The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 14, 1897, Image 8
Hifhc of all ia Learning Strength. Law U. S. Govt Report. flying Mm ABSOLUTELY PURS Names of Persons Interred in the Middleburgh Union Cem ttery since April, 1S83. A Crr M tmoraniliara by Mra. J. II. Starlit?. Aurnnd. Mrt. Auraud, Jacob T. Hayli.r, Mrs. Bower, Thomas. BibijfhriUH, Dr. Thomas. Barber Reed. Buffincton, Kobert. Bolender, George. BuDQint'on, Mr". James. Baclitnao, Israel. Bachman, )rs. Henry. ButliriKlnn, E. L Beaver, fsum Coleman, Mia. D:vid. DuukelUi-ir. Julin. Deitrlch, Mrs. Polly. Erb, Jacob. Fniin, Peter. Frain, M b. IVler. Folk, Mrs. Sarah. File, Mia. Gilbert Samuel. Cog. Mrs. John. Grimm, Howard. Oialiill, J.ilm. lloutz, John. Hix-h. John. Iloch, Mrs. John. Ila'singer. Mr. Sophia, Hare, John. Hare. Charley. Hare, Amelia. Hare, Bliss II. Hummel, Elias. 1 1 u in mil . Mrs. John. Infant child of (ieorge Leichton. Infant child of George: Stahlneeke r. Infant child of James Kolhrock. Infant child of John Crosagrove. Infant child f Kya Leuig. Infant child of W. C. Snyder. Infant child of John Lihbr. Infant child of Frank Bachman. Infant child of I. E. Ulsh. Infant child of W. C. Snyaer. Infant child of I. E. VUh. Infant child of Mr. ami Mrs. Nick. Infant child of William l'eese. Infant chil l of X. A. Bowes. Iufaat child nf X. A. Bowes. Infant child of George F. Stetler. Infant child of David neintzelimn. Inlant child of Jlenry Xewman. Krearaer, Frederick. Kern. George. Leighton, Oerge. Lcnig. Eva. Mink, Henry. Meosch. Suo. Mout, Lvdia. MoaU, Miss Jennie. Miller, Joseph. Norman, John. Musser, John Norman, Mrs. John' Eenningei, Mrs. Aaron. Reaiiinger. John, Rudy, Mrs. Lydia. Renninger, Lincoln. Renninger. Mrs. John L, Riegle. Harry. Sehoch, Mrs. Michael. Smith, Elizabeth. S ineford. Thenpholns. Spaid, Sallie, Swineford, Albright. Shuman, George. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth. Smith, Rebecca. Specht, Anthony. Speclii, Mrs. Anthony. Sliamlmch, Aaron. Spaid, David Schoch. Mrs. S. 8. Spaid, Mr. David. Smith, Charles L. Schoch, Michael. Shindel, RY. 3. P. Shindel, Mrs. Rev. Stetler, Aaron. Schoch,, EtuapuoU Smith, Harry, Steimnger, Jacob, Steininger.Mrs. Jacob. Showers, James, Steiniuinger, Elias Steininger, Tillie, Steininger. Mrs. Elias. Swineford, Thilip Swineford, Mrs. George. Smith, T. J. Snyder, Mrs. Absalom. Smith, Mrs. A. II Staler, Miss Pauline (infant.) Walter, Laura. Walter, Mrs. Frederick Walter, Mrs. Samuel B Wagner, A. L. SAHES OK TIIOSK INTF.BRKD AWAY FROX TOWN Boyer, Harry. Benfcr, Mrs. Jacob. Minium, Viola. Rathfon, Mrs. Emma. Ocker. Syduey. Rathfon, Frederick. Rathfon, Mrs. Frederick. Uearich. Henry. Snyder. John. Snyder, Mrs. John. Walter, Mrs. Infant child of S. Long Blood and Nerves are very closely re lated. Keep the blood rich, pure and nealthy with Hood's Sarsaparllla and you will bare no trouble from nervousness. Get only Hood's. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills. aulst digestion, preveut constipation. 25c THREE YEARS AGO C. W. Knaner Was Cured of Chronic Catarrh His Cure Remains Permanent. C AV. Knaner, Sheldon, Iowa, writes as follows : "1 haJ been troubled with catarrh for over two years ; bo bad at last that I could not work but two or three days ia a week. I tried two doctors without any relief. At times I was ho bad that Icculd not bear. After using nine bottles of Pe ru ns I was com pletely cured aud believe Pe-ru na will do all you claim if the directions are followed. I heartily recommend it to all who are afflicted with ca tarrh. I should call my cure lasting for I have been working in an ele vator tot three years (among the dirt and dust of wheat.)" No greater test could be made of any cure, than three year's exposure to the dust and dirt of a grain ele vator. Thia letter is a sample of those we receive daily. They come unsolicited and unrewarded. They express