The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 17, 1896, Image 8

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    1 j
1 AffiJ Vat
'iir,. ..
l'llll.M'H l liIA, I'a.
I lll'IC Ull' ll It t 1 1 I 4 nf I MM lilt II)
JlliliU'-lnii Vli'llllt.V l.'i UK
... . ft
HUIICI I,,.' Il I, I I I 111 i I l llllMI-
IC, illlV'fl IHU' Vi'
llUM ll:j!i l 'l
our lii'iin-1 i
tlli'M- p.'ni.' j, i
linti il li i :n: .
the f i 't ; .i i'
! I lt'MI' '
iciil ci hi ic li'.
v 1 1 1 -1 j rii fur
1.1 "I- hill f
...:u.f. 'I'll i in. in V i-f
i. . i u; i-iv n 1 1 f nil
.!, is proven liy
. ,i. li.lV" i'i)M
' i.t film' irt'tMt lii il
l''i ! i t- ti'ln i or New-
York iii iH ili'i' I hut 1 1 1 v Miiizlit liuve
rii oppoi tuini.v to I'ni H.ilt tin- eini
lielit -piTlili t enni Icl with the
li'ilill'i ' Hi- In- . I i'.'I ii iiimI lnm
pit il- in ii.-1-o r;tni. Tin-in me
III II V liel - IiiViwi, v. I, i ile
t il M il i! Inn. i.v liimti il liieilli .
I hi i ii eim i r i i n1 s imil (il lie r eir,
ruiust anees v 1 1 1 ' -1 1 woiil l leinler ini-
poxsilile ;i 1 n,.' mi uev liel pl'otliiet
eil II mIiiv in u stliiliL'e ell v. Dr. U"-Ulivi-i
ShiiIii, us nt' riiiUili-Ipliiu'M
li -it -1 i r Ki""i ili-l vln i-i wo well
iiinl f iviir.ilil v t liroiiu'lioiit
tho httite ly his Wi'iidi i (til micci'mm
in llie (rent meiit met cure ol ner
vous, i-liiniin' :iii'l eoinpiieiiteil ilis-ou-es
will lie iii Ins otlicn ut the (Nmi
trul hotel, Mill. Hi burtfh, on Mou-
(lll.V, )ei'. 21 -I where In' (Mil I Ml roll
Hlllti'il 11 ee nf i h ll ifn from 1 1 a. 111. to
'p. 111. Tills j.-. h I ire ih. nice of eoti
HUltlllJ tills li 1 1 li 1 1 1 i-pei'lllllst HIJil
tliosi su!l'i'i iii I'roin any nervous or
lilitTel iiiL,' eouipl lints hhnilM not fiiil
to mil on Dr. Smith. If you visit
him In- will till ,ihi whether or not
he emi i iu . , i i, mill if he run, he
will enlei i,i! i i e. nit iiu-t to ilo ho.
Don't I'm . I t In- .l.iv aiiil i of his
iMiiiiiic to Mi l llehtiiKh, Mot.iliy,
Dec. lilHt. 12 10-Jt.
AD VMSl'.L'ltd.
II. O Smith mi l dunlin Lloyil
niiiile ii hiisiness i rip to Warner....
The Lutheran w,ll ohserve th" week
of prayer ...Ti"l. K. I). Wetzel,
teiii-her of tin A.I.iiiisImiik' (irmiiiniu'
ueliool. til!;. ii vi i 1 - i. ii Miinil:iv
nioniiiiir lie i now umler the euro
of tlie ilortor ills tieiiie Knepp
in visii iic' 1 1 in Iji-wistown
If I Ittimiir. riiresiti I ut.ivii tun! ill.
rrrtor of the 0 1 1 IVIIowh' Orphun
aeo Commit tec, wu pruscnt at n
meet Itii of the Coi poiiition at Sim-
The Sates of Huoit'i 8.irarrlll are the
InrgfU In thf worlil titjomnB th piir by
Hood's Sirn.ii.irilIaiiro wnnilrrfuL ptrfrrt, per
manent. It Li The Onn True llloo j ru'rinrr.
Hood's Pills am Hie tiett family eatliartto
anil liver nieillolne. Harrnlesi. reliable, sure.
Tin tea.'ht r-. of this place, who
touch in Su.Vili r county, hiivn ro
turneil hoiiu ainl report having hml
n yooil time at. teachers' Institute nt
Mul Hi I.urdi hist week..... John I).
