The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 21, 1897, Image 5

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Tbe Great Remedy. Dr. Greene.
aawwjw -
The skating on the dura is excel
lent and tue people in general are
i-l: i ii iru. r..:
Msxr MeehM, west Concord, . H., I
N V.i wm sorely afflicted with rbeama- sisters, who were Hick with typhoid
T :T ,hn six months, and it seemed l,0ft. J.;n TTummd
..h,l. system. pinsndstiffneM . . " 7
nd i iointi to which u added the land Sain,
Bott acuw
lt ws with the greatest difficulty I conld
Imd sbout rnr bouse. Having in mind the
sseof Ur. Greene i Nervura blood and nerve
nmedr, I concluded to resort to it. To my
,t joT it was completely successful, and by
I tle use of only three bottles 1 was entirely
curtd, and mv health bas been perfect since.
If conMipatPa, use ui. uraais vv
Pilli with the Ncrvura. .
Dr Greene, 35 West Uth St., New York
fiir the most successful physician in curing
nervous anucnnjuiiui5f;o, v uvwuo.w
Iree, personally or by letter.
Tbe nowly orRimizod orchestrn
kppfftrs 10 OH lueeims wiiu nuci-enr
The St. Johns tuoir look pun
i the program at tbe musical eon-
itutiuu ui trei'Uurjf on n.-ituruny
IveuiiiK atjl t li nieiubors feel well
leased nt the manner in which they
ere treuteil by Froohurj,' citizens
...Rev. Hitter from Jjon YsOurK
(rcacheil mi interntiiii; Korinon on
I 1 .1... I.i ,. i era in
lUIHIill 111 wiu Bin in in iiiiikuiiSo ,..
i Lutheran cbnrch W. H.
lour town.... D. S. Heintzoltnnn,
life mid (hiinjlitor spent lust week
fcitins relatives in Nortliumber-
Lil county.. .Candidates are toonu-
rous to mention, but we are glad
aceyou all 1'rof. L. Hummel
Gordon, Schuylkill county, will
dure one week in the Fremont
Loolhoune, beginning Feb. 1st,
s topics will be relative to Fhren
bey... .1. u. Arnogast ana wue ai
piled the jint institute at Rich-
BJ Friday evening and Saturday
Constable Iioush was to Smith-
bra on Saturday on official busi
es. Theodore.
ho People Believe what they read
tt Hood's Sarsaparllla. They know K Is an
st medicine, and that it cures disease. That
Ij jou should get Hood's and only Hood's.
ood'S Pills onre all lifer Ills, relieve con
ation and assist dilation. 25c.
. F. Murkier wold a vnluablo borso
day last week A. J. Kulriter
iGeottfo Iieiclienbacb made n lly-
ltnp to tbo Frt'ebura musical
icution on Saturday Tbe
lltei'S of Perry township
district institute nt tho
I'd bouse ou Wednesday even-
ivhere tho order wan far from
K what it should have been. It
disgrace to the community to
such young people who do not
in ic.oeiings or. such a Kiua or
I do uot even respect services
in the churches. They will
Itbuir next meeting at Fremont
; the order heretofore has been
good.... Miss Clara Ramsey,
Is employed at Philadelphia, is
to spend a few weeks visiting
Itrcnts.... Meetings at the St.
Ins church is still in a progres-
nndition . . . .Mrs. Riley Weaver
Jiserville is on tho sick list at
. Gordon was to Boavertown
!day Miles Wetzel and
or, Annie, of Stcelton, were
tending the funeral of Henry
Hast Saturday... W A. Hum-
Reubeu Hummel made u
Adamsburg on Monday
Via John Wiiti M vara rwnr tit
last week.... John Hilbisb
e of Tuckeyhoe and Peter
audwife of Solinscrovo at-
tbe funeral on Saturday....
pa iields is confined to her
i a Bevere attack of rheuma-
couity's able musiciaus, were play
ing at different places on Saturday
evening. . . .The revival in the Evan
gelical church ,is in progress and
some good work is being done.... A
number of our citizens have filled
their ico houses.... It is reported
that our genial hotel man, Sato.