the sentiments of the writer in words that are direct and forcible. A book ou catarrh will be sent to any address by The Pe ru na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. PERFECT and permanent are to :ui by Hood's SaraaparUla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, lite and health-giving DLOOD. ALINE. The augel of d"th has viniled our community and has taken away two victims, namely. Mono- Troup aged T3 years 'aud Mi h. Jacob Trutt, of typhoid fever, tged 66 years. . . .The prut acted meeting at inn Grace's chui eh closed last Sunday eveuing, but i. is now in progress at the St. Thomas church whi'ie 9 are seeking Qod's love to kuow aud several have already found the prize of greatest price ... Rufus Ramsey and family were the guests of Benjamin Bro sious' on Sunday.. . Miss Annie Mar tin had been ill with symptoms of typhus fever. We are glad to say she is again recovering ...Miss IJa Qoodling who had been eugaged by Mr. Rathfon. confectioner, during the holid.iyx, lias returned home. Did Vu fcver Trv Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles 1 If not, get a bottle now ami get relief. This medicine hus been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relict' aud cure of all FViuuIh Coiiipl mils, exerting a won derful duvet influence in giving strength aud tone to the organs. If you Lave Loss of Appetite, Consti pation, Headiche, Fainting Spells, or are Nervoua, Sleepless, Excitable, t i i. a i.i... i i . i. TV-.. itieianciioiy ur iruuuieu wmi Spellx, Electric Bittern is the uiedi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. l iity nts nn J $1,011 at Graybili, Garniau Co 'b Htore. Itii-uncld. Pa., and all druggists. Helpto Bbeiunatics! Rheumatism ia no respecter of per sons the healthy and vigorous are as liable to its attacks as the weak The symptoms of the disease are almost unnoticed at first, so insidi ously do they steal over the body; ? gradually the little pains and stiffness ncrease, until they develop greater inconvenience day by day, The knees, anklea, and other joints of the body ache constantly, swell ing to several times their natural size; the patient finds himself unable to get around ; is soon incapacitated tor business, and later is conhned to his bed. utterly helpless. It is a great mistake to expect relief xrom such condition by the appiica tion of liniments and other external remedies. The medical profession ad mit that the disease is in the blood, and it ia but reasonable that only a blood remedy, one purely vegetable, and free from potash, can afford re lief. S. B. a. (Swift's Specific) is an unfailing remedy for Rheumatism, and has cured the severest cases, where other remedies failed to reach the disease. Mr. Frank T. Rey nolda, of Dal ton, Ga., waa a sufferer from Rheumatism since his boyhood He writes: "Ever since I was twelve years of age I have suffered intensely with Muscular R h e u matism, which, at one time, kept me in bed for eighteen months. I took all kinds of treatment, and visited many famous springs, but could get only temporary relief; the disease always returned, and at time was so painful that it was impossible for me to use tny arms and legs. I tried almost everything that was sug gested, and after eighteen years of sunering, t. s. b. was recommended, ana i was nappy to, at last, find a cure for this painful trouble. S. S. S. seemed to get at the disease promptly. ana auoraea immediate relief. The experience of Mr. E. J. Gibson, of Madison, Ga. ,waa similar to the above. He says: "I tried almost every rheu matic remedy I heard of, but grew worse Instead of better. The sharp, aching pains, pe culiar to Rheuma tism took possession of my entire body, and the suffering i cnuurea was intense. I waa soon unfit for business, and became as helpless as a child. The potash pre scriptions of the doctors almost ruin- ru mj aigeauon, and I found no relief in anything until 8. S. S, (Swift's Specific) waa recommended. Several bottles cured me completely, and for more than four yeara I have not had symptom of Rheumatism." 