Valtrr, wifi ainl koii, of l'axtouvillo
were th uih tts of II. Vnitziii'iu ami
family over Suml iy. . . .Tim poht
otliee contest is iiliout oinli'il aiul we
have leatiie.l Koch is in it
Most of the ,-iton s have their Christ
mas supplier,. ... Klmer Mcisrr of
iileiselVllii) was the (,'iie.t of Miss
(looillin'. Katlifou's obliiii clerk
. . . Doys lay in your cmnly htock.
Christmas will soon ho here ).
Slahluetkei, Harry (Jutclius, Wiluier
Ocker ami their l i ly of Mill
illehurh enj oyeil t he hospitality of
the Misses Sainlers on Su inlay after
noon A coiiieily, cntitlcil "A lii-
val hy Ueipu st ", w ill be irinlereil
by the Collei lJ.unl in Music Kail
"ii i't uhiy tivciiiiih'. Dcceiubor
This will ho a rain treat. Every
licily come. Admission, 'Jii cents for
lescrveil seats.
WONDERFUL "n tlTnrcs by
llooifs Siirsiiparilla, uml yet they
nrchiniiilenii'l natural.
parllla makes PURE BLOOD.
The wlf.i of Mr. ). Koliin.-Dii. a
prominent hiinlii riiiati of Hat wink,
N. Y.. was xick with rlii-ii:iiatihui for
tlv months. In kpeakpi ot it, Mr.
K jlniihuii sii ' 'limiiberluin'h l'aiu
lialm i the oniy t hiinr I hat tcuvu her
any reht fruin pain. For tint relief of
pain if c inuiit he beat.'' Many very
hail liases of I I-u i ii ii. t ii-. in Iikvo bt-en
oui ei! hy it. Fur halt Ht 5(1 cents per
bottle hy all I )r lU'.'ists.
.A Gr.inJ Thing and Nothing to Pay.
Just hcc w hat Dr. Grooue ofTdirt to
do for ull weak anil HufiVriug people.
Ilo is the most successful upocitilist
in curini; nervous uml chronic dis
eases. His unparalleled oll'ur to con
sult with anyone, free of cbargo, by
letter correspondence, is doins won
derful i,'ood. If you have any com
plaint which you do not thoroughly
understand, and which you would
like cured, write the Doctor a letter
btatitiK' just how you feel and what
symptoms trouble you. Ilo will an
swer it, civil); a complete descrip
tion of your case, explaining the
meaning of every symptom, and toll
inx bow you can uuroly got well and
strong, lie given mout careful at
tention to each letter, and etplaina
your cane so thoroughly that you un
derhand exactly what ails you. All
this costs you nothing, you have no
doctor's fees to paj .aud, you don't
have to leave your home. The Doc
tor makes a specialty of thus treat
ing patients through letter corres
pondence, an 1 tlmy nearly always
get well. He is the discoverer of
that womleiful medicine. Dr.
Greene's Norvura blood aud nerve
roinedy. Write to him at his office,
West Hth St., New York City,
and you w ill undoubtedly be made
htrt'iig and well.
The mile of Joseph Meiser, dee'd,
was will ut tended and t very thing
brought u fair prico. . . .The Con
stable Kale of the properly nf Cor
nelius Forney on Saturday was well
attended, but i great many articles
were bought for the purpose of re
turning to the owner. . . .The Tench
ers have returned from Institute,
uml began win k anew on Mond-ty
morning. We must believe that
they have begun work with a de
termination to do better wotk from
henceforth, because the instruction
given to them at Institute was f
such a chancier that, the things
spoken there should at ont'it be put
into operation in our public
schools ...F. W. Din-'cr who is
mployed by the Prudential Life In
surance (Jo,, jn Siid'uokiu was home
on a visit over Sunday ... .It is Hind
that (' W. Troiilinaii has left tor
Greene county w here he will be em
ployed on ti large farm for general
runabout work.
Mover and Ijoldot f, our insurance
nu n attended a meeting of the Un
derwriters' Association ut Selius
grove last Mouduy. The rates of
the middle division were a.iopteit.
Miss I'm ii was elect oil stamp clerk.
