This is the Package J-Fi Life remember it It contains go the Popular Will Wu De r feated in the Joint Caucus. - ijsu ! ai)ce. H PWDEW. It i pEPEBlTE TAOTIOS EMPLOYED. Otkn Vlelou M athods Besotted To, Bind Rontons Called tTposi to Intlml ttU IUipotabl Basis Man. harbisbcro. P. Jn- 14 Then art urns drk pf?e in the record of past po litical happening la this state, but no ,rt of its history U so black aithe story btt most be written of the erenta of the jr daji in this city Immediately pre Mna the joint caucus which terraln- ,ttd the contest for the United States lenatonnip- It if i picture so rerolting, so directly apposed to what an educated, Intelligent entile would willingly recognize even as .probability in an enlightened commu nity, wnero mero auppuwu w ue at jajit tacit compliance with law, and even partial regard for order and decency, that (btre will be no surprise if the plain story of the repulsive details will And many people who will hesitate to believe It Yeterenthe calm contemplation that eome sftor the beat of the conflict hng died awity cannot rid it of its hideous feat mtt. Never before was there so wanton display of political depravity ; never be fore was the power of the bribe giver so nckleasly exercisea, ana, it is sare to say, never before wore the wishes of the people of the state so flagrantly Ignored by thoir publlo servants. Such were the desperate tactics of de' pent plotters and, while they proved to be of temporary advantage, the spark of rictorr that comes to the people out of the embers of apparent defoat is that, by its complete exposure, the villainous abuse of power will lead to its own uniloing; will tod to the total political annihilation of those who practiced It Kopresentutlve citizens from all parts of the state were in the city during that turbulent tlmo, and when they went home they carried with them new ideas of "practical politics," and the lesson will linger long in thoir mom orles, and will spur thorn to reuewod of forts to rid tho state of tho dospuilors of its fair fame. Hired Thus Abundant. The plan of buttle Is accredited to Sen tor Andrews, who was the sponsor and chief backer of Candidate Ponroso. When it proved to be the only way In which the will of thepgople could be defeated Sen ator Quay gave It his approval. Long ago It was Inaugurated by sondlng paid spies to Ingratlato thomsolves with those Inter- Mted in Mr. Wanamakor's campaign, for the purpose or gaining and betraying their confidence. This requires low cunning, ud entire absence of self respect, and It will be accepted without reservation that men who would undertake such work could not be men worthy of belief. But ill their lying, all their deceit, all their base treachery of friendship supposing men men to be capable of such sentiment -vailed them nothing, and had no result re to add to the flame of indignation, which will lead to a swift retribution. An alleged detective firm, known as Barring & McSweeney, furnished these 'taunts.'! There is not a decent datootiva in the state who recognises this imnn ft is known at all the polloe headquarters rlthin the jurisdiction of this common- iwealth as almost as dangerous as half the menders agolnt the law with whom they hive to doaL No mission is too nefarious lor It to undertake, and proof of this lios In the fact that the one sensation these marplots attempted to create, by the arrest ki n. a. vun Valkenburg, was based upon uo auegeu niiiuavic oi a mythical person, Ir at least of someone who has nnt. hred toshow his face to the lishtand whn. thought to bean ex-convlct Yot sneyaarea to uttempt to Imperil the 111)- pny oi an nonest man by such moans. It rs notnuig that would bothor their con fclence, but what of the people who em ll'yd thumf For, after ull, these latter buiuu the condemnation, because hoelemeut of pity is so strong thut It cun 1iuu w mo poor, misguided and do wsed wretches soddonod in the moral at ribuk'S by lung careers