8. 8. 8. is unlike the many blood tonics on the market, for it cures the most obstinate cases, which they can not reach. It is a real blood remedy, and is the only one guaranteed PurelyVegetabko It cures Cancer, Scrofula, Conta gious Blood Poison, Ecxema Rhenma tlam,Catarrh and other blood diseases, it matters not bow deep-seated. Books on blood and skia diseases mailed free to any address. 8wivT sricmc Co., Atlanta, Ga. flrTjN l .vt Ripant Tabules; one gives rsiiei. B The essence of life is force. D Every breath you breathevery heart beat, every motion of your band, takes force. The measure of force we call vital ity. If this is lacking:, there is loss of flesh, lack of resistive power, a tendency to catch di sease easily, especially a tend ency to Consumption. For low vitality nothing- is better than Scott's Emulsion. It supplies force by furnishing the nourish ing', strengthening: elements of food in an easily digested form; enriches the blood, and builds up the system. When ordinary food is of no avail, Scott's Emulsion will supply the body with all the vital elements ot life. Two sixo, 50 cui and $1.00. An druggists. If you will ask for it we will send you a book telling you all about Scott's Emulsion. Free. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. Auditor's Notice. In the Estate of Ellas Hummel) In the Orphans lioeof the Borough of Mldille-J Court, of Snyder burgh, Snyder Co., I'., Deed. ) County. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court nf Snyder county, to make and report a distribution ol the funds remaining In the bauds of Culvlu KxecuUir of the last Will and Ti'Rlumciit or Elian Hummel, late of MlddleuurKh, Hnyder Co., Pa., Drc'd., to and union? thoe entitled to the same, will mi-et the parties In Interest, for the DurpoHO o. dhw-hnrir- Iiik the duties of bis aprolntmeut, at bin office, In the BorouKhot Mlddloburgli. !'& on Tues day, the Sd luy of February. A. 1. 1NV7. at 9 o'clock A. M.. when and where all parties In. wresiea can appear, ir tney see proper, ana an perrons having claims must present them duly authenticated, or be forever debarred from com ing In for a share -f said fund. Mlrtdleburifh. Ha., JACOB GILBERT. Jan. xa. ihT. i Auditor. Auditor's Notice. In the Estate of George H. Freed, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned Auditor appointed oy the Orphans' Court of Snyder County, to dl (tribute the funds In the nands of J. C. Henoch, clerk ot the Orphans' 'oi i i t of Hnyder county, will sit for the purposes r hit appointment at his omce in Miouieuurgn. t'ennxyivaniuou Saturday, January sotu, iwrr, it U o'clock a. m. when and wh"re all uartles in interest or liavinif any clulnii against said fund iiuot appear and present the sauie, or be forever .ii narrea irom coming in on ine sane. Middleburgh. I'a., JAY U. WEIKR. Jan. 2nd, 18V7. Auditor. DMlKiaTHATOK'S NOTICE. Let iVtern of Aduiiolvtratioo in the Es- eofJouuK. Llchtenwaltcr, late ot Centre wnidilp, Hnyder Co., Pa., deceased, having en granted to Hie undersigned, all persona owing themselves Indebted to said est at are qiiesKd to make Immediate payment, while ose naving ciauus win prewui iuliu uuijr ail' .educated to the undersigned, F. B. HOLIO. C M. SHOWERS. Administrator. A DMINISTKATOH'8 NOTICE. Let t te r of AdtulniHtratioD i n t h e itata ol Henry Woodruff late ol Peun Twp., tnydcr oounty. !'