They me placing a number of good
risks. Among tlie companies they
represent tire the Aiaercaii, Head
nig, York, &.... Mrs. Samuel Hun,
who lived ut i reeburg inuny years,
died at the resi Jence of her sou-in-
la.v, Wei. A. Glass nt Northumber
land. Her remains were taken to
Duncaiinou for iiitermeiit hesido her
husband in the f unity plot. The
llaas family hud lived at Fieeburg
many years. She was a daughter ot
Jacob Mcnges and u sister of Jud i
Mcugcs who died in Indiana. . ..We
are practicing our Christmas Exe.
cises "Festal Sights." The music,
recitations, and responses are suit
ably arranged. . . .W. L.Bassler and
wife are attending the Northuiuhe i
land Co. Teachers' Institute. Mrs.
Hassler has beeii engaged to biug at
the session of the Institute . . . li. F.
Arnold represented the Freeburg
Lodge, I. O. O. F. Orphans' Home
meeting at unbury. lie signed the
contract for tho purchase of the
Hoover farm situated about three
miles Itoin Suubury ou the 1'. li. II.
leading to Shumukin. . . .Our farm
ers' institute was very interesting.
It was a regular agricultural school
and all w ho attouded tho session
were will paid for their time and at
tention .... W. L. lJussler, Samuel
lloiish, J. S. l'uwhng erected ice
houses lust week, John lloutz va
rious sin all buildings to his premis
es. Our carpenters are buy at
small jobs which ad I to the comfort
and convenience of those who ertct
I hem.
A number of the ntl rneys gave ft
supper on Wednesday evening ill
honor of Judge McCluro, w ho is as
sisting Judge Savidgo to hold court.
Sunburn I hi tin.
Is there a tickling in the
throat? Do you cough a great
deal, especially- when Tying;
down? Are you hoarse at
times? Does nearly every cold
you take settle in your throat?
These "throat coughs" are
very deceptive. Don't neglect
them. Troches, or cough
syrups won't touch the spot.
You must take remedies that
will enrich the blood, tone up
the nerves; and heal the in
flamed membranes.
Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos-
fihites contains such remedies,
t has wonderful nourishing;
and healing power. The cause
of the cough is removed the
whole system is given new life
and vigor; ana the danger
from threatening lung trouble
is swept away.
Book about it free.
For tale by 11 druggists at 50c and
SCOTT & BOWNE, New York.
How to Attain It."
A Wonderful New
Medical Book.wrltten
for Men Only. One
copy mar be bad free,
ealed, la plalaeavel
ope, oo application.
Nlaiara StM
UrPAkO, N. V.
Catarrh is aeeraing'ly one of the
woat complicated of ailments, and
one which the doctors are absolutely
unable to cure. The reasons for
this are easily etplained. Catarrh is
a blood disease, and only a blood
remedy can effect it. The various
sprays, douches and washes which
are employed as a local treatment,
may, for a time, alleviate the
trouble, but no one ever knew of
such treatment producing a cure.
They can not reach the aeat of the dis
ease, as the eiperience of many
sufferers will prove; nothing can do
ao except a real blood remedy.
!n the treatment of Catarrh, S. S.
S. has demonstrated the fact that it
reaches deep-seated diseases, which
other remedies can not touch.
Mr. Chas. A. I'arr, the leading wall
paper dealer, of Athens, CJa., writes :
" For months I suffered from a severe
Case of catarrh. The many offensive
3 r v$
. A. Parr.
Ms. Chas,
symptoms were accompanied by
severe pains in the head. I took sev
eral kinds of medicines recommended
for catarrh, and used various local ap
plications, but the disease had become
so deep-seated that they had no effect
whatever. I was alarmed at my con
dition, as I knew this disease invari
ably descended to the lungs, ending
in consumption. I was induced to take
S. S. S. (Swift's Speciiic). and after two
months I was perfectly well, and
have never felt any effects of the
disease since."
S. 8. S. is the only blood remedy
which it is impossible to imitate. There
is a substitute for most of them, for
they are all alike contain the same
ingredients, and are made in the same
manner. But there ia no substitute
for S. 8. S., as it is in every way dif
ferent from every other blood remedy
offered to the public. It is nature'sown
remedy, being made from roots and
herbs gathered from the forests, and
contains not a particle of mercury,
potash or other drug. It is not a drug
store remedy, and not a single ingredi
ent can be obtained from a chemist's
shop. 8. S. S. (Swift's Specific) is the
only blood remedy which is guaran
teed to be
Purely Vegetable
All others are founded on mercury and
Deep-seated and obstinate blood
troubles, such as Cancer, Scrofula,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kczeina, Con
tagious Blood Poison, etc., which oth
er remedies do not reach, yield readily
to the curative powers of S. S. S.
