The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 03, 1896, Image 1

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    , - . - . .. , ' w
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1 17
Co. Coninllonrtt lab LADLL
Tho (imp, printed ftrr
J our !i:iim on i hp lnlx-1 gf
Oils .ikt.p(iiiii I hp limn
l whvli ymir mihwrlp.
(Km I. .is Ncn paid.
-'il.p cr Yfiir. II. W.
. 0 A Q i " v trv . i
h propriotor.
L . ... if ihMM tinrlnr tin-
ii notify u 1 P,ul or
Uli omoo.
i clubbtng list in Ibis
liiectinff is in progress
Teachers' Institute
L.. until .Ian 1.
rernian spent Thanks-
Kre imer.
lar, who in ill with ty-
cnnsiuerauiy improv
ilnndor baa nut a new
residence opposite the
V of Freoburg was a
Day visitor at tnia
III. Brinbin of .Brook
,y with uer parents nt
L. Ami of Lewistown
keek with nor parents
pbin of Yoagertown is
lueJ by Dr. 0. IL Bri
r and stater, Mazie,
and relatives at New
pox, tho confectioner
tee bouse on bin lot in
ill be scut from now
18J8 for $1.50. Send
via M. Hummel of Se
tt county seat visitor
last week.
rove Gloo Club will
on Monday eveuing
iV Iaiititute.
t, who had been ill
vor, had a back sot
in improving again.
at Ten Dollars per
k'kn by the Franklin
Id eburcu. 1'. 2t.
I of Gordon and A. II.
ubethville last week
n of A. S. B mver uud
ItKRiebtitie made by
lour churches to bold
p during the Week of
xaya tho nineteenth
Lao December 31, ll00,
iit buopoho. witu De-
our chief burgesH,
a uuw bcuooI build-
Killo, Hpeut Sunday
itz and wife of Sun-
;:iviiu: day were the
uowoit and family ou
on magazines and
papers will bo made
kith the Post. Read
pe popular merchant
Is week in PLiladel
Fork laying in a stock
inter goods.
of Uummel's Wharf.
htrioua airriculrnristH
pship, wan a Middle-
IhI Wednesday.
jfionard starts thin
olu, N'ebranka, tho
ioB. and L. Asso-
ho in interested.
lieties of tho Evan
i of Snyder county
teres! in g convention
lhanksgiviug Day.
)ra are nlloat that
is in this noighbor
tugiving Dav. Tbey
ithout foundation.
Milton formerly of
ri county, was injur
tlast week at Mil
es aro not serious.
of .Tack Ann tnivn.
I known in all narts
as adjusted his fiuan
to avert a sheriff's
Millersbure. one of
prance men of the
spent bis Thanks
o town across the
M family of Mt.
b ihanksgiving Day
fcucj uuw O0-
Jobert Schambaoh's
myor,Jr. of Buck-
tiei. Uruoe Grouse
fs px Husquehanna
I meir TUanksgiT-pome.
Get Tour letter beads and aiita-
lopes printed at this ofiice.
J. II. Long and Harvey Grisninger
of Selinsgroro rode their bicycles to
tho county Heat on Friday morning
of last week and made a pleasant
call at this oflico.
W. it. Smith, proprietor of the
Central Hotel has put up a now high
fence arc und his lot in rear of his
hotel stable and is making improve
ments to bis stable.
Jacob Tbarp of Selitmgrove,
threshed 10 bushels of oat.i in nine
hours, for Norman App. Thin we
think is tho largest days throwing
in me county tun ccason.
Wiuev E. Cutter, who had boon
living with J M Steininger on tho
French Flats, Tuesday moved ito
the residence built by liim near the
bridge along t lie creek.
Tho trial of M.ilvin St. Clair, the
younctouab who murdered (leoru-e
Catliermaii at Milton, last Biuuiner,
will come up at tho December term
of Court at Sunt. ury. Court opens
there Doc. 7.
ElitorA M. Aura u 1 of the Ad.
suisburg lfmthl m i b a pleasant
fraternal call at thin ollico We lues
day of last week. Ho reports things
lor ttio postui iHterMiup at Adams
burg pointing !ih way.
Tho ladies of tho Lutheran Mite
Society of Middleliui L'li will bold a
Hirthdav n-iciul m honor of Mr.
Jac b Walter, thonl lent member of
the congregation, New i-ar even
ing, at tho Lutheran church.
Allen S. Pawling of Lewixhurg
was in town over Suuday vmiting
Hon. G. A. Schocli and wife. Mr.
