The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 10, 1896, Image 4

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    Highest of all la Learening Strengths Latest U. & Govt Report.
'S&cpfldWmrgfi gout.
I'tiblinheil every Thurdy.'
Dr. Smith will be in his office At tbe Central Hotel, in
MiddlehurKli, on Monday, Deo. 21, from 11 ft. m. till 9 p;
in. ' Iso iu Sclin8j:roT8 at the Kerstone Llotel on Tnes
. fiasks Drrcse viill ,i
Work. urMSfin(.j- 0t'st
day, Dec. 22, from 9 n. in. till D p: lnf" Free (Uinmiltntioii
. ; v,r""u"i il
Ci .V. iVagcns3ller,
EJilor and Proprietor.
Subscription 1.50 per year.
til tn' tje p ild lmoininr when writ Wit
Mtl the tomity.)
ah irm1nf advwt! m -nta nut other!
Contracted for HI t chnrifeii at thr rate of I
ifritH p r ll ti-n panel tni-amire' Mr nnti itiwr
Hon ni 10 wills per lino fur every smiiniiK-nl
lawn mo.
$4-tKti nti-r pnMieai-.f w ; obituary poeT ly,
trtimi. of rrpct, ire, Uirrt ctnti d line.
Thursday, Doc. 10, 1890.
Revenue Lcgislatisn.
Tho roati'st intcri'Ht onutertt in
what tho coininu NfMsion will tlo
with regard" to tho National reve
nucs nays tun Xutiomtl Tribune
Kvorybody admit thit somc-thinff
mint he ilout for it will never do to
huve tho (iv itiiii"nt runnintf deep
er in debt, hv Ht'vcrul million (lollnrs
u month, it has ilnm ever ninee
Mr. CIcvL-himl entered oflico. No
out o.ui (h.'ii.v thut, in addition to ho-
inrf ii severe l)lmv to our homo in
ilnttrii-s, the Wilton Iniquity has
beeeii a fuilure in ii revenue yetter.
Tlic li't (lotMoiistratioti of tin in
thi' U-t'iHtnlIll illi'lt ;S( in til" Na
tional iu lvl)!i.linss, iii ii time of pro
I'u;iiiil iim,',, mill mith-r mi Al:iiitiiH
trut i '.i pli.l.---d t i tlu m ist lik'id
t'c-uiKuny. Winn Mr. t'lcvrliiinl n
t.-iel ..tlh-, M-neli 4. Is;:t, the
bui-lel debt of the I'nited States
Lil he n r. -mwA to js.iS.-i.iKH.MH. It
is n v, less thiin four years l iter,
.slT.'.'i'.t, ..('.), mi iiicreaso of !?.!;!,
.'Mo.'J't'.i. This in iim average deficit of
of iimre than si'i-ViO'i.iW) u year.
This dues not tell the whole story,
by any means. There are lar?o de
ficit i which have been concealed tin
der the jujrlery of Treasury book
keeping, and can ii'd alon; until
tin y can bii uiiloa h d on tho next
AdminiHtratioii. All that wo have
to nhow for this is a few million ex
neinlfd on our Nasy, und for koiiio
latere buus. It in part of this en
ormous penalty we have had to pay
for Mirreuderiiic tho control of the
country to tho "name old KatiR."
In the laijt session the Republicans
made an houcbt. aud praiseworthy
eflort to chunce this discreditable
condition, and arrest the progress of
tho (loverunieut toward bankruptcy,
by passing in the JIo jko what is
known an tho Dinpley Dill. For tho
sake of the country they temporally
abandoned their ideas of correct
tariff legislation, and accepted the
Wilson Iniquity, in (j fapisvto try
to amend it till it would jivo a nut"
lii'ieiicy of revenue. It was distinct
ly an nieiojeiicy nu asure and its
operation was limited to two year.-,
one of which is now pone.
