The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 10, 1896, Image 7

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TU rrp'y ' ChlropoillM Started an to
ligation Tnnaa W ho Walk RnftVr
Ml from Corna How Rldrwalka I:icr-
rlM an Important Inflnoarv,
'Whot mnkM corut?"
"If pfoplownnld not wolk.thry weald
not hvc corn," replied the chiroptxlint
Tbo roply wit M isf artery a for m it
rent. hat it didn't go far Ftionch, and
thcrrfnro tho roffrrcr, not beinu, nblo to
rid himwir or mo pain ry riding ol-
win. walked ana ponuerca
Hj bocnn to notice, when ho wnlkod
in cr dinction on ono iido of n ntn cf,
that one foot was affected and when
le walked in tho opposite direction that
the other foot wa affected. The dinlreM
an in tho foot that wa toward tho curb,
Horcnldnct walk ahend awhilo and
thm walk hackwnrd to rt lirvo the pain,
h-cuns" ho thought that he mijiht lm
Ik kl tiix'ti iw n crank nnd tlint oucli
hdiuvior in n public Htrect would bouli
Hinl anyway. Then ho rxumiiii d li !m
p,k mid oboervt'cl that tho mnut of thn
Wfir cm thoontcr edges of tho eolrs
and li"l nud that the npper lent her
hail I'Kun to luilKO "lightly over the
. . m I - - ti.
W Til p.'irin 01 inu wma. wncn lie put
hn flu" on npnin, he obwrved Mint the
L athi r win re it bulged preyed on tho
painful nrv of each little toe.
W illl llie rwiim 01 mo oiif.cvviilli'1'.'i
in mind, tlm KulTerer proceeded, hk-ji I v
tip. mmiowiiat pniniuiiy nt tiiues, to
arertiitfl tho ritu or tho etri'ct on lu
,h.v. lie would not acknowledge Unit
ln nii(jlit ho bow legged mid uiiul lt tu
wmr evenly tho soles of lii.1 sin r , nnd
n'U!y who met him could olmtrve juiv
11 1: u.-mil (iciieciion irom thn oniiimi v
lin f f lig. Ho trod currfully, ami,
witlimit making JiiniNi If conspieiii.iH
iriid tu walk on u level, no that th
jriwtiro would bo equal on tlio whole
rarfaro cf each cole. II in tcieing win
B;( derate neither too inuch outward
ner too much inward uml nt tinieilin
iin i'i oiled in walking nt hi mind di
r-rtnl, I ut usually tho distress that ho
vinad from indicated that something
w:n wmik soinewhen. The foot on tho
null Mlo f thn walk wus generally dis
treed mure than tho other. Tho fit of
lin shoes was fair, nud for awhilo tho
iuITi ring investiKntor could not deter
mum the reasons for tho tendency to
bnlRe on tho sides. JJo defied any ono to
prove mat tlio bottled waters thut ho
drunk could have an effect ou Lis svs
tmi thnt would tend to mako him edgo
trwnrd tho gutter. Such an idea ought
urn to lie t lion 8 hi or.
(toitiR somowhat deeper Into tho sab
joet, beiienth the shoes and tho painful
ruw, mo investigator nave some atten
tinn to tho surfaces ou which ho walked,
mi stowed away In his memory the
characteristics of localities iu which ho
Ulieved ho had cxpcrloucoa that were
rmrui, moro painful, ani mtwt pain
fill, cr almost painless. noticed, for
mniinre, wneu no Walked ucross an as-
yuan pavemeuc rrom one nhlewMk to
wntliir in certain localities, that Ma
inan was even and that ho had little
1 ain. Tho exiierienco sui?i?estiil tlmt lm
could penerally havo relief by walking
u uMiuan imvenieut. lint lin rnw,ilu.r.
d 1 the urrest ct an eccentric pedestrian
who insisted on having the privilego of
'""kiui; ill inn miilillo fif tho strimt o.wl
jntrmed that ho would not risk himself
Jin that direction, notwithstanding tho
jjMn f that might bo obtained. Ho no
jtic d nlo that tho distress was less in
"imi l. ealitirs than in others and that
P -I Mdewalks were not alike. He tried to
ti I. lin, i l,,u . . .. ,
...... nliui lo mo localities 111
'Mm !i he felt tho least distress but ho
Ltd to LM Sllcll II,..,, . . ..
