The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 10, 1896, Image 1

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    Co. Commissioners, 1 1 97
Tim iip, printed nftor
Vmir nnmo. on the Utwl of
thin paper now thn lime
in wiucli nr milwrlp
tlun Iiiih Uen pnld.
-rliv per Your. II.W.
I ts- i a - - . ' a . x sr tm .
wAg?5"B' MTnm.ffTUTRttTT QM"VTi?t nr t a mTTT ... .
VOL 33. NO. 4 J.
U f nni f. TNTkReST Bmii fnr 1a L T.n tv,n.,.. I . ; '
i0iuu"" i. . K I THE TC irilrnp I
i iii. i r.ainrn i
F'TTm i n irifv ua by portil or by
tiuwitttw omen.
retk is oouiL
tb time to advertise. It
Uwboar is continuing to itn-
wbrat is predicted before
Irrt, don't fail to examine
biningor of Millheim is visit
A. 8. Boaver.
Bjdojcu visit the publio
You should do so.
aoi) Capes at exceedingly
m at Weis', Selinsgrove.
I W. Smith and daughter,
Ve visiting Calvin Stetler's.
Metla Miller of Selinsgrove
iUloburgh visitor Sunday
J flpanglor of Ohio is visit
AJiiiu Spangler at the West
c 'pies of this week's Post
it the oflico at five cents
it poople are striving to
latch factory located at their
owersox of Centre town
a county seat visitor last
rttie Spaugler of Verdilla is
Ilertainod by Mrs. Adam
i Erdley is the night opera-
itClure. Ho comes home
Ins horse. Hetowdrivis
B Walter bought a lot of J.
where ha is erecting a new
le Spanglor was at Wil
Blast week, baviug made
in bis wheel.
V Totted Evangelical Lu
fhureh was dedicated at
Biubia Inst Sunday.
irioliand wife of Beaver-
I week visited their son,
Uearich, at Centre Hall.
iura Smith of Elizabeth.
I had been very sick at the
in Swineford, is conva
Bebecca Wagenseller, are
vi mo rauor or ttie 1'ost
pan Hermau, a pedagogue
' towuBhip, is enjoy inir the
' of Hon. C. W. Herman
"AS. C. II. Dunkfilhoi
Kbou lH aro applicants for
as punter and folder at
1 Mt.ycr of the Cameron
pwisburg, and Landlord
"f New Berlin were in
"Spitler of Swineford on
wbilu Mtundiug on a step
tame dizzy and foil down
btr una.
'Perand family of Selius-x-ing
entertained by Mrs.
rentn, A. U. TJlsh and
if you desire a good
."amine our clubbing list.
I any mugaziu for you
"oy than you can.
wuoty has two candidates
of Deputy U.S. Id tor
f L,0UPtor. namely, Carl
aJo and Hon. J.P.Wick.
Le lau your paper and
r n, UODt latX tO
Pi remittance next week
yOU nr .
JwUrttiading ooort in
lran for sale at Ten Dollar mi
ton for two weeks by the Franklin
Milling Co., Middloburgh, Pa. 2t.
Hon. Cyrus Hoffa of Lewisburg,
who had l-een abroad this summer
is writing up a summary of his ob
servation during his travels on the
A. II. Smith wUhes us to thank
the kind friend and neighbors who
so generously assisted during 'the
prolonged illness and funeral of hie
deceased wife. v
Hmiry V. Charles of Port Tiever.
ton is the best preserved soldier, fn
Uuiou township, at any rate
the only soldier in that district not
getting a pension. '
A Cbamberrtburg inuu the other
drtV figured tll ainnunt nf whialra
he drank in 40 vears tr he, 'Jil !: ' '
That was drinking at the rate of biii'A lr wwr,rK;
a barrel every yoar. ft . Uuter' Uorlm, mi Jan-
Jeremiah Bogar, Jacob B. Cer
rold, II. H. Sln ader. J. N. Houarr.
Geo. I. Flutidur aud Edwiu Lharlea
County Suporintedent.
are applicants for the postmaster
ship at Port Treverton.
O. A, Boyer of Port Treverton Lu
purchased from Mrs. Anna Simmons
the lease ou t he Central Hotel at
Alleuwood. Uuiou countr. Pa. H
took possession lust week. .'