It testored wool, lumber, and
pome other things to tho dutiable
list, ut about si tenths of the Me
Kinley duty and made a general ud
vai'ce "f 1.1 j,.f cent, on tho red of
1 1 : t I,-',. This was a very reasonable
step, l'or example, wool would re
ceive a protection of between Ii 1111.1
7 cents ii pound. Hay, which Li 1
been protected by n duty of 1 ti
bale under the MeKitiley Law. und
cut down to u bale by Wilson,
wo I'd u'et ). and so on. This, it
Was c lie il.iti d, would increase the
roveuues about ..V(X)0,lM)i) a year.
It was reasonably cxptvted that the
Democrats wo i!d vote for this bo
cause it was merely uti amendment
to the Wils n I '.ill on the lines (lmt
t he v themselves laid, and tho 1 Jo
publicans would support it on pa
triotic grounds. Tho Republicans
passed it iu tho House by a large
majority, tho Democrats generally
voting against it.
It eoul 1 only pass tho Senate by a
concurrence in its favor of all those
who were genuinely desirous of lift
ing tho Treasury out of its predica
ment. Unfortunately it did not find
enough of theso to huccco I. Re
creant Republicans under tho load
of Senator Teller, were much more
anxious to foist Freo Silver on the
country than do something sensible
and needful. The bill went to tho
Finance Committee, and was repot t
ed back with all but the enacting
t'lause stricken out every word
about revenues and duties -and a
Freo Coinage Rill substituted. It
was as gross an insult, to tho com
mon sense of tho country as the
Senate ever offered. S.mator Mor
rill ma le two earnest efforts to get
the original bill boforo tho Senate.
Tho first was made Fob. 11, and de
feated by a voto of 2'J to 51. Tho
second was defeated by :!.') to '-"2.
That is the legislative status of tho
bill to-day. It can bo taken from
tho calendar inul passed whenever a
majority of tho Somite desires to do
so. If the election has taught Teller,
Caunon, Dubois, Mantle, etc. any
thin:: they may consent to allow tho
bill to uumo up, and vot'j for it, and
then go ahead with their Fk o Sil
ver agitation afterward. It ia now
believed that the President will sign
the bill, if sent to him.
There is another strong reason
why tho Dinglcy Rill should be pass
ed now. The certainty that a tariff
bill imposing higher doti ts on for
eign goods will be passed as soon ns
the next Congress can get at it, will
induce foreigners to ship in im
mense quautitiev of merchandise
which will be put iu storage. This,
while taking work aud wages away
from our own people, will not in
crease the revenues. The prompt
passago of tho DingTts: Bill will di
minish and retard this. It will, also,
by putting the financos in a health
ier shape, give moro time for the
consideration of a sound, well ma
tured bill to roplaco the present
mass of incongruities, injustices and
Rut whether or not the Dingh-y
Rill is passed it is now regarded as
verv likely th r President McKinlev
will iiiiniediiitely call an extra ses
siou of Congress, which will take
efficient steps to put the country on
a sound financial basis.
.u Honest Ou,.h In I ii Ion.
Among tho other things the editor
of this week's Middlthurgh Post
pays a glowing tribute to "an honest
horse trader." Willi the confidence
that comes with married life (ieorge
i getting so cicdtilouM that he will
soon bo loo green to burn. "An
honest horso trailer !" Where is my
dynamite gun T , tribunj Xetrtt.
Msjor ('. T. Pieton i manager of
the Mats Hotel, at leiiii.oi, Texas,
willed the traveling ineii nay Is one
of the best hotels Iu that section. Iu
speaking of CIuiiiiIhtImiii' Colic,
Cholera anil Diarrhoea Remedy Major
l'ieton says : "I have useil it mvself
and in my family for several vears.
and take pleasure in caving that I
consider it an infallible euro for
diarrhoea aim! dysentery. I always
reuommeinl it, and have frequently
adiu'nfstereJ it to my fi-sts iu the
hotel, and in every oa It has prov
eit itself worthy of uiKiuiililled en
dorsement. For sale by all Druggists.