Books on blood and skin diseases
will be mailed free to any address I
6wif t Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
i DMIMSTUATOIfS NOTR'i:. l.i-t-ttrsnf
Ailiiiini-tnit ion I n t Ii e
rMto nl A .1. IIiiwitsiix, lulu ol I'er.lri' Twp.,
-ii.Iit i-uiiiily. r,i ilocM, LiivIiik ln'i'ii urn ii let
In I Iiu utnt-rit;uii.l, ull a'r.-iin kimiviiiK theui --t'lvim
ludi'liiutj tu m.iIiI olutf nru ri'iuaiiti'it In
ni.iku I in in il iHtc pay int-iil. hll tliimo linvUiK
el u. n will ircKi'iit tliilil iluly uiitlii'iitli'Uleil lu
lliu uiiilur.ilgui'il.
II. A. limVKIiSOX.
N'iv. :o A.iinn l.intur
Harper's Weekly
IN 1897
Willi tin- t int u( Ix.Mi IIAKI'KU'.S H UIKI.Y
will haw im.M inriy )mi'. In dial Hum li lias
iiu llclialcil Willi all llui zi'iil ainl kim r at lis
i uliiiiialiil 111 lliu K 1 1''!' inimical fli'liU ul I lie
innsl inn r'-tliitf a ml Iiiikui.iiiI inriuil In t lie
lilidU) ul Hit' I'uillilrt.ulitl 11 lius splrail In'lnit'
Hi ivaili'l's lliu ui'i'iiiiilillhliini'iils ul v li'lii'i', al ln,
ami li'Mi'iN lur tin- liislrurtliiu ul lliu liutuaii
mlii'l unit lliu ameliui jlluuut liuiuuu cuuuliluim
anil ul iiiuiuit'iH.
Wliat tin' WKKKI.Y lias broil In Us spirit ami
llll io. US Ull'.O ll.ltl) lli'i'll Ul.lillll'nli (1 11 1 11-
!'liall' III lis t'ltllul lal panes, It will cuulliiuu tu
ll Is linposi-ll'li' tu uiiiniiiiii e W illi pretislou
nil Ilial lliu S KKKI.V will I'Ulitalll illulliK iiik lvi. ll wi'io us fasy tu uiiintut.i'c it is
abuiit to happen in lliu wurlil. w iial Irluinplis
lur kuoiI nuiernmeiil ulu tu uu wuu, what ail
v.iiu'1's ul I lie peiiplu urelu Imi maile, w liat Is lu
Ih llieuiileiiiiii! ul lliu mill menus Hlruiji;!!' uu-twi'i-u
lliu spn lis ut war uml peaeu, wli.a In lu
bappeu In lliu lur tusl, w hat Is lu Iiu llie slate
nl Kurupu twelve umiitlis lieiice, wluil new
nun veU uf selenei) are lu uu luveuleil, or wnal
are lu lie I lie le liluvenienls u iris ami lelleis,
(iirtlm yVKKKl.Y Is lu uu u pU luilal reiura ul
ull tins.
t'urtiMins will cunlliiui to Imj a feuture.
herUI Sturles. A New Kiiuluiul story by MIks
Mary b. Wilklus, will Lh'KHi hi Jiuiuury. A lulu
ul u lireeK uprising' iiKaiii-.i iiik i iuks. iiy jir. r..
K. lleiiHuu. I lie aiiiliur ot "IKhIo," will follow. A
...ii..i iji "Tlie House limit on lliu hlvx." liv Mr.
Jolui kt'iidrk'k banks, lllusirutfa ly .Mr. l'uur
Mure Short Stories will appear In llie WKKK
I.y tliuli ll Uas buun puanlblu to pllliliali Uuiuig
lR'piirtiiieiits: Mr. W. Iluwoll's "Llfa and
Letters" liuve been uinunu; lliu uiotil uIiuxiiUuk
features ul jiurioiiieai iiu-riiiuru j sir. ti. 6.