1V" t any particular ulaeo. esi.eciallv
I iai 'Mf business, that tho plan liad
"'..iiiiiuneci. isesiderf. lm never ti-n.l
f I rf'vt n.ute a route tlmt throughout
f"1 K'tictli had a surfaco that could bo
' d without nain. At iuin.,i..
f";r tU:: iiUt iuvestigator felt
quip's that were almost unbearable.
"" lip tho subject Oil tho best
;' " li could find, ho devoted his ut-
"'tieli to tlio snrif. r - I.1....I. ...i i...
' li'Miiost severo twinges. That sent
to tho sidewalk, describing tho uo
" nnrativelv. Hn
. I , , - tin
t. ,,l"lt."",1 t0 lvl uh:o, but ho
r ii'u ui uieeurbuiiil ilinm.u
lllferr'il that liiu ..,; ,
Ln , '""'"Punionlur bhx-k becauso
P m f- mm
1 1. .
With Ju:.'--, Gcnr.-L:: cur! Director
r. urjen.. i-iorvura in his i &:n:iy
C. cr.t Bon 3.1 1.
ill liMmap
V' ' . ' :.y .-v '"' ' '
, - ..v:;:';..:.:-
' - -".'.- . -
The ivurM wants to he convinced.
What people want is pr.x.f that a
medicine will cure; then tliey will use
It cliiillv.
Sonn ono you Wlicve in, n prominent
p.-.-wm who you know will tell the
exact truth aiut who has seen the won
derful effect and observed the remark
able euro wrought by the remedy he
recommends, is what you want, ami!,
when such testimony is given, vou wii I ,,
not iiesitato an instnut to foliow his ad
vice, oli!uiii the remedy and thus U-
speedily cured.
When therefore tho Won. Judev Will-
nrd S. Martin, of I'lainlicld. Vt., A iso
e'c.te Judge f tl t'ountv Couit. S 'ink-
tor from Washiurrloti ('.mitv. ur,
Di-eetor of the Hariv Kank,
u mini honored and esteemed throiiirh-
out the entire stale, ti'lh. von to l..i
Mr. tireene's Nerviira Moo I and nerve
up his inlvieo by
as re;ie-itedlv used
'villi l'ie r:-i r.l.' it
lias I, re . ,i .f its
p 'o;ile i,i lr'., local-
rcniedy. and hacks
t' l'.iivr you tlmt he 1
It in hi ; own family
l' lit ;::i,l 'i-i; he
iiavi'ig cured I'li.nv
il.v u:i!
have the ut
ri'ul euri'
mei;le;.i a!
s.s!;. iui:u.;
Co:i:U- ;
. .t.l UN
r.vnN ':i
)r. ir- i ne'
that this v
. yon eiri certainly
Ul!'!l Tice in the Won
tin ; jran 1
f if ;. i'ii a.-e
:. w'.i'i :)
' v ii . I .
,' OW'I
l' i!i .. .'IM'S i.s
t '.' e ; eis of
;d t.i!.' i! ; urn -'
or out of ovi!
a of In n, :!
i i i" if's. t ':i' .'
:,ii he a.!.: .
i Nervma uii.l i
ill It T'ii! i i; ; er
I li
just what voure.i- i in ir, .
' I have u.icd lli'ei i..
vid 1 inod nerve reuieily In
an. I have found piod results from Hi
use. I-Npeeially in 'ases of sleepless
ness A 'id nervoiiMiess has It been of
benefit some of my family.
"I lieve heard of many from this
locality who have derived bent lit from
its use. My son was in a large school
when n fire started ami nt one time
threatened to be disastrous, which cx-
tcd lim and unsettled his nerves, and
visit! i;' home, he used Dr. tircenc's
Xcrvuru blood nnd nerve remedy with
quite satisfactory result.s.
" We are glad of this opportunity to
recommend Dr. tirei lie's Nervuni for"
others' use. mid give permission to pub
lish tills letter for the ; 1 of others."
No i;r. iter proof 1 1 .n t a medicine will
cure you can pos..;iie lv .rjveu than
these words of nil l -moied Judge and
: distil ii.hed Senator. Take Dr.
lie- ', - s Nervura and feel again w hat
it i i to Lowell - to feel powerful and
vigorous, to have strong, steady nerves,
'. slc'p (-..mi. Ily and wahe moriiiii).M
1 1 freshed and t tier t ie. No matter
'eow badly you may feel, I ,. I ireene's
:ervura will go to the root of vour
disease and cure you of your troiiLlcs.