An Inspiration of Hopo For Weak Men.
There is not tho slightest roason
why you should not feel well aud
strong. That great offer of Doctor
Green's is providing the best friend
that weak und delicate people ever
had. A letter sent to him at his of
fice, West Hth St., New York
City, telling the symptoms you are
siilfeiiug from, will be immediately
answered by the Doctor, describing
ymir complaint minutely, aud mak
ing you understand perfectly just
what ails ymi. And all this costs
ymi nothing. You don't have to
leave your home and you don't have
to pay anv doctor's fee to learn ex
ai'tly what your complaint is, and
how to get well and strong, from
Dr. Greene, the most successful
specialist iu curing nervous, weaken
ing, and exhaust iug diseases tf men.
Tho Doctor makes a specialty f
curing patients through his great
system of letter correspondence, and
is having wonderful success. Thou
sands of weak, nervous, men and
women nio writing him about their
complaints, and are being perman
ently cured. It was ho who discov
ered that world renowned curative,
Dr. Greene s Norvura blood aud
nerve remedy. Write tho Doctor at
once and see what ho sayH about
your complaint. It will probably bo
the means of your getting back your
The Monroe Township Mystery.
Coroner Rothrock of Mt. Pleasant
Mills called at our olfice on M m l iy
to give us a truthful statement of
the sudden and tnysteru us death of
a man at tho residence of Ronjaaiiu
Costley (colored) in Monroe town
township, Nov. bsth. He said i'i
substance : The man's name was
Rufus Phillips, whose resi Jenoo was
probably iu the vicinity of Ring
bampton, N. Y. He had with him a
violin and a bottle of mo home and
was about G5 years of age. Au in-
! quest was held ut Jiiduigut succeed
ing his death by Eq nio Fiss. At
the req iest of numerous citizen
Coroner Rothrock mudo a careful
examination. Tho Coroner employ
ed Dr. R. F. Wageuseller of Selim
grove and th two inilo a caref i
examination of th heart, slo.u.ich,
entrails, tc. and in tho bruin was
found an i ffiisinn Mini ar to nn ap
oplectic strok which bh phv
siciins d 'cide 1 was the cause of tho
death. The expeiine of this autopsy
was imt the fault of th Coroner.
He did simply what the law requir
ed. No blame tests on the Cosihys
or sny one else as the death was due
to nut ni ill onuses.
Creat Cures rovfl ly voluntary utato
menu of tlioiuamli of nu n unit wuiinat nhciw
II. it Hood' S.irinp.irllls actually does pnMt-s
I'ower to purify tho IiIihmI nml cure dlwate.
Hood's Pills nre r specially prepared to be
taken with Hood's BaMupnrllla. ':5o.
Muck lm Arnlrn Miilvr.
The Rkst S.tLVKiu the world for
Cuts, Rruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaop
ed Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skiu Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 2T
cents per box. For sale by Graybill.
Garman .V Co., Richfield ami all
Victims of this most painful dtsp;iso will be
Kind to li'iirn that there Is u posit l vo euro tor tt .
1'rod OralT of (iro.'iivlllo, N. V., writes : ! mif-
ered awfully with rlieum it ism for live years
aud could II ud no relief from tho various uikuI
clues I took until J.wns Klston recommended
whli h I Ud and all T t.ikluir live Ijottlos It
in'd ni'i. H Is a ureal medicine and works as
sure as coal do 's In a loooui iUvo, 'I'.iU medl
cine has don muoti tor me.
It Is a never f illln,' sp clll '. In iiise.taes ,nf the
Nkln. liver, kidneys and blood and curen where
all other treatments full.
Election Notice.
The iihliiial Ineetlnif ot the stockholders or
The l'lr-t ll;itik of Mlddlihuirfti for the
fleet Ion or hi-veu dneil.irs for the eiisuliiK year
will " held on Tuesday the Uili day of .lanuary
next lielwecn the Imiirs of In a. in. and l j ui.
