The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 14, 1897, Image 1

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jr Co, ConimiMioners,
"SAW, - -
"i j;
ni in lie Town ani
'. Era and Pencil Bus?
ia the happy father
the "new leaf you
b New Year's?
Vsoxof Centre town-
Middleburgh visitor
V of Shamokin spent
with friends at the
Vr and wife spent sev-
This parents in Juni-
week. '
Jan primary election
fcty will take place
1 ni 1 1
icsherhas been ap-
ntile Appraiser of
bod girl in private
jes paid. Address
, W. Chestnut St.,
Sunhury, Fa.
an sore who, hav-
eon installments,
pagh he ciyi't ride
s go on
per in reporting the
tabulist who walked
Id the article : ''He
its to be looking
;gh dtfioerr -BeUct
Ve willing to ssrve
e duty. r 1
cbance of the mar-
has passed, but
new woman, she
n Leap Year to
is, as any year will
itries early. Your
(nations must be
lers' office not later
days before the
es place February
bancs happen to
these days go
pep all by your
a Bhadow over
ishine by telling
the republican
thorough of Mid
Id in the school
evening, Jan
pd the nomina
te 23rd, 1 to
' the Committee.
V. Lesher of
appears in ' the
has just been
the Bucknell
will graduate in
s left which I
cost in order
Ting stock. Now
rant to buy a
lleburgh. Pa.
Mock, of this
pldat Beaver-
icers of the
iltural Society.
: in the same
ntdeb, Sea
Goods and
V discount of
sash on
. genteel
rial work
W Barber
Building, op-
ooiea an
.oil and
IS. Sot
Don't forget to consult our clubb
ing list.
J. F. Stetler weut to Lewistown
on Tuesday.
There will be a concert in Free-
burg this Thursday evening.
Jas. O. Crouse, Esq., spent Tues
day and Wednesday at McClure.
February 13th is the day set for
the republican primary election.
Peter Nace of Mb. Pleasant Mills
will move to Winfield in the Spring.
Sheriff Specht had forty-seven
prisoners during his term just closed.
The Union Meetings during the
Week of Prayer were well attended.
D. E. Haas and wife of Shamokin
were county seat visitors over Sunday.
Blanks for Constable's Notices of
Spring election, can be had at this
office cheap
Don't miss .a snecial stain of Dress
Ooods and Linings at Weis', Satur
day, Jan. 23rd. 2t.
J. H. Jarrett of Selinsgrove was in
Middlebureh between trains on
Tuesday afternoon.
Wm. Gilbert, one of our old sol
dier subscribers of Ereamer. was in
Middleburgh on Tuesday.
W. A. Nappof Centre ville desires
to close out his entire stock of Dry
Goods, Groceries, etc. and is offer
ing them at and below cost. He is
going out of business, so you can
look for bargains.
Prof. John I. Woodruff, who has
charge of the chair of Latin at Sus
quebanna University, and his moth
er1! Elizabeth Woodruff, of Salem
were at the county ,set.-o otur,
Krnd took out letters of adminis
tration iu the estate of Henry Wood
ruff, deceased.
Now we are told by a scientific
theosophist that the soul immediate
ly after death assumes a greenish,
violet, gray color. Even if he has
discovered the soul, that combina
tion of colors is enough to frighten
one not living just as long as pos
A change in freight on all railroads
has just gone into effect. Hitherto
the minimum freight charges has
been 25 cents, henceforth, according
to joint arrangements between the
various companies, it will be 35 cents.
This is unwelcome news to large
class of shippors.
We are authorized to announce
that the republican nomination for
officers of Franklin township will
take place at the Eagle Hotel in
Swineford on Saturday, Jan. 23rd,
from one o'clock, p. m. to 6 p. m.
Candidates should leave their names
at this office before noon of the 21st.
The quarantine was removed from
the premises of Chief Burgess Stet
ler on Sunday afternoon. Great
care and every precaution was ob
served ki order to avoid any new
cases and nothing of an alarming
nature having developed the Board
of Health gave the prisoners their
P. P. Biouse of near New Berlin,
intends to move to WinfielJ in the
spring, on the property of James
Hitter, near the Northumberland
bridge, on the road leading from
New Beflin to Northumberland,
where he is prepared to make all
striped carpets at 10 cents per
square yard.