The fortv-fourth annual lflfhtt,
institute ot Northumberland coiinty
will be neU at Sunbury, December
14 18, and the annual convention' of
the school directors, December IS.
We resnectf ull extend to von
invitation to call and look al our 11
iday goods. Our line exceeds. r
mer years, both in beauty and
nes in prices. 8. Weis, Selinsgrv
iary 1st, 18J7, will start a cash busi
wesH. i'roduce of all kiudt will be
tjpken as before goads will be
oi l at Buck Bottom Prices. We
ell for cash and pay cash for nro-
auco auI poultry aud w will Hell
you n ure goods for one dollar than
.. . f t V-k . . .
'r uiore. uuiior and Kggs a
A Pleasant Surprise.
pleasant surriHw party was held at
oeniiHgrove in tlm honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin X. Kline. They had
been out for Bunrter. and whun IHaw
returned, fountitlioir home in the
possesion of morvMiao sixty guests.
Atuost dolightfullUening was spent
in playing games aad singing. .After
treat of ice cream ninl nnka (h.
guests departed, leaving thoir best
The Selinegrove Tribunp of Li7T a , . , e"
wy.,Wm. F. Fee,, of 3(S) J? W JS lu.U. and
hnr0km.... null TK.- 1 UMfuI for-ll' 7" COUple.
burgh made ua a call on Thursday.
Mr. Feese aavs he exuecta la Im i
candidate for Register & Recorder.
The Selinscrove Olee CAah huvn
the thanks of the Editor of the Poht
and his wife for the pleasant sere
nade given them Mondar even in p.
The club is composed of a gentle
manly set of fellows who know how
to render the best musical selections.
Dr. M. Sulni was in town last Fri
day. His buueuire was delayed nnd
he could treat no patients here. He
will sue the Pennsylvania Railroud
LfOmpauy lor damages, lie wuh
awarded $225 damages last Spring
in Centre county for a similar of
fence. The Doctor will be here
again in January.
A contemporary says iu its last
issue : The Baptists of Muncy ded
icated their now church there on
Sunday. Dr. Hurris, of Buckuell,
preached tho sermon and the cunt
was $18,000." Hurrah for Dr. Har
ris! We know that sermons como
hiarh sometimes, but wu'll winrnr n
new hat that this beats the record.
Prof. f! It. XifY. thfl nnnulnr uml
efficient Principal of the Mi 111 in burg
public schools, was in Middleburgh
last Friduv attending the funnrnl
rites of his cousiu, Mrs. A. II Smith.
The professor is a graduate of Frank
lin and Marshall CoIlnffA and fur n
long time presided very successfully
over the Millheiiu public schools.
Judco McPhersou sustaius the
Hummelstowu School Board, which
excluded from the public school of
that towu 15j pupils whoso parents
refused to comply with the order of
the Board as to vaccination. The
Court holds that while the vaccina
tion law is iu conflict with the com
pulsory atteudance act, the vaccina
tion law was passed last, aud takes
precedence of the other.
An exchange savs nartina wiiihinir
their letters to go in a hurry should
always write "in haste" ou tho low-
er left hand comer of the envulopa.
When the magic words appear on
the envelope everybody connected
with the postal service jumps around
lively. The cart driver whips bis
horses into a trot, the ooatmaster
daacea a jig and the route agent
rashes forward and tella the ensi
neer to pull the throttle wide open
ana let ner go.
Candies half pi ico next week N.
T. Dundore.
Buy your Holiday proseuts at
Weis', Selinsgrove.
John Deitricb, of West Milton,
was attracted to town by one of our
fair ones, Sunday.
Mr. McLuin and daughter
Sarah, and Mrs. Carrie Stininunr
and son spent Thursday in Selins-
grove. J
Finevariety of useful as well -us
ornamental articles nt nin,l..r,it
I prices can be Hecured nt Weih', Se-
im if rove.
Any pertton desiring to have any
'f.iy or straw baled will do wll to
( ull on Amos C. Oeiubeiiing of So.
hnsgrovo and Michael K. Erdley of
Kreamer, Snvder county, pu. who
Lave purchased a iiiachitie and will
execute orders on short notice nnd
at very low prices.