of depravity. But the work uf this agency extended urinor. u had its hirelings on hand hero o take thoir share In the despicable work utlined. It could not supply all the help tat was needod. From other quurtors, ""its, jailbirds and nondescript ruffians 'ere gathered to harass and to annoy and antagonize tho resectable people who -. u , uiune Known their views to e men who had been elected by them to tpress these views by their vows. Spies Kod I their footsteps. No oue was sufo this espionage. Old frlendsof Quay's, enm who had rendered him fuithful "ice for years, were dogged and spied Pn. simply because in this issue they uld not conscientiously stand with him. iii. ! .-d.r Beoret Bervlco scoundrels "WJ tried to drive the respeotubls "Pleout of the elty. They threatened ' snd,ln "verol Instances at least L?aUl.t0d th8,a ftnd they "le it XT v ' thera abro0'1 'tor KBtralL i,eyer before were guch thu iiT,.., communlt' thttt Pretends to illation, and It is tu be hoped that the IT U long In the future when such vio " oppression and such lawless methods '" be known and felt again. teT fT "rik.lnB evldBUca of I char w or the people gathered to assist len "was to be found at his headquarters. alh.ri nol!r' turiulent mob. which allowed up the few respectable people M an honest Interest in him. Burly adorned with tin badges desig- twded th. . " of Philadelphia f wueu the lobby, and specimens of the twdln .u " up lao outruuees and rudlln .r'.mHU8 UP lhe cr- VZlS0.? ot 'he drunkard added to 5 fight wm thT. L ntlonK' n'8ht hoeaVh hlg kpt UP- tho. Places k?,h succu,nl)0a to the strain and Uhaustod being takon bv f,.h. r-'ronr recruits. Washing Powder that cleans everything quickly, cheaply and perfectly. For economy buy 41b. package. THE I. K. riIBBi!IK COIPAHT, Chicago. St. Louis, Raw Tort, PtaUadalphla. - - V that would be effectual was too hideous to attempt Business men who wanted to speak to their members were not per mitted to approaoh them. The "heelers," as they are called, kept pushing them way, using as much fore as was neces sary. That was one scheme. Some members were locked in their rooms In the hotel, and before the doors were stationed detectives to keep the peo ple away. This Is something for the mind to dwell upon. Hired ruffians actually standing guard over elected representa tives to keep their constituents from ad vising with them. Where this would not avail, other mothods were employed. The members from Bucks county, for instance, where the sentimont of 96 per cent of the peoplo was unquestionably for Wana maker, were kept under guard, this being carried so far even as to compelling thera to sleep with their connty leaders, so that they could not escape. In other Instances open bribery was re sorted to. The use of money was rook. ess and wasteful. It soemod to be vory abundant, and according to common rumor the source of supply was tho trusts and big corporations with which the Quay machine Is Identified, such as the sugar trust, the Standard Oil company, the Pennsylvania Kallroad company, the Reading Railroad company, the Carnegie Steel works, etc. Membors who could not be bribed were threatened with ruin If they did not fall in lino. In one case a young lawyer was met with a threat that the bulk of his practice, which was mainly among corporations, would be taken away from him If he voted for W'ana maker, and he, with tears In his eyes, begged to be released from his pledge to the latter. There wore many affecting scenes in the Wanamaker headquarters, for It was heartrending to soe strong men moved to tears, with their honor at stake on one side and their future interest threatened on the other, feeling that all the odious power of a thoroughly dis reputable combination would be brought to boar against them. When neither bribes nor threats would vail, the effort was made to Influence members through their relatives and friends in whom they had deep interest Promises were as thick as showers In April and they will prove to b just as uncertain. There Is a certain tnomber who has an invalid brother-ln-la. This Drotner-m-iaw was promised 3.ipo post- Inptait to t AIM ter . 