Nothing affords a better indox of
a business community than the ad
vertising columns of its local news
papers. Tne close observer can see
in the advertisements and business
announcements in the press of a
town or oity a trua reflection of the
business situation and the spirit
and temper of business men.
The Mifflinburg lelearaph of last
week says: Mr. Geo. Hummel of
iTClure, Snyder Co., spent a few
days,' recently, with Mr. James
Hoover. He expects to remove with
his family to this place in the spring.
....Geo. Benfer of Eratzerville,
Snyder Co,, visited George Aumiller
and 8. G. Grove, recently. ,
- apoleon Brosius of Fremont re
ceived a stroke of apoplexy on Sun
day a week ago.
James Runkle and daughter, Lau
ra, spent Sunday at Northumber
land with Dr. Allison's.
John Bickhart will move from
Freeburg to Chas. Eeck's farm near
Ereamer in the Spring.
T. B. Mc Williams of McVevtown
was a visitor at James VanZandt'a
the early part of this week,
E. C. Graybill in the spring will
occupy the rooms in D. A. Kern's
residence recently vacated by E. C.
Rev. D. E. McLain sprained his
ankle one day last week and Rev.
Bower preached for him on Sunday
Is the date of your sale in the
Post Sale Register ? If not, you
should have it there. Select your
date early.
John P. Wetzel of Beavertown,
president of the Snyder County Ag
ricultural Society, was a Middle
burg visitor on Tuesday.
Nominate your candidates for
township and borough offices. Cer
tificates of nomination must be in
the commissioners' office by the 29.
Miss Carrie Witlenmyor is visit
ing Miss Catharine Englebert at Ly
kens and Miss Bertha Wittenmyeris
being entertined by Miss Martha
Goldy in Camden.
Albert Bachman of Buchan, Ber
rian county, Michigan, spent Thurs
day and Friday of last week in
town the guest of his uncle Henry
IL Riegel and family.
J' .s3tt w',n tow where to buy
Priii... 'i tor rush, eonanlt thn mlvnr.
tisement of F. H. Maurer, New Ber
lin. He quotes prices. You will be
surprised to learn how low they are.
There will be two eclipses iu 1S97,
both of the sun. The first is an an
nular eclipse visible hero as a partial
eclipse towards sunset on February
1st. The second is also an annular
eclipse of the sun July 29th, visible
throughout the United States. Me
morial day, May 30th, falls on Sun
day, and St. Valentine's day and the
Fourth of July also come on Sun
day this year.
The following officers of Boaver
town Camp have been elected for
the ensuing six months. P. Pres.,
A W. Beaver ; Pres., Jacob n. Het
rick ; V. Pres., John A. Eorn ; M. of
F., L. H. Middleswarth ; Con., A.
W. Hetrick : Soc'y, Wa N. Haines ;
Fin. Seo'y, E. E. Wetzel ; Treas., J.
A. Aigler; Inspector, Chas. E.
Shirk; Guard, J. F. Bingamau;
Chap., Dr. L. E. Wolfe.
Acbtvleni Gas The exclusive
right for this county is now for sale,
of the new product, carbide of cal
cium, from which the wonderful new
illuminating gas is produced. Can
be used in any house ; gas mains not
necessary. Licenses issued under
the Wilson patents (32 ia number),
which absolutely controls the indus
try. Beware of infringers. For
terms, etc., apply to
Napuevs & Adams,
372 & 374 Bullitt Building,
114 4t. Philadelphia, Pa.
Second Assembly in Oratory and
Music in the Opera House, Free
burg, Pa., commencing Thursday
evening, Jan. 14, 1897. The local tal
ent will be assisted by the Dunkle
Sisters, Dramatic Artists ; Mri. W.
L.Bassler, Soloist; Miss Anna M.
Grimm, Pianist ; Profs. Paul Bill
bar Jt.O. A Eeeley, W. H. Houtz,
St. John's Choir, Fremont ; Wm. H.
Grimm, Violin ; J. N. Brosius, Cor
net ; W. F. Brown, Trombone ; J. A.