A smooth, eaHy shavo, genteel
hair cut, or other tousorial work, is
ulways obtuuied at Soles' Barber
Shop, in Wittenmyer's Building, op
posito Post oflice. Clo to Solos and
you will make no mistake, Shaving
soap, face- cream, hair oil and egg
shampoo for salo. A. K.
George, youngest sou of Georgo
Wagenseller of thu place, on Wed
nesday fell into tho excavation
which is being inado for Dr. Voelk-
ler's collar, landiutr on his head
Those who hkw him fall, thought his
neck wus broken. He was dazed bv
the fall, but soon staggered upon
his feet, and lookiug up said : "Doo
tor, is my face dirty?'' Prettv
plucky boy. Stlinnirove 'tribune.
Human t on Cukistmas ! The haD-
piest lime of the year and the beat
time to luako everybody happy. Do
you waut to know where to buy
presents beautiful and handsome,
to please your friends T We will tell
you. (Jo to Misses Jennie Ulrich
aud Oaiuuu where you will find the
finest assortment in books, games.
Christmas Cards, dolls and many
other articles to please little folks.
Also a. fine display of handkerchiefs
and a beautiful line of Cbinaware,
pleasing to the eye and purse. Don't
forget to give us a call You will
find us, next door to Wagonseller's
drug storo, Market St., Selinsgrove, J
Pal 13-102r.
Tho DiauiplcR of Learning
tiro Uccoiving Instruction.
Superintendent Bowcna Brines
Brilliant Array of Talent to the
Annuil Institute for the Edifi
cation of Cio County's
Promptly at ..Uven o'loek on M.
day morniiitf the teachers n Hnv.W
county were called to order bv Su
perintendent Bowersox. The officers
elected are as follows ! Pr..Mi,U.,i
hx-ojtlcio, F. C. Dowersox; Vice
Presidents, R. F. Stimelv. D. V. Ran
and J. F. WanetiMolltir . St..,. l if
w wvv f , A V
Shellenberger Assistant Sen . C T
Grissinger 5 Treasurer, Ed. Charles j
Musical Director, Prof. Win. Moyer ;
rianist, W . t, Mrown: Official R-
porter, Geo. W. Wagenseller: En-
rolling Clerks, A. E. Cooper, C. K
Fisher and W. A. Erdlr
The following persons were named
on committees :
Resolutions. R. F. Hti
Walter, C. A. B. Glas-. C. O. Griua.
inger and G. A . Aurand
Local Institutes. -C. W. Smilh .1
W. Hassmger, J. J. Steely, A. A.
Bingaman, Amos Moyer, H. M. Am-
ig, It. O. BowerBox, P. R. Shellen
bercrer. David Snvder. n II n.
Mary Weaver, H. W. Smith, A. M.
Garman, Jennie Miller. Tinf
ler, Thomas Herrold, Sallie Schlab
big aud S. H. Gray bill.
Ushers, R. W. Gift, Jamos How-
eraox, U F. Geuiberlioir. P. T.
Brocious, Geo. E. Herman, W. H.
Kline and F. II. Soamau.
Memorials. C. K. Fisher. .Tnr.m
Horn herder aud Ida Trout man.
Reporters tt Newsimners. Post.
J. F. Wairenselh'r Tlnn l A
Oearhart; Trihmt. (J. It. Klom.i
Newt Item, Lotti Spongier : Her
ald, C. B. MUM liuv' ; Courier. A.
W. Musst!'.
Institute adjourned at 12 o'clock.
Monday .W miNooN,
1:'10 Institute re-eonvened.
Tho Superintendeiit explained the
use of season nu. icmivc.1 Heat
tickets. The "Ideal M
is to be used during the Institute.
Tho enrolling clerks thm callo.l the
roll of the teachers as published else
where in the Post and leuisteied
those who reported.
if.. ' . i v j 1 ..
.uiisii-, auon:ii iivinn un
Sunerintoudent Bowers.ix Hindu
his opening address, giving timely
.Musical Instructi ni bv Prof. Win
Moyer of Freeburt?.
Prof. T. G. Arbotf ist read a paper
on .Moral I raining.