Dr. lin .-lie's Nervura Lloi dand nerve
remedy siioiiiil not Le el r . .1 w it li
Unary i;t. .'. ..- lienu : it i , ;. ph.
i illl . pis evi i it i " .
101:1 I. I .y I 'le tl
of Oil!' I. .11. 1.
of .v. We-t 1 Ith St.
the most sueei" sf ul
nervous mi. I ehr. oi'.
Le consulted ill Illl ea-e:
persinially or by letter.
e. uii.l n e
i i ii -li I doctors
. I r. I ireelie,
Wk "it v. is
in ci.'. 1 st in euring
iiscii .es, and can
. five of ehurgc.
D'euJianty or influence presented
'I there. At first l, -
2l'traT'1 U0,hiD dfluitfly. but
"' pain departed from tlio affected
o r. sTWir f Visi0u t0(ik 1,0W
A"ult was a revelation.
ith T'y pTmt divc.ri..s and rev-
"'IW. till f'llllL.A.. At... .
Ni. the . ",,u "Rnided
V " 'o uie curb for good
. u,uu 1,1 ,llu,,y Vlncca
irb ti ; . . ""K"uy toward tne
L ,i 110 I'i'ing greater
f ; V';:'0",0' ti,o,wt
L 1 . ! "f.tho tlio weight of the
fcriwhfT " uu euocts on tho feet
E ft 'f';""'! the painful effect in
It In ,.ll,.th,'!, " uthw depended
Vk.,r vv ' ,u, the sufferer
- ... .a Liiu rirrnr t,w, a......
, i , n " .j.ii wart
earn, iia
Nat J
lo thn J: T i0U.0,W ttU1 tdttBTOl.
mall too was
1 t , 7 J , ' by "itainiug a
' iui 1. 7 1,Rht rrr8"o on either
-r lZ ; ,lL,,," 'Htion,tho suf
uS.rif,,1Jy thereafter andkept
"r klantinir u ,i. ...... ii. ....
r "urkwi(ldge that thepiriods
-o the i". ,)U,U Wft" fur nP".
Ic''iropouist. VJi that
V Yorvr 1 t01' Wttl ""curate.
Tlie Ijtc.t Slave Auction,
It is necessary to record another nnh-
lio salo of slaves in this country. tSufll
has again been tho sceno selected for.
this nefarious trntllo. It must bo re
membered that it is not an inland town.
but ono of tlio most prosperous business!
places on tho coast, over which float thii
flags of all tho principal European uu
tions. Tho lato sultan, although ho ad
nutted his inability to suppress thol
trade in the interior, promised her maj
esty's minister, tho lato Sir John Hay.
that it should bo prohibited in thn coast
towus, where, at least, it was hoped that
these degrading Fpeetacles so offensive
to tho eyes of Europeans would no lon
ger bo witnessed. This time tho sale
comprised not only young women uml
girls, but persons of both sexes and nil
nges. Tho first lot to bo offered was i
couple of burly negroes, but they found'
Uo favor with tliu buyers and wcro soon'
withdrawn. A young woman was sub-'
lequeutly sold for 70. A rather older
Woman, carrying n child iu her iirmsj
Was next brought forward. A bid of 58,
Was made for the mother and infant.!
After this an elderly woman was hawk-1
I'd round, hut only reached J7, and as
tho latter price did not suit tho owner
lie removed his human stock to the iu-
terior, where lie hopes to find a better!
market. lieforo departing ho promised
to return shortly with goods that would'
meet with moro approbation. Tho local
press comments iu no measured terms
on this disgrace to civilization. Tau-'
gier Dispatch.
" proi, i.
lav i- C
tei II ..
:iel.tiy in
.,'s ii'
I'looil I'urilie,
pulilic eye to
1 i. Therefor.
Ou tho top of tlio parish church
towor in Uioknollor, yomornotahiro,
Is ft yow troe now 11 vo foot high anil
Btill growing In a hardy fashion. It
id tfunurally holiovoil thut th treo
owoa ita origin to a flood dropped by
KUIrt Ilanerr Anuiiyeit Ilt-r.