., ueo d, saving neen granted 'i the UDdenlguad. all person knowlnir thsin- lelvar Indchtod to said etlate are requested to make Immediate payment, while thono having claims will present them duly suthentleated tfc the underlined. B. ELIZABETH WOODRUFF, J I. VVOODKLKF, far. M, 'It. Administrators, NOTICE TO HEIRS. IN KEKSTATK OK SOLOMON LONG, LATE OF BE.AVEK TOWNSHIP, 8NYDEH COLNTY, I'A., DFX'D. To Anna Long of Beavertown, Snyupr county, I'a.. UlizalM'th Hevenson. nee Long, of .Mlftlln- hu-g, I'nlon t'o., I'a., and Hamuel SevenwL ber iiusoana oj ine same piaco, nary Maui, nee Ung of Band, I'nlon Co., I'a., and G. 8. ritabl her husband of t he same place, and Frank Long if Elkton, Hickory Co., Mlsourl, widow and neirsor said acceuenu You aro hereby notified that by virtue of a write of Inquest Issued out of the Orphans' Court of the said county of Snyder, and tome directed, that an Inquest will be held on the premises, In Heaver township. Hnvder Co., I'a., on Friday, Feb. 1, 18U7, at 10 o'clock a. m., to make parti tion or valuation of the real estate of said Solo non Long, decesed. When and where you may ttend it you mink proper. Jan. 7, 19V7. F. 8. ItlTTER. 8herir. RULE OP COURT. And now, to wit, liecember 16, 1M, It is order ed that the regular terms of the several terms oi inn rfOuuiy oi Buyuer iot 111c jcar isvi, ana until further ordered, be held on the Fourth Monday of February, the First Monday of June. the First Monday of October, and tho Second Monday ot December, each term to continue one week. ii. m. Mcxu as. r. J. JSKSMIAHCKOrsl. A.J. tf. ' Z. T. OBMIKSLINO, A. J. Election Notice. FIK8T NATIONAL BANK. The annual meeting ot the stockholders of The FIM National Hank ol Middleburgh for the election of seven dlr!clorsfnr the ensuing year win be held on Tuesday me istn day or jauuary next between the hours of 10 a. m. and 19 in. J. N.TIIOMFHON, Jr. Cashier. Middleburgh, Fa., Dec.sth, lwtt. Sale Register. Notices of sale will be Inserted free under this beading when the sale bills are printed at this omce. When the bills are not printed at this office Mcents will be charged. Persons ex pecting to have sale should select a date and nave it Inserted In this column. Thursday, Jan. is. Element Musser will sell iH mile, rtonn oi mioaieoiirgn, s norses, 1 cow, 1 buggy and farming Implements, Thursday, Feb. 1. Joslah Maurer, offers, I mllei castor Miauienurgn ana one-iourtn mile north of lilobe Mills, Live htock and Firming Implements. Saturday, F.b. 20, three miles north of Middle- Durga, timer decuman win sell Live stock and farming Implements. Tuesdav, JMarcb 9, IW. Nathan llackenburg will Wll, l uuic runt ui miuillfuurgll, rour Horses, 1 cow, B head of young cattle, 11 shoats and farming Implements. Xinday, March IB, four miles north-east of M!d- niennrgn. n. a. nowersox. aamr. of An drew J. Bowersox. deed, will sell norses, 10 bead of Cattle, Farming Implementsand Household Goods. Tuesday, March 1, one mile east of nartleton, Henry Grubb will sell 4 horses, 11 head of cattle and a lot of farming Implements. Tuesday. March is, one-half mils north of K reamer, namias iiaunerman wiu sell live stock and farming Implements. Thursday, March is. 2V miles north of Middle- uurgn, Jonn ueanier win sen s norses, I head of cattle and farming Implements. Tuesday, March ts. I miles North of Bellnsgrov, paniei iong win sen wrming iioci ana ' machinery- Fanning material is new, used only one season. Will be continued but a few weeks yet. Tbose who re iu need of OLOTHlYn Men's Overcoats and Storm Coals zh$z Xx SriVim"" very c,,eap-,rices ttoa m Boys' and Children's Overcoats We will close out what we have left, from $ 1.00 to $4.50, sizes, 4 years to 19 Men's and Boys' Suils we have very tew left ; sizes pretty well broken up,but if yoa can find one to . you it will be more than a bargain for you. n Men's Negligee Shirts Keduced to 40 cents, worth from 50 cents to $1.00. Childrdn's Shirt Waists Have all been reduced to 25 cents, made to tell ior 50 and 75 cents. Men's and Boys' Pants 50 Cents to S2.5D. Children's - Knee - Pants - 18 - cents - to - 65 - Cents. Remeibe r no Dead SELINSGHOVE MARBLE-YARD M. L. MILLER, Prop'r I keep constantly on band and