Eauffman, is going to the Keystone
Hotel at Selinsgrove. We are sorry
to loose Sam.... Frauk King was a
Centreville visitor on Saturday....
Seth. Mitchell was out buyiug up
hoes for Hains & Co., last week. . . .
F. A. Walter was home to visit his
father at Middleburgu ou Saturday
Some of our town boys have the
habit of throwing snow bulls at aged
people when they walk the streets.
Have a little more coruinou sense
Lewis Magee and wife of Lewis
burg viited Jume: and Inn a Magee
last week.... Henry Groover and
wife, formerly Mrs. Rosa Ueihl, and
Siiiuuel Reihl and bkter of Lowis
burg were visiting lriends tit this
place over Sunday Quite a num
ber of our young people ntteuded
the musical concert at Freeburg. .
Jackson Miller of Paxinos and Miss
Alice Row of Paxinos, formerly of
this place, were marriod at the hit
tor's homo on Sunday by Reverend
Scliimble. Wo wish them happiness.
A Topical Case of Catarrh Cured by Dr.
Hartman's Free Treatment.
A farmer's wifo has been troubled
from childhood with catarrh. Until
within the last fow years, she ha
not boon treated for it. But it has
become so much aggravated that she
consult her physician. He treats
her and she perseveres faithfully,
without avail, for months. Then
she tries a physician in tho city. Al
though his charges are exorbitant,
her husband gladly pays them ; but
she gets no better. The farmer in
despair, sees his wife growing paler
and weaker every day. A cough sets
in, and consumption is near.
At last they read about Pe-ru-na.
The husbaud writes to Dr. Harttnun
and receives an encouraging and
sympathetic answer. They contin
ue the correspondence all tlie while
she takes Pe-ru-na, receiving new
advice and assistance in every letter.
Her symptoms leave her one by one.
Her color returns. Her cough ecus
es. At last sho is well. In her glad
ness of heart sho writes to Dr. II n t
man, anxious to havo her cure tdl
to others that they also m i.v be sav
ed. Such is the history of a typical
testimonial used bv Dr, H ii tni'iii in
bis books. One of theso b ioks will
bo sent free to any address by The
Po-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Com
pan.y, Columbus, Ohio.
You Can't
Go AmissIM
if you get a package likely
this. It contains the genuine
t Richfield, hv nav T
I'm.S Watts and Maggie
' ma oi Monroe Twn..
uui ty.
's by Rev. J. H. Hertz,
nil i irene uonbson, both
th, bv Rnu W A U -
I1" of Kratzerville to Mary
uirjr lownsnip.
. at Smithgrpve, br Rev.H.
J-H-Mdlerof Paxinos.
Washing Powder
It cleans everything and
cleans it quickly and cheapl-.
Largest package grcitcst economy.
St. Louis,
New York,
The principal visitors at this end
are candidates looking un their
friendi W. Y. Mctihiughlin was
called to Lewistown last week to at
tend the funeral of ui-i nien, Mrs.
Glazier (nee Hull). .. .After a 1 mg
illness Mrs. Wm. Steely, mot her of
J. J. Stoely, wa-i relieve 1 of hnr suf
feringsby deith on li-a Siturd iv
evening. The old geutlemau is con
fined to his betl from th otl'ccts of a
hard full he received some, tun ng i.
He, being an old man, his recovery is
doubtful George Snvder of Me-1
Clure and Miss Alice Hi rbster niv I
reported to bo ainong the missinc .
and their whereabouts iut known.
Mrs. Snyder grieves a good deal
moreover tho loss of her niorc.v
that was taken, than she does hv. i ,
the husband. ...Our constable, Ceo. '
Bonfer, h is been busy at this end!
for the past few days in bringing j
criminals into tlie courts of justice j
....Ex-Commissioner, Thomas Her
uster, w is around last wei-k settling
up with tho men ho had employed ut
th" c 'unty bridge at Fisher's dam
i ' -
in ladies' shoes is a pleasant
oai-e afoot, For the pleas
ure il uives, there's no sail
like our sale, rowils are
enjoyini,' it, and securing Ihe
prettiest, eoolest and best lit
tiiii,' Suinnierslioes now uian
ul'ictitred, at prices whk-h
luiveis lii id if a pleasure to
I I'l t' I.Jkl l,.lll..(. . V H
r ,r ii . i i I niMiw i reel
. .. Wa no McG. snent a ilnv wiiil' -n.