' N. TIluMi'soN, Jr. Cashier.
Mlddlob'li t'll, l'.i., Ilee. .Mh, Imj.i.
Lydia E. Piokham's Vcjetable Compound
Will cure the worst forms of feniul
complaints, all ovarian troubles, in
flammatkm and nice ration, falling find
uisplacementsoi tho womb, and conse
quent spinal weakness, and is pecu
liarly adapted to tho change of life.
Kvery time it will cure Backache.
It has cured more cases of lcucor-
rbrra by removing the cause, than nn v
remedy tho world has ever known ; it
Is almost infallible in such cases. It
dissolves and expels tumors from the
uterus in an early btngc of develop
tnent, and checks anv tendency to can
cerous humors. Lydia ll. Pinkham's
Liver Pills work in unison with the
Compound, and nre a sure euro foi
constipation nnd sick headache. A!rs,
l'inkhiiin's Sanutive Vusli is of great
value for local application.
Harper's Miuj:i:ino
IM 1897. '
KK'TION : i lie l tin III ii. the tiew novel lv
He M II IIIKII, the 110,'i rK expecteit sueresor ill
"Trlliiy." Ih-cuu In oetniier NiiiiiIht, iui, wllh
iiiiisi r noun 11 in ine uui hoi s iir.o Ins. A new
lemi 111 rraiiK ll mimkioii iieeioiiiif n
Twentieth renliirv Iteiml- iiii'e-iull of liuiuor-
U sioiailotis lel ihiilai lei l.v l.'.ilb llllllra'eil.
4 I'tilr il' I'lllieiit l.otcrx, hy llllaiu
Html llowells OIIht Hirlklni; iiovellles hy
American inn hois. si. ort stories hv Mark Twain,
Thomas Ni-im.ii r.ijre, Klchatd Haicllnif Hhvis.
Owen Wlsii r. .lohn Keudrlck U iiiks, Kuth Mi;
JCnery St'iiiif. octave Thuuet, Murv K. Wllklns
mid uiln-r i'.iul,ir writerx.
Sl'IKNCK : Story of lhi Progress if Science
illirlnit Hie Nlnel-eiilli feiil 111 v. a series ot ii.e
pem hy lr. II. -ni t s. tilth Williams. Niippleinent.
ed by I'oiilrlliuiloiik ui HMcial kiiI'IitIs hy ex
pert Mel.iitl-.ts. Arlliles mi th,. n-ii.ttuiiH i
CUrlOUS p i lloio.'l! Ill IIUIIllrl,Mln In p.,-
olojry liy )r. Andrew INon.
AMKKH AN Ki:TI ItKS: u. l.-v,-.l ot
T-lli.v, a series hv t iiai h-1 V. I.uiuiuis sijeu
dldly lllusiiaieii-ihe rrsuii ui 11 r.-et ni umi in
Mexico tii.drrinkeli lor II AItl'l.ll S M A . A I N Ii .
Mexico Is pie ciuiiieni ly a Mkei-pioOui-ltii,'
cour try, und Us lien. el. in o.ei.iiiuus rest 1 n-tlrelyollllMlUerlj.INI-,.
(living to Ille Keen ill-,,
cession of certain eeoiiotnle pi wlileinr, in ciuiuei'
I loll Willi Issues of 1111,'enl linioriaie'e In Ann ll
cm iKilllles. these pa rs, will i-oin i n a ml ireuer
al ii 1 1 1 ia I. ni. Amerli'Hii II loiiirleul l'n.
M-rntiy V tioli'nw WII-miii. .I11I111 ll.ii'li Mae-MusU-r,
and .Limes ll.ifies. The Hue M.irv o
Klierliliiii'M lllile. h en, ti. A. -misii,
(.'oniluuaiioti 01 llowclIVs ersotial l(eiii.
