The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 24, 1896, Image 8

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    Court Proceedings.
Court converifid Mouilny, Dec. 14,
1896 at 11 o'clock . in.
Itonrr Ueiitle, F. H. Stiue, Ooorsre
E. Speolit ami George Loply were
appointtil tipHluve.
The regular terms of llio nveri
courts of Snyder county wero chang
ed to tlio 4:h Mtuly f February,
1st Mond.iv f Jine. lt Monday ot
October and tho2iil Moi..ny of De
cember, for tli term 1s t", and until
otherwiao ordered.
In tlio c wo of the l!oiniiioiiwenltli
b. A. II. Swaner, tlm (Irnnd Jury
returned not a true bill Hint county
to pay the coats.
In the caso of s line v. Amttulus
Sham bach a iml. pion. wan euti red.
In tho cusn of the Coiutnouwealth
TP. V. (tMiibcrling, the defendant
was aciiiited of the charge of as
sault 1ud b.itu i v.
ConmionweiiUli v. Hud IJuch the
defendant was hi-iiUmmmmI to pay a
fine of live dollar mid costs of pros
ecution. The repui Is of bridge viewern in
Went llejivrr toviiUi and Middlv
buruli Im'Kmiis'Ii wi in continued.
Ki'poitnof iiii'lt in Adiiius and
l'enns towunhips weiecoulirmed ub
feoltite. Win. Moyr, Isaac Midlleswarth
and l'liar-H liowcinox wwrn appoint
ed to vie a; mii i l lay out roid in JJcar-
I I' tort n.-liip.
ontr o- common it.tws.
Ill tlilMNlsl' .u' I. S. lime vs. (I. M.
Ni'tviickii, on p t it ion of tho ShcnlV
a rulo wus granted on the pliiiutill
and ili ft'iid nit to ciiinc into court
mid maintain or irli'iquinh their re
bp. ciivo claims to tho property lev
ied ou.
In lh e.isc of Catharine Klino vh.
Samuel Ivrater a rule was granted
on the tlaintilV to show cause why
the j ii lament sliould not bo opened
and the defendant let into a defence.
In the case of William Troutman
vs. Niac Sotls a compulsory nun
buiL was entcie 1 and a rulo was
Kraut "d to slmw cause why it should
iiot be htrickeii oil"-
Divorces were granted in the can
es of Jonas D. Shaffer vs. Susannah
Shaffer and Minnie A. Smith vs.
Chailes VV. Smith.
An ail lit' r was appointed iu the
assitfiio I estate of J. F. J oilman.
A master was appointed in the di
vorce ctio of F. tl. l'ortzline vs.
Jennie I'ori.line.
Alfred Spechl, bherilT. ackuowl
tidied deeds to Jacob Hcisor and
Aiiiok Itenfer.
Auditors were appointed in estates
of Jonathan lionikr, dee'd, Isaac
Jarrett, dee'd, Levi J. Hotnig, dee' I,
(luorgn Freed, dee'd, Henry M.
ltearich, dee'd. I'lim Hummel,
dee'd, .M'iss Specht, dee'd, and
lienry S. .Spigclmyor, dee'd.
Return to orders of sale wore con
firmed in estatcH of Miriraret Ilatie.
dee'd, Iloginit Bru baker, doe'd, Jacob
Klingler, dec d. Howard J. Holiir,
dee'd, Win. I J. .Musspr, dee'd, ii. M.
Fisher, dee'd, John Kurtz, -dee'd.
John It. Seechrist, doe'd, and Daniel
Zoiber, doe'd. t , , lV
Exceptions wero tilud to account
iu estates of Henry II. ltearich,
dee'd, Levi J. It uiig, deceased.
The writ of partition was enlarg
ed in estates of Solomon Lous,
Iu r .,r L-vi M. Teats, Ma
rand Kothroek, M. D. and other
credit rs. tiled a reflection by leave
of court.
Tho widows' appraisements and
the accounts of executors, adiuiuis
trators, guardians c. wero all con
firmed as advertised except those
mention" I in t!n'i proceedings.
John 'mi-M-i was appointed guar
dian of Fore-d K. i'.idley, a minor
child of Thomas Frdley, dee'd and a
minor grand child of Johu Krdley,
Wednesday, D.-c. 17th, isOiJ, court
alj onrned to TuesJa.v, Dec. U'.ith
Tlie wife of Mr. I). Robinson, n
priiiiiiin-nt lumberman of Hat wick,
V .. was sick with rhi iiiiiHtiMii for
live months. In (.peaking ot it, Mr.