his frio-id James Wead.-r last week j Wear, pleasure or every-day
and reports a good time ....The re- practical liurnnscs. walkin.r
CilllMl t . 1 1 1 1 1 r in ili'M iii.i . ...... I. -
j ... IIIKIIIti, lV nilFt
! the ideal shoes denianded by
, fasliion and the dictates of
port Is that Frank Peter is a
date for the Crossgrove postoflice
....Cliarles Snitb of Danuerville
was the first man to take advantiign
of the snow fifteeu minutes afler it
Commenced falling on Sunday by
giving his fnuily a sled ri lo ... T. F.
Swinoford was called to Adamsburg
on business last Saturday evening
....The medicine peddler, "Beck",
was through here a few wneks ago,
and prophesied with tho folks, that
there would be an elopement at this
en I ami a mtrried man of McCluro
would be one of the party. Strange
how queer it is.... The voters, of
West Beaver have decided to select
the best men to fill the different of
fices nt the c fining primaiy election.
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claim yoir hands,
by all in pans surrender your
feet to these shoes.
cDusticeof the Peace
Middlcburgh, Pn.
vs. u. cKorsi;,
li 1'irs; iiM'iliini'iit nr M-ttliiig iinlieiitcs
a il. sensed ciiiiditinii of Dim kidneys.
Win'ii in iue ht litis linen it is positive
evidence d kldiii'y tiiiulile. T(H)fre
( 1 iltu t de'ire to uriunti' or pain in ihe
b.iiik. is iilii convincing primf that
the kidneys mid III, elder nre out, of
Wll IT TO !.
There is cuiiiliii't in tin knowledge
so olten expressed tliat lr. Kilmer's
Sw.ini Kunf, the i;rcnt kidney rem
i.iKlensed I'i sIIiii.iiv. eoy inniiis every wimi hi relieving
I i., r I... 1 1 L li..... i.l... i
Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Mann- HI1,i ,...,.rv f ,'i, ,,'pi,.,.-..
facturer's Agent Columbus, () bio, .,iisiiges It e.irrects inability to Imld
certities that Dr. Kings rsew J.ns- Mrin innl scalding pain in passing it,
coery has no equal iisa Cough rem- ,,r bad elTects following use of liquor,
edv. J. D. Brown, Prop, .lames wineoi beer, and overcomes 1 1 in I un
Hotel. Ft. Wavni'. Ind., testilies I pleasant necessity of being conipell
that lie was cured of a Cough of two! ed to get up many limes during the
years standing, caused by La Grip niudit to urinate. The mild and the
pe, by Dr King s flew Uiscovery. extraordinary euee.r nt .-swamp Knot
B. F. Merril, Baldwinsville, .Mass., is soon rea.ized. It stands the hiKli
says that he has used and recom- "r wonuertui cures of f hetuost
niendet it and never knew it to mu j ... ..,- ..i,-..-
and would nil her have t than any !"" , ou r.nouui nave ine i.est.
d pfnr l , n,,H it nlwiivs cure M's . by driig(fits '""e tlfty cents and one
.lotto;, bee use it a was cu dolir j,.or a b , ,
Henning, 222 h. loth St , ,C ' phlet, both sent free by mail, mention
always keeps it at hand and h as i o ,,,, aI1(, HH,1( yoijr 'j.,,,,,
fear of Croup, because it "ih;V,i1v 'address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. ISing.
relieves. Iree 1 rial Bottles at (ra.- 1Uinfon, N. Y. The proprietors of
bill, Garman ,Lo. s store. Kiclitielci, tni() m,)l.r Bu,lratitee thu genuineness
Pa., and till druggists. of this olTer.
MlPPLKIlt ltd. l'A.
' All business entriisl,. I t,, liis enrn
Fill a I)oHIh or cnin:noii water glass, will receive prompt uttt ption.
wii li urine inn lei n siaiin t vent loiir
It. A. ('. SPANtiLKK,
(ias Adiiiiiiistered.
frown and Pridgework, Kt
i nuee one il .or north uf Weis' Store
nellie-grove, I'a.