Pavvlin; is an upidic iut for tlio poHi
tiou of Second AsiiHtant 1'ohtmas
fer General of the United Statos.
On Monday J. V. StctW of this
filacw, Dr. F. J. WWoiiHellor of S
insgrove, U. F. Hrm tuof Kratzur
villo, County Commissioner Phares
Herinuu snd others wbose names we
have not learned, started for a two
week's bunting trip.
Lu B. Cake an 1 wife will give a de
lighttul entertainment next Tiiurs
day evening iu the Court Houxo.
Tliov aro great ai tints in a now
entei t liuinunt. Tho Philadelphia
Imiuirer nays their Mitertaiumout
elicits tho most hearty applause.
M. L. Miller of Solmsrovo last
week erected on tho MuKlleburtrli
cemetery a lafg monuiuoiit of d.trk
lihiH mari)lo to the memorv of Plull
ip Swineford, deoeasi'd. Mr. Miller
does good work and his in muuients
aro a credit to tho artist.
Last week's Lwisturg Journal
says: Mr. Fred Bower's home, nir
tho Seminary, narrowly escaped b.i
iug destroyed by tiro last week. A
lire was discovered on tho tliir I
floor about '2 p. m. which dustroyo 1
al irgo chest of bed clothing.
Last week's Milllinhurg 'lime
says : Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Beaver
of Middleburg. Mr. and Mrs. Fro 1
eric Daglii of Nroi thumborland ooun
tv and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Daglo of
Northumberland were Shu euosts of
James Beaver uud f.imily ou Thanks
giving day. MEerisu. Thi members of
tho Snyder County IJir Association
will meet in t)i' Court House at
Middleburgh, Siturday, Dicomb -r
5th, lHii!, at 11 o'clock A. M. JJy
order of
A. W. Potteu, Vice Pres..
Jay G. Weisku. Sou.
Henry B. Longsdorf, It. U. Boss,
Herndon ; J. McCiontl, Eiu'l Berry,
Ehja Berry auil Wm. Berry were
granted original pensions through
G. W. Long, Att'y, of Selinsgrove.
Three pensions vvero grautod in the
samo family at tho Hiiuo time.
A smooth, easy hImvo, genteel
hair cut, or other tousorial work, is
always obtained at Soles' Barber
Shop, in Wittenmyer's Building, op
posite Post otlieo. Go to Solon and
you will mako no mistake, Shaving
soap, face cream, hair oil and egg
shampoo for sale. A. E. Solbh.
Tho people of Indiana, not con
tent with having given us Janien
Whitcomb Riley, annouueo that a
second poot has risen from Hoosior
soil, and at present thoy are both
writing a great deal concerning him.
Tho new poet is Alfred Ellison, and
ho has a distinction which Kilcy has
not; ho is a judge of one of tho
Courts of Anderson. Therefore, ho
afllxes tho title of "Honorable" to
his name. New York Commercial
The "Golden Queen", the beauti
ful driving mare owned by the Ed
itor of tho Post, was sold last week
to Jonas Trexler of Shamokin Dam,
a lover of fine horses. For the past
month the mare had been under tho
care of D. N. App of Monroe towo
ship, one of the best horsemen of
the county, who, by the way, al
ways ha a supplv of good horses on
hand for Bale. What Mr. App tells a
customer about a horse can always
be accepted at the truth.
The President h i appointed H.
F. Mann postmaster at Sunbury,
Miss Ma mo Clelan, who is work
ing at Sunbury, visited her parents
at this place recently.
John A. Adams cf Waynetihoro, a
student of Siiqiiehanuy University,
rent his Thanksgiving vacation
with Chas. Marks in Brooklyn.
W. L. Donachy and C. B. Oriflin,
the overseers of the poor of Lewis
buri, were in town on Tuesday to
settle up expenses of M. L. Wag
ner's funeral.
Jerome K. Jerom' last, mIoiv,
previous to bis f-uga-r-'iienl to write
two nlavs. has been m ired bv The
Ladietf limit. J,ntrnal, and is to
be printed in its Janu irv issue. It
is called "An Item of Fashionable
Intelligence," and deals with life in
the higher social circles of Loudon.
TlieK. L. of C. E. of Paxtonvillc
did not hold their Coniridrnn "T"
last Saturday oven in g on account of
the rain, but wo will hold it next
Satur lav evening, December 5th. In
connection with tho supper wo will
have literary exerc.ines which will be
free to all. Wo kindly invite all to
come and enjoy a good fe ist. Sup
per can bo had any time after 5
o'clock p. m. Comm.