Uocriici'ii of eminent Hd-i ni-y Ann i k uns.
A KKIl'A AN1 Till: HAS f .- M hll Miiu'h
Alrll ll. 11 lull) Hills, run il ht!fl H o papers hy
i'oiiltiiev lllwelow, thu resiill of personal oli.sei'
vatlotrs diiriiii; a ri-oetit tup to Allien, coventor
the wh.'lu held ot ;uro;eaii i xpl.ill.illoii uf that
country, , l.y siepiu-n llon.-.ul on the
traiisfotuiai iiuik iroini; on In l-.n-ti-in Muei ia, re
cenlly visited liy the mil line. U uiiltoi Inn skeieh
es. written anil tliawu ii I', llopkluson binltli.
The fuh Ht Dry of 1 lie re. en' Coioimtlon i-f the
( iar. hy la tiai'd llnrillnif IlhIm, Illustrated hv
K. C'aloti Vi..iMlle, who Was c.iiuiiilsrloiied liy
luw-n Vicuiri to paint a iiletum of tliu cere
tauuy, Xtimtapm art not to rajiii thit a:lr-ri; tncut with
tut tie CJ-OVJ. utitr 11 U iriirr i Jlrylhrrt.
l or one y ear . Ml. MO
I'otitaxo r'reu to all suhscrlhcrs In tho l ulled
States, fanada. nil I Mexico.
Ail.lre.Mi II Aail ll A llltOTII IKS.
I'.O. litis V.f'lly.
i! CON MA Mil
DR. W. OLIVER SMITH, Chief Consulting Physician,
19 South Third St., rUrrtsburg, P.
A Permanent Itntitution for the Scientific Treatment ud Cure of
After funtif Hjunnri, w hxrr ducuyjttd ih (roitit cur knwn far vraknett In th bark
nd linibt, impotriKv (encrml drbiliiv, mmuwn. lanfuor. canfuSn of ld, plpittlon of th
hrl, timidity, uvmblinc, dimnrsi of (ighl or tiddioeoi, dim of th brad, thront, wi or akin,
attection. of th livr, lunitt, .tomach or bol, unnatural ditcharjf.. ttc. Ink on randid
Ihrnmht hrfim It is too lie. A wk or a mouth may plac your caw beyond th reach of hop.
Our method of trratmtnt will inecdily and permaneatly cur lh nml ubilinat cam, and abtoluulr
Itilon perfect health.
fAfiAttt '1 hn.e piiffcrinKirntn Nervoti
I1CI VUlla Debility, th whi.h
Dphilitlf du"' dtttreteed mind,
a CU III I J which unfit ihem for perfnrmtnf
their buslne-f and (octal dutie, makee happy
marriag-a impossib'e, ditrrinnth actioa of
th heart, flulh nf heal, diapreuion of
spirit, evil fnrbndinift, Cimnrdir, fear, dream,
melancholy, tlr ily of company, ferllnf a
tired in th morning as ihen retinni ; km
energy, tremhhnit, confutinu of
thought., degression, constipation, veaknee of
th limbs, etc., ahould ron.itlt us immediately,
and b restored to perfect health and usefulness.
Uy wie coure of treatment, adapted to your
re, e and phyl al condition, the lone of your
ayttem can he raised, th tendency to impure
thought removed, and the .trenrth and eif,- r
of health re, lured to th dtbi itated organ.
M'tf plana Married prrons, or your
IIIUI I laUU mm ronteintilaltng marriage,
ware of I'hyslral Wnlnt... of Vital
Towers, or any other dixiualife aliens, tperdtlv
relieved. He who places hinielf tinder our car
may confide in our honor as ernt'emen, aud
confidently rely ou our skill a, physicians.
Varlrrftlfl r"it'vr!y tn I hy a new
al ibJUCIC and neecr method,
and a cur guaranteed in every ia treated.