Jas. S. IVnii, Gtn. Grant Post,
lfondout, X. Y.
IV.inlmii.ili.. ftimn Ul-llt.u "AM Cllll'f I'. S,
Mull AK'ii"nii" V. A' P. M It , K"'l ln-allli Is
liiillsiMaisU'le. I found inysoll However im r
down Willi I)vp lislii. I iliMilori-il. una ilirtorril,
lint 1 rew wiirse. I sutlereil mlseiy nlirlit hiiu
Uv. for tally two years. My wis" wub iroiioiiiic-
ea ini'iiriilil". 1 cnimei'ii 10 niwv in.
iilionl Unit. llmo. unit told liliuot my cuiidltlon
und be said, try a bott le ot
tako Itmornlntr, noon nn.I nlifht, nnrt it m
cure you. I took tlm medicine as uirtn:ir..,
liiidiioeonlldencelna euro, as my case - "
been tried by no many. After usliiii It '''
bri?an to feel hptter, and In a Rhort wlitw am r
tluil I was entirely cured. TUnt terrlhh dis
tress, everythlruc I ate, brenklnit up sour In Hi)
throat had all (rone and I have not had a mo
nienl'HdliMwmrort alnco. To-day tlwro Wli a
houltuter man and my appetite Is grund.
Rlpans Tabules cure nausea.
RIpans Tabules: at druggists.
Rlpans Tabules cure flatulence.
Rlpans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Rlpans Tabules cure llvw troubles.
P ! STOP !
And see whatyou can buy at
Runkle & Walter's Store,
Middleburgh, Fenna ,
For $0.50.
1 lb. A. Sugar, 02
I II). Tea, ; 10
II lb. Lima J leans, 0!)
1 Broom, 10
1 ll III. ... I. . . e It1 . n
i ii). x iio.sjnioriu VOitec, jit
I lb. Soda, 03
. i u j(.;Lr(;r,
Veterinary sUrceoN.
1 1 i .
,-n 'i'iii-...ihihi iiiisiiM'ssi'iiirns'i.'i to nt v rart
will rei'i'lip prompt unit raii ful ul i -nt t. o .
1 . 1:. iioui it.
i:. k.
Attorneys at-Law,
omres I,, nk iiuiidiia-. Mitl die! nrh . Pa.
Collections, Loans
and Investments
It en I t'.slalr mill lrlvnt Hunker,
w: ii: i t i
it iiiiainsiui i, u.vciiniing KjO., i n
Deposits necepted, sutijeot todrafls or checks'
nun any p:irt of the worM.
Brotberbood STORE
Tbe above order can not be cbanged
in any way. And is given for spot
cash or produce only.
We have , great bargains in Dry
Goods, Notions, Ladies', lien's
and Children's Sboes, etc. Your
trade solicited. Yours truly,
Runkle & Walter
The Elepbant is loaded with tho
latest styles of
and Heavy Winter Underwear,
Gloves, and all the best and most
seasonable goods found in a first
class Clotbing Store.
Come and look at roy stock, you
will find it well selected.
I am.lRespectfully,
G; k
Libera, adjustments Prompt Payments.
tMiU-Nt, .''truimfxt Cash Companies,
Fir Lit.-, Acridrtit and Toin..,!,,
NoAsm ti-ments No PrfiminTn tJatoo
!., 1S1! Assols ?1 1,0.-.Vi13.SS
" is":? " n,s::i,(i2s.rt
The Sim dard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The I'M liti) Mutual Lire Association.
Your Patronage Solicited
Onlv tin
The A In.
44 llnmt
44 A iiitr
Foundi'd A.
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days !
The Undersigned Oiler The Public Their
e an- not h..liuk' nut, lu.t , m n,,, ii,
vlolis y-nr. W . tlM4 ,., ,,. M
.oii iwiiiii Ii i n, I m. Suit ;hl l.l.MI Cntt
Hurl WimmI t 'liiinii,, ,. Suit Iiini ,,
.ntliiii t l.i K NnilM, s 'i
I'lili I'.ninr Siii,.