3 1 I v--. ' h in: DR. SMITH OF PHILADELPHIA Antl riivsirian in Chief of tlio STATE CAPITOL HEDIOAL INSTITUTE lIAUltlSIIUKU, I'A, Will l)i in his Ollici' at tlio CENTRAL HOTEL, MIDDLEBURG, PA. On Tnesilay, January where . i t iiuineroiis ationt8 ami nurli otn-t-rs as niav wisli to avail them selves of liis skill inav have an opportunity of Consulting Him Dr. Smith is u regular ci uiluate of tho University of 1 eimsylvanin. Philudolphiii, ami is emlorsod by t he Bellevue Medical Collefo and Hos pital, Nw Yoik, ami a priictiuotier of uiuny years er'Skiieuce and ostal libhed ruputatioi v HIS H l'K I A I.TI V.H, A SUMMER SAIL in liulies' shoes is a nh'asaiif Kortlie nleas- vojiire afoot. uro it gives, there's no sail like our sale, rowds are Hon, and a signed contract thatiifcwould iiwsrMiiiniA. receive 110 per day 'until the position was Upon entering the practice of med secured for him if he would Induce his clDe Dr. Smith realized, alter a few relative to vote for Penrose. There were several Instances of the kind. A Phila delphia member was promised an appoint ment as colloctor of internal revenue if he would turn in. But he didn't do It The manner in which the caucus was forced was a violation of all precodont Never before has a sunntorlal caucus boon hold so fur In advance of the Any of uloctlon. The Quay people know that If given time They knew that I yearn geu-rtd practice, that the field of inedicul hciuuco was too lurtru for any oue man to hope to cover it all, and that a physician could do more for humanity and attain a higher rank in his profession by choosing some ono class of diseases, and de- voting bis attention to them to the exclusion of others. ith tho thor .1 , i... I..., I ii I-!. " n.t . . . . UUIl II I'WllI IIIMMI lll'll III' llllll, J'l. wimr uinus wouiu reacc. iney Knew tnat i. i.. "i .... t r I r.nd Th.Tr hired hH; w i I , i ? " '"i'u'v thoir ruin. Thoy know they could not I V"1 llL','e re. i-lmne as a specialty much longor keep the members under j tuo (,op'11 t,u('nt 01 guard, because in thoso who submitted , 'i'Vo:i, Mendil. Oirinilr unit MHiil there wnjs the dunger that the small re- IHrn.e. maining spark of manhood would assert ' To these ho Inn devoted his time Itself. They wautod tho cauous before ; and uttention. In their treatment this reaction came. So thoy forced It. If ' he has attained his present reluark the members who listened to the tcmntur nliln skill mid almost miiml iillcd sue- and whosubmlttod to the disgrace of por- jcess, and to those alllicled with them miiuiig inemsoives 10 oo waicnmi, awoke ho is able to nromiso tin) best le- cnjoying it, and seairiiiir tin prettiest, eooh-st ami Wst Hi ting Suininer shoes now inan nfiU'turett, at jri-es vi".!i bnyeis find it a pleasure tn pay. For house or street Wear, pleasure or even -day practical purposes, walking, riding, or drivint!, wesuppiv the ideal shoes denianded by fashion and the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claim- vo ir hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. 6 H. GIBSON, Justice of the Peace ANLJ GO M V Y A N d K R M- Z. STEIlVGt-R. Middlcburgh, Pa JAS.U.C Hoisi: ATTOHN KT AT LAW. MlllMI.KIil'Ud. I'A. All nilsiness eiitriiHti'.l to his cmth will receive prompt uttention. D It. A. ('. SI'ANUI.KIt. DHNT1ST. Gas Ailiiiiii'Htereil. Cri'wn ami Hridgework, Etc, Oflleeoiie d ir north of Weis' Store. SeliiiHgrove, l'a. A. 1. Polticgei', Veterinary sUroeoN. SELINSGROVE. PA. All prornsslomil Luslito eulrusled to niy cure will rocelvo prompt nnd ciircful attention. SN VI III 1 . AND KRI.IAHI w -i,.,M tinmce Agency, '.v -rr sitfv nrm nriTrrTrrvrr t. J 't w A VUUM 1 I , fix- vtc i 'invrlnr i s..r io tin I te llliai l It. Nlivder Th. I m iiiir li- Btt III' FIKK-I. li. I'i, . ( ' lifi;-i ACC1IH v Fnv. I tilled h -atistni i . mice Mm i i I i l: il.. Iimuniiie 'ice is rrnrrHei.lf,! . 