Epilepsy op Fi;
huh m. he tht temi of the diwawr. anil cflectt
UtfintC curvt.
C (institutional tnJv.o'oT.!.';
Blood Disease
ula, Innrmlty, sra.tlng general ill health, short
ened lif. and an diseasing the various function
nd faculties of th afflicted as to render eii.t
wet a period of trouble and suffering, receive
from u a studious and searching treatment,
thus eradicating all blood poisons from th sys
tem, aud secures rational and real cur.
fhflnif The irost wonderful turces
Will Willie baa been attained in th treat
riSea a Opfi mnt ol th caes ti, which we
UlOCaoCI devote Pur special attention,
and through years of p.itlrnt labor and research
w have discovered the mo.t infellihl methods
of curing involuntary discharges, insidious
nervous diseases caued by over-esrrtiun, over,
work, ei cesses or vices, and all tho terribl
disorders arising from solitary habits of youth,
and secret practice., making Me a miserable
eiisteac and marriage impossible.
PjltHrrh m,,"r "'" stanrtlnr,
Valal I 11 orhow many doctor, have lulled
to cure. Is curable hy the tuw si irntihc method
employed by us. kelief iJy and cure rapid
and sura.
Piof Hind or hleedlng, and all forms of
I IICs) rectsl ilivenes, as I'hers, Strii ture.
Fistulas cured without km'e, liatur or cautery.
I DtrtT. MOrn frn... ll " ii
, a -I l
tbf pftut wek iu H,e ,u l
othtT enrue. but n,. . H
cure any.... WniiSrnH;,ll,j
M. E. protract,,! n,,,,
IL ttie Ilartler tta
m, IVioir frie. A.
V n and sL
auisburg on Satordav . .
....Work in lh. ot2
rasnma. TI .""Ik,
v.c, iurr nr (,... i
on a pretty exten.:.- . H
Smith noht bin lionu . ?
Dre,Bc. Tlieforn,;; ;
mvtt iL-niuHtinn s i
Mr.. Howard Mitel, u."1
. Specialty c;ila'rF,,C:'
Drowcrat Ti-ic "
acconipatiied by Jot,.
it up" laHt w,k....BS
fiiRn mn.lo a I..,..:. '
bury on Saturday.
Mfrtinre ia alill :. .
n ;;,"7 "
MdlUilK il.n... 1 . V'
rersons mliiesl 1st health ry sits.
Inaracsl prelenilera, who koep Irl.
Ulna? w 1 1 Is them. Biniilh mftmw
montli,alvlnt poUonou audi lajtirlooa compound, Uaald apply Iruineillalely.
''erfrcterl In old raaea which bats ly-ets nr glee ted or nu.klllfally traatad
We use no patent nostrums or "cure-alls" ; we treat each case on its
own merits, and prescribe for sach separately the remedies which art
icquired, and wc have yet to fail in any case where we have promised a cure.
OfTrr Hour, o to , and 6 to I. '
I'anies treated hy mad and evnrese. but where nos.ib'e. one oersonal interview Is nrefereed.
which is free and invited. Cl'KAIII.K CASKS t.t ' A H AN"! ,1.
a-t aseaand correspondence SALKK.DI.V CNKIIK I
frtc from oteraiion to any part ul tbe United Sta;..
AL Treatment sent securely packed
Liberal Adjustments
Prompt Payments.
Only tlio Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
k Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets ifll,055,513.88
" Homo ,M " 853 " 9,S53,G2S.51
" American " " IStO " 2,10l),5S4.53
The Standard Accident Insuranca Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidclitij MUual Life Association.
Your PatronWe Solicited.
Snecial Reduction al
I desire to reduce my stock and I
will offer a speciareductiou of 10,
20 and 30 per cent, on all
bought of me. A full and complete
line of Clothing is always kept on
Genls' Furnishinq Goods.
Don't fail to see the best bargains
in the county.
i nnmriTTTTri m
The only scienti
fic cure for the
Tobacco habit.
