESTY FOR IRISHlta Tho Commons Insist That Tisy 1 Main in Prison. In tho House of Commons a w,b offered to thu address in reply to iM speech by Fnt'lck O lirleu toreoall" ui.nteiii.n i.f tlin Irish liMMllli'r CI1'3' on charges of treason, Has iF e,.l,i ,,f 'llli I'll I., Ih, ur-C "I cusslon Timothy Huuly said Ht'W'J 3 in America, had nrovoked th rl which tlie Drlsoners were uicuw-u. Sir Matthew Ridley, hutue''--! htf wns in, ill. lu tn ai.il nnv rtilSOO liu" that amnesty bo griinteJ to th H i .:..u ... .v... ...,i.rntlieBl 1 ocj.uueiB, uiucu nn s". Tli I.. ..,n.lu l,iuk ..rleiauM I W I'-HIUUI OUT All.-," ft .KfcArT had been found guilty of the civilized world, and the 'm.rr?L the courts bad been atlitel tins' by the withdrawn! of '; Ivorv, before the same Judge inn irun prisoners wuun sought. Sherman Kakii Jti'"1 , . . i .s... 1S t'1 senator Sherman bbiu w- - In tho piiDllsliud siiiteineni - -j retnrv llmnv hull entered hit" " .J that the Cuban question i-l"""1 . statu quo during the n niu''''1''' ,' -i out administration. "The news (n lnvont soaietning moru .,. scnulor. "Thero 1.," ho iiiWlJ agreement between the l'arJ2 and myself, but we buvo n"" the qucstlco." n .v l... in KeliCS Earthquakes continue in t Oaxaea. and that city b"? severely by ibe trcpldalory sn believe that a volcano Is K. hills and the continued '"Tj-iosJ lias excited nliinn In several t, on the Faclllo ooast the faiii tlnual commotion, caused ijr ' (k, plosions, seuding huge waves i w ., mwiA tur-lfulnn Onlll-rniPU. Wl" nun ....... j.. - - venture out.