Music, "More Love to Thee."
Announcements by Supt. JJ wt r
Adjourned at 4 o'clock.
Monday Evk.kinu.
The following program was ren
dered :
March, Middloburgh Orchestra
Ovorture, "Tolchester," Middleburu
Orchestra i Recitation, "Two Foes",
Miss Lydia Fisher : Oration. "Abrn.
ham Lincoln," Charles Miller 1 Mu
sic. Seliuskirove Glee Club ! ()rl ion
"The Struggle For Liberty," J. S.
Kern ; Overture, "Golden Scei)ter."'
Orchestra : Recitation. "Rum the
Worst Eneinv." Miss Xnrv
Oratiou. "Educational Progress," C.'
W. Smith 1 Music, Glee Club : Reci
tation, "Too Utterly Utter," MUs
Carrio Roitz ; Waltz. "Aphrodite,"
Orchostra ; Oration, "A Good Edu
cation, What it is, and How to Get
it."G. W. Walborni Music. Gl
Club ; Oration, "Patriotism in the
I'ublio Schools," C. L. Wetzel ; An
nouncementa 1 Schottisclnv "nIni.
of the Night Hawk."
The Selinsgrove Glee Club rht
furnished the music in the above
program is composed of the follow
ing persona 1 Georn-a Hrder. V. n
Wingard. Luther BoUtr. Garni Ttol.''
John Potter, W. L. Tarks. 0. a!
Keely. (Leader.) G. O. Gail tymw
Wolgemuth, Frank Keller, John
Feehrer, Frank Woodley and l
oc nro y or.
Tho Orchestra is composed of W.
H. Grimm, J. N. Brosius, Paul Bill
hardt. Calvin StetW. M v ir-
, f 111 iono
inger and L;lliau Stoilor.
Adjourned 9:30.
TpiSDAt Mornino.
Institute opened at KM with De
votional Exercises conducted by
Rev. 1). E. McLain.
MuHivKeller s A n, . r i c a 1.
Teacher and "V. Icome"
Roll ru.
Miss Jennie Miller of Selinsgrove
read an interest. ,k- rRp,.r the
subject "The Tasks and Pleasures of
the Primary T, , her."
Music,"Our I. m.i is Free."
The subject Miss Miller presented
was discussed bv U 1- S,.lr,.v..r m
II. Gray bill, W. J). Jarri-tt and Ida
G. Stabl.
Musie..-"While the Morning Bells
Ar luiiKing. '
"The IiiMpparnlil
, "i 11 v iiinivi v
aud the of the United
Music, "Morning's Rudy Beam
V. Walborn. J. F. Keller ev
their viewa 011 the paper just read.
Jlusic, "Speak Gentlv."
C. O. Gaugler presented tho sub.
jeel, A'ractioal Geocrnnhv." Ad.
ditional points were brouirht out bv
C. A. Oearhart. J fill Vfliikt klii11ji
W. I. Keller. W. A. Mover. John K
Eiseuhour. Jerome Erdlev. I. O
Biugaiuan, J. F. Keller, R. Lloyd
Schroyer, M. I. Potter, Ed. Charles
andU. W. Smith.
Music, "SUr Spangled Binuer."
Dr. Wallace Peter Dick. Ill ttrildutlt
of Metzgar College, Carlisle, was iu-
troduoed and gave some very valu
able advice vi ''Some , Things a
Teacher Should Know." .
Music, Special instruction hv
Prof. Moyer. Dr. Dick in the course
of his talk said that ho never at
tended an institute where t .0 music
is any better. This is a most highly
deserved compliment to Prof. Sfm.
or, who is wielding the baton at our
Institute this week.
Joseph F. Barton, Vice President
of the State Normal Sch Old. Sliin.
pensbiirg, was introduced and in a
masterly way spoko on the subject.
'Superiutendenti' NotoBnok." The
professor told of some notes Unit
are sometimes written iu the Super
intendents Note Books. Sumo were
commendable and sonu were not.
From these observations some use
ful lessons were taiiL'lit.
Music, "Don't Talk if Von Have
Nothing to Say." Prof. .Mover ex
plained that this had no reference to
Prof. Barton
Dr. Dick c eitii.ned his talk on the
subject pievioii-lv presented.