Murun, unil tuners win roiitrlinue obsurviiiluiiH
an wliu t Is icuinu on In "Tills lltisy WurM:''
"Atnuiuur siiurl'' will remain t Iiu must hupurc-
ttlll ai:pariuient ui ii kiuu iu mu cuuuiry.
Tlie WKKKLY will oontlnuo to present to lu
reatlers tlio world's uuws must lulurunllnir to
American, to umke luiporlHiit ttdvuouea lu
until lUo llmrury uuil arllsllu lealures, uuil to
rt-luln lor ILseit lliu leaUliiK place lu tuo lllus
traled Jonruullsm ol lUu worm.
Xtitrpaptri art nol In eoly (Aw aJir(ijmiil with
out (A Tprtu order if Uarptr it ilrolhert.
Foronsjrrar . M.00
roslatfe Kree to all subscribers In tbr f ullol
OUut VUUUUk Mill nieAiwu. .
r. O. Bob t0, w. T. City.
Stock of stylish Clothint?
manufacturers cost to effecta change in the
business. We are not going to quit or re
tire from business but our entire stock of
Stylish Clothing must be sold to wind up
the estate of Mr. F. Loob, deceased. Here's
An Opportunity of a Lifetime.
If you aro in need of any thing in tho lot hing line ilo not
fail to grasp this rare opportunity of buying stylish cloth
ing for almost half what it would ctwt vou elsewhere
ft is a Boil Legitimate Sale
and enables w to give to tho public double value for almost half ti,.
regular price. ,L
lllllll lllllf II, IfS illlll lliiliira
can be found at this Leiriliinjifn ilntliincr o ii. tr-. i ...
A o do not advertiso humbug sales. We do not quoto prices for
want of space, but we do make your dollar reach twice as far in
purchasing power as it will go elsewhere.
Try it and convince yourselves.
$18100 WEB'&Sunburu. $18
Remeier Tlie Dead! furniture, carpets and cHiri
MonnmBSts And Mtlm
I keep constantly on linuiIan J mun
ufneture to order all kinds of
Marble and Granite
Old Stones Cleaned and Eexaired.
1 hnvA onn of thn lipsf. MnrtiU Ci.t.
ters in the Stats and consequently
turn out Kood work.
tfjjrijouie and see my work & prices.
Tlliinkflll for liUKt. fuvnm I iiuml. ru
Hpi'i't fully ask a continuance of same,
From Sir to Hon,
A n Fnmllv Mfrtlrlnp Ilnonn's Cpii-rv Ktnir for
llii' Nrrvr his h Iriini hln-In mill n li'ifnry.
iiynii niiM' hiniii-y. i.ivi'rnr hiikki (lisonlrr tin
nni iii'iiiy, inn koi n irre hiiiiiihii ihu Kiiki of (Ms
rciiii'iiy ui imii'h. ii you nuvt niiiiiri'Hiinii, run
ft Ipnt ton. hi'. Ktii'iiinul Ifin. etc, tills
irrniul Hint'ltli' will riiro ynu. 8. K. Unwell. M-
I'lliro, I'll.. .1. V. Ih'i KiT. Illrllllnlil. W. II. Hit
i i hi li . 1 ri'.M'lvlllp ninl It. II. nutters. I'ciiim
iTi'i'k, ttn li'nilliiK itrni.'KtH'H. sola iikciiIh, ami
HriMllslrlliiitlnv fimiili'H Irro to tliu Hllllotvu
I.iirtt'e uii'KUKi's soo uml w.
L B.
Rlpana Tabules cure biliousness.
Ripans Tabules cure bad breath.
i I
for Steam and Hot Water Fitting.
Also denier in Hoilers. Kniriues,
Sliaftlnu I'lilli-yc, lltinirers und J.fHt ti
er lU'ltili'.
of KnKlnes, Rollers and Mill work.
Families un li lie riupplied v itli Hath
TuIih, l'ipe and Pipe Fittints. I lve
us refereuee coiierriiini; my inocliiitii
cal skill, Friek & Co. of Waynehboro,
i'a. ami Lebanon M'f'if. Co. both com
panion Of Iiiiii HtllllllillK.
Iu order to avoid accidents
All Bailers
hlioulil bit tented under the li yd run I in
tet-t at lenst iitii'e ii year. Avoid
danger uud cull upon me to make the
SeliiiPiirove, : : Pa.