Shade!, Bass. Address of Welcome
by Rev. J. R. Bergey, Response by
Rev. JllL Bitter. Instruction and
Recitals each day. Thank God for
the gilt of song Psstor, Choir.Sun
day School, come join us in the fur
theranra of the musical work. Bring
your fronts music. Oonoerts,
Tburscuirfr, Friday and Saturday
evening Season ticket, with books,
Oots ; l.iagls Admission ISots.
Wk. Mom, A. 11,
Deed Entered or Retard.
TudieA. Gundrum, F. W. Gun
drum, Cora M. Wagner, and R. I.
Wagner to Amanda Goss, 140 perch
es, land in W. Beaver twp., for $100.
David P. Harmony to Cathariue
Harmony, for house and lot in Ban
nerville, J acre, for $515.
Philip M. Freed and wife to Simon
Boyer, for tract of laud in Washing
ton twp., 1 acre and 35 perches, for
Sarah Varnos to Valentine Varnes,
lot in Soliusgrove, for $1.
John P. Dorr to Thos. P. Derr, 2
tracts of land in West Perry Twp.,
containing CO acres aud 44 acres, for
M. Z. Steininger, admr. to Chas.
A. Leister, tract of land in Washing
ton twp., containing 45 acres and It!
perches, $125.
Samuel H. Leitner and wife to W.
Seebold, tract of land in Jackson
twp., 90 acres and 99 perches for
U. II. Hottenstein and wife to
Eate M. Aurand, for lot in Monroo
twp., about i acre, for $400.
J. D. Reigle, executor of Rogina
Baker, to Reuben S. Auckor, proper
ty in Union twp., for $5(50.
Chas. II. Coster and Francis Lyndo
Stetson to Philadelphia and Reading
Railway Co. The entire lines of tho
Reading railroad company and all its
brancbos, property, etc., for $10,000,'
J. D. Goss and Wm. Heeter, Exr
of Jacob Eemberling, to Mary M.
Heeter, property in Bannervillo, for
Edmr A. Tenula aud wife to Chai.
C. Tennis of Thompsontown to H.
V. Massey of Philadelphia, land ia
West Beaver twp., for one dollar.
Isaac Goodling and wife to Joseph
Meisor, five acres in Pony Twp ,
for $58.
Heirs of Joseph Peters to Howard
Peters, laud in Decatur towuship
and on the line of Snyder county,
containing ten acres for $1G.
Same to same, property in West
Beaver township, containing 32 acres
for $025.
II. I. Peters, ndtur. of Jos. Peters,
to II. A. Peters, tract of timber land
containing 20 acres, for $50.50.
Elizabeth Winey to J. S. Graybill
and J. B. Graybill. property in West
Perry Twp., containing four acres,
for $1. etc.
Rebecca Meiser, David Meisor and
It. S. Muiser, executors, etc., to Em
ma Cora Meisor, live ucros in Perry
township, for $50.
Lrttrin Urrmted.
Letters of administration in the
estate of John Lichtenwalter, late of
CeutreTwp., were granted F. B.
Bolig and C. M. Showers, Peuns
Letters of administration in the
estate of Conrad Hummel, late of
Middlecreek Twp., were granted to
S. G. and W. B. Hummel, Ereamer.
The will of Jacob E. Herman, late
of Penn Twp.,- was probated and
Peter S. Herman and H. J. Herman
were named executors.
The last will and testament of Eliz
abeth Cornelius, widow of Robert P.
Cornelius, deceased, of Jackson twp.,
named Joseph Cornelius, executor,
Letters of administration in the
estate of Henry Woodruft, deceased,
late of Penn township, were granted
to B. Elizabeth and J. I. Woodruff.
Letters ol administration were
granted in the estate of Elizabeth
Bickel, late of Chapman township,
deceased, to Wm. J. Bickel, of Mc
Ees i Falls.
arrlaf License.
"Mi8taixn Souls WhoDbeam or
Buss," The following marriage li
censes have been granted since our
last publication :
(David fl. Snyder, Port Treverton,
( Laura A. Gauglar, Pallas,
!J L. Middleswarth, Beaver twp..