man ufacture to order all kinds Of Marble and Granite -ill Old Stones Cleaned and Sepaired. ' LOW PRICES ! LOW PRICE8II I bavo one of the best Marble Cut ters Id the State and consequently turn out good work. (QrCotne and see my work !; prices. Thankful for past favors I most re speetfully ask a continuance of same, M. L. MILLER 1 B. WOLGEMUTH, it for Steam and Hot Water Fitting. Also dealer in Boilerc Kniies, Shafting I'ullnyR, Hangers and Leath er Belting. REPAIRING of Engines, Boilers and Mill work. Families can be supplied v ith Hath Tubs, Pipe and Pipe Fittings. I Rive as reference concerning tny luecliutii cal skill, Frlck & Co. of Waynesboro, Pa. and Lebanon M'f'g. Co. both com panies of high standing. In order to avoid accidents All Boilers should be tested nnder the hydraulic test at least once a year. Avoid danger aud call upon me to make the test, A. B. WOLGEMUTH, ScliDSgrovc, : : Pa. A ranasns Omass Drtor's Work. Consumption Is now known to bo curable If taken In tiinf the Herman remedy known as Otto's Cure, naving been fouDd to be an almost certain cure for (lie disease. Astbma, Bron cliltlB. Croup, roughs, Colds, I'neurnooli, and nil tbroat and lung diseases are quickly cured by Dr. Otto's Ureal German Remedy. Sample bot tles of Otto's Cure are belnn elven away by our sirenf. W. H. bpangler. yicldleburph ; M. Kotb rock, U. D., Mt. fleasant Mills. Large size tJ and 60. Wanted-An Idea rrofsl mi ISmj: they may brtna too wMltb. WrtM JOBS WBDPCHBURN CO., Pa Who ean think ot hhii almpkt tklns to palenf ilMl Atlnr. sm Wartlasawt. o. o.. for iit swim sttW st lw hasulrtd hnsuaai waste. AOreat HedlrlneCllvsn Away. w. H. Rnanffler. Mlddlebunrh: M. Rothrock, II. D.. MU Hleaatnt Mills, are now alvlug tree to all a trial package of the great herbal remedy, Bacon's Celery King. If ladles suffering from nervous disorders and constipation will use this remedy tbey will soon be free from the head aches and backaches that have caused them so murh auirerinir. It Is a perfect regulator. It quickly cures biliousness. Indigestion, eruptions of the skin and all blood dlnsasos. Large size 25 and 50c is. Bneklen's Arnlea Halve. ThiBibt Sitviin the world for Cuts, BruiBea, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapp ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Graybili, (Jarman e& vo., mcnneia anu au DntRRists. Wonderfullyuccessful in all Chronio DiaeaHna nn,1 ETE, EAR, NOSE. TBROAT, LUNGS, AND NASAL CATARRH- All live Operations Successfully Performed Examination and Consultation Free to Everybody. A Few Te etiraonials Wl Hearing or Years, Catisetl by Catarrh, ami Ctirwl ly Dr. Salin. Hov. J. n. Xelster, Swales. Pa. Kepljing to your Inquiry, as to testimonial with my signature, published by Dr. halm, will say. tuut I was undi r Ms treatment for ten "''"J ' 'or my hearing. It was Catarrh of the middle tar, and like yourself, could hear better some days than others, hear hot ter In nolso. My bearing was very much Improv d by Hie treat ment, and have m riouht, hut. tuut. ho run help you. Dr. Halm appears lo bean honest man and lie will tell you the I nil h, wln-i her he cul help you or not. If I were you. 1 w ould certainly con sultblin. I waslomrerunilcted than vou. My hearing was bad In one ear for alwut 85 years, and lu the other for about ii4 or its years. Hoping that your hearing will be entirely restored I re main. Isaac Hereon. Beatord, Bedford Co., Pa. Case of Ca.arrh cured by Dr. Salm. Kor 7 years I have had a bad ense of Catarrh, took cold continually and always had headache: a bad stomach, as well and too many accom panying troubles to mention. But, now, after only a short treatment of Dr. Sal in, I am almost a nem man. Henry Treon. SunburyNorth'd Co., Pa., Sent, will, IHVi. After the Country Doctors had Give en Him up as Incurable, Dr. Salm Cured Him. I must truly say that Dr. Salm bos treated me wfll and I