A small object upon tho scarf of a
young man in tlio Sixth avenue car hap
pened to attract tho eye of a sympa
thetic and nearsighted old lady sitting
opposite. The small object seemed ut
the first glance to bo a gaudy beetle im
paled upon a piu and kicking frantical
ly to release himself.
Tho old lady arose from her seat with!
tho evident intention of berating ttlo
youth, whom she supposed, like tho late
Dili Nye's dog, was a collector of iu
Hocts, f..r his cruelty. Her indignation
turned to horror, however, when slid
discovered that the beetle was in reality
A tiny silver skirt (lancer kicking her
diminutive foot into the uir iu a most
lifelike manner.
Tlio skirt dancer is a novelty iu tlio
way of scarf pins. One of her legs is 11
tfitlo moro rigid than it really ought u
be, but the other is active euough fon
both. i
Thero is n pueumatio arrangement
within the figure which is connected by
means of a concealed rubber tubowitu u
smaller rubber ball carried in tlio poek-j
et of tho wearer. Like Loio Fuller, youj
havo to reach into your pocket to seu
her dauco. j
It is only necessary to apply a littloj
prossuro to the bulb in tho pocket ami
the skirt dancer's pedal extremity rio-1
scribes nrcs in tho air with preeisioii
enough to destroy a tilo ut every kick.)
You press tho bulb, sho "does a turn,"!
The chief advautagu of tbo small silver
Loio over tlio other kind lies in tho fact
that she is perfectly obedient to thij
stago manager's wishes, nnd air'heif
to her own iiuo of
kicking is confined
business. New York Herald.
It Originate la Kaw Orleans Over m Ca
try Ago.
If thero is ono enmo to which th.
Bnvnnnnh negro is devoted ahovn i
others, it in craps. City or country,
it is all alike.
On Sundays tho country neirrniv
gather in littlo crouns in tho Hhn.i.
of tho troos, out of sight of tho "biu
nouHo. nn.i play 11 day long or
until tho wagsyi which they reoeivml
on Saturday night aro gono. In tho
cities they gather on tho wharves,
in tho corners of warehouses or
any favorable spot out of sight of
tho "cop" and play for any amount
thoy may possess, from comic, t.i
Tho Kavannah bootblacks nnd
nowsboys, liko those of nny other
city, gamblo away their cnrtiinin
and many a came) is rnrri..i
tho lanes, tho players often bei-om.
ing so interested that they loso all
thought of tho policeman until that
worthy appears in their midst and
nabs a couple of tho players. White
boys play tho game, too. but noL'rocs
or an ages ami sizes "8hont" craps.
Thero is only ono other game which
equals craps in fascination for them,
and that is policy, and, impolicy U
more liable to be interfered with by
tho police, craps lias all thnndvan-tage.
There aro fascinations about the
game peculiarly African. It is not
without its intricacies. The ordimt
ry "eutnn seven, come cloven" ubiii
of the lmiiio i.s siiiinlo i. ii. in. .1, i.i,
. ...... . ,,
there is a crowd around tho players,
there may be a half dn.eii interest'
ed in the lmiiio anil a doon si.l.. l. j
How they manage to keep tho run
of tho gamo is a mystery to tlio nr.
dinnry observer, but they dn sn with
unerring accuracy. Fights over crop
games ore rare.
Tin- expressions common tu the
game are amusing. "New dress fur
lo baby," exclaims one. ".So mv
gal .Sunday night," exclaims iinoth
cr. "Do little number two," says
one, as that unlucky ntiml ler sliowa
up. "1 eight you," says another,
meaning that ho bets that, niiiiibi.p
will not turn up again before the!
"lucky seven." And ho it ginis.
ilio city council of Now Orleans
has just passed a law making the
game or craps illegal. It does not
matter where it is played, whether
in tho streets, in tho club or at
home, craps is specially singled out
os tho most depraved of gambling
games, not to bo tolerated any where.
ino game, uoeording to a writer in
Harper's, is of Now Orleans origin
and over 100 years old. liernard do
Marigny, who entertained Ijouis
i'hilippo when ho ciiiiid to Louisi
ana, and who stood, 70 years ago, as
tho head of tho creolo colony of tho
Ktato as its wealthiest and most
prominent citizen ho was entitled
to call himself marquis in French
was tho inventor, or father, of
craps" and brought it in high fa
vor as the fashionable gambling of
tho day. When he laid elf his plan
tation, just below tho then city of
Now Orleans it is now the Third
district, but was then the Faubourg
Marigny and divided it tin into
lots, ho named mm of the principal
streets "Craps and explained thai
he did so because ho had lost tho
motley ho received from the lots on
that street in this favorite eamo of
lis. It remained 'raps street until
a few years tign, win ii a protest was
raised against such a disreputable
name for a very quiet ami rospoeta
blestrent especially given tochuruh
es. "The Craps Street Methodist
church" sounded particularly bad.