Hit rtirt'd tlioiisiiiiiU
w hurt (illnT iniiit'dliw
fulled. iWrlto (or
m'ii not d( i;'Ild nu
I hn will Hni'r id tho
tftr. It Iii the ('tire.
ci;i't:illu a. linriiili'Mi.
l)lriH'llnii aro olear:
t'itfi fi' htlHlrtitiiitU
itiiiif until I'.uio-Ciuo
llolllk'S )IIU to Ktlllt.
Is tint Oil;(iirtI irrit
f II IrlUtrrllirn Itclllttly
that refunds your inou
t') If it nils to t'tire.
InvoKtluttUo lliMMi-t'iini ln'foro taktnu IUIV
rt'itii'dy for tlio Tobiu-ro llalilt.
Alldniu'cWHiire ttiilliorli d to fcrll Itm'ii-Curo
Villi ottr iron flitd rlltt-u timirantfc.
linn imix ei.utt 3 imixi'h iituariuitMMi imiho ' ir
rour trui.'i'l-t dcH-a not ki'i'ii it, u will Mud it. Virlla
for fn-o lMHiklit and prottf.
tl Ut.k A t IICMICIL A all ti. CO., LaCraase, U U
tliitiir t.) intent? l'r'iti'rt yourlcli-na ; tlifj mty
tirlti.' you wotill'i. iilu JIIU.N M KUI)i:i'i
A l')., I'ntt'nl Atturtify.i, WuUiuulor.
I). C, for tliuir f l.huo lirl.u otrur.
LelJ on tho 28tb of
po.slroi).,l until (l,e iti ,
orntiti iifw bo.r. v : i
pratulato Lnu....Mr!) p.,
y Vl jioiMi rvii.'o j,, V(rr
internal complaints... Xi'
CTb' IuHtituto nf Ulis
Rttil in piogrcKs TL. tJ
Bccm 10 .. in. i ji tU(.
nipolino' Hfoir ii, .
. j ,,,,, K CJ (
Kept up Uuiiii ,.
'in tli!t tii. . r.sii. 1,1 6s4
tiWi ttudr Adiiil,,lstrai;'.r.-";lr
ti'' ni'i omit u in ti... i, ' u .
tier count v, und th- n.ttn.. in Zr
Ci'iittriimi liui ,.ii.. 11 i pr
In Mldilli-lmrjs'll. .Monday. I),, i,
Klnnl niTontit of W in.' It. inisr .
exttili. of Henry M. Heiiriri,.,!,,,,
Vlmr unit limit n..... . .
niliiMriitor of I ho entail. f ,
of Wfht llt uer ToniDdiin. .t.'.L '
Find and flnnl nrt-oniii ia, I
pr i.iiv.iiii.pi.1 ii... . . .. "
it nnd Attorney Hi Kurt L.rtuni,
lets of haul deceitiwd.
1'lin fliHottnl nf li.t.. ii....... .
fltf ealatn of John Hi Im r. hiirWj',
Klrsf and final ttocrMim ,,f
ninpiruiin. pxeenion i the n,l.
UpeoUt. iHtf of Ileavertim d, dtffvet
Final account of CMvm iww
the eniate ul Kilua Huiiiiui I.ukki
Vtraf anfl rlnnl - . 1
njliimtrntor of lh ewtnti' ors.c
DiriiiK inp.taereastd.
AcOlllif tt Umipim ui t
viuu irn r.. neititieiman. a mttcf at
.i-iuiAi'iiiiuu, ueecahen.
and stiviiia A. Miisxi r.uimuil J
n. .-nuruxT. ueccasca.
OK. VMl!!rt
Mlddlnhitr;?, Pa., Nov. lit. i-y, f-
The following ftpi'iiniitw i ii.-i....