11 iliin-on say?: ' I 'hamberlaln's I'aiii
Halm Is th" only thiie,' that irav her
anv rest from pain. For the relief of
V'iii if cannot lie heat." Many very
l.iil cases of rheumatism have been
.cu cd hv it. I'or miIo at 50 cents per
, boi.. .. Iy all DruggUts.
Olaublowar f BnMtfor4 Adopt ttrrag
RMolatleaa f liditNBW,
Bradford, Deo. SiThe glsssblowers
of Bradford har Indorsed the candidacy
of John Wanamakar forth United States
senate In tha mart enthaslMtlo manner.
After tha panning of the resolutions ever
man constituting tha Bradford branch of
tha Glasa Bottle Blower' aaaootatlun of
the United States and Canada signed a
petition addrenvd to the Hon. Walter T.
Merrick, tha Hon. H. It. North and tha
Hon. R. A. Dump prnjrlng them a rep
vnentntlvm In the Senate and houne to
ota for John Wanamaker for United
HtAtei aanator.
The reolutlou are an follow:
"Itowilved, That organized labor owe
to John Wanamaker a debt of gratitude
for tha fldollty and Amine with which
he tood tor the Intercut ot tha tret oar
men In Philadelphia aa an arbitrator of
thnlr iPITlculUe lait winter.
"ltoilvd, That Mr. Wanamaker I
man who know for hliutolf what It I to
work for wafre; that from youth to man
hood hi lutereit hare been Joined with
the Interonti of wag earner; that he now
r1vi employment at fair wngo to thou
Mtnd of men, woman and children In
rhllaitolphla; that In the employment of
labor It In true that ho doc not discrimi
nate avalnst any nationality, but that he
given preference to the laborer of thl
rmuitry of whatever race or whatever
they may have boen iMtrn: that If he ha
In a nlnglo Instance boon found to have
tmportoit lulxir engngmt abroad It wn
only no adjudged through technical con
nt ruct Ion ; that thin org.inixatlon has no
knowlinlgo that he hnn over Imported la
hor In any Inntauce where ulnilUr labor
rou 11 lie otit lined In thl country; and
that he, therefore, ilenerven tlio high con
Ibletieis of all tho citi.uii of Pennsylvania
who earn a living ty tho nweat of thnlr
' Item 1 veil, That the working people of
thin country would hnvo a faithful, ear
nest and cftlrlant reprcncntatlve If John
Wannmnker dhould lm eloctod to the
United states nenato, and we, therefore,
the Bradford branch of tho Glann Bottle
Mowers' association of the United Htnto
and Canada, hereby rusievtfully apjionl to
tho legislature of Pennsylvania, and
gnrxsMiilly to our luimodlate rpreniitA-
tlven In tha house ami senate, Hon. II. H.
North, Hon. H. A. Denipsey and Hon.
Walter T. Merrick, t' Hiipport tho olectlon
of Mr. Wniiainaker by their votes and In
lliieiicu." NERVOUS Troubles arc due to
impoverished blood. llood'nSur
Bapiuilla Is tho One True Hlood
l'uriaer and NERVE TON I C.
Lock Ilavea UulgiH Maa Organlie by
Elaotlag Offlcar.
Ixick Haves, Deo. 8. The Lock Haven
branch of the National League of Buslneu
Man ha been permuueutly organized and
tha following ofllcern have been eleeted
Prenldent.WlUon tClstler; vlre presldnnU,
C. M. O'Connor, J. A. W ilson, Q. T.
MlehaeU, T. H. Harmon, J. B. Fumtaud
W. U. Manu; secretary, E. K. Adam;
treasurer. H. C. Kvan. The following
resolution wan adopted:
"HoHolved, That we earnestly and urg
ently request our ropreaentatlve In the
aonate, M. L. McQuown, and alterably,
James W. Frederick, to us all honorable
muuns to aecure the election of John Wana
maker to the United State aeuate, bollr
lug that In so doing they will represent a
great preponderance of the sontiiuentof
our people and will rellttot credit upon
themnolvu and uion the county.
Prevention Is better than cure. Keep your
blood pure, your n'H-tlle good and your uiges
tlon perfect with llooil's Siirsaparllla, anil you
!ll not ir cd to fi-arany form of sickness.