1 1 f..ll..... l-iiei.v. Im.iii whieh lo nmke a M'leeiim.. .Ile I" ' I. I. i n (iticliiuiiiir fdi i.i.'ii ii-v.i . i A i ' i .ni , .. t Kin, ( linn., (oldest Ameii.-iiii s i;i-, 7:i.m:- fmd i.'oim. ...r,.s,if,8.'ii7 li.'illl.OilH.Kl i" m is l.i.d.ility AssiiiunceC.lpoiuti..i1,i" ' ' " '' 1 ". uiKeiil).'il ( iipitnl of ' ni nciin, Xew York, I Lit. tm.. (',.. V,.vv Y'li-k. II I I' . I . . i "v. i it. .iin-ri in. il (iii I A ...... I.. ... ... . . 1 . . i ' iiei-epieii in I in. low . --ii'l lo minimi H.ileiv. All just, cln 'j'l ' o. lini'i iiiiili.ui iii r,.:iii,i lo ii III' LIS l-.l. '.'.T.'il.dOil.OO est pnssllili- mi,. inih tiii m :t I v and issi s uf Insur- KLMKU V. SNYDKl: a..i Oilieeon Market Slreel, S. ins.;V(iv. at Reduction Salo of n For Ninety Days CIS Iht 'V rill. lil.K.X'I'KST tiersiffned Offer The Public Their E!?- TIKE STOr.'-: 0? FURNITURE ACUilK'U :,vKI KNOWN IN ( KNTif I, PKNN- ' I V M A Wenr. urn .lliim .,(, IM, t v,. ,i i,i'(,',,.(.r,.K ,r wi,,.., Ime. w-.-m V, Ljv.. r,. . I it,,. ,;, :. : "llll i .,1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii-l' Si It I ' I'll '. II... T .. M ... i i w i .. : : ',.i' ' '- ' """"' .'un in.iui "..Mil ne .".lull ri'ss . 171 Vol.,,,,, .1, Smts, S Pi. .v IM iiti S, ,'i ..' '.Vi n,,,i, p., ,.r s.iiis :; iiii.p Titiiii'h ,,,,'f, l Vi..hI..i, t ,.r set a. mi i'i.irm i:,.,.,-,.,', ; jJJJ nJV"M' ,;v,,r,.lli.l'.K '" ""' r","it ''"'"'"hiv Miri.ii. Hunk (Wh Se,,t ( lunrh-tim., leedium .....1 ,.!.,,,, furniture, to unit all eh.HHeH. I iiiei. r.Mlt.r.-.l all (l.roupli. Cm, aHyan.l seeour Mn. k before! uivluff ouri.r.l..r. ami thut- nave r, (,, an ,,,.reei.t. on every dollar. mu Special Attention (liven lo Undertaking & Kmlialining. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, iimited, MIKFMNHUKOII. I nil) i',. Liberal Adjustments r. E. HOWEK. :. K. lAl.lll. BOWER & PAWLING, Attorneys at-Law, Hid diet nr jrb , Pa. and asleep, uro now suffused with shamo and mortification it la too late. All that is loft for them now Is to dosnlso them selves and to roallzo that thoso for whom they sacrificed their honor dusplso thorn eveu more. ComloiiMMl TCHtllllOII . Cbas. H. Hood. Broker and Manu facturer's AL'ent Columbus, Oiiio, ertifiesthat Dr. Kiua's New Dis covery has no equal us a Couch rem edy. J. D. Brown, I'rop. James Hotel, l't. Wuyne. 1ml., tesUlies thut he wus cured of a Couch of two veara etandinsr, caused bv La Grip pe, by Dr. Kite's New Discovery. 13. F. Menil, Baldwinsville, Mass., -u.vs that he bus used and recom mended it and never knew it to fail ml would rather have it than any doctor, because it alwuvs cure. Mrs. HeuuiuK, 222 . 25th St., Chicago, dways keeps it at liand and has no leni- of Croup, because it instantly lelieves. Tree Trial Bottles at Ui ay- lull, Oaiiimn & Co.'s store. Kicbheld, fn and ull (li dl'l'isIs. aiuaker headquarters thoro r-viutoii .i,..l.. to. Wot th. , ne pointed critl h wsn T..r i T'or or the huU)l "here p wwe establih.i i. .i.- . ... . K"ha. th . 1 mr experlenco,' ha PwuuSl? ,U0h "erlng of contest." HrlK. - - . G.A.R.GOMMANDER Jas. S. Dean, (ten. (Irant Tost, JNiiitlont, X. V. CURED OP DYSPEPSIA Cii'iiniiinili'r l)i':in irrlt.-s: "As Chief tJ. 8. l:i!l A.-nl ul Hie t:.C I). It K.. K'""' ",,l',lh ' 4iillsii'iiiM... I fniind iiivn.'ll however nil run lowit with Dvp psht. 1 (l.vlon il. '";tore(l. lint I iftt-w worse. 1 HiilTered nilw'i.v nttflit. nnd .v. Inr tillly two yeiirx. My ouhh wiis l,V,',,'1'l1c' ri menrnhle. I clianoi-fl to mift lr. M'l nwiy iilnmt I lint time, nml told him of my fjiidlllon mill he hiiKI. t rv a but I Id ot DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S sssii sssas. a ITS!' PCMtnY vke It mornlnir. noon nnd "'"Klit. "" "'I.1 nre you. t took ill" ineuieme u " -ud no eontldenea In a core, as my cuse hsd -mnu tried hy fo many. Alter usIiib It a wee I n to (eel heiter. and In a short wh hut I wus ntlrIV cured. 