Ined und punned In t li- I'mM,1
win e proaenit-a to tht! in-y n urt a
I'leiu for conhrinul Ion. All t-rvo.'
will take imtlt e. t t
' I rat and fl mil acimiM . ii, t :
alirnee of the ttwilirned t -t,iti nt J f .
of L'ulou Tup., l'u.
.1. 1'.NlV
' by Klven thai l he I : .
pralHeinentH tinder the f " i m !
with thu clerk of tlienri.i:,'
counlv for 'onnrinail"!i ei. V u
day of Dec. lswti.
Appruiaeiiiuntof K. !.:
.lose'di Melser. late nf i I, a Tr
Co., INi., tlec'd. tinder Im f jm i vi;
Appralseineiit of lill il . rj, : ! r
David M. Hotdorr. Lite .t iii.".
8nydert'o., I'll , dei'iav d. uf A r't (
Dun law.
Anpralsemeiit of AnMe !l It.t it-
Daniel M. llruli.iker. M- A i
Snyder Co., l'u., dei t ;i-t I. i;t; . T Jr
.111 t Ion law.
J. C. M IU . Ill"'
Collections, Loans
and Invest!
Ileal i:(!ite mill I'riinierM
Williiimsport, Lyfuniii ! 1
Deponlla ivcceiti'd, mil J' i ! l; J"1-"' '
from any part of the world.
i ui.. nun
r-"" . ire
jll 1 A (I I c t u r r 1 1 1 r k c t
Corrocteil weekly by our iin'rclmiits.
Hutter i(j
iitieu cnorrieu io
Unpitteil " o
Hinv,il u-'iett ij
Kiiripberrlea 8
Ouioii.s 05
Tallow 4
ClilokeuBjitT lb 0
Turkeys) g
Hide 7
Shoulder 7
Ham ., 10
Old Wheat i0
Rye ilW
Corn 2tj
Oats 13 to 91
Hran per 100 lbs 53
DiuiiiiingB " 70
Tloiir per libl..
Klpans Tabules: gontlo cathartic.
Rlpaus Tabuli8 cure dlzzluesg.
rvi i i m
i.-.ttii)uv. -'-'fr el
VHE C-.Z KT :, ,',
tlio llir.-o tlia l.,.v . ri.ailt-In
i.i. I'tliiliy a:.d iim. k.v. i w.s " ''
YoiiuV iti' ti will rrmu Hi I ' ,c"
nu'ti i!l r, cuter th. ir Ii "
! vii.h i. .......i.i.. -...I .i'. ii re-''
ii ,iinii linn ,(j
BiH i.(.it Vlla'ltv. ii.?" .
l.e.t l jer. K.ilhnir SI ui.1' i . J
.11 IIIUM KriMlllhl' IT iv
,v 1. 1.. I. . ... i..'
........ ...ii, ,a i. hit m n'i. --- ..
net only run-, by kiartiim n' H''
taauri at nerve lonUt ami m" 'J
Inu li..i. ii.. ..1..1 iiitialrtsen
toilliu the lira ..r iMiith. 1 ,l I
nd lunsuniptlnn. l'nu-l oo t, a"
emer. 11 caa i hi earn, i in ,T"
1 .00 per or i 1" " ,
I Ivm u. rl, , ... ...u.,.lia tu ratt
the money. Circular Irea. Jln"
IflYALMEElCIKE M..271 H''Jil--1
For auleat Mid .in-iurclt.
W. H. SPAMd-l'
ters of AdinluWrMtw'
atata ol A. J. lluwerwu. i" -
(Snydur county, l'a dw'd.
to llie utiilerHiniiB.I, an I"" w4
olve. Indulited to a.iM ,u"rfcri. V
luak liutnodiale pavuieni. , "J
claims will pruaeut thuw "'' I
luo uiuior.ignou. . ,.ut
II. A.
Nov. :." '
Ttlnnna Tnlmlpfi: OIie8ivrt:
niiians Tabules cure J3
nipans TllDUICS cure
Rlpans Tabules: at &rW