After liernard Marigny 's death craps
as a gambling gamo descended in
the social scale and was linally mo
nopolized mainly by negroes and
street gamins. .Savannah News.
A Sclent UU. liliil.iu.
"Science," hays a distinguished
scholar, "must bo candid, even at
tho expense of tho essential proba
bility of its own deductions." What
this somowhut learned sentence
means may bo gathered from an in
stance of Hcientiilo candor.
A gentleman had bought a deco
rated vaso which had been represent
ed as an antique. After it bad coma
into his possession ho submitted it
to an nrchu'ologist to obtain his
judgment asto its authenticity. Tho
areliu'tdugist examined it with great
care and made the following report:
"Tho painting of this vaso bears
every evidence of being very an
cient, whereas tho vaso itself is un
doubtedly modem." Youth's Companion.
5 -f
mi sm d'$p &p m
U n no! .'civ , r , i . ,
r.emkf., ,t (,-.,-:. . r:-. . , . ; ,,-'!'; i:-
l'iif? :inin.' i;,i ,,. '' " : ''
thii niur.t hd.-.lthfM: . ' -.''v,. '1 ' ' '"' '
U ' BROS 1
Sii'ir .. , iiii ,K,.
For the whole family
' y. I ivplv I Itpr. Dure Itlnstfl llintif til V
Complexion, Perfect Ileal t It in r
W "a. ' " fKBI
r-utriy vegetaDie, fat like candy, never fad to induce a nntc.ial ixiio'i ;ir
the stomach, liver and bowels. Absolutely Kuarantc-cd tu cine on .ticnt on
or your money refunded. io, 35 or 50c. All druggists. Sampls tied bouk frio
, ... v.Kr.w.r.u ntmtUT vu., VHIWACO OR New YORK. Il
CURE (ft
V ' , J.:7..", "V V VWt to rtentTOr h1iwlw f,.r ro In ,w,r
iuin.Hi,.w..,.MHN.t I., im.ii,.,. wnt ,. r; Tr ;';ii . t'"jr:?j ..;.,,u.r
... : L . .. . ." "j - iaa iii" I'Vi TV
fnt nipln.
Chosen by the
TI'c I .r'n..'n'. jTepo-. to ( t t'u- b;cycl.' for army nv, ,md
r.'Civlly .) 1; J i. r pr.)rir..iK (or Itirt.isliiog t'icycK". i'ir tho pu'po.i'.
Kfsulti liijs Inim $j) to Jo'j c.iL'lifnr ollu-r in.ichiiu-s ! eur bid of
51IH) tacli iur Giltimbi, their invari.ibL' price. And the Govern
ment selected
If VOU ara abla to pay IOO for
a bloyola, why be eontant with
anything but a Columbia?
Tfie experts who made the choice de
cided tlut Columbia were worth every
dollar of tlie $100 akeJ for them.
beautiful Ait Cutnlugue of Calumbla anil Hartfor.t Hicyclrn Is free If you coll upon any
ColuniL ia A,;ci.t ; ty mail from uu fur two a-ccnt atuinps.
rtrancb Storci
MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
Jen in ultnuit every city nnj town. If Columbia
' rcprcnented in your vicinity let, Ut knuw.
Winks What Bert of n man is
Binka, unywuy'
J in kn OL, Iio'h oiiu of tliubo men
who, if they hIiouM linpiion to reml
that C'barloH Diekeim wan born ou
Friday, tho 2d day of February, 182-1,
would tako keen delight in allowing
that Fob. 2, 1S21, fell on Tuondny,
mid that tbo biographer, in ooiino
iiuoneo, wan wruiitf. Somervillo
An X ICay lluro.
It la reported in Tho British Moa-'i
Iflal Journal tha thotu working with
tbo X raya aro likoly to suffer from
' a variety of skin affections, said to
bo similar to the rouulta of sunburn.
if n
and the
Both one Year for 81.75