Hood's Pitta Ai l tiurmoiitiHinly w ith flood's
Sursui'urtlla. lhinulcss, reliable, sure.
niinai i
.riltoii G. Ili ilz expects to ji,it
'lm ining in the spring,, providing he
is awarded the contract for carry
ingth" mails from Milllintovn to
Selitisgrovo ..W. If. Knepn sold
Lis family horse to Wilson Ulshlast
week It has been reported that
West Heaver will huvo four appli
cants for carrying tho mails between
Miffliutown and Selinsgrovo ...Mrs.
J. 11. Ifirbsteris still con lined in
lier bed with rheumatism F.
Oundrum, administrator of J. O.
(loss, dee'd estate, expects to saw
out the balance of a timbor tract
left at tho death of J. O. Gobs
V. F. Howell senilis to bo the busi
est man at MoClure as ho has on tho
road, almost every day from five to
e ght teams huuling props. ...Our
different Sunday schools are mak
ing preparations to hold an exercise
od Christmas day. . . .It has boon re
ported that Isaac Middleswarth'a
eon will take charge of the Baker
llouso at McCluro in the spring... ,
llrose Peter moved to Mifllin whore
he bus accepted a job as teamster
for Lawreuoe Gosh.
rijrinoutli llunlnenn Men.
Plymouth, IVe. 'J3. The bunlnosi nion
of this place have organized n branch of
the National League of Bunlnen Men,
uiul the meiulxirship hi' liules nearly all of
tho prominent mutt of the neighborhood
It U formed with the Idea of permanency,
and wlillo It has Jumped Into the vena-
t'irlal tlht an the Hrst Important Issue
that In not by any meann the only aim.
The resolution Indorsing Wanamaker
for the Cameron succession were udoptod
with every munifestat Ion of euthuslasin,
dud they clearly express the Heutiliiuut of
tho people lu this part of the state.
Little Men I
and Women
We call them little men and
little women, but they are
neither. They have ideas and
ways all their ewn. Fortu
nately they soon become fond
of cod-liver oil, when it is
giv?n to them in the form of
is the most valuable remedy in
existence for all the wasting
diseases of early life. The
poorly nourished, scrofulous
child; the thin, weak, fretting
child the young- child vho
does not growj all take Scott's
Emulsion without force or
bribe. It seems as if they knew
that this meant nourishment
and growth for bones, muscles
and nerves.
Book telling; more about it, free.
It won't pay to try a substitute for
Scott's Emulsion with the children.
They will reliih the real thine.
For sale at 50c. and $1.00, by all
SCOTT & tlOWNE, New York.
Every MAN who would know thefiPAVD
liiu 'I HM.tiie 1'iiiln t ui is,
the Old hi r re In ami the)
New lliscovcrlt of Mull,
leal Relenreas aiuilled to
Married Life, who would
atone fnrpuxt Miles and
avoid future pitfalls,
should write for our won
'derful little book, called
complete nianliooil and
How to Attain It." To
int mtim.1 man u . will
mail ou copy Kutirely Free, in plain
sealed eover.
Can be Cured.
It la verr often that the moat Inatir-
niflcant symptoms are forerunners of
the moat violent disease. There is
not a more destructive disease than
Cancer, and in a majority of cases it
is first Imlicated by a very amall pim
ple or sore, to which no attention is
attracted, until it before long develops
into the most alarming conditions.
Here is another case where the fh-st
symptoms of a most violent Cancer
were too amall to receive much notice
until the disease had fully developed.
Mrs. Laura E. Minis has resided at
Smlthville, Georgia, for years, andia
well known throughout the adjoining
country. In a recent letter she tells
of a wonderful case.
She says: "A small pimple of a
strawberry color appeared on my
cheek; it soon changed to purple, and
began to grow rapidly, notwithstand
ing all efforts to check it, until it was
the size of a partridge egg. My eye
became terribly inflamed, and was so
swollen, that for quite a while 1 could
not ace. The doctors said I had Can
Mrs. Laura E. Mims.