4m m
Hrltfht new deslgos look out J
rvpry UOOK ami COMierof otir S'oJ
Shapes and Styles In wl,P it J
1 u w your laeai.
nirvKfnn,. t-',WOI
ftt prices so low that ohJ
er iiiercnuots can not compet
Yours Respectfully,
. - 4 . -- - I . II
i iuriiitii all sizes lroiu a liaud cutter to a cutter tin
will cut and nidit trom S to ! tons per hour. Farmers E
get twice the value out of their corn fodder hy cuttinsi:
The Tornado Feed Cutter prepares tho fodder iu mkU
elegant style that your caltle will not yrot sore mouth..-
...Ill ! . I . "
wui pay uu- usen iwiee in one season. Tellow larm
who are especially short in feed, give it a thought. Ct
or write for catalogue giving full information.
GEO. N. ERDLEY, Selinsgrove
Cancer I Cancer I
Ciini'nr enroll on tlie trraHt, beail, fucc, lip
bund or any win re on tha external surfuee of
tlie body (Is ettftit days) wlllioul the loss ot a
drop ot blood. No knife lined. Tortus very res
sonablu, ('(ill at 'my oftlce or address
I). It. ItuTUHix'K, M. l) Now lk'rlln, I'a.
P. 8. Kindly ssk your druKglst or mcrcbunt
wbetlier be Icet-ps Dr. I). U. Kolbroek's reiuo
dli'S Tlx t Two-duy LXiutfb Cure, Hlummullo Lini
ment, EluctrlcNsuruliclaCure, I.lver Pills, 11 end
sube Powders, Vegetable CouBlUon Powder tor
all domtstle autmaU, Kss. Peppermlut, Uoldea
Tlnuture, Perfecto VuulUu, Lauduuum, l'arv
forte and Castor Oil. If not, toll blm to order
tbem at once as t boy are sold and used every
where. D. H. KOTHKOl'K. M. D., 1'byslclan sad
Pbarmselbt, New Berlin, Pa.
iSUl to PIB
Wanted-ftn Idea
rroi I yaar !.: thr may briu ou wUh.
WrIM JOaif WSLlUIRKUaS a CO.. Paual Attar.
MffcWMMHIWli D. 0for tblr (l.SW MlM
aa4 art t tws kaulnd LbtmUuiu wsatod..
McClure's Magazine
For 1897
A Now Life of (Irani by Il iiiiUnil irluiu. I'jo ilrst auuiurutlvn ami nl,.,m.fn l it ol V
ev.T published. I. ivmn v lllnitr.iie l. (II ',mtn iKioi'iiibiir )
Hudyurd aiiilliiK's llrxt Aiunrlrau hci II. "i'iiii iiun Cn inir.iu ,n.. ... i.. n .......
Ilolxirl I.-IUI8 .SIovoihkii's ' .St. IvM." TU i only novnl of Stoveuiiou d sllll uii.uullli.l' (B,
cbM -.!?'!1..i'w T?Mn ;!!onnf wr",n Mf. a was for three of the nioit cr:iw
... ;.. ., .uioiii.roi in UIIIUJIUILUIIIIIUI, Bllll 1 DrOllllUly ll ' l 'H
t Hill MI1V III llMI lllilll I lili t I i iKr.. mi ..ul l...r I.... ... ... ..... 'u...Mtj
tloii and uiirreMpouiluiice. (i.itoiih.
Portraits of Ureal Auivrleaiis. Many of them unoubllHbed. In connoctlou s ilU UUin'
of poriraiis it is uiu-niMd 10 publish sp .clul blutfraphlcal studies under lh S'Sft!
of M.ikersot tbe l ulon trom Wanhlnston to Lincoln.
Pictures of l'aleitlno. spoctully Uikuu under the editor's direction.
?Urles of Adveuturo. A sorU 1 by fouuu Uoylo. lu wlilcu bo will use bis extnorllinrj a
lor mystery aud Ingenuity wbleU have. In the "Bberlixk lIollue, storks. W
place beMue l oo una Uitooriau.
IAN MACLAUEN. All the flct on that be will writs during the coming year. wltaUsH
tion 01 two coin nnuuons u suotner publication wblcb were engaged from Inu w '
will appear In Mi'Ci.dks s Mauaxins.
JdtL CUANDLEH UAKKI8. A series of new auuual stories la the name Odd uU'
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