have Improved wonderfully under Ills skillful treatment, even after our country doc torn all gave me upas lucurable. j.f. Weldenmyer PaxtonvlUe, Snyder Co., Pa., Aug. S4, 18M. Cared otstomaci, Liver and lent Trouble by Dr. Salm. Kor more than T years I have had a bad Htotn sche, Liver and Nerve trouble. Became so weak that I could'nt work any more. Kor six and one half years I have tried the best doctors In this County but got worse and worse, but now. after a short treatment with Dr. Halm, I am able to attend to my dally labors again, putting In a good day's work. Kat splendidly and have alen greatly In weight. Philip It Kndera. lalmatla, North d Co., Pa., Sept. ti, imw. No Body Ha Done More for my Health than Dr. Salm, I have only taken a bag month's treatmut and In that time, I dare say, no one could bi done more for my health than Dr. Salm, as : M a K I unit "Hirr. r 111. ii. nnt'np, Troxelvllle, Snyder Co.. Pi., Aug. 3d, lM. Catnrrh and FroncliltlsCuredbv Ur. Salm, For home j-ears I have been In bad healtt. Stf fered very much from Catarrh and Ilronclutfc hint tiesli conllnuully, wiughed a great deal ut there did 'entscm lobe a sHt tiitotit n.c thai dtd'ent Kche. Ho I went to Dr. Halm, whucuati here every four weeks, fortfreiitiiient. I am a much plea-sed with the linproveiiient that I wis every one to know It. I can eut llni'lv.fHtlapnl deal stronger, and 1 know Iwlll siw'n be ari uK'iiu. nr. uenry KHioai. Hunbury, Noith'd Co., Pa., Sept, atli, m Cam of Catarrh cured by Dr. Salm ltev. J. D. Leister. Swales. Ps.. Yours came to hand to-dar. Dr. Salm treated my 13 year old boy for Catarrn u t tie head, and cured him In t months. I doat know whether he can cure you or not, but a examination he will te'.l you the truth. I km a man here, that he examined, and he told t that be could not be cured. I know other peff that he has done a great deal of good, in caff ruwu. jsun.1. Liuiwn. Madlsonburg, Centre Co., Pa. Dr. Salm Snatched Her from Hr Urav. Mr. Secretary: Vou asked me why I did not come back- W month. The medicine Dr. Salm gave me tittpe me so much, that I thought It was not nwF to return at present but however, if 1 need u.1 further treatment he Is my Physician. He cuw me of Scrofula about one vear ago, snauheds you might say, from the grave. Thin hurt!' Euoa aeai, oui u is true. Mrs. A. K. .') inden Hall, Centre Co.. Pa., July 11, Is. Received Great Ik'iiefit. I have received great benefit from the tw months' treatment I have taken from Df. ! ior wnicn i leei very grateful. L. K. ron Butler, WuUer Co., Pa., Aug. 1st, Imm. noe. ROOK FRKR "The Medical Adviser," a short history of private diseases. dr young and old. eseclally those contemplating marriage. This book wiu li Lnl W awoDefw Pguoutoa. Addrese,Dr.8alm.P. o. box ;o. Columbus. oTtnclntog tiwTiw Manhood perfectly restored. Quick, painless and certain cure for Impotence lost tnuK spermatorrhea Josses, weak and nervous debility also for pmrrMtona arloalle and sUpfi' diseases, whether from Impnideut hablis of youth or sexual C ti maAr!i or snya that debilitates sexual functions speedily and VrmanentS MrKrefeYalMtM r.V4lh.Pr.50J,.aPp.1y r? iw.medlca! treatment should senior brlSa 1 1? oanc ot urtaawi win nwi lbiciui cucmicai ana microscopic xamluatlon. srnau tumors, cancera. warts, moles, etc., removed without 'acids, knife nam or war. J" -..t.i wi idu, uvumuus, UUIO. CONSULTATION FREE AND STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Town. BoteL Day. Aug. Sep. Oof. Not. Dec Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun J 11 a4 111 at m . " Bunoury, uenirai, wea. isi T 4 to Lswlsburg, Cameron, Thur. is lo 8 I ii Mlddleourg.Washlngt'n, Friday it 9 14 Lewis town. National, Saturday It 10 T 5 tf 1-89 at as M T 94 ts at IT OMa Hoar mt Mlddleharg-h, II t S. 81 St S t4 It M tl tt KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE CLUBBING LIST. 1 "