Dr. Talmage, speaking of the
country newspaper, Hays : "A new
paoer whoso columns overflow with
advertisements of business men bus
more influence in attracting sttrn
lion t and building up a city or
town than any other agency that
can be. employe 1. people go where
there is business. Capital and labor
will locaio where there is an enter,
prising community. No power on
earth is so strong to bud 1 up a town
nt a newspaper well patronized, and
iU p$wor should be npprecated.
Th season for church sociables in
con '(y towns in hero again, and tho
noarch after somo uiiujuo and ortho
dox method of attracting tho mem
bers iuto this tnonov making scheme
has begun. The photographic so
cial neems to be the latest, and v
ery lady is requested to bring a
photograph of herself taken in child
hood. Theso aro all NhulTinl trt
gethor, and as each gentleman
drawn on ho is expect el to guess
tho original, and rejoice in paying
for her supper.
Therein ono county whore the
people mut hn hapny, tsincn they
held no election for President, hav
ing forgotten all about it. No elec
tion wan held in Charlton county,
Georgia, because the people th re
did not know a presidential election
W is to bo held. The Okeefeenoiiki(
swamp covers most of tho territory,
but there are several towns in the
county, Traders' Hill being the
county seat. Happy people, who
won't let politics arid elections both
er them.
Dr. Hollenbieh of Carlisle a modi
cine pod Her, who travels through
Snydor county, ge t full of tire water
one -'ay of last week and stopped
for tho night at Meiservill. with
Charles Forry where ho undertook
to run tho house. H" moved about
tho barroom, flourishing a revolver
iu each ban I and threatening the
landlord. Finally tho wild doctor
wan overpowered and arrested, but
whon about to bo taken to jail be
camo to his sonsen and begged olT
like a child, promising never to re
turn to tho county again. Ho paid
all tho costs and left immediately.
SeliiiHfrooe Time.
Moorheal's Lecture.
Rev. I. N. Moorhen 1 will locturo
Tuesday night on "From a Cibiu to
the White Houso." Read tho word
of praiso:
"The locturo on tho life of Abra
ham Liucoln, delivered by Rev. I.
N. Moorhead in tho opera houso, ou
tho evening of April 1 1th. 1 h Jit, upon
tho occasion of tho birthday anni
versary of our Martyred President,
was a rare treat. Tho lecture Htiow
od much research inro tho life and
works of President Lincoln. It wan
both iutollei-tual and entertaining,
and wn delivered with force and
euorgv, such as mark all the ora
torical efforts of Rev, Moorhead.
The audience wan held spell bound
during the whole locturo. Mr. Moor
head is a logican, rhetorican and an
orator, which qualities truly tit hiui
for the plutform."
Trout Uo Kvenln Star.
Rev. I. N. Moorhead. of the Moth
odist Church delivered a masterly
oration on tho lifo and character of
Abraham Lincoln. It wus a striking
eulogy that presented its own roa
sonforthe need of praises. Lin
coin was easily greatest of great men
in possessing at once all the quali
ties of soul and heart that are both
simple and noble honesty, aim
rVicity, steadfastness, integrity, gon
t fneus. From the exordium to the
peroration, there was not a moment
w hen the interest could abate.
Court Houso Nj$.
IWils KnlrrM tar llprord.
George Wagner and wife to H.
Calvin L1imi, land in W. B
township containing !:l acres for
JJ I Ul I,
A. Kieogtr and wife to Hurley
Romig, lot in MeClure for S t )o.
Benj R. Kling'er'n heirs to Jerry
Koch, farm of :to a-.M-es in Spring
township f n 5'l Mil.
Catharine and Michael Bowman
ikto iri Chapiuau ttwiHhip to Nolle
Mabol Yeager for SI no.
f.-M'i" Jji-mil i.
L. -tiers of a Ituiiiist rati iii were
granted to Anui.' II.'ier in the
Estate of M. Ii, Wiiguer dee'd, l ite
of Middleburgh.
Inrrlnitp 1. 1 rr n ,.
J A. A. Heiiitzclmaii, Ivreatner,
Violet Buck,
Ulany E. Bolender, Middleburg,
JKate Meiser. Globe Mills.
Ul u ry Hi nek. St. Johtisvillc, N. Y.
Minnie Reichley, ( Vntreville, Pa.