Adjourned at 12 o'clock.
TihM'AV ArmtNooN.
Opened i.t 1:.M.
Music, "Ten Thousand
and Voices."
Prof. Barton very ably pointed out
'"Some Mistakes iu Teaching." Lit
tle causes produce gloat results.
Lack of Thoroughness is a irrcat
mistake. Constant repetition is the
Seen t l)f HIICCCHS.
Music, "Rattle Hymn of tho Re
public." Dr. Dick after reviewing his morn
ing talk branched out upon "Annies
of Gold iu Pictures of Silver." Tho
best liitiKuiigo of best authors and
bent writers only should be usod.
Music, "Pilgrim lathers" and
"Swinging in the Old Apple Tree".
R. L.Sehroyer spoke on "Grammar
iu its Relation to Rhetoric." Tho
production was a reflection of good
Music, "IJluo Juniata."
P. R. Shelleubercrer ireneit,l tla
subject, "Does Music Aid iu School
Government T"
Rev. I. N. Moorheadof Mt. (
was introduced and gave an instruct
ive and entertaining address.
Adjourned at 4 p. m.
Tuesday Evxnino.
TIav. T. N Mrvnrfdiniwl nt Aft r .
- - - vw. w . .a . . vai-
tael devoted an hour very pleaRantly
ml nrnh Vnlilv fr tlia anLn, fj-...
a Cabin to the White House." The
speaker pointed out with pride and
fervor the generous characteristics
that always pervaded and dominated
T.insnl n'a w rirtl a iiitiim
Trox.'lvlllt. Ai
M I'rliniry.
M )vr'.,
I'ort Ann,
llt'nvi'i-liinii it..
" Si'.,
" l'm.,
MiVluri' Ail .
" I'liiy..
' I'niy.,
Kr4iikllu Ail..
" I'liiy.
Itt-nnliii;. r'n.
Ani! T'r.
'. W.Hmlfh.
Waller. I. piee,
Oe.i. K. 1 1 tiii.ui ,
W. '. Walker.
. .. Anrnnd.
Ira , Kline,
IlKtVKK live.
' I.. Wei e.
A W. Viltser.
I li 'ili Aluler.
IhIiii s. Imtii.
.1. W. II llnc ;'.
I.. I K.V..J.
IlKtvKii w. r r.
U. S SMiiili .
M. Il.irner.
Knrry smmk.
T. W l-'ilmi,,
W. I. .ei'liiinin.
.l.iltli'i llmruli'ix,
J..I Sleelrj,
H. II. lil,li.
'rSTHK T l;
Vineii'l Miller,
, .lennle W.iller,
1.. ('. MltiiMiimn,
A. A.,
Win. Uninls.
JiTlM'. Ilinti'l'mx,
'n i sv rr.
'. A. II.
A. We.nei',
Louie Npniler.
IJu Trout man,
Amhih Mnjer,
Kn-J Attln'er.
Kit. Port .lino.
Khanm im Twr.
I. . K. Perr,
K. W. (lift.
II. K. UitliilKinl.
L K. Waller,
W. W. Ulpka,
II. M Aliilc.
I.0111.111 Walter.
Jerome Knlley,
ItiMterton n
Met lure
Now iierlln
tiliilie Mlllh
Kvsiiai. (Iiulp. nintrlel.)
t hirry Hill. Annie Wlney, KwiiUule
Kendle, . I. ShelliMilx'nfif.
Ji k-kjn Twr.
Iliulelt, A. H. Sliemy, I'eniiwimek
Hiiiler. Oitvlil S111 tier. Now llerllo
tlrti ir, Lillian Herman, Krutxrrvtlte
UrouM's. I. K. Bllifor. New Berlin
Kruliirvtllo, Harvey lleuver. ' Kruluivlll"
Miiiiiinneiioii lWiwu.
rrtlK'lpjl. M. I. I'oltor, Mt1l:eliiir)b
lrlmary. It. u. ItowerMox. IMxtoavllle
Miuiii.ichkxk Twi'.,
Smlth'x, F. II. SeBiiuiu, Kr-Mimer
Sailer's, O. V. Imuklelierner.