cer of the most malignant type, and
after exhausting, their efforts without
doing me any good, they gave up the
case as hopeless. When informed that
my father had died from the same
disease, they said I must die, aa hcred
itary Cancer was incurable. I was
terribly reduced in health, and felt as
if my life was wasting away
" At this crisis, I was advised by a
friend to try H. S. S., and in a ahort
while tbe Cancer seemed more in
flamed than before. I was informed
that was favorable, however, as the
medicine acts by forcing out the
poison through tbe pores of the skin
"Before long the Cancer began to
discharge and continued to do so for
three months; then it began to heal,
I continued the medicine a while
longer, until the Cancer disap
peared entirely, and I enjoyed better
health than ever before. This has
been several years ago and there has
not been a sign of a return of the
Cancer is becoming alarmingly
prevalent, and manifests itself in
such a variety of forms, that any
sore or scab, it matters not how small,
which docs not readily heal up and
disappear may well be regarded with
The fact that S. S. S. (guaranteed
purely trnetable) cures hereditary Can
cer, which in considered incurable,
places it without an equal as a
Hiirecure for all manner of real blood
diseases, such aa Scrofula, Eczema,
Contagious Hlood Poiaon.or any other
form of blood. Our treatise on
Cancer and Hlood Diseases will be
mailed free to any address by Swift
bDCCiuc Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
i iorn ir Aiiininihtraiioii i n r ii e
iftatu nl A .1. Ilnwi r-ox, lata ill t'p:'re Tnp.
.nvih-r i"tinty, l'it., ducM. It'tvlng lnn kmuiimI
o tlio iiihIitkiii neil, all n-rmiis kimwiUK thein
'elvun liiiluliti'il In tiitil ciitiitu uro ri iiui ulcil lu
n.iko liiiiiM-ihitti' ip:ivmin. wtille tliuno luivlim
I. huh will prciM-ut tliuiu duly siitliutitiuutctl tu
ilia unoiTBiK'Hd.
Nnv. '.'0. A i in i Utrutor
Harper's Weekly
IN 1897
With tlio rml of JS;i HAItrKlfS WEEKLY
will Imvc lived lorty yrurb. Ill that time Ilium
purtli'lputvd Willi all the .i'iiI ulid powi-r ut lt
I'Ullllllltllll In tin K"'" polHU'iil UWIllH ot tliu
iiiiinI Inii-ri'htliiK mill liiiHirtaitt porluil lu tho
ulMtory ot tin.' ('iiiiiiiry.uiiil It hurt sirci l l-f..ix-
It.. ri'llll'TN 111'' IIIIMlllillllHllllll'lllH Of WIl'lllV. .11 I H,
.111,1 li'iu-iH lnr tlio liiHtrurtioii ol (In- liuiu.iu una lliu uitii'lloralluuol liUUiuu C 'UUU 1'iis
.111(1 Ol III Jlllli'lH.
Wliut tin? WKKKLY tins liwii In lm H Irlt ami
piirpum1, uh tlii'nM huve Im'i-ii uiaiillcniiiij prin
i l pally lu Its uUllorlul paKt'it, 11 will cuutluuu lo
It Is Iimmh-II'I'- to uiiiiotiiice n ltli itl-i-NIou
.ill ilm vV KKKLY villi t-utitiiiu iltlilUK lliv
. ,-ar Is'.w. Il vM'iaiui t'.iV lo uiiikiuiiu" Miiat in
aoutit lo UapiH'li In Hi" vvoi'M, irluiiiplin
mr (toiiil .un i uiiii'iil ar lo bit uu, uluil ail-.uIii-im
ui till' pimple ari'lo lm liuulii, wl.ut In to
Ut' llieoulioiiH' ol tile coiilliiDijUA llli,'glu be
, we. n I in-h,iiniiit w jr iiii.l peaue, wiuil In to
uappi'li In liielar Kant, Mil it In to be tlie itl.ilu
.il hhiupe liielvu limiilltit lii iict', wual new
.ti.ii u h nl Hi-ieiii'u are tu mi it ki-aleil, or Hat
.re In lie I lie aelilDVeiiieiit.i ol 1 1 mill lettem,
urlliu rt I.kivLY Is lo bo a plctui lal ti-curU ol
all Ui ii.
'.ii i.iii.i will cohiliiuo to be u lomure.
m rial SnirliH. A New Kuki.i .iI Btoi.i by Miss
Ui i.. W ilkini. win Im-h kj in Jaiiiiaiy, A tale
I a tin i k iipi'lMiiK ukMiiml tlie lurk.-., iiy Mr. t.
i ll-i. mm, In mil Inn nl "IIimIii,' will luliiiw, A
i- i ei in I'm- ILiumi' I.. i, it mi i iiu hi ," by Mr.
loli.. Keiulili k iliu.ii I. UcU by nr. I'eur
il el,,
M...- 8.i nl Hlorle.t w.ll uiipear III tlie WKKK
I.) in. .ii ii u.l iK'Uii po.i-.lbio lu publish Ul4lili
. "'Ju. t
Mr. W
beti l
1 .....