W. H. Sehrawder, Port Trevcrton,
f Lottm YoiiNeida, Glen Iron, Pa.
)H. .1. Benfer, Hwiuefor I, Pa.
i Vel gie Goo I.
Death Brings Relief.
t)n Tuesday iiiorniug at eight
o'clock the angel of death removed
from the sorrow of thin world nil
that is immortal of Mrs. ,. H. Smith
(.nee Grae,, Neff) the devoted wife
of tho Editor of tlio Eh.abethvillo
Jit' ha. She wan born September
lUlh, 1872, and henco at tho lime of
her death wus 'JJ years, 2 mouths
and 18 days. Tho cause of death
wan consumption.
The deceased in a daughter of
Rev. I. P. Neff, who for a number of
years was tho pastor of tho Luther,
an church at this place. She in a
sifter of Mrs. A. S. Beaver of this
placo with whom she had been
staying since last .May.
Mrs Smith wan a christian young
lady and a singer whose ability wan
not equalled by any local talent.
Death, though regretted by her
many fiieuds, conien an a sweet so
lace to her uud affords a splendid
relief from almost constant suffer
ing. The funeral will tr.ko place ou
Fi id tv morning ul 11 o'cl k. Bur
ial in Mid lleburgh.
KnnifMit - Srhorli.
H.iltui May, daughter of Geo. W.
Schocli, and Franklin I'linest, both
of MitMinburg, were man ie I Mav'JT,
K.Mi, at Cam ten, .1 . h is just been
announce I. Th" Milllinburg 7'inifn
romirks: Th" above iinnoiiucenieiits
were received through the niailTues
d iv inortiiug mi l cause 1 consider
able excitement 'I'll.. Kil l., ja the
only daughter of Editor Sei'-h, tin.
groom is I he 'second son of Rev. Ir.
Earnest. Whv these voung jieople
should chooso to keep t hoi r marriage
a srert t for nearly 1 months, we do
not know, ami it is none of our busi
ness, either.
Union C. E Servicjs.
Th" I'nion Thanksgiving services,
conducted under the auspices of the
Young people's nocietiosof (Christian
Endeavor, was held iu tho Luther
an church at this place ou the even
ing of Thanksgiving Day and the
program nn published in the Post
last week wan nblv carried out. A
special effort will bo made to effect
tin organized union of the local so
cieties. Thin in for tho duplicate
nuroose of utreni't limiiinr Dm Iwm.lj
of christian fellowship and to pro
paro for tho county convention to
bo held at tho county seat a yea
Bolender Meiser.
On Thnnksgiving Day at the resi
denco of James Diemer in Swine
ford, Harry Bolender. son of ).
Treasurer Charles Bolender was
married to Miss Kate Meiser a
daughter to J. S. Moiser, who in
a merchant at Globo Mills. The
ceremony was performed bv Rev. D.
E. McLain, pastor of the Lutheran
church of this place. Tho groom
is a young man of good habits und
an industrious disposition while the
bride enjoys tho distinction of be
ing one of the most popular young
ladies in that part of the county.
The Post extends congratulations.
B, F. Walter's Fall.
The latter part of last wook B. F.
Walrer, who rosidoB on Pawling'a
farm at Globe Mills, while walking
alvut on the second floor of Yoder's
Mill and imaginiug that he was on
first floor, stepped out of the sec
ond story. His collar bone was
broken and was hurt internally. We
learn that Mr. Walter is improving
as well as can be expected.
Our OliAbing List.
Wo have mftddarrangompntn with
a number of newspapers and maga
zines to club them at reduced rates
in connection with the Post. The
ligures in the firi-t column represent
the regular price of the paper and in
tlio second coluinu is tho price of
.i n I'ni't'i wiiu Uln i'oht:
' rn.-f ir on.'. ii ,ih.
I'lilln. Iniilrer. fii i, (M
,. " suii I iyi i m ,i
w,.i,i .tnhin.i. -J;
H'W'rll ITHVI.l.T.'tWlpp t ',, , jj
V . ir.l.iii,,.. (W.vklyi ,
I in- Ohio K .rui'T. ( .1 , )
'I hri.v-.i ,-i k Worl I. i ,
', ",lr. 4.. I
St. Niiini,i4, .. ,,,,
li .rinr;, w,.rkiv. .
ll.ll HT'l M.ih.iiiip, . , . '
i'ir.Tsn.i.,r. J .'