Martha J. Musser, "
J H. E. Baroer, W. Perry Twp.,
JPriscillaE. Uplinger, . da
Resolutions of Respect.
The following resolutions were
adopted on the death of Mr. Henry
N. Wetzel. by theSmithgrove Union
Sunday School :
Whereas, Inasmuch as it has releas
ed our Almighty God, in His all
wise Providence to call hence from
time to eternity, tho soul of our
esteemed friend, neighbor uml
brother, Henry N. Wetzel, be it
Resolved, That we as a Sunday
School make the following exnros-
sions of our esteem aud regret.
Resolved, 1st. That wo have over
found him a faithful teacher of the
senioi bible class and unsurpassed
in all tbose qualities of body, mind
and heart, which by their true pro
portions, combine to make the good
social neighbor, the sympathetic,
helpful friend, the pure, just and
truthtul man.
Resolved, 2nd, That iu his loss we
mourn wuu all wno knew mm a
good, kind-hearted neighbor and a
co-worker iu Christ, that we are
thankful for the interest he mani
fostcd iu our Suudav School.
Resolved. 3rd. That we extend
our tenderest sympathies to the
sorely bereaved widow, in this, ber
sad bereavement, ami bo it further
Resolved, That the above resolu
tious be priuted in our county pa
pers and a copy sent to the bereav
ed widow.
Philip Rousu,
li. A. Walteh,
Izoba C. Smith,
$1,000 a Day for Advertising.
A writer in Scribuer's Mairiuin
for January says one store in Phila
delphia spends $1,000 a day for tid
vertisiug and that many others in
the same city spend $500. As they
have been investing thoso amounts
in advertising for a number of years,
aud are still doing so, it may be tak
en for granted that they havo found
it to pay. This is because tbey un
derstand how to udvertiso, and do
so judiciously, just as careful busi
ness men conduct other branches of
their business. Just us surely as
advertising pays tho larger stores
will it pay the Biuallor concerns, if it
is properly attondod to, by which is
meant proper working, attractive
display and the use of uewspnpers
that are read by the buying com
munity, aud above all, the ability to
supply tho article advertised. In ad
vertising there should bo no decep
Laciidbt I Lauvdbt 1 Beno C.
Spitler will send laundry on Mon
day. . Beat rork, lowest price.
Candidates' Cards.
APnlltl.l ...
hZT. """uuuremenia may oe mads la
to S"SS bt 10 " belaid
Bnrmi Pim. . j . .... ... . ....
iuimiil niyaoif as candliltttn rr auuwi.i!.
juiiire Huujwt to rules hii.1 ues of (lie Ue-
tiiTrtv.r. , 1 " llepumiruii fur
country in the u' ASZ T""Brvr5. "'!
ii m,MU.y ':'r t'"' "l'i'itl"ii at. 1 Int.
JurttfB belongs t. (It.. UVstonil ti. nru term
leniently aollrlMmr th, 1 , repeatuliy v..i r. "
Brarertowu. Pji. vl- I.,.. .......
.ti. ..i't, A.i.
Standing Committee Meets.
Tho Republican standing Commit
tee met iu tho Court House ou Sat
urday and selected Saturday, Feb.
13, as the day for holdiug the repub
lican primary election for the nom
ination of oue candidate each for
prothouotary, Register and Record
er, Associate Judge, District Attor
ney for Jury commissioner and dolo
gate to the State convention.
A resolution was adopted endors
ing the course of Representative
Herman and Senator Hummel in
voting as they did on the U. S. Sena
torial question.
It wis decitlod that none but "true
blue republicans" be allowod to vote
at the primary election. Business
of miuor importance was transacted
and the committee then adjourned
to meet again Feb. 6, 1897.
doing Out of BaninpiM.
In order to close out my entire
stock, commencing Monday, Jan.
11th, I will offer all my goods at cost
for cash or produce at market price.
I am going out of business. Bar
gains of all kinds will be oflered.
J. S. Mkiskb,
1-7-xt. Globe Mills, Pa.
Eleetloa Wllee.
The annual meeting of the mem
bers of the Beavertown Mutual Fire
Insurance Company of Beavertown,
Pa., for the election of Director! will
be held at their home office on .Sat
urday, January 80, 1897, between
the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock P. M.