Wulxel h. I). V. It et.
Melser'S. Finite Witltur.
hniuce'n, At. MauriT, (,lolie Mills
Monkiik Twi'.,
W'ajfeiiM'llcr's.Miirjr Weaver. Kn-eliiiru
App's, II. ('. Ilenitrlfks, .HilieKrove
tyiiliern. I.l.i i. Hiuhi, Venlllla
Uuuimel's, Iru s.iiuter,, Sliiiimikln Dam
Ueuver'.i, Sain. OIi-mI, D-y Valley X It. mil.
Suiiiler'H. Jennie '. KnstmrK
Sll'lil I;nn Ai.,Mlhs Mary Cole. Sliuiiiokliiltali.
hli'ln l'.nj., Win. Kulin, Shiiinoklii liaii.
I' Twr.,
S.ilem, J. K. Wutfi'liti'ller, S lllii.,'rovi-
Si'lliK'll'H. I). I. (leinlierllii,
Kstil, Wm. Knlley, K.lliL
OrlHhliiifer s. W. I). .I.irret l, Sellns-rovt
llollaf'ii. K. (l.'iiilierllTin,
Oil's, (?. K. KMier. Hulelii
Hill Knd. K.l.'. Kr.iler, Sellnirrovc
Fair oak, II. W. sniiili.
HeniiaiiK, I'. A. Miller. Saleii.
I'siiiiy Tr
Fremont, ,1. N. Itrosiui, Mt. I'leasaut Mill
llelsterValley.o. W. Sien r. '
SmUli'N, T. (I. Ailiait.
Sclieairei'il, .lerome llnrnljernei , MelM'tvllle
Fr) inoyer'H, Kup'iie Mni'kley, Aline
'I'rotip'H, 1. 'I'. Iirnsim, Aline
b'Uler x, Nelson Mendel, Ml. I'lea.Hiint Mill
lluiiki r lllll, A. M. Ourmiiii. '
(ToHH Itoail.t, S. II. (.raj dill, ItVllllel I
It k Wh l V ly. W. II. Slieiuory. ,
Hi'lKter ' II. S. II M'lilieuur,
SUM'S, f. It. Mllteilln,'.
HKI.INsllliovK,, It I,. Hi h r. i) er, Snllns:rovii
AMslslulit, W. A. Moyer.
tlrainmar, ('. o. oaiiler,
Assistant, A. K 'iinier. "
Seirontlary. Ilelln llurns,
l'i Unary, Lyilla l l-lier,
Assistant. Anna lln.sei',
I.ofij.tir., v. I). lirtsMiier,
I. of t. 1'iiiy., Jennie Miller,
si'iiiMi Twr.,
Ailmsli't; Ad., K. K. Wel.e,
" Int'r., tJUas. II. Klosc,
" I'niy., I'urrie Keii,
Felker'H, .Mellle Keillpli r,
KwIiik'h, J. V. Keller.
I'lsli's. I.nura Keller,
ItelKle'rt, J. (-'. HiirlmtiT,
Moyer's, W. II. Kline,
nickel's, W. I. Kello-,
I'nion Tw r.,
I't. Tri ll Ad., James SliaelTer.
' 1'iiiy., Kil. I'liurli-M,
Wltiiier'H, J.H. UeltlienUai'li.
Narrows, (I. K. M lmll,
Reiner's, A.S.Seohrlsl.
Si'tuill's, Thoinus Herrold,
liurroia'H, K'l Hhueller,
HerniM's, lluvli) llerrolil.
WAHiiiNoruN Twr.
l'rlnelpal, (l. W. Wallmrn,
AMNlsUlit, Dllla Moyer.
Grammar, T. K. lion,
I emiedUle.Cliiut. Miller,
Primary, Grace lloftinuu,
Minora, l(uu Moyer.
NulU Valley, Balllo Si'hlubl,
rilnt Valley, V. A. Moyer,
Uolubinoaoa.C. A. Ui'arlnru
lUKl But, W. F. llrown,
Wellor't, Wm. Hoover,
WbltoTap, . V, Kisenbour.
IW'.iver SprliiKs
llciiver Spi hit; .
Heaver Sprlni,",
I'ort Treverloti