W (Hiilrn ( 'linn-
l'i'kn. Siili-lionrils Ciu,l,,,,.u I-. ,..
iViitiu-r r
i. i.t.i
'in Top Mnl 1 1 (.-
ii W ii.. M.itn,
l'.i tin IVii S.rii.fs
II" I Tnlil.-. IMT ft
I '-' Ml ri.illiil in liorKiM'it
VlT lllil... ii, l,,. I,., ,,,, i,,,.!,,,!.,,.,
I'll 1 1 Iff. I'llUCV Ulll-k.-t .
A I. I -kN. V
li li v 1 1
a aft
i v.
I iri
a .rii
i i"iik Ciim-h,
1. .1.. ....:
"UK. I.OlllliTH. Colli I,. s I loli. .1,1 .... , t I II I. I. ,. .
Scut niuiri.--Hue. dinin iiml i li. i.i. r,,.-,.;i ,'.... 'n .., .' "
1 "im. curly mnl M-Hiiiir hlm U lu foi c I'ivlin?
I'llci't. ivilii,.,.il all llirmiL'li
vour or.lcr, ..nil th,. Hiiv.- i.", tail p.-rccul. on every .li.llnr.
j)ecial Atti'iilion (liven t( U tult'ituk iuir
it K in lial in ins;.
--Fire, Life ai)d Afcklei;b--Irjsuraijce.
Insurance Agency,
Elinor W. Snydor, Agent,
Successor 1 tlio lato William II. Simler.
Tho rur-Kxei ll, t.c,. (1f Kdmlili- Insiirimcn is rr prcucnti.,! in tho follow
. l.. .1,.,n"!r'1 '""I'liiiifs, from whirl, to limkc a whiction. None
Hot tor tho orlil over.
I,,,.,?,'".41' ... , , lTIO-, KTS.
1 1 Ivl'j Ki i.vul, l.ivorpool, Imijt, (inrltiiliiif fon ;n iiKot) Cl.niHi.tiiii) (in
Hartl.inl, of lliu tl'or.l, Conn., (ol.lost Ami ric:in Co.) H iil."i, 7.'l.r) (!'.',
I lin-inx, Ilnr'for.l, Conn. .1 :.nm n.-x 07
;iiitinoiitul, New York, tii:t:m?i
rr,.., V.''1'"1"!1 A""'' NOW Ylllli, li.ain.d'.iMH.I
LI I' K Miihml Iiifo Jn. Co. Now Yrl , SJii,(;.ts,'.i,s:i'(;(i
AC( 'IDKNT Kniplnyo rs' Muliility Assurance ( :oi pnrnlii. n,"
Aociilenl Iiih. Co. Siil.sciilic.l Cnpilal of :5, T."i. KID.DO
r no, Lilo ninl Aci'iilotil risks ai'ccple.l at. the loivof p.issil.lo ralo jn
tlllod liy ii Ktriot rotrai.l In salely. All jilsl elaiins promptly iiml
Mitisf.n l only ailjustcd. Iiilorination in relation In nil olnsses of Insur
iinre i.rnmptl.y fui iiihed. IlLMKi: W. SNY1K!;, .:;t.,
O.'lieo on .Milled .Street. Seli!H,-Yov. lu
J'IVe more ol 1 1 1 v lime to (In
Ill ol'iler t
rrailiinlly eloso nut mv entire
I'l'ieos, Milliv iirtiflos liir lie
liMiranre oiiuie-,
!-tnok of ieliol'ill Meri III
nw oust. Sieeial liltiyaills oil
I will
EL AV I5L ES "3? S -A. 1ST 3D
ami nil kinds ol' Winter o.oils. AKL CO.MK.
groat oiinrtiinity at
33 O
O T S .
I n liol i,-r-ft this
Dam Wei's Casli Store, Swineford, Pa.
THE fasHioNabLe
in iii nu i
You can get the Itcst goods lor tho
least money.. lie mho to order
Fall & Winter Ming
of the nirtiMvlio guarantees u choice
fit and gives you rock bottom prices
Merchant Tailor) Selinscrove. Pa.
The POST and the New York
TRIBUNE, both one year ,91.75
; 1
i i,