-oiiii..iMi. " "
Aiii.Ti. i,., Aifrlculturlnr. , ' :.6
WHtlilRrm, font, l l4,
(I) We will send the N. Y. Weekly
rih,(,n Tho Boston Trawler,
(twice a week) an I the Post ull one
year (thin makes four papers every
week) lor only two dollars.
(ii.) We will Hcnd tbo 'r;i AVir.i,
(uionthlv). Womankind, (monthly),
IneN. 1. Tribune, (or the Boston
rai-eler) uud the Post all one venr
for only two dollars. Special rates
for other combinations will be made
upon receipt of a list of papers desired.
Nhflt krr.
A hunting partv consisting of
Sheriff-elect P. S. Ritter and Geo.
Leiller, Hliamokiu Dam ; District
Attorney Baker, and W. H. Ewing,
of Adamsburg ; Robert and Ner Mid
illoswarth, and Levi Neihood, of
Troxelvillo were in tho mountain
north of rrotolville since Thursday
of last wook and on Monday catur
od a deer, shot I v Esq. Baker..-lrf.
amtiriurj Herald. -
Our Sunday School has voted to
observe the conning Christinas with
a treo and a treat for tho members
of the school. A Christinas service
! has been selected and solicitors ap
, pointed to raise inonev to pav ox
I peiiscs of the festival.' Our children
j are nlieady happv iu aiiticiimtion of
I what is to come . ..Misn Huines of
l.envertown ariive I in town an. I at-
tended Sunday school last Sunday
' ... A ii u in I
n - - ..... i un Iliiil
l. II horses chppe.l by Dr. Pot tiger.
I hey all seemed to have eliatiged
their eoljir ntid to trot with more
nimble steps iin.l have a more lofty
carriage. ...Mrs. Sarah Lark of !ei
rvsbiirg came h, ,,. i ,st .Saturday.
1 his is her lint ive tow n hu inj. been
bom and raised at this phio. She
noticed many changes, the new pub.
lie scuooi nuil.lllig, .lusicul College,
opera house, im.l miukv- ....,!.- ,..,...
ed houses. Mis 1' C Moverw her
oldest sister and Prof. 1. S. Bo.ver
her youngest brother. Henry' J.
Buyer living at Chicago and Wiii. S.
Boycr, Esq., at. Grat. coiupose tho
live remaining of the family of John
Buyer. Before she came here she
spent several wccU with her son H.
L. Lark, Esq., a successful attorney
living at Miliersburg. Her numer
ous friends In re are delighted with
her visit and show her nil. the kind
ness iu their power. She hits a very
retentive memory and being rich in
words her accounts of former days
are very interesting. Sin will re
main till after the Holidays. . Judge
Brown Inst a valuable horse and
Samuel Mover a cow. . . .Butchering
is the order of the day.
Vim Itanln BallroiMl to liir Icr
leal (Inters.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany announces t,,it lor 1 s:7 it will
issue chui-al orders to
ordained clergymen iu charge f
oi diuretics locate. I on or near its
linen east of Pittsburg and Erie. To
secure these niders clergymen
should make applic itiou to the near
est ticket agent an soon as possible,
an it in desired that all applications
reach the (inn nd Office bv Decern-her
Israel Bachmau in n poitcd very
ill as we go to press.
The in arkel s urn cum. id., I
larly each waek.
Mrs. Dreese of Kansas is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Hanison Mover.
Mm. James Beaver und Mrs.
Steesu of M illlin liui i' nr.. i
(iiilirii l Beaver's.
Don't'i t (III. If. iniii.ri.r.
of pers. mill property n..i 'l ues. lav
It . ii. :l n .. ...
i ec. -i ii, ! iiiiios l.isl . ..e-
New stoel;, big btrg'lins for De
ceiiilier If.' liic,.. fi-..,., lillii!1..! ,...,
cent. ( 'nine and see.
( i c i i.ur.V Ci oruiso SroiiK,
Middleburgh, Pa.
MAItltl KI.
Nov. -i!!li, in Milllinburg, by Rev.
Dr. John A Earnest, Newton M.
Beniier and Miss Margaret N. Klose,
both of Yicksburg, Union county.
Nov. 'Jii. by Rev. Dr. John A.
Earnest. Harry J. Fisher urn! Miss
Ella I!. Iliiiiimel, both of L'twisburg.
Nov. iiiiih, at tho residence of the
bride's parents, in Mifllinburg, by
Rev. F. Aurand, Reno Walter and
Mis (Jora May Wittenmyer, both of
Nov. l'.th, at tho residence of tho
bride's parents in Kelly township,
by Rev. James Bergv, Howard Lein
er un I Miss Hattio Jliseuhaiir, both
of Kelly township.