.1 11
llowcirs ' Liro mill
I ik iiiu.ii I'liunuii.jj
. u1 ure ; .,ir. A a
l ..lie iiiimii v.iiliiim
laia VAuiiii;
. i no lllui.1 luipu.t
i l in- c iiutiy
I- to p will lo lib
. -I lilt! I . nllllt( lu
r nil uil'ituu 8 In
lelmev ulid tu
I ' i' in tlm llli
.Wuajiilj i
or ti 1 .i
,VU tK'I'll llltllll ,
I pi'l'I'Hlll ,ll I
. i ,ii iii-iii a ii
.,t Oil Hi
, ' rein
ii ol ,i i
, ivLY will i.i
. id'.H IIUm
inaUe i
.1.. mi a i
.1 I lie I
..Mil ul i '
ut mil y I4.1t nil iriunntnt uxlh
. . jr. order ii i. itrprr i iiruthtrt
.r 91.00
ml . In II. r tinned
I'll l i- .1- IUO .
jl.iKI it II .tO I IIF.KH
l. U. Ii;. i. 0, X. V. City.
.uulcscui .niiouHutaa,
inulea cure bad breala.
I , Stock of sty lish Clothing beiner sold atn
manufacturers cost to effect a change in the
1 VTT i ' . . . II
uusmess, we are noc going to Quit or re-
ure irom ousiness DUt our entire stock of
Stylish Clothing must be sold to wind up
the estate of Mr. F. Loeb, deceased. Here's
An Opportunity of a Lifetime.
If you are in need of anything in tbo lothing line do not
fail to grasp this raro opportunity of buying stylish cloth-
SlUr fill nlllincf l.rllr ti nnnl.1 .. L 1 t
m,,r Mimwoi, nun it uat it nuum f tm ciscwiiere.
This in Bonis Liiiate Sale
ami enables us to givo to tho public double valuo for almost half tho
regular price, ,
Hi lor lu, m mil lira
can bo found at this Legitimate clothing sale W mean business.
Wo do not advertise humbug sales. Wo do n'iuoto prices for
want of space, but we do make your dollar rei;1;J1Hi; twico as far in
purchasing power as it will go elsewhere. m'
ii r pt'
Try it and convince yourselve&l
M. L. MILLER, - - Prop'r
I keep constantly on lMnilan'1 uian
ufHoture tu order all kinds of
Marble and Or. -ite
Ola stones ciwnoi r
I liavo one of the t da-
torn In tlie State u'wu Consequently
turn nut tfood work.
ItCouie and see my work tt prices.
Thankful for pant favor I inoht re
spectfully auk a continuance of same,
it cinriit'iu roi'
of tha vurluii
cluilintr sue)'
man. FcKe)!!
J'ltt.. n.
10 Wt-
RememliBr The Dead! furmitdre, carpets and chinZ
m Ft
rr iii iiij " ,i ,!irj '
Bright new designs look out fn
every nook and corner of our 8tn
Shapes and Styles In which at oil
you see your Ideal.
P1CTCRES at prices so low that ol
er itierchnnts enn not compete
Yours Respectfully,
W. H. FELIX, LcwitowB
Election Notice.
Tlio iniiiiial mortlns if the s'oi'klinMi'rs of
Tim Klr-t Nitllninil ll.ihk of MI.IiIIi'Iiiul-Ii fur tliu
eliM'tloii ut Mi'vi'ii ilinviur lor I In- t'tihiilnir yi'iir
win im in 'in on ni.'vniy inn ivtn miy or Junimrj
next bt'twuen tin' limirs of lu u. m. ami li tit.
.1. N. TIKiMl'SKN. Jr. Casliti r.
Mlililluburgll, 1M., Di'C. Mil, Wl.
A. B.
(or Steam uiul Hot Water Fitting.
Aluo ilt'iiliT in Rollers. Engines,
Sliufting PiilleVH, Hungers and Leath
er llelting.
of Knglnen, lioiltTH and Mill work.
Families van he tmpplied with Until
Tubs, Pipe atid Pipe Fittings. I give
as reference concerning my niechaiii
oul skill, Frlck A: Co. of Waynesboro,
Pa. and Lebanon M'f'g- Co. both com
panies of high Ftatiiliug.