1 hnt terriwip ais- hront hnd all rone and I haw not hart mo .iienrafllKcnmWit "Ince. T 'nay there ISUt a heulthlcruianandmyappotlthin1' ( , . t ' suits which science and skill caii produce. ' or ()mi:. Dr. Smith treats successfully all diseases peculiar to women. Every case consulting Dr. Smith, is piveu the most careful and considerate at tention. After jeuis of expeiionco he has discovered a positive euro for ailments peculiar to women, and whilo impressed with tho delicticy and solemuity of the subject, he feels no hesitancy in assuring them that in conjunction with a complete knowledge of tho nature and cause of their BuH'erimr, that ho can suc cessfully treat and permanently cure all diseases of women that mako life miserable and happy marriage im possible. yoi ni or Miitii.t:.ii:D ni;.i BufTurins from tho effects of their own follies, vices or excesses, or men contemplating marriage who are conscious of an impediment or diH quulitication or thoso who feel their yoiitnmi vitfor nna power uecuninc, should consult Dr. Smith, who has been the means of restoring thous ands of such unfortunates to health. strength and happinees. Remember Dr. Smith can bo cousultod free of charge. All interviows strictly con fidential. CureH g-tiiirmitoed in nil rnuro miller- lukrn. 'o rerlinon or failures. All diseases of a special nature privately, safely and permanently cured. DON'T FORGET THAT Dr. Smith .will bo at CENTRAL : HOTEL, MIDDLEBUKO PA., TlKKDAY, JANUAUY lOtll, where he heartily invites all thoso who are in need of Medical Treat ment to Consult bita Free of Charge From 9 A. M. till 3 P. M. onii-i'H In Hut k llulldliiK'. CHAS. NASUPUHVIS, Collections, Loans and Investments Ileal r.MnlP mill lrl alo llmikrr, Williatnsporl, Lycoming Co., P Hepdslls nereptod, subject todnifls or I'hccL nun sny purt nt Ilia world. BroTnerhDod STORE SUNBURY, PA 1 A3 .1 v.: ... lili The Elephant is loaded with the latest styles oi ; wivmii fe) vujjiujuuiujj ! and Heavy Winter Uudorwcar, Gloves, and all the best and most seasonable goods found in a first class Clothing Store. uomo and iook at tuy stock, you win una it wen selected. I aw, .Respectfully, W. H. BOYER. Blpans Tabulee: at druggists. Ripens Tabules cure livsr troubles. Rlpans Tabules: pleasant laxative. iNidfllcbiiTtf illiirkci Corrected weekly by our merchants. Butter is Eggs 18 Pitted oberries Unpltted " hmi-t.le"!98 Raspberries Unions 5 liard (I Tallow 4 Chickens per lb (I Turkeys 8 Hide 7 Shoulder 7 Ram 10 Old Wheat 1(0 live : 5 Old Corn 2ii Oats 15 to 21 rnn per 100 lbs 65 Middlings " 70 Chop " 85 r lour per hbl , 4.75 Rlpans Tabules euro flatulence. Prompt Payments. REMEMBER H. HRRVEY SCHQEH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Only the OKlest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. Tho Aetna .Founded A. I).. 1S1!) Assets SI 1 -(."."".;- I :l.SS ' 41 " !),s.-);,(;2S.5l " " is 10 " 2,Ki!,r)Si.5.J Home American The Standard Accident Insurance MM. T . 1 i i. me new ioi'k mic insurance U). The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.. Your Patronage Solicited. Mt CLOSING OUT! k 'TVjirwje-'i u i isiwff . . In order to give more ol time lo the Insurance business, ifi'n. ln.i 1 1 .. .ii. i ii i i ...Miaiij i.i.-i- iiui ui eiiini sum k oi .Mei'cliail.llse ill l'liccs, Mairy articles tin- below cost. Siccial barfrains on l will reduced Pants, OVUKCOATS, BOYS'SUITS, Coals. 13 Xj IM I5L 33TS J. KT 2D and all kinds of Winter (ioods. ALL COMK. great opportunity at 33 O O T S . I o not ncirlcet tlii Daviil Wetzel's Cash Store, Swineforfl, Pa. mmm THE FASHIONABLE McrrhantTAnnP nf Mm juuiuiium iniLun ui ui'iiut You can fjet tho hest o;ood:s for the least money. le ,ure to order vour Fall & Winter Clothing : of the man who Kiiaranteesit choice Cgjkj lit and gives you rock hoNoni prices Merchant Tailor, Selinsc:rovc. Pa. The POST and the New York TRIBUNE, both one year $1.76 ht, ud Uw knsw It Notbiac