Nov. l'.tlh, at the residence of the
bride, by Rev. I. H. M'Uiuin, How
ard P. Gundy and Miss Annie,
daughter of Noah Fisher of Lewis
burg. Nov. '2iMi, in Swinoford by. Rev.
D. E. McLain, Harry Bolender of
Mnlillolmrgu and Kuto Meiser of
Globo Mills.
Nov. 2iith. by M. Z Steininger. J.
P., Harry F. Stuck of St. Johnsville,
N. Y. to Mi uuie Reichley of Peun's
At Freeburg, Nov. 20, ISM, by D.
8. Boyer, J. P., Marry Naglo of New
Berlin a.el Miss Carrie E. Hacken
berg of Washington township.
Protincted meeting in well at
tended Mrs. I). J. Dree:ie and
children, also Miss Anna Steele of
Chillisqiinquo were visiting friends
at this place last week George
Bierly of Lewistown visited bin lady
fiifiidon Sund..y ...James Dreese
and Mrs. Emimi Str..ult of Lewis
town were united in the holy bonds
of matrimony on Thnnksgiving....
Mrs. Emma Heifer of Saxony has
been staying at J. J. Biugamaii's for
some time past. . . . H. 1. Romig gave
a "diiinei" to his Sunday School
class on Thnuksgiv ing ...Ira Smith
of Philadelphia visited Inn parents
last week Rev. Harry Landis of
Saxony spent a few days under the
parent ul roof.
( 7'o late j it last istne. )
Ou Sunday evening the M. E.
church started protii i tive meeting
.. .Mrs. J. N. Romig ..I McAllister
villo visited the family of H. I. Rom
ig last week Henry Koch uud
w ife of ( 'cut i e count v no visiting
friends in this vicinii v. . . . Pi of. J'. C.
l'.owei sox paid our school a short
visit on Monday. ... Miss Estclla
Romig attended the V. p. S. C. E.
convention nt Sunbury ....Levi
Swanger and Mrs. Shirk were united
in the hi ly bonds of inatriuioiiy or
Sunday evening Mrs. Michael
I hcchc and t Wo elilldlell accompli
Hied by Chus. Dieese of I 111-ti lid,
Kaiisiis, are visiting tin ir iiuuu roils
friends iu ami shout our burg....
Prof. Francis Shaiiibai h of Reeds
villein visiting hero at present ...
Lieut. 'ngeliseller paid our iner
chant s a call last week. Mr. Wag
enseilcr is nn active worker in the
Sunday school .Mrs. ()tt and Mr.
Ij.uie.vcutt of Chamhcrsburg are
visiting here.
In Mifflinhnrar Vnr onil, f
- I . " . -ufru, Mil".
Gertrude W.. wife of Thomas V.
Harbor, acred 74 venra Q mnfill..
ana 16 days.
Judge Ellison's Lecture.
Judge Alfred Ellison hud an an
dience at the Christian church iasi
night of which any lecturer might
have been proud, mid which Was n
deserved compliment to him as n
citizen. This was Ins first deliver.
of his lecture, ' Kings and (Jiieens."
It was a remarkable bright, breezy
presentation of the familiar aspect.,
of character which lecturers prefer,
because they are about tho only top
ics in which nil audiences are equal
ly interested. The sallies of wit and
pertinent illustrations that relieved
the graver discussions of life ami
character wore often admirable uud
were most cordially received by the
audience, which was unmistakably
friendly. The lecture wan more
rapidly delivered than is the custom
of tho professional platform orator,
anil the aii.lieiicu was ciirriei)
through the consideration of topics
grave and gay, so that the hour mid
a quarter occupied seemed even
briefer. The hearty round of un
plause that greeted the conclusion
was alike a tribute to the personal
popularity of tho speaker and the
entertuiument ho had afforded his
boRrors. Anderson Jlorniu Herald.
The wife of Mr. I). Itoblnsou. a
Rromlueiit bnuburiuun of 11 it wink,
. V.. was nick with rheuuiatUin for
Ave months. la speaking or it, Mr.
Kobluson sayp; "Chamberlain's Pain
Ualm lithe ouly thiuir that gave ber
any rst from pain. For tho relief of
pain it cannot be beat." Many very
bad eaties of rheumatism have been
ouitdbylt. For sale t 00 cents per
bottle by all Druggists.