1-7-et A U 2uox, gee.
Km. I'OHT. I'lcimn 11.. .,.,,.,.., ... .
MMUi4U Mr hVnm,: ..Vr A..". ' "."..
l.rl U) tilt. .)... i.ii
mill. ours ksiii,'iriiiiv
Kd. Piw l h,ih
a ."n, trt r ,. , ,V.-"V""."."' "?n"".
aiid Cl.rk of the Oourw or Snyder emit,
Lo, """"""inm primary cut-
RU. P(MT.IMiij i,.,ni,n.... ..... .. . .
candidate for tin. om. e ni Hr.itlium.t.iry an.l
ITll.rlr fr 111 am-..ral ........... ... ... . . . v .
Mcminn t iiiu niimiii; rri-
niary and If doiiiIiiiiUhI nnilelw-U'd I plcdifii uiy
scif U) servollio Imi Intcresia of tin people.
Vuur oui'dliMil Servant,
I'.D. Pokt. I am a candidate, for I'n.tlionotarj
and t lerK of tun Courts, l w.ih before tlio peo
ple nix yearn km and was delealed by a small
majority, llavimc alwaya beeu a lojiil ronuiill
oau, I trust the repiiniicaiiH of Snydur county
will see III toauppori
Your Hiiint.le Servant, ' SMITH.
Keinpfer Newcomb.
J. F. Ketnpfer, formerly of Ad
amsburg, this county, was married
on New Year's day to Dr. Mariotta
Eaton Newcomb at 11 Hammond St.,
Worcester, Mass., the homo of the
the bride. The bride is an accom
plished physician. Mr. Kempfer is
one of the mauagers of the Alpha
Publisliinrj Co., Akron, O il)
open a branch establishment in
Worchester, Mass. We extend our
The Best Family Cathartic.
For a goneral homo medicine,
Hood's Pills are unequalled. They
were prepared faiaily use and they
havo been found cutirely satisfac
tory whorever thov have beeu usod.
Their salo has gradually extended
until to-day tho domaud for them
loads the trade to look iinon Hood's
Pills as "the coming pill." They re
lievo aud euro so many troubles that
they aro really a whole medicine
chest. Thoy aro mild aud yet ef
Owine to impaired health. Mi. C-
rus A. Katou has resigned his posi
tion as cashior of the Lewisbur; Na
tional Bank, returning to Mitllin
burg a fow days ago.
Last week the following wore
elected to serve us officers of Wash
ington Camp, No. 1M, P. O. S. of A.,
of Freoburg, for the current term :
President, Thos. 13. Hoff; Vice
Prosident, John Shaffer ; Master of
Forms, C. W. Hoover ; Recording
Secretary, Edwin S. Willis ; Finan
cial Secretary, I. F. Hendricks;
Treasurer, Jerry Charlos ; Conduc
tor, A. II. Glass j Inspector, A. H.
Hendricks; Guard, George W. Wal
born i Trustee, A. II. Hondricks.
Mr. S. E. Bonner, of Now Berlin,
for mau v years one of the most suc
cessful auctioneers in Union county,
is now ready to closo dates for
spring sales. Mr. Benner is thor
oughly familiar with every phase of
farm life, and particularly well in
formed regarding the merits of live
stock, and in consequence, is an
auctioneer who makes bidding ac
tive and gets good prices, If you
cou template having a sale you should
addross him at once at New Berl in
and he will make prompt reply. 2-2S.
Jan. 4, near Richfield, John Rob
ert, infant son of Howard and Mary
Naylor, aged 1 year, 9 months and
25 days.
Jan. 8th. at Beavertown, Samuel
Snook, of heart disoase, aged about
70 years. Interment Tuesday.
Jan. 2nd, at Freeburg, Mrs. Henry
C. Fisher, of apoplexy. Aged 03
years, 6 months and 9 days.
Jan. 6th, at Ereamer, Henry N.
Wetzel, aged 67 years. Interment
on last Saturday.
Jan. 6th, Floyd Ammon Dreese
aged 10 years. 6 months and 22 days.
Jan. vui. -,
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