In order to avoid accidents
All Boilers
tihoultl be tested innler the hydraulic
test at letiHt once a year. Avoid
danger and call upon me to make the
Selipsgrove, : : l'a.
.. ) m
I furnish all sizes from a hand cutter to a cutter tliatf
will cut and split irom 8 to 9 tons per hour. Farmers w ill!
get twice tho value out ol their corn iodder by cutting lU
"Tho Tornado Feed Cutter prepares the fodder iu such aid
elegant style that your cattle will not tret sore mouths. In
will pay for itself twico in one season. Fellow fanners.
who uro especially short in feed, civo it a thought. Oulll
or write for catalogue giving full information.
GEO. N. ERDLEY, Selinsgrove.
Cancer I Caucer I
Vt' . currd on tlio 1 r ut, licutl, face, Up
Ua.',, 'a anywhere on tun external surface ol
Uic uoily (ts elulit ilaya) wttliout the Ions ot s
drup ut bltxHl. No knlfi) usoil. Terms very rea
sonable. Call ut hit oflloe oruiMreus
I). It HO'l'UUOCK. U. 1).. New Berlin, ra.
P. 8. Kindly unit your druwlHt or mercbant
liellier be keeps Dr. D. It. Hotbrock's reme
dies Tlz : Two-tiny Coul'U Cure, HUouinullo Lini
ment, Electric Nuralk,'la Cure, Liver Pills, Head
ache Powders, Vegetable Condition Powder (or
all domestic animals. Ks. repporanat. Golden
Tincture, Perfccto Vuntllu, Laudanum, l'arv
gorlo and Castor Oil. If not, toll ulin to order
them at once as t bey are sold and used every,
where. 1). K. ltoTUIUX'K, M. U., Physician and
Pharmacist, New Berlin, l'a.
Wanted-fln Idea
Praual or Mmi: th bring you wli.
. writ join wauoBauuHN oo- rsum Attu.
WuhlaafcM, D. O., tut Sl.itf prla
sa4 UM ! iwe kiadml iussUuas waiuas.
McClure's Magazine
For 1897
A New Lift) of orant by Hamlin O irlnnd. Tun llrst autnortitlvo aud aJdiuate Life ol Of
ev-Tpmillshel. Livisiuv tliu -anted. (II 'tfinilu Uooeinl) ir.)
litiilyard Kipllux's llrst soril. "i.'.ipi.iius t'oura tout." (Ileirtin In Docemher."
Kobort Louis. S wvousou's ' dU ivaa." Thiouly uorelot jlevuiisou's suit uniiuhllahcd; (OejiP
lu May.) '
Chas. A. Pun i. Uncolluntliintof W.trrnm." Mr. Dana was for three of the most crltloiily"
ut the civil War practically a iiiHtiiDHr of Lincjlu Caliltiut, and Is probably letter fit"!
.!.... uuj vum. uiiut i,u alv" "uiuurame u i story oi nils puriotl fruui liui ww"
tloni uud correspondence.
Portraits or Great Americans. Many of tuuin unpublished. In conneetlim with this seile
of portraits It Is Intended to publish sp jclul biographical studies under the gvueral Ui
of Makers oi iua union irom wasuinfton lo Lincoln.
I'lcturos ot Polettlne. Bieclally takun under the eiltor'a direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serls 1 by Conan Doyle, in which he will use bis extraordinary ulen
for mystery and Insen ultj" which have, ID tbe "Hherlock Holmes" stories, irlvea him s
place beside roe and U.iuorlau.
IAN MACLAKKN. All tbe (let on that be will write during the couilng year, with tha 4
tlon of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from blin long if
will appear in MoCluks a MaOAiixa.
JdtL UUANULUH HAUltlH. A series of new animal stories In the same fle d as th "f
Habbll" and the "Little Mr Thl inblell nicer" stories.
KUDYAUDKIPLINU. Dojldus "Captains Courageous." Klpllujf wilt contrtbite to "'CirM''
all of tue short stone be will writs during tbe coming j ear.
OCTAVE TIIANET Is preparing for tbe Maoaxin s series of shore stories tu which tn "
characters will appear, sithougu each will be complete In Itself.
will all have stories Id Uo'Jldhs's for the coming year.
Those are only s small fraction of the great and Itnpirtsal feature of MoU('s M aoaiiiH
1ST, tbi subsorlptlon prloe or which is only
One Dollar a Year
The new roluoia bajlns with November. Subscriptions should start with this Dumber,
The S. S. McOlure Co., New York Oity.
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